Asset Securitisation Introduction for IIMC ICSI

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Transcript of Asset Securitisation Introduction for IIMC ICSI

  • 8/8/2019 Asset Securitisation Introduction for IIMC ICSI


    Introduction to

    Asset Securitisation

  • 8/8/2019 Asset Securitisation Introduction for IIMC ICSI



    What is securitisation

    In traditional methods of corporate finance, a corporation raises

    equity/obligations to own assets.

    In securitisation, a corporation creates and securitises assets - that is,transfers assets. In form of securities.

    The claim is on assets, and not on the entity

    Hence, asset-based funding

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    Securitisation and corporate finance

    N atu re G enera l c la im aga ins t theassets o f an ent i ty

    Cla im a gainst speci f icassets o f an e nt i ty , onm utual ly exclus ive basis

    O b jec tive T o harne ss the s treng ths o f

    the corporate 's ba lancesheet to ra ise funding

    To str ip the exces s spread

    inherent in assets a ndserv ice them on of f -ba lancesheet basis

    In ve sto r r is ks S u bje ct to e ntity -w id e ris ks Is ola te d fro m en tity r is ks

    S t ru c ture d fu nd in g L e ss a me n a b le tostructured funding

    More am enab le tostructured funding, s inceassets are h ived of f in to aseparate e nt i ty

    Leverage Leverage lim ited to en tity -

    wide prudent ia l /regula torylimits

    Leverage based on

    portfol io r isks - usua l lyquite high

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    Key features of securitisation

    Capital market funding

    Use of special purpose vehicles as a transformation

    device Structured finance

    Meaning of structured financial products: product structuredor made-to-needs of the investor

    Key structuring principles:

    What are investors rating needs What are investors payback needs/ paydown needs

    What is investors appetite for interest rate risk, prepayment risk?

    Securitised instruments reorganise investors rights to suittheir needs

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    Concept of SPVs




    vehicles as


    Investors as





    purposevehicles as



    as debt





    charge for


    Pass-through form Pay-through/ CDO/ CLO form

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    Use of SPVs Generic use of SPVs - to isolate identifiable assets/risks into a stand alone, self-

    sustained entity which is no more than such assets/ risks.

    SPVs are used in securitisation transactions as devices ofhiving off assets and

    converting assets into securities.

    An SPV is no more and no less than incorporated name for specific assets

    no more than isolated assets - no other assets or general recourse against the SPV

    no less than isolated assets - no other claims to affect the investors rights over assets

    Operating companies and SPVs:

    SPVs are not companies in substantive operations; they do not have any business

    except acting as a legal instrumentality.

    This feature is necessary to ensure asset-backed securities

    Nature of interest in SPV:

    beneficial or proportional, equity-type interest in assets

    debt-type interest, collateralized by specific assets

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    Use of structured finance devices

    Structured finance devices mean re-distribution of risks/rewards or components

    of assets into different segments, to churn out securities with different

    risk/reward profiles.

    Uses of structured finance:

    aligning securities to investor needs - term, credit risk, prepayment risk, interestrate risk, etc

    credit enhancement


    Common structuring devices:


    subordination support classes:

    planned amortisation class and support class

    floating rate class and inverse floating class

    fixed income class and leveraged floating class

    debt class and equity class

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    Life cycle of asset-backed securitisation

    Quasi-financial deals

    Unrated, Bilateral transfers

    Full originator backing

    Purpose: off-balance sheet; exploiting excess spread,


    Early-stage securitisation

    Advanced-stage securitisation

    Synthetics stage

    Operating Risk transfers/

    Index risk transfers

    Transfers through SPV route

    High degree of credit enhancement/ cash participation

    by originators

    Purpose: off balance sheet; better ratings

    Credit enhancements dwindle; lower classes take risk

    Synthetics; arbitrage activity enter the stage

    Purpose: economic capital; better capital/ risk management

    Separation of funding and risk transfers

    Synthetics answer regulatory concerns more easily

    In traditional cash structures, transaction models are builtaround securitisation mechanics; origination/ servicing


    More stress on risk transfers

    risks of operating businesses: retail credits, performance-oriented

    businesses are transferred

    Distinction bet. banking and insurance becomes less clear

    ? (possibly, reinvention stage)

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    Typical assets securitised

    Financial assets

    long-term assets

    short term assets

    revolving assets

    Physical assets

    using transformation devices

    using secured loan structures

    Whole business transactions Future flow transactions

    Structured investment vehicles:

    CDOs of investment products such as hedge funds, privateequity funds, etc.

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    Securitisation and borrowing

    Legal nature o thetransaction

    Trans er o an asset/ severalassets o the originator

    ormal monetary obligationo the originator

    arties to the transaction To allo the pool o

    receivables to be aggregated

    and kep t intact, a collectiveinvestment medium, the

    is ormed.ence, there are 3 parties to

    the transaction - the

    riginator, (issuer) and

    the investors

    There are t o parties to the

    transaction - the borro er and

    the lender. In case oparticipation o several

    persons in the loan, theremight be an indenture trusteeacting as a trustee or the


    elation ith the debtors othe originator

    Trans ers claims againstdebtors/ customers o the


    o connec tion ith thedebtors o the originator

    ature o instrumentacquired by investors

    ither a ractional interest inthe pool o receivables held

    by the , or a debt

    obligation o the

    Debt obligation o theoriginator

    Legal rights o the in ve stors xe rc isa ble a ga inst the ,

    or through the against

    the debtors o the originator

    xercisable against the


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    Securitisation and borrowing

    Treatment or regulatorypurposes

    ot treated as borro ingrom public

    Treated as borro ing rompublic

    ect on regulatory capitalrequirement

    ormally rees up regulatorycapital

    Does not ree regulatorycapital

    Bankruptcy o the originator Investors bene icially o nthe pool o assets trans erred

    to the

    Investors have a claim againstthe originator; usual

    bankruptcy/ distressedcompany protection available

    to the originatorailure o the debtors o the


    Depends upon recourse

    eatures; normally investorsill su er a loss

    Investors ill not be a ected;

    they have a claim against theoriginator

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    Why securitisation

    Lower cost - inherent cost and weighted average cost

    The best example of economics of securitisation is an arbitrage CDO

    Alternative investor base -institutional and retail

    Matching of assets and liabilities Issuer rating irrelevant

    Multiplies asset creation ability

    Non-conventional source; may allow higher funding-

    Off-balance sh

    eet financing - removal of accounts Frees up regulatory capital

    Improves capital structure

    Higher trading on equity with no increased risk

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    Why securitisation -


    Extends credit pool

    Not regulated as loan

    Reduces credit concentration

    Risk management by risk transfers

    Arbitraging opportunities - repackaging


    Avoids interest rate risk

    Improves accounting profits

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    Lower cost due to securitisation

    Increased leverage: lower use of equity: leveragearbitrage

    Capital market source reduces agency costs

    etter rated product: ratings arbitrage

    Aligns investment with investor objective: structuralarbitrage

    Studies of wheth

    er securitisationh

    as reducedfunding costs:

    Mortgage market is cited as an example

    Arbitraging profits in the securitisation market

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    Securitisation from Investors viewpoint etter security as direct claims over assets

    Tested in several bankruptcies: Japan Leasing, several Thai companies;Philippine Airlines, Turkey cos.

    Rating resilience - transition studies confirm A S ratings are more stablethan other fixed incomes.

    High rate of default recovery Structuring features: possibility for better risk-return alignment

    Rated investment

    Very few instances of default in 20 years history: In Europeansecuritisation, no default to date.

    Even when underlying obligations default, losses are much lesser: Incase of corporate bonds, 47% of the par value lost -Moodys study

    etter yields in emerging markets

    Moral responsibility of investment bankers/ rating agencies: case ofAhmsa, Mexican companys default.

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    Basic elements of securitisation structures Transfer of assets to bankruptcy-remote entities:

    Cash versus synthetic structures

    secured loan structures

    Two-tier transactions

    Cash inflow and outflows: pass- throughs and bond structures

    Determination and form of credit enhancements

    Classes of securities and coupon of each

    Profit extraction devices

    Liquidity enhancements Structural protections: early payment or de-leverage triggers

    Pay down methods:


    abnormal - in case of triggers