Assessment Using HP Tablet

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Assessment of student work using an HP tablet

Transcript of Assessment Using HP Tablet

David Character Sketch

The Graveyard Book

All about Bod


The title of the book for my character sketch is called the Graveyard Book;

the author of the book is Neil Gaiman. The character I have chosen for my

character sketch name is Bod, Bod is short for Nobody. His last name is Owens,

after his adopted parents. Bod is an intelligent young boy, who is not a trouble

maker but always seems to get into mischief. (For example when Bod goes to the

pawn shop, Bod was only trying to help and be nice to her.) Bod escaped the man

Jack and fled to the graveyard were willing ghosts took the responsibility of caring

for him. Bod has an interesting guardian to care for him, the guardians name is

Silas. Silas’s job is to bring Bob food and arrange lessons for Bod. ( before Silas left

the graveyard frequently, but when Bod came Silas promised to remain at the


Physical Description

Bod is male in gender, throughout the book Bod ages. He starts of as a baby

and the book ends when Bod is fifteen. Bod is a tall thin boy, with blond hair, in

the start of the book Bod wears a gray sheet. Later on Bod acquires some normal

clothes when he needs to go to the pawn shop to sell the broach, to buy Liza a

gravestone. Bod is easy to miss, because he always fades in and out of eyesight,

so he dies not get noticed. To my knowledge Bod has no distinguishing marks; I do

not believe that Bod has any conditions.

Moods, feelings and attitudes

David Character Sketch

The Graveyard Book

Bod is a very intelligent boy as seen in page 168 where his teacher said.

(“He’s a smart lad” Explained the teacher at Bod’s school. pg.168) this shows that

Bod is smart because a teacher knows if a student is smart.Bod is very easy going

and utterly easy to get along with. When in public Bod is shy but if he is not sure

he always says what’s on his mind, outspoken is the right word. Bod will not lie or

steal, if he gets caught doing something wrong he will not get mad or try to cover

up the fact that he has done something wrong. Bod is a friendly boy, also he is

courageous and does not fear death as shown on page 165 where Bod said.

(“So?” he said “it’s only death. I mean, all of my best friends are dead.” Bod said

to Silas. Pg. 165) this shows that Bod does not fear death because it doesn’t

matter to him Because all his friends are dead.

Actions and Abilities

Bod has many abilities that he acquired during his young live lived in his

sanctuary, the graveyard. Many of the ghosts and other mystical beings taught

him the lessons that he knows. For example Mrs. Lupescu, the hell hound taught

him how to watch the constellations. And the witch, Liza helped Bod finally

perfect his fading skills, when he was stuck in the pawn shop. Bod also knows a

various number of different skills, For example he knows how to spoke and dream

walk. In the book Bod has a problem with a bully and invades his dream. Bod

learns a lot in the Graveyard as shown on page 167. (I’ve learned a lot in this

graveyard,’ said Bod. “I can fade and I can haunt. I can open a ghoul-gate and I

know the constellations. Pg.167) this shows that Bod has learnt a lot.


David Character Sketch

The Graveyard Book

The main character “Bod” I think is a realistic character, in my opinion. I

think this because Bod acts likes a real persons he shows many of he same

emotions that regular people demonstrate in day to day life. There’s also reasons

why Bod is not a realistic character. For example in the real world humans can not

fade, dreamwalk or haunt. In real life I think Bod would be a very nice boy to have

as a friend he is an outspoken, friendly boy. I don’t get the last point in the

conclusion, because in a book I thought that a theme is usually related around the

main character.

David Character Sketch

The Graveyard Book


Does Not Meet


Partially Meet





Content/Ideas Writing is extremely

limited in


knowledge, with no

central theme.

Writing does not

clearly communicate

knowledge. The

Reader is left



communicates ideas

clearly. Details add to

main points.

Writing is purposeful and

focused. It holds the

reader’s attention.

Organization Writing is disorganized

and underdeveloped

with no transitions or


Writing is confused

and loosely organized.

Transitions are weak

and closure is


Uses correct writing

format. Incorporates

coherent closure.

Writing includes a strong

beginning, middle, and end

with clear transitions and



Word Choice

Careless or inaccurate

word choice, which

obscures meaning.

Shows some use of

varied word choice.

Uses a variety of

word choice to make

writing interesting.

Effective and engaging use

of word choice.

Voice Writer’s voice/point of

view shows no sense

of audience.

Writer’s voice/point

of view shows that

sense of audience is


Writer uses

voice/point of view.

Writes with the

understanding of a

specific audience.

Writes with a distinct voice.

Writing is skillfully adapted

to the audience.



Frequent run-ons or

fragments, with no

variety in sentence


Some run-ons or

fragments. Limited

variety in sentence


Use simple,

compound, and

complex sentences.

Consistent variety of

sentence structure




Frequent errors in

parts of speech and


Occasional errors in

part of speech or


Maintains agreement

between parts of

speech. Few

mechanical errors.

No mechanical errors.

Consistent agreement

between parts of speech.