Assessment: Course Four Column - El Camino College ...s Comments: Related Documents:...

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Compton: Course SLOs (Div 3) - Math (Prospective Elementary School Teachers)

FALL 2015Assessment: Course Four Column

COM: MATH 110:Structures and Concepts in Mathematics

Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

SLO #1 Perform and Interpret BasicOperations - Students will be able todemonstrate/perform the four basicoperations with real numbers andinterpret the results.

Inactive Date:

Course SLO Assessment Cycle: 2014-15 (Fall 2014), 2015-16 (Fall 2015),2016-17 (Fall 2016), 2017-18 (Fall2017)

Course SLO Status: Active

Input Date: 05/01/2014


Standard and Target for Success:Score of 4: Students are able todemonstrate a keen understandingabout how to set up and solve anapplication program asdemonstrated by exams, quizzes,activities, and class discussions.Students are able to design anapplication problem and explain theapplication problem in an exemplaryfashion in both written and oralmeans.Score of 3: Students demonstrate agood understanding about how toset up and solve an applicationprogram as demonstrated by exams,quizzes, activities, and classdiscussions. Students are abledesign an application problem andexplain the application problem in acompetent fashion in both written

Action: The overall studentperformance in the class during thecourse of the semester was aboveaverage because the class size wassmall and I was able to monitor eachstudent’s individual progress. Theformat of the class was one hourlecture and one hour lab. In the labtime, students were encouraged towork in groups to accomplish a task.When students worked in groups,they were supportive of each otherand often times the advancedstudents helped the students whowere struggling in the class.(12/12/2015)

Follow-Up: A new teachingstrategies was used this semester.(12/12/2015)

Action Category: TeachingStrategies

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2014-15 (Fall2014)Standard Met? : Standard Not MetQuestion #1: Our goal was to have at least 75% of thestudents score 3 or 4. However, only 58% of the studentsscore a three or four by using the guess-and-check method.The rest of the students tried to use algebra to solve theproblem but they could not write the system of linearequations properly, or they had problems solving thesystem of linear equations because the equations haddecimal. Next time, I will emphasize both methods in class.In order to develop the students’ critical thinking, I willencourage them to solve the problem using algebra andusing guess-and-check. I hope this will help them develop aconceptual understanding of the problem.Question #2: Our goal was to have at least 75% of thestudents score 3 or 4. However, only 66% of the studentsscore a three or four by using a chip abacus. I emphasizedthis method in class because it’s a visual way to understandaddition in different bases. Also, the chip abacus helpedstudents understand the concept of place value andcarrying. The rest of the students tried to use othermethods but they forgot to carry. Next time, I will modifythe chip abacus method by using algebra tiles instead ofchip. I hope this will help students understand the conceptof place value.Question #3: Our goal was to have at least 75% of the

Exam/Test/Quiz - A student has adesk full of quarters and nickels. Ifshe has a total of 23 coins with atotal coin value of $3.75 how manyof the coins are nickels and howmany are quarters?

09/01/2016 Page 1 of 4Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive

Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

and oral means.Score of 2: Students demonstrate afair understanding about how to setup and solve an application programas demonstrated by exams, quizzes,activities, and class discussions.Students are able to design anapplication problem and explain theapplication problem in an adequatefashion in both written and oralmeans.Score of 1: Students are unable toset up and solve an applicationprogram as demonstrated by exams,quizzes, activities, and classdiscussions. Students are unable todesign an application problem andexplain the application problem inboth written and oral means.

Our goal was to have at least 75% ofthe students score 3 or 4.

Related Documents:Math-110-SLO-F14.pdf

Faculty Assessment Leader: Jose Manuel MartinezFaculty Contributing to Assessment:Reviewer's Comments:

students score 3 or 4. Our goal was met because 75% of thestudents were able to answer question #3 successfullybecause they understood the concepts of ratios andproportions. They were able to successfully set up theproportion and they check their answer. The rest of thestudents had problems setting up the proportion becausethey lack a conceptual understanding of ratios. Othersfailed to check and think critically about their answer. Nexttime, I plan to emphasize cross-multiplication and ratios andproportions. I plan to give them more work problems inclass to practice. (12/12/2015)

Faculty Assessment Leader: Jose M. MartinezFaculty Contributing to Assessment:Reviewer's Comments:Related Documents:Math-110-SLO-F14.pdf

Action: In the future, my suggestionfor Math 110 instructors is to teachstudents to solve word problems byusing both algebra and the guess-and-check method. If students usedboth methods, then they will developa deeper conceptual understandingof the word problems. (01/20/2015)Action Category:Action: Next time, I will emphasizeboth methods in class. In order todevelop the students’ criticalthinking, I will encourage them tosolve the problem using algebra andusing guess-and-check. I hope thiswill help them develop a conceptualunderstanding of the problem.(01/20/2015)Action Category:Action: Next time, I will emphasizeboth methods in class. In order todevelop the students’ criticalthinking, I will encourage them tosolve the problem using algebra andusing guess-and-check. I hope this

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2014-15 (Fall2014)Standard Met? : Standard Not MetOur goal was to have at least 75% of the students score 3 or4. However, only 58% of the students score a three or fourby using the guess-and-check method. The rest of thestudents tried to use algebra to solve the problem but theycould not write the system of linear equations properly, orthey had problems solving the system of linear equationsbecause the equations had decimal. Next time, I willemphasize both methods in class. In order to develop thestudents’ critical thinking, I will encourage them to solve theproblem using algebra and using guess-and-check. I hopethis will help them develop a conceptual understanding ofthe problem. (12/11/2014)

Reviewer's Comments: Our goal wasto have at least 75% of the studentsscore 3 or 4. However, only 58% ofthe students score a three or four byusing the guess-and-check method.The rest of the students tried to usealgebra to solve the problem butthey could not write the system oflinear equations properly, or theyhad problems solving the system oflinear equations because theequations had decimal.

09/01/2016 Page 2 of 4Generated by TracDat® a product of Nuventive

Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

will help them develop a conceptualunderstanding of the problem.(12/11/2014)Action Category:Action: In the future, my suggestionfor Math 110 instructors is to teachstudents to solve word problems byusing both algebra and the guess-and-check method. If students usedboth methods, then they will developa deeper conceptual understandingof the word problems. (12/11/2014)Action Category:

Standard and Target for Success:Our goal was to have at least 75% ofthe students score 3 or 4.Score of 4: Students are able todemonstrate a keen understandingabout how to set up and solve anapplication program asdemonstrated by exams, quizzes,activities, and class discussions.Students are able to design anapplication problem and explain theapplication problem in an exemplaryfashion in both written and oralmeans.Score of 3: Students demonstrate agood understanding about how toset up and solve an applicationprogram as demonstrated by exams,

Faculty Assessment Leader: Jose M. MartinezFaculty Contributing to Assessment:Reviewer's Comments:

Action: Next, time I suggestencourage the students to buy theirbooks as soon as possible. Also, Isuggest the instructor encouragestudents to work in groups since thefirst day of class. (12/14/2015)

Follow-Up: I will do a follow upnext semester after speaking withother Math-110 Faculty.(12/14/2015)

Action Category:

Semester and Year Assessment Conducted: 2015-16 (Fall2015)Standard Met? : Standard Not MetOur goal was to have at least 75% of the students score 3 or4. However, only 58% of the students score a three or fourby using the guess-and-check method. Last year 65% of thestudents score a 3 or 4. I believe the SLO#1 results decreasedue to the fact that some of the students did not have atextbook and hence they could not practice. Also, duringthe first weeks of the semester some students did not workwell in groups. Next, time I suggest encourage the studentsto buy their books as soon as possible. Also, I suggest theinstructor encourage students to work in groups since thefirst day of class. (12/14/2015)

Exam/Test/Quiz - Question: A quizhas 21 problems. The total pointvalue of the quiz is 79 points. If eachmultiple-choice problem is worthfive points and each true-falseproblem is worth three points, howmany of each kind of problem doesthe quiz have?

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Course SLOs Assessment MethodDescription Results Actions

quizzes, activities, and classdiscussions.Students are able designan application problem and explainthe application problem in acompetent fashion in both writtenand oral means.Score of 2: Students demonstrate afair understanding about how to setup and solve an application programas demonstrated by exams, quizzes,activities, and class discussions.Students are able to design anapplication problem and explain theapplication problem in an adequatefashion in both written and oralmeans.Score of 1: Students are unable toset up and solve an applicationprogram as demonstrated by exams,quizzes, activities, and classdiscussions. Students are unable todesign an application problem andexplain the application problem inboth written and oral means.

Related Documents:Math-110-SLO-F15-Final.pdfMath-110-SLO-Fall2015

Reviewer's Comments:

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