Assessing Academic Achievement - · PDF fileOral Expression...

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Copyright © 2013. Pearson, Inc., and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Assessing Academic Assessing Academic Achievement Achievement Gloria Maccow, Ph.D.Gloria Maccow, Ph.D.

Assessment Training ConsultantAssessment Training Consultant

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• describe components of WIAT-III;

• select components of WIAT-III to answer specific referral questions;

• analyze data from WIAT-III to determine appropriate classification and diagnosis; and

• use sample data to identify goals and objectives for instruction and intervention.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Resources To Be ReferencedResources To Be Referenced

― Record Form

― Response Booklet

― Examiner’s Manual

― Scoring Workbook

― WIAT-III Sample Report

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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What is WIATWhat is WIAT®®--III ?III ?A comprehensive nationally standardized achievement test that

─ provides norm referenced and criterion referenced information.

─ covers grades Pre-K through 12+ or ages 4 years 0 months through 50 years 11 months.

─ provides recommended interventions.

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a. identify the academic strengths and weaknesses of a student,

b. inform decisions regarding eligibility for educational services, educational placement, or a diagnosis of a specific learning disability, and

c. design instructional objectives and plan interventions.

Use WIAT®-III data to . . .

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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• Covers the eight areas of achievement identified within IDEA 2004 (for SLD classification) and NCLB legislation.

• Provides item-level skills analysis for select subtests and guidance on interventions and IEP planning.

Features of WIATFeatures of WIAT®®--III III

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* New



Note: Grade 12+

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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General InformationGeneral Information

• Administration Time

• Item Sets

• Start Points, Reverse Rules, Discontinue Rules, Stop Points

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Overall Administration Time Overall Administration Time (50(50thth Percentile)Percentile)

Total Achievement Composite

Grade Pre-K KGrades

1-2Grade 3

Grades 4-12+

Time (in minutes)

35 45 80 94 104

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Overall Administration TimeOverall Administration Time(50(50thth Percentile)Percentile)

Total Achievement Composite

Age 20:0-25:11 26:0-35:11 36:0-50:11

Time (in minutes)

95 103 97

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Item SetsItem Sets• Item Sets allow administration of items

that are moderately difficult for the student. This provides the most information about his or her achievement level.

• For the Reading Comprehension and Oral Reading Fluency subtests, items are grouped together into item sets.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Item SetsItem Sets

• Item sets span a range of difficulty levels. They are delineated by grade-based start and stop points.

• Using item sets reduces the overall administration time, makes maximum use of the student’s energy and effort, and facilitates rapport.

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Start and Stop PointsStart and Stop Points(Subtests that do not use Item Sets)(Subtests that do not use Item Sets)

• Grade-based start point

― Current grade level or last grade completed

• Follow reverse and discontinue rules

― Reverse if score of 0 on any of first 3 items administered

― Discontinue after 4 consecutive “0” scores

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

Administration of SubtestsAdministration of SubtestsSee Record FormSee Record Form

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Chronological AgeChronological Age

Year Month Day

Test Date 2013 2 18

Date of Birth 2003 2 20

Test Age 9 11 28

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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General General Administration DirectionsAdministration Directions

Say, I’ll be asking you to do a number of things today.

Some of the things may be easy for you, but some things may seem hard.

Most people do not know every answer or finish everything, but please try your best.

Do you have any questions?

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Test Structure Test Structure –– Oral LanguageOral Language

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Listening ComprehensionListening Comprehension

– Receptive Vocabulary Page 5 Record Form

– Oral Discourse Comprehension Page 6 Record Form

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Description of the Subtests Description of the Subtests Listening ComprehensionListening Comprehension

Subtest and Grade Level

Description Task Examples

Receptive Vocabulary

(Grades Pre-K to 12+)

Measures listening vocabulary.

Examinee points to the picture that best illustrates the meaning of each word s/he hears.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the Subtests Description of the Subtests Listening ComprehensionListening Comprehension

Subtest and Grade Level

Description Task Examples

Oral Discourse Comprehension

(Grades Pre-K to 12+)

Measures ability to make inferences about, and remember details from oral sentences and discourse.

Examinee listens to sentences and passages and orally responds to comprehension questions.

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Converting Raw Scores to Converting Raw Scores to Standardized Scores Standardized Scores

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Oral ExpressionOral Expression

– Expressive Vocabulary Page 29 Record Form

– Oral Word FluencyPage 30 Record Form

– Sentence Repetition Page 31 Record Form

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Description of the Subtests Description of the Subtests Oral ExpressionOral Expression

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples

Expressive Vocabulary

(Grades Pre-K to 12+)

Measures speaking vocabulary and word retrieval ability.

Examinee says the word that best corresponds to a given picture and definition.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the Subtests Description of the Subtests Oral ExpressionOral Expression

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples

Oral Word Fluency

(Grades Pre-K to 12+)

Measures efficiency of word retrieval (how easily he or she can produce words).

Examinee names as many things as possible belonging to a given category (i.e., animals, colors) within 60 seconds.

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Description of the Subtests Description of the Subtests Oral ExpressionOral Expression

Subtest and Grade Level

Description Task Examples

Sentence Repetition

(Grades Pre-K to 12+)

Measures oral syntactic knowledge and short-term memory.

Examinee listens to sentences that increase in length and complexity and repeats each sentence verbatim.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Converting Raw Scores to Converting Raw Scores to Standardized Scores Standardized Scores

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Test Structure Test Structure -- ReadingReading

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsReadingReading

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples

Early Reading Skills (Grades PK–3)

Measures developing reading skills.

Names letters of the alphabet, identifies and generates rhyming words, identifies words with the same beginning and ending sounds, blends sounds, matches sounds with letters and letter blends, and matches written words with pictures that illustrate their meaning.

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– Word Reading Page 23 Record Form

– Pseudoword Decoding Page 26 Record Form

– Oral Reading Fluency Page 33 Record Form

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsReadingReading

Subtest and Grade Level

Description Task Examples

Word Reading

(Grades 1 to 12+)

Measures speed and accuracy of word recognition without the aid of context.

Examinee reads aloud from a list of words that increase in difficulty.

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsReadingReading

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples

Pseudoword Decoding (Grades 1–12+)

Measures ability to decode nonsense words.

Examinee reads aloud from a list of pseudowords that increase in difficulty.

• Listen to the Audio CD, Track 24.• Audio record student responses.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Pseudoword DecodingPseudoword DecodingIf student’s response is unclear,

– circle item number

– continue administration

After final item is administered, point to the row containing the item and say, “I did not hear you clearly. Please read these words again.”

Score only the target word.

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Pseudoword DecodingPseudoword Decoding

― If pronunciation is slow or choppy, prompt by saying “Say it all together.”

― To begin administration, say, “I want you to read some words that are not real words, but read them as if they were.”

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsReadingReading

Subtest and Grade Level

Description Task Examples

Oral Reading Fluency

(Grades 1–12+)

Measures speed, accuracy, fluency, and prosody of contextualized oral reading.

Examinee reads passages aloud, and then orally responds to comprehension questions.

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Administration of ORFAdministration of ORF

Item Set Reverse RuleIf reading time exceeds the reversal time limit on the first passage of the item set, go back one start point and continue administration.

The reverse rule may be applied a maximum of 2 times.

Grade Passage

1 A, B2 C, D3 E, F4 G, H5 I, J6 K, L

7-8 M, N9-12+ O, P

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsReadingReading

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples

Reading Comprehension

(Grades 1–12+)

Measures untimed reading comprehension of various types of text, including fictional stories, informational text, advertisements, and how-to passages.

Examinee reads passages aloud or silently. After each passage, the student orally responds to literal and inferential comprehension questions read aloud by the examiner. May refer to passage to answer questions.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension

Page 10 Record Form – Administration Directions

Items measure literal and inferential comprehension.

Scores are based on examinee’s performance on a set of items.

The item-set may be below the student’s grade level.

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Administration of RC Administration of RC Item Set ApproachItem Set Approach

Item Set Reverse RuleIf the sum of scores for all reversal items is 2 or less, go back one start point and continue administration.

The reverse rule may be applied a maximum of 3 times.

Grade Items1 1 - 182 5 - 243 11 - 314 25 - 455 32 - 536 38 - 597 46 - 678 54 - 75

9-12+ 60 - 84

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension requires a combination of

― word identification skills,

― reading vocabulary, and

― language comprehension skills.

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Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension

• Designed to help examiner distinguish

between reading comprehension difficulties

and other areas such as word identification

skills and vocabulary.

• Reduces the confounds associated with word

identification and vocabulary.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Converting Raw Scores to Converting Raw Scores to Standardized Scores Standardized Scores

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Converting Raw Scores to Standardized Scores





Word Reading Speed The score is the same as or higher than the scores obtained by 5% of students in the normative sample; 95% of students in the normative sample scored higher than this score.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Test Structure Test Structure –– Writ. Exp.Writ. Exp.

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Written ExpressionWritten Expression

Subtest Page

Alphabet Writing Fluency 20

Spelling 46

Sentence Composition 20/22

Essay Composition 25

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsWritten ExpressionWritten Expression

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task


Alphabet Writing Fluency

Grades Pre-K to 3

Measures automaticity (30 second time limit) in written letter formation and sequencing.

The examinee writes letters in any order, in cursive or print, in upper- or lower-case.

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─ Repetition

─ Overwriting

─ Reversed (q for p)

─ Transposed (a d c b)

─ Upside-Down

No ErrorNo Error

─ Reformation

─ Stray Marks

─ Placement

─ Poorly formed letters (poor visual-motor control)

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsWritten ExpressionWritten Expression

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples


(Grades K-12+)

Measures written spelling of letter sounds and single words.

Examinee hears each letter sound within the context of a word, and each word within the context of a sentence, and then the student writes the target letter sound or word.

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Spelling Spelling –– See RFSee RF

PronunciationsFor acceptable pronunciations:

• listen to the Audio CD, Track 25;

• refer to Examiner’s Manual.

Alternate pronunciations

• For word with more than one pronunciation, choose pronunciation familiar to student.

• If student appears confused about pronunciation, use alternate pronunciation.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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SpellingSpelling• For Grades K–1 only: Do not penalize for

letter reversals on any item administered, except when the letter reversal forms a different letter.

• Administration: Read item prompts clearly and at a conversational pace. Do not pronounce spelling words slowly or in parts.

• Recording responses: Surreptitiously record and score the student’s responses during administration . . . to apply reverse and discontinue rules.

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To begin administration,

• give the student a pencil without an eraser.

• say, You will be using a pencil without an eraser, so if you make a mistake, just cross it out.

• open the Response Booklet to the grade-appropriate start point of Spelling and hand it to the student.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsWritten ExpressionWritten Expression

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task

ExamplesSentence Composition (Grades 1–12+)

Measures sentence formulation skills and written syntactic maturity (SC) and syntactic ability (SB).

Sentence Combining

Sentence Building

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Sentence CompositionSentence Composition

Example: The boy has hair.The girl has hair.

The boy and girl have hair.


Example: and

I like peas and carrots.


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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Sentence CombiningSentence Combining––Scoring Scoring Semantics and Grammar (A)Semantics and Grammar (A)

Conveys same meaning as the original sentences and uses correct grammar and syntax.

Score = 2

Conveys same meaning and includes 1 or 2 errors in grammar/syntax.

Score = 1

Does not convey same meaning or includes 3 or more errors in grammar/syntax. Score = 0

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Sentence CombiningSentence Combining––Scoring Scoring Mechanics (B)Mechanics (B)

No errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. Score = 2

1 or 2 errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. Score = 1

3 or more errors, or lacks sufficient meaning to determine accuracy of punctuation.

Score = 0

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Sentence CombiningSentence Combining––Scoring Scoring Extra Credit (C)Extra Credit (C)

Award 1 point if sentence meets the following criteria:

1. Does not use the word and to join two independent clauses; and

2. Uses good sentence structure; and

3. Conveys same meaning as original sentences.

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Sentence CombiningSentence Combining––Scoring Scoring Extra Credit (C)Extra Credit (C)

Award 0 points if sentence meets one of the following criteria:

1. Uses the word and to join 2 independent clauses, OR

2. Uses poor sentence structure, OR3. Does not convey the meaning of the

original sentences.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Sentence BuildingSentence Building––Scoring Scoring Semantics and Grammar (A)Semantics and Grammar (A)

Complete sentence that uses target word meaningfully and uses correct grammar, syntax, and sentence structure.

Score = 2

Complete sentence that uses target word meaningfully and includes 1 or 2 errors/ deviations in grammar, syntax, and/or semantics.

Score = 1

Does not use target word meaningfully and correctly or includes 3 or more errors in grammar, syntax, and/or semantics.

Score = 0

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Sentence BuildingSentence Building––Scoring Scoring Mechanics (B)Mechanics (B)

No errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. Score = 2

1 or 2 errors in spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. Score = 1

3 or more errors, or lacks sufficient meaning to determine accuracy of punctuation.

Score = 0

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsWritten ExpressionWritten Expression

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples

Essay Composition(Grades 3-12+)

Measures spontaneous, compositional writing skills within a 10-minute time limit.

Student writes an essay in response to a “prompt.”

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Essay CompositionEssay Composition––ScoringScoring

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Essay CompositionEssay Composition––ScoringScoring

# ^

# .

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Development & OrganizationDevelopment & Organization

Six features:

1. Five paragraphsparagraphs.

2. An introductionintroduction• includes a thesis statement, and • summarizes the reasons that will be


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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Six features:

3. Use of transitionstransitions to show relationships between ideas.

4. Three or more reasonsreasons to support the thesis statement.

5. One or more elaborationselaborations to support each reason.

Development & Organization

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Development & OrganizationDevelopment & Organization

Six features:

6. A conclusionconclusion– includes a thesis statement, and– summarizes reasons presented.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Essay CompositionEssay Composition––ScoringScoring

# ^

# .




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Converting Raw Scores to Converting Raw Scores to Standardized Scores Standardized Scores

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Test Structure Test Structure -- MathMath

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Math Problem-Solving Page 17 Record Form

Numerical OperationsPage 27 Record Form

Math Fluency Page 49 Record Form

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsMathematicsMathematics

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples

Math Problem Solving(Grades Pre-K to 12+)

Measures untimed math problem-solving skills in the following domains: basic concepts, everyday applications, geometry, and algebra.

The examinee provides oral and pointing responses in response to questions presented orally (and often with visual cues) requiring the application of math reasoning skills.

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsMathematicsMathematics

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples

Numerical Operations(Grades K–12+)

Measures untimed, written math calculation skills in the following domains: basic skills, basic operations with integers, geometry, algebra, and calculus.

Examinee completes math calculation problems presented in a worksheet format.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsMathematicsMathematics

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples

Math Fluency Addition(Grades 1-12+)

Measures the speed and accuracy of a student’s math (addition) calculations.

The examinee solves written addition problems within a 60-second time limit.

Math Fluency Subtraction(Grades 1–12+)

Measures the speed and accuracy of a student’s math (subtraction) calculations.

The examinee solves written subtraction problems within a 60-second time limit.

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Description of the SubtestsDescription of the SubtestsMathematicsMathematics

Subtest and Grade Level Description Task Examples

Math Fluency Multiplication (Grades 3-12+)

Measures the speed and accuracy of a student’s math (multiplication) calculations.

The examinee solves written addition problems within a 60-second time limit.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Converting Raw Scores to Converting Raw Scores to Standardized Scores Standardized Scores

Scores and InterpretationScores and Interpretation

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Derived Scores for Derived Scores for Composites and SubtestsComposites and Subtests

• Standard Score• Percentile Rank• Normal Curve Equivalent• Stanines

• Grade Equivalent• Age Equivalent• Growth Scale Values

Status Scores


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Conversion Tables in Conversion Tables in Technical ManualTechnical Manual

. . . or use Scoring Software

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Interpreting Performance Interpreting Performance

• Growth Scale Values • Grade-Based and Age-Based Scores• Composite Scores • Score Differences • Statistical Significance of Score Differences

― Frequency of Score Differences

―Qualitative Evaluation of Subtest Component

Score Differences

• Out-of-Level Item Set Performance

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GSVs and Standard ScoresGSVs and Standard Scores

Learned new math skills; improved at same rate as peers


Grade 7 572 88

Grade 8 588 88

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Growth Scale Values Chart Growth Scale Values Chart Word ReadingWord Reading

Administrations Student PerformanceTest Date Age %Rank GSV Change Since Last Test

2/18/2010 9:8 7 427 -

7/9/2011 11:4 4 460 33*

* Change since last test is significantly greater than 0.

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OutOut--ofof--Level Item SetLevel Item Set

• Applies to Reading Comprehension and Oral Reading Fluency.

• When out-of-level item set is used, specify that results are based on student’s performance below the grade level of the student.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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OutOut--ofof--Level Item SetLevel Item Set

Poor performance on grade-level passages for RC may reflect a weakness in

― word identification skills,

― reading vocabulary,

― language comprehension skills,

― or some combination of these.

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OutOut--ofof--Level Item SetLevel Item Set

Reversal provides item set with skill coverage comparable to grade-appropriate item set, but with passages at lower readability level.

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Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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OutOut--ofof--Level Item SetLevel Item Set

• If student performs well on lower item-set, language comprehension may be ruled out as the area of weakness.

• Also, evaluate performance on Word Reading, Pseudoword Decoding, and Listening Comprehension.

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Interpreting Interpreting Reading ComprehensionReading Comprehension



ScoreListening Comprehension — 96Reading Comprehension 26*† 87Word Reading 6 60Pseudoword Decoding 3 67Oral Reading Fluency 37*† 70Spelling 7 59

– Indicates a subtest with multiple raw scores (shown in the Subtest Components Score Summary).* Indicates a raw score that is converted to a weighted raw score (not shown).† Indicates that a raw score is based on a below grade level item set.

Copyright © 2013. Pearson, Inc., and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

87 | Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

OutOut--ofof--Level Item SetLevel Item Set

• If student performs poorly on lower item-set, it is likely that student has a weakness in language comprehension.

• Evaluate to determine which areas of comprehension need further instruction.

ApplicationsApplicationsSee ReportSee Report

Copyright © 2013. Pearson, Inc., and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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WIAT-III Composite

Predicted Score

Actual Score

Expected Difference

Critical Value .05

Sign. Diff.?

Base Rate

Total Reading 100 69 31 6.13 Y ≤5%

Basic Reading 100 63 37 5.17 Y ≤1%

Reading Comp. and Fluency 100 75 25 8.36 Y ≤5%

Mathematics 100 104 -4 8.10 N * N/A

Math Fluency 100 116 -16 7.68 Y * N/A

Ability Score Type: WISC-IV FSIQ = 100


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Pattern of Pattern of Strengths and WeaknessesStrengths and Weaknesses

Statistically evaluate two score comparisons:

(a) Processing Strength vs. Achievement Weakness:

To fit the model for SLD, this comparison must be

discrepant (significantly different).

(b) Processing Strength vs. Processing Weakness: To

fit the model for SLD, this comparison must be

discrepant (significantly different).

Copyright © 2013. Pearson, Inc., and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

91 | Copyright © 2013. All rights reserved.

Pattern of Pattern of Strengths and WeaknessesStrengths and Weaknesses

• Perform the reality check-

― Does it all make sense within the context of the

child and his/her instructional experience

• The statistical analyses are conducted by the WIAT-III Scoring Program – YOU must conduct the reality check.

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PSW AnalysisPSW Analysis

Processing StrengthWISC–IV Perceptual Reasoning

Index SS = 100

A. Discrepant?* Yes B. Discrepant?

* Yes

Achievement WeaknessWIAT–III Basic Reading

SS = 63

Processing WeaknessWISC–IV Verbal

Comprehension Index SS = 75

Copyright © 2013. Pearson, Inc., and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Assessing Academic Achievement: Overview and Applications of WIAT-IIIGloria Maccow, Ph.D., Assessment Training Consultant

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Skills Analysis and Skills Analysis and Intervention Planning Intervention Planning

• Item-Level Skills Analysis

• Within-Item Level Skills Analysis

• Intervention Goal Statements

See Report

Customer Service800800--627627--72717271

Comments or QuestionsGloria Maccow, Ph.D.