ASRAC Pumps Working Group Comparison of HI, DOE, and EU ...

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ASRAC Pumps Working Group

Comparison of HI, DOE, and EU Lot 11 MEI C-Values



Working group members have expressed concern that the Efficiency Levels proposed by DOE at the April 29-30 meeting result in a significantly different amount of pumps failing, as compared to the EU Lot 11 MEI C-Values.

The following slides evaluate the relative efficiency of the US and EU pump populations, by comparing the MEI C-Values from the DOE US dataset, HI US dataset, and EU Lot 11 dataset.

o MEI C-Values are used in this evaluation, because it is not possible to calculate PER C-Values for the EU population

o Two sets of HI C-Values are being presented:

1. C-Values calculated and submitted by NEMA BIS

2. C-Values calculated by Navigant/LBNL spreadsheets, with data populated and aggregated by NEMA BIS

o DOE and HI dataset are in the process of being merged.

Results for 2- and 4-Pole ESCC, ESFM, IL, and VT-S will be presented

o The use of EU C-Values for RS-V is currently under consideration, pending working group approval.


Results: ESCC 1800

# Below 110: 1

# Above 150: 1


Results: ESCC 3600

# Below 110: 1

# Above 150: 0


Results: ESFM 1800

# Below 110: 4

# Above 150: 0


Results: ESFM 3600

# Below 110: 1

# Above 150: 0


Results: IL 1800

# Below 110: 0

# Above 150: 0


Results: IL 3600

# Below 110: 0

# Above 150: 3


Results: VT-S 3600

# Below 110: 0

# Above 150: 3


Results: Summary Tables

DOE MEI C-Values

Equipment Class 10% 25% 40% 55% 70%

ESCC 1800 132.60 129.24 127.51 125.66 124.25

ESCC 3600 133.75 130.67 129.22 127.84 125.94

ESFM 1800 131.86 128.76 127.22 125.52 123.94

ESFM 3600 133.73 131.05 129.34 128.17 126.20

IL 1800 134.87 129.66 127.79 126.71 124.96

IL 3600 139.80 133.88 131.37 129.54 127.68

RSV 1800 134.45 132.69 130.38 128.63 125.48

RSV 3600 138.19 135.15 133.95 132.65 130.37

VTS 1800

VTS 3600 136.47 134.17 131.86 129.38 127.95

HI MEI C-Values NEMA Calc

10% 25% 40% 55% 70%

ESCC 1800 132.89 129.40 127.47 125.40 123.90

ESCC 3600 136.20 131.50 129.47 127.46 125.25

ESFM 1800 133.30 129.70 128.02 125.64 123.95

ESFM 3600 135.34 131.60 129.84 128.04 126.10

IL 1800 135.60 131.20 127.59 126.65 125.05

IL 3600 140.00 134.55 131.90 129.25 127.30

RSV 1800 134.45 132.69 130.38 128.63 125.48

RSV 3600 138.19 135.15 133.95 132.65 130.37

VTS 1800

VTS 3600 136.10 132.30 130.60 128.20 127.00

EU MEI C-Values

10% 25% 40% 55% 70%

ESCC 1800 132.74 130.49 128.46 126.98 125.46

ESCC 3600 135.93 133.03 130.77 129.33 127.75

ESFM 1800 132.58 130.02 128.07 126.54 124.85

ESFM 3600 135.60 132.52 130.27 128.65 127.06

IL 1800 136.67 134.02 132.30 130.66 128.98

IL 3600 139.45 135.72 133.69 132.00 129.83

RSV 1800 134.45 132.69 130.38 128.63 125.48

RSV 3600 138.19 135.15 133.95 132.65 130.37

VTS 1800

VTS 3600 134.31 132.89 132.43 130.94 128.79

HI MEI C-Values NAV Calc

10% 25% 40% 55% 70%

ESCC 1800 132.53 129.71 127.71 126.41 125.99

ESCC 3600 135.10 131.34 129.83 128.83 128.38

ESFM 1800 133.89 130.19 128.33 127.12 126.38

ESFM 3600 136.08 132.00 130.25 129.05 128.66

IL 1800 135.98 130.58 127.89 127.17 126.64

IL 3600 140.20 135.06 132.60 130.63 130.09

RSV 1800 134.45 132.69 130.38 130.04 128.63

RSV 3600 138.19 135.15 133.95 133.43 132.65

VTS 1800

VTS 3600 135.55 132.88 131.23 130.13 129.26


Summary: HI (Navigant Calc) vs. EU MEI C-Values


o HI (Nav Calc) C-Values are consistently more efficient, by an average of 1.0 efficiency point at each cut-off level


o HI (Nav Calc) C-Values are consistently on par to the EU market


o HI (Nav Calc) C-Values are consistently more efficient, by an average of 2.25 efficiency points at each cut-off level


o Results are mixed.

• HI (Nav Calc) C-Values are 1.25 points less efficient at MEI 10 and on average 1.5 points more efficient at MEI 40 through 70.

Possible Reasons for Differing Efficiencies US market may have benefited from technology upgrades resulting form EU Lot 11


EU Lot 11 MEI C-Values were published 2007, and data may be even older. Greater US efficiency could represent natural progress


Summary: HI NEMA BIS vs. EU MEI C-Values


o HI (NEMA Calc) C-Values are consistently more efficient, by an average of 1.25 efficiency points at each cut-off level


o HI (NEMA Calc) C-Values are consistently more efficient, by an average of 0.5 efficiency points at each cut-off level


o HI (NEMA Calc) C-Values are consistently more efficient, by an average of 2.5 efficiency points at each cut-off level


o Results are mixed.

• HI (NEMA Calc) C-Values are 1.75 points less efficient at MEI 10 and on average 2 points more efficient at MEI 25 through 70.

Possible Reasons for Differing Efficiencies US market may have benefited from technology upgrades resulting form EU Lot 11


EU Lot 11 MEI C-Values were published 2007, and data may be even older. Greater US efficiency could represent natural progress


Summary: HI (Navigant Calc) vs. HI NEMA BIS C-Values


o NEMA Calculated C-Values are consistently more efficient than Navigant Calculated C-Values, by an average of 0.3 efficiency points at each cut-off level


o NEMA Calculated C-Values are consistently more efficient Navigant Calculated C-Values, by an average of 0.6 efficiency points at each cut-off level


o NEMA Calculated C-Values are on par with Navigant calculated C-Values for 1800 RPM

o NEMA Calculated C-Values are consistently more efficient Navigant Calculated C-Values, by an average of 0.5 efficiency points at each cut-off level for 3600 RPM


o Results are mixed.

• NEMA Calculated C-Vales are 0.6 points less efficient Navigant Calculated C-Values at MEI 10 and on average 0.8 points more efficient at MEI 25 through 70.


Summary: HI (Navigant Calc) vs. DOE C-Values


o DOE C-Values are consistently more efficient than HI (Nav Calc) C-Values, by an average of 0.5 efficiency points at each cut-off level


o DOE C-Values are consistently more efficient than HI (Nav Calc) C-Values, by an average of 1.1 efficiency points at each cut-off level


o DOE C-Values are consistently more efficient than HI (Nav Calc) C-Values, by an average of 0.5 efficiency points at each cut-off level


o DOE C-Values are consistently less efficient than HI (Nav Calc) C-Values, by an average of 0.7 efficiency points at each cut-off level



Comments on variation among US C-Value data sets

Variation between the HI and DOE C-Values was expected, as DOE and HI data sets contain a number of non-overlapping models.

MEI variation between the sets was found to be consistent with PER variation (which will be presented in a different set of slides)

Calculation of PER C-Values from the merged data set should settle the issue

Discrepancies between the NEMA BIS and Navigant Calculated HI C-Values were not expected, as both should have been calculated from the same data set.

• Discrepancies are not very large, and calculation of MEI and PER C-Values from the merged data set should settle the issue.


Additional Analysis: US to EU Crosswalk


US to EU Crosswalk

With certain brands and products sold in both the EU and the US, it is important to understand how the proposed US standard levels compare to the existing EU Lot 11 standard levels.

The crosswalk we have developed shows what percent of the EU market would be cut off at a given US proposed Efficiency Level.

Currently we have two crosswalks, one for the DOE data, and one for the HI data. When the dataset merging is complete we will update with one crosswalk.

Please note that results are approximate


US to EU Crosswalk: DOE Data

EL 1 EL 2 EL3 EL 4 EL 5

Equipment Class PER 10 PER 25 PER 40 PER 55 PER 70

ESCC 1800 11% 35% 49% 69% >70%

ESCC 3600 22% 42% 57% 70% >70%

ESFM 1800 15% 35% 48% 65% >70%

ESFM 3600 20% 35% 49% 60% >70%

IL 1800 21% 64% >70% >70% >70%

IL 3600 10% 39% 60% >70% >70%

RSV 1800 10% 25% 40% 55% 70%

RSV 3600 10% 25% 40% 55% 70%

VTS 1800

VTS 3600 10% 12% 48% 66% >70%

The C-Values that cause 10% of US models to fail

Causes ~22% of the ESCC 3600 pumps in the EU to fail (MEI22)


EL 1 EL 2 EL3 EL 4 EL 5

Equipment Class PER 10 PER 25 PER 40 PER 55 PER 70

ESCC 1800 10% 34% 50% >70% >70%

ESCC 3600 10% 36% 54% >70% >70%

ESFM 1800 10% 28% 41% 63% >70%

ESFM 3600 12% 32% 44% 61% >70%

IL 1800 17% 49% >70% >70% >70%

IL 3600 10% 34% 56% >70% >70%

RSV 1800 10% 25% 40% 55% 70%

RSV 3600 10% 25% 40% 55% 70%

VTS 1800

VTS 3600 10% 42% 58% >70% >70%

US to EU Crosswalk: HI Data (NEMA BIS Calc)

The C-Values that cause 25% of US models to fail

Causes ~36% of the ESCC 3600 pumps in the EU to fail (MEI36)