ASME VIII D1 (Interpretação Vol.29)

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SectionVIII-1 - nterpretationsNo. 29 Vlll-1-89-196R. VIII-1-89-21OR

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-196R

Subject:ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition), UG-36(c)(3)(a)

Da te Issued: June 17, 1991

File: BC90-234*

Que stion: Are strength calculations required in accordance with UG-41 for nozzles complyingwith U G-36(c)(3)(a)?,

Reply: No, except as required by U W-l6(f)(2)

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-21OR

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition), UG-l16(e) and U W-l2(d)

Date Issued: June 17, 1991


Question: W hich of the marking requirem ents under UG -l16 (e) apply for a vessel hat consistsof seamless ellipsoidalor torispherical head s when the vessel joints are spo t radiographed and a fterthe circumferential seams attachinghe heads are separately spot radiographed per UW -ll(a)(S)(b)?

Reply: RT-4

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Vlll-1-89-261, Vlll-1-89-262 Section VIII-1 - nterpretationsNo


Subject:Section VIII, Divisions 1 an d 2 (1989 Edition, 1989 Add enda ), U-l(c)(5) and AG-121(e)

Da te Issued: January 2, 991

File: BC90-652

Question (1): Process equipm ent is enclosed by a Section V III, Division 2 vessel. Section andANSI piping is used to trans port the working fluid to an d from the process equipment across thevessel boundary. A thermal sleeve type connection whose inside diam eter is grea ter th an 6 in. isused to attach the piping to theSec tion VIII, Division 2 vessel. The connection consistsof the vesselreinforcement forging, he thermal sleeve a length of pipe used to connect the reinforcemen t forgingto the knuckle forging), nd the knuckle forgingwhich connects the thermal sleeve to the enetratingprocess pipe. Th e sleeve sees the vessel pressure which is in excess of 15 psi. Th e vessel pressure isnot equ al to the pressure within the process pipe. May, under the provisions of AG -l2 0( a)( l), t hethermal sleeve and knuckle forging be consideredo be outside the geom etric scope of the Division2 vessel?

Reply (1):Yes.

Question (2): Does Reply (1) apply to Section VIII, Division 1geometric scope as referencedin U-l(e)(l)(a)?

Reply (2): Yes.

Note: This Interpretation also appears as VIII-2-89-19.


Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1986 Edition, 1988 Addenda), UG-l26(b)

Da te Issued: January 8, 1991


Question (1): In a self-actuated pilot opera ted pres sure relief valve, may the self-actuated pilotbe electronic?

Reply (1): No

Question (2): May a pilot operated pressure relief valve with self-actuated pilot conforming oUG -126 also be equipped by the valve manufacturer with a parallel electronic pilot to improveaccuracy and control of opening and closing pressures?

Reply (2): Yes, provided t he electronic pilot does not interfere with the normal ope ration ofthe self-actuated pilot.


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Section VIII-1 - nterpretationsNo.29 Vlll-1-89-263

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-263

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1986 Edition, 1987 Adden da), UG-90

Date Issued:anuary , 991

File: BC89-129

Question: A pressure vessel is fabricated and hydrostatically tested p er the requirements ofSection VIII, Division 1, and the Authorized Inspector verified Code compliance during the man-ufacturing and testing process. M ust he Authorized Inspector immediately sign he M anufacturer’sData Report Form and the M anufacturer apply the nameplate?

Reply: The Code does not d dress the time frame during which the Manufacturer’s Data ReportForm must be signed. However, UG-90 makes ithe responsibilityof the M anufacturer to apply thename plate and assure the Manufacturer’s Data Rep ortForm is signedby the Authorized Inspector.

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Vlll-1-89-264 Section Vlli-1 - nterpretations No.

Interpretation: VIII-1=89-264

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1986 Edition, 988Addenda),UG-81 ndUW-33

Da te Issued: anuary 8, 1991


Question (1): Are the requirements of UG -8l(a) to be measured as the distance from the edgeof a temp late of the specified dish radius plus or minus the allowa nce spe cified?

Reply (1): UG -8l(a ) specifies the tolerances to which the head must be formed. Th e methodof checking the formed head is at the discretion of the Manufacturer.

Question (2):Ar e the equiremen ts of UG -8l(b ) to be measured using templatesf the specifieddish radius plus or minus the allowance specified?

Reply (2): UG -8l(b) imposes additional requiremen ts when formed heads are designed €orexternal pressure. UG -80(b)(2) describes the m ethod to be used for checking the plus or minusdeviation from true circular form. .

Question (3): Is there a limit below which the presen t requirem ent of UW-33 and Table UW-33 need not be applied and for which a somewhat greater alignment tolerance can be applied?

Reply (3): No. '

Question (4): For metal thicknesses YI6n. and below, may butt w eld ed ge offsets greater thanK t be tape red by use of weld metal build-up without the need for exam ination in accordance withUW-42(b)(2)?

Reply (4): No.

Question (5): W -3 3 (b ) indicates that offsets within he limitsof Table UW-33 mustbe tapered,whereas UW -9(c) notes that only sections w hich differ in thicknessy greater than Y4tor Y8in. need

the 3:lO taper. What is the distinction?

Reply (5): UW-33 refers o alignment tolerances only. UW-9(c) and UW-33re design require-ments which specify taper transition requirements when welding sections of different thicknesses.Both requirements must be m et.


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Section VIII-1 - nterpretations No. 29 Vlll-1-89-265,lll-1-89-266,lll-1-89-267

Interpretation: VIII-1=89-265

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1986 Edition, 1988 Addenda), Appendix 9, 9-5(~)(1)-(5)

Da te Issued: January 8, 1991

File: BC89-239

Question: Are the jacket closure bars designed to the requiremen ts of Appendix 9, 9-5(c )(l),(2), (3), (4), an d (5) adeq uate as stiffening rings,as stated in UG-29(f), when there is a pressure inthe jacket?

Reply: Yes.

interpretation: Viii-1-89-266

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Adde nda), UG -l36(b )(2)

Date Issued: January 8, 991

.File:C90- 187

Question : Section VIII, D ivision 1 UG-l36(b)(2) requires that springs for safety and safetyrelief valves shall be corrosion resistant material r have a corrosion resistant coating. Does corrosionresistant paint, app ropriate for the service intended, meet the requiremen t for a "corrosion resistantcoating" for safety and safety relief valve springs?

Reply: Yes.

interpretation: VIil-1-89-267

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1986 Edition, 1988 Addenda), UG-84(g)(2),UW-20(b),and UCS-66(c)

Da te Issued: January 9, 991

File: BC89-253

Question (1): Does Section VIII, D ivision 1 provide rules on what atmospheric temperature(minimum, mean) to use in establishing the minimum design metal temperature?

Reply (1): No.

Question (2): Does Section VIII, Division 1 provide any rules in locating an impact specimen

notch other than that given in UG-84(g)(2)?

Reply (2): No.

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Vlll-1-89-268, VllI-1-89-269 Section VIII-1 - nterpretations N

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-268

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989Edition, 989 Adden da), UG-20

Da te Issued: anuary , 991

File: BC90-225

Question: Is it permissible to design a vessel for operations below the minimum design metaltemperature (MDMT) stamped on the nameplate provided the reduction in MDMT for the coin-cident design stress in tension results in a temperature that is no colder than that permitted by Fig.UCS-66.1?

Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-269

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 1989Edition,1989Addenda),Table UHA-23,DualMark-ing

Date Issued: anuary , 991


Question (1): M ay dual stenciled 304/304L late products with appropria te mill test reports beused as either 304 or 304L material at design temperatures of 1000°F and lower?

Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): May dual stenciled 304/304L plate product with appropr iate mill test reports beused as 304 material at design temperatures greater than 1000°F [Note (8) of Table UHA-23 ap-plies]?

Reply (2): No.


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Vlll-1-89-270, Vlll-1-89-271, Vlll-1.89-27ection VIII-1 - nterpretations No. 29

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-270

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Addenda), UG-20(b)

Date Issued:anuary , 1991


Question (1): Is autorefrigeration a consideration in determining the minimum metal temper-ature used in design?

Reply (1): Yes, see UG -20(b).

Question (2): Does Section VIII, Division 1 include requirements on how autorefrigeration isto be considered, other than that given in UG-20(b)?

Reply (2): No .

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-271

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1989Edition,1989 Adden da), Appendix17,17-7(a)(2)(a)

Date Issued: anuary , 991


Question : Are the tensile tests in 17-7(a)(2)(a) to be performed in accordance with Fig. 17-6?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-272

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Ed ition, 1989 Addenda), UW-l6(b)

Date Issued: anuary 22, 991


Question: Are the symbols defined in UW -l6(b) to b e applied in the corroded condition?

Reply: Yes. See UG-l6 (e).

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Vlll-1-89-273, Vlll-1-89-274, Vlll-1-89-275 Section VIII-1 - nterpretations N

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-273

Subject: ectionVIII,Division 1 (1989Edition, 989 Addenda), UG -67 (a)

Date Issued: anuary 1, 991


Question : Is it permissible under the requirem ents of UCS-67(a) to use an E 7018 electrode,under SF A 5.1, for SMA W without including impact tests in the WPQ, when the base metal (SA-516 Grade 70, normalized) is exem pted from impac t testing by Fig. UCS-66?

Reply: Yes.

interpretation: VIll-1-89-274

Subject:SectionVIII,Division 1 (1989Edition, 989Addenda),Fig.UCS-66

Date Issued: anuary 31 , 1991


Question : Do the im pact exem ption curves in Fig. UCS-66 apply to forgings?

Reply: Yes, CurveB of Fig. UCS-66 isapplicable unless exempted y other Notes to the Figure.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-275

Subject:SectionVIII,Division 1 (1989Edition;1989 Adden da), U-2(g) ndUG-29(b)

Date Issued:February 3, 991

File: BC91-011

Question: When a stiffener ring extends completely around the outside circumference of acylinder and in tersects a nozzle, may a connection between nozzle and stiffener be m ade if therequired mom ent of inertia of the ring shell section s maintained through the nozzle per UG-29(b)and design and construction details are subm itted and accepted by the A uthorized Inspector perU-2(g)?

Reply: Y e s .


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Section VIII-1 - nterpretat ions No. 29 VIII-1-89-276,lll-1-89-277,III-1-89-278

Interpretation: VIII=1=89-276

Subject:ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition), UG-36(b)(l)

Date Issued:February 3, 1991


Question: Do the. opening size limits of UG -36(b )(l) apply t o the finished opening size whenthe finished and unfinished opening sizes are d ifferent?

Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-277

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1990 Addenda), UG-10

Da te Issued: February 26, 1991


Question: May nonexpanded API 5L Grade X52 be used for Section VIII, Division 1pressurevessel construction when certified in accordance with UG-lo?

Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-278

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Addenda), Appendix 9, 9-7

Date Issued:March 4,1991


Question: A pod type pa rtial jacket, as shown in Fig. 9-7, without stays or penetratio ns, mee tsthe limitations of 9-5(c)(l). May a reinforced opening e provided through he shell under the jacketso that the shell pressure and jacket pressure a re equalized at all times?

Reply: Yes.

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Vlll-1-89-279, Vlll-1-89-280 Section VIII-1 - nterpretations No

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-279

Subject:ection VII I, Division 1 (1989dition),UCS-66(a)

Date Issued:March 4, 1991


Question: Is it the intent of the Code that a fabricated tubesheet made out of SA-204 Gra deB plate, which is 8 in. thick, has a minimum design metal temp erature of 120°F or wann er, andcontains a butt joint, be exem pted from impact testing unde r the requiremen ts of UCS-66(a)?

Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-280

Subject:ectionVIII,Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Addenda), UG-ll(a)(l) and UG-


Date Issued:March 4, 1991

File: BC90-774

Question (1): Do the thin h eat transfer plates of a mechanically assembled plate type heatexchanger constitute a pressure boundary?

Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): If Reply (1) is “yes,” can these plates be con sidered “standard p ressure parts”if they meet all the requirements of UG -l l(a )( l) ?

Reply (2):Yes.


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Section VIII-1 - nterpretations No . 29 Vlll-1-89-281,lll-1-89-282,ll-1-89-283

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-281

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Adden da), Hydrostatic Test of Com -pleted Vessel

Date Issued:March , 1991


Question (1):A vessel is to be fabricated for nonlethal service and is comprised of two shellcourses oined by a bolted flanged connec tion. May each shell course be hydrostatically estedseparately an d the completed vessel, when attached, be Code Symbol stamped as a single vessel?

Reply (1): No.

Question (2): Are sepa rate Code Symbol Stamps required for each shell course as describedin Question (l)?

Reply (2): Each shell course may be U-Part stamped, but the completed and bolted togetherhalves shall be hydrostatically tested as one unit before the U-Code SymbolStamp may be applied.

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-282

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989Edition, 989 Adden da), UG-11

Date Issued:March 4,1991


Question : May a welded pipe fitting, manufactured in accordance with one of the referencedANSI Standards listed in UG-44, or of materials specifically listed in an ANSI product stand ard,meeting all applicable w elding and exam ination requirem ents of Division 1, be utilized as the shell

of a pressure vessel without the issuance of a Partial Data Report?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-283

Subject:ection VIII, Division 1 (1989dition), UW-ll(a)

Date Issued:March 4, 1991


Question: Under the requirements of U W -ll( a) is radiography m andatory for Category B andC butt welds where the values of NPS and/or wall thickness exceed 10 and 1% n., respectively?

Reply: Yes.

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Vlll-1-89.284,lll-1-89-285,lll-1-89-286ection VIII-1 - nterpretationsN

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-284

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Adde nda), Table UCS-56

Date Issued:March 6, 991

Fi le : BO-863

Question: Is it permissible to m anufactu re a pre ssure vessel using P-No. 1 material, with athickness greater than l!/, in., without performing postweld heat treatm ent pe r Table UCS-56 if

postweld heat treated groove faces butter ed with ASME SFA 5.1 classified electrodes are used?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-285

Subject:Section VI II, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1990 Addenda),UW-l3(e)(4) and Fig. U W -13.2 Sketch (g)

Date Issued:March , 991


Question: A noncircu lar pressure vessel is construc ted with a com er joint as shown n Fig. U W -13.2 sketch (g). Do the requirem ents of the Code allow the beveling of th e shell thickness such ha tthe sum a, + a , + groove weld = a,?

Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-286

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1986 Edition, 1987 Adde nda), U-2(h)

Date Issued:March 7,1991


Question: Under the rules of Section V III, Division 1,may a Certificate of Authorization beissued with the scope restricted to design without manu facturing or manufacturing without designresponsibility?

Reply: No.


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Section VIII-1 - nterpretations No. 29 Vlll-1-89-287, Vlll-1-89-288

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-287

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1986 Edition, 1988 Adden da), UG-99(b)

Date Issued:March 4, 991


Question : Under the prov isions of UG-99(b), may the ra tio (S test temperature/S design tem-peratu re) for the b olting material be used in calculating the required hydrostatic test pressure if itresults in th e lowest ratio fo r the m ateria1 of which the vessel is constructed for:

(1) bolted flange connections designed per Appendix 2?(2) bolted flange connection which comply with an ANS I produc t stand ard o r a Manufac-

turer’s standard as permitted in U G -l l?

Reply:(1)Yes.(2) No; the limiting hydrostatic test pressure shall be estab lished in accordance with the

applicable standard

interpretation: VIII-1-89-288

Subject:ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition), UW-40(a)(3)

Date Issued:March 4, 991

File: BC90-437

Question (1): D o the rules of UW-40(a)(3) permit the local PWHT of longitudinal weld seamsin shell sections by means of heating elements placed longitudinally along the weld seams withoutheating the total circumference of the shell course?

Reply (1): No.

Question (2):Do the rules of UW-40(a)(3) permit the local PWHT f longitudinal weld seamsin a completed vessel by any method that isolates the heated area to th e weld an d a zone adjacentto th e weld, without heating the total circumference of the shell?

Reply (2):No.

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Vlll-1-89-289, Vlll-1-89-290. Vlll-1-89-291

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-289

Section VIII-1 - nterpretations N

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1989Edition, 989 Add enda), Tab le UCS-56

Date Issued:March 4, 991


Question: Does Note (4) of Table UCS-56 for P-No. 3 material apply to P-No. 3 Grou p No.3?

Reply: No .

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-290

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Addenda),UG-84(c)(4)(a) nd b)

Date Issued:April 5, 1991


Question: Fo r Table UCS-23 materials, whose specified minimum tensile strength s 95,000 psior more and for Table UHA-23 materials, is it the intent that the requirements of UG-84(c)(4)(a)apply in addition to the requirements of UG-84(~)(4)@)?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-291

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 990 Add enda), Appendix17, 17-7(a)(l)

Date Issued:April , 991


Question: Under the provisions of 17-7(a)(l), must each weldingoperator, using the same weldprocedure for spot welding a dimpledlate to a plain plate, perform a separate pressure proof test?

Reply: Yes.


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Section VIII-1 - nterpretat ions No. 29 vttt-1-s9-m, vtt1-1-s9-293,tit-1-ss-z94

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-292

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989Edition, 990 Adden da), UW-51

Date Issued:April , 991

File: BC91-046

Question: When radiographing abutt weld in a pipe joint containing a perm anen t backing ring(strip), does the b utt welded joint in th e backing ring (s trip) have to be of the sam e radiograph icquality as the weld in the pipe joint, in accordance with the requirements of UW-51?

Reply: Yes (see Section V, A rticle 2).

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-293

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1990 Adden da), Table UCS-56, Note (2 )(a)for P-Nos. 1 and 1OC Material

Date Issued:April , 1991


Question: In Table UCS-56, Note (2)(a) for P-Nos. 1 an d 1OCmaterials, does the reference to“material over 1Y2in. nominal thickness” refer to:

(a) base metal only;(b) t o th e welded joint thickness as defined in UW-40(f).

Reply:(a) No.(b) Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-294

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1990 Adden da), U G-l02 (c)

Date Issued:April 5, 1991

File: BC91-056

Question: Is it necessary und er the requiremen ts of UG-l02 (c) to verify pressure gauge cali-bration on a daily basis if one’s Q.C. Manual outlines a gauge calibration program which require sannual calibration or sooner if the gauge is suspected of being out of calibration?

Reply: The method of verification of calibration of a gauge as required by UG-l02(c) shall begiven in the QNQC program as described in 10-12.

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Vlll-1-89-295,lll-1-89-296,lll-1-89-297 Section VIII-1 - nterpretations N

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-295

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1990 Addenda), UCS-66(a)

Date Issued:April 15,991 ~


Question: For a pressure vessel designed for low tem peratu re service (-40°F) where a flathead with thickness of 0.9843 in. is attached to a shell of thickness 0.2520 in., using the detail inFig. UW-13.2, sketch (d), is the shell thickness the governing thickness per U CS-6 6(a)(l)(b )?

Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-l-89=296

Suljject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Addenda), UG-80(a)(2)

Date Issued:April 19, 991

File: BC91-051

Question: If two opening s of identical size are direc tly across from one ano the r, can 2% ofeach op ening be added ogether, and this amount then add ed to the 1% referred to in UG- 80(a) (l)and still meet the requiremen ts of UG-80(a)(2)?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-297

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1990 Adden da), UW-35(b)

Da te Issued: May 1, 1991

File: BC91-168

Question: If two pieces of stainle ss steel are welded toge ther using re sistanc e spot welding, anda reduction in thickness due to th e welding process s observed, are the equiremen ts of UW -35(b )(l)and (2) applicable for determining the remaining metal thickness?

Reply: Yes.


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Section VIII-1 - nterpretations No . 29 Vlll-1-89-298,lll-1-89-299, Vlll-1-89-300

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-298

Subject: ectionVIII,Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Addenda), Appendix7,7-3ndTable 17-3

Da te Issued : .May 9, 991


Question: May SA-240 Type 317L stainless steel material be used n the construction of adimpled assembly, as shown in Fig. 17-2, using tungsten-arc spot and seam welding if all the otherrequirements in Appendix 17 are met?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-299

Subject:ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition), UW -ll(d )

Date Issued: May , 991


Question: Are the requirements of UW-ll(d) applicable to austenitic stainless steel, P-No. ,materials?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-300

Subject:SectionVIII,Division 1 (1989Edition,1990 Addend a), Simulated PWH T on Test

Coupons of Alloy Steel Forgings

Date Issued: May 16, 991


Question: Must simulated PWHT be performed on test coup ons of alloy steel forgings whenthe forgings have been empered at a temperature equal to or higher than the intended temp eraturefor PWHT?

Reply: Yes.


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Vlll-1-89-301.lll-1-89-302,lll-1-89-303 Section VItI-1 - nterpretationsN

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-301

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1990 Addenda), Appendix F

Date Issued: May 6, 991


Question: Does Section VIII, Division 1 prohibit the application of abrasion resistant flamespray coatings in high wear areas on cast ron, or any other mate rials, used n pressu re vesselmanufacturing?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-302

Subject:Section VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition), Fig.UW-13.2 Sketch (h)

Date Issued: May 30, 1991

File: BC90-433

Question: A nozzle neck is welded to a blind flange witha detail similar to Fig. UW -13.2 sketch(h). This neck thickness is more han needed for design. Could the weld be sized so that dimensiona is three times the required nozzle thickness at the point of attachment to the cover?

Reply: No. See definition of r, in UW-l3(a).

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-303

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Adden da), UG-l36(c)(4)(d)

Date Issued: May 30, 1991


Question: Und er he requirements of UG-l36(c)(4)(d), may an assembler, who has beengranted permission by ASME to use an ASME Code Symbol Stamp, apply he Code Symbol Stampto a pressure relief valve without the instructions of the m anufacturer of the valve?

Reply: No.


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Section VIII-1 - nterpretations No. 29

Interpretation: VIll-1-89-304

Vlll-1-89-304, Vll1-1-89-305. Vlll-1-89-308

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Addenda), UG-l25(c)(2)

Date Issued: June 6, 1991

File: BC91-012

Question: If a single relief device is employed to protect a pressure vessel from overpressuredue to process up set as well as ex ternal fire or oth er sources of ex ternal he at, can this relief devicebe sized for fire exposure on the basis of an allowed vessel overpressure of 21%?

Reply: Yes, provided th e requiremen ts of U G-l34 (b) a re met.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-305

Subject:ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition), UCI-78

Date Issued: June 6 , 1991


Question: M ay surface imperfections which do not permit leakage, and which are within thedimensions allowed to be repaired by a threaded plug, be left in place or repaired by metal sprayingif the depth does not exceed 20%of thickness of the section, and the applicable requirements ofUCI-78(a)(6) to (10) are fulfilled?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-306

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1990 Addenda), U-l(j)

Date Issued: June 6, 1991


Question: May a part meeting the requirements of U-10') be furnished as a part bearing a UMPart Stamp?

Reply: No.


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Vlll-1-89-307,lll-1-89-308 Section Vltt-1 - nterpretations N

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-307

Subject:Section VIII, Divisions 1and 2 1989 Edition,1990 Addenda), Use of ShotPeeningMethods

Date Issued: June 6, 991


Question: Is it permissible under the requ irem ents of Section VIII, Divisions 1 an d 2 to usecontrolled shot peening, or other similar methods, during the fabrication of pressure vessels?

Reply: The Code neither requires nor prohibits the application of shot peening methods toenhance surface properties.

Note: This Interpretation also appears as VIII-2-89-25

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-308

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Addenda), U CS-66(a)(l)@)

Date Issued: June 12,991

File: BC90-726

Question: Is the use of impact tested material mandated, as required under UC S-66(a)(l)(b),when two materials ar e welded together to form a comer joint and the thickness of the thicker ofthe two materials exceeds 4 n. while the thickn ess of the thinner of th e two materials is equal toor less than 4 in.?

Reply: Yes.


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Section Viii-1 - nterpretations No. 29 Vlll-1-89-309,lIl-1-89-310

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-309

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1986 Edition, 1987 Addenda), UG-101

Date Issued: June 13, 1991

File: BC87-382

Question: For special bolted, mechanical, or quick-opening closure assemblies intended as apart of a pressu re vessel o be co nstructed according to Section VIII, Division 1,may the m aximumallowable working pressure be established by a proof test according to U G- lOl( m) except that th eformula be revised as follows:

P = Y$,SE/S, or Y@,SEIS,,,

where(1 ) the first term replaces the term B/5 in UG-lOl(m); and(2) BL = pressure at which test was stopped before a leak occured or the pressure at which

the first indication of a leak occurred?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-310

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1986 Edition, 988 Addenda), UG-99

Date Issued: June 14 , 1991


Question (1):May a tube -to-tub eshe et weld of a dou ble grooved, dou ble rolled, and seal weldednew tube be performed on a new tube-side cladded tubesheet (where credit is not taken for cladmaterial) after performing a hydrostatic test under UG -99 without he need fo r a second hydrotest?

Reply (1): No.

Question (2): May a tube-to-tubesh eet weld of a doub le grooved, doub le rolled, nd seal weldednew tube be performed on a single metal new tubeshee t after performing a hydrostatic test withoutthe need for a second hydrotest?

Reply (2):No.


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VIII-1-89-311, Vlll-1-89-312

Interpretation: Vlll=1-89-311

Section VIII-1 - nterpretation

Subject:ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition), UW-5(b)(2)

Date Issued: June 14, 1991


Question: Do the words " ..materials specification not permitted in this Division, ...', in U W5(b)(2) include material specifications established by a Manufacturer?

Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-312

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989Addenda),UG-125

Date Issued: June 14,1991


Question: Do the requiremen ts under U G-125 require that every pressure vessel have a relidevice to protect it from overpressure,either mounted directly on he vessel, or in the piping systewithout intervening stop valves except as perm itted in UG-l35(e)?

Reply: Yes.


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Section VIII-1 - nterpretations No . 29 Vlll-1-89-313, Vlll-1-89-314

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-313

Subject:ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition), UG-40

Date Issued: June 14,991

File: BC90-470

Question (1):May the metal for a single nozzle reinforcement be located assymetrically aboutthe nozzle center line, w ithin the sta ted boundaries for the limits of reinforcement, as given in UG-40?

Reply (1):Yes, prov ided at least half the requ ired reinforcem ent be on each sideof the centerline of the opening.

Question (2): May the shell nozzle reinforcement area include bolted flange metal from weldneck flange welded to the shell and located within the limits of reinforcem ent, as given in UG-40?

Reply ( 2 ) :Yes.

Question (3): May the shell nozzle reinfocement area include metal from the straight flange

portion of a d ished shell cover w elded to the shell and within the limits of reinforcem ent, as givenin UG-40?

Reply (3): Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-314

Subject:ection.VII1,Division 1 (1989 Edition), UCS-SS(b) and (e)

Date Issued: June 14,991

File: BC90-483

Question (1): Is heat treatment of test specimens under UCS-85(b) required for material listedin P-Nos. 3, 4, an d 5 of QW-422 when:

(a) the h eat treatm ent during fabrication will be limited to PWHT t a temperature belowthe lower transformation temp erature of the m aterials?

(b) the heat tre atm ent during fabrication will be limited to no rmalizing and tempering perthe material specification followed by PWI-IT at a temperature below the lower ransformationtemperature of the material?

Reply (1):(a) Yes.(b) Yes.

Question ( 2 ) :May a material man ufacturer perform the simulated heat treatment of test spec-imens required by UCS-SS(b)?

Reply (2): Yes.

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Vlll-1-89-315,III-1-89-316,lll-1-89-317 Section VIII-1 - nterpretations

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-315

Subject:ectionVIII,Division 1 (1989dition), UG-l34(d)(l)

Date Issued: June 14, 991


Question: With eference to UG-l34 (d)(l), is the 3% set pressure tolerance for pressures abo70 psi “plus or minus” tolerance?

Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-316

Subject: ectionVIII,Division 1 (1989Edition, 989Addenda),UG-18

Date Issued: June 17, 991


Question: May a vessel be fabricated using material for the shell conforming to UH T require-ments (e.g., SA-517), and material for the head conforming to UCS requirements (e.g., SA- 44 9,provided that all applicable requirements in Section IX for welding dissimilar metals are met?

Reply: No.

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-317

Subject: ection VII I, Division 1 (1089 Edition, 1989 Addenda), UW-40(a)(5)

Date Issued: June 17, 991


Question: Do the requirements of UW-40(a)(5) apply f a nozzle or attachment to an ellipsodihead is locally heated in a concentric heat band that extends six times the head thickness beyondthe reinforcing pad or weld, and the heated area does not contact any tangent or other attachmentweld?

Reply: No. See U-2(g).


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Section VIII-1 - nterpretations NO. 9 Vlll-1-89-318,lll-1-89-319,lll-1-89-320

Interpretation: VIII-1-89-318

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Adden da), UG -l16 (e)(l )

Date Issued: June 17. 1991

File: BC90-685

Question: Are the minimum requiremen ts for stamping a completed vessel RT-1 as folIows:that all pressure-retainingbutt welds other than Category B and C butt welds associated w ith nozzlesand communicating chambers that neither exceed NP S 10 nor 1Y' in.wall thickness [except asrequired by UH T-57 (a)] shall have been examined radiographically forheir full length in th e mannerprescribed in UW-51?

Reply: Yes.

Interpretation: Vlll-1-89-319

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1956 Edition, 19S8 Addenda), UHA-52(b)

Da te Issued: June 17, 991

File: BC91-055

Question: Do the requiremen ts of UHA-52(b) only apply o thematerial stated in UHA-52(a)?

Reply: Y e s .

Interpretation: VllI-1-89-320

Subject: ection VIII, Division 1 (1989Edition, 990 Adden da), UG -ll(c) (2)

Date Issued: June 20,991


Question: Is it the intent of UG -ll(c) (2) to prohibit he use of T bolt shell closures (lugs weldedto the closure) that comply with U G-ll (c)(2 ) in the construction of pressure vessels in accordancewith this Division?

Reply: No.

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Vlll-1-89-321, Errata Section VIII-1 - nterpretatipnsNo

Interpretation: VIII-1-89=321

Subject: Section VIII, Division 1 (1989 Edition, 1989 Add enda), UG-84(e)(3)

Date Issued: June 25, 1991

File: BC90-441

Question (1):UG-84(e)(3) refers tu the volume limitations of U-l(k). Is it the intent of th eCode that this reference be made to U-16) instead or U-l(k)?

Reply (1): Yes.

Question (2): Are al l the limitations of U-16) to be considered when applying the provisionsof UG-84(e)(3) for “small vessels”?

Reply (2): Yes.


Volume 28Interpretation

VIII-1-89-232R Correct Date Issued to read January 3, 1991