Ask the Expert: The Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule

Post on 18-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Ask the Expert: The Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule

The Hazardous Waste


Improvements Rule

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How concerned

are you about the

new rule?

Final Rule!Signed by the EPA

Administrator on October

28, 2016

Published in the Federal

Register November 28


Made effective May 30th


Goals of the Final Rule

1. Reorganize the regulations to make them more user friendly and

enable improved compliance

2. Provide greater flexibility for hazardous waste generators to

manage waste in a cost-effective manner

3. Strengthen environmental protection by addressing identified

gaps in the regulations

4. Clarify certain components of the hazardous waste generator

program to address ambiguities and foster improved compliance

Rule #11. Consolidation of CESQG Waste at LQG’s:

• CESQG to be called VSQG

• CESQG’s and LQG’s must be under the control of the

same person

• Eliminate RCRA permit requirement to accept

CESQG’s waste

• Additional option for CESQG’s to manage their waste

• Increased training and documentation

• Potentially decrease generator cost

Rule #2

2. Episodic Generation for CESQG’s and SQG’s:

• Only allowed once a year

• Would not change current generator status

• Would not have to complete biennial requirement

• Notification of planned and unplanned events

• Labeling requirement for accumulation of episodic


• 45 days from initiation and completion of episodic


Rule #33. Emergency Planning and Preparedness:

• Only applicable to LQG’s and SQG’s

• Require generators to make arrangements with

local LEPC’s first

• If no local LEPC, generators to make arrangements

with local Fire Departments

• NEW LQG’s to submit executive summary to LEPC

rather than full contingency plans

• Eliminating employee personal information in plans

Rule #44. Labeling changes:

• Applicable to SQG’s, LQG’s and Transporters

• Marking containers with hazardous waste codes

• Make it easier for TSDF’s to identify content

• Relevant areas on site: SAA’s, CAA’s, transfer

facilities consolidating waste from different


• Labeling requirement for tanks, drip pads and

containment buildings

• Recordkeeping requirements for tanks, drip pads,

containment building for 90 and 180 day storage

Rule #55. Reporting Requirements:

• Biennial reporting required only for LQG’s

• Reporting for all hazardous waste generated

during reporting year

• Not applicable to CESQG’s and SQG’s under

episodic rule

• Allow new source code for CESQG’s transferred


Rule #66. Satellite Accumulation areas:

• Prohibiting incompatible waste to be mixed in the

same container

• Limited exception for keeping containers closed at

all times at SAA’s

• Modify labeling to include flexibility on hazard

category type

• Clarify the “three day” rule

“What are the impacts of the new

rules on Large Quantity



“If you are an episodic LQG, do

you notify the state of generator

status change?”


“Are there any new reporting

requirements for SQGs?”


“If generators are not required to

document all determinations that a

waste is not a hazardous waste, what

at a minimum are they required to do?”


“Will the rule will be repealed

by the Trump Administration?”


“Will facilities be required to submit

RCRA/ICP plans to an additional

department at EPA and/or State



“VSQGs must make a HW

determination. Are they required

to have any specific labeling for

Hazardous Waste containers?”


“How might Multi-Satellite Accumulation

Area generators (universities, GOV

research facilities) comply with section

262.15 - marking waste containers with

specific hazards?”


“In the Satellite Accumulation Areas, we

are not putting a date on the drum until it

reaches 55 gallons; do we need to put the

date on the drum when we start adding

waste to it?”


“When will Massachusetts DEP

update their regulations in

response to this?”


“If there is an 'audit program' you

have, would suggest, or simply the

top 10 items that should be

reviewed/confirmed internally, that

would be great.”


Thank You For Attending!


Gigi Dambreville

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• A survey for you to provide

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