Asia Trabajo Final.docx

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  • 8/13/2019 Asia Trabajo Final.docx


    Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela

    Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educacin

    U.E Colegio los Prceres

    ValenciaEdo. Carabobo



    Florez Leymer Mercanti Gabriella

    Quintero Jose

    Salazar Roberto Zerpa Daniel

    8vo Grado AProf. Angeli Daz


  • 8/13/2019 Asia Trabajo Final.docx



    The history of Asia can be seen as the distinct histories of several peripheral coastal

    regions: East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and theMiddle East, linked by the interior

    mass of the Central Asian steppes.

    The coastal periphery was home to some of the world's earliest known civilizations, each of

    them developing around fertile river valleys. The civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Indus

    Valley and the Huanghe shared many similarities. These civilizations may well have

    exchanged technologies and ideas such as mathematics and the wheel. Other innovations,

    such as writing, seem to have been developed individually in each area. Cities, states and

    empires developed in these lowlands.

    The central steppe region had long been inhabited by horse-mounted nomads who could

    reach all areas of Asia from the steppes. The earliest postulated expansion out of the steppe

    is that of the Indo-Europeans, who spread their languages into the Middle East, South Asia,

    and the borders of China, where the Tocharians resided. The northernmost part of Asia,

    including much of Siberia, was largely inaccessible to the steppe nomads, owing to the

    dense forests, climate and tundra. These areas remained very sparsely populated.

    The center and the peripheries were mostly kept separated by mountains and

    deserts.The Caucasus and Himalaya mountains and theKarakum and Gobi deserts formed

    barriers that the steppe horsemen could cross only with difficulty. While the urban city

    dwellers were more advanced technologically and socially, in many cases they could do

    little in a military aspect to defend against the mounted hordes of the steppe. However, the

    lowlands did not have enough open grasslands to support a large horsebound force; for this

    and other reasons, the nomads who conquered states in China, India, and the Middle East

    often found themselves adapting to the local, more affluent societies.

    The Islamic Caliphate took over the Middle East and Central Asia during the Muslim

    conquests of the 7th century. The Mongol Empire conquered a large part of Asia in the 13th

    century, an area extending from China to Europe.

    Origins of the Continent

    The division of the landmass of Eurasia into the continents of Asia and Europe.

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    Political geography

    Name ofregion and

    territory, withflag




    (1 July 2008




    (per km)


    Central Asia:

    Kazakhstan 2,724,927 15,666,533 5.7 Astana

    Kyrgyzstan 198,500 5,356,869 24.3 Bishkek

    Tajikistan 143,100 7,211,884 47.0 Dushanbe

    Turkmenistan 488,100 5,179,573 9.6 Ashgabat

    Uzbekistan 447,400 28,268,441 57.1 Tashkent

    Eastern Asia:

    Hong Kong 1,092 7,008,300[19] 6,417.9 -

    Japan 377,835 127,288,628 336.1 Tokyo

    Macau 25 460,823 18,473.3

    Mongolia 1,565,000 2,996,082 1.7 Ulaan Baatar

    North Korea 120,540 23,479,095 184.4 Pyongyang

    People's Republic of

    China9,640,821 1,322,044,605 134.0 Beijing

    Republic of

    China (Taiwan)36,191[20] 23,170,321 626.7 Taipei

    South Korea 98,480 49,232,844 490.7 Seoul

    Northern Asia:

    Russia 17,075,400 142,200,000 26.8 Moscow

    Southeastern Asia:

    Brunei 5,770 381,371 66.1 Bandar Seri Begawan

    Burma (Myanmar) 676,578 47,758,224 70.3 Naypyidaw

    Cambodia 181,035 13,388,910 74 Phnom Penh

    East Timor (Timor-

    Leste)15,007 1,108,777 73.8 Dili

    Indonesia 1,919,440 230,512,000 120.1 Jakarta

    Laos 236,800 6,677,534 28.2 Vientiane

    Malaysia 329,847 27,780,000 84.2 Kuala Lumpur

    Philippines 300,000 92,681,453 308.9 Manila

    Singapore 704 4,608,167 6,545.7 Singapore

    Thailand 514,000 65,493,298 127.4 Bangkok
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    Vietnam 331,690 86,116,559 259.6 Hanoi

    Southern Asia:

    Afghanistan 647,500 32,738,775 42.9 Kabul

    Bangladesh 147,570 153,546,901 1040.5 Dhaka

    Bhutan 38,394 682,321 17.8 Thimphu

    India 3,287,263 1,147,995,226 349.2 New Delhi

    Maldives 300 379,174 1,263.3 Mal

    Nepal 147,181 29,519,114 200.5 Kathmandu

    Pakistan 803,940 167,762,049 208.7 Islamabad

    Sri Lanka 65,610 21,128,773 322.0Sri Jayawardenapura-


    Western Asia:

    Armenia 29,800 3,299,000 280.7 Yerevan

    Azerbaijan 86,660 8,845,127 102.736 Baku

    Bahrain 665 718,306 987.1 Manama

    Cyprus 9,250 792,604 83.9 Nicosia

    Georgia 69,700 4,636,400 65.1 Tbilisi

    Iraq 437,072 28,221,181 54.9 Baghdad

    Iran 1,648,195 70,472,846 42.8 Tehran

    Israel 20,770 7,112,359 290.3 Jerusalemh[]

    Jordan 92,300 6,198,677 57.5 Amman

    Kuwait 17,820 2,596,561 118.5 Kuwait City

    Lebanon 10,452 3,971,941 353.6 Beirut

    Oman 212,460 3,311,640 12.8 Muscat

    Palestinian territories 6,257 4,277,000 683.5 Ramallah

    Qatar 11,437 928,635 69.4 Doha

    Saudi Arabia 1,960,582 23,513,330 12.0 Riyadh

    Syria 185,180 19,747,586 92.6 Damascus

    Turkey Ankara

    United Arab Emirates 82,880 4,621,399 29.5 Abu Dhabi

    Yemen 527,970 23,013,376 35.4 Sana

    Total 43,810,582 4,162,966,086 89.07,_Oman,_Oman,_Oman
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    In the Asian continent they emphasize the following formation:

    In the north the Asian plain. In the central zone a series of high plateaus like those of Iran, Pamir, Tibet and


    Those of Pamir and Tibet they are located to 3,600 ms and 5,000 ms respectively,reason why they are known like the ceiling of the world. Also there is a series of

    young mountain ranges: montes Zagros, the Karakrum and the Himalayas, where

    is the highest Earth point: the Everest (8,848 ms).

    In the east the China Plain. In the south the Plateau of the Deccn and the Plain ofIndochina.

    The relief with a series of alluvial plains is completed, by where great rivers pass.Languages

    Asia is home to several language families and many language isolates. Most Asian

    countries have more than one language that is natively spoken. For instance, according

    toEthnologue, more than 600 languages are spoken in Indonesia, more than 800 languages

    spoken in India, and more than 100 are spoken in the Philippines. China has many

    languages and dialects in different provinces


    Is the largest continent which is well illustrated from its geographical limits. It stretches

    over 5,000 miles from the north of Arctic Circle to the South of equator. Due to its large

    size, Asia is characterized by diverse weather conditions prevailing over different parts of

    the continent. Different countries situated within Asia experiences different weather

    conditions based on their geographical locations. Asia has countries experiencing extremes.

    Some places are the hottest while the others are coldest. Again some of the places are driest

    compared to other places which happen to be the wettest.

    -Central Asia

    Places located in the interior of the continent are subjected to severe weather conditions.

    This is due to the fact that Central Asia is far from the water bodies and is surrounded by

    huge mountain peaks. This prevents the rain borne winds from reaching the centre of the

    continent. Hence, places in the Central Asia suffer from lengthy and chilled winters and

    extremely hot and short summers. Rainfall is minimal, except for the hilly areas.

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    -Southern Asia

    Places in the south of Asia are subjected to very peculiar weather conditions. Places here

    experience extremely hot weather all round the year. There are two distinct seasons of

    Weather Asia in this part of the continent-rainy season and dry season. The south western

    regions are very dry.

    -Northern Asia

    Weather Asia in the northern part of the continent is characterized by severe winter

    conditions when the temperature tends to fall much below the freezing point. This part of

    Asia receives considerable amount of rainfall.


    These can be:


    Almost all Asian religions have philosophical character and Asian philosophical traditions

    cover a large spectrum of philosophical thoughts and writings.Indian

    philosophy includes Hindu philosophy and Buddhist philosophy. They include elements of

    nonmaterial pursuits, whereas another school of thought from India, Crvka, preached the

    enjoyment of material world. Christianity is also present in most Asian countries.
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    Buddhism:While there are as asmany religions in Asia as there are anywhereelse, Buddhismis one of the predominant ones. Buddhism was established in

    northernIndia about 2500 years ago in response to the life and teachings of

    Gautama Siddhartha who was given the title "Buddha" or "awakened-one."

    Dim Sum:A traditional Chinese meal that consists of lots of small dishes of abunch of different kinds offoods,including steamed or fried dumplings.

    Tea:Teaplays a major rolein Asian culture - whether it's in China, India orMalaysia - tea ceremonies, in their various forms, are a major part of most Asian


    Origami:Origami is the art of folding paper. While it is quite popular inJapan,itis believed to have originated in China in the first century AD. One of the most

    popular origami shapes isthe crane.The crane is thought to be a sacred animalin

    Japan and legend has it that if you fold 1,000 paper cranes, yourwish will come



    East Asia had by far the strongest overallHDIperformance of any region in theworld,

    nearly doubling averageHDI attainment over the past 40 years, according to the Reports

    analysis ofhealth,education and income data.PR China,the second highest achiever in the

    world in terms of HDI improvement since 1970, is the only country on the Top 10

    Movers list due to income rather than health or education achievements. Its per capita

    income increased a stunning 21-fold over the last four decades, also lifting hundreds of

    millions out of income poverty. Yet it was not among the regions top performers in

    improving school enrolment and life expectancy.

    Nepal, aSouth Asian country, emerges as one of the worlds fastest movers since 1970

    mainly due to health and education achievements. Its presentlife expectancy is 25 years

    longer than 1970's.; more than four of every five children of school age in Nepal now

    attend primary school, compared to just one in five 40 years ago.

    Japan andSouth Korea ranked highest among the countries grouped on the HDI (number

    11 and 12 in the world, which are in the very high human development category),

    followed byHong Kong, China (SAR)(21) andSingapore (27).Afghanistan (155) ranked

    lowest amongst Asian countries out of the 169 countries assessed.
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    Tipycal Food

    1. Satay

    Satay is the undisputed King or Queen of Asian Foods. Of course the spelling is different

    from country to county, be it sate, satay, satey, sati or whateverits basically meat on astick roasted over charcoal or open fire.


    2. Sushi

    Sushi doesnt need any introduction. Its popular world-wide and there is no exception to

    that in Asia. Here its considered a higher-class delicacy and mainly eaten in posh

    restaurants, although you can buy ready-made Sushi in regional supermarkets like

    Carrefour in Singapore, Indonesia or Tesco in Thailand.

    3. Chicken Curry

    Chicken Curry is an universal dish you can find on almost every menu in Asia. After all the

    original spice islands some Portuguese sailor named Magellan was looking for in the name

    of the Spanish crown, are located strategically between the Philippines, Indonesia andBorneo Malaysia.

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    4. Tom Yum

    Originated in Thailand, this watery something in a bowl, is now very popular all over Asia,

    but especially in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. It can come as an appetizer,

    thin soup or main dish, eaten with or without rice, but has almost always a more spicy-sour

    taste with heavy use of smashed lemon grass, tamarind and lime.

    5. Fried Rice (nasi goreng)

    Rice is the staple diet in every Asian country. Mainly its cooked plain white, with coconut

    sauce or saffron added and eaten fresh or right away with whatever meat or veggies come

    along. So what do you do with the rice leftovers a few days later? You guessed it right!

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    Shape of the continent

    This is: