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  • 8/9/2019 ASCE WIND LOAD EXAMPLES.pdf


  • 8/9/2019 ASCE WIND LOAD EXAMPLES.pdf


    Wind Loads for Solid Signs,

    Other Structures, Roof-TopStructures & Equipment, and

    Other Special ConditionsBo !aullus, !"E", S"E"

    !aullus Structural Consultants

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    #" #" Chapter $% Other Structures '(W)RS

    *irectional (ethod+a" Conditions

    " Limitationsc" Solid )reestanding Walls or Signs

    d" Solid ttached Signs

    e" *esign Wind Loads on Other Structures

    f" *esign Wind Loads on Rooftop Structures

    and Equipment on Buildings

    g" !arapets

    h" Roof Oerhangs

    i" (inimum *esign Wind Loadings


    Wind Webinar #3

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    #" $" Chapter ./ !art 0 - Components &

    Cladding for Building ppurtenances

    and Rooftop Structures and Equipment

    '*irectional !rocedure+a" !arapets

    " Roof Oerhangs

    c" Rooftop Structures and Equipment for

    Buildings 1ith h 2 0/ ft '#3". m+$" ." E4amples


    Wind Webinar #3

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    5 #" The structure is a regular-shaped

    structure as defined in Section $0"$"$"

    Section 26.2.2 - BUILDING OR OTHER


    uilding or other structure haing no

    unusual geometrical irregularit6 in spatialform"

    Section $%"#"$ - Conditions

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    5 $" The structure does not hae response

    characteristics ma7ing it su8ect to across-

    1ind loading, orte4 shedding, or instailit6

    due to galloping or flutter9 or it does not

    hae a site location for 1hich channeling

    effects or uffeting in the 1a7e of up1ind

    ostructions 1arrant special consideration"

    Section $%"#"$ - Conditions

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    5 #" This chapter *OES consider: load

    magnification effect caused 6 gusts in

    resonance 1ith along-1ind irations of

    fle4ile structures"

    5 $" This chapter *OES ;OT consider:

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    5 ." =f 6our structure does not fall 1ithin the

    listed limitations, it should proal6 e the

    su8ect of Wind Tunnel Stud6"

    Section $%"#". Limitations

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    5 #" ;o reductions allo1ed for apparent

    shielding 6 uildings, other structures, or

    terrain features"

    a" =ndiidual hills

    " =ndiidual trees or small groes of


    c" =ndiidual leees and similar


    5 $" Reductions are afforded for Terrain

    )eatures in determining E4posure

    Categories in Chapter $0"

    Section $%"#"> Shielding

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    5 #" Steps #-> are the same as in Chapters

    $0-./"a" Chapter $%, li7e Chapters $0-./, has its

    o1n tale, Tale $%".-#, for ?h and ?@" Step A: Eq" $%".-#

    q@ /"//$A0?@?@t?d$ 'lDft$+

    5 $" Be careful to use q@ or qh, as directedunder each section"

    Steps to *etermine Wind Loads

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    5 #" ollo1 Signs and Walls are not coered"

    a" Signs 1hich hae openings that can epressuri@ed

    #+ Bo4ed signs

    $+ Signs made from sea containers

    .+ Signs 1ith large internal areas for lights

    1ith translucent panels

    $" Research is eing conducted at Te4asTech

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    5 ." Solid Signs can hae openings up to

    ./F of the Gross rea"

    a" Reduction factor can e applied to solidsigns 1ith openings"

    " Reduction factor '# - '# - H+#"A+

    c" H ratio of solid area to gross area

    >" =f the area of openings e4ceeds ./F of

    the gross area, it is an open sign" !roceed to Section $%"A - *esign Wind

    LoadsIOther Structures

    Section $%">"# Solid )reestanding Walls

    and Solid )reestanding Signs

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    5 A" Basic Equation: 'Eq" $%">-#+

    ) qhGCfs 'l+5 a" qh the elocit6 pressure ealuated at

    height h 'defined in )ig" $%">-#+ as

    determined in accordance 1ith

    Section $%"."$

    h top of the 1all or sign

    ;ote: qh

    is at the top of the sign or 1all

    and ?d in Eq $%".-# is the ?d of Solid

    )reestanding Walls and Solid )ree-

    standing and ttached Signs in Tale


    Section $%">"# Solid )reestanding Walls

    and Solid )reestanding Signs

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    5 " G gust-effect factor from Section $0"%

    c" Cf net force coefficient from )ig" $%">-#

    d" s the gross area of the solid free-

    standing 1all or freestanding solid sign, in

    ft$ 'm$+

    Section $%">"# Solid )reestanding Walls

    and Solid )reestanding Signs

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    )igure $%">-#

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    )igure $%">-#

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    )igure $%">-#

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    5 Load Cases to Consider

    Case Load applied to the centroid of

    the area Case B Load applied 1ith an

    eccentricit6 of /"$JB '1idth of the 1all or


    Case C Stepped application of reduced1ind pressures as the distance decreases

    from the 1ind1ard edge"

    Section $%">"# Solid )reestanding Walls

    and Solid )reestanding Signs

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    Case C

    Reduction in loads for 1alls or signs 1ith

    returns at the ends

    / F reduction

    )or Eleated Signs or 1alls: 1here sDh K /"3,

    force coefficients shall e multiplied 6 the

    reduction factor '#"3 - sDh+

    ccounts for reduced 1ind pressures1hen free air flo1 under the 1all or sign

    is reduced"

    Section $%">"# Solid )reestanding Walls

    and Solid )reestanding Signs

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    Section $%">"# Solid )reestanding Walls

    and Solid )reestanding Signs

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    a"#" Requirements to use method in Section


    a" The plane of the sign is parallel to and incontact 1ith the supporting 1all

    " Edges of the sign do not e4tend past the

    supporting 1all

    c" "# $ - Solid ttached Signs

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    a" $" !rocedure can also e used for

    signs attached to ut not in contact

    1ith the supporting 1all"

    a" Sign must e parallel to the supporting 1all"" Sign must not e more than three '.+ feet

    from the 1all"

    c" Edges of the sign must e at least '.+ feet in

    from the free edges of the supporting 1all:a" Top of the supporting 1all"

    " Bottom of the supporting 1all

    c" Side Edges of the supporting 1all

    Section $%">"# $ - Solid ttached Signs

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    Section $%"A: *esign Wind LoadsIOther


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    Basic Equation: 'Eq" $%"A-#+

    ) q@GCff'l+ ';+

    a" q@ elocit6 pressure ealuated at height @ as

    defined in Section $%"., of the centroid of area f

    ;ote q@ is at the centroid of the area and ?d in

    Eq $%".-# is the ?d of the structure t6pe in

    Tale $0"0-#

    " G gust-effect factor from Section $0"% 'these

    structures ma6 often e fle4ile+

    c" Cf force coefficients from )igs" $%"A-#

    Section $%"A: *esign Wind LoadsIOther


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    d" f pro8ected area normal to the 1ind e4cept

    1here Cfis specified for the actual surface area,

    in ft$ 'm$+

    Section $%"A: *esign Wind LoadsIOther


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    )igure $%"A-#

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    )igure $%"A-#

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    )igure $%"A-$

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    )igure $%"A-$

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    )igure $%"A-.

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    )igure $%"A-.

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    #" ;o guidance is gien for rooftop

    structures on uildings K 0/ feet"

    $" Research in the SCE committee

    suggests that it is proal6 acceptale to

    use loads from this section for rooftop

    structures on uildings K 0/ feet, ut this

    has not een confirmed 6et"." Equation $%"A-$ gies lateral pressure

    on the rooftop structure"

    Section $%"A-# Rooftop Structures and

    Equipment )or Buildings 1ith h 0/ feet

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    Lateral Wind force on Rooftop Structures

    Basic Equation: 'Eq $%"A-$+

    )h qh'GCr+f'l+ ';+

    'GCr+ #"% for rooftop structures and

    equipment 1ith fless than '/"#Bh+" 'GCr+

    shall e permitted to e reduced linearl6

    from #"% to #"/ as the alue of fis

    increased from '/"#Bh+ to 'Bh+"

    qh elocit6 pressure ealuated at mean

    roof height of the uilding

    Section $%"A-# Rooftop Structures and

    Equipment )or Buildings 1ith h 2 0/ feet

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    Lateral Wind force on Rooftop Structures

    ;ote, qh is at the mean roof height and ?d

    in Eq $%".-# is the ?d of the uilding, in

    Tale $0"0-#, on 1hich the rooftop

    structure sits"

    f ertical pro8ected area of the rooftop

    structure or equipment on a plane normal

    to the direction of 1ind, in ft$ 'm$+

    Section $%"A-# Rooftop Structures and

    Equipment )or Buildings 1ith h 2 0/ feet

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    ertical Wind force on Rooftop Structures

    Basic Equation: 'Eq $%"A-.+

    ) qh'GCr+r 'l+ ';+

    'GCr+ #"A for rooftop structures and

    equipment 1ith r less than '/"#BL+" 'GCr+

    shall e permitted to e reduced linearl6

    from #"A to #"/ as the alue of r is

    increased from '/"#BL+ to 'BL+" qh elocit6 pressure ealuated at mean

    roof height of the uilding

    Section $%"A-# Rooftop Structures and

    Equipment )or Buildings 1ith h 2 0/ feet

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    ertical Wind force on Rooftop Structures

    ;ote qh is at the mean roof height and ?d in

    Eq $%".-# is the ?d of the uilding, in Tale

    $0"0-#, on 1hich the rooftop structure sits"

    r hori@ontal pro8ected area of rooftop

    structure or equipment, in ft$ 'm$+

    Section $%"A-# Rooftop Structures and

    Equipment )or Buildings 1ith h 2 0/ feet

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    Lateral C & C pressure 'psf+ shall e equal

    to the lateral force 'Ls+ calculated 1ith

    equation '$%"A-$+ *==*E* BM the

    RES!ECT=E WLL Surface area of the

    Rooftop Structure considered"

    )orces 'psf+ shall e considered to act in1ard

    and out1ard

    Section ./"## Component & Cladding

    Loads for Rooftop Structures and

    Equipment for Buildings 1ith h 2 0/ feet

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    ertical C & C pressure 'Ls+ shall e

    equal to the ertical force 'Ls+ calculated

    1ith equation '$%"A-.+ *==*E* BM the

    ori@ontal pro8ected area of the roof of

    the Rooftop Structure considered"

    The pressures are O;LM required to econsidered to act in the

    Loads for Rooftop Structures and

    Equipment for Buildings 1ith h 2 0/ feet

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    Comment: =f the Rooftop Structure is

    large '#/N4$/N or larger+, consider loo7ing

    at the do1n1ard pressures from the

    uilding C&C loading figures and ma7e

    some 8udgment aout do1n1ard 1ind

    loading rooftop structures that resemle

    small uildings 'penthouses for instance+" ertical Wind Load 1ould act in addition to

    *ead and Roof Lie Loads or Sno1 Loads"

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    Other Resources

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    Other Resources5 !repared 6: Tas7

    Committee on Wind-

    =nduced )orces of the

    !etrochemical Committee

    of the Enginer6 *iision ofSCE

    5 Seeral of those on the

    Tas7 Committee are on

    the SCE Wind


    5 Based on SCE -/A

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    Wind loads on parapets are specified in

    Section $">"A for uildings of all heights

    designed using the *irectional !rocedure

    and in Section $3">"$ for lo1-rise

    uildings designed using the Enelope


    (ethod presented is the *irectional!rocedure

    Section $%"0 !arapets '(W)RS+

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    Chapter $3 The Enelope (ethod, is

    e4actl6 the same"

    Chapter $3 uses the elocit6 pressure

    determined 1ith the Enelope (ethod,

    rather than the elocit6 pressure in Chapter

    $ using the *irectional (ethod"

    Section $%"0 !arapets '(W)RS+

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    (W)RS pressures due to parapets

    Rigid or )le4ile Buildings

    pplies to )lat, Gale, or ip Roofs

    Section $">"A - !arapets

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    Basic Equation: 'Eq $">->+

    pp qp'GCpn+ 'lDft$+

    pp comined net pressure on the parapet

    due to the comination of the net pressures

    from the front and ac7 parapet surfaces"

    !lus 'and minus+ signs signif6 net pressure

    acting to1ard 'and a1a6 from+ the front

    'e4terior+ side of the parapet

    Section $">"A !arapets '(W)RS+

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    qp elocit6 pressure ealuated at the top of

    the parapet

    'GCpn+ comined net pressure

    coefficient Q#"A for 1ind1ard parapet

    #"/ for lee1ard parapet

    Section $">"A !arapets '(W)RS+

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    Section $">"A !arapets '(W)RS+ )=G

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    pplicale to ll Building T6pes

    pplicale to ll Building eights

    E4cept Where the !roisions of !art >

    are used 'Simplified (ethod for

    Buildings 1ith h 2 #0/ feet+

    Section ./"% C & C Loading on !arapets

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    Basic Equation: 'Eq" ./"%-#+

    p qp''GCp+ 'GCpi++

    qp elocit6 pressure ealuated at the top of

    the parapet

    'GCp+ e4ternal pressure coefficient gien in

    )ig" ./">-# for 1alls 1ith h 2 0/ ft '>3"3 m+

    )igs" ./">-$ to ./">-$C for flat roofs,

    gale roofs, and hip roofs

    )ig" ./">-. for stepped roofs

    Section ./"% C & C Loading on !arapets

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    'GCp+ e4ternal pressure coefficient gien in

    )ig" ./">-> for multispan gale roofs

    )igs" ./">-A and ./-AB for monoslope

    roofs )ig" ./">-0 for sa1tooth roofs

    )ig" ./">- for domed roofs of all heights

    )ig" ./"0-# for 1alls and flat roofs 1ith h K

    0/ ft '#3". m+ )ig" $">-. footnote > for arched roofs

    Section ./"% C & C Loading on !arapets

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    'GCpi+ internal pressure coefficient from

    Tale $0"##-#, ased on the porosit6 of the

    parapet enelope"

    Consider T1o '$+ Load Cases 1hen

    ealuating C & C pressures on parapets

    Case !ressures on the surfaces of the

    Wind1ard parapet

    Case B !ressures on the surfaces of the

    Lee1ard parapet

    Section ./"% C & C Loading on !arapets

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    Specifics of Case :

    Wind1ard !arapet shall consist of appl6ing the

    applicale positie 1all pressure from )ig" ./">-#

    'h 2 0/ ft '#3". m++ or )ig" ./"0-# 'h K 0/ ft '#3".m++ to the 1ind1ard surface of the parapet 1hile

    appl6ing the applicale negatie edge or corner

    @one roof pressure from )igs" ./">-$ ', B or C+,

    ./">-., ./">->, ./">-A ' or B+, ./">-0, ./">-, )ig"

    $">-. footnote >, or )ig" ./"0-# 'h K 0/ ft '#3".

    m++ as applicale to the lee1ard surface of the


    Section ./"% C & C Loading on !arapets

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    Specifics of Case B:

    Lee1ard !arapet shall consist of appl6ing the

    applicale positie 1all pressure from )ig" ./">-#

    'h 2 0/ ft '#3". m++ or )ig" ./"0-# 'h K 0/ ft '#3".m++ to the 1ind1ard surface of the parapet, and

    appl6ing the applicale negatie 1all pressure

    from )ig" ./">-# 'h 2 0/ ft '#3". m++ or )ig" ./"0-#

    'h K 0/ ft '#3". m++ as applicale to the lee1ard

    surface" Edge and corner @ones shall e arranged

    as sho1n in the applicale figures" 'GCp+

    Section ./"% C & C Loading on !arapets

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    Section ./"% C & C Loading on !arapets )=G

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    Step #: *etermine ris7 categor6 of uilding,

    see Tale #"A-#

    Step $: *etermine the asic 1ind speed, ,

    for applicale ris7 categor6, see )igure $0"A-

    #, B or C

    Tale ./"%-# Steps to *etermine C&C

    Wind Loads on !arapets

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    Step .: *etermine 1ind load parameters:

    Wind directionalit6 factor, ?d , see Section $0"0

    and Tale $0"0-#

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    Step >: *etermine elocit6 pressure

    e4posure coefficient, ?h, at top of the

    parapet see Tale ./".-#

    Step A: *etermine elocit6 pressure, qp, at

    the top of the parapet using Eq" ./".-#

    Tale ./"%-# Steps to *etermine C&C

    Wind Loads on !arapets

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    Step 0: *etermine e4ternal pressure

    coefficient for 1all and roof surfaces

    ad8acent to parapet, 'GCp+

    Walls 1ith h 2 0/ ft", see )ig" ./">-#

    )lat, gale and hip roofs, see )igs" ./">-$ to


    Stepped roofs, see )ig" ./">-.

    (ultispan gale roofs, see )ig" ./">->

    (onoslope roofs, see )igs" ./">-A and ./">-AB

    Sa1tooth roofs, see )ig" ./">-0

    Tale ./"%-# Steps to *etermine C&C

    Wind Loads on !arapets

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    Step 0: 'Continued+

    *omed roofs of all heights, see )ig" ./">-

    Walls and flat roofs 1ith h K 0/ ft", see )ig" ./"0-#

    rched roofs, see footnote > of )ig" $">-.

    Step : Calculate 1ind pressure, p, using Eq"

    ./"%-# on 1ind1ard and lee1ard face of

    parapet, considering t1o load cases 'Case

    and Case B+ as sho1n in )ig" ./"%-#"

    Tale ./"%-# Steps to *etermine C&C

    Wind Loads on !arapets

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    Section ./"% C & C Loading on !arapets

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    )igure ./"0-#

    5 ;ote defines parapets K . feet as tall

    parapets Reduced corner pressures on parapet

    Similar note on other figures

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    Wind loads on roof oerhangs are

    specified in Section $">"> for uildings of

    all heights designed using the *irectional

    !rocedure and in Section $3">". for lo1-

    rise uildings designed using the Enelope


    !resent *irection (ethod in Section $">"# Enelope (ethod in Section $3"."# is similar

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    The positie e4ternal pressure on the

    ottom surface of 1ind1ard roof

    oerhangs shall e determined using Cp

    /"3 and comined 1ith the top surface

    pressures determined using )ig" $">-#"

    Section $"> Roof Oerhangs '(W)RS+

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    Section $"> Roof Oerhangs '(W)RS+

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    Section $"> Roof Oerhangs '(W)RS+

    (ust consider cases 1ith positie internal

    pressure and negatie internal pressure

    )rom )igure $"0-.

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    Section ./"#/ C & C Loading on Roof

    Oerhangs pplicale to ll Building T6pes

    pplicale to ll Building eights

    E4cept Where the !roisions of !art >

    are used 'Simplified (ethod for

    Buildings 1ith h 2 #0/ feet+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    Section ./"#/ C & C Loading on Roof

    Oerhangs Basic Equation: 'Eq" ./"#/-#+

    p qh''GCp+ 'GCpi++

    qh elocit6 pressure from Section ./"."$

    ealuated at mean roof height h using

    e4posure defined in Section $0"".

    'GCp+ e4ternal pressure coefficients for

    oerhangs gien in )igs" ./">-$ to ./">-$C

    'flat roofs, gale roofs, and hip roofs+,

    including contriutions from top and ottom

    surfaces of oerhang"

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    Section ./"#/ C & C Loading on Roof

    Oerhangs The e4ternal pressure coefficient for the

    coering on the underside of the roof

    oerhang is the same as the e4ternal

    pressure coefficient on the ad8acent 1allsurface, ad8usted for effectie 1ind area,

    determined from )igure ./">-# or )igure

    ./"0-# as applicale

    'GCpi+ internal pressure coefficientgien in Tale $0"##-#

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    )igure ./">-$

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    )igure ./">-#

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    Step #: *etermine ris7 categor6 of uilding,

    see Tale #"A-#

    Step $: *etermine the asic 1ind speed, ,

    for applicale ris7 categor6, see )igure $0"A-

    #, B or C

    Tale ./"#/-# Steps to *etermine C&C

    Wind Loads on Roof Oerhangs

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    Step .: *etermine 1ind load parameters:

    Wind directionalit6 factor, ?d , see Section $0"0

    and Tale $0"0-#

  • 8/9/2019 ASCE WIND LOAD EXAMPLES.pdf


    Step >: *etermine elocit6 pressure

    e4posure coefficient, ?h, see Tale ./".-#

    Step A: *etermine elocit6 pressure, qh, at

    mean roof height h using Eq" ./".-#

    Tale ./"#/-# Steps to *etermine C&C

    Wind Loads on Roof Oerhangs

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    Step 0: *etermine e4ternal pressure

    coefficient, 'GCp+, using )igs" ./">-$

    through C for flat, galed and hip roofs"

    Step : Calculate 1ind pressure, p, using Eq"

    ./"#/-#" Refer to )igure ./"#/-#

    Tale ./"#/-# Steps to *etermine C&C

    Wind Loads on Roof Oerhangs

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    )igure ./"#/-#

    Wind Webinar #3

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    The design 1ind force for other structures

    shall e not less than #0 lDft$ '/" 7;Dm$+

    multiplied 6 the area f"

    #0 psf is #/ psf from SCE -/A times #"0 to ring

    the load to a strength leel load"

    ppl6 to the full pro8ected area in each

    orthogonal direction"

    Section $%"3 (inimum *esign Wind

    Loading '(W)RS+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    Loads on man6 shapes in industrial plants

    Tan7s, Silos, !ipe rac7s, !artiall6 Clad

    )rames, etc"

    See SCE report: Wind Loads for

    !etrochemical and Other =ndustrial


    Wind Loads on roof mounted Solar!hotooltaic rra6s

    See ne1 SEOC Guide

    (aterial in Chapters $% ;ot Coered

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    Other Ressources

    Wind Webinar #3

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    5 Office Com!e"

    Loc#tion: $ic%it#, &S

    '(ee)t#n*in+ Si+n

    -Sto( Office

    -foot t#!! #(#et

    Roof To Unit

    $e!! P/m 0 1#inten#nce B/i!*in+Roof Oe(%#n+

    C%emic#! Sto(#+e Si!o


    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    5 Site P#(#mete() Common to A!! E"#m!e)

    E"o)/(e 3Te((#in Ro/+%ne))4: C Loc#tion: N 5.5, $ 75.869

    Section 26.5. 3Oen '#(m!#n*4

    Ri) C#te+o( II St(/ct/(e) T#;!e 8.-8


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    5 So!i* Bi!!;o#(* Si+n #t G(o/n* Lee! Dimen)ion): @ $i*e " 8@ Hi+%

    Refe(ence 'i+/(e 27.-8 31$'RS4




    &% .9 3T#;!e 27.-84

    &* .9 3So!i* '(ee)t#n*in+ $#!!) 0 Si+n)43T#;!e 26.6-84

    % .26 &?&?t&*%e(e )=% F .9, Cf m# ;e m/!ti!ie* ; t%e

    (e*/ction f#cto( 38.9 )=%4

    )=% 8. F .9

    38.9 )=%4 38.9 8.4 .9

    ' %GCfA) 3L;4 3E 27.-84 '8 32.6)f43.9432.643.9438@"8@4 2 L;)

    '2 32.6)f43.9438.543.9438@"8@4 2929 L;)

    ' 32.6)f43.9438.843.9438@"8@4 878 L;)

    A! '8, '2, #n* ' #t !#n C.L. of e#c% !#n !en+t%, ),

    f(om e#c% en* of )i+n. See 'i+/(e. A! '8, '2 #n* ' #t .@ #;oe ;#)e of e#c% !#n

    !en+t%, )

    E4ample-)reestanding Sign

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    E4ample-)reestanding Sign

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    5 P#(#et 31$'RS4 3Section 27.64

    Office B/i!*in+ L 2 ft., B 8 ft.

    Roof Hei+%t: % ft. P#(#et Hei+%t: % ft.

    Roof S!oe, '!#t: .2:82

    Ri*+e #(#!!e! to 2@ )i*e

    E"o)/(e C#te+o(: C

    Section 27.6 (efe(ence) Section 25.. fo(*i(ection#! (oce*/(e fo( 1$'RS P#(#et !o#*


    E4ample-!arapet '(W)RS+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    3GCn4 3)f4

    .26&%&?t&*in*>#(* #(#et 3Section 25..4

    GCn -8. fo( !ee>#(* #(#et 3Section 25..4

    $in*>#(* P#(#et

    3.6 )f438.4 .79 )f #ctin+ to>#(* ;/i!*in+

    Lee>#(* P#(#et

    3.6 )f43-8.4 -.6 )f #ctin+ #># f(om


    E4ample-!arapet '(W)RS+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    5 P#(#et 3C 0 C Lo#*)4 3Section .74

    Office B/i!*in+ )#me #) (eio/)

    .2638.6438.43.9438842 .6 )f

    f(om #(#et 1$'RS, #;oe 33GC4 3GCi44 3E .7-84

    P#(#et c#n ;e (e))/(i?e* #!on+ >it% ;/i!*in+

    See 'i+/(e

    GCi .89 3Enc!o)e* B/i!*in+ T#;!e 26.88-84

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    St/*) 86J o.c. 3;ot% f#ce)4

    Dete(mine Effectie $in* A(e# of St/*)

    G(e#te( of T(i;/t#( A(e# o( Effectie $i*t%

    Effectie $in* A(e# Definition 3Section 26.24

    G(e#te( of 86J=82J 8.@ o( Len+t%= @= 8.65@ 3+oe(n)4

    Effectie $in* A(e#: l2= 2= 9. ft2

    If Effectie $in* A(e# F 5 ft2, /)e 1'$RS !o#*)

    Dete(mine >%ic% fi+/(e to (efe(ence f(om T#;!e .7-8,

    Ste 6 'i+/(e .-8 fo( >#!! (e))/(e), % K 6 ft.

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    'i+/(e .-2A fo( (oof !o#*), % K 6 ft. #n* +#;!e (oof)

    K 5

    Dete(mine M#J *i)t#nce 3'i+/(e .-8 #n* .-2A4

    Le))e( of 8 of B .838@4 8@ #n* .%

    .3@4 86@

    8@ +oe(n)

    Not !e)) t%#n t%e +(e#te( of of B .38@4 @

    o( @

    # 8@

    Ente(in+ 'i+/(e .-8 fo( (e))/(e coefficient) on

    e"te(io( )/(f#ce) of t%e #(#et):

    one Po)itie P(e))/(e: GC 8.

    one Po)itie P(e))/(e: GC 8.

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    one Ne+#tie P(e))/(e: GC -8.8

    one Ne+#tie P(e))/(e: GC -8.

    Note )#) t%#t #!/e) of GC m# ;e (e*/ce*

    ; 8 >%en K 8

    one Po)itie P(e))/(e: GC 3.748. .7 one Po)itie P(e))/(e: GC 3.748. .7 one

    Ne+#tie P(e))/(e: GC 3.74-8.8 -8.

    one Ne+#tie P(e))/(e: GC 3.74-8. -8.26

    Ente(in+ 'i+/(e .-2A fo( (e))/(e coefficient) on

    inte(io( 3(oof )i*e4 )/(f#ce) of #(#et:

    Effectie $in* A(e#: A 2= 9. ft2

    # 8 ft. #) in 'i+/(e .-8

    one 8, 2, #n* Po)itie P(e))/(e: GC .

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    one 8 Ne+#tie P(e))/(e: GC -8.

    one 2 Ne+#tie P(e))/(e: GC -8.9

    one Ne+#tie P(e))/(e: GC -2.9

    Note : MIf # #(#et e/#! to o( %i+%e( t%#n ft

    3.7m4 i) (oi*e* #(o/n* t%e e(imete( of t%e

    (oof >it% K 5, t%e ne+#tie #!/e) of GC in

    one )%#!! ;e e/#! to t%o)e fo( one 2 #n*

    o)itie #!/e) of GC in one) 2 #n* )%#!! ;e

    )et e/#! to t%o)e fo( >#!! one) #n*

    (e)ectie! in 'i+/(e .-8.J

    P#(#et %ei+%t % @ F @ one Ne+#tie GC i) Not A!ic#;!e

    one 2 #n* one Po)itie P(e))/(e GC #(e

    t%o)e of $#!! one #n* one , (e)ectie!.

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

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    Ste 5: C#!c/!#te >in* (e))/(e, /)in+ E .7-8 on

    >in*>#(* #n* !ee>#(* f#ce) of #(#et, con)i*e(in+ t>o

    !o#* c#)e) 3CASE A #n* CASE B4 #) )%o>n in 'i+/(e .7-8

    Note: A) >in* *i(ection c%#n+e), e#c% #(#et >it% )%ift

    f(om # >in*>#(* #(#et to # !ee>#(* #(#et.

    CASE A $in*>#(* P#(#et E"te(io( '#ce $#!! St/*)

    33GC4 3GCi44 3E .7-84

    $it% Po)itie Inte(n#! P(e))/(e

    one one

    P 3.6 )f433.74-3.8944 22.6 )f

    $it% Ne+#tie Inte(n#! P(e))/(e

    one one

    3.6 )f433.74-3-.8944 .8 )f

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    A! to T(i;/t#( A(e#, not Effectie $in* A(e#

    .8 )f38.@4 .82 !f

    Inte(io( '#ce 3(oof )i*e4 P#(#et St/*)

    33GC4 3GCi44 3E .7-84

    $it% Po)itie Inte(n#! P(e))/(e one 2 3one #!)o t(e#te* #) one 24

    3.6 )f433-8.94-3.8944 -6.67 )f

    $it% Ne+#tie Inte(n#! P(e))/(e

    one 2 3one #!)o t(e#te* #) one 24

    3.6 )f433-8.94-3-.8944 -.6 )f

    A! to T(i;/t#( A(e#, not Effectie $in* A(e#

    -6.67 )f38.@4 -9.52 !f

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    CASE B Lee>#(* P#(#et

    Inte(io( '#ce P#(#et St/*) 3!o#* to>#(* #(#et4

    33GC4 3GCi44 3E .7-84

    $it% Po)itie Inte(n#! P(e))/(e

    S/;)tit/te one #n* one (e))/(e) fo( (oofone 2 #n* one (e))/(e), (e)ectie!. one


    P 3.6 )f433.74-3.8944 22.6 )f

    $it% Ne+#tie Inte(n#! P(e))/(e

    one one

    3.6 )f433.74-3-.8944 .8 )f

    A! to T(i;/t#( A(e#, not Effectie $in* A(e#

    .8 )f38.@4 .82 !f

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    E"te(io( '#ce $#!! St/*) 3!o#* #># f(om #(#et4

    33GC4 3GCi44 3E .7-84

    $it% Po)itie Inte(n#! P(e))/(e

    one (e))/(e

    3.6 )f433-8.4-3.8944 -6.85 )f one (e))/(e

    3.6 )f433-8.264-3.8944 -.8 )f

    $it% Ne+#tie Inte(n#! P(e))/(e

    one (e))/(e

    3.6 )f433-8.4-3-.8944 -2.8 )f

    one (e))/(e

    3.6 )f433-8.264-3-.8944 -.8 )f

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    A! to T(i;/t#( A(e#, not Effectie $in* A(e#


    -6.85 )f38.@4 -9.88 !f


    -.8 )f38.@4 -9.58 !f S/mm#(

    E"te(io( $#!! St/*) e"ten*e* #)t (oof into #(#et:

    one : .82 !f 3to>#(* ;/i!*in+4

    one : -9.88 !f 3#># f(om ;/i!*in+4

    one i) #nt%in+ >it%in 8ft of t%e co(ne(

    one : .82 !f 3to>#(* ;/i!*in+4

    one : -9.58 !f 3#># f(om ;/i!*in+4

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    Inte(io( 3(oof )i*e4 P#(#et St/*)

    one : .8 !f 3to>#(* #(#et4

    one : -9.52 !f 3#># f(om #(#et4

    one i) #nt%in+ >it%in 8ft of t%e co(ne(

    one : .8 !f 3to>#(* #(#et4 one : -9.72 !f 3#># f(om #(#et4

    E4ample-!arapet 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    5 Roofto E/iment fo( B/i!*in+) 31$'RS4

    3Section 27..84

    Office B/i!*in+ )#me #) (eio/)

    P!#n Dimen)ion): 8@ >i*e " 2@ !on+

    RTU Hei+%t: @ oe( 8@ t#!! c/(;

    P(oecte* Hei+%t: @8@@

    L#te(#! 'o(ce: '% %3GC(4Af3L;4 3E 27.-24

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  • 8/9/2019 ASCE WIND LOAD EXAMPLES.pdf


    Pe(en*ic/!#( to !on+ )i*e

    '% 327.7 )f438.743 ft24 29 L;) 3E 27.-24

    P#(#!!e! to !on+ )i*e

    Ho(i?ont#! >in* fo(ce) #!ie* to +eomet(ic cente( of

    e(tic#! (oecte* !#ne of /nit

  • 8/9/2019 ASCE WIND LOAD EXAMPLES.pdf


  • 8/9/2019 ASCE WIND LOAD EXAMPLES.pdf


    5 Roofto E/iment fo( B/i!*in+) 3C0C4

    3Section .884 Lo#*) fo( De)i+nin+ t%e E/iment c#;inet enc!o)/(e o( t%e

    >#!! comonent) fo( # ent%o/)e

    L#te(#! C 0 C (e))/(e)

    '% 695 L;) 3f(om (eio/)4

    C 0 C L#te(#! Lo#*): '%=Af 695 L;)=8 ft2 6.95 )f

    Lo#* i) #!ie* to>#(* o( #># f(om /nit on #!! )i*e)

    C 0 C

  • 8/9/2019 ASCE WIND LOAD EXAMPLES.pdf


    Pe()on#! Recommen*#tion 3Not in t%e St#n*#(*4

    If t%e /nit i) !#(+e 3oe( 2 ft24, con)i*e( # minim/m

    *o>n>#(* >in* !o#*.

    C 0 C Lo#*in+ f(om 'i+/(e .-2A

    GC .2 3*o>n>#(* comonent4 ' %GC 327.7)f43.24 6 )f

    'o( %i+%e( >in* !o#*) #n* !o> )no> !o#*),

    #(tic/!#(! !e)) t%#n 8 )f, t%i) m# (o*/ce #

    cont(o!!in+ !o#* com;in#tion

    E4ample-Rooftop Equip" 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    5 Roof Oe(%#n+ 31$'RS4 3Section 27.54

    E/iment B/i!*in+ L 6 ft., B ft.

    E#e Hei+%t: 8 ft.

    Oe(%#n+ $i*t%: ft.

    Roof S!oe: .5:82 3 24

    Ri*+e #(#!!e! to 6@ )i*e

    E"o)/(e C#te+o(: C

    Ae(#+e B/i!*in+ Hei+%t: % 8.29@ Q 8@ Section 27.5 (efe(ence) Section 25.. fo(

    *i(ection#! (oce*/(e fo( 1$'RS Roof Oe(%#n+

    !o#* *ete(min#tion.

    E4ample-Roof Oerhang '(W)RS+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    U)e C .9 in E 25.-8 fo( *ete(minin+ (oof #n* >#!!

    !o#*) oe( #n* #*#cent to (oof oe(%#n+

    GC-i3GCi4 3)f4 3E 25.-84

    G .9 3(i+i* )t(/ct/(e4 3Section 26.74

    &?t 8. 3fo( com!e"4 &* .9 3B/i!*in+ 1$'RS43T#;!e 26.6-84

    < 88 m% 3fo( com!e"4

    &? ? 8@ fo( )offit, &? .9 3T#;!e 25.-84

    ? .26&?&?t&*it% S#me Inte(n#!

    P(e))/(e Con*ition)

    Note: )i+n) in*ic#te (e))/(e to>#(* o( #>#

    f(om )/(f#ce

    C%#n+e )i+n) )o 34 i) /, +!o;#!! C%#n+e )i+n) )o 3-4 i) *o>n, +!o;#!!

    E4ample-Roof Oerhang '(W)RS+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    Po)itie Inte(n#! P(e))/(e

    o% 82.2 )f - .2 )f 88.77 )f

    o% 82.2 )f 8.6 )f 22.95 )f

    oe(#!! o% i) />#(*

    Ne+#tie Inte(n#! P(e))/(e o% 28. )f 9.6 )f 82.9 )f

    o% 28. )f 8.9 )f 22.95 )f

    oe(#!! o% i) />#(*

    Note: Net effect of inte(n#! (e))/(e) i) ?e(o )o

    t%#t t%e tot#! /!ift on t%e oe(%#n+ i) t%e )#me.

    E4ample-Roof Oerhang '(W)RS+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    Oe(#!! (e))/(e on t%e Lee>#(* Oe(%#n+ i)

    c#!c/!#te* t%e )#me >#, ;/t /)e) t%e ne+#tie

    (e))/(e on t%e >#!! imme*i#te! #*#cent to

    t%e oe(%#n+ fo( *o>n>#(* (e))/(e) on )offit.

    B in)ection, tot#! fo(ce on >in*>#(*

    oe(%#n+ >i!! cont(o!.

    E4ample-Roof Oerhang '(W)RS+

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    E4ample-Roof Oerhang

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    5 Roof Oe(%#n+ 3C 0 C4 3Section .84

    E/iment B/i!*in+

    Un!e)) ot%e(>i)e !i)te*, #(#mete() #(e

    i*entic#! to t%o)e fo( t%e 1$'RS c#!c/!#tion) Dete(mine C 0 C !o#*) fo( oe(%#n+) of (oof

    t(/))e), )#ce* #t 2@-J o.c.

    %3GC4 3GCi4 )f 3E .8-84


    .9 3B/i!*in+ C0C4 3T#;!e 26.6-84

    A!! ot%e( #(#mete() fo( % #(e )#me #) fo(


    E4ample-Roof Oerhang 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    % .263.9438.43.9438842 2.6 )f

    Ente( 'i+/(e .-2B fo( Roof Oe(%#n+ C 0 C coefficient)

    Dete(mine Effectie $in* A(e# of St/*)

    G(e#te( of T(i;/t#( A(e# o( Effectie $i*t%

    Effectie $in* A(e# Definition 3Section 26.24 G(e#te( of 2.@ o( 3+oe(n)4

    Len+t%= @= 8.@

    Effectie $in* A(e#: @"2@ 6. ft2

    If Effectie $in* A(e# F 5 ft2, /)e 1'$RS !o#*)

    Dete(mine M#J *i)t#nce 3'i+/(e .-8 #n* .-2A4

    Le))e( of 8 of B .83@4 @ #n* .%

    .38.29@4 .8@

    @ +oe(n)

    E4ample-Roof Oerhang 'C & C+

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    Not !e)) t%#n t%e +(e#te( of of B .3@4 8.2@

    o( @ 3@ cont(o!)4

    # @ 3e/#! to >i*t% of oe(%#n+ t%e(efo(e, one 8

    (e))/(e) #(e not #!ic#;!e to #n #(t of t%e


    one 2: GC -2.2

    32.6 )f43-2.24 3.894 -9.28 )f

    >it% o)itie inte(n#! ;/i!*in+ (e))/(e

    32.6 )f43-2.24 3-.894 -7.8 )f

    >it% ne+#tie inte(n#! ;/i!*in+ (e))/(e

    one : GC -.5

    32.6 )f43-.54 3.894 -7.7 )f

    >it% o)itie inte(n#! ;/i!*in+ (e))/(e

    E4ample-Roof Oerhang 'C & C+

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    32.6 )f43-.54 3-.894 -96.8 )f

    >it% ne+#tie inte(n#! ;/i!*in+ (e))/(e

    'o( t%e oe(%#n+ o(tion of t%e t(/)):

    T(i;/t#( $i*t% 2@

    U>#(* fo(ce on t%e enti(e t(/)) en* i): one 2: 3-9.28 )f432@4 -886.2 !f


    one : 3-7.7 )f432@4 -897.7 !f


    T%e)e #(e NOT t%e !o#*) on t%e )offit m#te(i#! .

    E4ample-Roof Oerhang 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    Section .8 )t#te) t%#t t%e e"te(n#! coefficient fo( t%e

    coe(in+ on t%e /n*e()i*e of t%e (oof oe(%#n+ 3)offit4 i) t%e

    )#me #) t%e e"te(n#! (e))/(e coefficient on t%e #*#cent

    >#!! )/(f#ce, *ete(mine* f(om 'i+/(e .-8 o( 'i+/(e .6-

    8, #) #!ic#;!e.

    U)e of t%e GC >it% ne+#tie inte(n#! (e))/(e ie!*) t%e

    +(e#te)t />#(* !o#* on t%e m#te(i#! on t%e /n*e()i*e of

    t%e oe(%#n+ on t%e >in*>#(* >#!!.

    U)e of t%e GC >it% o)itie inte(n#! (e))/(e ie!*) t%e

    +(e#te)t *o>n>#(* !o#* on t%e m#te(i#! on t%e

    /n*e()i*e of t%e oe(%#n+ on t%e !ee>#(* >#!!. 'o( t%i) ;/i!*in+, #))/min+ effectie >in* #(e# i) t%e

    )#me #) fo( t%e t(/)) oe(%#n+:

    E4ample-Roof Oerhang 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

    26 February 2013

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    $in*>#(* $#!! Soffit 1#te(i#! 3'i+/(e .-84

    one #n* one : GC 8.

    32.6 )f438.4 3-.894 29.96 )f

    #ctin+ />#(*

    Lee>#(* $#!! Soffit 1#te(i#! 3'i+/(e .-84 one : GC -8.8

    32.6 )f43-8.84 3.894 -8.8 )f

    3#ctin+ *o>n>#(*4

    one : GC -8.

    32.6 )f43-8.4 3.894 -9.6 )f3#ctin+ *o>n>#(*4

    E4ample-Roof Oerhang 'C & C+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    5 C%emic#! Si!o 3Ot%e( St(/ct/(e 1$'RS4

    3Section 27.4

    Si!o Dimen)ion): % 2@, D .@

    $e!*e* Stee! T#n: )moot% )i*e), no !#**e( Roof S!oe: 8:82 3conic#!4

    1#"im/m (i)e: 2. inc%e) 3con)i*e(

    cont(i;/tion to >in* !o#*, ne+!i+i;!e4

    Un!e)) ot%e(>i)e !i)te*, #(#mete() fo(

    c#!c/!#tion of ? #(e i*entic#! to t%o)e fo( t%e1$'RS c#!c/!#tion) fo( e/iment ;/i!*in+.

    ' ?GCfAfL;) 3E 27.-84

    E4ample- Chemical S=LO '(W)RS+

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    ? .26&?&?t&*

    %=D 2@=@ .

    1/)t inte(o!#te ;et>een %=D8. #n* %=D 5.

    Cf .5

    ' 329.7 )f43.943.54 Af 389. )f4Af ' 389. )f4AfQ 386)f4Af

    E4ample- Chemical S=LO '(W)RS+

    Wind Webinar #3

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    Af @"2@ 8 ft2

    ' 389. )f438 ft24 89 L;)

    T%i) i) con)e(#tie, OR c#!c/!#te ' fo( inc(e#)e in

    (e))/(e #) %ei+%t inc(e#)e)


    .263.9438.43.74882 25. )f

    38-24 .23.7438.43.74 38842 29.7 )f

    'o( -8@: D=V ? @=S(t325.)f4 .76 Q 2.

    Cf .5

    '-8 325. )f43.943.54Af 85. )f AfF 86 )f Af '-8 385. )f43@438@4 85 L;).

    '8-2 389. )f43@43@4 68 L;).

    Tot#! ' on Si!o: 85 L;) 68 L;) 8569 L;)

    E4ample- Chemical S=LO '(W)RS+

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    Con)e(#tie OT1: 389 L;)438@4 89, ft-!;)

    1o(e Det#i!e* OT1: 385 L;)438@=24368

    L;)438@@=24 85,95 ft-!;)

    T%e t#!!e( t%e )t(/ct/(e i), t%e mo(e imo(t#nt it i) to

    /)e t%e )tee* >in* fo(ce #(o#c%.

    E4ample- Chemical S=LO '(W)RS+

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