AS Media Evaluation - How did you attract/address your audience?

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of AS Media Evaluation - How did you attract/address your audience?

How Did you Attract/Address

Your Audience?

There are many elements throughout my

magazine that attract my audience. My

target audience is females aged 14-18

and they are of a white-British ethnicity.

My magazine attracts females with the

colours used. The main colours

throughout my magazine are pastel blue

and pastel purple. Pastel colours are often

associated as being quite feminine which

suggests who my magazine is aimed at.

The colours that I have used are also quite

subtle which attracts the older teen age

group. Similar magazine like ‘We Love

Pop’ use very bright pinks which are often

associated with girls aged up to the age of

13. There are no colours throughout my

magazine that are masculine which

suggests that males could be excluded

and will not be attracted to my magazine.

The title of my magazine (‘Break Free’) is also a way of addressing my

audience. This is quite ironic as breaking free is usually to do with moving on

and growing up. However, as my target audience are a little older than the

usual target audience for pop music, it is like they are not breaking free from

the music that they used to little to when they were younger. I have also

explained more on why I named by magazine this in a blog post called

‘Potential Magazine Names’.

All of the content throughout my

magazine is also suitable for

my target audience. There are

articles based on ‘celebrity

fashion’ which females are

more likely to be interested in

than males. There are also no

articles that feature male artists

or celebrities which means that

the magazine is more suitable

for a female audience as they

will look up to the artists as role

models and idols. Also, as

objectification and the male

gaze theory aren’t really that

present in my magazine

throughout my magazine,

males may not be interested.

The images throughout my magazine are all of white females. This excludes males. All

of my images show positive representations of females which means that my magazine

provides great role models for its readers. This addresses my audience as they are of a

white ethnicity and so are all of the models used in my magazine. This unintentionally

excludes anyone of other ethnicities. My target audience are girls who lack self

confidence which means that they need positive role models to look up to. This means

that my magazine will be attractive to them. A strong and empowered female is also

portrayed on my double page spread which also feeds the need of the readers needing

someone positive to look up to. I mediated some of my images so that they would be

more appealing to my target audience. I got rid of any blemishes and smoothed out the

skin on some of my pictures so the models would look as ‘perfect’ as possible. This

would make them seem more of an idol to my readers if they look ‘beautiful’.


My contents page also addresses my target audience due

to the letter from the editor. Words like ‘gossip’ are used

which are often used in stereotypical female

conversations. The letter is also signed with ‘Mavis x’, the

‘x’ is also often used when girls are talking to each other

via text or social media.

Use of Social Media

My target audience are also keen

users of social media. Throughout

my magazine, social networking

and website information are

mentioned. This addresses my

target audience as they use

Twitter and the internet often. Also,

readers of the magazine will also

be able to connect with each other

online via Twitter - this could lead

to an online ‘Break Free’

community forming.

The sell lines of my front page are also a way that I attracted and addressed my

audience. I used ways of impressing the reader so that they will feel intrigued to buy

the magazine and read the articles - an example is ‘ Taylor Swan breaks Chart

Record’ - readers will want to know how Swan broke the record and what record she

broke. ‘Best Pics of the Week’ will also attract my audience as they will want to know

what the pictures are and who they are of. I have also used exclusivity to try and

attract readers. On the front page, the main headline is ‘Exclusive Interview with Rising

Star…Elsa Skyrus’ - this will make my audience purchase the magazine as they know

they will not be able to find out the information from anywhere else.


Endorsement If my magazine was real, all of the artists

used would actually be famous and well-

known, however I have still used my own

images of artists that I have taken at their

concerts. I have used 3 images of Selena

Gomez who is one of my ideal

consumers favourite artists. This means

that they will be attracted to the

magazine as she is featured. Another

celebrity that is included in my magazine

is Miley Cyrus.

On my double page spread, I used a quote to encourage the reader to read the article.

‘I Wouldn’t Be Here Without All the Support I get’ is quite a positive quote and

suggests that the story will be quite uplifting as you get to read about someone who

has achieved their dream. The quote also makes it seem that the reader will gain

useful information from the article in comparison to other articles which may just say

something less serious.