As i spend the new year !

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of As i spend the new year !

*As I spend the New Year !

1) When I Wake up 31 of December, I'm looking forward to the new year.2) I'm every 3 minutes looking at the clock, due to the fact that I don't know what to do and because of the fact that I had in my head spinning the words "I wish the new year"!!!3) Usually the day I walk, then at home I sit and play in a computer or can do something else.4) in the Evening I collect pyrotechnics and get ready for a new year.5) the New year we celebrate in the country or go on a visit to friends.6) There, where we met the new year, beautifully laid table, and decorated with fir-tree toys.

7) At 23:45, we sit down at the table and wait 24:00 .8) When it is 24:00, we shout “Hurray”, drink champagne ,eat and enjoy the new year.9) In an hour we go out in the street in order to start the fireworks.10) Where a half hour we walk and run pyrotechnics, and then go home.11) Home usually adults dance and drink champagne.12) I and my friends play in the room or in the computer, or in a gaming console.13) Often go out on the street for a walk and run the remaining fireworks.14) Somewhere in five o'clock in the morning all the guests leave, and we're going to go to bed.15) In General, the new year is the all time goes really good !!!!!!!!!


The end