as at August 2019 · Recommendation 14 -Police Liaison Officers connected to Townsville primary...

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Transcript of as at August 2019 · Recommendation 14 -Police Liaison Officers connected to Townsville primary...

Townsville's Voice brief summary of recommendations implemented and those pending stand up in 2019.

6 Implemented as at August 2019:

Recommendation 1 -Review of Policelink to enhance its operations.

Recommendation 2 -Police Liaison Officers supporting victims. For example, PLOs are participating in youth justice restorative conferencing where young offenders

meet their victims.

Recommendation 11 - Enhancements to after-hours youth services (funding of $5.9M). For example, new youth activities at night have been introduced in the Upper

Ross to divert young people from crime.

Recommendation 14 -Police Liaison Officers connected to Townsville primary schools.

Recommendation 17 -Review of restorative justice processes to strengthen diversionary options as an alternative to custody. The review has resulted in the design of

an Alternative Diversion Program which is scheduled to begin rollout in October 2019.

Interim Rec 1 -Creation of a new Townsville Youth Offender Accountability Board who have now met twice. This will enable residents and businesses to identify

further community service work for young offenders.

4 Due for stand up in September 2019:

Recommendation 20 -Review the terms of reference for the Townsville Stronger Communities Executive Committee.

Interim Rec 2 -Introduce community service work in detention centres.

Recommendation 12 -Introduce community hub activities to support youth after hours. Ahead of schedule due in 2020.

Recommendation 10 -Review the application of the Australian Curriculum at primary schools to strengthen intercultural understanding. Ahead of schedule due in 2020.

3 Due for stand up by end of 2019:

Recommendation 5 -Trial early education screening at primary schools to help teachers identify if individual children need further support. Trials will include the

Aitkenvale, Heatley, Vincent Garbutt, Bluewater and Townsville South state primary schools.

Recommendation 13 -Develop a youth mentoring and employment pathways model to further support young people to be connected to education, training or work.

Interim Rec 3 -Review community service activities to strengthen how young offenders are held to account.

Queensland Legislative Assembly , Number: ~ l q-C I 4 1-:f­t:L\ O , . . u Tabled ~ ~ ::ib 2019 Byl.eoveD

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