arXiv:1809.07160v1 [] 30 Aug 2018pers, bends and on-chip gratings [38] due to the...

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Transcript of arXiv:1809.07160v1 [] 30 Aug 2018pers, bends and on-chip gratings [38] due to the...

  • On-chip correlation-based Brillouin sensing: design, experiment and simulation

    Atiyeh Zarifi1,2,∗, Birgit Stiller1,2, Moritz Merklein1,2, Yang Liu1,2, Blair Morrison1,2,

    Alvaro Casas-Bedoya1,2, Ganghui Ren3, Thach G. Nguyen3, Khu Vu4, Duk-Yong

    Choi4, Arnan Mitchell3, Stephen J. Madden4 and Benjamin J. Eggleton1,2

    blanc1Institute of Photonics and Optical Science (IPOS), School of Physics, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.

    2Sydney Nano Institute (Sydney Nano), The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.3School of Engineering, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC 3001, Australia.

    4Laser Physics Centre, Research School of Physics and Engineering,Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia.


    Wavelength-scale SBS waveguides are enabling novel on-chip functionalities. The micro- and nano-scale SBS structures and the complexity of the SBS waveguides require a characterization techniqueto monitor the local geometry-dependent SBS responses along the waveguide. In this work, we exper-imentally demonstrate detection of longitudinal features down to 200 µm on a silicon-chalcogenidewaveguide using the Brillouin optical correlation domain analysis (BOCDA) technique. We pro-vide extensive simulation and analysis of how multiple acoustic and optical modes and geometricalvariations influence the Brillouin spectrum.

    Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is an inelasticscattering process in which a pump photon interactswith an acoustic phonon and generates a Stokes photon.The generated photon is down-shifted from the pumpfrequency by the acoustic resonance frequency and itslinewidth is dependent upon the acoustic phonon lifetimein the medium [1]. The hypersonic (GHz) frequency shiftresulting from the SBS process provides a bridge betweenelectronics and photonics enabling powerful applicationssuch as pure microwave sources [2, 3] and tunable radiofrequency (RF) filters [4, 5]. The narrow linewidth of theSBS process makes it suitable for Brillouin-based lasers[6–10] and frequency comb generation [11, 12]. Further-more, the difference between the light and sound veloc-ity enables light storage applications in photonics waveg-uides [13–15]. Finally, since the SBS frequency shift is anintrinsic characteristic of the medium, SBS has becomean ideal sensing mechanism in optical fiber networks [16–24]. Since the SBS response is sensitive to environmen-tal variables such as temperature and strain, it has beenadopted as a distributed sensing mechanism in long opti-cal fibers to monitor critical structures such as buildingsand bridges [17, 20, 23].

    The spatial resolution required in structural healthmonitoring ranges from a few meters to a few cm depend-ing on the application [20, 25], which can be achievedusing a distributed SBS measurement such as Brillouinoptical time domain analysis (BOTDA). This approachemploys optical pump pulses whose duration determinesthe spatial resolution of the SBS response [19]. However,for a pulse duration shorter than the acoustic lifetime, theSBS spectrum broadens and the gain reduces significantly[17]. Therefore, this approach is limited by the phononlifetime in optical fibers - approximately 10 ns - whichtranslates into 1 m spatial resolution [26]. Several meth-ods were proposed to improve the spatial resolution ofthe time domain technique including dark pulses [27] and

    Brillouin echo distributed sensing (BEDS) [25, 28, 29],which improved the spatial resolution to a few cm.

    A more recent SBS-based sensing technique, which of-fers higher spatial resolution is called Brillouin opticalcorrelation domain analysis (BOCDA). This scheme re-lies on the correlation between the cw pump and probewaves [30]. Different variations of BOCDA includebroad-spectrum pump and probe sources based on fre-quency modulation [31, 32], random phase modulation[33, 34], filtered ASE source [21] and chaotic laser [22].Spatial resolution of a few mm in optical fiber was re-ported using this technique [21, 23], which unlike the timedomain technique is not limited by the phonon lifetime[30].

    The higher spatial resolution offered by BOCDA opensup the opportunity to monitor and characterize smallerand more sensitive structures such as micro-fibers [35]and on-chip photonic waveguides [36]. SBS-responsecharacterization becomes critical in micro- and nano-scale structures, where the geometrical non-uniformitiesalong the waveguide result in a broadening of the SBSspectrum [37] and influence the applications which relyon the narrow-linewidth of the SBS process [4–10]. In ad-dition, the SBS response in nano-scale waveguides is moresensitive to the complex geometrical features such as ta-pers, bends and on-chip gratings [38] due to the strongeffect of the waveguide boundaries in the sub-wavelengthregime [39, 40]. Therefore, identifying the local SBS re-sponses at these critical points gives some insight on thegeometry-dependent acousto-optic interactions and pro-vides a feedback for the design and fabrication step inorder to improve the quality of the SBS waveguides.

    Previous works on the local SBS response characteriza-tion in micro-scale waveguides based on BOCDA involvemapping the uniformity of a silica planar lightwave cir-cuit (PLC) [41] and a photonic crystal fiber (PCF) [29]and excitation and detection of surface acoustic waves










    ] 3

    0 A

    ug 2


  • 2

    1 mm

    500 um

    200 um





    w = 1.9 um, 1.1 um



    FIG. 1. Schematic of the test waveguides on the silicon-chalcogenide hybrid platform. The length of the test area isreduced from 1 mm to 200 µm. The inset at the top rightshows the cross-section of the hybrid waveguide. The widthof the waveguide (w) varies between 1.90 µm to 1.10 µm alongthe test waveguide.

    in micro-fibers [35]. Recently, sub-mm spatial resolu-tion was achieved by employing the BOCDA techniquein a chalcogenide photonic waveguide with an improvedsignal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compared to the optical fibermeasurements [36]. The chalcogenide waveguide offers ahigher SBS gain due to the large opto-acoustic overlap,the higher refractive index of the core material and thesmaller nonlinear opto-acoustic effective area comparedto optical fibers. In addition to these advantages, theuse of a phase-sensitive detection technique [30] furtherimproves the spatial resolution and the SNR of the mea-surement. This experiment as the first demonstrationof the sub-mm BOCDA measurement on a chip-scale,opened up the opportunity to study the effect of geo-metrical variation and design parameters on the overallSBS response of more complex and compact photonic-phononic waveguides with small feature such as on-chipgratings [38]. However, to monitor such small structures,the spatial resolution has to be in the order of the smallwaveguide features such as spiral bends, tapers and grat-ings, which is the focus of this work.

    Following our initial reports, in this paper, we presenta set of new measurements with four-fold improvementin detection capability down to 200 µm and a comprehen-







    1 2



    delay line






    FIG. 2. BOCDA setup based on the ASE of an erbium dopedfiber. BPF: band-pass filter, PBS: Polarisation beam splitter,SSB: single side-band modulator, IM: intensity modulator,EDFA: erbium doped fiber amplifier, DUT: device under testPD: photo detector, LIA: lock-in amplifier.

    sive study of the geometry-dependent opto-acoustic inter-actions in those structures. This experiment is demon-strated in a controlled environment in which we tailor theon-chip sensing geometry to confirm the spatial resolu-tion of the BOCDA technique. We designed SBS waveg-uides with width variations along their length in orderto experimentally demonstrate the capability of our dis-tributed SBS measurement system in identifying featureswhich are rather small to be realized by an integratedSBS measurement. We further verified the experimentalresults with numerical calculations to explain the gainspectrum of the local opto-acoustic interactions along thephotonic waveguide. This study opens up opportunitiesto investigate the local SBS response of more complexstructures with very fine features and is a major stepforward to a better understanding of the spatial limit ofopto-acoustic interactions in sub-wavelength regimes.


    We designed a hybrid silicon-chalcogenide chip con-sisting of several waveguides, each contains a controlledwidth variation to characterize the local SBS responseswithin the waveguides and confirm the spatial resolution.A schematic of the test structures on a hybrid platformis shown in Fig. 1 (a). The length of the controlled widthvaries from 1 mm to 200 µm for different waveguides. Anumber of reference waveguides with constant width arealso designed to characterize the opto-acoustic responsesat specific waveguide cross-sections. A cross-section viewof the chalcogenide waveguide used in this work is shownin Fig. 1 (b). The hybrid silicon-chalcogenide waveguideconsists of SOI grating couplers to couple the light intoand out of the waveguide. The grating couplers selec-tively couple the fundamental TE mode into the standardsingle mode silicon nanowire (450 nm × 220 nm). Thesilicon nanowires attached to the grating couplers con-tinue for 1 mm before they taper down to 150 nm widetips. A layer of 680 nm thick chalcogenide (As2S3) isthen deposited into the area between the two grating cou-plers covering the silicon tapers but leaving the gratingcouplers uncovered. The chalcogenide waveguides withthe length of 6 mm are written using the electron beamlithography (EBL) technique, followed by plasma etch-ing and are then covered by a layer of silica claddingto protect the waveguides and provide optimum acousticconfinement.


    The local SBS response achieved in this measurementis based on BOCDA using the amplified spontaneousemission (ASE) of an erbium doped fiber. This tech-nique was first employed to measure a local hot spot inan optical fiber with 4 mm spatial resolution [21]. In thistechnique, the polarized ASE source provides a highly

  • 3

    w = 1.9 um

    Brillouin frequnecy shift dGHzL Brillouin frequnecy shift dGHzLBrillouin frequnecy shift dGHzL




    7.55 7.65 7.75 7.85





    Exp. dataLorentzian fit

    7.55 7.65 7.75 7.85






    Exp. dataLorentzian fit

    Exp. dataLorentzian fit





    7.55 7.65 7.75 7.85

    7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8






    w = 1.1 um

    Exp. dataLorentzian fit

    Brillouin frequnecy shift dGHzL


    7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9







    Exp. dataLorentzian fit

    Brillouin frequnecy shift dGHzL


    daL dbL dcL

    ddL deL

    FIG. 3. a) Integrated SBS response of the test waveguides with (a) 1 mm, (b) 500 µm and (c) 200 µm feature size correspondingto schematic in Fig. 1. The black arrows indicates the disappearance of the peak at lower frequency attributed to the narrowwaveguide region from (a) to (c). Integrated SBS response of the reference waveguides with (d) 1.10 µm and (e) 1.90 µm width.In all the plots, the experimental data is shown with blue dots and the Lorentzian fit is shown with solid line.

    uncorrelated source for the pump and probe waves. Thedegree of the correlation between the pump and the probeis controlled by the ASE bandwidth. Increasing the ASEbandwidth reduces the correlation between the pump andthe probe waves and results in a narrow correlation peakin time. The duration of the correlation peak determinesthe spatial resolution of the measurement, which can beapproximated by: 12Vg∆t with Vg being the group ve-locity and ∆t is inversely related to the ASE bandwidth[21]. As the correlation peak becomes shorter in time,the signal from the local SBS interaction becomes weakercompared to the background noise from the spontaneousscattering at all the other points in the medium (out-side the correlation peak). Therefore, the SNR decreasesand sets a lower limit on the practical spatial resolutionof the BOCDA measurement technique. In addition, forASE bandwidths larger than the Brillouin frequency shift(BFS), the separation between the back-reflected pumpand the amplified probe becomes challenging due to thelarge spectral overlap [36]. In our setup, we use As2S3strip waveguides with high SBS gain coefficient and alock-in amplifier (LIA) to improve the SNR and obtainspatial resolutions beyond the limits achieved in the op-tical fiber measurement.

    A schematic of the experimental setup is presented inFig. 2. It consists of the ASE source whose bandwidth iscontrolled by a tunable band-pass filter (BPF). It thendivides into the counter-propagating pump and probearms. The probe wave goes through a single side-band

    modulation using a dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder modula-tor (DPMZM) with a carrier suppression of 20 dB anda side-band suppression of 15 dB. The pump wave isintensity-modulated with pulse lengths of 500 ns and afrequency of 100 kHz and is synchronized with the LIA.The light is coupled in and out of the waveguide usingsilicon grating couplers with the measured total back-reflection of −18 dB. A sharp optical filter is added beforethe photo detector to remove the pump back-reflection asmuch as possible before sending the measured signal tothe LIA. The essential part of this experiment is cut-ting the pump back-reflection, because by filtering outthe pump back-reflection, part of the SBS signal will alsobe removed. However, we achieved enough signal evenafter cutting 90 % of the response to detect a segment of200 µm of the waveguide.

    In order to identify the SBS response of the entire testwaveguides, we first performed an integrated SBS mea-surement by setting the filter bandwidth to 3 GHz, cor-responding to 12 mm spatial resolution (twice the lengthof the waveguide). Fig. 3 (a)-(c) show the integrated SBSmeasurement of the test waveguides corresponding to thestructures shown in Fig. 1 (a). The waveguide with 1 mmfeature size has three peaks in the Brillouin gain spec-trum namely at 7.59 GHz, 7.72 GHz and 7.81 GHz. Asthe feature size reduces from 1 mm to 200 µm, the peakat lower frequency (7.59 GHz) disappears. These mea-surements show that there is a link between the lower fre-quency peak and the narrow-width feature in the middle

  • 4

    FIG. 4. BOCDA response of the test waveguide with a) 1 mm feature size and 1 mm spatial resolution, b) 500 µm featuresize and 750 µm spatial resolution and c) 200 µm feature size and 750 µm spatial resolution. The approximate location of thenarrow-width region is shown in red color along the position axis. The blue and red arrows along the BFS axis indicate theBFS in the wide and narrow waveguide regions, respectively. The vertical axis in all plots shows the normalized amplitude(Norm.Amp.).

    of the test waveguides. To further confirm this measure-ment, we investigate the integrated SBS response of tworeference waveguides with 1.10 µm and 1.90 µm constantwidth using a cw laser as the pump and the probe source.The result of these measurements are plotted in Fig. 3(d) and (e). As it is shown in these plots, the 1.10 µm-wide waveguide has a BFS at 7.57 GHz and the 1.90 µm-wide waveguide has a double peak profile at 7.70 GHzand 7.79 GHz, which is in agreement with the measure-ments shown in Fig. 3 (a) to (c). The slight offset betweenthe BFS observed in the two sets of measurements (with3 GHz ASE bandwidth and the cw laser) is due to thefact that the center frequency of the two sources wereslightly different.

    In order to measure the longitudinal feature in the firsttest waveguide, a distributed SBS measurement was per-formed by setting the ASE bandwidth to 60 GHz, cor-responding to 1 mm spatial resolution in the waveguide.The delay line is set such that the optical length of thepump and the probe arms are equal and then by step-ping the delay line with 500 µm steps, the waveguide with1 mm feature size was scanned. The result of this mea-surement is shown in Fig. 4 (a), where the BFS peak at7.59 GHz appears at position 3.5 mm and disappears at4.5 mm. Outside this region, the Brillouin gain spectrummainly shows two peaks at 7.72 GHz and 7.81 GHz whichindicates that the correlation peak is scanning the widersection of the waveguide. The ASE bandwidth is then in-creased to 80 GHz, corresponding to a spatial resolutionof 750 µm to detect the 500 µm feature in the second testwaveguide with step sizes of 250 µm, as presented in Fig. 4(b). As it is seen in this plot, the BFS peak at 7.59 GHzappears at position 3.75 mm and disappears at position4.25 mm. Lastly, the waveguide with 200 µm feature wasmeasured using the same ASE bandwidth (80 GHz), how-ever the step size is now reduced to 200 µm. This mea-surement is shown in Fig. 4 (c), where the 7.59 GHz peakappears between the positions 3.8 mm and 4.2 mm andhas the highest amplitude at position 4.0 mm. As it is

    seen in this figure, the quality of the detected local sig-nals deteriorates in the last measurement due to the lowerspatial resolution compared to the feature size and alsothe lower SNR. Some residual of the 7.59 GHz peak couldbe observed in traces away from the feature, which is dueto the weak SNR and the fact that the signal level is nowclose to the background noise from the spontaneous Bril-louin scattering which happens outside the correlationpeak.

    In addition, in Fig. 4 (a) and (b), the intensity of thelocal SBS response at the narrow region waveguide ishigher compared to the wide region. This is due to thefact that the SBS gain coefficient per unit length definedas gBAeff , with gB being the SBS gain coefficient, is in-versely related to the waveguide’s effective opto-acousticinteraction area Aeff. Therefore, the SBS gain in the nar-rower waveguide with approximately four times smallercross-section, is expected to be stronger than in the widerwaveguide. This is confirmed by the normalized Brillouingain spectrum obtained from the experiment and shownin Fig. 4 (a) to (c), where the peak amplitudes at fre-quencies 7.72 GHz and 7.81 GHz are approximately 25 %less than the peak amplitude at frequency 7.59 GHz.


    The dependency of the BFS (νB) on material proper-ties and effective refractive index can be approximatedby Eq. 1.

    νB =2neffVaλp

    , (1)

    where neff is the effective refractive index, Va is the acous-tic mode velocity and λp is the pump wavelength. Thisrelation is valid under the assumption that the waveg-uide dimensions are much larger than the acoustic wave-length (w, h � 2πVaΩ ) [42], where w and h stand for the

  • 5



    Waveguide width [um]


    w = 1.9 umw = 1.1 um


    Optical mode number






    02 4 6 8 10

    (1) (2)









    11 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2


    FIG. 5. (a) Schematic of the chalcogenide waveguide cross-section and its dispersion plot, showing the guided optical modesat the two waveguide widths of 1.10 µm and 1.90 µm. (b) Optical mode transition from the silicon taper (plate 1) to thechalcogenide waveguide (plate 2). Bottom: Transmitted optical power from the silicon nanowire to the chalcogenide waveguidethrough the silicon taper. 90 % of the optical power is transmitted to the fundamental TE mode and less than 10 % of thepower is in the TE1 mode.

    waveguide width and thickness, respectively and Ω is theacoustic angular frequency. This assumption is correctfor the optical fibers, however for the sub-wavelength andwavelength-scale waveguides the medium can no longerconsidered isotropic and the optical field will have com-ponents in the direction of propagation which will af-fect the effective refractive index term [42]. Furthermore,it was demonstrated that in nanostructures other forcessuch as radiation pressure influence the acoustic modeexcitations [43]. In order to include all these effects inour study, we performed a fully vectorial analysis to cal-culate the BFS in the chalcogenide structures followingthe approach presented in [39]. However, for our hy-brid chalcogenide structures the effect of radiation pres-sure on the backward SBS gain turns out to be negligi-ble, which is confirmed through numerical calculations.Different waveguide cross-sections accommodate differ-ent optical and acoustic modes and therefore the effec-tive opto-acoustic overlap is different from one waveguidegeometry to the other. The change in the waveguidecross-section, therefore, manifests in the Brillouin gainspectrum and shifts the BFS, which is what we measurein this experiment.

    The chalcogenide waveguide with cross-sections shownin the inset of Fig. 1 (b) supports multiple optical modesas well as acoustic modes. Therefore, careful design con-siderations are required in order to precisely excite thecorrect optical mode and comprehensive analysis needsto be done in order to identify the acoustic modes in-volved in the SBS interaction. The dispersion plot ofthe chalcogenide waveguide is shown in Fig. 5 (a). Thesingle mode operation of the chalcogenide waveguide isachieved via the adiabatic silicon taper. The silicon ta-pers are long enough (100 µm) to guarantee a smoothoptical mode transition from the silicon nanowire to thechalcogenide waveguide [44]. The fundamental TE mode

    transition through the adiabatic taper is simulated us-ing a commercial-grade simulator based on the finite-difference time-domain method [45], presented in Fig. 5(b). As presented in this figure, the majority of the opti-cal power is coupled into the fundamental TE mode of thechalcogenide waveguide and less than 10 % of the power istransmitted into the higher order TE mode. Therefore,although the waveguide could support multiple opticalmodes, the silicon tapers were designed to selectively ex-cites only the fundamental TE mode.

    The opto-acoustic response is calculated using COM-SOL Multiphysics software [46] after ref.[39]. We calcu-lated the overlap between the fundamental optical TEmode with the acoustic modes present in the frequencyspan between 7.50 GHz and 7.90 GHz and reconstructedthe Lorentzian Brillouin gain spectrum based on thestrength of the opto-acoustic overlap within this spec-



    6 mm

    (b) (c)SimulationSimulation

    Brillouin frequency shift [GHz]



    Brillouin frequency shift [GHz]

    FIG. 6. a) Schematic of a reference waveguide with constantwidth. Calculated normalized Brillouin gain spectrum forhsim = 707 nm thick waveguide with b) wsim = 1.02 µm andc) wsim = 1.75 µm width.

  • 6

    trum. The simulated normalized Brillouin gain spectrumfor the two reference waveguide geometries are shown inFig. 6. Fabrication variations in thickness and widthof 7 % were allowed in this calculation using a corneranalysis [47] to find a reasonable match between the sim-ulation and the experiment. The simulation plots shownin Fig. 6 (b) and (c) represent waveguides with the sim-ulation thickness (hsim) of 707 nm and the simulationwidths (wsim) of 1.02 µm and 1.75 µm, respectively. Thematerial properties including stiffness tensor coefficients,density and photoelastic tensor coefficients for this sim-ulation were set after Ref. [48]. Comparing Fig. 6 (b)-(c)with the experimental result shown in Fig. 3 (d)-(e), wefind a good agreement between the experiment and thesimulation. This confirms that the shift in the peak ofthe Brillouin spectrum profile is an effect of the waveg-uide geometry and the double peak profile observed inthe wider waveguide is a result of the existence of twoor more higher order acoustic modes which have strongoverlap with the optical fundamental TE mode in thevicinity of the BFS.


    By comparing Fig. 3 (d) and (e) with Fig. 6 (b) and(c), a good agreement between the measured integratedSBS response and the simulation is observed. However,an additional BFS peak at 7.90 GHz is observed in thesimulation but not captured in the experiment. This ismost likely due to the fact that the SNR of the mea-surement was not high enough to detect the rather weakSBS response which is generated by some higher orderacoustic modes.

    When simulating the optical mode transition from thesilicon nanowire to the chalcogenide waveguide, we con-sidered up to 50 nm vertical offset of the taper tip fromthe center of the chalcogenide waveguide as well as 20 %variations of the taper width in order to include the effectof fabrication variations. The effect of the taper misalign-ment and taper tip width variation on the optical modetransition were negligible and the optical mode transi-tion profiles overlap very closely with the plot shown inFig. 5 (b), therefore they are not plotted here. In addi-tion, as it is plotted in Fig. 5 (b), approximately 10 %of the transmitted power from the silicon nanowire iscoupled into the TE1 mode of the 1.90 µm-wide chalco-genide waveguide, which could be considered as the ori-gin of the second peak appeared at the lower frequencyin the Brillouin gain spectrum. We examined this pos-

    sibility by calculating the opto-acoustic overlap betweenthe TE1 mode and the acoustic modes in the waveguideand found out that the frequency splitting between thetwo peaks in this case is at least 200 MHz, which doesnot match the experiment. We further studied the con-tribution of the TM0 mode in the opto-acoustic overlapto investigate the possibility of mode coupling within thewaveguide. The opto-acoustic overlap between the TM0mode and the acoustic modes of the waveguide resultedin a frequency splitting of 180 MHz, which is larger thanwhat we observed in the experiment.

    Finally, as it was mentioned earlier, the limiting fac-tor in this experiment was the wide overlap between theback-reflected pump and the amplified probe. Improvingfabrication techniques such as the use of tilted gratingcouplers [49] with very low back reflection can improvethe SNR and allows for higher spatial resolution mea-surement.


    In this work, we reported four-fold improvement in de-tection capability of BOCDA measurement compared toprevious works [50]. In addition, we performed numeri-cal simulation to explain the interaction between the op-tical and acoustic modes at different waveguide cross-sections. This setup provides a powerful platform totest and measure local opto-acoustic responses within themicro- and nano-wires with sub-mm feature size. More-over, by further increasing the spatial resolution, thistechnique could provide valuable information regardingthe spatial limits of the nonlinear opto-acoustic interac-tion within the medium.


    This work was funded by the Australian ResearchCouncil (ARC) Laureate Fellowship (FL120100029)and the Centre of Excellence program (CUDOSCE110001018).

    This work was performed in part at the MelbourneCentre for Nanofabrication (MCN) and the RMIT MicroNano Research Facility (MNRF) in the Victorian Nodeof the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF).

    We acknowledge the joint grant from the Max PlanckSociety and the Fraunhofer Society (PowerQuant).

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    On-chip correlation-based Brillouin sensing: design, experiment and simulationAbstractI Waveguide design and fabricationII ExperimentIII Simulation and analysisIV DiscussionV Conclusion Funding Information References