Arundel School THE ARUNDEL POST of Term - Easter 2015.pdfArundel School THE ARUNDEL POST VOLUME 3,...

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Transcript of Arundel School THE ARUNDEL POST of Term - Easter 2015.pdfArundel School THE ARUNDEL POST VOLUME 3,...

Arundel School















Main Sports for Next Term

Hockey Basketball Soccer Volleyball Squash

Please encourage your daughters to take part in an exercise program during the holidays so that they stay fit and healthy.


Tuesday 28 April Arundel Drama presents “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at HIFA

Thursday 30 April Arundel Drama presents “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” at HIFA

Wednesday 27 May Foundation Day Diamond Jubilee Choral


Friday 29 May Arundel Book Fair

31 July - 2 August Golden & Silver Girls Hockey Tournament

Orange Day

Thank-you for supporting

KIDZCAN. The school collected USD 818, R 67, Pula 20 and 91

Bond Cents.

Arundel 2015 Diaries

Limited numbers of the Arundel 2015 Diaries are on sale at reception. The price has now been re-duced

Cost USD 5

Advertising on the Astro-turf

Advertising Boards on the astro-turf are still available. Please contact the school should your company wish to take up this advertising space.

Next term EWC will be holding a raffle to raise money towards their “grey-water” recycling project, so if anyone is interested in donating prizes towards the raffle it would be greatly appreciated – please contact EWC through the school.

Spoken Word Evening

This event raised USD 383.35 and R 58 plus 5 full

boxes of stationery and non-perishable

items. Thank-you to every-one who supported

the evening

Arundel School Page 2

Volume 3, Issue 2 Page 3


Dear Parents

The end of a short but packed term; much has been achieved and a very good start has been made to the 2015 year.

Malcolm X stated “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today…” As we move into the second term with mocks for those in the examination classes, it has a cautionary ring. I think we all agree that the world of today differs from the world we inhabited 5, 10 or 20 years ago; so are the criteria by which we made our choices still relevant for our children? Change is an integral and necessary aspect of life. Dinosaurs became extinct not because they were not successful in the prevailing conditions but because they were unable to adapt when their environment changed. However change must empower and produce positive benefits if it is to be worthwhile.

Prior to the middle of the 20th century, life and societal transformations were relatively slow; habits, technology and living patterns were long established and learning tended to be based on historical methods that were tried and tested as the objectives that drove the learning remained fairly static. In 1949 a headline article proclaimed with a degree of drama that future computers might weigh less than 1 ½ tons; no doubt this announcement met with a great deal of derision but we cannot imagine life today without pocket computers. After the 1960s life started to change unpredictably; women’s rights became enshrined in most countries, technology transformed the manner in which we worked and enjoyed our leisure and increasingly many occupations such as secretaries, stokers and telephone operators became redundant. According to a recent CBRE Consulting Report Fighter Pilots, Travel Agents and even relatively modern careers such as Social Media Managers are already on the way out. Previously unimaginable occupations such as Market Research Data Miner, Sustainability Expert, Big Data Architect and Chief Listening Officer emerge daily whilst scenarios like the ability to teleport Star Trek style have not come to pass.

Relationships have changed as the extent and affordability of air travel and emergence of global economic opportunities has caused families to scatter and fragment. Language has also evolved to accommodate the new world with words such as al-desko (referring to the practice of eating at one’s office desk); cyberchondriac (a person who compulsively searches the Internet for information about particular real or imagined symptoms of illness); ludology (the study of games, especially video games, and gaming,) and femtosecond (a quadrillionth of a second) becoming common parlance in their fields.

In view of the current unknowns that will be knowns as your children enter the employment market it is critical that we equip them with the ability to be flexible and adaptable in their career paths. In the world they will inhabit independence and resilience will be prized. However, as we prepare for the future, we must not throw the baby out with the bath water as some fundamental aspects of society will always remain as will the social implications of living within a society, managing relationships and information as well as understanding the cultures of the societies and nations in which we live.

Instilling and developing the ability to think critically as well as producing results will be what is required of educators as one dimensional learners cease to be the flavour of the month. Employers will seek articulate individuals who are creative and have the self-assurance that enables them to capitalise on their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses. The ability to transcend obstacles in their paths through their learning ability and their appreciation for the need to be versatile will also be prized as gone are the days of jobs for life. The citizen of tomorrow needs to develop a multifaceted approach to survive and deal with social and current ills such as nationalism, crime, abuse, financial mismanagement, the ecological crisis and other as yet unheard of ills.

We must work together to equip them during these school years. As Richard Gerver wrote, “if our children do not look back on their years of schooling with affection, pride and positivity we have failed them!’ Working with the extraordinary teachers here it is humbling to note their efforts and dedication as they try to ensure, sometimes without much cooperation, that each child learns the life lessons they will need.

Tomorrow is a new day with new opportunities, let us equip ourselves with information to take informed risks for our children if appropriate and ensure they have the skills required to make them relevant in tomorrow’s world.

Arundel School Page 4



Holiday working hours

The Administration Offices will be open the first and last week of the holidays with staff coming in sporadically in between. A skeleton staff will man the Finance department. To avoid disappointment please contact us and make appointments if you need to meet with any personnel.

School Fees

Please make arrangements for payment plans (if required) by the Friday before School re-opens to avoid queues and delays in the first week of school. Any child whose fees have not been paid or does not have proof of a payment plan will not be permitted to attend classes. As it is impossible to adequately assist children who arrive at disparate times during the term, students will be removed from the school roll if their fees are not paid or they do not have proof that a payment plan is in place by the end of the first Fixture Free weekend each term.

Jubilee Year

Throughout the year events will be held to promote the participation of all members of the school family and your attendance as you acknowledge the school that will provide your daughters with a future will be greatly appreciated.

You will have received an invitation to the launch of the Foundation Year Celebrations on 27 May 2015.

Arundel will host Combined Choirs on 17 September.

The APA will hold a ball on 19 September and

Our production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is being performed at HIFA

A Sporting Fun Day will be held in the Easter Term 2016

I hope you have a restful holiday season.

Mrs Makoni

Volume 3, Issue 2 Page 5

chisz charter for sport

CHISZ schools wish to declare the following CHARTER FOR SPORT.

Why do we play sport?

Sport brings people together from all walks of life. Sport is to be played for enjoyment Sport is to be played for health and fitness Sport teaches important lessons Sport is an integral part of education. Sport is a worldwide industry providing career opportunities Sport provides vital healthy competition. Sport is, by very nature, competitive Sport is about DOING YOUR BEST, not simply about being the best

What is healthy competition? We believe COMPETITION that is healthy and fair can be productive. We live in a competitive world and it is important for us to prepare our youngsters for a competitive world. Competition can teach determination, commitment, perseverance, humility; it can stimulate innovation, creativity, leadership and entrepreneurial skills; it helps young people to develop the essential skills needed to live in the real world. In considering competition, CHISZ schools endorse the Olympic movement’s first Fundamental principle:

"Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy found in effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. The goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of man, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity." (Olympic Charter, Fundamental Principles, paragraph 1, 2)

What is the place of competition? Team sports are vital, through competition and co-operation, in developing awareness of and responsibility to others. Respect for rules, and therefore referees and umpires, must be generated and upheld, for competition to be fair and meaningful. Important lessons are learnt as much through losing as through winning. Values, not just skills, must be maintained and taught. Pupils must be able to win and lose with equal dignity, magnanimity and humility.

What constitutes over-competitiveness? OVER-COMPETITIVE suggests a ‘win-at-all-costs’ syndrome. In short, over-competitiveness can be defined as allowing anything that undermines the dignity of any other player, official, spectator or school or that undermines the values of the school or sport.

OVER-COMPETITIVENESS could be evidenced in, or encouraged by, any of the following: 1. Cheating (over-age; umpiring/refereeing decisions) 2. Taunting of opposition (by players or crowd) 3. Mocking of opposition (by players or crowd) 4. ‘War cries’ which are provocative, inciting, humiliating 5. Over-celebrating of matches and/or goals, tries, wickets, runs, races. 6. Constant coaching from the sidelines during matches 7. Questioning decisions of referee/umpire 8. Not using neutral referees/umpires 9. Sporting scholarships to pupils from other CHISZ schools. 10. Bonus incentives for coaches 11. Extra practices (more than three a week) before certain matches 12. Use of supplements to increase body strength 13. Excessive psyche-ing up players before matches 14. No interaction between players of either side before or after a match. 15. Special treatment for victorious teams or sports within the school. 16. Over-emphasis of unbeaten runs. 17. Heads taking charge of major school teams

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What action will be taken if individuals or schools are found to be guilty of Over-Competitiveness? Of individuals:

Banning. Players to be banned if carded during match. Players should be disciplined by the school if they are seen to be arguing with referee/umpire.

Suspension or postponement of play. Individual defaulter(s) to be requested to leave the sports arena

Of schools:

Suspension of fixtures with that particular school Suspension of fixtures with all participating schools How do we guard against over-competitiveness? We must do all in our power to ensure that the spirit of fair play prevails; that violence, cheating and abuse are banned; that highest standards are reached and that enjoyment is developed. We must do all in our power to teach and support the promotion of ethics in sport.



All schools must send out to all parents the CHISZ Parents’ Charter for Sport.

Coaches of all teams must teach values as much as skills

Younger (and external) coaches need full support from school authorities when having to face parents at inter-school fixtures

Bonuses should not be offered to coaches for beating other schools

Every effort must be made by schools to ensure that no coach or referee/umpire will resort to underhand ways to bring about a victory.

Neutral referees/umpires must be used for 1st team matches, wherever possible.

Umpires/referees must be competent and never biased.

Senior players (in Secondary schools) should be taught (and tested on) rules and should be willing to officiate in junior matches

For soccer/rugby/hockey a tape barrier should be placed at 3 to 5m from the touch line. No spectator should be allowed inside that "no-go-zone"

No marching up and down the field to be allowed by coaches or spectators.

Coaches should remain in their allocated team bench area throughout a match.

Schools must be careful if/when announcing results of matches at Assemblies

Equal attention should be given by schools to all sports; schools must avoid hyping up certain fixtures or certain sports

Whole school compulsory support should be monitored and regulated, and given to many sports, not just one.

No alcohol to be consumed on school grounds before or during any sporting match INSTRUCTIONS FOR COACHES

Coaches of all teams must teach values as much as skills

Coaches should remain in their allocated team bench area throughout a match.

No swearing or abusive language

No questioning of referee’s/umpire’s decision during game, nor in public.

No underhand tactics to be taught

No coaching from the side throughout a match – it only confuses, interferes, distracts players and does not help them learn from mistakes.

No field placing/bowling changes to be made by a cricket coach – teach them before the game, appraise after game.

Volume 3, Issue 2 Page 7


Heads are strongly advised not to coach or referee/umpire, especially at 1st team level, in the same way as Heads are strongly advised not to teach exam classes (even if they are the best). They need to be around to monitor all games – they need to show support for all sports and all pupils. If schools employ extra staff to teach so they could employ extra coaches to coach.

Heads must do all they can to prevent (but deal strongly with, if warnings are not heeded) any over-competitive nature exhibited by any part of their school community – pupils, coaches, teachers, parents.

CHISZ Stanco to deal strongly with any over-competitive nature exhibited in any member school or any conflicting member schools.

CHISZ to liaise with the relevant National Sports Bodies, through the Head i/c, to deal strongly with any over-competitive nature exhibited by any individual, team or sports body.


Parents must understand and accept the CHISZ schools’ Charter for Sport.

No betting on school matches by parents to be allowed

No alcohol to be consumed at school fixtures before or during matches

No swearing or abusive language to be accepted

No interference with team selection, coaching or fixtures.

No questioning or abuse of officials, direct or indirect, during or immediately after matches PROPOSALS FOR BOARDS (As with Instructions for Parents above and:)

ATS must ratify proposals from CHISZ and fully endorse them at all ATS schools.

Boards must support Heads as they ensure Code is followed.

Heads’ performances not to be judged on school’s sporting results.

Boards should be discouraged from offering Sport Scholarships to other CHISZ school pupils. PROPOSALS FOR NATIONAL SPORTS BODIES

Referees’/Umpires’ reports to be forwarded to schools where any bad discipline / bad-mouthing by players, coaches, spectators, within four days of the match

All coaching clinics must include the teaching of values in sport.

The development of the game as a whole in the country must be done in close consultation with the schools.

We must all work together to ensure our young people have the opportunity and desire to continue with sport after they have left school.

Presidents of ZC, ZRU, HAZ, ZIFA, ZT, AAAZ, ZBU, and others to endorse our documents to parents and Boards.

Representation at national team level should not require any parent or individual to pay money.

Representation at national team level should not be below Under 16. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR PLAYERS 1. Respect the spirit of fair play in sport. This is more than playing within the rules. It also incorporates the concepts of

friendship, respect for others and always participating with the right spirit. 2. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of other players, umpires, officials, coaches, and spectators. 3. Conduct yourself in a manner that takes all reasonable measures to protect your own safety and the safety of others. 4. Stimulants must not be taken at all. 5. Promote the reputation of the sport and take all possible steps to prevent it from being brought into disrepute. 6. Accept success and failure, victory and defeat, with equal dignity, humility and grace. 7. Set a positive example for others, particularly young participants and spectators. 8. Protect others involved in the game from verbal or physical abuse and threatening or intimidating behaviour. 9. Never use inappropriate language or gestures to coaches, officials or spectators. 10. Acknowledge error (e.g. walk in cricket)

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Athletics Team Awards: Chido Pasipanodya, Sei-Kashe Mpfunye, Grace Hungwe, Tanaka Nyikavaranda, Samantha Ruwuya, Sarah Hawgood, Lorraine Pande and Amy Bolt Half Colours: Samantha Ruwuya, Tanaka Nyikavaranda, Melissa Kawondera and Chido Ranganayi Full Colours: Princess Nwani, Tendai Makani and Rutendo Chimbaru

Indoor Hockey

Team Awards: Tinayeishe Elijah, Stephanie Mauchaza, Sarah Geach, Yemurai Hungwe, Natasha Muzira, Michelle Kasiyazi, Catherine Siyachitima, ChidoRanganayi & Michelle Mashange


Team Awards: Mufaro Mutoti, Sandra Chipeta, Natasha Chinhuru, Tanyaradzwa Hungwe and Hong Ming Tommee Half Colours: Tinevimbo Ndlovu


Full Colours: Kuziva Madungwe


Team Awards: Megan Wright, Abigail Meikle, Amy Bolt, Nicole Manuel, Lorna McCullum, Mufaro Mutoti, Stephanie Dias and Idai Makoni


Team Awards: Natascha Muzira, Noma Dzowa, Rumbi Mutangadura, Grace Hungwe and Sinqobile Tagwireyi Half Colours: Ivana Kasvosve and Noma Dzowa Full Colours: Mandile Mpofu


Team Awards: Ropafadzo Runesu, Kundai Chiremba and Tinotenda Chpwere


Chess Team Award: Rutendo Jakachira Colours: Tinashe Makombe

First Aid Team Awards: Sophia Charera, Tinotenda Chipwere, Karin Sana, Charity Mudhikwa, Mufaro Mutoti

Debate Team Awards: Natascha Muzira, Kundai Nyandoro, Sharon Sambaza

Cultural Choir Team Awards: Yolanda Chimonyo, Sibongile Dzumbira, Thandeka Madziwanyika, Tamutswa Mahari Towela Tembo, Panashe Pedzisayi, Nicole Moyo, Simukai Gomwe, Stephanie Mauchaza, Sharon Kwinjo, Sheena Madzima

Marimbas Team Awards: Kunashe Charamba, Mazvita Chikomo, Nokutenda Chinyamakobvu, Makanaka Chinyemba,

Kimberley Benyure, Rufaro Manyonga, Anesu Munyanyi, Melissa Kutaura, Alison Sawadya, Memory Toppera, Shakila Uwera

Half Colours: Kimberley Benyure

Volume 3, Issue 2 Page 9

Music Department


HONOURS: Zvikomborero Chigwedere Solo Nokutenda Chinyamakobvu Solo Kimberley Benyure Marimba Solo Alison Sawadya & Nokutenda Chinyamakobvu Duet U6 D Ensemble Form 3B Ensemble Form 4A Ensemble Cultural Choir 3 Honours + Cup for Best Gospel Choir & Cup for Best Cont./Trad. Choir Chapel Choir 2 Honours + Cup for Best Gospel A Cappella Choir

FIRST PLUS: Tamutswa Mahari Solo L6 Ensemble Simukai Gomwe Solo U6 A Ensemble Elizabeth Nyabadza Solo Form 2 Marimba Ensemble Shinga Madzima Solo U6 Quartet Thando Myrrha Mususa & Mwaita Bonyongwe Duet U6 Chapel Choir Shinga Madzima & Tariro Munemo Duet Alison Saruchera & Tanya Magorimbo Duet

FIRST: Tamutswa Mahari Solo Sezvondinemwi Mpfunya & Fungai Muzoroza Duet Alyssa D. Makina Solo Mwaita Bonyongwe & Nyasha Chiswo Duet Grace Chidoori Solo Paidamoyo & Simukai Gomwe Duet Chido Mugadza Solo Yolanda Chimonyo & Nicole Moyo Duet Nyasha Chiswo Solo Form 4C Ensemble Nokutenda Chinyamakobvu Solo Form 4A Ensemble Alison Sawadya Solo Form 4A Marimba Trio Alison Saruchera Solo Form 4S Ensemble Lindiwe Ndlovu Solo Form 3 Marimba Trio Simukai Gomwe Solo Junior Choir Ashley Nyemba Solo

Club News

The following girls were selected for the Chess Provincial Team:

Shalom Mimana Tinashe Makombe Reserves: Kristina Rukwata Chandni Nathoo


From the beginning of this year, nearly every Wednesday afternoon the group meets at Shire Common Room. Inspiring talks have been delivered from several youth Pastors. The group attended the Prince Edward Scripture Union Rally on 28 February. On Wednesday 25 March, Arundel Scripture Union group hosted a seminar, which attracted prefects, house and sport captains from fifteen schools. The theme of the seminar was “Taking Christ as our Role Model for Leadership”. It was a great success and the objectives of the event were achieved.

Arundel School Page 10

Club News cont...

Francophonie Fortnight ran from 13th - 21st march. This consists of a series of events to celebrate the richness and diversity of the cultures making up the French Speaking section of the global community. It is initiated and sponsored by Francophone embassies in all countries where they have a presence.

This year’s events in Zimbabwe ranged from screening of French language films, through sampling traditional food from several Francophone countries to various competitions and shows. Arundel School attended the Quiz, the Talent Show and the Dictation competition, winning a prize in the latter.

Our girls were supportive of the occasion and, hopefully, are more aware and appreciative of French language and culture as a result.


On Sunday, 29 March, Arundel Bridge Club took part in the Mashonaland Bridge Pairs Tournament. Congratulations to Yolamda Chimonyo and Chibwe Msaba who came third out of forty couples from six different schools. Well Done to all who participated in this very intense and challenging competition.


For the Environment and Wildlife Club it has been a busy first term. We had training from Birdlife Zimbabwe representatives followed by an outing to the Marlborough Vlei where we learnt more on the importance of and threats to wetlands. E.W.C also held an interschools Recycled Fashion show on 27th March – “Junk to Funk” which was a great success, with Jasmine Gao (Arundel) winning 3rd place, Moesha Abrams (Convent) winning 2nd place, and Sarah Geach (Arundel) in 1st place. In the midst of all this, we are in the process of putting together an exciting water recycling system which will allow us to clean “grey water” from parts of the school (Initially about 60 000 litres a day). Next term we will be holding a raffle to raise money toward this project, so if anyone is interested in donating prizes towards the raffle it would be greatly appreciated – please contact EWC through the school.


Volume 3, Issue 2 Page 11

Sports News

On Saturday 28th February, Muratiwa Chinake danced in the Annual Zimbabwe Kickstart Ballroom Competition, held at Hartmann House. Her results were as follows: 2nd Youth Silver Ballroom (she won the Waltz in this section) 1st One-Dance Samba 1st Youth Silver Latin (she won the Cha Cha Cha, Rumba and the Jive) Overall Sebastian Ribeiro and Muratiwa Chinake came 1st in the Youth Silver Section

Muratiwa also performed in “The Mad Hatter’s Tea Competition”. She obtained: 1st Silver Latin 2nd Samba 2nd Preliminary Classical Sequence 3rd Silver Ballroom Muratiwa has been selected to dance for Zimbabwe at the World Open Dance Competition which will be held in Botswana in May.


Old Mutual Roger Brackley Marathon

Seven Arundel girls and one coach took part in the marathon as a relay team earlier on in the term. They were: Tendai Makani Sarah Geach Sarah Hawgood Margaret Mano Gaby Wehr Erin van Aswegan Emma Swanepoel coach Martin Mbofana Each relay member ran 5 km and they came 2nd in the schools’ category, just behind Hellenic’s mixed team.

We will hopefully be sending a group of girls to compete in the Vic Falls Marathon on 28 June.


Arundel Rowing Tour 2015

This year’s rowing tour has undoubtedly been one of the most successful tours in recent rowing history! The Arundel contingent of rowers left at 5am on Sunday 1st March, and travelled down on the Arundel school bus to Roodeplaat Dam on the outskirts of Pretoria in South Africa, to compete in the South African Junior Rowing Championships. The girls had 3 days of training, and half a day of shopping, before taking to the water and competing against crews from Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia and Zambia. They all performed to the best of their abilities, beating many crews from the other countries in their different boat classes, and solidifying their well earned respect on the water by their outstanding support of theirs and the other Zimbabwean crews all tour. Needless to say, the rowers unwavering respect, discipline and enthusiasm shown on tour made both Arundel and Zimbabwe proud!

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Sports News CONTINUED….


The Inter-Provincial Tournament took place over half-term and a number of Arundel girls are congratulated for taking part. A special mention goes to Mandile Mpofu and Sarah Geach , who were selected for the Zimbabwe U19 squad and who will now be fighting for a place in the top 7 to go on tour to Pretoria. Well done Sarah and Mandile.



At the Inter-Provincial Trials in Chiredzi on 20th March, 8 Arundel girls took part. The following medals were achieved:

Princess Mwani 1st U20 100m Rutendo Chimbaru 1st U17 200m Rutendo Chimbaru 1st U17 Relay Samantha Ruwuya 1st U17 Relay Tanaka Nyikaranda 1st U17 Relay Tanaka Nyikaranda 3rd U17 100m Hurdles

At the Northern and Central District Athletics trials held at the end of February, the following results were achieved:

Rutendo Chimbaru 1st 100m & 200m Chido Chiseya 2nd 400m Chido Ranganayi 1st Discus Tivimbike Chikoto 1st Long Jump Grace Hungwe 2nd Triple Jump Tanatwa Ngwenya 2nd High Jump Princess Mwani 1st 100m & 200m Tendai Makani 1st 800m & 2nd 400m U17 Relay 1st U20 Relay 1st

Texas Relays (25-28 March)

Rutendo Chimbaru and Sharon Kereke were selected to compete at the Texas Relays - this is an international athletics competition that is hosted annually by University of Texas.

Sarah Hawgood and Michelle Apollo took part in the Zimbabwe Senior National Swimming Championships in Bulawayo from 19th-23rd February. Sarah won the following medals in the Women’s 17/Over age group, and was runner-up for the Victrix Ludorum for this age group.

Bronze Gold 200m Individual Medley 200m Butterfly 400m Freestyle Silver 800m Freestyle 50m Butterfly 1500m Freestyle 100m Butterfly 200m Medley Relay 50m Freestyle 200m Freestyle Relay 100m Freestyle 400m Freestyle Relay 200m Freestyle 400m Medley Relay

Troutbeck Mile Swim (1500m)

Carrie Day, Zoe Day and Sarah Hawgood competed in the Open Water Mile Swim. They achieved the following results: 14/U Gold Zoe Day Silver Carrie Day 18/U Gold Sarah Hawgood OVERALL OPEN (Male and Female combined) Gold Sarah Hawgood (NR) Sarah broke her previous record by 11 seconds setting a new record of 20:38 (this also beats the Boys record which stands at 20.39)

Congratulations to Kimberly Kaome who qualified and participated in the 38th ITF/CAT Africa Junior Championships which were held in Tunisia from 11- 21 March. This follows her performance at the Southern Africa Zonal Championships that were held mid January in Botswana.

Volume 3, Issue 2 Page 13




1st Burney 2nd Eliot 3rd Gaskell 4th Austen 5th Bronte 6th Irwin

VICTRIX LUDORUM U14 R/U Anotida Chinara (Ga) & Faithful Achuism (Au) Winner Stembile Chikoore (El) U15 R/U Gugulethu Sibanda (Bu) Winner Gabi Wehr (Br) & Tanatswa Zhou (Bu) U16 R/U Chido Chiseya (Ir) Winner Tivi Chikoto (Ga) & Tanatsa Ngwenya (El) U17 R/U Megan Wright (El) Winner Sharon Kereke (Bu) U20 R/U Rutendo Chimbaru (Bu) Winner Sarah Geach (Bu)

TROPHIES Light Trophy (Open 100m) R/U Princess Nwani (Au) Winner Rutendo Chimbaru (Bu) Kenlara Trophy (Open 3000m) R/U Megan Wright (El) Winner Sarah Hawgood (Ir) Gabrielle Levey Trophy (Open Discus) R/U Chido Ranganayi (Bu) Winner Tina Elijah (El) Via Arrand Trophy (Junior Long Distance) R/U Rufaro Nyamukapa (Br) Winner Erin van Aswegan (Au) Bridget Strong Trophy (Senior Long Distance) R/U Sarah Geach (Bu) Winner Megan Wright (El) & Sarah Hawgood (Ir)


U20 400m Sprint - Rutendo Chimbaru (58.50s) U20 200m Sprint - Rutendo Chimbaru (25.34s) U20 100m Sprint - Rutendo Chimbaru (12.55s)


1st Burney 2nd Irwin 3rd Austen 4th Gaskell 5th Eliot 6th Bronte

Sports News CONTINUED….


The Zimbabwe Squash Championships took place in Bulawayo over half-term. Well done to Kundai Nyandoro, Kuziva Madungwe, Danai Jongwe and Jana Mhlaba for taking part. A special well done to Kundai Nyandoro and Kuziva Mudungwe for making the Zimbabwe U19 Team, and to Danai Jongwe for making the Zimbabwe U16 Team as well as coming second over-all in the tournament.


At the National Athletics Championships, Rutendo Chimbaru was selected to participate in the COSSASA Games which are due to be held in Lesotho over the April holidays. We wish her all the best for this and congratulate her for this outstanding achievement.

Arundel School Page 14


Indoor Hockey

Athletics Date Meet Position

25/02/2015 P.E. Sprints Challenge 1st out of 9 schools

27/02/2015 Arundel Invitational 3rd out of 5 schools

10/03/2015 Peterhouse Relay 3rd out of 5 schools

20/03/2015 Chisipite Athletics 2nd out of 6 schools

28/03/2015 Lomagundi 2nd out of 8 schools


Date Match vs 1st Team 2nd Team Under 16 Under 15 Under 14

23/01/2015 H.I.S Won 16-15 cancelled cancelled Lost 17-6

6/02/2015 Marantha Rained off Rained off Won 14-0 Lost 4-6

27/02/2015 Eaglesvale cancelled

28/02/2015 Arundel Invitational 2nd out of 5 teams

6/03/2015 Chisipite Lost 16-29 Lost 2-4 Lost 6-16 Lost 6-10 Won 5-2

Knockout Matches

Date: Match vs: A Team B Team C Team D Team

10/02/2015 Chisipite B Lost 5-1

17/02/2015 Hellenic B Lost 0-4

3/03/2015 Chisipite C Lost 0-5

18/03/2015 Convent B Won 4-0

Date Match vs A Team B Team C Team D Team

26/02/2015 Convent A Lost 5-2

26/02/2015 Chisipite C Won 3-2

26/02/2015 Convent B Lost 5-2

26/02/2015 Chisipite C Lost 5-0

6/03/2015 Hellenic C Lost 5-2

12/03/2015 Chisipite A Lost 0-4

12/03/2015 Heritage A Drew 4-4

17/03/2015 Hellenic A Drew 3-3

17/03/2015 Hellenic B Lost 0-4

18/03/2015 Chisipite C

18/03/2015 Chisipite D Won 4-3

24/03/2015 Convent C Won 3-2

26/03/2015 Convent D Lost 1-5

27/03/2015 Chisipite B Drew 4-4

27/03/2015 Hellenic B Won 6-2

Squash Date Match vs A Team B Team

18/02/2015 Chisipite A Lost 0-5

24/02/2015 P.E. B Lost 1-6

3/03/2015 Hellenic Lost 2-5

12/3/2015 St Georges D Won 6-1

12/3/2015 St Georges E Lost 1-6

Soccer Date Match vs Junior Senior

18/02/2015 Chisipite Won 2-0 Lost 1-3

11/03/2015 Cornway Won 2-0 Won 3-0

18/03/2015 Harare Convent Drew 0-0 Drew 1-1

Tennis Date Match vs 1st Team 2nd Team U16A U16B U15A U15B U14A U14B

28/02/2015 Hillcrest A Won 10-0 Won 7-5 Won 9-3 Won 10-2

7/03/2015 Watershed A Won 10-2 Won 8-4 Won 9-3 Won 10-2

7/03/2015 Gateway A Won 8-4 Won 9-3 Won 7-5 Won 9-3

21/03/2015 Peterhouse cancelled cancelled Won 8-4 Lost 0-12 Lost 5-7 Lost 1-11 Drew 6-6 Lost 4-8


Date Match vs 1st Team 2nd Team Under 16 Under 15 Under 14

27/02/2015 Eaglesvale Won 2-0 Won 2-0 Won 2-0 Won 2-1 Won 2-0

6/03/2015 Westridge Won 2-1 Won 2-0 Lost 1-2 Won 2-0

7/03/2015 BYO Convent Won 2-0 Lost 0-2 Won 2-0 Won 2-0

Volume 3, Issue 2 Page 15

Our Vision

Every student leaving Arundel is desired to be gracious, an exceptional companion, and a capable leader

with a sense of commitment and social responsibility.

Our Guiding Principles





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Arundel School

End of Term 2015 Wednesday 1 April

Beginning of 2nd Term 2015

Tuesday 5 May

First Fixture Free 2015 Friday 22 May

Wishing all parents and students a safe and restful Easter Holidays