Arts Rep - Mary Ryan

Post on 18-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Arts Rep - Mary Ryan




Co, Tipperary.

086 2171391


To SU and fellow students,

My name is Mary Ryan. I am a second year student studying Bachelor of Arts. I have decided

to run for this position as I feel I can bring a new outlook and objective to the role of College

Representative of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences. This position is linked with the

Student Union and the College. This role is without a doubt a very honorably role in the

College. Despite not being part of the Union or Class Representatives before, I do not see it

as a disadvantage to this position I hope to fulfill. No I see it as an advantage as I can bring a

new and fresh approach to the Student Union. By voting me Representative of Arts, I can

ensure you that I will bring a change to foremost Arts as it is one of the largest courses in the

College of UCC. I will make sure more is done to make people recognized in their faculties

and not just as a student number with in their course.

Below is my manifesto of my main aims and objectives that I will bring to the Student

Union. I feel that I have the personal strength, dedication and positive qualities to fulfill this


Manifesto of Candidate Mary Ryan


College Representative of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences.

• I hope to continue to support the campaign of fee’s not introduced in the country. I

hope to support the people that receive that Grants each year to continue to receive

their grant.

• As Arts contains the vast majority of Students in the College. I hope to obtain an

interaction throughout the Art’s faculty of the College. I will arrange class parties and

outings that will be a success. I feel already that more needs to be done in this area as

a majority of students do not know each other in Art’s.

• I will stress the importance of education and hope to decline the number of students

dropping out in First Year.

• Introduce more information on jobs that can be sought from their course after college.

Therefore giving students a positive outlook on college.

• Make the divide of mature students and undergraduate students narrower by holding

events that are for both interests such as quizzes.

• Every year there is many students that come to college under 18 years of age. Due to

being under 18, many students cannot get into nightclubs/pubs. I feel these students

are sometimes forgotten about and especially in first year where this year is for

getting to know people and settling into their new environment. So I have come up

with a solution to hold an event where age is not a matter and to encourage more

students to get involved in other activities. A recent event people may be popular with

is The Harlem Shake.

That is the end of my manifesto. I would like to thank you for reading it. I would like to wish

all students the best of luck in the upcoming elections.

Yours sincerely,

Mary Ryan.