Arts Culture

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Transcript of Arts Culture

Arts & Culture

‘Art is inaccessible to the common man.’ Discuss.(ACJC 2003, Promo)

“The arts are just a luxury for the rich.” Do you agree?(HCJC 2003, Promo)

The sole purpose of the Arts is to entertain. Discuss.(NYJC 2003, Promo)

‘A country cannot be considered fully developed until its arts scene is too.’ Discuss.(RJC 2003, Promo)

Music has little worth beyond entertainment. Do you agree?(SAJC 2003, Promo)

Is there any point in painting by hand in an age of computer graphics?(SAJC 2003, Promo)

Comment on the state of the traditional arts in your country.(VJC 2003, Promo)

Will the arts become irrelevant in this increasingly scientific world?(SAJC 2004 Promo)

How important is it to preserve the arts in the context of a changing world?(JJC 2004 Promo)

Consider the importance of the Arts in your country today.(NYJC 2004 Promo)

To what extent can speaking be considered an art? (PJC 2004 Promo)

“Without music, life is a journey through a desert.” Consider the value of music in the light of this comment.(PJC 2004 Promo)

Should the government subsidise the arts?(RJC 2004 Promo)

Consider the importance of the arts to society.(TJC 2004 Promo)

Discuss how the culture of your country has changed and the impact of these changes.(TPJC 2004 Prelims)

Is music only for entertainment?(TPJC 2004 Prelims)

“The arts liberate; science enslaves.” Discuss.(VJC 2004 Promo)

Assess the efforts undertaken for cultural preservation in your country.(ACJC 2005 Common Exam)

"Contrary to popular belief, science is more creative than art." Discuss.(HCI 2005 Block Test)

To what extent, if any, should works of art be subjected to censorship?(HCI 2005 Block Test)

‘True art must stimulate the intellect as well as the senses.’ Do you agree?(JJC 2005 JC2 Common Test)

The Sciences benefit mankind more than the Arts. Discuss. (NJC 2005 JC2 Common Test)

Can the arts flourish in an increasingly materialistic world?(PJC 2005 JC2 Mid Year)

“The function of art is to instruct, not to please.” Discuss.(RJC 2005 JC2 Common Test)

Art and Science cannot exist independently of each other.” How true is this statement?(TPJC 2005 JC2 Common Test)

Is the commercialisation of the arts a boon or a bane? (JJC 2005 Promo)

Is there any value in popular culture?(RJC 2005 Promo)

Do you agree that most people today have no regard for the Arts?(RJC 2005 Promo)

‘The mark of a vibrant society is measured by its investment in the arts.’ Do you agree? (YJC 2005 Prelim)

In this world of science and technology, the arts has no more relevance to us. How far do you agree?(AJC 2006 JC2 Common Test)

‘The arts are tools for living life reflectively, joyfully and with the ability to shape the future.’ Consider the value of the arts in the light of this comment.(IJC 2006 Prelim)

How far do you agree that the history of a people is found in its music and songs?(MJC 2006 JC2 Mid Year)

Discuss the changing status of Singapore as a cultural hub.(NJC 2006 JC2 Common Test)

In what ways can the arts contribute to one’s preparation for life?(PJC 2006 JC2 Mid Year)

Do you agree that as technology advances, the arts get more enriched and more interesting?(RJC 2006 J2 Common Test)

Discuss the challenges your country faces in preserving its heritage.(TJC 2006 JC2 Common Test)

'Let the love of Arts be for the sake of money.' How far is this attitude reflective of modern society?(JJC 2006 Prelim)

Assess the view that the arts is meant only for the well heeled. (PJC 2006 Prelim)

‘The arts in Singapore should aim to be self-financing.’ Do you agree?(RJC 2006 Prelim)

“Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.’ To what extent is this a reflection of the Arts scene in Singapore?(SAJC 2006 Prelim)

The arts are an indulgence that only the rich can afford. Do you agree?(TPJC 2006 Prelim)

“All art requires courage.” Do you agree?(VJC 2006 Prelim)

Are the arts too closely linked to money these days?(YJC 2006 Prelim)

How far has the Arts helped your country become a global city? (MI 2006 Promo)

Do the arts make a difference to modern life?(PJC 2006 Promo)

“The arts are nothing more than a mirror held up to reality.” How far do you agree?(RJC 2006 Promo)

‘The sole function of art, music and literature is to express Man’s need for beauty.’ Do you agree?(TJC 2006 Promo)

The Arts serve no purpose in society. What are your views?(AJC 2006 Promo)

‘The arts will lose its significance in the future.’ Examine the validity of this statement.(SAJC 2006 Promo)

Should Singapore invest only in art which has economic value? (IJC 2007 Prelim)

The arts is only for the rich. Discuss.(MI 2007 Promo)

How far can the arts help us lead a better life?(MI 2002 Prelim)

Singapore needs scientists more than artists. Do you agree?(MJC 2007 Prelim)

Do you agree that music is the universal language of mankind?(MJC 2007 Prelim)

To what extent should the Arts be funded by the state? Refer specifically to your society.(TPJC 2007 Prelim)

Studying the arts is a waste of time. Discuss.(NYJC 2007 Prelim)

‘The value a society places on the Arts indicates how developed it is.’ To what extent is this true? (ACJC 2007 Prelim)

Examine the claim that people need the arts now more than the sciences.(SAJC 2007 Prelim)

‘Cyberspace is a powerful cultural force.’ Discuss. (SRJC 2007 Prelim)

“Freedom is the bane of the artistic community.” Do you agree? (VJC 2007 Prelim)

Can your generation appreciate the fine arts? (2009 Prelim)

To what extent is design important in your society?(A Level 2008)

‘Contemporary music has no artistic value.’ Is this a fair comment?(A Level 2008)

‘Music may be an international language, but it cannot solve real problems.’ Discuss. (DHS 2010 Y6 Common Test)

‘The Arts are not for the man in the street.’ Discuss. (IJC 2010 Prelim)

“The basic purpose of art is not to teach, but to show.” Discuss.(RVHS 2010 Y5 Mid Year)

Is a sound knowledge of the arts essential for a well-educated person in today’s world? (VJC 2010 Common Test)

Do you agree that today the Arts are more about form than function? (ACJC 2010 Prelim)

Are some works of art more meaningful than others?(AJC 2010 Prelim)

“Art should not offend.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (CJC 2010 Prelim)

‘Many developed countries are paying increasing attention to the arts in their society.’ How far is this true of Singapore?(DHS 2010 Prelim)

What distinguishes a truly great work of art from a merely average one?(HCI 2010 Prelim)

‘Artists should have total freedom of expression.’ How far do you agree?(IJC 2010 Prelim)

Should there still be limits on artistic expression?(JJC 2010 Prelim)

How successful has your country been in promoting the arts?(NJC 2010 Prelim)

‘Entertaining, but fundamentally useless.’ Discuss this with reference to either film or music in your country.(NJC 2010 Prelim)

To what extent have the Arts in Singapore become commercialised?(NYJC 2010 Prelim)

Are monuments and memorials a waste of a country’s budget?(PJC 2010 Prelim)

“Olympism is the marriage of sport and culture.” (Juan Antonio Samaranch).Is this still true?(RVHS 2010 Prelim)

The arts today have been exploited for commercial ends. Discuss.(RVHS 2010 Prelim)

There is no better time than now to preserve a nation’s culture and heritage. Do you agree? (TPJC 2010 Prelim)

Do you agree that there is too much control over the arts scene in Singapore? (SAJC 2010 Prelim)

Assess the influence of pop music on society today.(CJC 2007 JC1 Mid Year)

Would you agree that music has little worth beyond entertainment?(CJC 2006 Promo)

Should the government subsidise the Arts?(CJC 2006 Promo)

Would you agree that music has little worth beyond entertainment?(CJC 2006 Promo)

Should the government subsidise the Arts?(CJC 2006 Promo)

Discuss the view that the arts have always been a means to instruct and delight.(CJC 2003 Promo)

Is there anything more to the arts than entertainment?(CJC 2004 Promo)

What is the role of the performing arts in the modern world? (CJC 2004 Promo)

Can the arts change lives? Discuss. (CJC 2008 Promo)

Is the commercialization of the Arts a boon or a bane?(CJC 2006 JC2 Common Test)

Do the arts, such as music and literature, really play a significant part in Singaporean society?(CJC 2008 JC2 Common Test)

To what extent do the arts provide us with a foundation for creativity?(CJC 2003 JC2 Common Test)

Can music change the world?(CJC 2004 JC2 Mid Year)

Should one be trained in the Arts to appreciate them?(CJC 2005 JC2 Mid Year)

‘Music is meant primarily for the individual’s private enjoyment.’ Discuss. (CJC 2008 JC2 Mid Year)

“If music be the food of love, play on.” To what extent does music enrich life?(CJC 2003 Prelim)

‘The architecture of a country reflects its soul.’ Do you agree?(CJC 2004 Prelim)

“Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.” Is this true of the arts?(CJC 2005 Prelim)

‘Music today is just packaged noise.’ Discuss. (CJC 2006 Prelim)

‘Cities are losing their distinctive cultural flavour.’ Is this necessarily bad?(CJC 2007 Prelim)

Is there really a need for artistic expression to be regulated?(CJC 2007 Prelim)

Is there a real need to cultivate a love for the arts in your society?(CJC 2008 Prelim)

Can your generation appreciate the fine arts?(CJC 2009 Prelim)

Why is knowledge of the arts still necessary in this age of technology?(CJC 2005 JC1 Mock)

Discuss the impact of art or literature on young people today.(CJC 2007 JC2 Mock)

‘Music today is just packaged noise.’ Discuss.(MJC 2007 JC2 Block Test)

‘Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.’ To what extent is this a reflection of the arts scene in Singapore? (MJC 2007 JC2 Block Test)

‘Music is the balm of life.’ Discuss.(IJC 2006 JC1 Summer)

How important is an arts education in your country?(TJC 2006 JC1 Common Test)

“Governments should pay attention to what art and artists have to say.” Discuss.(RJC 2006 JC1 Common Test)

Assess the value of the arts to a developed country.(VJC 2007 JC1 Mid Year)

To what extent do the arts have a place in your society?(TJC 2007 JC1 Common Test)

Art has no place in today’s modern world. Comment.(AJC 2007 JC2 Common Test)

‘Enjoyable, but ultimately of little practical use.’ Consider the value of the performing arts in Singapore today in the light of this comment.(PJC 2007 JC2 Mid Year)

‘The beauty of the arts lies in it not needing a reason to exist.’ Do you agree with the statement? (SAJC 2007 JC2 Block Test)

What role can an artist play in the life of a nation? Answer with reference to your country.(VJC 2007 JC2 Common Test)

Propaganda is the purest form of art. Discuss. (DHS 2008 Y6 Common Test)

Should drama be a compulsory subject in schools? (AJC 2008 JC2 Mid Year)

Does music have any place in modern life? (IJC 2008 JC2 Mid Year)

‘The role of the arts should not be to shock but to humanise our world.’ Discuss.(RJC 2008 JC2 Common Test)

To what extent is the Arts important for Singapore to progress? (SRJC 2008 JC2 Mid Year)

Literature is nothing but the study of fiction. Do you agree?(SRJC 2008 JC2 Mid Year)

The Arts are a luxury that society cannot afford?(AJC 2009 JC2 Common Test)

‘The arts serve no purpose other than to amuse and entertain.’ Comment.(PJC 2009 JC2 Mid Year)

‘Literature is enjoyable but has little practical value.’ Comment.(NYJC 2009 JC2 Mid Year)

“Literature has lost its value in our society today.” What is your view?(TPJC 2009 JC2 Mid Year)

Artistic expression should never be restricted. Discuss.(AJC 2004 Prelim)

Discuss how the culture of your country has changed and the impact of these changes.(TPJC 2004 Prelim)

Is music only for entertainment?(TPJC 2004 Prelim)

It is the Arts, not the sciences that will make us a better person. Do you agree?(AJC 2005 Prelim)

Consider the importance of cultivating cultural intelligence.(JJC 2005 Prelim)

Discuss the importance of architectural conservation today.(MI 2005 Prelim)

Discuss the appeal and value of poetry in our modern society.(RJC 2005 Prelim)

People should fear art, film and theatre. Do you agree?(VJC 2005 Prelim)

'Engineers build cities, and politicians build nations, but artists build civilisations'. Is this an accurate comment about artists?(ACJC 2006 Prelim)

‘Poetry makes nothing happen’ (W.H Auden). To what extent can the arts bring about change in your society?(ACJC 2008 Prelim)

To what extent have the Arts become another commercial entity in today's global economy?(JJC 2008 Prelim)

Can art and technology truly complement each other?(NJC 2008 Prelim)

‘A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.’ Discuss with reference to the arts.(RJC 2008 Prelim)

Art should never be examined, only appreciated. Do you agree?(VJC 2008 Prelim)

‘Literature, drama and art all amount to making something out of nothing.’ Is this a fair assessment of the arts?(ACJC 2009 Prelim)

‘Modern Art: A product of the untalented, sold by the unprincipled to the utterlybewildered.’ (Camus) Comment.(HCI 2009 Prelim)

‘Literature has little value in our lives.’ Do you agree?(IJC 2009 Prelim)

Music should be judged mainly for its artistic value. Discuss. (MI 2009 Prelim)

Do art and culture play a significant role in the daily lives of people in Singapore?(NJC 2009 Prelim)

Is a sound knowledge of the arts important to a well-educated person?(PJC 2009 Prelim)

How far does tourism help ethnic cultures to thrive?(RI 2009 Prelim)

How important are films today?(SAJC 2009 Prelim)

Museums are a waste of time and money. Discuss.(VJC 2009 Prelim)

Are certain types of writing superior to others?(A Level 2009)

‘Contemporary music has no artistic value.’ Is this a fair comment? (A Level 2008)

‘The arts cannot change the world, but they make it more beautiful.’ Discuss this view with reference to one of the following: painting, sculpture or music. (A Level 2007)

Do myths and legends still have a role to play in Singapore?(A Level 2006)

Do the arts, such as music and literature, really play a significant part in Singaporean society? (A Level 2005)

Discuss the appeal and value of fantasy stories and films. (A Level 2004)

Does the book still have a future? (A Level 2003)

‘A work of art can never be valued just in financial terms.’ (A Level 2002)

‘A film has one purpose – to entertain.’ Using examples, consider this view.(A Level 2001)

‘Public money should not be wasted on supporting the Arts; they should support themselves.’ Discuss

(A Level 2000)

Consider the importance of drama in your country today. You may refer to live theatre, television and radio plays or any combination of these. (A Level Dec 1994)

In a world without books or music, what would be missing? Discuss with reference to specific examples. (A Level Dec 1999)

How far would a universal language be valuable and practical? (A Level Dec 1995)

'It is impossible to prove that one art form is superior to another.' Do you agree? Refer to specific examples from painting, music or literature to support your answer. (A Level Dec 1995)

‘Enjoyable, but ultimately of little practical use.’ Consider the value of music or art or literature in the light of this comment. (A Level Dec 1998)

How far do you agree that, in spite of all the changes in society, traditional values always remain the best? (A Level Dec 1998)

‘Public money should not be wasted on supporting the Arts; they should support themselves.’ Discuss. (A Level Dec 2000)

‘A work of art can never be valued just in financial terms.’ Discuss. (A Level Dec 2002)

What in your view is distinctive about the culture of your country? Give examples to illustrate your answer. (A Level Dec 1993)

“There is no future for literature and the arts.” Discuss this statement with reference to your society.(SRJC 2004 Prelim)

The Arts – a luxury or necessity?(IJC 2007 Mid Course)