Artist Profile- The Kooks

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Artist Profile- The Kooks

Stage Performance

The stage is set in a non-theatrical way with just the artists and their instruments on stage. The lighting is featured in sections or strobes, and there is often a tint to the lights. For example in this photograph there is a red tint to the lighting as blue coloured filters have been added for effect. Smoke machines are also sometimes used on stage to create an atmosphere.


The bands clothes are very casual. Their dress doesn’t reflect any particular movement or style. Clothing they wear is pictured here, commonly seen from The Kooks are jackets, shirts, jeans and t-shirts featuring common materials such as cotton, leather and denim.

Album Artwork

The Kooks album artwork has varied over their many albums and singles. However their logo has stayed consistent throughout. The words “The kooks” placed one after the other feature on all of their advertising, merchandise, albums etc. The album artwork also usually features strong colours that often contrast, and there is a predominant use of light and dark contrast within the images. The colours used are usually similar to red and blue to mark the fact the kooks are a British Band.

Website Design

The Kooks website, is set up through the photo sharing sit on which you can create your own blog and post/repost photographs. The website offers a blog on which The Kooks post photographs as they tour around and also offers the standard options of store with merchandise and upcoming live dates. Fans can follow the blog, and keep track of the bands progress as they tour, this makes the website design very interactive and appealing to dedicated fans. There are also hyperlinks to follow the band on facebook, twitter, gmail etc. The design is very simple and echoes the minimalistic logo and font of The Kooks styling.