Artificial intelligency & robotics

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Artificial intelligency & robotics


Can The Machine Think




Artificial intelligence (AI) is technology and a branch of computer science that studies and develops intelligent machines and software.

“ The science and engineering of making intelligent machines".

Alan turning is a father of Artificial Intelligence. He introduce the concept of AI during the Second World War.

John McCarthy also developed the Lisp (List Processing) Programing Language , Which is the second oldest high level Programing language.

Other big names in AI research Include Marvin Minsky , Allen Newell & Herbert Simon .


- Raval Sneh


- Raval Sneh

Foundations of AI



Control Theory



- Raval Sneh

Types of AI STRONGE AI :

Strong AI is about building a machine that is capable of emulating the human mind to such an extent that it matches or exceeds it.

Strong AI is machine intelligence with full range of human intelligence.


Weak AI is a system that uses a set of pre- programmed rules to apply them to any tasks, to reach a successful fulfillment.

Simply say that its collection of “ If this ,then that “ rules of rationality.

Example : siri app reminder & Nanobots or Nano docs.


- Raval Sneh

With help of AI we Can Developed system that,

Can learn from examples and past

Can solve complex Mathematical problems

Can find out complex strategies for Business and military

Can Diagnosed Medical Decease

Can recognize an Object from Photograph and camera sensor

Can understand human language , etc…


- Raval Sneh

Application of AI Security:

Face recognition Speaker verification Fingerprint analysis

Medicine General diagnosis Detection of heart defects Recognizing genes Botanical classification Bacteria identification

Engineering Robotics Speech recognition Gaming Machinery defect diagnosis Signal processing Character recognition Process supervision Process fault analysis Machine vision Radar signal classification


- Raval Sneh

AI Uses In

Telephone Translation Autonomous Cars (Uses Fuzzy Logic Not Boolean logic) Chess ,8 Block puzzles , O-X Blocks, etc Chatter Bots

- Raval Sneh



• A computer intercepts the voice, translates what was said, and synthetically generate the appropriate words to the person on the other line.

• The translator needs an advanced voice recognition, natural language processing and inference to extract what was spoken by the people on phone.


- Raval Sneh

Chess In 1968 International Master David Levy made a famous challenge saying

that No Computer could beat him in next 10 years. In 1978 admit that Computer would beat human in chess coming soon. Computer uses large database + Optimization Techniques + Search Tech. In 1996 Greatest Chess Player of All Time Garry Kasparov from Russia

face IBM’s Deep Blue and Garry managed to beat Deep Blue but Next year Deep Blue Won.

In 1998 Undisputed champion of Rapid Chess Vishwanathan Anand faced off against Robel-10 and Robel-10 Win.

In 2002 Worlds Highest Ranker Player Vladimir Kramnic faced off Deep Fritz(Super comp.) Vladimir Draw match but in 2006 Deep Fritz win.

- Raval Sneh


Chatter Bots Eliza (In 1966, Joseph Weizenbaum )




Jabberwacky & Cleverbot


- Raval Sneh


Watson Watson is a Workload Optimized

system based on IBM DeepQAarchitecture , running on cluster of IBM POWER 7 processor based server.

More than 100 Tech uses to identify the : Natural Languages Identify Sources Find & Generate Hypothesis Find & Score Evidences Merge & Rank Hypothesis


- Raval Sneh

Watson Have….

90 Clustered IBM powered 750 server Each server featured 32 POWER 7 processors Running 3.55GHz cores 16 TB Memory that can operate over 80 teraflops(Trillian of operation per

Second) Ability to learn Natural languages processing

Watson Competed against 2 of the most well known & successful Jeopardy champion Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter on 14 feb,2011.

- Raval Sneh


- Raval Sneh



- Raval Sneh


The Machine which can reduce the human effort , time and cost and also stickily follow all the commands of its owner .

Now a day robots are wildly used in the Scientific research, Industries ,medical area , home workout ,etc….

ROBOTS …. 16

- Raval Sneh

Few Famous Robots

I Robot of Sony (AI + Emotions)

HAL 9000

Star Trek (AI Fiction)


- Raval Sneh


KIIT Concept Car Computer AI

The "brain" of KITT is the Knight 2000 microprocessor which is the centre of a "self-aware" cybernetic logic module that allowed KITT to think, learn, communicate and interact with humans.

Alpha Circuit

It’ s Main control system which allows the CPU to drive the car. Pyroclastic Lamination

sustained temperatures of up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit (426 °C). Voice Synthesizer

Allowed his logic module to speak and communicate.

- Raval Sneh


Other Features

Turbo Boost  Voice Projection Anamorphic Equalizer  Etymotic Equalizer  Olfactory Sensor Microscanners  Cruise Modes  Grappling Hook and Winch  Oil Jets/Smoke Screen Induction coil  Flame Thrower Tear Gas Launcher  

Ultramagnesium Charges  High Traction Drop Downs  Telephone Comlink  Microwave Jammer  Microlock  Surveillance Mode Infrared Tracking Scope  Laser Powerpack  Bomb Sniffer  Medical scanner  Fuel Processor  Video Display Monitors , Etc…


- Raval Sneh

- Raval Sneh


3 Laws of Robotics…. 21

Law 1

A Robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction ,allow a human being to come to harm.

Law 2

A Robot must obey orders given it by Human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First law.

Law 3

A Robot Must Protect its own existence as long as such Protection does not conflict with First & Second Law.

Robot attacked Swedish factory worker - The Local.htm

- Raval Sneh


- Raval Sneh