
Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Title: Opportunity Comes Along with the challenges!

Content is the king if and only if, it is presented well to your customers. Your website might be consisting of a lot of informative content but if a website visitor is facing problem in viewing your website on his/her tablet then certainly it will adversely affect your business online. For an ultimate user experience, responsive website design is important for any website on internet these days. In fact, search engine such as Google has released a notification that Google bot crawlers will only give preference to responsive websites recently.

The number of people utilizing their smart phones and tablets to get connected over internet has emerged greatly in the last 5 years. It is an interesting margin to witness that in the year 2011 the percentage of people who viewed websites through handheld devices were 7.12 % and in the very next year it became 11.78%, which is quite a huge jump.

Undoubtedly, responsive website design has become the need of the hour but just like opportunities, the concept offers certain challenges as well as it is an unfledged methodology. According to International surveys conducted across various territories around the world, web designers come up with some common challenges of responsive web designing which are enlisted as follows:

1. Client Interaction has become challenging- Earlier, the website designing process was quite a linear one. Briefing, wire-framing, structural planning and a visual stage where a client used to pick pixel perfect visuals were the part of the entire business communication flow which was easy to understand by clients. However, it is not the same any more with responsive web designing. Clients generally don’t understand about the fluidity of this concept as “visuals stage” is no more associated with the modern web designing. There is a famous quote that “a picture can speak thousand words.” Therefore, rather than keep emphasizing about “multi device functionality” to the client during your pitching conversation it is better to show them through images. It is better to show your client the same website on a range of devices. Even, if you don’t have any sample work to show, you can check out certain websites like and which can better help you to make understand your client about the visualization.

2. No Static Design Phase In Responsive Web Designing- The best solution to overcome this problem is focus upon designing more elements with fewer layouts. For creating your website assets you should prefer HTML and browser designing first rather than designing full layout on Photoshop. It will eventually help you to save a lot of time.

3. Navigation has become trickier- In responsive web designing a more considered approach is required to be adopted by the designers for navigation. One should be cautious about the script or demo one is selecting for the website. Just focus on how it will work for your website architecture and then only select that.

4. Images are required to be fit for next generation devices- One of the prominent drawbacks is to fix the issue of images which are required to be high pixel density suitable enough for next generation devices. The solution for this problem is scripts, SVG and icon fonts.

Responsive web designing is not a rocket science but it is equally important to analyse in depth before giving a thumbs up to any strategy you are about to implement for your business website.