Article 3

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Transcript of Article 3

Lee and Marlene Canter's Assertive Disciplineby Lauren Tidwell on 8 March 2013 340

Transcript of Lee and Marlene Canter's Assertive DisciplineStrengths: Weaknesses: Lee and Marlene Canter's Assertive Discipline Presented by: Brandy Gorum, Derek Hovell, and Lauren Tidwell 1. Dismiss the thought that there is any acceptable reason for misbehavior.

2.Decide which rules you wish to enforce in your classroom.

3. Determine negative consequences for noncompliance. 

4. Determine positive consequences for appropriate behavior.

5. Implement the program immediately.

6. Become skilled in the use of other assertive discipline techniques:*Communicate displeasure with students behavior*R & R- recognize and quickly respond to appropriate behavior*"Broken Record" technique*"Positive Repetitions" technique*"Proximity Praise" technique*Proximity Control*Teach students the desired behavior!

*Reach out to them. Respond to them, do not just react.

*Build a trusting relationship with them. Get to know them.

*Write reminders to praise students with positive remarks.*BE GENUINE!Conclusion: *Lee and Marlene Canter's Assertive Discipline model emphasizes that the key to an effective assertive discipline program is to "catch" the students behaving appropriately by recognizing them and supporting them when they are good.

*Canter's wish is to assist new teachers in their classroom management so they continue to pursue education as a lifelong passion. The Canters -1968: The two met while attending college. 

-Marlene was an aspiring social worker and Lee wanted to be a teacher. 

-The couple married in 1970.

-They wanted to focus on a future that would make a positive difference in children's lives. 

-Lee began to pursue a Master's in social work while Marlene was finishing work to gain her teacher certification. Marlene also wanted to pursue advanced special education training. The Canters -Lee: Social Work Biography: How to Use Assertive Discipline: Difficult Students: Difficult Students: Lee and Marlene Canter *When they confront you:*Stay calm*Depersonalize the situation*Back-off hostile students! Deal with the class first. Talk with the student privately.*Covert or Overt confrontation? -Covert: student mumbles or sneers but doesn't verbally confront.-Overt: student draws other students into the situation while defying the teacher.Assertive Discipline Teacher Training/ School Consultation. -

Marlene: Special Education Child Development and Special Ed. Techniques -Marlene encountered a child with extremely disruptive behavior.-The Canter's behavioral model stemmed from this experience. -Began their research on other classroom management models.

-Outcome: Assertive Discipline.

-Focus: ConsistencyClear ExpectationsFollow-ThroughDevelopment of Positive Relationships. The Canters Assertive Discipline -Structured, systematic approach designed to assist educators in running an organized, teacher-in-charge classroom environment.-Findings:

-Teachers could not control the behavior in their classrooms. -Cause:-Lack of training in behavioral management. Evolution of the Model: -1970's: Authoritative approach-teacher in charge

-Today: This approach has evolved into a more democratic and cooperative environment. 

-More of a "mindset" that is taught in classes or sold as a prepackaged program.

-Who benefits from this program? Both individual classrooms AND entire schools. 

THEORY of PLAN: -You have the right to determine what is best for your students and to expect compliance. 

-No student should prevent a teacher from teaching or a student from learning!

-STUDENT COMPLIANCE:-Imperative in creating and maintaining an effective and efficient learning environment.-Teachers must react assertively, not passively to behavioral issues. -THREE RESPONSE STYLES NONASSERTIVE -Teacher is passive in response to student behavior. -Poor communication-Poor leadership-Inconsistent

-RESULT:-Students are confused by this lack of proper management. **ROLE-PLAY** HOSTILE -Able to meet the needs in the classroom at the expense of the students self-esteem. -Discipline instead of Empowerment

*Views classroom as Me vs. Them. ASSERTIVE -Identifies expectations clearly.

-Follows through consistently.

-Explains acceptable and unacceptable behavior.

-Consequences of different behaviors are made clear to students. -Understands the need for students to have limits.

-Understands that a positive attitude is important in the classroom.

-Understands that while inappropriate behavior is acknowledged, appropriate behavior does not go unnoticed. AN ASSERTIVE TEACHER: **ROLE-PLAY** **ROLE-PLAY** *Use positive ways of redirecting behavior. -Simple-Involves parents and administrators. -Personal desire of teacher can be reached. -Students could be angered by warnings and continue to

rebel.-Students are embarrassed-Punishment stimulates rebellion and promotes the bad behavior. -Advocates suspension when too many students are out of school already due to suspension.