Arthur presentation

Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Arthur presentation

Slavery Positive Effect

By; Arthur Robinson II

Thesis Statement

Slavery was terrible but also had a positive effect on us.


Slavery was terrible but also had a positive effect on us. With slavery we were able to come to the U.S. We also made an impact on society. Slavery also helped us produce our inventions and science we use today. Slavery had a positive effect on us in its own way.

1st Supporting Paragraph

A positive in slavery was that we were able to come to the U.S. With that we were able to build up on the population. Slavery also made it possible for us to mix up the population. Without slavery I think it would not be possible for us to come to the U.S. There were facts and opinion to this resource.

2nd Supporting Paragraph

Slavery also helped us with inventions and science. We made it possible for clothes to be made quicker. We also invented a lot of food, products and many more. Just a few names to throw out Madam C.J. Walker, George Washington Carver. We were able to succeed and making the United States a better place to live in.

3rd Supporting Paragraph

We also shaped the way the United States is today. Without us being in the United States we would have been able to defeat Britain in the Revolutionary War. We also had political leaders in the world. We were able to make the United States Army stronger than it was at first. Whites were even being nice to us for letting us come to the United States.

Conclusion Paragraph

Even though slavery was a terrible thing it also had some positive things happened to us. We were able to bring music, dance, and our culture to this country. It also helped us have our inventions and science made quicker with us being a slave and working. By force we were able to help America with its Army and teach them well. Slavery to me was not all that bad but I should know it was not all that good.

The End

My Name is Arthur Glenn Robinson II And I Approved This Message.