Arthritic Solutions Research, Design and Development Report

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Transcript of Arthritic Solutions Research, Design and Development Report

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Note to Reader

 This report is representative o the Arthritic Solutions project and does not resemble the ‘traditional’ model o a technical report. As the project is

entirely user-ocused, aspects o the design could change at any time dependent on eedback rom the user groups in question.

 The project ollowed the philosphies o Inclusive Design and Emotional Design, thereore this report does not contain a Product Design Specication.

 This would have placed constrictions on an area o design that can benet immediate changes, due to user eedback.

In an attempt to make this report as user-riendly to read as possible, it has been spiral bound, rather than hot glue bound. The spiral bind allows

readers to turn pages ully, removing the need to hold back pages while reading. A hardback bound update o this report will be available at

twentythree08 : University o Sussex Degree Show.

  To urther this report’s usability and to preserve resources, Appendices A - E have been burned onto the accompanying DVD, as opposed to


Statement o Origininality

 This report is a documentation o work conducted on the Design Project course (H6052) at University o Sussex between September 2007 and April

2008. All content has been produced by the author, David Stevens, unless stated otherwise. The corporate identity ‘ds:ign; David Stevens Design

Solutions’ is the property o David Stevens, all rights reserved.

Note to ExaminerDue to a death in the amily in March 2008, a mitigating cirumstances orm has been submitted or this report.

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summaryUsing a variety o design philosophies, namely Inclusive Design and

Emotional Design, the subject o Living with Arthritis has been used

as a primary ocus point to explore the possibility o new product

developments with the aim o helping people carry out daily tasks

that they may otherwise nd challenging. Inclusive and Emotional

Design Philosophies were adopted to give the potentially broad

project a specic ocus, leading to the study o relevant areas o 

design and market research.

An integral element o the project is observational rst hand research.

  Through a number o ocus groups, case studies and interviews

with proessionals, a large body o invaluable inormation has beencollected through the mediums o photography, lm and sound

recordings, and has helped to:

Visually document people perorming tasks related to the•


Recognise a problem that may not have been seen by the•

intended market,

Turn a perceived problem into an exact solution•

Establish a reliable user base or prototype testing•

  This research was then implemented into the development o a

range o arthritic solutions that aim to reduce, i not eliminate pain

experienced rom the eects o osteoarthritis and rheumatoid

Fig 0.1 A selection o people who helped to develop the product rom concept to nal solution.

arthrits in the execution o daily tasks. Although there is currently a large

market saturated with products aimed at relieving the symptoms o arthritis,

the ocus has been shited to the Universal Design Philosophy o improving

the liestyle o not only the ‘disabled’ but the wider population, with the

urther aim o reducing the likelihood o arthritis in later lie.

With the use o new materials such as SUGRU , a hand ormable silicone, a

range o products have been developed to eliminate painul symptoms o 

arthritis experienced during daily activities, while establishing a positive

emotional response rom the user. It is this eect, accompanied by the

philosophies behind Inclusive Design that have resulted in well-considered,

unstigmatised, user-centered products.

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1.0 Initial Research..................................................................................................................2

  1.1 Intial Observations

1.2 Models o Disability

1.3 Physiological Research

1.4 Memory o Pain

1.5 Statement o Intent

1.6 Initial Concepts

2.0 Market Research............................................................................................................13

2.1 Occupational Theapy2.2 St. Dunstan’s home or the Blind

2.3 Arthritis Simulation

2.4 Visual Impairment Simulation

2.5 Emotional Design

2.6 Potential Market

3.0 DialTurner.........................................................................................................................23

3.1 Inspiration

3.2 Dial-operated products

3.3 Idea Generation

3.4 Initial Concepts

3.5 Sketch Development

3.6 Sketch Modelling

3.7 CAD solutions

3.8 CAD Development

3.9 Interim Solution

4.0 Key Turner.........................................................................................................................35

4.1 Study o Keys

4.2 Keys in Use

4.3 Initial Concepts

4.4 CAD Development

4.5 Further Development


5.0 Materials and Manuacture......................................................................................43

5.1 Material Selection or body o products

5.2 Cast Aluminium Pure (S150.1)5.3 Manuacturing Process

5.4 Glass Rub 50


6.0 Concept Renement.....................................................................................................53

6.1 Integration o SUGRU

6.2 Technical Specication

7.0 Cost Analysis...................................................................................................................55

7.1 Cost o Manuacture

7.2 PEST Analysis

8.0 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................59

Project Evaluation

What next...?

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 This prompted urther research into existing products designed to help people with arthritis

(Chapter 2), resulting in the discovery o Inclusive Design, the design philosophy developed

by University o Cambridge’s Engineering Department.

Inclusive Design The British Standards Institute (2005) denes inclusive design as “ The design o mainstream products and/or services that are accessible to, and usable by, as many people as reasonably  possible … without the need or special adaptation or specialised design.”* 

Use o the Inclusive Design Toolkit, commissioned British Telecom, helps to dene an inclusive

product as the ollowing:

According to the UK charity, Arthritis Care, as o August 2007, there were 4.4 million people in the UK alone with x-ray evidence

o osteoarthritis in their hands. In Europe, the number o people registered as having a musculoskeletal condition (arthritis)

reached over 100 million, whilst in the USA records have been broken with 69.9 million people (33% o total population)

being diagnosed with either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. O these people, 87% do not have external care, yet 81%stated that their condition limits their ability to carry out basic daily routines. This emphasises the act that not only does the

condition aect hundreds o millions o people, but the majority try to stay independent or as long as possible.

• Functional – once the needs and desires o the intended market have been determined, the product must contain eatures that render it

unctional or its intended use. A product with a large number o eatures is not guaranteed to be unctional. This emphasised by the Flexibility-

Usability Tradeo, as dened by Lidwell, Holden and Butler (2003), where a product’s usability decreases with the number o unctions it has.

• Usable – many user groups are still the victims o bad design. Poorly designed products that place high demands on the user oten generate

unnecessarily negative brand images. These insensitive designs can cause rustration in many user groups and can exclude others altogether. In

extreme cases, the thought o independent living may be brought into doubt ater extended experience o poorly designed products.

Fig 0.2 Case study volunteer, Cynthia Stobbs, struggles to slice bread 

*Source: Inclusive Design Toolkit (2007), What is Inclusive Design? [online] avialble at : 

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• Desirable – a product may be desirable or many reasons, including being aesthetically striking, pleasant to touch, conerring social status or

providing a positive impact on quality o lie. This may be accentuated by the act that the intended user groups eel as though they have not been

stigmatised – it oers a better quality o lie to everyone.

• Viable - a commercially successul product relies on its protability. This is usually inuenced by the above points and whether the correct

market research has been carried out, accompanied with release dates and costs.

Essentially, Inclusive Design is a process-driven approach by designers and industry to ensure that products and services address the needs o the

widest possible consumer base, regardless o age or ability. Emphasis is thereore placed on working with ‘critical users’ to increase the usability o 

products and services across the board. In the context o this project, ‘critical users’ are people suering rom either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid

arthritis. As their condition limits their ability to carry out every day activities, they have been used as a ocal point in research, development and

testing stages.

Using Inclusive Design as a basis or the project, this report is adocumentation o the time spent and work produced in developing

inclusive products that aim to reduce or eliminate the painul

symptoms experienced with the onset o arthritis in the execution

o routine activities. 

Fig 0.3 OXO Good Grips kitchenware

Source : Design Council 2008 [accessed 16.03.2008]

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Chapter 1Initial Research

Initial research areas helps to determine potential markets and can helpquickly identiy problem areas which could be solved by developing

products or the specied user.

Unless stated otherwise, ull documentation o observational case studies can be

seen in Appendix A


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1.1 Initial Observations

“ Engineers and designers who believe that they do not need to watch the people who use products are a major source o the many poor designs

that conront us.”  Norman 2004

Vicky Tremain

In order to design products with the aim to reduce the daily pain experienced by people with arthritis, a number o initial case studies were carried

out using both older and younger generations. This was to observe dierences and similarities in perorming the same or similar tasks that would be

carried out on a regular basis. The area chosen to observe was the kitchen, as it is a room used oten by the majority o people living independently

and poses a number o diering ‘hands-on’ activities. The ull range o images in this section can be seen in Appendix A.

Vicky lives in a 6-person house in Brighton, East Sussex, which contains only one medium-sized ridge-reezer, thereore it is oten extremely ull.Having recently bought some rozen sh, Vicky was asked to retrieve the packet rom the reezer. The images shown (let to right) show Vicky’s

necessary movements to retrieve the ood.

Comments to consider during concept development:“ I couldn’t remember which draw I’d put [the sh] in, so when I looked in the [third] draw I could bend pretty easily. When it wasn’t there I couldn’t 

bend to the bottom drawer, it hurts my back and legs too much; I just had to crouch instead.” 

“ I don’t have any joint or muscle problems, but bending or too long hurts my back and crouching can hurt my knees; but I don’t think I’m the only one! ” 

“ It would be great i you see everything in the reezer beore you open the draw so you don’t have to rummage all the time...or have everything at eye-level.” 

Fig 1.1 Vicky Tremain demonstartes the diculties in obtaining ood rom reezer units

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Audrey Flint and Maurice Still

Audrey and Maurice are 79 and 85, respectively and have been close riends or many years. They weresupplied with a camera or a number o days and asked to record elements o their lie that proved difcultor required external help. The images shown depict oten simple problems that, i designed properly should

not pose difculty.

Audrey is a keen gardener but has trouble bending to the ground, and long periods o kneeling on tur can cause severe discomort. A urther problem relating to bending is Audrey’s mini-ridge (Fig Asit is so low to the ground, the bottom shelves are oten not used in order to avoid uncomortable archingo the back.

Maurice is a war veteran and, due to his injuries, experiences problems gaining access to his use box andelectricity meters, which are located under the stairs. Bending like this not only causes pain in the back andknees but aggravates existing problems.

A urther annoyance experienced by both Audrey and Maurice was the height o their light ttings, particularlyupstairs. The red circle in Fig 1.2 shows a light in Audrey’s home that is positioned at a difcult height anddirectly over the stairwell. I she was unable to obtain help to maintain this light, Audrey would ace seriousdangers in trying to reach it. Maurice has equally high light ttings and due to a long standing knee injury isunable to climb on stools or chairs to change light bulbs.

These problems show that the design and layout o products or simple tasks have not been consideredully, thereore presenting unnecessary problems to older people, in particular.

Fig 1.2 Images taken by Audrey Flint and Maurice Still when asked to document activities they oudn troublesome

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Cynthia Stobbs

Cynthia lives by hersel in a one-person, ground oor at in Sussex. Despite her age and the onset o arthritis, she lives as independently as possible.

Like Vicky, Cynthia was also asked to access her reezer and retrieve an item, as seen below.

Fig 1.3 shows that the ridge-reezer unit that Cynthia has installed has access

problems beore anything is even taken out. Due to poor design o other

kitchen units, the gap in which the ridge is positioned is not large enough,

preventing the door opening ully and consequently obstructing access to the

reezer drawers. Unlike Vicky, Cynthia nds it increasingly difcult to crouch, so,

to get to the lower drawers o the reezer she needs to support hersel on the

work top; which presents dangerous consequences i she were to slip.

Although Cynthia lives alone, there is a surprisingly large amount o ood in thererigerator. She explained:

“ I nd it more dicult to walk the distance to the shops now, so when I do go, I 

tend to stock up...this means some things do go out o date though.” 

Fig 1.3 Cynthia Stobbsusing her ridge-reezer


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 The sink in the kitchen is so deep that

Cynthia cannot close the window

without the help o her “most useul 

gadget ”, pictured let. This simple

device reduces the distance needed

to lean to close the window, whilst

oering improved grip and wrist

support. The product is operated by

using linear movement o the upper

arm, rather than wrist rotation.

Aside rom problems experienced with the rerigerator unit, Cynthia has difculties elsewhere in her kitchen.

“ My arthritis means I can’t grip knives or ood very well and my ngers and wrist hurt most when cuttingvegetables, in particular. I can’t aford the specialist knives so I’ve started to cook less.” 

“ I have a mini oven/grill on my work top so I don’t have to bend down to use the bigger one. I can see things a

lot easier and it doesn’t use as much electricity! ” 

“ The corner unit is ar too high and it’s so awkward to open I have to stand on a stool.” 

The study o both Vicky and Cynthia highlight the act that problems are experienced with every day appliances, such as rerigerators, regardless

o age. Despite the act that these issues may be accentuated with age, problems have been created by the lack o attention paid to user

interaction, regardless o physical ability. This is urther emphasised by theoretical research into the Medical and Social models o disability.

Fig 1.4 Further problems Cynthia experiences in thekitchen

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1.2 Disability Models The study o disability models ( Woodward, 2005) emphasises the importance o not stigmatising products towards a specic ailment and highlights

the act that society can do a great deal more to help those less able.


Medical Model

 This is probably the most traditionally used model, rom which the Administrative and Charity Models have developed. The Medical Model places the

ault o difculties experienced by a disabled person on them, rather than on the barriers they experience, which have been created by society. I a

person cannot be adapted to t into the world as it is (using specialised products and services) then they should be placed in a home or institutional

care, where their basic needs can be met, but little else. When assessing an individual’s ‘disability’, the ocus in oten on their impairment rather than

on the physical or mental needs, which emphasises stereotypical attitudes o pity, ear and patronisation ( Charity Model).

Social Model

 The Social Model has been developed by the disabled community with the belie that, although they may have physical or mental impairments,

‘disability’ is the ault o society in the way it is designed and run.

Contrary to the Medical Model, the Social Model emphasises that mental or physical impairments become disabling due to poorly designed products,

such as buildings, access routes and everyday objects, which result in the sympathetic, earing and patronising attitudes imposed on the ‘disabled’

community by society.

The study o disability models has given urther ocus to the project, with an emphasis on not simply designing a product or people with

arthritis, but one that changes the way a task is ullled. I the product is used by a wider demographic then it has the scope to relieve existing

symptoms o arthritis and also prevent urther development o the condition in uture generations. Larger diagrams can be seen in Appendix A.

Fig 1.5 Common conceptions o ‘disabled’ imposed by the Medical Model ( Fig 1.6 Depiction o how society is not designed or those with physical or mental impairments,(

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1.3 Physiological Research

Libby Finn has been registered as a qualied BUPA physiotherapist or 10 years. Her expertise has helped to emphasise what the previous

observational studies had concluded - the limits o physical capabilities at older ages can present unnecessary dangers due to poor product

design. This interview was video recorded, however, due to a corrupted memory card, only audio was retrievable. This can be ound on CD in

Appendix A.

“ ...getting down to low stuf does depend a lot on strength in the legs.

You and I would be perectly ne, however, the elderly population and 

chronically ill aren’t going to have the strength to squat down to get things

out o the bottom o their reezer.” 

“ ...the optimum liting position is with a straight back...” 

“ ‘able bodied’ person should have 150 degree rotation at the knee...however ‘able - bodied’ is such a broad term that your ‘Average Joe’, who

may not consider themselves to have a problem, simply may not have

the strength or movement to bend down...and that is something that you

really have to consider.” Libby Finn, BUPA Physiotherapist 

Fig 1.7 shows Libby demonstrating the dierence between liting

positions and the dangers o liting rom the back, rather than the


As seen in the accompanying observational responses (Fig 1.8), liting

rom the back places strain on the mulidus muscles (core muscles)

surrounding the spine, which, i damaged can result in chronic pain.

Liting rom the legs is saer, however, with the onset o osteoarthritis,

reduced strength in the knees can result in urther strain on the achiles

tendons. According to Libby, when this natural degeneration occurs,

people with osteoarthritis inevitably revert to liting rom the back,

which can cause urther discomort.

Fig 1.7 Libby Finn demonstrates optimum liting positions, alongside dangerous equivalent  Fig 1.8 Ben Nolan acts as a case study regarding muscle and tendon strain when liting

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A requent cause o chronic back pain, according to Libby Finn, is liting o heavy objects rom the incorrect

height. As muscles are over-strained, danger signals are sent to the brain and perceived as pain, which results

in muscles tensioning in order to protect themselves. However, the same action, even not muscle damaging,

can cause the same pain. As Bridger ’s (2003) diagram shows (Fig 1.9), items above 10 kg should not be lited

rom below the knees. However, the heaviest items in a ridge-reezer are oten the rozen items, located at

the bottom o the unit. Retrieving these items can unnecessarally aggravate back pain.

When we carry out an action that ‘hurts’, or example touching an open ame, we eel pain. However, it is not the skin, nor the muscle that eels the

pain. According to Butler and Mosely (2003), “there are no pain bres in the nervous system. When injured, the nerve bres send ‘danger signals’ not pain

signals towards the brain.” These ‘danger signals’ are interpreted by the brain in relation to the action that is being carried out and can help us to avoid

the same situations again to avoid eeling the pain associated with it. I you are burned on a re, you will naturally avoid open ames aterwards.

However, these “neurotags” can cause similar pain or completely dierent actions. For example, on a trek through a rainorest, a man’s ankle brushes

what he thinks is a sharp twig. However, it was actually a potentially poisonous snake bite, rendering him bed-ridden or weeks.

Returning to slightly less dangerous walks, the man brushed his ankle on an actual branch, yet collapsed in excrutiating pain, claiming that he had

been bitten once again. Although only a small scrape, the memory o the ‘danger signals’ that had been sent beore triggered the neurological

reaction o being bitten by a poisonous animal.

Taking into account the observational

and theoretical research obtained, it

was initially decided to develop a user-

centered and Inclusive rerigeration unit.

1.4 Memory o Pain

Fig 1.9 Diagram o maximum masses to be lited rom varying heights

 An Intorduction to Ergonomic pp 65( Bridger (2003)

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1.5 Statement o Need

From the initial research conducted, an introductory statement o need was developed. A statement o need helps to dene consumer

needs or a task. Although it places constraints on the design, this ocus is needed in order to ulll the needs and desires o a market. In

this case, the needs were based on research o the physically less abled.

The product must enable ease o access to rerigerated or rozen ood, without the need•

to bend to uncomortable angles, avoiding the memory o pain.

Liting height o items over 10kg must not be placed below knee-height.•

The product must be easily installed and must not have large moving parts so as to avoid•

accessibility issues whilst in use.

Inclusive Design must be used throughout - aesthetics must be careully considered in•

order to not stigmatise to a particular ailment

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1.6 Initial Concepts


Sketches o the rerigeration concept were developed rom the idea o removing the need

to bend to retrieve items rom the appliance. Having established this need through previous

observational research, it was important to establish why rerigeration is needed. Further

sketches can be seen in Appendix C.

Using TRIZ design methodologies, it is possible to state both the PURPOSE and FUNCTION o 

a ridge, two elements that are essential in determining the user’s need or the product.

Function: According to TRIZ, the unction o a product requires a change to happen. For

example, the purpose o a soldier’s helmet is not to protect their head, but to change the

direction o any bullets traveling towards them. Thereore, the unction o a ridge is to

change the temperature o the air within the unit.

Purpose: The purpose o a product describes the user ’s need or it. The purpose o a ridge is

to slow down the growth o bacteria on it’s contents.

With this in mind, a range o concepts were developed based on the idea o:

Food preservation•

Removal o physical strain•

Increased content visibility•

Fig 1.10 shows concepts based around locating rerigeration on one level, thereore eliminating

the need to bend. This concept also lends itsel to division o the unit into designated

compartments, all optimised or dierent ood stus.Fig 1.10 Initial rerigeration concepts

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 This sketch shows that not just rerigeration concepts were considered, but also the idea o preservation o its

contents. To prevent spillage o contents, open bags need to be secured shut.

 The circled element in Fig 1.11 depicts the use o a ‘clothes peg’ device to aid people with arthritis in sealing

open bags. Physiotherapist, Libby Finn, stated in the earlier interview that “ people with arthritis in their hands

have reduced ne motor control movements...they struggle with buttons and zips etc...” With an increased suracearea and spring loaded mechanism, the clothes peg concept would enable the consumer to use the product

with minimal eort, thereore greatly improving usability.

Fig 1.12 shows a variation o the one-level ridge that has a glass ‘shutter’, enabling the user to see its contents

and avoid looking in the wrong area or desired items, an idea suggested by Vicky Tremain. As discovered in the

observation o Cynthia Stobbs, a problem oten experienced in the use o ridge-reezers is that the door can

collide with doors and walls, restricting access to the appliance. With a sliding shutter, this concept removes

However, reverting back to previous observations o Cynthia, who lives alone, it became clear that a one-level

unit may not be able to contain the entireties o a user’s

desired items (Fig 1.13. Thereore, the concept was altered

in order to provide containment or taller items, such as

bottles, a central compartment or the majority o ood

stus and a separate reezer compartment (Fig 1.14).

 These early stages o concept development helped to visualise possible solutions to problems observed in initial research stages. Although

they addressed a recognised problem, it was decided that the ocus was too specic on rerigeration and that urther research into ood

preparation and kitchen interaction should be carried out. This approach was adopted to help broaden product possibilities to solve a

range o diculties experienced by suferers o arthritis.

Fig 1.11 Clothes peg preservation concept 

Fig 1.12 Glass-ronted ridge

Fig 1.13 Cynthia’s stcoked ridgeFig 1.14 Alternative containment design.

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Chapter 2Market Research

Market Research represents the voice o the consumer within the

organisation, thereore it is essential to observe potential users and

gather objective inormation regarding their wants and needs to develop

considered products.

Full documentation o observational visits in this Chapter can be seen in

Appendix B.

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2.0 Market Research

 The British Institute o Management denes market research as “ the objective gathering, recording and analysing o all o the problems relating to the

transer and sale o goods and services rom producer to consumer or user ” (Verrel, 2007). Throughout the design process the aim o market research

was to:

• Reduceuncertaintyandrisk 

• Toaidplanningandstrategy

• Toexploreopportunitiesforgrowth

• Tomonitorthemarketandcompetitors.

Primarily, a problem had to be identied within a specic market that could be solved by a either a singular product or a range. By analysing

existing products, alongside a large amount o primary observational evidence, it was possible to achieve the aims stated above with a largedegree o success, enabling inormed design decisions to be made.

 The observational research conducted throughout this Chapter is a documentation o visits to The Daily Living Centre, Hove; St. Dunstan’s Home

or Blind ex-Service men and Women, Brighton; and personal simulation experiments in response to these visits.

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Fig 2.1 Arthritic Gripper 

Fig 2.2 PETA Gardening Trowel 

Fig 2.3 OXO Good Grips Cutlery 

Fig 2.4 Plug pulling aid 

Fig 2.5 One Touch Can Opener 

2.1 Occupational Therapy

1. Arthritic Gripper - due to reduced dexterity with the onset o 

arthritis, as described previously, this product has a number

o spring-loaded columns that have the ability to grip onto

a variety o objects, such as handles and dials. The pushing

motion required helps alleviate pain experienced while

gripping, however i an object required turning, the rotational

movement required can cause more discomort than i not

using the product.

2. PETA Gardening Trowel  - this product addresses the problemsseen in the Arthritic Gripper by keeping the wrist in line with the

lower arm, thereore reducing unnecessary and oten painul

movements when gardening. The arm support and alternative

grip arrangement improves efciency and the use o bright

colours also helps easily identiy the essential eatures o the

product, which cater to partially sighted users.

3. OXO Good Grips Cutlery - one o the most successul examples

o Inclusive Design. These products have been designed orpeople with poor dexterity and limited movement o the

upper arm. However, products within the range, such as the

Good Grips Vegetable Peeler have proved best sellers among

the able bodied as well as those with physical impairments,

resulting in 50% sales increases year on year (Design Council,


4. Plug Pulling Aid - this product been designed or

people with limited dexterity in order to help them

pull plugs out o sockets. Although it unctions

brilliantly and is cheap and easy to produce, thereore

reducing consumer costs, it is visually unattractive

and stigmatises towards suerers o arthritis, contrary

to Inclusive Design guidelines.

5. One Touch Can Opener - completely eliminatingthe need to wrestle with varying methods o 

opening cans, this product is another excellent

example o Inclusive Design. Once in place, the

user operates the product by pressing the large

and easily visible green button. With the use o 

magnets, the product is hands-ree and makes it

easy to remove the lid rom the tin.

Occupational therapists, depending on their specialism, oer a range o services that help to assess disability. According to Derek Moore at The Daily

Living Centre, Hove, “the people who oten visit, along with their amilies, are those who have recently suered a stroke or have discovered that they can

no longer perorm their daily routines.” Once the needs o individuals are established, inormed recommendations on products to help a variety o 

conditions can be made. An observational visit was made to The Daily Living Centre to assess the current market or arthritis-ocused products.

Although this study was not entirely based in the kitchen arena,

analysis o existing products in similar areas o ocus helped toexplore the dierent tasks that people with arthritis may nd

difcult. Many o the products seen in this visit use contrasting

colours to cater or the visually impaired, another problem

associated with ageing. This was addressed with a visit to St.

Dunstan’s Home or Blind Ex-Service Men and Women.

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2.2 St. Dunstan’s

St Dunstan’s, based in Brighton, is a centre or ex-Service men and women, either

blinded in action having developed blindness with age. Although there are

approximately 20 permanent residents, the majority attend specic classes eachweek, aimed to encourage independent living.

All sta at St. Dunstan’s attend a two-day training course which aims to provide

employees with an understanding o exact problems associated with blindness and

partial sightedness.

Given the opportunity to briey experience this training, Fig 2.7 shows the use o 

glasses designed to simulate the eects o ocular degeneration, tunnel vision and glaucoma.

According to Mark Brownlow, an employee at St. Dunstan’s, “everyone’s eyesight goes

as they get older ”, emphasising that this was an issue that needed to be addressed

alongside degenerative musculoskeletal conditions, such as arthritis, which are also

synonymous with age.

With the help o Mark and his colleague, Michelle, the aim o this study was to

develop an understanding o what the visually impaired require in a product to

allow sae and efective use. Alongside photographic documentation, audio and lm

recordings were made and can be accessed in Appendix B.

Fig 2.6 Mark Brownlow and his colleague Michelle act as guide around the home.Fig. 2.7 Wearing o adapted saety goggles simulates dierent ocular conditions.

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Oten seen in public lavatories,

this wall-mounted soap

dispenser allows easy and

consistent location o essential

hygiene products around the


Limited vision reduces the

ability to carry out even simple

tasks, such as making a hot

drink. This device senses the

water level and beeps or

vibrates, preventing over llingo hot liquids.

According to Mark, “ one o 

the best ways to encourage

independence is to use a person’s

existing products as oten as

 possible.” As pictured, small

buttons can be tted to regularproducts to allow ease o 


Coloured cutting mats provide

much needed distinction

between suraces when

preparing ood.

Although many products were available at St. Dunstan’s, not everybody decided to use them. Martin Shail, a member o sta at St. Dunstan’s is

blind and preers not to use the products on oer:

“ I’ve been living independently with blindness or 15 years and I don’t use any o these gadgets...” 

 This raised the question as to whether the use o such products helps or hinders independence. Martin’s belie is that although they may initiallyremove day-to-day difculties, the user may develop a dependence on the product, thereore eliminating it’s long-term usability.

For a product in this eld to succeed in its aim o helping people, it needs to encourage independence, not render the user incompetent

without it.

Fig 2.8 Wall mounted Soap Dispenser  Fig. 2.9 Water level sensor Fig. 2.10 Textured buttons on existing products Fig. 2.11 Coloured cutting mats

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As stated in the previous Chapter, arthritis decreases ne motorcontrol in the ngers, thumb and wrist. This can inevitably aectdaily activities, such as cooking, cleaning and getting dressed.

In response to observations made during initial research andat the Daily Living Centre, an investigation into a reduction indexterity was conducted in a basic kitchen.

 The task was to prepare and cook a meal whilst wearing largemittens, which were predicted to reduce grip and dexterity.

Difcult to open drawers•

Vegetables had to be•placed in order o use

to avoid unnecessary

handling problems.

Difculty in coordinating•

vegetable peeler with

vegetables. Accompanied

with poor grip, ood was


Peeling onions with hands•

proved almost impossible.

Hard to pick up waste o •

chopping board.

Due to poor grip, the•

orce needed to cut the

vegetables could not be

easily transerred rom the

arm and wrist to the knie.

Evidently, the large majority o the problems experienced preparing ood were severely accentuated

by the large gloves. However, limited grip, dexterity and coordination, are all symptoms o arthritis, as

previously established in interviews and observations. Although the pain associated with degenerative

conditions was not experienced, this experiment provided a valuable insight into daily problems

experienced by people with arthritis.

2.3 Arthritis Simulation

Fig. 2.12 Storyboard o arthritic simulation, using padded gloves as a limiting actor.

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2.4 Visual Impairment SimulationAs with the arthritis simulation, this experiment was to simulate ocular degeneration in order to understand

the diculties associated with it. With Vaseline covered glasses, giving the impression o blurred vision or

cataracts, the task was to prepare a toasted sandwich to the best standard possible in the circumstances.

Fig 2.13 depicts a range o tasks conducted that are associated with ood preparation: navigation around the kitchen,

chopping o ood and using appliances to cook.

From the experiment, aspects initially identied rom the visit to St. Dunstan’s were emphasised:


- using routine storage spaces or particular items helped navigation around the kitchenSound• - the bread was removed rom the toaster once it had ‘popped’

Colour and contrast• - butter was located in the rerigerator through the brightly coloured packaging in comparison to other contents

Texture• - helps to distinguish one item rom another - unortunately in this experiment the texture o the knie was not sufcient to prevent

injuries occurring. Although the simulation was terminated early, the points listed demonstrate how good or bad design can afect the

sensory perception o multiple senses, especially i one is already hindered.

Fig. 2.13 Storyboard o visual impairment simulation

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2.5 Emotional Design The concept o Emotional Design is based on our emotional response to products and services. These responses, as dened in Emotional Design :

Why We Love (or hate) Everyday Things (Norman, 2004) are based on three levels o eedback rom the brain:

1. Visceral - The immediate response to objects or situations, making a judgement o what is attractive or ugly, sae or dangerous etc.2. Behavioural - The site o most human behaviour. In terms o products, the behavioural level acts as a judgment level o a product or service’s

unctionality. Dependent on experience, this level can enhance or inhibit the visceral level and can, in turn, be inhibited or enhanced by the reective


3.Reective - The level which tries to inuence the behavioural level through the use o reective thought.

In terms o design, it is important to satisy each level o emotional responses so that the product is able to be used on a long-term basis. At the

visceral level, humans nd bright colours and symmetrical, rounded shapes more attractive, traits oten seen in the survival o plants and animals in

nature. The brighter or rounder a plant or ruit appears, the more attractive it is to animals and seeds are dispersed. Likewise in the design community,the more attractive an object is at the visceral level, the greater chance it has at succeeding in the marketplace.

 To satisy the behavioural level, rst and oremost, the product must unction and ulll its need. Fig 2.14 and 2.15 depict two dierent attempts to

ulll the need o eating a meal with one hand; products intended or amputees and people who have suered strokes.

Fig 2.14 shows an attempt to integrate a ork and a cutting implement, which not only appears

unattractive and unsae at the visceral level, but unctions terribly, with users apparently injuring

themselves on the product, according to Derek Moore at The Daily Living Centre. On the other hand

the ‘Knork’ (Fig 2.15) is a regular ork with slightly thinner edges or improved cutting, and a thicker

‘neck’, which increase grip and comort, thereore creating a better emotional bond to the user. The

latter appears more attractive and ullls its need ar better, thereore satisying both the visceral

and behavioural levels, but design is not compromised and the stigma o designing or a disability

is removed, thereore satisying the reective level.

Fig 2.14Integrated ork and pizzacutter 

Fig 2.15 ‘Knork’ knie and ork combination

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designer’s conceptual


user’s mental


The System Image

Fig 2.16 Modied diagram o Norman’s (2004) ‘System Image’ diagram

Alongside Visceral, Behavioural and Reective level satisaction, Norman states that

“or someone to use a product successully, they must have the same mental model as that 

o the designer.” The only way the designer can talk to the user in terms o a product’s

unctionality is through the product itsel, thereore the way a product ullls its

purpose must be through an intuitive system image. Furthermore, or the user to

be able to understand the product is unctioning correctly, a eedback system must

be in place, such as the eeling o a mechanism moving when a button is pressed.

According to Norman, “negative emotions kick in when there is a lack o control - rst 

uneasiness, then irritation, and, i the lack o control persists, even anger.”

System Image

Having discovered the importance o a coherent system image, or product language, a range o actions were observed on a variety o products to

explore their use o system image. This exploration emphasised the importance o user interaction with products and the consequent eects it can

have on a product’s lie time. For urther images, see Appendix B.

Pulling• - small recesses indicate that there is an area within it that can be gripped onto. The hand position necessary to grip encourages the user

to pull it outwards.

Opening• - handles, such as the ones pictured in Fig 2.17, transmit the undisputed system image o a turning moment, resulting in the opening

o the object towards (or away) rom the body.

Switches• are usually reliant on user-based eedback systems. Recessions or extrusions provide an interaction point, where moving parts provide

eedback that the relevant action has been carried out. The nal level o eedback is conveyed the product turning on or o.

Fig 2.17 Investigation into system image o a variety o products

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“ The UK’s population is ageing” , states a National Statistics report (August 2007). Although there has been an 8 per cent increase in population

overall rom 1971 to 2006, the growth has not been evenly spread. This is demonstrated by the table below.

1971 2006 Current gure (millions)% o population aged under 16 26 19 11.5

% o population aged over 65 13 16 9.7

Table 2.1 Table o change in age demographics over a period o 35 years. Source: National Statistics Online

 This growth in the over 65 age group, represents “ improved survival and the post World War One baby boomers now reaching this age group.” 4 

In Europe and the USA, alone, there are approximately 175 million people suering rom musculoskeletal conditions in Western society. This not

only highlights the scale o the problems demonstrated in research throughout Chapters 1 and 2, but also shows a huge potential market or

products that address the needs o people with arthritis.

From this research it was possible to reresh the Statement o Need or an arthritis-ocused and Inclusive product:

The product(s) must solve a daily or routine [potential] problem applicable to the majority o the population, not just those suering rom•


Although the product(s) may help the user signicantly, they must not develop a dependence on the product(s), which could lead to reduced•

overall independence.

Using Inclusive Design philosophies, the product(s) must be visually striking, without compromising on its unctionality, thereore eliminating•

stigmatised reactions rom potential users.The product(s) must satisy the user’s Visceral, Behavioural and Reective brain levels in order to evoke positive emotional responses.•

 There must be a cohesive system image in place to avoid conusion o how to use the product(s).•

The product(s) must improve the potential market’s overall quality o lie.•

4 (2007) Ageing -  16% o UK Population are aged 65 or over [online], National Statistics Report, DirectGov, 22nd August 2007, available at [accessed 


2.6 Potential Market

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Chapter 3Dial Turner

Having conducted a large volume o observational and statistical research,

it was decided to study dial-operated products with the aim o developingan arthritic solution to problems observed.

Note : Full documentation o this Chapter can be seen in Appendix C.

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 The conceptual design process was instigated by a comment made by Libby Finn at BUPA:

“ ...people with arthritic problems don’t have the necessary rotational strength in their wrist to turn objects like jars, keys and dials on appliances... ” 

3.1 Inspiration

As seen in the PETA Gardening Trowel (Fig 3.1), a way to alleviate the pains o arthritis o the

wrist and thumb and prevent urther progression o the condition is to keep the wrist in the

neutral position, as seen in the PETA Product Guide, 2007 (Fig 3.2)

 This reduction in strain on tendons can slow down the onset o arthritis, particularly in the

wrist and thumb. Products to combat the development o arthritis have only been introduced

to market relatively recently, thereore the post world-war one ‘baby boomers’ will not

have had signicant access to these products. This is not to say that there have not been

products to help relieve the symptoms o the condition but there have not been signicantdevelopments in the way users interact with products to reduce the likelihood o developing

the condition in later lie.

As stated in earlier research, people with arthritis oten do not have the rotational strength

required to operate a number o products without experiencing pain. One area identied

was the operation o kitchen appliances that require the rotation o dials to turn on and o 

and to select dierent unctions.

Using urther observational research methods, studies were conducted in the area o 

dial operated products, with the aim o providing a solution to the problem.

Fig 3.1 Derek Moore demonstrates the neutral wrist position with the PETAgardening trowel 

Fig 3.2 PETA demonstration o neutral wirst position

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3.2 Dial Operated ProductsFig 3.3 shows Beverly, 49, demonstrating the use o dials in her kitchen.

  The dials eatured are ound on regular

products, such as a dishwasher, washing

machine, toaster, central heating unit,

pressure cooker and an oven.

As Fig 3.3 shows, all o the appliance dials are

turned in a clockwise direction, which is a

good system image to use, due to the visual

similarities to a clock.

 The way in which Beverly held the dial varied

slightly rom appliance to appliance, however,

the majority were operated by using the

edge o the index nger, and the thumb as

a solid grip. The rotation o the wrist caused

the orces placed on each digit to act against

each other in the same direction, orcing the

dial to turn on its axis.

 This is explained diagrammatically in Fig 3.4.

Fig 3.3 Demonstration o Beverly using dial-operated products

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3.3 Idea GenerationHundreds o varying idea generation and analysis methods are used in industry, however, they can be time consuming. Due to the limited

time scale, it was important to use a selection o these in order to create an exciting yet comprehensive design. 


Brainstorming, also known as “thought showering”, is used to generate a vast array o 

ideas in a relatively short space o time and can involve a large variety o participants

rom wide-ranging backgrounds.

 Throughout the project Focus Groups have been held to establish the need or the

product and possible problems it could solve . Alongside associates rom backgrounds

including geography, music and psychology, a number o brainstorming sessions were

carried out within the user group o people with arthritis.

 Throughout the sessions, it was imperative not to dismiss any ideas, as they may have

been useul at a later stage.

Flexibility-Usability Trade-of Principle

Alongside idea generating brainstorms, it was essential to keep the philosophies o 

Inclusive and Emotional Design in mind so as not to stray rom the aim o the product.

As well as design philosophies, Universal Principles o Design (Lidwell, Holden, Butler,

2003) were also adopted in the conceptual design process.

 The Flexibility - Usability Trade-o Principle state that the ewer unctions and options

that each product has increases its usability. Essentially, the ewer eatures there are, the

ewer things can go wrong. Keeping this ocus in the conceptual stages helped to provide

valuable evaluation criteria with regards to concepts taken through to development.Fig 3.7 Demonstration o Flexibility-Usability Trade-o Principle



Fig 3.6 Brainstorming sessions and ocus groups

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3.4 Initial IdeasA selection o suggestions brought orward by ocus groups were sketched with the most efective solutions being carried orward. Quick 

evaluation o the concepts meant dismissal o the weaker ideas and the stronger concepts were taken urther. See Appendix C or urther


Lever - using the arm to

rotate the dial rather than

the wrist.

- Large and cumbersome

- Requires user to stand to

the side o the appliance,

thereore blocks their view o 

the mode-selecting dial.

Dual-Action Dial Turner

and Jar Opener - Clip o 

mechanism enables product

to have a dual unction.

- Does not adhere to

previously stated Flexibility-

Usability Trade-o principle.

Usability must be maximised.

- Clip o section would be

hard to remove, adding

urther problems or the user.

One-Piece - grips to dial using

‘teeth’ and is turned using

extended handle.

- Turning moment rom the pivot

is extended, thereore less orce is

needed to rotate.

- Would not be able to be applied to

a range o dials due to xed teeth.

Rollerball - replacement o dial,

rather than using a product to x

the problem.

- Still requires use o hands and

ngers. People with arthritis have

limited ne motor control and may

struggle with its operation.

- Cost o replacement o dial would

prove ar too expensive.

Concepts chosen to be developed : Dual Action; One piece Fig 3.8 Lever concept 

Fig 3.9 Dual-action concept 

Fig 3.10 One piece concept 

Fig 3.11 Rollerball concept 

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3.5 Sketch Development

Dual-action - Although initially discarded as a concept, it was decided to take this

concept urther, as it could be applicable to the majority o the population. Jars

can be notoriously difcult to open, particularly or those with arthritis, however, a

number o products (see Appendix B) currently exist to solve this problem.

 The product consists o two segments; Dial Turner and Jar Opener. When they are

not in use, they t together as a unit and orm an attractive ornamental object, not

stigmatising towards any ailment. However, the way in which they are separated

requires rotation o the wrist, an action that was to be eliminated.

One-Piece - Reducing the complexity o the dial turner by making it one piecereduces costs, ts the Flexibility-Usability Trade-o Principle much better and has

an improved sense o system image. The handles indicate they are to be held and

then turned.

Initial development sketches were not viscerally pleasing, and did not satisy the

reective level o the brain - it still looked like a gadget or a disabled person.

 Thereore, moveable ‘wings’ were experimented with, which allowed the user toturn the device when necessary. While not being used, they would rest in recesses

in the body o the product, presenting a much more attractive device.

This concept was taken urther in the orm o sketch modelling...

Fig 3.12 Range o sketches chosen to develop

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3.6 Sketch modelling

Early prototypes in the orm o sketch models helped to

quickly visualise the possibilities o a dial turning product. It

was important to establish whether the product unctionedbeore continuing with development studies.

Materials used : Plastic Cup, Corrugated Card, Parcel Tape

 The model was based around the aim o inserting the dial into two extrusions, which acted as a grip, replacing the need or a orenger and thumb

grip. Using two handles on the top o the product, the dial could be turned ar easier than with ngers alone. As Fig 3.14 shows, the rotationalmovement in the wrist needed previously has been almost completely eliminated. (For lm, see Appendix C)

Fig 3.13 Sketch model o Dial Turner concept 

Fig 3.14 Screenshots taken rom sketch modelling lm.

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3.7 CAD Solutions

3D CAD Modelling packages help to visualise and edit concepts quickly,

easily and accurately, thereore providing a reliable and realistic

representation o a product.

Produced in Solidworks, these initial CAD models

eature a curved handle designed to acilitate

ease o clockwise rotation o dials on kitchen


However, when the concepts were shown to a

ocus group o older people, all with arthritis in

the ngers, wrist or thumb, they did not appear

particularly popular:

“  personally, I prefer more symmetrical 

 shapes - it’s a bit bendy…” Cynthia Stobbs

“It looks like it’s designed for a disabled 

  person - I may have arthritis but I’m not 

disabled.”  Audrey Flint 

These comments, although critical, were essential

in re-establishing ocus on Inclusive and Emotional

Design, and the act that although the product

is designed to help people, they must not eel

excluded by society or owning and using it.

Dial gripped by recess

instead o ngers

Wooden or rubber handle

enables user to turn dial with

reduced orce, although is

“too bendy” 

 Aluminium connecting pin -

is this necessary? 

Fig 3.17 Initial CAD development models o Dial Turner 

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3.8 CAD Development

Taking into account comments rom the user ocus group, Soildworks was used urther to develop

more aesthetically pleasing, one-piece solutions. With the development o more viscerally satisying

solutions, they became more unctional, ollowing Norman’s (2004) statement that “attractive things

work better.”

no room to grip handle - too ‘stubby’ 

Silicone-lined recess accommodates

a wide range o dials

longer, thinner handle increases

grip with both hands and is more

aesthetically pleasing

Silicone ‘faps’ old inwards when pressed to a dial. Folded 

silicone acts as an extra grip on the sides o the dial. Use o 

bright colours caters to partially sighted users.

Beech nish boasts kitchen-riendly 

antiseptic properties and an

alternative texture.

Silicone ‘reerence button’. Enables

 partially sighted users to locate and 

utilise the product easily 

 The annotated solutions show the development rom one concept through to various alterations, with

added eatures or specic markets.

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3.9 Interim SolutionAs an interim solution, this concept best represented the aim o the Dial Turner up

to this stage o development.

Using more sophisticated styling than previous concepts, this product, rstly, does notlook like an arthritic aid, and is viscerally attractive, thereore ts in with the Inclusive

and Emotional Design philosophies. Using brighter colours, as proven in observational

research, is oten benecial to the visually impaired, who are also likely to suer rom

arthritic conditions, yet this does not remove anything rom its styling.

  The symmetrical layout o the Dial Turner portrays the system image o a handheld

product that, when placed on a product will rotate something. Two handles, rather than

our also help to create reerence points or when they product is in use. This intuitive

product language is essential to the success o an Inclusive product.

In order to develop the Dial Turner concept, it was decided it was necessary to

investigate other areas o daily living that people with arthritis may nd


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Chapter 4Key Turner

Rotataion o the wrist is not exclusive to using dial-operated products.

Further studies were conducted into the area o key operation and how

users interact with them.

Full documentation o this Chapter can be seen in Appendix C.

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4.1 Study o Keys

In a society obsessed with security, keys are an essential part o daily routines or millions o people. In order to design a device to help

people turn keys in locks with improved ease, it was necessary to investigate the styles o keys used and what they are used or.

Yale - predominantly doorlocks

Chubb - Deadlocks ondoors

Locker key Padlock key Bike lock key

Types and Uses

Methods o storing

Fig 4.2 shows a range o items that keep keys in a collective group and ensure they are not lost. The most popular method is a key ring, which, while

ullling its task is not user-riendly due to the manner in which the user must prise apart the device in order to attach or remove a key. Due to the

ne motor control needed or such an action, people with ar thritis in their hands can suer.

Fig 4.1 A range o diering keys, in terms o size and purpose

Fig 4.2 Diering methods o securing keys together 

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In order to dierentiate and personalise keys, the addition o accessories, such as toy gures and bottle are commonplace.

Statement o Need

Conducting this initial research acilitated the development o broad statement or a device to help people with

arthritis in their hands use and store keys easier.

 The product must be able to accommodate a wide variety o keys, namely Yale, Chubb, and similar styles.•

 Turning keys in locks with the aid o the product must be signicantly easier than without it.•

As stated earlier in a previous Statement o Need (Page 22), although the product may help the user signicantly,•

they must not develop a dependence on it.

 The product must provide a user-centered and Inclusive method o attaching and removing keys, which must also•

address the possible elimination o the memory o pain

 The design solution must be coherent with Inclusive Design and Emotional Design philosophies.•

Fig 4.3 Range o accessories used to personalise bunches o keys

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4.2 Keys in OperationThe study o the use o keys, as with the study o dial operated products, helps to highlight to problem areas or people with arthritis in

the hands, thumbs and wrists.

Ben, aged 22, was asked to open a newly installed back door o his house in Brighton Town Centre. Although Ben does not have arthritis, Figures 4.4and 4.5 depict the stresses and rotational movement about the wrist needed to open the door. The images shown are a series o screenshots taken

rom a video which can be ound in Appendix C.

Fig 4.4 Ben has diculties opening a newly installed kitchen door 

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“...the door doesn’t lock or unlock unless you pull the handle up’s really annoying...”

“ shouldn’t take that much efort to open a


It is evident rom the length o the video that Ben had problems locking and unlocking

the door, however, rather than due to physical ability, this was due to poor eedback 

systems in place within the locking mechanism itsel. When the door is locked, it is not

obvious that the handle must rst be pulled up to allow the mechanism to move reely.

 This problem is mirrored when locking the door.

In terms o the movements necessary to turn the lock, they are similar to those seen

in Chapter 3.2 with the dial-operated products. The thumb and orenger are the two

opposing orces that cause rotation o the key when rotation o the wrist is applied.

For people with arthritis, the strength needed to grip and rotate dials and keys is oten

not enough to perorm the tasks without pain.

This research emphasises points made in previous

Chapters regarding the strength needed to grip and

rotate every day items. Although it is essentially the

task that needs re-designing, the area is too broad

and re-designing a lock and key would not (at this

stage) be applicable or the majority o the intended

market. Thereore, the conceptual design stage or a

‘Key Turner’ began.

Fig 4.5 Ben has urther problems locking the kitchen door 

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4.3 Initial Concepts

Initial concepts were ocused around increasing the turning moment produced by applying a orce around a pivot. The orces would

encompass the opposing orces used to turn keys either clockwise or anti-clockwise, whilst the pivot would be the lock in which the key is


 The Winged Concept houses the key in a rubberised groove. The Key Turner would reveal ‘wings’ at the push o a button, allowing ease o turning.

However, the bulk o the product would be uncomortable whilst in pockets and may evoke negative emotional responses.

 The Clam Concept is a spring-loaded device that addresses the winged concept’s problem o 

bulkiness. Held together by a rubber strap, when released, the clam opens up, revealing a groove to

hold the key. The increased distance gained rom its opening aids opening, however, there would be

a danger that the product would restrict the key rom turning, due to its width.

Fig 4.6 Range o initial sketches Fig 4.7 ‘Winged concept’  Fig 4.8 Clam concept 

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4.4 CAD DevelopmentUse o CAD modelling packages not only allow accurate modeling o concepts, but can produce highly realistic rendering results. The

‘Clam’ concept was modeled through various stages o development, ollowed by dierent rendering techniques to represent dierent


An initial attempt at modeling the ‘Clam’ was not particularly successul. As Fig 4.9 shows, it

was modeled in one piece, which aimed to depict how the device would hold a key once it was

needed. Although this may work as a simple demonstration, the lack o movement hinders the

concept severely.

Fig. 4.10 and 4.11 show urther development o the clam concept. In order to accommodate

a wide range o keys, the concept includes a rubber ‘groove’ in which the key is inserted into.

When the product is opened, the key is inserted and elastic tension in the rubber acts as a grip

around the key, allowing the user to utilise the expanded product as a turning aid.

Fig 4.12 and 4.13 show the concept in transluscent plastic nishes, indicating urther virtual

materials investigation.

insert key 

Fig 4.9

Fig 4.10 Fig 4.11 Fig 4.12 Fig 4.13

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4.5 Further Development

Inspiration or an improved concept derived rom the appearance o a wing nut. These

devices have been designed to allow nuts to be threaded on to bolt much tighter than

standard nuts, and without the use o other tools. An increased turning moment is

achieved by increasing the distance the orce is applied rom the pivot. It was decided

that this would be a concept to be taken urther into development studies.

  To eliminate the user’s need or a traditional ‘keyring’, an alternative method using

extremely powerul ‘rare earth magnets’ (see Appendix D) was devised. By attaching

the magnets to a length o cord, they could be threaded through the key’s loop and

then allowed to connect to each other(Fig 4.16). Not only is this method o storing keys

ar easier to use in terms o attaching and removing keys, but it is also secure. A problem

that needs to be solved, however, is the act that the magnets attach themselves to thekeys, resulting in usability issues.

insert key 

orce applied 

Currently, the key turner is still in stages o 

development and a fnal solution has not

been completed due to time constraints

and the vital need or materials research

(see Chapter 5). Although a fnal solution is

not in place, areas have been identifed or


Use o ‘wing nut’ orm - allows ease o turning

Use o rare earth magnets - provides

user with improved usability without the

emerging o security issues.Fig 4.14 Wing nut concept 

Fig 4.15 Securing mechanism using rare earth magnetsFig 4.16 Rare earth magnets are extremely powerul and can be used to secure items together 

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Chapter 5Materials and Manuacture

When developing a new product, it is essential to consider the materials

used to manuacture the product, as they can have major implications

on the design in terms o nish, comort and overall usability. It is also

important to consider the way the chosen material is machined, as this

can aect vital aspects o a project, including costs, waste and the nish

obtained on the product.

 All data regarding the selection o materials, including material qualities has been

obtained through CES Material Selector, unless stated otherwise.

Full documentation o this Chapter can be seen in Appendix D.

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5.1 Material Selection or main Body o Products

Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) is a material selection computer program designed to produce inormed design decisions based on

pre-determined actors. With the use o this sotware, it was possible to make inormed design decisions based on reliable graphical and

tabular data.

According to physiotherapist, Libby Finn, “ people with arthritis in their hands struggle holding heavy objects or extended periods o time due to strain being

 placed on muscles and joints aected by their condition,” highlighting the act that the weight o the product must be reduced without compromising

the design. Taking into account the Inclusive nature o the devices, it is imperative to keep costs to a minimum. At no point should the products be

unaordable to the people that would benet rom them. Thereore, the two limiting actors used to create Graphs 5.1 and 5.2 were Density (X axis)

and Price (Y axis). For ull size images o graphs, see Appendix D.

In the case o the Dial Turner and the Key Turner, the most viscerally pleasing nish or the handles o the products was polished aluminium, however,

the option o other materials had not been taken into account. The CES graphs highlighted these alternatives, which were duly investigated.

Gra ph 5.1 CES g ra phical se le ct io n - De nsit y (X) ve rsus Pr ice (Y). Fi lt er “M et al s” Gra ph 5.2 CES gr ap hi ca l sel ecti on - De nsit y (X) ve rsus Pr ice (Y). Fi lt er “Comme rcia ll y P ur e M et al s”  

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Graph 5.1 was ltered to show metals only. As Aluminium had produced the most aesthetically pleasing results in the development stages,

it was decided that metals would be investigated rst.  Graph 5.2 was created by ltering the metals already shown in Graph 5.1 into

Commercially Pure Metals only, representing commercially available metals in their purest orm.

Table 5.1 Table o material density and price properties obtained rom Graph 5.1

 The aim was to speciy a light, but not too light material that would be cost eective and suitable or use in the Dial Turner and Key Turner applications,

in their respective environments. By dividing the density value by price, a material selection index is created. In this case, the higher the number, the

more suitable the material is or the task. Tabular data obtained rom this selection can be seen in Table 5.1.

Grey (Flake Graphite) Cast Iron : Although this material obtained the highest value, it is ar too dense a material to use as a handheld product. It

also has extremely poor nishing qualities, thereore would not produce the aesthetic qualities desired.

Zinc Aluminium Alloy : According to the Key to Metals Database, the use o Zinc Aluminium Alloy can have signicant advantages over other metal

alloys. As it does not need to be coated protectively, this reduces production costs. It is applicable over wide range o high specication engineering

applications, machines to a ner precision than the majority o alloys and can produce much higher nishes. However, the manuacturing costs are

signicantly more expensive and the process is generally only used when aluminium casting is not suitable. It also has a lower recycling actor than

aluminium, meaning more energy is spent in separating the zinc rom the aluminium.

Aluminium Alloy : Although the third most suitable according to the material selection index, it is extremely cost eective or a mid-weight metal.

As Table 5.2 shows, it is a highly durable material and is almost entirely 100% recyclable.

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5.2 Cast Aluminium Pure (S150.1)

Table 5.2 table o properties or cast aluminium pure (S150.1) Source CES material selector 

Aluminium has been chosen or the Dial Turner

and Key Turner, not only due to its low density, low

cost and recyclability but also due to its physical

properties and environmental resistance.

As the table shows, aluminium has a Young’s Modulus

o up to 69.7 GPa, demonstrating that it is an extremely

sti material with a high elastic limit, and is thereore

extremely unlikely to break whilst being used or its

intended purpose; in this case acting as a ‘handle’ or

turning dials and keys.

Due to its high Specic Heat Capacity, aluminium does

not conduct heat well, which is ideal i the Dial Turner

were being used on an oven or gas stove. This point

is urther emphasised by the use o aluminium oil in

cooking to reect heat.

Keys are usually taken outside, thereore the Key Turner

must be resistant to the elements. With excellent

protection against resh water and weak acids,

aluminium is resilient against rain, acid rain and can be

cleaned easily i dirtied.

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5.3 Manuacturing Process

Although a working prototype would most probably be rapid prototyped using CNC,

stereolithography or 3D printing techniques, in industry the Dial Turner and Key Turner would

be die cast. The ollowing inormation regarding die casting has been obtained rom Ortal Die

Casting and

Die casting is a versatile process or producing engineered metal parts by orcing molten metal under

high pressure into re-usable steel molds. These molds, called dies, can be designed to produce complex

shapes with a high degree o accuracy and repeatability. Parts can be sharply dened, with smooth or

textured suraces, and are suitable or a wide variety o attractive and serviceable nishes.

Die castings are among the highest volume, mass-produced items manuactured by the metalworking

industry, and they can be ound in thousands o consumer, commercial and industrial products. Die castparts are important components o products ranging rom automobiles to toys. Parts can be as simple as

a sink aucet or as complex as a connector housing.

Fig 5.1 diagrammatically explains the die casting process. Inormation on the process, obtained rom Ortal

Die Casting (, describes the 4 stages o the process (See Appendix D or larger image):

(1) The mould is closed and sealed. The plunger is in the upper position.

(2) The plunger injects liquid metal through the gooseneck and along to the mould, whilstpreserving static pressure with the movement, until the material solidies.

(3) Ater casting the plunger returns to it’s original position, whilst the product remains in the


(4) The product is removed rom the mould by moving side ejectors.

Advantages o Die Casting

Efcient and economical process•

High-speed production•

Dimensional accuracy and•


Stronger and lighter than•

injection moulded equivalents

Excellent thin-wall strength•

Multiple nishing techniques•

Simplied assembly process•

Fig 5.1 The die casting process

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5.4 Glass Rub 50

Having contacted material innovation company Mouldlie, it was

concluded, with the assistance o Russell Neill, that Glass Rub 50 

would be a suitable starting point to mould the gripping sections

o the Dial Turner and Key Turner.

“Glass Rub 50 is a poly urethane elastomer that has a hardness o 

50 shore. This system has a long pot lie and is ideal or large section

casting. It’s also translucent which makes it ideal or pigmenting.”

An initial trial was conducted with the material to test its suitability

or the products being developed. This involved mixing two

reagents (A and B) in a bowl, stirring and then pouring into

a prepared mould to set over 16-24 hours. A ull lm o this

experiment can be seen in Appendix D.

However, i this practice was adopted in industry, manuacturingcosts in terms o materials, labour and time (taken to set) would

increase signicantly.

 Taking this into account, an alternative solution was sourced...

Fig 5.2 Screenshots taken rom flm in which Glass Rub 50 is prepared 

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5.5 SUGRUSUGRU is a “hand-ormable, sel-adhesive silcone” (ni

Dhulchaointigh, 2008), developed by Jane ni Dhulchaointigh

during a Masters in Design at The Royal College o Art.

 The material is essentially a rubber that is easily snapped and ormed

when pressure is applied to it. The moisture-reactive molecules

within the material start the curing process, which results in a solid,

customised silicone grip.

 The discovery o this material, although late into the project, began

to open up entirely new prospects or the Dial Turner and Key Turner.

With the very real possibility that the material could improve emotional

responses to the products in development, samples were obtained andexperimented with.

open : prime surace with adhesive wipe : mould : leave to dry : use

Fig 5.3Documentation o how SUGRU can be applied to materials and used to improve usability 

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“Mass produced products

are a compromise;

they are designed as

i everyone that will 

use them is exactly the

same...” Jane ni Dhulchaointigh (2004)

The integration o SUGRU into the project as a whole had a number o extremely positive outcomes:

Mass-produced bespoke• - despite, in industry, the products would be mass-produced, the user essentially has the nishing touches

Emotional attachment• - the user creates their own personalised grip on a product, thereore increasing positive emotional responses rom the

behavioural and reective levels o the brain.Durable and hard wearing• - when set, SUGRU eels and acts like silicone, thereore has sel-healing properties and is extremely impact


Reduced tooling costs• - SUGRU is ready made and can be injected into ready made moulds/grooves (not injection moulding). This is a much

more cost eective solution than producing Glass Rub 50 moulds or the gripping eature, or commissioning their manuacture elsewhere.

Ideal or kitchen use• : waterproo, thermally stable up to 250oC, and dishwasher-proo.

Green : very easily mouldable, although very sticky. Curing time : 24 hours

Red : harder to mould than Green, ar less sticky. Curing time: 16 hours

Black : easy to mould with minimal residue o material on hands. Curing time 20 hours.

Early prototypes were developed using a

surprisingly small amount o the material. The

dierent colours available (Fig 5.4) represent the

dierent consistencies SUGRU is available in.

Fig 5.4 SUGRU Prototype

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With initial trials o the material looking and eeling

impressive, urther talks were held with Jane ni

Dhulchaointigh, ounder o SUGRU’s parent company,

FormFormForm, regarding the possibility o sponsorship.

As the material is not currently commercially available, a

development agreement between David Stevens Design

Solutions and FormFormForm was established. For project

development purposes, FormFormForm would supply

materials and any development expertise necessary. In

return, the Dial Turner and Key Turner projects would act

as a case study or SUGRU.

Having experienced the positive aspects o SUGRU rst

hand, it was expected that the material costs would be

ar too expensive to pursue the concept. However, in

urther correspondence with Jane, she stated that “to

manuacturers, SUGRU costs £8 per kg”, rendering the use

o the material nancially viable.

In the material investigation shown, approximately 40g 

o SUGRU was used to create two personalised handles

on a polyurethane tube o length 150mm and diameter


Calculated cost o SUGRU per unit:

40/1000 = 0.03

0.04 x 8 = £0.32 per unitFig 5.5 Further experimentation with innovative material, SUGRU 

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Chapter 6Concept Renement

Once materials or a product are selected, it is important to return to

the concept and make any necessary changes that will ensure userrequirements are met.

It is important to note that at this point o the project, only the Dial Turner

was developed urther, due to the late discovery o SUGRU.

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6.1 Integration o SUGRU

With the discovery o the positive emotional eects that SUGRU could

have on the arthritic solutions, urther CAD studies were produced in

response to the ndings rom prototyping (Chapter 5.5). It was discovered

rom these prototypes that in order or the SUGRU to make an emotionalimpact on the user, the material had to be placed in ergonomically pleasing

positions, determined by where the ngers and thumbs were placed.

As shown by Fig 6.2, nger ‘SU-GROOVES’ have been placed in the ideal

location to grip the product. Taking care not to assume that the product will

be used in the same way by everyone, the SUGRU has been placed in strips,

allowing the user to dene the grip they nd the most comortable.

Perpendicular to the nger ‘SU-GROOVES’ is a a urther application o the

material, allowing the user to create a mould or the dials on their appliances.

With aim o mass production, this product signies the beginning o mass

produced bespoke products, nalised by the user themselves.

Fig 6.1 Wirerame models o Dial Turner Fig 6.2 Strategically placed SU-GROOVES allow the user to orm their own personalised grip

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6.2 Technical SpecicationUsing Solidworks Drawing Package, an engineering drawing o the Dial Turner could be produced.

All measurement are in millimetres.

Mass : 120g (approx) Volume (excluding SUGRU) : 30278.60 mm3 Volume (including SUGRU) : 45717.51 mm3

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Chapter 7Cost Analysis

During the design o any product, costing can aect its success. I the

product is too cheap then its continued production may not be nancially

viable. I too expensive, there may be a danger o excluding the intendeduser groups; in this case, people with arthritis.

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7.1 Cost o Manuacture

 The ollowing shows the estimated cost o manuacture o the Dial Turner. In order to establish a suitable recommended retail price (RRP), all materials,

labour and overhead costs have been considered. The potenial market or the Dial Turner, as stated in the introduction, is nearing 200 million people

worldwide, however, the nal costing shown is based on a raction o this number. It is predicted that in the rst year o operation, 500,000 units

will be sold internationally, thereore with a 10% saety margin, 600,000 units will be produced. As this is a new product development venture, allcosts have been based on external outsourcers. (Note: CES quoted a price o £0.9 - £1.1 per kg o Aluminium. However, a more recent update at the

London Metal Exchange shows that the current cost is approximately £1515 per ton).

Material Costs:

Solid Aluminium

Purchased at $3030 per tonne = £1515 per ton

81.75g per unit (0.081kg) = £0.12 per unit


Purchased direct rom producer at £8 per kilo

40g per unit (0.04kg) = £0.32 per unit

 Total material costs = £0.44 per unit

Labour and Sundries

Skilled workorce casting body o dial turner - £20 per hour

Manuacture 20 units per hour = £1.25 per unit

Unskilled assembly and packing sta - £8 per hourAssembling and packing 60 units per hour = £0.13 per unit

Amenities (servicing o machinery, electricty) £6,000 per year

= £0.01 per unit

 Total Labour and Amenities

£1.39 per unit

 Total manuacture cost = £1.83 per unit

100% mark up in retail outlets = £3.66 per unit

100% mark up or prot margin = £7.32 RRP - too expensive

RRP £4.99 = 73% prot on each unit


Based on projected sales o 500,000 units in

Year 1:


£ 2, 495, 000

 Total costs (excluding wages)

£ 1, 830, 000

Prot beore tax

£ 665, 000

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Sociological changes dier rom country to country and between continents. Changes such as culture, ashion, consumer trends and environmental

issues all have an eect on the design o products. In response to the climate change warnings, the Dial Turner’s body would be made rom solid

aluminium, which is highly recyclable.


Advances in technology can transorm the way a product unctions dramatically. I a new material is discovered and a company decides not to use

it then they risk losing out to their competitors. In the case o the Dial Turner, the discovery o SUGRU has helped to increase the product’s usability

as well as increase positive emotional responses rom users; an aspect that could help launch the product into the marketplace and sustain a

competitive advantage.

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Chapter 8Conclusion

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Project Evaluation

In conclusion, this report is a documentation o work produced within the identied user area o Living with Arthritis. The report successully shows the extensive observational

research within user areas that has helped to develop products rom concept to nal solution, ready or prototyping.

 Throughout the project, Inclusive Design has played an integral role in ocusing both research and design work. With the study o Inclusive and Emotional Design, the development

o products aimed to relieve the symptoms o arthritis has been successul.

 The Dial Turner is an arthritic solution to turning dials on cooking and cleaning appliances. By using an increased turning moment, created by its long, sleek handles, the rotational

movement and strength o the wrist and ngers needed to use the appliance are severely reduced. The use o aluminium or the body o the device renders it lightweight, highly

durable, environmentally resistant and aesthetically pleasing, thereore increasing usability and reducing the stigma attached to products designed or the ‘disabled.’

 The Key Turner uses the same principle o increased turning moments, however an additional issue is how the product allows keys to be attached and removed easily. Currently

in development, the use o rare earth magnets as a securing point is a promising arthritic solution to this problem.

 The Dial Turner and Key Turner would not be as emotionally successul without the use o the new material technology, SUGRU. Its moisture activated molecules allow the user to

put the nal touches to their device creating a completely personalised grip, thereore increasing positive emotional responses.

Although new material technolgies have been applied, the costing o the Dial Turner shows that it is a antastic business opportunity. This has been duly noted and a patent

application has been led with the UK Patents Ofce.

Where next...?Although the Dial Turner is at a nalised solution, urther development is due to take place with the ounder o SUGRU, Jane ni Dhulchaointigh on both the Dial Turner and Key

 Turner. There are alternative material possibilities in the orm o Formerol, which has industrial advantages over SUGRU, such as a hardened skin, which protects the material in

transit and is then removed by the user to orm their grip.

Development in the orm o prototyping and user testing is essential to the success o any user-centered project, thereore this will be carried out in the urther development o 

both products prior to nal prototyping.

Packaging or the products is also currently in development. For the packaging to succeed, it must be air-tight, protecting the SUGRU, yet must be easy or the user to remove the

product or use. In conjunction with the packaging, it is important to also consider the corporate identity o the products in order to market them successully.

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Thank you or reading...

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AcknowledgmentsAcademic Tutors: Diane Simpson-Little, Mike King, Rob Phillips, Mark Jenkins

Proessional Advice: Libby Finn, Derek Moore, Mark Brownlow, Jane ni Dhulchaointigh, Jane Smith, Maggie Conway

Observational subjects: Vicky Tremain, Cynthia Stobbs, Audrey Flint, Maurice Still, Beverly Flint, Ben Nolan

Focus Groups: University o Sussex Final Year Product Design group, Tamoda Engineering Solutions, St. Michaels Church volunteer ocus group.

Proo Reading: Amanda Easton

BibliographyNorman, D (2004) Emotional Design – Why We Love (or hate) Everyday Things, Perseus 2004

Lidwell, Holden, Butler (2003) Universal Principles o Design, Rockport 2003

Bridger, R.S (2003) An Introduction to Ergonomics, 2nd Edition, 2003

Butler D, Moseley G (2003) Explain Pain, Noigroup Publications 2003

Fisk, Rogers, Charness, Czaja, Sharit (2004) Designing For Older Adults, CRC Press 2004

Vink, P (2005) Comort and Design – Principles and Good Practice, CRC Press 2005

McCabe, P (2003) Contemporary Ergonomics 2003, Taylor & Francis 2003

Verrel, R (2007) Industrial Management course notes

Elder-Woodward, Jim (2005) Models o Disability, Scotland’s National Disability Inormation Service 2005.

Coleman, Roger (2008) Inclusive Design Summary [online] Design Council 2008, available at :

design/Glossary/ [accessed 01.02.08]

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Web Resources Materials Resources

Materials Inormation