Art Of Social Media

Post on 19-Oct-2014

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Sounds simple: Launch a Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook solution and the customers will come. Yet, once an organization has launched an online community, what is next? Social media marketing seems easy and low cost but what are the real required resources? Should an organization be considering a way to monetize these relationships? The hard cold reality is that social media marketing isn’t just about building online communities. Stephen Nold with Tarsus Advon and Steve Crysler with ARI, Inc. will discuss some of the hype and truth around social media and provide real world examples of how these solutions are impacting events. This series of education sessions will start with a general overview of Social Media and then dig into the tactical issues that plague organizations and events as they seek to adopt these tools. During the lunch a strategic perspective on how social media fits into the overall technology considerations that show managers and event producers face.Participants will also learn:• The value of inbound marketing• How web data mining will alter the anonymity of viral marketing• Why mobile devices are adding a new dynamic to social networking from the tradeshow floor • The importance of a social media playbook with instructions on how to execute these toolsMORNING EDUCATION WORKSHOPSHarness the Power!Learn about the buzz around social media and why meeting professionals are shifting from traditional marketing to new marketing strategies. Understand the key elements for every successful social media campaign. • Defining the social media tool suite• Building relationships through viral marketing• Traditional marketing versus new media marketing• Using social media to recruit attendees and sponsorsTactics Of Social Media MarketingIn this demonstration, Stephen and Steve will review some of the most popular social media tools and explain how they should be implemented and executed. After digging into Twitter, Facebook Groups, and LinkedIn, they will provide the critical components to deployment of any new media solution. Participants will learn:• The value of the most useful social media tools• Specific examples and results on how each tool can impact sales and marketing reach• Understand the appeal of each tool to varying industry segments and user profiles• The ability to discern between the hype and truth on these solutionsLUNCHEON PROGRAMIn this presentation, Stephen Nold and Steve Crysler present how social media solutions like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are impacting the use of traditional marketing in the efforts to recruit audience members and sponsors. This strategic discussion will lay the foundation for what each organization must consider before launching these tools. Stephen will include real world examples from events and the success (and sometimes failure) in adopting this new media. The panel will inspire the audience to move from casual observation to action and show them why the revolutionary tools of innovation and change will define new approaches in creating and growing a community.Participants will learn:• Definition of your organization community• The social media solutions best for your audience• An understanding of the required resources to launch and maintain social media participation• How to measure tangible results from these tools• The dynamic and accelerating change of marketing from traditional to new media

Transcript of Art Of Social Media


The Art of Social Media

If 2009 was the year of Social Media then 2010 is the Year of Execution.

IAEE DFW ChapterTechnology Education ProgramMarch 29, 2010AgendaHarness the Power!

Tactics of Social Media Marketing

Lunch Program: How social media solutions are impacting the use of traditional marketingHarness the Power

AgendaDefining the social media tool suiteBuilding relationships through viral marketing Traditional marketing versus new media marketing Using social media to recruit attendees and sponsors

Social Evolution Video

Social Media

An umbrella term

Transforms one to many broadcasts into many to many conversations

Changes people from content consumers into content producers

Shiny new toyDefinition of Social Media6

It is zillions of conversations that people are havingonline24/7right now!

Three PartsContent/Conversation


IIAEE think islisten- Great! But, are Yes - they ing?theySocial media are/is

Three components:Content = information, dialogue or entertainmentMedia = toolSocial interface (intimate direct, community engagement, social viral, electronic broadcast or syndication, or other physical media such as print).

Integrates technology, social interaction, and the delivery of words, pictures, video and audio.


Three PartsListeningConnecting PublishingWhere the hell is matt?

Event producers that dont have a plan and havent started participating in social media may soon find they are behind.

Stephen Nold, Event Tech Blog, Tradeshow WeekShow organizers are seeking a way to design their own social media Strategy Playbook

Social Media Playbook

TheSecretFor the Events IndustryThe Platform ToolsFacebook, LinkedIn, TwitterNing? EventPeeps?Blog WordPressYouTubeiTunesThe Enabling ToolsTwitterTweetDeckTweetChatHootsuiteLinkedInLinkedIn GroupsPollsStart a GroupThe Monitoring toolsGoogle AnalyticsHubspotRadian 6

Tactics Of Social Media Marketing

AgendaMost useful social media tools Examples & results on how each tool can impact sales & marketing reachThe ability to discern between the hype and truth on these solutions


One of my passionssinging?

Have never sang in front of an audience by myselfwife and mother do not think I can singno formal training18Value of the most useful social media tools

The hype & truth on SMPaying a lot of money for social media doesnt give any clear advantagesIt isnt freeResearch: no one has a comprehensive social media planSuppliers are launching partial solutions

Research: What are your reasons to use Social Media?Recruit attendeesOnline community developmentSocial networkingIncrease brand strength & awarenessEnhance exhibitor recruitment

Based on research with Experient customers

What are your objectives with social media?Generate event attendance?Grow brand strength and awareness?Connect your members, attendees, exhibitors, and partners together?What else?

21New Tools

How social media solutions are impacting the use of traditional marketing

AgendaDefining the social media tool suiteBuilding relationships through viral marketing Traditional marketing versus new media marketing Using social media to recruit attendees and sponsors

SCN use of Social Media how to gain awareness and visibility25Success StoriesNational Association of Broadcasters: 1,500 Registrations top performing strategyFirst-time attendees

Dell Computers: 1 million followers on twitter$3 million in revenue

MTO Summit: 8% of audienceTwitter Recruitment

Walt Disney: 65,000 Happy BirthdaysTwitter Recruitment

Digital Thought: 20% of revenueLinkedIn Recruitment of Suppliers and Attendees

26Adjust marketing messaging as a resultAppeal to younger attendee base

Four TrendsMobile DevicesVirtual EventsInbound MarketingWeb Scraping

The Firehose EffectSwing Faster