Art materials page

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Art materials page

1. I started off with my original Image. I then duplicated it and decreased the opacity of the new layer. I places the new layer on top of my background layer and moved it to the left slightly. I then masked the new layer and removed the background. I then merged the layers in order for them to become on image.

2. I then added the picture that I took of the Gherkin. I duplicated that layer and changed the opacity of the new layer. I made it black and white and placed on top of the original image. I added this image onto the official exam picture and changed the opacity in order for it to blend in as the background

3. I used the first image and layer masked it I rubbed out the background and used the normal tool to find the right filter in so the image can blend into the background. I used the pin light option and duplicated the layer four times. I changed the size of each layer making sure that they get smaller as the go back. I used the adjustment option to change some aspects of the background image. I then merged the layers once I finished working on them. I will present my work on A3 piece of photo paper.

1. I took this picture and chose it out of other pictures that I had on a contact sheet. This is the main background image. I then used my other images and chose a position of each person and layer masked the image. I removed the unwanted background and left the person in the image. I did this three times to three of my images on my contact sheet.

2. I used the background image twice and changed the photo filter. I used purple and pink. I places these filters behind my original background and used the eraser tool to erase parts of my background in order to see the layers behind it.

3. Once I had finished working on the background I worked on the mask layers using the adjustment tool to edit it. I then merged the layers once I finished working on them . I will present my work in an A3 piece of paper.