Art Lesson...2020/07/13  · Cook 3 hours • 1 cupful of plain flour (about 250g) • half a cupful...

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Transcript of Art Lesson...2020/07/13  · Cook 3 hours • 1 cupful of plain flour (about 250g) • half a cupful...

Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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The children in school this week are going to have a go at making a clay fish tile. Here are some examples below. If you can get your hands on some clay why don’t you have a go at making one too. Think about how you could build your tile up to include a 3D aspect. What tools you could use to create scales and different textures. Once it is dry then have a go at painting your tile.

If you can’t get hold of clay you could always make some salt dough and create a salt dough tile. Here is a recipe you could use.

Makes 1 ball Prep 10 minutes Cook 3 hours

• 1 cupful of plain flour (about 250g) • half a cupful of table salt (about 125g) • half a cupful of water (about 125ml)

Wb 13.07.20 Whole School Topic: Here Comes The Sun Monday Art Lesson 1 Tuesday Geography/Science

Wednesday Art Lesson 2 Thursday PE activity

Friday Paper Models

Art Lesson

Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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Method 1. Preheat the oven to its lowest setting and line a baking sheet with baking parchment. 2. Mix the flour and salt in a large bowl. Add the water and stir until it comes together into a ball. 3. Transfer the dough to a floured work surface and shape into your chosen model. You can roll it out and cut out shapes, numbers or letters using biscuit cutters, or make any kind of model you can think of. We made some fruit and veg shapes plus cupcakes for a teddy bear’s picnic. 4. Put your finished items on the lined baking sheet and bake for 3 hrs or until solid. 5. Leave to cool and then paint. An alternative it to paint, draw, colour a fish tile instead. Have a look at these detailed tiles.

Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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Geography/Science Lesson:

Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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Now present what you have learnt about the layers of the ocean.

Have a look at some of the ideas below. You could present it however you would like; a poster, on the computer as a PowerPoint or leaflet, or maybe in a jar!

Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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YEAR 5/6 WEEKLY PE PLANNING-LESSON 5 ADHERING TO SOCIAL DISTANCING LO: To develop speed and relaxation needed for longer sprint races (200m, 300m, 400m). SUCCESS CRITERIA: Ch can show a good start, acceleration pattern and relaxation into a race. WARM UP: Jog around the area (10-15mins) TEACHING POINT: The warm up jog should be slow and easy to gradually increase the body temperature. DYNAMIC STRETCHES: Set up a distance of 10m Side steps, there and back Deep lunges, there and back Heel flicks, there and back High knees, there and back Windmill there, walk back Shaking back (jog but shoulders are down and shake the entire body-promotes relaxation) TEACHING POINT: The Windmill-provides high stretch of the hamstring into the glute Take a small step forward and bend to touch the ground near the front foot The other leg swings up behind to stretch the ground leg hamstring. Alternate legs KEY QUESTION: Why shouldn’t an athlete rush their warm up? (It will impede their performance as the body will not be ready for the workload). DEVELOPING SKILLS: Set up a distance of 20m Sprint starts Sprint 20m Walk back Sprint 20m Walk back Sprint 20m Walk back. REST

PE Lesson:

Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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TEACHING POINT: Allow full recovery to receive quality performance. SKILLS PRACTICE: 35m splits Increase distance covered to 35m Run 15m at a rolling, relaxed speed, then accelerate 20m. TEACHING POINT: Place cones/markers at 15m and approx. 35m CH run relaxed to 15m, Call, “Accelerate!” Ch sprint for the remaining 20m Walk back. Repeat x3 REST KEY QUESTIONS: What does acceleration mean? (The rate of increasing speed). How is acceleration achieved? (By pushing with the drive leg). TEACHING POINT: A good lean forward from the ground up, not the waist. Repeat 35m splits x3. REST INS AND OUTS: Set up 30m distance, marked at 10m intervals Ch run the first 10m fast, then the next 10m easy, then the last 10m fast Walk Repeat x3 TEACHING POINT: Ins and outs are an outstanding way to develop speed and relaxation. REST COOL DOWN: 3 mins easy effort running 3 mins brisk walking 1 min gentle walking Simple static stretches.

Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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The Great Wave off Kanagawa KS2 Topic: Japan/ The Sea/Hokusai Cool and Warm colours Aims: • I can talk about warm and cool colours. • I can create art work influenced by the work of Hokusai.

Success Criteria: • I can look carefully and draw the shapes I see. • I can mix colours effectively. • I can use the colour wheel to say which colours are cool and which are warm.

Introduction: Read the story ‘The Great Wave’ by Véronique Massenot. Explain how the illustrations are inspired by the famous Japanese artist Hokusai. Tell the children that Hokusai started painting when he was 6 and printed ‘The Great Wave’ when he was 70 years old and that he produced about 30, 000 art works in his life time. Encourage the children to notice Mount Fuji in the background. Show the children some more of Hokusai’s work. Which pictures do they prefer? Did they notice Mount Fuji in some of the other art works? Are there any colours Hokusai uses often?

Teaching Session 1: Show the children the colour wheel and recap primary and secondary colours. Do any colours make you think about being warm? Which colours make you think about being cold? Explain to the children that the side of the colour wheel with yellow, orange and red are called ‘warm colours’ and the side with green and blue are called ‘cool colours’. Show the children ‘The Great Wave’. Has Hokusai used cool or warm colours? Is there anywhere in the print he has used a warmer colour? Ask the children to use rulers to draw lines across a page in their sketch books. Can they then divide the lines into 2 columns? On one side can they show cool colours and on the other side can they show warm colours.

Teaching Session 2: Give each child a pencil and a piece of A4 paper. Explain they are going to draw a ‘Great Wave’. • What can the children see in the ‘foreground’? Encourage them to draw the shape of the first wave in the air as they look at the print. Demonstrate drawing the first 2 waves and then ask the children to draw the first 2 waves on their paper. • What can the children see in the ‘middle ground’? Work with the children drawing the main wave. Encourage them to notice that the wave almost reaches the top of the page. • Once the children are happy with the shape of their waves they can add the white caps of the waves and the Hokusai stripes. • What can the children see in the ‘background’? Ask the children to add Mount Fuji. • If helpful children could go over the lines they are happy with in a pen or black oil pastel to clearly define the shapes ready for painting.

Art Lesson

Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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Year 5/6 Afternoon activities 13.07.20

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Under the Sea Paper Models!

Use the templates on website to make these paper models.