Art & History 2 - · The god Shiva, one of Hindu’s primary avatars, is the source...

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Transcript of Art & History 2 - · The god Shiva, one of Hindu’s primary avatars, is the source...

Art & History 2Connecting Art and History from 2000-500 BCE

Deities and Prophets

2000-500 BCE is a period where major civilizations were developing in complexity and flourishing all over the world. With this growth also came early images of deities, prophets and places of worship.

Your readings have an extensive timeline of these civilizations, make sure to review the important dates/events in history.

Art as an aid in rituals

Many of the faithful believe that the deity is actually present in the artwork, or just represented by it.

Simple geometric shapes often symbolize God. In Islamic architecture the sphere and the dome are significant since they stand for the heavens and oneness with God.

In Christianity, the triangle symbolizes the Trinity.


The premise of Animism is that all forces of nature are inhabited by spirits. The Native American belief system is a good example of Animism.

Tlingit Beaver Clan house


Is the belief in many gods with distinct, sometimes several functions. It is likely that the first of the polytheistic gods was the Earth Mother, since it is in almost all areas of the globe. The giver of life and fertility and the carrier of death. In ancient myths of nomadic cultures, the goddess existed first and created her male counterpart later.

As agriculture replaced hunting and gathering, the importance of paternity grew (land ownership, family legacy). Powerful goddess continued to be worshiped in many religions, but important male gods were coming up as well.

Snake Goddess, Minoan, from the palace at Knossos c. 1600 BCE, Glazed earthenware.

Here the open bodice shows fertility, the snakes aggression as well as possibly representing the male. The leopard on her head most likely represented royalty. Her clothing represents fashion of the time.

Zeus or Poseidon, Greece, 460-450 BCE, Bronze.

For the Greeks, the Gods were always in human form. They also considered their worship superior to those who worshiped animals or mountains. This particular sculpture has evolved into being idealized and flawless. Zeus (god of the sky) was always depicted bearded, throwing a thunderbolt, or this is Poseidon (God of the Sea), also always bearded, throwing his Trident.

Egypt and Mesoamerica

Deities in ancient Egypt were mainly personifications of natural forces, such as sunrise, ripening of the crops and floods. The goddess Hathor was associated with the sky, stars and love and was depicted as a cow or a part woman/part cow. Hathor’s head is usually topped with the same combination of horns and sun disk, which symbolizes royalty and divinity.

Mesoamerican cultures often linked the gods associated with corn and water because water was essential and corn stood for all food. The maize goddess was called Xilonen. In the statue her head is rounded and human like, also heavily adorned. She wears a headdress with ornamental bands and ears of corn.

Left: The Goddess Hathor and the Overseer of Sealers, Psatik, Saqqara, Egypt, Late 26th Dynasty, sisth century BCE, Gray stone.

Right: Xilonen, Goddess of Young Corn, Huastec, Tuxpan (Veracruz) Mexico, 1000-1200, Limestone


Pantheism is the belief that a divine spirit pervades all things in the universe.

Although, Hindus appear to have multiple gods, it is pantheism rather than polytheism. They believe all their gods are manifestations (avatars) of one divine, universal spirit.


Rooted in Hinduism, the Buddhist religion follows the teaching of Siddhartha, a prince born in India near Nepal around 563 BCE. He fled his rich life to become a pauper, holy man, and later achieved enlightenment (became Sakyamuni, so essentially Siddhartha became Buddha). He continued to teach for 45 years until his death. Buddhists and Hindus both believe in reincarnation, and that your current life is based on the deeds in your past life.

Shiva as Nataraja, or Lord of the Dance, Naltunai Isvaram Temple, Punjab, India, c.1000, Bronze

The god Shiva, one of Hindu’s primary avatars, is the source of good and evil, male and female. He is the unity in which all opposites meet. Here Shiva’s body is shown as supple, sleek and graceful. The multiple arms tell of his power and his divine wisdom by the third eye in the middle of his forhead.

Great Stupa, Sanchi, India, third century BCE-first century CE, Dome 50 feet high

This is one symbol for Sakyamuni, a sign of his death and attainment of nirvana. It was originally a mound tomb that became a monument for the ashes and relics of Buddha.

Square enclosure at the top symbolizes the heavens, with the umbrellas being chatras, that symbolize the levels of human consciousness to reach nirvana.

Seated Buddha, Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, India, late fifth-early sixth centuries, Sandstone, 63 inches high

This emphasizes the general serenity of Buddhahood.


The belief that there is only one god.


Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions and foundation for Christianity and Islam. Jews consider themselves chosen people and have a special covenant with their God and Creator, Yahweh, who alone is to be worshiped.

Synagogue at Dura-Europos, Syria, 245-256 CE, Interior with wall paintings of biblical themes.

This was originally in the courtyard of a private home. These paintings are meant to teach morality, illustrating stories told in the Hebrew bible.


Unlike Judaism, Christianity have many kinds of images of God. Some Christians understand God as a single being while others believe in the Trinity, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father is wise and aging, the son is Jesus while the Holy Spirit is a dove or flame.

Raphael Sanzio, Madonna of the Meadow, Italy, c. 1505. Panel painting

Jesus is depicted here as a baby with his cousin, John the Baptist and his Mother Mary. Colors add to the harmony and the triangular composition refers to the Trinity.


Islam was founded by Mohammed in 7th c. Arabia. Islam requires complete submission to Allah (God or Yahweh in Christianity and Judaism). Islam’s sacred scriptures are in the Koran, images of Allah are forbidden but images of Prophet Mohammed are sometimes OK.

Mohammed’s Ascent into Heaven, from Nizami’s Khamsa (Five Poems), made for Tahmasp, Safavid Dynasty, Tabriz, Iran, 1539-1543.

This depicts Mohammed’s night journey on a white winged horse through the stages of heaven. Here is met several Jewish and Christian prophets and visited hell. This is important since it is seen as symbolizing each man’s spiritual journey.


In central Mexico, hundreds of believers leave small votive paintings called retablos at certain important religious shrines, as a form of prayer and thanks for a divine favor. Pictures with bright colors and test dramatically record miraculous events. These artworks might also contain personal items.

Retablo of Maria de la Luz Casillas and Children, central Mexico, 1961, oil on metal

Here we see the subject, Maria, twice. Once as a patient and then as a supplicant with her children imploring the help of the Virgin.

Retablo by Frida Kahlo, age 18

Inscription reads:"Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Kahlo and Matilde C. de Kahlo give thanks to Our Lady of Sorrows for saving their daughter Frida from the accident which took place in 1925 on the corner of Cuahutemozin and Calzada de Tlalpah."

Michelangelo, Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Vatican, Rome, 1508-1512, Fresco

Artists in various religions have created artworks that map the cosmos, showing the origin of the world , spiritual beings and humans’ relationship with God.

Ziggurat at Ur (partially reconstructed) , Third Dynasty of Ur, Iraq, c.2150-2050 BCE

This is a sacred, artificial mountain erected by the Sumerians of Ur

The word Ziggurat means mountains or pinnacle. Surrounded by flat land, this tower seems to reach to the heavens.

Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England, C. 2000 BCE, upright stones with lintel.

Was built at a time when religion and science were not separate entities. Stonehenge is an altar to religious rituals as well as an astronomical device that maps solar and planetary movement.

Casper David Friedrich, Der Winter, oil on canvas, 1807-08

Pantheon, Rome, 118-125, Concrete and Marble.

This is a shrine to the chief deities in the Roman Empire. A 30 foot circular opening at the top creates a shaft of sunlight that dramatically lights the interior.

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