Around The World · Pythagoras (born in 570 BC) Pythagoras is often referred to as the first pure...

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Transcript of Around The World · Pythagoras (born in 570 BC) Pythagoras is often referred to as the first pure...

Around The World

Tuesday 12th May


Patron St: St AndrewNational Day: 25th MarchCelebrated for: Birthplace of democracyNational Emblem: Blue escutcheon with a white cross, surrounded by two laurel branches which form a crest.National Anthem: Hymn to LibertyListen to it here:

o It’s believed the first Ancient Greek civilisations were formed nearly 4,000 years ago(approximately 1600 BC)

o The Greeks had some strange superstitions about food – some wouldn’t eat beans as they thought they contained the souls of the dead!

o The Ancient Greeks had lots of stories to help them learn about their world. The gods featured heavily in these tales, and so did mythological monsterso Cerberus, a three-headed dog that guarded the gates to the underworldo Medusa, a slithery sorceress whose look could turn people to stone;o Cyclops who had one eye in the middle of its forehead – yikes!

o Events at the Greek’s Olympics included wrestling, boxing, long jump, javelin, discus and chariot racing. But those taking part in the wrestling event had to be the toughest, as there were hardly any rules – and they had to compete naked. Eek!

o Most Ancient Greeks wore a chiton, which was a long T-shirt made from one large piece of cotton. The poor slaves, however, had to make do with a loincloth (a small strip of cloth wrapped around the waist)!

Patron St: St AndrewNational Day: 25th MarchCelebrated for: Birthplace of democracyNational Emblem: Blue escutcheon with a white cross, surrounded by two laurel branches which form a crest.

Did you know!

Let’s learn Greek

Hello: ΧαίρετεChaírete

Goodbye: αντιο σαςantio sas

Please: Σας παρακαλούμεSas parakaloúme

Thank you: ΕυχαριστώEfcharistó

I’m sorry: ΣυγγνώμηSyngnómi

What’s your name?: Ποιο είναι το όνομά σου?Poio eínai to ónomá sou?

How much is that?:

Πόσο κοστίζειPóso kostízei

Yes: ΝαίNaí

No: όχι


Patron St: St AndrewNational Day: 25th MarchCelebrated for: Birthplace of democracyNational Emblem: Blue escutcheon with a white cross, surrounded by two laurel branches which form a crest.

Where is Greece?• Greece is located in the south of Europe. It is neighbours are

Turkey, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania.

• It is recognisable due to its many islands that reside in the Mediterranean sea.

Patron St: St AndrewNational Day: 25th MarchCelebrated for: Birthplace of democracyNational Emblem: Blue escutcheon with a white cross, surrounded by two laurel branches which form a crest.

Key peopleLonidas (born 540 BC)Spartan King whose stand against the invading Persan army at the pass of Thermopylae in central Greece is one of the enduring tales of Greek heroism, invoked throughout Western history as the greatest example of bravery exhibited against overwhelming odds.

Pythagoras (born in 570 BC)Pythagoras is often referred to as the first pure mathematician. He was born on the island of Samos, Greece. You may have heard your maths teacher mention him.

Plato (born 428 BC)Ancient Greek philosopher Plato was a student of Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle. His writings explored justice, beauty and equality, and also contained discussions in aesthetics, political philosophy, theology, cosmology, epistemology and the philosophy of language.

Alexander the Great (born 356 BC)He was an illegitimate child, and his heroic deeds have led to legends stating that he was actually the son of Zeus himself, and that he shared a bloodline with Hercules and Perseus. Throughout his 10-year campaign, he showed his caliber as a battle-hardened general who accomplished greater things in his short 33 years of life than whole armies could ever dream of. He broke the might of Persia in a series of battles, eventually overthrowing King Darius III and bringing the entire Persian Empire to its knees.

Patron St: St AndrewNational Day: 25th MarchCelebrated for: Birthplace of democracyNational Emblem: Blue escutcheon with a white cross, surrounded by two laurel branches which form a crest.

Around The World Tuesday 12th May - Greece


Patron St: St AndrewNational Day: 25th MarchCelebrated for: Birthplace of democracyNational Emblem: Blue escutcheon with a white cross, surrounded by two laurel branches which form a crest.

Draw and describe what it may be like if you were unfortunate enough to meet the Greek mythical the beast

Cerberus.In your description you may mention the following

• What is the landscape like.• What might be some of the smells.

• What other being maybe at the gates of the underworld.• What sounds may be coming from the beast and the


Cerberus,Guard dog of the underworld

Use of language

Adjective: Describing words, really help make the reader feel like they want to go to Italy.

Adverbs: Adverbs are words that modify adjectives or verbs.

Alliteration: The repetition of words starting with the same to create emphasis.

Appeal: Appeal to the readers emotions, make them want to go to Italy.

Clichés: Overuse expression.

Exaggeration: Exaggerate or overstate something to help persuade your readers.

Description Drawing

Around The World Tuesday 12th May - Greece


Patron St: St AndrewNational Day: 25th MarchCelebrated for: Birthplace of democracyNational Emblem: Blue escutcheon with a white cross, surrounded by two laurel branches which form a crest.

Chariot racing.Chariot tracks are very similar to the modern day nascar tracks. They consist of two parallel straights connected by two semi circles.

Can you calculate the distance around this chariot track?

The radius of each end is 10m.And each straight is 40m.

Remember to calculate the circumference of a circle is 2πr.

Pythagoras theorem

Can you use Pythagoras theorem to calculate the length of C?

a2 + b2 = c2




Around The World Tuesday 12th May - Greece


Patron St: St AndrewNational Day: 25th MarchCelebrated for: Birthplace of democracyNational Emblem: Blue escutcheon with a white cross, surrounded by two laurel branches which form a crest.

Research project

Resource What is it and what might it be used for?





Some countries have valuable natural resources. These natural resources can be used to create products to trade and sell with other countries or often can be traded in there raw from. Some of the natural recourses of Greece are listed in the table below. Can you find out what they are and what they might be used for?

Around The World Tuesday 12th May – Greece


Patron St: St AndrewNational Day: 25th MarchCelebrated for: Birthplace of democracyNational Emblem: Blue escutcheon with a white cross, surrounded by two laurel branches which form a crest.

There are many different Greek gods. From the list on the previous slide can you pick three?Once you have picked your gods, can you research their stories and write them in your own words?

Gods name Picture Story

Greece is known for its fine art, sculptures and building.

Some of its most interesting art is that found on pottery. These pictures are a real look into the history of and myths if Greece's past.

On the blank vase, can you draw something about Greece that you have learnt today? Try to use the style of the time.

Around The World Tuesday 12th May - Greece


Patron St: St AndrewNational Day: 25th MarchCelebrated for: Birthplace of democracyNational Emblem: Blue escutcheon with a white cross, surrounded by two laurel branches which form a crest.