Army Men main rules

Post on 15-Nov-2014

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Main rule for playing The Army men table top battles game. This is a home brew miniatures game and is free. Feel free to use these rules as you choose. watch for the new Command and Conquer expansion pack coming soon.

Transcript of Army Men main rules

Army menBattle field

Table Of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . 1

Materials List . . . . . . . . 2

Getting Started . . . . . . . . 3

Soldier Stats . . . . . . . . . 4

Classes and Ranks . . . . . . . .5

Bonus Point Chart . . . . . . . .6

Moments of Valor . . . . . . . . 7

Guts and Glory . . . . . . . . . 8

Z Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Civilian Core . . . . . . . . . . 10

Zombie Army List . . . . . . . . 11

Terrain Effects . . . . . . . . . 12

Finishing Touches . . . . . . . . 13

Winning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Page 1


I have decided to rewrite the rules to my original army man rules game. I have gotten a lot better on the word program since the original document I started and have made a few fine tuning points to some of the rules also. The original is completely compatible with this version, I just decided that It was too vague and many of the details had been left out. The original game was just a bunch of notes

written on some filing cards and some green plastic army men. It has been several years and It is time to revisit the original. The purpose of the original game was I wanted to be able to bring the original army toy to life with a certain sense of reality and fairness. By just saying “bang your dead” was just not what I was looking for. I also wanted a cool miniatures game that anyone could learn quickly and could pick up and play with little or no money, experience, or talent. I was looking for an in depth game that had the feel of something you would buy in a store, but made from stuff laying around the house, or you could pick up for less than $5. You can also go the other way and spend lots of time and money and make this game bad ass!

Materials ListThe materials needed to play should be few, cheap, and common. So here It is.1. Army men: Any toy store worth It’s salt should have something. Dollar stores are the best place to look, but the sculpts may disappoint some people. Sometimes It’s fun to pick up an unopened bag of two different colors and play what you get at random.2. Dice: Both players should have access to at least one standard six sided dice. You can share if you want.3. Pennies or round markers of some sort: These are used to represent mines, wounds and explosions.4. Pencil and Paper: use this to keep track of your

forces and statuses of different units.

Optional materials1. Game board: you can just use a kitchen table, but this is a little more fun.2. Terrain: Same as above.3. Tape measure: You can use the base width of your figures if you like, but some people are very particular.4.One and one half inch grid board: the average base width of Army men is one and a half inches. So to resolve movement and range, it can be very helpful to play on a grid.

Getting StartedThe first thing we need to do is get some Army men.

Then, we need to set up the playing field. You can have a generic setting, or play realistic Historical battles that have a scenario based on actual battles fought in real life from any time period. This is where terrain will play a role in the game. There are many different ways to set up terrain, but if you don’t have a pre set scenario, then the best way is to have one player set the field and the other decide which side to start from.

Next, we need to establish roles for each man to play. This is usually assigned based on the type of pose the figure is in. If the figure has a gun, he will usually be a riflemen. If he is carrying a radio, he will be a radioman, and so on. You can by all means mix and match as long as figures are clearly marked as to what their role is and your opponent can tell what he is. All Army men are created equal. Which means that all men in your army are worth the same amount. Each man has a role to play, but all have their part and are just as important as any other.

The next step is to deploy your troops on the battle field. I like to do a “blind deployment”, which means that both players cannot see how the other is setting up his side of the board. In real life, you often don’t get the chance to see the other guy ahead of time. The next thing we need to do is determine the battle field conditions. You will need to roll 3 six sided dice to determine the base range, movement and health of all combatants. This will simulate weather, combat intensity, and random factors of the battle.For example, a roll of a 2 on the range dice would simulate low visibility such as night time or heavy smoke, whereas a roll of 5 or 6 would be a bright sunny day. A example of a health roll of 2 would mean that the fight would be very intense and quick, and a heath roll of 6 would mean a long drawn out fight to the finish. Once you have established the range and health rolls be sure to note them on the stats of all your men.

Once the battlefield is completely set up, and

everyone is happy, both players should roll a six sided dice(from here on stated as D6). The winner of the role gets to move his army first. This is called “Rolling for initiative”. You should roll for initiative at the beginning of every round of combat. When the first player begins his turn, he will use all of the men available before relinquishing control to his opponent. Each man in a players army can do several things on his turn listed in the following.

1. Move: each army man can move on his turn when they wish. Either at the beginning or end of his turn, but you cannot split up movement points if you have multiple points. If you have movement points left over after other actions are taken, you will not be able to use them. For example, if you have more than one move point, you can move and shoot, shoot and move, but you cannot move, shoot, and then move again. This is called “splitting movement” and It is illegal.

2. Attack: Each army man, unless otherwise stated, can attack an enemy within It’s range on It’s turn.

3.Special moves: If a character has a special ability instead of a regular attack, It may use it on It’s turn instead of attacking.

4.Overwatch: If an army man is not in range of an opponent on It’s turn, It can decide to use It’s turn and go into overwatch. What this basically means is that the unit will “be on the lookout” for enemy forces to come his way. So if an enemy comes in range, he can automatically fire first, even on the

enemies turn, because he is on the alert! In order to be eligible to use overwatch, the unit cannot move, attack, or use special abilities this turn.

5.Cover fire: An army man can also elect to lay down cover fire instead of attacking to wound. What this will do is your man can target an enemy and fire at It in order to make that enemy lose It’s turn on the next round because he has to scramble for cover. This is a tactical move for some people to support and assist other units in your company. A cover fire is resolved just as if It were a normal attack.

6.Dig foxholes: You may choose to allow your men to dig improvised, fortified positions. This is very time consuming and may be risky. In order to dig a foxhole, an army man can stay in one place and use TWO turns to dig himself a foxhole. A foxhole can provide one man a defensive cover bonus of +1 to his defensive dice roll. Bear in mind that you can only have a max of +3 defense to any dice roll. Men cannot shoot or move while digging and gain the bonus at the end of the second turn. Foxholes become permanent terrain features after being completed.

Soldier statsEvery soldier has certain abilities that are represented by statistical data to reflect their fighting

capabilities. Since all army men are worth the same amount, they get the same amount of points to use to boost their stats. Each man gets 6 bonus points to play around with to help them on the battle field. In the soldier class section is a list of many different types of soldiers. But you can build your own, with the bonus points if you wish. Listed below are the basic statistics of the average soldier before adding bonuses.

MOVEMENT: Each soldier starts off with a basic movement determined at the beginning of the game with a dice roll. A movement amount is one base length or approximately one and one half inches. If a soldier has bonus points to his movement score, he can move an additional 1 and a half inches per bonus point. So, for example, if the base movement roll was 3, all soldiers can move 4 and a half inches. If a soldier has a bonus movement of +1 he can move a total of 6 inches(4 and a half plus a bonus 1 and a half equals 6).

RANGE: Base range is determined at the beginning of the game during battlefield setup. Range is measured in the same way as movement ( inch and a half increments). Some soldiers do not have ranged weapons and can only engage in hand to hand combat. Their attack range is zero inches or within touch range. We call this close quarters combat or “CQC”. Some specialized units cannot attack at all, such as mortar and medic units. As with all stats, the max range that any individual unit can have is +3.

ATTACK: The base attack skill for most units is D6.

Bonus points can be added to this dice roll to add an additional point to the dice roll result with a maximum of +3. So for instance, if a soldier with an attack bonus of +2, rolls a 4 on his attack roll, you would add 4+2 for a total of a 6 attack score. Bonus points added to a soldiers attack score represent different aspects of that soldiers class (I.E. skill level, rate of fire). When attacking, unless otherwise stated, you must target the enemy closest to you. You cannot shoot past other enemies in order to hit someone behind them.

DEFENSE: The defensive stat is also represented by a basic D6 roll. This represents a soldiers ability to defend himself (I.E. courage, dodge, intuition, training, ect.) Bonuses can also be added to this score to help avoid being injured from attacks. ALL units have a defensive capability. Max of +3 bonus points.

DAMAGE: This stat represents a soldiers ability to do damage once an attack has hit the opponent. When you score a hit against an enemy by winning an attack roll, you will then roll again to see how much damage you have caused. Base damage is D6. You can add bonus points to this score to deal additional damage if you like up to a max of +3. So if you score a hit and then roll a 3 for damage and you have a bonus score of +1, then the opponent would lose 4 total health points from the targeted unit.

Health: Base health (or hit points) are determined at the beginning of the game, but some soldiers are more hardy than average, so they can gain additional

bonus health points up to a max of +3. Health points are taken away when a unit receives damage. When a unit is reduced to zero hit points, It is removed from the game.

SPECIAL ABILITIES: Certain soldier classes and ranks have special abilities and attacks that affect other soldiers around them. Explosions: Mines, mortars, and grenades all explode. In order to represent an explosion and the damage that they inflict, we must set up an explosion template. Explosions damage the initial target and any adjacent targets. Any units within one and a half inches of an explosion, must take a defensive roll against the explosions attack roll. If you are using a grid system, you can easily see who is in the square next to the explosion. You would count all nine squares. You can also make an explosion template by making a 3 inch diameter circle out of cardboard. Flame throwers: Flame throwers are explained more in detail below. When rolling for range of a flame thrower, the flame affects enemy units within a space two movement spaces wide from the center of the flame direction. Pinpoint accuracy: Units with pinpoint accuracy can target enemy units that are not closest to them. COMMAND DISTANCE: Leaders and officers have the ability to affect those around them through their authority and experience. But soldiers must be within a certain range to have this ability be effective. We call this the ”command distance”. Command distance is within 2 movement spaces of the leader that has the ability. On a grid, It would be 2 squares

away. Using a ruler, It would be 3 inches away. You can also use a template. The best thing to use as a template is an old CD or DVD disc. If you are using a template, soldiers only need to be partially covered by the template to be within command distance. Units that have an ability that utilizes command distance will always have a CQC attack range. If a leader has less than 3 soldiers under his command, he can gain another as long as they are within command distance. Soldiers cannot benefit from more than one leader bonus at one time. Leaders cannot benefit from either their own bonus nor any other leaders bonuses. You must also have at least THREE regular troops for every leader with a command distance at the beginning of the game. So for instance, if you have 10 leaders on the field at the start of the game, you must have at least 30 regular troops also.

Classes and ranksBelow are listed many different types of soldiers. You can make up your own classes if you like by starting with the base stats and adding your 6 bonus points. The following units have already had their bonus points accounted into their stats. Some changes to names and special abilities have been made from the original game. Included are the classes and ranks of the “Command and Conquer expansion pack” The changes have made the game play more consistent and streamlined. Please note that in the chart below are listed the bonus points only. Base movement,

health, and range have not been included.

Rifleman: Riflemen are all around good troop choices. They are good at everything, but not great at anything. They have one bonus point put into every stat for good measure. When in doubt, put a rifleman in to get the job done.

Movement: +1 Range: +1Attack: +1 Defense: +1Damage +1 Health: +1

Machine gunner: The machine gunner is a heavy hitter. With extra points in attack and damage, he can cause some serious damage.

Movement: +1 Range: +2Attack: +2 Defense: +0Damage: +1 Health: +0

Sniper: With their long range, a sniper can reach out and touch someone. With +3 to range, you can set snipers behind the other ranks for protection. Snipers also have the special ability to target enemy units that are not closest to him. So if there is a high value target that is being protected by his comrades, you can fire past them and take out the specific target in mind.

Movement: +1 Range: +3Attack: +0 Defense: +0Damage: +1 Health: +0

Special Ability: (Pinpoint accuracy) May target enemy units not closest to him.

Melee: While melee soldiers cannot use ranged weapons, they make up for this in their incredible speed and health. This unit is great when set up in a special squad to come around an enemies flank and attack from the inside. They may get taken out, but they will cause considerable damage before they do.

Movement: +3 Range: CQCAttack: +0 Defense: +0Damage: +0 Health: +3

Flame thrower: This unit has a great area of effect. Keep him protected and he can clear a path through tough enemy defenses. Flame weapons also IGNORE ALL DEFENSIVE BONUSES. So keep that in mind and you will have less trouble with units that are dug in. To attack with a flame thrower you must first roll a D6 dice to determine the distance that the flame has gone. Any unit that is within that distance and 2

movement spaces (aprox. 4 inches) wide will be attacked by the flame. This is however, limited to the first 3 units the flame touches. So you can only attack a maximum of three enemy units with a flame thrower at a time. Flame thrower attacks cannot be upgraded with bonus points, so they will use a straight D6 attack roll.

Movement: +0 Range: D6Attack: +0 Defense: +0Damage: +0 Health: +1

Grenadier: Grenadiers use the explosion template for their attack. Explosions target the initial target and any other units adjacent to that unit. Grenadiers can do heavy damage, buy be careful. If you roll a 1 on your range roll, you will drop the grenade directly in front of you and will have to take a defensive roll on yourself and any friendly units in range. Grenadier are a gamble that can literally blow up in your face.

Movement: +1 Range: D6Attack: Explosion Defense: +0Damage: +0 Health: +0

Bazooka: the bazooka is the hardest hitting weapon in the game to date. Hit someone with this weapon and he probably won’t get up.

Movement: +0 Range: +1Attack: +2 Defense: +0Damage: +3 Health: +0

Medic: The medic is the only soldier in the game that can heal others of their wounds. They come with high health so don’t be afraid to get him up on the front lines where he is needed most. It is a good idea to paint a red cross on his helmet to designate his status.

Movement: +3 Range: CQCAttack: +0 (Heal) Defense: +0Damage: N/A Health: +3

Minesweepers: Mine sweepers are a must have for any defensive force. Each mine sweeper can have up to 3 mines on the battlefield at any given time. If you have 3 mines down and one blows up, then the minesweeper is free to place a new one. You can place up to 3 mines before the game starts. As the game progresses and mines are blown up or defused, the minesweeper can place another under his detector. Also, if you need to clear a minefield, send in your minesweeper without worry of getting blown up. A minesweeper can defuse mines by simply placing his detector over them and declaring that the mine has been defused. The owner of the mine picks up the defused mine and removes It from play. When a normal soldier enters a minefield, he must check to see if he sets one off every time he makes a move. Whenever a unit moves on or adjacent to a mine, he must roll a dice. On a roll of 1, the mine explodes and attacks anyone within It’s range. Minesweepers on both sides do not need to roll, and can move freely. Normal units can attack and shoot as normal while in a minefield as long as they DO NOT MOVE.

Movement: +1 Range: N/AAttack: Explosion Defense: +0Damage: +0 Health: +0

Radioman/Mortar: These two units are listed together because they work as a team. One cannot complete It’s mission without the other. A radioman goes to the front lines of the battle and calls in the co-ordinates of enemy positions back to the mortar launchers. Mortar launchers stay in the back of the field and wait for co-ordinate to be called in. Mortars can be launched into any place on the battlefield as long as the radioman is within range to see It. A radioman has a range of +3. To call in an attack, place an explosion marker on the location within the radioman’s range. On the mortar launcher turn, launch the mortar and explode it in that location. This seems unstoppable and unfair at first, but this strategy does have a weakness. If you lose all of either type of troop, It renders the other useless. Is you have no radiomen to call in, then the mortars will fall silent. If you lose all your mortars, then the radiomen will have no attacks. The good news is that one radioman can call in co-ordinates for all your mortars, but they have to attack the same spot seeing as how the radioman can only call in one location per turn. Also, one mortar can attack several different targets called in by multiple radiomen, as long as it is only one attack per turn. So make sure to keep your radiomen well protected as he has no attack of his own and other troops are depending on him. Make sure to spread your mortar positions out somewhat so they do not get overrun and rendered

useless. Also note that mortars CAN NOT MOVE. They are stationary during the entire game.

RadiomanMovement: +2 Range: +3Attack: N/A Defense: +0Damage: N/A Health: +1

Mortar:Movement: None Range: AnyAttack: Explosion Defense: +0Damage: +0 Health: +0

Recon: Recon soldiers are the guys with the binoculars. I bet you thought they were good for nothing, but that’s not the case in this game. Recon lets other soldiers know where the enemy is. They keep track of enemy movements and let the others know if they are on target or not. If a friendly soldier is within command distance(two movement spaces) of a recon unit, then he can re roll a bad attack roll. Up to three units within “command distance” can take advantage of this benefit. You can only re roll once per attack. You can’t just re roll until you get the result you want.

Movement: +0 Range: CQC

Attack: +0 Defense: +0Damage: +0 Health: +0

Special Ability: Up to 3 soldier within command distance can re roll attack dice rolls.

Assassin: Assassins are very similar to snipers. The difference is that assassins actively seek out their targets whereas snipers lie in wait for their targets to come to them. As with the sniper, assassins can target enemy units that are not closest to him. Since they are more aggressive, they get a higher attack than the sniper.

Movement: +1 Range: +3Attack: +1 Defense: +0Damage: +0 Health: +0

Special Ability: (Pinpoint accuracy) May target enemy units not closest to him.

Sergeant: Every fire team needs a sergeant in there ranks. Sergeants inspire their men to do heroic things and reminds them of their training. A sergeant gives up to 3 men within his command distance (aprox. 6 inch diameter) a +1 to their attack roll. A sergeant is only armed with a pistol, so he can only attack adjacent targets within CQC range.

Movement: +1 Range: CQCAttack: +0 Defense: +0Damage: +1 Health: +1

Special Ability: Up to 3 soldier within command distance gain an attack bonus of +1.

Lieutenant: Lieutenants are good tacticians and are useful in defensive situations. Lieutenants give up to 3 soldiers within command distance the ability to re roll a defensive roll once per turn. When using lieutenants, make sure to paint a rank designation on them somewhere.

Movement: +0 Range: CQCAttack: +0 Defense: +0Damage: +0 Health: +0

Special Ability: Up to 3 soldiers within command distance May re-roll defense rolls. Major: Majors have the most experience on the battlefield and are very hardy. He can give up to 3 units withpn his command distance an extra point of health as long as he is alive.

Movement: +0 Range: CQCAttack: +0 Defense: +1Damage: +0 Health: +1

General: The highest ranking unit in the army is the General. He also has the most powerful tactical advantage of all classes of soldier. While individually weak, he has the ability to use his many years of tactical experience to give an extra point to your initiative roll. The ability to increase your odds of going first cannot be under estimated. You may only have one General in your army. Movement: +0 Range: CQCAttack: +0 Defense: +0Damage: +0 Health: +0

Special Ability: Can add an additional point to initiative rolls at the beginning of each round.

Bonus points chartR a n k / C l a s s M o v e R a n g e A t t a c k D e f f e n s e D a m a g e H e a l t h S p e c i a l A b i l i t i e s

R i f l e m a n 1 1 1 1 1 1 w e l l r o u n d e d

M a c h i n e g u n n e r 1 2 2 0 1 0 h i g h a t t a c k

S n i p e r 1 3 0 0 1 0 c a n t a r g e t e n e m y n o t c l o s e s t t o h i m

M e l e e 3 C Q C 0 0 0 3 h i g h h e a l t h

F l a m e t h r o w e r 0 D 6 0 0 0 1 c a n a t t a c k 3 a d j . t a r g e t s

G r e n a d i e r 1 D 6 e x p l o s i o n 0 0 0 s e e e x p l o s i o n r u l e s

B a z o o k a 0 1 2 0 3 0 h i g h d a m a g e

M e d i c 3 C Q C 0 0 0 3 h e a l s i n s t e a d o f d a m a g e

M i n e s w e e p e r 1 N / A e x p l o s i o n 0 0 0 p l a c e a n d d e f u s e m i n e s

R a d i o m a n 2 3 N / A 0 N / A 1 c a l l s i n m o r t a r c o o r d i n a t e s

M o r t a r N o n e a n y e x p l o s i o n 0 0 0 a t t a c k s r a d i o m a n s c o o r d i n a t e s

R e c o n 0 C Q C 0 0 0 0 3 a d j . u n i t s c a n r e r o l l a t t a c k s

A s s a s i n 1 3 1 0 0 0 c a n t a r g e t e n e m y n o t c l o s e s t t o h i m

S e r g e a n t 1 C Q C 0 0 1 1 3 a d j . u n i t s g e t p l u s 1 a t t a c k

L i e u t e n a n t 0 C Q C 0 0 0 0 3 a d j . u n i t s c a n r e r o l l d e f e n s e

C o m m a n d e r 1 C Q C 0 1 0 1 3 a d j . u n i t s g e t p l u s 1 h e a l t h

G e n e r a l 0 C Q C 0 0 0 0 p l u s 1 t o i n i t i a t i v e r o l l s ( 1 p e r a r m y )

Moments of valor

This is an optional advanced set of rules to play the army men miniature battles game with that allows you to play one time use power cards. The power cards allow soldiers to perform feats of valor and become heroes on the battlefield.

Using power cardsAt the beginning of the game, when you roll for range, health, and movement, you will make

an additional roll to see how many power cards you can draw from your pool of cards. Each player gets the same amount of cards. You can make power cards with a pen, markers, and blank index cards. Power cards may only be used once per game. The following is a list of cards. Each player should have his own set of cards and they should all be the same as your opponent.

1. Feeling Lucky: Re-roll any dice roll any time, for any reason.

2. For the good of the many: One soldier can jump on a grenade to save his buddies. If he beats the attack roll, he survives.

3. Booby trap: When a soldier looses all his health points, replace him with a land mine at his last location.

4. Go the extra mile: double the movement of one soldier.

5. Double Down: One soldier can attack twice on his turn.

6. Just a flesh wound: When a soldier looses all his life points, he may still take one more turn before being removed from play.

7. Broken arrow: Any leader can attack all enemies within his command distance at once.

8. Ricochet: Play this card before rolling for damage. Any damage points left over will be taken away from the next closest enemy soldier.

Guts and GloryArmy List By Nation

In the Guts and Glory chapter, you will be able to use power cards that are specific to the nation of the army that you are using. You can decide with your opponent whether to use them in addition to the normal power cards, or whether to roll for them mixed in with the others. There are also suggested color schemes to go with different nationalities.

USA: The USA is by far the most common nation used in plastic army men games. The USA benefits from It’s vast

rescores of manpower and material.Primary Color: Olive greenSecondary Color: BrownAccent Color: Yellow or gold

Supply drop: Chang any three soldiers on the field to another weapon type.

Field promotion: Promote any three soldiers to any type leader with a command distance.

Britain: British soldiers are known for being self reliant and stubborn in the face of overwhelming odds.Primary Color: Light GreenSecondary Color: TanAccent Color: Blue

Stiff upper lip: 1 Grenade blast damage is halved for all targets.

Never give up: Up to three foxholes can be dug in one turn.

France: While not very effective in a straight on fight, the French excel at subversive guerrilla warfare.

Primary Color: BrownSecondary Color: GreyAccent Color: Yellow

Viva La Resistance!: Remove (1D6) soldiers and replace them with (2 per) civilians behind enemy lines.

Sabotage: Place an explosion anywhere on the field you wish and detonate It.

Germany: Germany’s technological advancements were far ahead of the pack in the beginning of the war.

Primary Color: Light GreySecondary Color: Dark GreyAccent Color: Black

Stuka dive bomber: Attack any unit on the field with no bonus added to the attack or damage roll.

Awful 88’s: Select five enemy soldiers to loose their next turn from shock and awe.

Soviet Block: The Soviet Union is a culmination of many different countries under one roof. Whether they like It or not.

Primary Color: GreySecondary Color: GreenAccent Color: Red

Acceptable Losses: Remove 2 soldiers from your army in order to remove any enemy soldier of your choosing.

Elite Sniper: Permanently add +1 attack and +1 damage to any sniper or assassin.

Japan: The Japanese army is manically faithful and will follow any orders given to them.

Primary Color: TanSecondary Color: BlackAccent Color: Red

Kamikaze: Select a soldier and attack any

enemy soldier on the field using his bonus attack and damage points. The soldier is removed from play after his attack.

Banzai!: Roll 2 dice (2d6). That many soldiers get double movement this turn.

China: hat the Chinese lack in recourses, they more than make up for in manpower.

Primary Color: TanSecondary Color: BrownAccent Color: Gold

Strength in Numbers: Remove (1d6) regular troops and replace them with 2 untrained soldier per ones removed. Untrained soldiers have no bonus points, but can attack at range determined at the beginning of the game (base range).

The Art of War: Attack with the sun in their eyes. (1d6) enemy soldiers loose 1 point of range on their next turn.

Vietnam: The Vietnamese army is tenacious and patient. Waiting for the enemy to make a mistake.

Primary Color: BlackSecondary Color: TanAccent Color: Red

Spider Hole: Place 1 soldier anywhere behind enemy controlled territory.

Tunnel rats: Move up to 3 soldier anywhere you wish within your controlled territory.

Z NationPlaying Zombies with Army Men

I have had many requests for zombie rules for this game and I have come around to adding them in. The only other request I get a lot of is for vehicles. Vehicles are just too restricting to do within the constraints of this games mechanics. But zombies I can do. In this chapter of the rules we will be going over stats and rules for adding zombies, civilians, and rapid response teams into the game. We will also be going over splitting up points and basic zombie behavior. Many zombie outbreaks occur in urban areas near civilian populations. Several nations can take advantage of using civilians to supplement their ranks. Zombies and civilians are similar in the fact that they have NO BONUS POINTS to take advantage of. The difference is that civilians can take advantage of basic health points and range determined at the beginning of the game.

Splitting Points

Since civilians and zombies cannot take advantage of bonus points and are very limited in other areas as well, they are not worth as much as a regularly trained soldier. Since soldiers are worth one point a piece, then we must be able to place several civilian or zombie

units per point. Regular civilians are worth 2 per point, and zombies are worth 3 per point. So for every point you use to build your army, you can place 1 soldier, 2 civilians, or 3 zombies. There are some civilians and zombies that are properly trained and equipped as well as any soldier on the battlefield and are worth a full point a piece. Civilians may be used in some armies and soldiers may be called in to assist local law enforcement with zombie outbreaks, but zombies may not be used in a regular army. They may only be in their own army.

Universal Zombie Warning System

Most nations have come together to establish a universal warning system to show the present status of towns and cities that have been affected by zombie outbreaks through a system of flags displayed below.

All Clear: This flag is a green circle with a white

background. This flag is displayed to show that the area is safe and free of any zombies. The area has either not been affected or has been cleared of all zombies. You move about freely, but remain cautious.

Area compromised: This flag wit a white x and black background indicates that zombies are present, but there are still survivors that need to be evacuated and first responders are in the area dealing with the situation. There may be pockets of safe areas, but always be on the lookout. Just remember to check before shooting the place up or throwing that grenade.

Area completely overrun: If you see this flag with a red x on a black background, you are in the wrong place at the wrong time. This area has been completely evacuated and anyone remaining is considered lost. Don’t expect any reinforcements or rescue operations. One would consider to move quickly, shoot first and ask questions later.

Civilian Core

The following is a list of the different types of civilians and power cards you can play associated with civilians.

Basic civilian: This civilian is your average everyday person on the street. They have no training or special abilities. They have just found themselves in a situation that they must deal with as best as possible. Other than the regular civilian core, China and France can use civilians in their armies under certain conditions.

Movement: +0 Range: +0Attack: +0 Defense: +0Damage: +0 Health: +0

Riot PoliceRiot police are part of the civilian population and can be used as part of the effort to control a civilian area that is not under control of any military force. Riot Police are worth a full point to play since they have special abilities and training.

Police officer with shotgun: A police officer

armed with a shotgun can attack 2 targets at once provided they are within 3 movement points and a 90 degree arc of the direction the officer is facing. You may want to make a template with a 4 and a half inch radius in the shape of a quarter circle.

Movement: +1 Range: 3x 90 degreesAttack: +0 Damage: +0Defense: +1 Health: +0Special ability: Shotgun

Police officer with assault rifle: A police officer armed with an assault rifle may attack twice during his turn. Either at the same target twice, Or two separate targets.

Movement: +1 Range: +0Attack: +0 Damage: +0Defense: +1 Health: +0Special ability: Assault rifle

SWAT Team member: SWAT team members are specially trained to navigate their way through urban areas and difficult terrain. They do not suffer from any negative effects of terrain. They may move freely through hindering terrain, negate any defensive bonuses of targets using cover. They can easily jump over

fences and barbed wire, as well as target enemy hiding behind low walls and in buildings without negative effects.

Movement: +1 Range: +0Attack: 0 Damage: +0Defense: +1 Health: +0Special ability: Urban Combat

Civilian Power Cards

Don’t Taze Me Bro!: Police can attack targets with Tazers causing them to loose D6 turns.

Deputize: Promote any regular civilian into any type Police Officer.

Zombie Army

According to zombie lore, zombie are infected humans that are not in control of their normal everyday operations. There are many different ideas as to how zombies ought to act and how they got here, but that is completely up to you how you want you zombie army to be. This is just a rules guideline for the statistical data to use them in the game. Zombies have very low

stats and are plentiful in number, therefore they are worth 3 per point. For every point your army is worth, you can field 3 regular zombies. There are some more powerful zombies that are worth a full point that will be discussed later. Regular zombies have no bonus points, can only make CQC attacks, and only have 1 health point. Since zombies don’t use bonus points, they make straight D6 rolls for Attacks, Defense, and Damage. Movement is standard and determined at the start of the game just like any other army and will match the standard movement of the opposing army. Zombies can move about freely and take advantage of cover and use tactics. However, if they are attacked by anyone and survive, they must target and move toward that unit unrelentingly, unless attacked by someone else. If a zombie takes damage from a flame weapon, they do not take damage right away. When hit with flame weapons, zombies can continue to play for a full round until he is able to take his turn. They are now considered to be on fire and will do 1 health point of damage to anyone within CQC distance of him with no defensive roll. If other zombies are within that distance they will be set on fire if they are unable to move out of they way within one full round. After one full round of being on fire, they will eventually burn out and are then removed

from play.

Effects of Zombie Infection

People and creatures become zombies by coming into contact with an infected specimen. Whenever a person or soldier engages in combat with a zombie and receives a wounding blow by a zombie, they must roll a D6 to determine if they have become infected. On a roll of 1 or2 the wounded unit has become infected with the zombie virus. They will loose a health point every round of combat until they reach zero points. On the next round of combat, they become a zombie as well. If a soldier looses all health points during a zombie attack and rolls a 1 or 2, then they are immediately turned into a zombie and control of that unit goes to the player controlling the zombies. Soldiers that have become zombies loose all of their bonuses and special abilities. If a defending player rolls a 3 or higher on an infection roll, then they take normal damage and do not suffer ant ill effects of the virus.

Zombie StatsBasic Zombie:Movement: +0 Range: CQCAttack: +0 Damage: +0Defense: +0 Health: 1 point only

Special abilities: Infection: After a successful attack, a defending player must roll an infection roll. On a 1 or 2 the target becomes infected with the zombie virus.

Zombie Leader: Certain zombies have more intelligence than others and are able to command and direct other zombies to do their bidding. These are zombie leaders. They cost a full point to use and are able to command up to 6 zombies at a time. They also have a limited number of bonus points to spend. Zombies under their leadership gain an additional point to their movement making them much quicker and can reach their targets faster. Of course they must be within the leaders command distance which is a standard 6 inch diameter. You must have a minimum of 3 points of basic zombies ( 9 zombies) for each leader in your army.

Zombie Leaders stats:Movement: +1 Range: CQCAttack:+0 Damage: +0Defense: +1 Health: Base health +2

Special abilities: Can give up to 6 basic zombies +1 movement within command distance.

Zombie Army Power Cards

Radioactive Zombie: 1 zombie becomes radioactive and will give any living creature within CQC distance 1 point of radioactive damage per round of combat. Effects of radiation are not permanent and will wear off if moved away from affected zombie. When zombie is removed from play, replace him with a radiation marker, and that spot remains radioactive for the rest of the game.

Exploding Zombie!: When this zombie is successfully attacked, he explodes and attacks as if It were any other explosion in the game.

Effects of terrainThere are many different ways that terrain features on the battlefield effect the way the game is played. Soldiers can hide behind walls or in buildings. They can dig foxholes or set up on the top of a hill. In this chapter, we will be going over different ways that terrain affects game play.Before we begin, always bear in mind that stats for individual soldiers may never be more than +3. Any bonuses that exceed this amount should be ignored.

Blocking terrain: Walls, buildings, and any other solid structures hat completely prevent enemy units from seeing you are considered blocking terrain. Blocking terrain protects all units positioned behind It. Enemy units cannot target units behind blocking terrain.

Cover: Low walls, foxholes, and heavily wooded areas are considered cover. Cover is anything that can partially protect or hide soldiers in combat. Cover grants the benefit of +1 to defense.

Hindering terrain: Fences, barbed wire, bushes, and chasms are considered hindering terrain. This type of terrain cannot be moved over and must be moved around. It does not however have any beneficial bonus capabilities.

Elevated terrain: Hilltops, rooftops and second story buildings are considered elevated terrain. For the purpose of the game, every floor of a building or rise of a hill will be considered a level of elevation. It costs 1 additional point of movement for every elevation traveled up or down. Elevation gives the advantage of +1 range to ranged weapons for the first elevation higher than the target. After one elevation level, the range is reduced by 1 point for every difference in elevation. Units shooting up towards targets at a higher elevation do not suffer range points for the first elevation. Units cannot CQC attack adjacent units at a different elevation.

Buildings: Buildings are a unique challenge as to whether they are considered blocking or cover terrain. Buildings are only considered blocking terrain if neither party can target each other. If either party can target the other then It is assumed that the other can as well and the unit within the building gains a +1 defense of

covered terrain. If both combatants are in two different buildings, then they both benefit. If they are within the same building, then no one benefits.

WinningSo, how do we win the game. Well, that’s the easy part. All you have to do is get your opponent to surrender or retreat from battle. Or you can also set up scenario objectives. As a general of your army, you have the power to end the battle any time you wish. If you are receiving heavy casualties, and it is only a matter of time before defeat is inevitable, it may be a good idea to end the game so you can spend more time on a new game with a different strategy. Or you can be a tyrant and make your army fight to the very last man. It’s entirely up to you when to end the battle. Don’t allow your opponent to keep you in the battle needlessly so he can gloat over the overwhelming casualty rate. This is a game of tactics. The more you play the better you will get. There are many types of troop choices for you to use. Some are more useful for certain situations than others. Resist the urge to use every troop choice all at once.

Finishing touches

There are many quick, cheap, and easy ways to take your game to the next level. In this section I want to show some cool optional stuff you can do. Barbed wire: You can make some really nice looking barbed wire with some small, single stranded wire wrapped around a medium diameter spool. Barbed wire restricts movement in the game but you can shoot right through it.

Forest moss: Moss and lichen can be found around the yard and looks great as a forest.

Toothpicks: Toothpicks make great pieces of terrain. You can build fences and tank obstacles with them.

Pie plates: You can make great craters and foxholes with a simple aluminum foil pie plate.1.



The endThank you for reading my rules for plastic army men. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I do and that they will help you in many battles to come. ThanksFranz Braatz