Armstrong Vocabulary

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Armstrong Vocabulary

Vocabulary Sentences

By: Keelei Armstrong

Period: 6

My mom tends to make me feel very gauche when she talks about me when I was a baby.

My brother was so mad yesterday and was very taciturn, he wouldn’t talk to anyone.

My teacher was always so prate. It was so hard to pay attention when everything she said was


My best friend and I have great amity. We rarely ever have fights.

The tree was very objective. You could feel it and know it was real.

I didn’t know what shirt to buy because they were tantamount, so either way it didn’t matter which one.

Justine is a very loquacious person. No one can ever get her to be quiet.

Holly was so coquette. Every guy she saw she’d flirt with them

My dads attitude was very bellicose. He would do anything to start a fight.

I don’t like people with an irascible personality. They get mad too easy.

I had to ameliorate my math homework because I realized I had a few problems wrong.

I found a feral cat in the ally by my house yesterday.

I had a lot of rancor towards my soccer coach last year. She was so mean.

My sister acts so nefarious sometimes. She’s always doing something evil.

I saw a mendicant when I went to san francisco. They kept asking me for money.

Bobby was always struggling with dipsomania. He had such a problem staying away from alcohol.

I had such sympathy for my friend when her grandfather died. It made me feel so sad.

My best friend turned into my nemesis after our big fight.

I felt very melancholy on the day of my uncles funeral.