ARIN6912 Wk 5 Presentation

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Transcript of ARIN6912 Wk 5 Presentation

Communication & Interactionin

Journalism & Advertising




• “Multi-media”

• “Convergent Journalism”

• “We Media”

• “DIY Culture”

• "our Internet site will have to do still more to be competitive. For some, it may have to become the place for conversation [...] We need to be the destination for those bloggers.”

Murdoch, 2005, at

• Rice 2005, “the customer as co-creator of media content”;

Jennifer Rice, 2005. "What’s your brand mantra?" at, accessed 27/03/11.

• Leonard 1999, “open source journalism”;Andrew Leonard, 1999. "Open source journalism," Salon (8 October), at, accessed 27/03/11.

• And Williams, 2003, “the blogger as citizen-journalist”.

Lisa Williams, 2003. "The blogger as citizen–journalist," Cadence90 (10 October), at, accessed 27/03/11.

Confluence Culture

• The circulation of media content across different media systems, economies, and nations, which depends on active participation of consumers.

• “every important story gets told, every brand gets sold, and every consumer gets courted across multiple

media platforms”.

Henry Jenkins, 2006. Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. New York: New York University Press, Pg. 3.

Lee Clow, chairman and chief creative officer at TBWA Worldwide, was quoted as saying:

“It’s an exciting new format for brands to communicate with their audiences. People’s

relationship with a brand is becoming a dialog, not a monologue”.

“Rather than assembling more media recordings of reality, culture is now busy reworking, recombining, and

analyzing already accumulated media material” (Parikka, 2008: 75)

• The Consumer becomes the Animator

just as

• Online Bloggers are seen as Journalists

• YouTube Posters as Video Directors


Confluence Culture

1. Active agents in the process of meaning-making (we become participants).

2. We adopt but at the same time modify, manipulate, and thus reform consensual ways of

understanding reality (we engage in remediation).

3. We reflexively assemble our own particular versions of such reality (we are bricoleurs).

QUESTIONIn this new era of digital media and content…

To what extent can “news” storytelling be content– or connectivity–based, and what level of participation can or

should be included in the narrative experience?

Does “truth” or the spreading of false information

become an issue here?

References:• Deuze, Mark (2007) “Convergence culture in the creative industries,” International Journal of Cultural Studies, 10(2), 243–263.• Deuze, Mark (2006–07) “Utopia versus dystopia: When online journalists contemplate their new medium,” Journal of New Media and

Culture, 4(1), at• Deuze, Mark (2006) “Participation, Remediation, Bricolage: Considering Principal Components of a digital culture” , Information

Society, 22(2), 63-75.• Deuze, Mark. (2005) “Towards Professional participatory storytelling in journalism and advertising” , First Monday, 10(7), at at Accessed 27/03/11.• Richards, Jeff I. (2000) "Interactive advertising concentration: A first attempt," Journal of Interactive Advertising, 1(1), at, accessed 27/03/11.• Leonard, Andrew. (1999) "Open source journalism," Salon (8 October), at,

accessed 27/03/11.• Jennifer Rice. (2005) "What’s your brand mantra?" at, accessed 27/03/11.• Parikka, J (2008), ‘Copy’ in Fuller, M. (2008), Software Studies: A Lexicon, Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.• Pavlik, J (1997), The future of on-line journalism: bonanza or blackhole?, Columbia Journalism Review, 30-36.• Pavlik, J (1999), New media and news: Implications for the future of Journalism, New Media and Society, 1(1), 54-59.• Lisa Williams. (2003) "The blogger as citizen–journalist," Cadence90 (10 October), at, accessed 27/03/11.• Stuart Elliott. (2007) “Student’s ad gets a remake, and makes the big time,” New York Times (26 October), at, accessed 5 March 2009.• Henry Jenkins. (2006) Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. New York: New York University Press.• Lessig, Lawrence, Free Culture: The Nature and Future of Creativity, New York, Penguin Press, 2005.• Mary Beth Kemp and Peter Kim. (2008) “The connected agency marketers: Partner with an agency that listens instead of shouts,” at,7211,43875,00.html Accessed 27/03/11.• Sheehan, Kim Bartel and Deborah K. Morison. (2009) “The Creativity Challenge: Media Confluence and its Effects on the Evolving

Advertising Industry”, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 9(2), • Sheehan, Kim Bartel and Deborah K. Morrison. (2009) “Beyond Convergence: Confluence culture and the role of the advertising

agency in a changing world”, First Monday, 14(2-3).

• Faneslow, J. (2008) Community Blogging: The new wave of citizen journalism, National Civic Review, 97(4), 24-29. • Carey, James (1989). Communication as culture: essays on media and society. Boston: Unwin Hyman.