Are You A Victim of Bait and Switch Advertising?

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Are You A Victim of Bait and Switch Advertising?

Interesting to note that when a person does a

search for bait and switch advertising odd programs

you would not expect show up in the search results. From Dell to Groupon to guides from the FTC to

help you recognize and avoid bait and switch

advertising are all on the front page of Google.

Bait and Switch Advertising Defined

A short piece of the message from the FTC tells us that this tactic

is "an alluring but insincere offer." There is more, of course, but

the point is clear. Wherever we go, especially online, there are so many individuals and businesses using bait and switch

advertising; I'm sure we have all been taken in by that approach.

Some internet marketers are infamous for their use of bait and

switch advertising. They use it because they paint that pretty, nay glamorous, picture of the pot of gold just waiting for you.

Their message, the one you read, tells you it can all happen

without you spending a penny. Common sense should tell you

that something will be required from you or some limitations will


But, this article isn't about internet marketing. And, best of all

you don't have to worry about the old bait and switch advertising


Free Should Mean Free With No Bait and Switch

Advertising In Sight

How many times have you read about ways to get totally free things, only to find that they aren't? How many times have you

freely given your information (name and email at a minimum)

only to be hit with upsells and downsells just to get where you

thought you were going for free, only to be deceived?

Yep, that's what I thought. You cannot even count the number of

times, nor can I.

Well, personally I believe free should mean free. No strings, no bait and switch advertising. Just give me what I asked for... that

free thing you promised.

How to Control Your Own Destiny and Avoid Bait and

Switch Advertising

First, understand that all programs online want something from

you. From the simple (so they can continue to email you) to the

more advanced - a better opportunity - what I'll call the "if only." And, that's okay. At least now we are approaching with

excitement tempered by reason.

Second, look closely at the sales page. Look for the FAQ or,

better yet, the Refund Policy, or any disclaimers, etc. Read them, too.

Be informed. Understand first what your options are going to be;

the right web site setup will clearly outline these details for you.

Use them to make informed decisions.

Obviously if there is something like a Refund Policy, that means:

1. You can, without a doubt, get free stuff without spending a dime, because you cannot by law make a claim that is not true,


2. You are going to be given the opportunity to see what going

one step further will get you.

Spelling It Out Means Dodging That Bait and Switch


When any business, online or offline, clearly defines its intentions

by granting their visitor access to information, ahead of time,

that's a business in which most people will participate. So when

you are presented with the chance to give free things, take them. You do deserve them. It is okay to get them. Again take them.

If you are also given the opportunity to explore a program more

closely, to see if by upgrading you will benefit even more, do so.

Read all the fine print "out front" so you will understand what you can and cannot get.

Be smart, be thorough. Do get free things and have fun getting

them. Also temper your actions with reason and read. Avoid bait and switch advertising whenever possible!

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