Are Mother Nature’s Most Powerful Superfoods Life ... · sweet fruit that comes from an evergreen...

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Are Mother Nature’s Most Powerful Superfoods The Fountain of Youth?

Life, Longevity and Youth—Through Superfoods!

World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

“Superfood” is the health food industry’sstamp of approval for low-calorie,antioxidant-rich foods that lower

your risk for life-threatening diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

And they are all the rage! But know this:To those serious about achieving thebest health possible—living a long,active life and halting aging in itstracks—superfoods are here to stay!

What’s so super about superfoods? Super -foods contain especially potent concentrationsof various nutrients, vitamins and mineralsand deliver exceptional, all-natural healthbenefits.

When these vital nutrients come fromwhole food sources—like superfoods—insteadof huge, hard multi-vitamins, they’re betterabsorbed by your body. And that means asuper-sized health boost for you!

But what really makes superfoods stand out is their phytochemical content.(Phytochemicals are chemical compoundsthat occur naturally in plants.) Found in massive abundance in superfoods,phytochemicals are renowned for theirdisease and age-fighting properties!

In this report you’ll be introduced to eightof the world’s most proven, most powerful,nutrient-rich, disease-fighting, anti-aging,health-boosting, stamina-inducing superfoods

on the planet—superfoods that can help you livethe healthy, active, youthful life you deserve!

Chlorella—The World’s Greatest Anti-Aging Food!

Chlorella is the world’s greatest anti-aging food. It not only helps keep yourskin youthful and wrinkle-free, but alsohelps you live longer!

Chlorella is a single-celled, water-grownalgae that contains more chlorophyll per gramthan any other plant does. It is extremely richin vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essentialfatty acids and many other nutrients that arebeneficial to your health.

Chlorella also abounds in nucleic acids,which control cellular function and heredity.Two forms of nucleic acid are DNA (deoxyribo -nucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). It ischlorella’s nucleic acid content that givesit rejuvenating properties.

Dr. Benjamin S. Frank, author of The No-Aging Diet and Nucleic Acid Therapy inAging and Degenerative Disease, found thatnucleic acids promote the rejuvenation of thebody’s own DNA and RNA, enabling thesenucleic acids to repair themselves, utilizenutrients more efficiently, remove toxins and produce more energy.

Dr. Frank treated his patients with foodsrich in nucleic acids, and reported that patientsexperienced a substantial fading of lines andwrinkles, and developed healthier, younger-looking skin after only two months!

Of the nucleic acid-rich foods Dr. Frankrecommended, sardines topped the list. Herecommends consuming one or two cans of sardines each day, and claimed that hispatients not only looked and felt more youth -ful as a result, claiming that sardines alsoalleviated health problems such as heartdisease, emphysema, arthritis, memory loss, dimming vision and depression.

According to the latest research byDr. Minchinori in Japan chlorella hasseventeen times more RNA than cannedsardines! That’s exponentially more rejuven -ating power than Dr. Frank’s sardinerecommendation.

In his book, Chlorella, Jewel of theFar East, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Ph.D.,D.O. reports that, when used regularly,chlorella assists in the repair of damagedgenetic material in human cells, pro -tecting our health and slowing the aging process.

Disease Fighter!

Chlorella is a powerful disease-fighterthat can combat the world’s most devastatingdiseases including cancer, Alzheimer’sdisease and even AIDS. This all-naturalhealing food is believed to effectively helpreduce the symptoms of these and otherchronic diseases:

n Cancer: Chlorella helps to accelerate the growth of immune cells and enableswhite blood cells to duplicate at a fasterrate, which may allow patients to betterhandle chemotherapy and radiationtreatments. Chlorella has also beenshown to have anti-tumor effects in some patients.

n AIDS: Because chlorella helps to activateT-cells and increase their reproductionlevels, it has been successfully used tohelp thwart the onset of AIDS in somepatients.

n Alzheimer’s/Parkinson’s Disease:Because it helps the body rebuild nervetissue, chlorella has become an excellenttreatment option for those suffering fromdegenerative brain and nerve disorders.

n Viral Infections: Chlorella helps givethe body’s white blood cells the super -oxide they need to kill dangerous bacteriaand viruses that make us sick. It alsocontains phycocyanin—a great immunebooster and stem cell producer.

Chlorella also has detoxifying abilitiesthat help the liver clear out toxins andneutralize many poisons found in the body,including environmental poisons and toxicfoods, thereby helping cells to rebuild them -selves and repair damage that can causeillness and disease.

The “Good Guy” That Takes Over!

One of the stellar aspects of chlorella is its “growth factor,” which allows it toquadruple in size every twenty hours—faster than any other food crop on earth. Thisamazing ability is one reason chlorella worksso fast at healing and repairing tissues andcells. Because it quickly multiplies the growthof good bacteria in the bowel, it is able to helpthe body eliminate dangerous free radicalsmore easily.


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

Moringa—The “Miracle Tree” of CellRejuvenation and The Enemy of

Abnormal Cell Growth!The superfood known as moringa,

contains several thousand times morezeatin—a powerful anti-aging nutrient—than any other known plant! It also hastwo compounds that are reported to helpprevent cancer and halt tumor growth.

The moringa is a genus of trees indigenousto Southern India and Northern Africa. Theleaves, flowers, bark, wood and roots of themoringa tree are used all over the world for a wide variety of medicinal, pharmacologicaland nutritional purposes.

But it’s the leaves of the species calledmoringa oleifera, in particular, which havebecome recognized in recent years as beinghighly beneficial to human health!

Moringa contains more than 90 essential nutrients!

A Bureau of Plant Industry report statesthat, gram per gram, moringa leaves contain:twice the protein content of 8 ounces of milk(and 4 times the calcium); the vitamin Cequivalent of 7 oranges; the potassiumcontent of 3 bananas; 3 times the iron ofspinach; and 4 times the vitamin A of carrots.

Over the past 40 years, the World HealthOrganization (WHO) has been study ing and

using the moringa plantas a low-cost health-

enhancing food forthird worldcoun trieswhere mal -nutrition andhunger arewidespread.

Folk medi -cine practi -

tioners and anecdotal reports suggestmoringa’s great value in help ing reduce thegrowth of tumors. Studies show that twocompounds that are present in moringa causea dramatic reduction in skin tumors, and eveninhibit tumors in lab mice that are bred to besusceptible to tumors.

India’s natural Ayurvedic practitioners usemoringa leaves to prevent and treat over 300diseases. The leaves contain complete proteins,a rare thing to find in the plant kingdom. Thisshould come as good news for vegetarians, aswell as those who are trying to limit theirmeat and dairy consumption without com -promising their protein intake.

Powerful Anti-Aging Properties!

Moringa leaves’ rich combination of nutri -ents, amino acids, antioxidants, as well asanti-inflammatory and antibiotic propertiescould fill an entire book. But perhaps themost fascinating discovery about moringaleaves is that they are rich in zeatin.

Zeatin is a member of the plant hormonefamily known as cytokinins. Cytokinins inducecell division and growth, and delay cell aging.A study published in Rejuvenation Researchshows the undeniable youth-preservingeffects of zeatin on aging human skin.

Zeatin has recently become increasinglysought after because of its powerful anti-aging properties. It defends cells against freeradical damage, protects healthy cells fromthe effects of stress, helps the body replacedying cells more rapidly, and strengthensliving cells... thereby slowing the aging process.

The human body has approximately 19million skin cells at any given time. However,30,000 to 40,000 skin cells die every minute.With the zeatin contained in moringa, newskin cells grow faster than old skin cells die.This results in a marked reduc tion of


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

wrinkles on the face and other parts ofthe body, and a more youthful skinappearance.

According to Optima of Africa, Ltd., 25 grams of moringa leaf powder couldprovide these astounding percentages ofrecommended daily allowances:

• Protein: 42%• Calcium: 125%

• Magnesium: 61%

• Potassium: 41%

• Iron: 71%• Vitamin A: 272%

• Vitamin C: 22%

Goji Berry – The “Longevity Fruit”The goji berry, or wolfberry, is a tangy,

sweet fruit that comes from an evergreenshrub found in China, Mongolia, and theHimalayas in Tibet. For over 6,000 years,goji berries have been used therapeutically,

and have been prescribed by herbalists in China, Tibet and India topromote longevity, reverse

aging, inhibit cancergrowth and provide a multitude of other

extraordinary healing benefits.

In Asia, goji berriesare regarded as the“longevity fruit” – andare believed to be thehealth secret of Master LiChing-Yuen, a Chineseherbalist, martial artistand former universityprofessor, who had thelongest recordedlifespan in history.He reportedly lived tothe age of 256 (1677-

1933), and his long life has been attributed togoji berries, which were a staple in his dailydiet. In the Ningxia Hui region of Nor thernChina—where goji berries are grown andeaten daily—there are 16 times as manycenten arians (people 100 years old or older) as the rest of the country.

Preliminary research also shows that thislittle red berry is a superstar at stimulatingstem cells, strengthening the immune system,and defending the body against disease.Chinese researchers discovered that whengoji berries were used as a dietary supple -ment… older people grew younger!

A 3-year clinical study investigating the effects of the goji berry on the immune,psychological and biochemical indexes of theblood of aged volunteers showed that the gojiberry caused the blood of the older subjects to revert to a younger state!

Studies also suggest that goji berries have the ability to:

n Regulate blood sugar and cholesterollevels

n Retard abnormal cell growth

n Support normal liver and kidney function

n Improve eyesight and protect againstmacular degeneration and cataracts

n Enhance libido and improve fertility

n Support improved circulation

n Boost brain health and protect againstage-related diseases

Spirulina—The Most Nutrient-DenseFood on the Planet!

One of the oldest living organisms onearth, spirulina is an edible variety of freshwater, blue-green algae that is much like seavegetables such as chlorella, kelp, nori,


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

kuma, arame and wakame. What setsspirulina apart is that it is more bio-available, meaning it is more readilyabsorbed and digested by the body.

Spirulina is considered the most nutrient-dense food on the planet—and has beenshown to be effective in the treatment ofcancer, high cholesterol, allergies, anemia,elevated blood sugar and many otherdiseases.

World-wide Popularity!

Spirulina has no shortage of fans. Dr. Joseph Mercola calls spirulina “Nature’snearly “perfect” whole food.” In its September5, 2005 issue, AARP Magazine ranked spiru -lina the #1 superfood. And perhaps mostnotably, the United Nations Food and Agri -culture Organization promotes spirulina as a beneficial remedy for worldwidemalnutrition.

Spirulina is such a dynamite superfood it can make claims such as…

n Strengthens the immune system

n Increases antioxidant protection

n Fights premature aging

n Promotes healthy digestion

n Inhibits the growth of pathogenicbacteria and yeast

n Stabilizes and maintains healthy bloodsugar levels

n Beautifies skin and hair

n Removes toxins from the body

n Boosts cardiovascular health

n Satisfies appetite and promotes weightloss

n And increases energy!

This translates to far-reaching, curativeapplications for…

n Cancer

n Arthritis

n Allergies

n Osteoporosis

n Anemia

n High cholesterol

n HIV/Aids

n And many more diseases!

Throw Away Those Vitamin Supplementsand Fortify with Whole-food NutritionInstead

Spirulina holds an extraordinary concen -tration of vita mins and minerals—readilyabsorbed and digested by the body—such asiron, potassium, mag nesium, copper, calcium,chromium, manganese and vitamin B12. Infact, spirulina contains more vitamin B12than any other food source on the planet!Vitamin B12 supports healthy nerve tissueand rejuvenates damaged nerves, protectingagainst conditions such as fibro myalgia.

Spirulina is also an abundant source of beta-carotene. (In fact it contains 10times more of the carotenoid thancarrots do!) Our bodies convert beta-carotene into vitamin A, importantfor immunity, strong teeth andbones, and healthy mucousmembranes, skin andeyes.

Spirulina alsocontains the superiorenzyme superoxidedismutase, whichprevents and repairscell damage.


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

Get Omegas from the Original Source

You may have heard about the importanceof eating fish once a week to ensure a healthydose of omega essential fatty acids. Well,where do fish get their omegas from? Fromspirulina deep within the sea! Plentiful inomegas, even the difficult to find omegagamma-linoleic acid (GLA), spirulina helpsfight cardiovascular disease, diabetes,osteoporosis, arthritis, depression and highcholesterol.

A Complete Protein that Doesn’tCompromise Your Diet or Your Heart Health

Spirulina is hands down the best vegetableprotein source, in part because it’s a completeprotein, meaning it contains all the essentialamino acids your body needs. Let’s comparethe numbers:

Spirulina is made up of 60-70% protein, a higher amount than that of any other naturalfood. Animal flesh is made up of only 20%protein, eggs 12%, whole milk 3%, soybeans35%, peanuts 25% and grains 8-14%.

Health From the Sun

The sun is arguably the source of all life.It provides the heat and light plants needs togrow. We in turn depend on these plants forsurvival. Spirulina soaks up the sun’s energyand passes its nutrients on to your body.Algae is an abundant source of these life-giving phytonutrients, including chlorophyll,carotenoids and zeaxanthin.

Spirulina is most celebrated for its 16%concentration of a phytonutrient calledphycocyanin—only found in spirulina!Scientists have discovered that phycocyaninconverts to a nutrient that mimics bilirubin.Bilirubin is responsible for defending

tissues against free radical damage.

Elevated bilirubin levels have beenassociated with healthy heart function.Scientists believe that phycocyanins may also encourage stem cell regeneration, asthey have been proven to support theproduction of white and red blood cells.

Besides the sun, what else does liferequire? Every system in your body dependson water, so it is no wonder that such acomplete, nutrient-rich whole food has been growing in fresh water for billions of years… just waiting for us to enjoy itscomplete healing benefits.

Cacao—The No. 1 Longevity FoodWould you believe the world’s most

incredibly sweet, decadent and satisfyingfood is actually good for you? Once consideredthe “bad guy” in the world of food, chocolatehas turned into a national health-food pheno -menon. Read on to find out why and howchocolate is considered the “No. 1 longevityfood in the world.”

Chocolate is formed out of raw cacaoseeds, the product of a fruit grown on thecacao tree (theobroma cacao). Cacao treesare exotic—growing naturally in the shade oftropical rainforests in South America and theWest Indies. According to researchers, “Theraw cacao bean is one of nature’s most fantasticsuperfoods due to its mineral content andwide array of unique properties.”

No wonder experts like nutritionist David Wolfe, author of Naked Chocolate, areextolling the benefits of the world’s mostpopular comfort food. Its benefits are far-reaching:

n Chocolate is good for sufferers of asthma,as it contains the anti-asthmatic


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

com pounds theobromine andtheyophilline.

n Cocoa, a component of chocolate,contains flavonels, antioxidants thatincrease blood flow to the brain.

n Cacao also contains high levels of sulfurand magnesium, increasing yourfocus and alertness.

n Chocolate can actually make youhappier, longer. That’s because cacao enhances the amount of time the happiness-inducing compoundanandamide stays in your system.

n Chocolate decreases your anxietyand stress levels. A clinical trialdemonstrated that dark chocolatereduced the production of stresshormones in as little as two weeks!

n Chocolate is good for your teeth; thetheobromine compound contained inchocolate kills the bacteria that cause cavities.

n Chocolate contains zinc, a key min eralthat con tributes to the health ofyour immune system, liver,pancreas and skin.

n Chocolate ensures your blood stayshealthy, as it contains the key mineralcopper.

n Chocolate is considered by many nutri -tionists to be the best food for yourheart.A study conducted by the German

Institute of HumanNutrition found that


lowers the risk of cardiovasculardisease, in part due to chocolate’s abilityto reduce blood pressure.

Good for the Heart

One 15-year study tracked the eatingand exercise habits (including the chocolateintake) of 470 men ages 65 and older. Theresult? “The men in the group that consumedthe least cocoa were twice as likely to diefrom a heart attack than those in the groupthat consumed the most cocoa.

Just because chocolate is good for yourhealth doesn’t mean you should indulge inthe rich, calorific, sugar-laden chocolates that are widely available. Many commercialchocolate bars contain ingredients such asrefined sugar or unhealthy sweeteners,trans fatty acids and artificial flavors. Thekey to gaining the most benefit from theworld’s No. 1 longevity food is to choosechocolate with a minimum of additives thatcan negate the health benefits. Chocolateeaten for health should be:

n organic

n dark (as opposed to milk chocolate)

n raw

n stone-ground and/or cold-processed...

Wheatgrass—The Absolute Best Superfood for the

Rejuvenation of Aging CellsDid you know ...that wheatgrass rejuven -

ates aging cells and helps fight tumors,cleanse the blood and tighten loose andsagging skin?


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

Say what you will about the taste, whichcan be chased away with something fruityand sweet, wheatgrass is total body nutritionin one gulp. Prominent research scientist Dr. Earp-Thomas says that, “15 pounds ofwheatgrass is the equivalent of 350 pounds of carrots, lettuce, celery and so forth.”

Made up of 17 essential amino acids, 90 minerals, 13 vitamins and 80 enzymes,wheatgrass strengthens everything from ourcells and tissues to our organs and bodilysystems. That in and of itself is an impressiveresumé, but wheatgrass owes the majority ofits curative properties to its 70% chlorophyllmakeup, which sets it apart as a green dreammachine.

A Gulp a Day Keeps the Tumors Away

Balanced with such an impressive arrayof nutrients (particularly chlorophyll),wheatgrass is guaran teed to boost yourimmune system health, thereby protecting youagainst chronic diseases such as cancer.

Wheatgrass cleanses the blood anddetoxifies the liver (where blood is purified),eliminating toxins from your body. It hasalso been prov en to oxygenate the blood,as well

as to stimulatehemoglobinproduction.

The connectionbetween chlorophylland hemoglobin (thecompound thattransports oxygen inthe blood) is importantin under standing therole wheatgrass playsin fighting tumors.Chlorophyll is almostidentical in structure

to hemoglobin (aka red blood cells). Theonly difference is that hemoglobin’s centralatom is iron, whereas chlorophyll’s centralatom is magnesium.

The difference is slight, and once absorbedby the body, chlorophyll releases magnesiumand absorbs iron, thereby converting into hemo -globin. It then transports nutrients, such asoxygen, through the blood and to our cells,tissues and organs—thereby rejuvenating,protecting and strengthening them.

Fact: Cancer Cells Cannot Develop in Oxygen-Rich Environments

Chlorophyll is a proven anti-canceragent. Boosting the production of red bloodcells and increasing oxygen in the bloodhelps fight cancer cells. And cancer cannotsurvive in such alkaline-rich environments!

A recent study published in the journalMutation Research pitted chlorophyll againstbeta-carotene and vitamins A, C and E.Chlorophyll had a greater anti-cancer effectthan all the other nutrients!

A Natural, Internal Antiseptic

Chlorophyll was praised for its antibacterialproperties at the beginning of the 20th century.

But wheatgrass goes beyond externalantiseptic benefits and washes theinternal body free of bacteria anddisease. The Journal of Alternative andComplementary Medicine recently reportedthat the nutrients in wheatgrass reduceoxidative stress and show “great promise inovercoming the ill effects of oxygen toxicity.”

Daily supplementation with this amazinggreen food is reported to rejuvenate agingcells, turn gray hair back to its natural color,enhance skin with a radiant glow, heal skindisorders such as eczema and impetigo and


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

firm loose and sagging skin!

In The Wheatgrass Book author AnnWigmore, a holistic health practitioner andnutritionist, claims that wheatgrass is abeauty treatment that can significantly slow down the aging process.

If supplementing as a juice, ingest 1-2ounces a day, unless you are detoxing. In that case, up the dose to 3 to 4 ounces a day. If supplementing as a powder, take one tablespoon 1 to 3 times each day, and if supplementing as a tablet, take 7 to 10tablets a day (approximately 500mg).

Camu Camu—The Superfruit with 600 Times More

Vitamin C Than Oranges!The camu camu fruit has more

vitamin C than any other known fruit in the world—and delivers miraculoustherapeutic benefits!

Deep within the Peruvian Rainforestoriginates a berry so potent it is reported toheal chronic diseases, restore clarity, memoryand focus to your thinking, and soothe frayednerves. How can one tiny fruit possess suchfar-reaching therapeutic powers? The answerlies in the unique combination and density ofits nutrients.

Essential amino acids serine, valine andleucine protect and revitalize nervous systemhealth while super-antioxidants ease disease-promoting inflammation and defend againsta broad range of viruses.

The healthy goodness doesn’t stop there:this nutrient-packed superfruit is alsofortified by essential minerals calcium, niacin,beta-carotene, iron, riboflavin and phosphorous.Camu camu is yet another Amazonian treasurethat promises to improve your overall health

and well-being safely and naturally.

Former USDA chief botanist, Dr. JamesDuke, rates camu camu the #1 Superfruit forhealing…

n Asthma

n Clogged Arteries

n Cold and Flu Viruses

n Osteoarthritis

n Glaucoma

n Hepatitis

n Infertility

n Migraines

n Gingivitis

n Cataracts

n Pain and discomfort

n Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases

And those are just the benefits for whichcamu camu is ranked #1. It also cleanses the liver, stimulates the production of whiteblood cells, and boosts the effectiveness of thecirculatory system. In addition to being animmune system cheerleader, camu camuscores high on aesthetic value: with dailysupplementation, hair, skin and nails neverlooked so good!

More Vitamin C Per Ounce Than AnyOther Fruit on The Planet

More vitamin C than an orange? Yes! 50times more, in fact. Oranges naturallycontain 3000 to 4000 ppm (parts-per-million) of vitamin C; however, by the time youeat the orange you are lucky toabsorb 1000 ppm. Camu camumeasures in at 50,000ppm!


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

What’s So Important About Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a super-antioxidant thatprotects your cells and DNA from free radicaldamage by neutralizing them. Free radicalsscour the body and are a primary cause ofpremature aging and disease.

Vitamin C is also a natural tonic for yourbody’s nervous system. When your nervoussystem malfunctions, your brain slows down,memory falters, and depression and anxietykick into overdrive.

Research proves that vitamin C has asignificant impact on protecting and restoringcognitive function, including the loss ofconcentration and memory typically asso -ciated with aging. Alzheimer’s disease, forinstance, is thought to occur in part due to abuildup of plaque on brain cells. Vitamin Ccan both prevent and reverse plaque buildup.

Inflammation is The #1 Cause of Life-threatening Illnesses, IncludingHeart Disease

As a proven anti-inflammatory, vitamin Cholds the cure. A primary component of collagenproduction, vitamin C helps to rebuild joint,cartilage, ligament and tendon damage,making the nutrient an essential part of ajoint supplementation program.

No More Dangerous Vaccines: Vitamin C is The Ultimate Flu Shot!

The amount of vitamin C found in camucamu wards off viruses such as the commoncold and flu. It also helps to reduce flare-upsof viruses such as Herpes Simplex and Epstein-Barr, and it can even help allay the severityof shingles.

Camu Camu is Immigrating to the U.S.

Many healing fruits from the Amazon

forest are difficult to acquire due to compli -cations with harvesting, packaging andpreserving. Fortunately, camu camu is asturdy fruit that is easy to grow in a varietyof different climates—cold, rainy and subtropical.

Cherry-sized and tart-tasting, camu camuis best eaten as a powder that you can add todesserts, juices, smoothies and water. Camucamu powders are typically manufactured ina base of sweet tapioca starch to offset thetart taste.

Camu camu is destined to become a keyplayer in America’s health and wellnesscrusade, but even as camu camu’s popularitygrows, we’re quite certain its exotic appealwill endure.

Acai—The Most Antioxidant-RichSuperfood in the World!

Direct from Mother Nature’s medicinecabinet, deep in the heart of the AmazonRainforest of Brazil, healing acai berriesdangle from acai palm trees. Recognizing thecurative powers of acai centuries before itwas introduced to the West, the Yanomanitribe refers to the acai palm as the “Tree ofLife,” and Brazilians have dubbed acai, “TheBeauty Berry.”

In his New York Times #1 bestseller, ThePerricone Promise, celebrated nutritionistand dermatologist, Dr. Nicholas Perricone,lists acai as the #1 Superfood.

Best All-Around!

The high concen tration of antioxidants inacai helps reduce the effects of aging byminimizing free radicaldamage to cells.

But acai,pronounced(ah-sigh-EE),


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

isn’t your typical antioxidant-ladenfruit. It is also high in essential fatty acids,amino acids and fiber, making it perhaps themost well-rounded, edible fruit on the planet.

This small but mighty fruit measuresapproximately 1-inch long and is coloredvarying shades of dark purple. Made up of90% inedible seed, acai’s 10% edible pulppacks in more grams of protein than an egg and contains 15 times the amount ofantioxidants as red grapes and 30% moreantioxidants than blueberries.

In fact, its ORAC (Oxygen RadicalAbsorbance Capacity)—the scientificmeasurement of a nutrient’s antioxidantmagnitude—is over 3500, the highestcapacity of any fruit!

The Low-down on Antioxidants

You’ve probably heard the buzz aboutantioxidants, but just what are they, andwhat role do they play in your health?

Antioxidants are phytochemicals,vitamins and other nutrients that preventoxidation from occurring in your body. Tounderstand oxidation, just imagine whathappens to a cut apple when it is left uncoveredfor a couple of hours. It begins to brown androt. The same process happens inside yourbody if it is not protected by antioxidants.

What causes the oxidation? Your bodyproduces harmful byproducts called freeradicals—unstable molecules that scavengeyour tissues and look for electrons to steal. Inthe process, healthy tissues are destroyed,leading to aging and disease.

Antioxidants interrupt this destructivecycle. Fortifying your body with antioxidantrich foods, particularly acai berries, slows theaging process, and restarts long-lasting

health protection.

Acai’s Unique Composition

Scientists have still not figured out theexact makeup of this superfood. Dr. StephenTalcott of the University of Florida discovered50-75 active natural molecules in acai thathave yet to be classified.

Acai has all the typical vitamins andminerals found in popular fruits, butalso contains unique, never-before-seenplant compounds.Acai contains potentantioxidants, flavonoids and anthocyanins,which are responsible for acai’s rich color andthought to be the key to acai’s remarkablerestorative and preventative powers.

Antioxidants alone are enough toencourage indulgence in this decadent fruit.Add omegas 3-6-9 to the mix and acai trulyearns its superfood status. This perfectbalance of omegas improves the look and feelof hair, skin and nails, and reduces disease-causing inflammation inside the body.

Acai also contains a healthy dose of fiber,amino acids and carbohydrates that boostyour immune system and your metabolism,thereby slowing aging and promotinglongevity.

Great! Give Me a Handful!

Unfortunately, fresh acai, replete withliving, health-promoting nutrients isn’tavailable in the United States; you’d have totrek to Brazil to eat the berry by the handfulsbecause it spoils 24 hours after it’s pickedfrom the palm.

Acai juice is readily available in healthfood stores across the nation, however, manyare watered down with additives and sugarconcentrates and depleted of any realnutritional value.


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

Making The Most of SuperfoodsDeciding to make superfoods a regular

part of your health regimen should be aneasy decision, but it’s not always easy to findfresh, potent superfoods year round. Availa -bility varies from country to country andstate to state, and some superfoods can losetheir effectiveness if frozen or boxed andshipped for long transport.

But optimum benefits are best achievedby inviting these miracles of MotherNature into your life—and your body—daily!

If you want to rebuild your body and yourhealth with the world’s eight most powerfuland nutrient dense superfoods year round—all conveniently packaged in a perfectlymeasured, proprietary, great-tasting blend—you may want to consider Mega-NutritionOrganic Superfood, which is the only super -food blend that contains all 8 of the world’sgreatest superfoods.

Many superfood supplements are highlyprocessed, which affects the quality andbioavailability of the nutrients and phyto -chemicals. The superfood ingredients inMega-Nutrition Organic Superfood are 100%raw and GMO-free, making it possibly yourbest choice for optimal nutrition!

Enjoy your super health withsuperfoods!


World’s Greatest Super Foods Report

Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing, LLC is a Los Angeles-based publishing company that specializes in health and wellness books, including thebestselling The One-Minute Cure: The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases. TOTBP also publishes the popular health & wellness e-newslettercalled, which has over 250,000 subscribers, as well as the website, a dailydestination for little-known, cutting-edge—and sometimes unconventional—information that can revolutionize people’s health or even save lives.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this e-mail are based upon the research and opinions of the publisher, unless otherwise noted. The information inthis report is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It isintended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the author. You are encouraged to make your ownhealth care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. * These statements have not beenevaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information in this report is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease

© Copyright 2015 Think-Outside-the-Book Publishing