Architecture March 2013

Post on 12-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Architecture March 2013


iA #5 - Robotics in Architecture Jap Sam 2013 ISBN 9789490322311 Acqn 20503 Pb 12x21cm 108pp 45ills 35col £16.95 Understanding buildings from a life-cycle perspective with respect to their economical and ecological impact on society at large requires the development of unprecedented concepts and practical applications for interactive, robotic architecture, leading to the emergence of active and pro-active building components, which act and interact in ever-changing environments. Furthermore, this requires the development of seamless, robotics supported design, fabrication, assembly, operation and maintenance processes. The fifth IA issue on robotics addresses all these aspects on some level focusing on reconfigurable architecture that is incorporating sensing-actuating mechanisms in order to enable buildings to interact with their users and surroundings.


5-1 Design Peak - Shuhei Endo Equal Books 2013 ISBN 9788996633693 Acqn 22216 Hb 20x26cm 464pp 475ills 425col £76 Established in 1988, Shuhei Endo Architect Institute has long been actively pursuing escaping gravity’s constraints through its work and use of cutting-edge technology. However, despite being labelled a progressive architect, Endo Shuhei is careful to remain sensitive to the functions and social qualities demanded of his buildings. Included in this comprehensive monograph are diverse critical essays by, among others, Aaron Betsky, Kenneth Frampton, Kazukiyo Matsuba and Hiroyuki Suzuki, plus an in-depth interview with Frederic Migayrou. More than 30 projects are also detailed, including his signature Bubbletechture, Springtechture and Gravitechture designs.


a+u 508 - Architecture In Germany 2000-2012 a+u Publishing Co. Ltd. 2013 no ISBN Acqn 22253 Pb 22x29cm 180pp 210ills 180col £31.50 This issue features a selection of 100 notable recent projects in Germany, with detailed profiles of more than 30 works across three categories: sustainability/ecological, working with the existing, and contextual. Opening with an essay by Peter Cachola Schmal, “Working with the Bestand in a Contextual and Sustainable Way”, it goes on to include critical texts by Wolfgang Pehnt and Layla Dawson, plus an interview covering the 5th International Highrise Award. Barkow Leibinger, Behnisch Architekten, Sauerbruch Hutton, Jürgen Mayer H, David Chipperfield, Max Dudler, Hild und K and Peter Zumthor are among the many architects spotlighted.


Architecture. Possible Here? "Home-for-All" - Ito, Inui, Fujimoto, Hirata, Hatakeyama Toto 2013 ISBN 9784887063310 Acqn 22255 Pb 17x20cm 186pp 120col ills £31.50 Authored by Toyo Ito, Kumiko Inui, Sou Fujimoto, Akihisa Hirata, Naoya Hatakeyama, and others, this book gives a comprehensive look at the process of catastrophe and response which followed the Great East Japan Earthquake, as presented in the Japan Pavilion Exhibition at the 13th Biennale of Architecture in Venice. By posing this question, an assertion that architecture can only recover its essential character under such conditions is made, enabling a re-examination of its essential meaning. Through texts, photographs, sketches and models, the book is a both a timeline of events and a reaffirmation of the energy, creativity and dedication of its participants.