Architectural Portfolio

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Transcript of Architectural Portfolio

Architectural Portfolio

A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n e r

S t e p h e n C r o o k

Table of Contents



Mangere Library

Stanley Point, Devonport

Seabreeze Estate, Ruakaka

Remuera Villa

Birkenhead Investment

Northcote Point Bungalow

Onehunga Concepts

Blockhouse Bay Outdoor Living

Scnapper Rock Subdivision

Ruakaka Holiday Home

Mt Albert Renovations

S t e p h e n C r o o k

A r c h i t e c t u r e P o r t f o l i o


Stephen has worked in the architectural field for over 10 years now on

a range of projects both residential and commercial. His career

started in the largest architectural firm in New Zealand Jasmax

Architects where he was exposed to the country’s top architects and

award winning design.

Later he joined a young developing architectural firm under the

talented leadership of owner/architect Ricky Do. Enjoying his time

there, Stephen wanted the freedom to try self employment and

started his own company Relative Space which specialised in

residential design and draughting. Learning how a business worked

and listening to clients needs were the reward for putting in hard


While self employed, friends of Stephen’s where running their own

successful construction company Hutchison Builders. Hutchison

Builders recommended Relative Space to their clients when they

needed design or draughting of their projects. Eventually Hutchisons

supplied the majority of work for Relative Space and asked Stephen

to join their team.

A r c h i t e c t u r e P o r t f o l i o

‘ 9 7 - ’ 9 9 U n i t e c I n s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y ( N D A T )

’ 9 9 - ’ 0 4 J a s m a x A r c h i t e c t s

’ 0 4 - ’ 0 5 B o o t h S w e e t m a n W o l f e A r c h i t e c t s

’ 0 5 - ’ 0 8 R e l a t i v e S p a c e L t d

’ 0 8 - ‘ 0 9 H u t c h i s o n B u i l d e r s

Projects A r c h i t e c t u r e P o r t f o l i o

S t e p h e n C r o o k | A r c h i t e c t u r a l D e s i g n e r

New Wave Libraries M a n g e r e L i b r a r y , M a n g e r e

Creating a


hub was the

main thrust of

the brief.

Brief: To create a central area where the diverse community can come together and enjoy a place of

learning and communication.

Solution: As part of a team working at Jasmax Architects a design was conceived that accommodated

new technology, interactive ways of learning and a modern take on a polyenesian themed facade.

Working under a Project Architect, design and working drawings were produced that had to satisfy a

number of different clients & boards. Throughout the job we were able to adapt the design and solve

any issues that arose from site. A successful project featured in Architecture New Zealand Magazine.

Main Contractor: Hawkins Construction.

N e w C o m m e r c i a l P r o j e c t

Cliff Top Perch S t a n l e y P o i n t , D e v o n p o r t

Brief: After purchasing the property next door, the client wanted to create a harmonious link

between his current abode and proposed new landscaped gardens to enjoy the stunning views.

Solution: As the existing house (pictured) required an upgrading of the decks, handrails, some

internal work & re-cladding, this was a perfect opportunity to modify and link these into the newly

acquired neighbouring site. An old home was demolished to make way for new gardens and

lookout areas and new decks were added to provide access via living areas and lower outdoor

entertainment decks. Two underground concrete tanks were installed with an electronic watering

system to maintain the gardens and a 30m long overflow outlet was drilled diagonally through

the cliff. Alterations by: Hutchison Builders.

R e s i d e n t i a l A l t e r a t i o n s

Linking two

sites created

the perfect



S t a n l e y P o i n t , D e v o n p o r t

R e s i d e n t i a l A l t e r a t i o n s

East Coast Living S e a b r e e z e E s t a t e , R u a k a k a

N e w R e s i d e n t i a l S u b d i v i s i o n

n o r t h e l e v a t i o n

w e s t e l e v a t i o n

Brief: Draw up plans for a new subdivision using four base

designs and re-using them on multiple sites adjusting each

design to suit site specific conditions.

Solution: Each site was assessed in determining which

design would compliment the contours and position of the

land. Some had to allow for the view, some for the orientation

of the sun and privacy from the road. Once the design was

selected, the floor plans & elevations were modified to the suit

and plans were drawn up and submitted to council. Several

homes were built in total.

Built by: Inter Alliance Constructions

Site specific




each design.

S e a b r e e z e E s t a t e , R u a k a k a

N e w R e s i d e n t i a l S u b d i v i s i o n

Remuera Villa Renovation R e m u e r a V i l l a L i v i n g

Brief: This period Villa required some internal and external changes to

make it satisfy the requirements of a young family & make the most of

the north facing aspect.

Solution: After considering a new layout based upon how the family

used the current spaces, it was decided to remove some key walls to

create a new family room that could sprawl out onto the sun drenched

decks. The new family room was once the old bathroom but needed to

be relocated. A wall was removed between the new family room and

existing kitchen to create one large open plan ‘hub’ for the home. This

ensured a feeling of space, and allowed access to enjoy the back yard.

Alterations by: Hutchison Builders.

R e s i d e n t i a l A l t e r a t i o n s


character was


while creating

new spaces.

R e s i d e n t i a l A l t e r a t i o n s

View f rom the newly created Fami ly

Room to the k i tchen & d in ing.

New Fami ly Room where the o ld bathroom

once was. T radi t ional f rench doors f low out

onto the nor th facing deck .

Return On Investment B i r k e n h e a d I n v e s t m e n t

I n v e s t m e n t H o m e

Brief: To design and provide

working drawings for a cost

effective three bedroom home to

be built as an investment

property on a subdivided site

with existing home.

Solution: The steeply sloping

site required a simple design to

keep costs down as the pole

foundations needed to be seven

metres deep and bridge a

council drain. The design

incorporates 3 bedrooms with the

future option of closing them off

from the living areas by adding a

hallway. Built by BG Projects.


was the key

in creating a



Born Again N o r t h c o t e P o i n t B u n g a l o w

R e s i d e n t i a l A l t e r a t i o n s

Brief: To increase the living areas & kitchen downstairs and create a new

upper floor master bedroom to utilise the harbour views.

Solution: The existing house was joined at the boundary to another property

as an older style duplex. Being in a Heritage zone meant there were a number

of resource consent/heritage issues that needed to be addressed.

The exterior facade had to remain in context with the existing while

incorporating newer features such as aluminium bi-fold joinery and glass

balustrading to the new balcony and decks. This project currently has

Resource Consent & due to be built shortly.


Going up was

the obvious

choice to

gain harbour


R e s i d e n t i a l A l t e r a t i o n s

N o r t h c o t e P o i n t B u n g a l o w

E a s t E l e v a t i o n

N o r t h E l e v a t i o n

Designed To Deliver O n e h u n g a C o n c e p t s

N e w R e s i d e n t i a l D w e l l i n g

Brief: To design a new home with the key to the brief being that it was

to have a ‘touch of difference’ from a typical home and finished to a

fixed budget.

Solution: Simple yet effective external materials were selected with a

‘natural’ look being the desired outcome. The client liked contemporary

monopitch roof lines so this was incorporated into the design and set

the tone for the rest of the building shape and form. Open plan living

was a must with most social gathering taking place in and around the

kitchen. This project is currently at tender.


finishes &

masonry block


together in


O n e h u n g a C o n c e p t s

N e w R e s i d e n t i a l D w e l l i n g

N o r t h E l e v a t i o n

S o u t h

E a s t

W e s t

Indoor Outdoor Flow B l o c k h o u s e B a y O u t d o o r L i v i n g

M i n o r W o r k s | D e c k s

Brief: To create a larger feel to the upper level of this bungalow as outdoor living space at

the ground level was limited.

Solution: Insert French doors into an existing opening from the lounge and build a large

timber deck to utilise the sun and vista view to the city. The clients loved the result of this

deck and it greatly improved the value of the property.

Built by: Hutchison Builders .


finishes &

masonry block


together in


Pool Side Living S c n a p p e r R o c k S u b d i v i s i o n

Brief: To create a modern home with an emphasis on convenient outdoor living especially in summer.

Solution: With the site sloping steeply, the obvious solution was to create a split level house and retain a large portion of the site. This enabled the lower portion to be levelled for more usable space. A practical position for the pool & spa was directly against the

house. This gave a point of difference for the property and a relaxing feel to the design. It was also important to create a ‘soft’ front facade (south elevation) to the home as the new

subdivision was already well built up.

N e w R e s i d e n t i a l D w e l l i n g

G r o u n d F l o o r P l a n

N e w R e s i d e n t i a l D w e l l i n g

S c h n a p p e r R o c k S u b d i v i s i o n

S o u t h E l e v a t i o n

W e s t E l e v a t i o n

E a s t E l e v a t i o n

Outdoor living

was set to

revolve around

the pool & spa.

Room For The Family

R e s i d e n t i a l L o w e r S t o r e y A d d i t i o n

R u a k a k a H o l i d a y H o m e

Brief: To complete the home by building the ground floor level including a double internal garage, rumpus room, bathroom, laundry and stairwell. The home was to be regularly visited by other family and friends for short term stays. Solution: The client already had in mind the scope of works so it was a matter of arranging these into the best locations. Because we needed more length in the garage to fit the boat, it was decided to build out under the deck. This required a retro-fitted internal gutter and weathering details. The garage has internal access to an entry foyer from which you can proceed upstairs or into the new living/rumpus area. Another bathroom was added to the downstairs area for convenience and the laundry shifted into the new internal garage.

Creating a new

ground floor


completed the


R u a k a k a H o l i d a y H o m e

R e s i d e n t i a l L o w e r S t o r e y A d d i t i o n

Fresh New Spaces M t A l b e r t R e n o v a t i o n s

R e s i d e n t i a l K i t c h e n s / A l t e r a t i o n s

Brief: The client wanted a new link between the lounge and kitchen to make the house feel larger and separate off the bedrooms by closing off the hallway. Solution: After the original access which ran through the old kitchen was closed off, this enabled a new wider floor to ceiling opening to be created beside the kitchen and link through to the lounge. This allowed the new kitchen to be larger and more convenient as now the traffic to the living room and bedrooms had been re-directed around the kitchen. Alteration by: Hutchison Builders.

A relationship


kitchen &

living was
