Archana Project New

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Archana Project New






Mrs. Vidisha Mrs.

Aishwarya datta

Narvadeshwar Mgnt. College. (HR ,Manager)

Lucknow ICICI

Lombard GIC CO. LTD

SUBMITTED BY:Priyanka Kapoor




Narvadeshwar Management College


It gives me immense pleasure to pass my sincere gratitude to ,icicilombard gic co.Ltd., lucknow

for giving me the opportunity to do my summer training at their esteemed organization.

I express my special thanks to my training-in-charge, Mrs. Aishwarya datta for her guidance to

me during the training and active encouragement due to which I was able to complete my


Also, I am thankful to all the members (employees) of icicilombard for their continuous support

and for generously sharing their expertise and guidance.

I would also like to thank the faculty of my college for their continuous support, advice and


The participation of the members of the is greatly appreciated. ICICI Lombard These Human

Resource professionals have taken time from their busy schedule to help me in my project report

and providing me knowledge about the subject.

Priyanka Kapoor


Guide certificate







This is to certify that the work entitled”RECRUITMENT &SELECTIONPROCESS”is a piece of summer internship work done by Priyanka Kapoor under my guidance and supervision, for the partial fulfillment of award of MBA NMC To the best of my knowledge and belief the Project work -- 

1.Embodies the work of candidate himself/herself.2.Has duly being completed.3.Fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating to the PGDM of

the College.4.Is up to the standard both in respect of contents and language

for being referred to the examiner.

   Signature of Faculty Supervisor 



An organization is nothing without human resource. It is vital foundation for the growth of any

organization, much more so for an organization, which provides services on a global scale.

Human resource management (HRM) is concerned with the “people” dimension in the

management. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing

their skills, motivating them to high levels of performances, & ensuring that they continue to

maintain their commitment to the organization are essential to achieve organizational objectives.

Due to tremendous change in the society, science and technology, many complexities have arisen

due to the industrial system. Whereas the limitation of the machine is restricted to its

specification that of human being is unlimited if it is tapped in the right way. Accordingly, all

kinds of organization seem to be growing steadily with the importance of people as a resource.

The success of an organization depends to a great extent upon the people, they are one of the

most valuable resources for an organization excellence, and that all people can grow & develop

when opportunities are provided to them.

They are the most important resource of an organization An organization depends basically upon

the leadership of the manager in a competitive business world. The primary responsibility of a

manager is to develop people working at all levels-“it is the people in the organization which

provide their competitive advantage



Some works are so typical that are impossible for a person to complete it alone. Summer

Internship Project is one of them. I would not be able to complete my work without the help of

my respected Company Guide, Faculty Guide, my college and workplace colleagues and my

family members. So it is my obligation to thank all of them.

I have had the honour of having been associated & working under the able &

stimulating guidance of Mrs aishwarya datta ,HR Manager ,ICICI LOMBARD GIC


I am highly obliged to Mrs. Vidisha Srivastava (Lecturer),of NARVADESHWAR

MANAGEMENT COLLEGE. The Project work was undertaken under their keen supervision

and the Project has been prepared by me. I express sincere feeling of gratitude and respect for

their inspiring help throughout the work. Without their esteemed and valuable help and guidance

it would not have been possible for me to accomplish my job. I am gratefully indebted to them.

I am also thankful to my friends who support me at every stage during my training and finally I

express my special thanks to my parents and family members for providing step to step support

and encouragement during project .

Table of Contents


Executive Summary -----------------------------------8 Objective of study---------------------------------9 Significance of the study --------------------------------10 Research Question ---------------------------------11RESEARCH METHODOLGY---------------------------------------11-15

1.Introduction >Introduction to Indian insurance industry ------------------16-21>Introduction to ICICI Lombard Gic. Co .ltd ----------------------22-38

Profile----------------------- -----22 Board members------------------25 Quality Policy -------------------28-31 Products --------------------------31-35 Vision Statement of ICICI ----

38Mission Statement of ICICI Lombard-38Review of Literature

3.HR Functions at ICICI Lombard Gic. co. ltd -----39-50Human resource management or manpower planning---39-44 Personnel & Administration functions of HR at ICICI Lombard-45-46 training & development functions of HR at ICICI Lombard--46-50

>4.Recruitment & selection process at ICICI Lombard—51-77

RECRUITMENT PROCESS--------------------------------51-54RECRUITMENT PROCESS OF ICICI Lombard--------54-57Sources of recruitment--------------------------------58-63 Recruitment process----------------------------------64-67 Recruitment policies &practices--------------------68-695> SELECTIONSELECTION PROCEDURE AT ICICI Lombard---71-77

7> DATA ANALYSIS -----------------------------------------------------78-86

8> FINDINGS---------------------------------------------------------------87-92

9> CONCLUSIONS----------------------------------------------------------93




12> BIBLIOGRAPHY----------------------------------------------------------96

13> QUESTIONNAIRE-----------------------------------------------------------97-98

Executive Summary

This project is a study done on “ Recruitment& Selection Process” at ICICI Lombard

Gic .co. Ltd.Lucknow.

The study is done to test the relevance of the theoretical studies done in classroom and also to

analyze the effectiveness of the whole HR practice in the organization.

I have mentioned the conceptual study of these topics in my report in order to compare the actual

practice with the theories.

The analysis is done through the means of questionnaire, which was served, to the management

who is involved in the policy making and the Selection process.

The study also finds out that the management gives equal weightage to all the four parameters.

Skill, Experience, Training and overall personality while selecting a candidate.

I have also observed that the HR Department coordinates well with other departments and

maintain a cordial relation with all the employees of the organization.


Objective of the study

This study investigates on the uses of Human Resource Interventions offered to the employees in

Insurance Industry for their personal as well as organizational development. This study also

sought to recognize the importance of Human Resource Management in achievement of

sustainable growth and success of the business by the means of different HR Interventions.

Opportunities are created, by means of the reporting structures and structured interventions, to

capture the skills of the individuals (employees) to add value to the business they belong to and

to the group as a whole.

Also building required competencies in people enable them to perform their roles to meet the

changes in the business and building a pipeline of leaders.

The objective also includes:-

1. To compare an ideal HRD Climate with the existing HRD Climate of ICICI Lombard by

involving both; the individual concerned and the department heads.

2. To study the existing Organization structure of ICICI Lombard Limited.

3. To identify human resource planning and needs of the organization.

4. To suggest measures to make HRD Climate more effective.

5. To suggest measures to improve the organization structure.


Significance of the study

To the Researcher:

This study was being undertaken to compare an ideal HRD climate with the existing HRD

climate and to suggest measures to make it more effective. Since, HRD is a continuous process

to ensure the development of employee competencies, dynamism, motivation and effectiveness

in a systematic and planned way and also HRD Climate survey is a starting point for examining

and reviewing the HRD Climate, there was felt the need for launching the project by the HRD


To the Company:

In the Organizational context, a climate survey can be a powerful tool in the

organization improvement. This survey will provide data for changing practices

or provide an index against which to compare trends.

The above-mentioned project will help the organization in collecting feedback about the present

HRD Climate. The improvement suggested by the employees incorporated by the HRD will

motivate the employees and will help in making better understanding, of the strength and

weaknesses of the HRD Climate and design corrective action steps there upon.


Research Question

The study was guided by two research questions:-

RQ 1: What human resource practices are used in

ICICI Lombard ?

RQ 2: what are the recruitment & selection process of ICICI Lombard?


What is research?

“Research is a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic.

In fact research is an art of scientific investigation”

Objective of the research

The main aim of research is to find out the truth that is hidden and which has not been

discounted as yet .the purpose of research is to discover answer to question through the

application of analytical procedures of collecting the data.


Defining Research Problem-

There are two type of research problem ,viz, those that relates to states of nature and those

that relates to relationship between variables .


“As per my research problem is to find out the recruitment process of ICICI Lombard i.e

how many and how much employee and interviewer satisfied with the recruitment process

of ICICI Lombard to analysis the recruitment process satisfaction level in ICICI Lombard

and their other related offices.”.


Research purposes may be grouped in four categories-


Exploratory research studies are used to formulate a problem for more precise investigation or of

developing the working hypothesis from an operational point of view .the main emphasis in such

studies is on the discovery of ideas and insights.

2>Descriptive and diagnostic research-

Descriptive research studies are those studies which concerned with describing the

characteristics of a particular individual ,or of a group where as diagnostic research studies

determine the frequency with which something else.

3>Experimental research-

Experimental research design refers to the framework or structure of an

experiment and as such there are several experimental designs.

We can classify them in 2 categories

1.informal experimental design

2. formal experimental design

Informal experimental design are those design that normally use a less sophisticated form of

analysis based on differences in magnitudes

“As my objective is to go for a survey hence it can be regarded as a descriptive research the

major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exist in present




1>Type Of sampling used –

2>Sampling unit-

A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting sample .sampling unit

may be a geographical one such as state ,district, village etc.

3>Source list

It is also known as” sampling frame” from which sample is to be drawn .it contains the names of

all items of a universe (in case of finite universe only), if source list is not available, researcher

has to prepare it

4>Sample technique

Random and non-random generally two type of sampling technique .random sampling is chance

sampling on probability sampling where each and every items in the population has an equal

chance of inclusion in the sample and each one possible sample in case of infinite universe has

the some probability of being selected

“in my research report random sampling technique was used”

5>Size of sample-

It refers to the number of items ‘to be selected from the universe to constitute a


“In case of my research project the sample size was 100”

Data Used

There were mainly two sources of data collection


     Ø       Primary data:

Ø      Survey method

Ø      Personal interview with candidates

Ø      In depth conversation with the placement agency

v     Secondary data:

Ø      Study of recruitment policy

Ø      Websites

Ø      Published articles

Research methodology used

v     Study of recruitment and selection at ICICI Lombard general insurance by the manual provided by the HR department; Web sites

v     Journals

v     Magazines

v     Books




1.1 Introduction Of The Insurance Industry

Indian insurance industry is a 25000 crore industry .the major industry segments are –

Life insurance ,general insurance, reinsurance.

Evolution of General insurance industry in India

The Indian insurance industry is almost two centuries old. Insurance sector in india has come a

full circle from an open competitive market again.

General insurance industry is over 150 years old in India. With the nationalization of

Non life insurance in the year 1973,107 companies were merged to form 4 govt. owned general

insurance companies. GICwas the flagship company and reinsurer.


Product Tariff and Non-tariff-

In Indian product categories such as fire ,engineering,motor were tariffed categories

and constituted about 64% of the market.

Till 2006 ,india was the only country in the world where such a high proprtion

Of the market was still under government control.

In a tariffed regime, premium rates ,policy terms ,condition and deductibles are controlled by the


IRDA, proposed to de-tariff general insurance products ,in stages ,starting from january 01,2007

Structure of general insurance industry in india

Insurance regulatory and development authority

Life insurance General insurance Reinsurance Brokers

2.1 public sector:-

A) New india

BNational insurance

C) Oriental insurance

D) United india

2.2 Private sector:-

A) ICICI Lombard

B) Bajaj Allianz

C) Reliance general

D) IFFCO Tokio


F) cholamandalam


G) Royal Sundaram

H) HDFC chubb

I) Star Health


K) future General

L)universal sompo

2.3 General Insurance Corporation-(GIC)

2.4 Brokers


B) Composite

C)Reinsurance corporate agents

D)Agents Surveyors

High Potential:-

The Indian insurance industry is estimated to grow at 15-20 per annum. The

Growth of Insurance sector augurs well for the Indian economy ,considering

That Insurance and banking services contribute as much as 7% to the country


The funds available with lic for investments are 8% of GDP

Under Penetrated Market

India’s Insurance sector is under penetrated .only 20% of total insurable

Population of India is covered under life Insurance schemes.

Emerging Markets

Globally, emerging markets such as Asia , South America and Africa offer



Growth potential for Insurance products.

India’s vast population ,GDP growth and under penetrated market makes it an

Attractive market for general insurance products .

Today emerging market contribute 10%of total non –life premiums of USD

1.2 trillion. These markets cover 86% of the population and account for 23%


Reports indicate that emerging market show robust GDP growth rates.

As per market trends ,no-life insurance growth rates have been 2-3 times of

The GDP growth rates

Non –LIFE Premium Take- Offs-

India’s non-life insurance market is expected to grow at a healthy 15%-20%

Per annum. The non life insurance industry is estimated to grow into a 30000

Crores industry by 2008, indicating sharp growth from the current 25000


Industry future direction-

Future outlook

From January 01,2007 ,the Indian general Insurance has been de- tarrrifed( in

Stages). De-tariffed regime allow risk based pricing and innovative structuring

Of Insurance products.

Consequently loss prevention will gain importance in the future: it is expected

That foreign shareholding limit in insurance is likely to increase to 49%

From the current 26%


Retail opportunity

There is a substantial retail opportunity for GI products in India .with 60% of

Population aged below 30 years , a rapidly growing middle class and growth

In higher income segments ,general insurance products have an expanding

Retail pie.

Other favourable growth factors for GI in retail area are as follows-

Ues of technology as a language

1.Growth in retail consumption and financing .

2.Paradigm shift in distribution

3. Increase in earning potential

Wholesale Opportunity

General insurance industry in India has a significant growth in the wholesale

(corporate, government ,financial institution)area as there is increasing

Investment in industry and infrastructure development .the increase in

Industry is driven by the following-

1.Increasing demand for goods and services and exports

2.Growing awareness in certain product categories such as liability insurance

3. innovative product offering in the market.


Insurance is a contract whereby the insurance company undertakes to make

Good the loss of the insured:in case of its happening ,in return for the agreed


Consideration called the PREMIUM.

Once the insured pays the premium and the insurer accepts the risk the contract of insurance is


The policy issued by the insurer is the evidence of the contract.

Insurance contract

The five essential condition of a valid insurance contract are-

a) Offer and Acceptance

b) Consideration

c) Capacity of the parties to contract

d) Common intention

e) Legal

Invalid contract

contracts are termed as illegal or unenforceable when one or more conditions

of valid contract are not met.


Basic principles of Insurance-

Insurance contracts are subject to certain special principles evolved under

Common law in UK and are generally followed by Indian courts.

The principles are known as fundamental or basic principles of law of insurance. These are –

1. Utmost good faith

2. Insurable interest

3. indemnity

4. Contribution

5. Subrogation

6. proximate cause


ICICI Lombard GIC - What do we stand for?

ICICI Lombard GIC, India’s number one private general insurance company. A hierarchiless organization based on the core values of transparency, empowerment, passion, humility and sensitivity, we offer a great platform to people who have the potential and courage to make it big. We are leaders in the private general insurance sector with over 89% compounded annual growth rate in the last three years and yet preserving the values that encourage risk taking, initiative and entrepreneurship. Our work culture inspires and provides challenging jobs thereby delivering opportunities continuously.


Jobs with ICICI Lombard

Across the organization's history, our employees have acquired impressive career paths that they created through hard work, ingenuity, and outstanding performance. We encourage employees


who address newer challenges, have the willingness to take higher roles and seek excitement in their work. With us you can expect an array of challenging tasks, exciting roles and colleagues who are equally driven to encourage you and keep you going…

PROFILE-ICICI Lombard is India’s largest private sector general insurance company with

operation in India and UK.

ICICI Lombard is a 74%:26% joint venture between ICICI Bank Ltd. And the 26 billion fair fax

financial holdings Ltd, USA. Lombard insurance is a part of Fairfax holdings . ICICI Bank is

India’s second largest bank, while

Lombard insurance, a part of Fairfax holding is the oldest insurance company

In Canada.

Values – An important attribute

ICICI Lombard as an organization consider values as the most important

attribute. Employees are expected to conduct themselves with the highest level if values and

imbibe the core values of the organization to insure

personal and professional success and happiness.

Geographical widespread operations

ICICI Lombard operations are geographically widespread across India. Over

5000 employees and 10000 trainees service 20 lakh retail customers, seven Crore rural customers

and 300 of the top 1000 corporate customers . Some of the Lombard’s business statistics are –

1. Premium of INR 2100 Crore


2. 47 lakh policies issued per month

3. 48000 claims per month (approx.)

4. 165000 incremental policies issued per month

Our core value system

ICICI Lombard's value system is the DNA which molds and determines the growth and success

of the company and its employees. Strongly embedded and staunchly followed, these values

form the very core of our company's spirit.


ICICI Lombard encourages total transparency in all channels of communication (internally and

externally) and complete accountability in customer deliverables. In November 2005, ICICI

Lombard became the first private sector general insurance company to cross the Rs. 10 billion

Gross Working Profit (GWP) mark. This record target achieved manifests the trust garnered by

our employees nationwide from its customers.


ICICI Lombard provides you the platform to evolve from an employee to a partner in

progressive growth. Since our origin in 2001, our employees have always been empowered to

make decisions that chart their career path. We do not create jobs but build futures.


The passion to excel with customer focus in mind, is what initiates ICICI Lombard to attain

greater milestones. This inherent principle drives our employees to set higher benchmarks of

excellence and performance.


Integrity is about honesty, sincerity, sound moral principles, keeping promises and fulfilling

expectations. At ICICI Lombard, integrity is not limited to the organization's capacity to meet

the needs of the stakeholder but also encompasses the vision and values of everyone involved.



True leadership in the service industry like ours requires humility to keep one's ego sublime and

to serve others. One of the key values we look for and inculcate in our employees is humility

which allows us to keep the interests of our customer and the organization before our own and

work efficiently as a team.


The work culture at ICICI Lombard plays a critical role in its success and ability to stand as the largest private sector non-life insurer of India. Delivering challenging jobs, rewarding performance and providing opportunities continuously, we ensure that the environment is growth inductive. At ICICI Lombard, your career path lies in your hands. Talent, creativity, decisive action, and a sense of urgency are all valued.

Opportunity for all

ICICI Lombard is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Our objective is to recruit, hire, train and promote to all job levels, the most qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, military service, marital status or sexual orientation. The primary success quotient lies in your performance, aptitude and attitude.

Training & Development at ICICI Lombard:-

ICICI Lombard believes in adding value to its human capital through various programs viz. induction program, product training, e-learning modules and other functional training programs. This enables the employees to hone their skills, think out of box, develop initiative and adopt a pro-active approach.

Challenges & Growth:-

Employees are encouraged to grow not just vertically, but also horizontally broadening the scope

of their responsibility within the organization. We offer critical and challenging roles in a wide

range of industry segments and our talent management goals are geared to creating a pipeline for

potential leaders

Board Members


ChandaKochhar, Chairperson R. Athappan, DirectorSandeepBakhshi, DirectorB.V. Bhargava, DirectorDileepChoksi, DirectorN.S. Kannan, DirectorS. Mukherji, DirectorChandranRatnaswami, DirectorM.K. Sharma, DirectorH.N. Sinor, DirectorBhargavDasgupta, Managing Director & CEO


Product Bouquet

ICICI Lombard products are categorized under three product limes –

TRADITIONAL PRODUCTS -fire, engineering, marine, motor, health, home.

SPECILAIZED PRODUCTS-Director’s and officers liability, errors and

Ommissions, Product Liability, public liability.


STRUCTURED PRODUCTS-Secured mind ,Credits insurance, weather insurance ,

performance gurantee.

Market leader in Position and Reach

In a comparative study of all the major players in the general insurance industry, ICICI Lombard

ranks high in market reach and products.





Leader in product Categories

ICICI Lombard is the leading private sector general insurance company across all product categories.

ICICI Lombard’s market share in product categories is as high as 25%(travel Insurance) and 21%( liability insurance)

Professional Excellence

ICICI Lombard has become one of the top players in general insuranceIndustry in a short span of 5 years.

ICICI Lombard’s business structure consist of business verticals(sales) and


Shared services (support function). While each business vertical focus on its Own products and clients, shared services extends its support to the whole Company various verticals and shared services.

Business Strategies-

Business strategies provides clear direction to our everyday business ICICI Lombard’s strategies are listed below-

1.focus on growth with underwriting profitability.

2. Enhance insurance pie through innovative offering.

3. total technology solution -use of technology as business Enabler

1. Customer service to be the competitive differentiator for traditional lines

6. work with total transparency to all business constituents- Customers, share holders, channel partners ,Reinsurance and employee.

Business Strategies

Business strategies provides clear direction to our everyday business ICICI Lombard’s strategies are listed below-

1.focus on growth with underwriting profitability.

2. Enhance insurance pie through innovative offerings.

3.Achieve total technology solutions - use of technologyAs business enabler.

4.customer service to be the competitive differentiator for traditional lines


5.Work with total transparency to all business constituents- customers,Shareholders, channel partners, reinsurance and employees.


QUALITY……………………………………… A way of life.

at ICICI Lombard process ,development, achievement, performance, evolution and appraisals are driven by quality of output and result orientation.


1.Turn around time

2.Error free transaction

Our commitment is excellence. The evolving needs of our customers drive our continuous

innovation in product development, application of state-of-the art and technology and selection

of appropriate processes to be used by our employees and our vendors.

To ensure that we are second to none:

We maintain a vibrant work environment that encourages excellence.

We empower our people that lead to continuous improvements in our processes and


We choose such processes that ensure quality at competitive prices while protecting the

environment, in which we work and live.




ISO is implemented for operation and the customer service -motor claimsProcesses at central operations .all processes are defined in flow chart format And can be assessed by all employees through the INSIGHT CompanyINTRANET .Salient features of the processes-

1.all processes have a defined turnaround time that are monitored centrally.

2.Error free transaction are tracked through quality check and audits.

3.Customers satisfaction is captured twice a year by conducting field surveys.

4.internal audits are conducted at least twice a year and external audits is conductedOnce a year by in an external agency.


ICICI Lombard has adopted six sigma a renowned quality management process The process achieves quantum shifts in quality, cost savings and customer satisfaction.

ICICI Lombard has completed six sigma projects for IT application supportHelp desk ,cheque bounce a bounce and telesales cancellation.


ICICI Lombard’s suggestion management system empowers processOwners to evaluate suggestion for implement ability.The business excellence team facilities the process. Feedback is collated and reviewedBy employee suggestion reviewed committee on periodic basis.

Eligible suggestion are recommended for reward and recognition by the management team.


The criterion for short listing is based on the impact of suggestion on cost, Productivity, control, process improvement etc.

5S-ICICI Lombard has implemented 5s ,a method that reduces waste and optimizes productivity through maintaining on orderly workplace using visual cues toAchieve more consistent operational results. ICICI Lombard,s implementationInitiatives has implemented the following:

1.all workstation and filling cabinets numbered

2.all box files and flat files labeled properly with files stickers

3.each department is responsible for its own filling

4.file indexes are maintained in softcopy, enabling easy tracking and retrievals of files.

Sarbanes oxley act

ICICI Lombard has implemented the Sarbanes oxley act. The overall objectivesOf this act is to determine what could go wrong and how the organization can prevent Or detect it.The SOA initiatives at ICICI Lombard encompasses the folllowing

1.All processes are defined in flow chart format

2.Analysis of financial risks and mitigates are done by walkthroughs and testing

3.External audit is conduct once a year by external agency


ICICI LOMBARD’S organization structure is divided into business verticals and Shared services. Business verticals are classified as

1. Wholesale2. Retail3. Product group/channels



Corporate solution group-

Philosophy and structure

ICICI Lombard’s corporate solution group meets the general insurance needs of corporate house in the private sector .the business philosophy of csg provides

1. Product innovation through corporate product group and technical inputs through techno marketing group for platinum clients.

2. Constant interaction with customer service and reinsurance sector


The product categories handled by the CSG as fire, engineering, marine and motor,the product categories can also be classified as following:

a)Property : fire Business interruption ,industrial all risk

b) Marine : single transit, open cover, whole turnover

c)Engineering : EAR, CAR,MB ,CPM,EET,BIOLER etc.

d)Health: GHI,GPA

e) Structured products: liability products and credits insurance with the help of product teams



ICICI Lombard ‘s government solution group deals exclusively with the general insurance needs of the government owned companies and public sector undertakings. The needs of govt. are different from corporate business due to following reason.


1.long gestation period2. Substantial business developments required3. Breadth and depth of relationship required4. Extensive documentation5. handholding required6. Entry barriers for private insurance companies

Financial institution Group-

ICICI Lombard’s FIG focuses on the general insurance needs of the financial Sector and its constituents .it is a growing segments with innovative needs and Requirements.

FIG has been created to:-

1.Focus on the constituents in the financial sector with the special focusOn all ICICI group entities.

2. Meet a set of requirement that are different from that of the manufacturing sector all the constituents of the financial sector pan India .


FIG’s product portfolio includes customized /structured product for the financial Sector .Fig ‘s product portfolio includes:

1.Group health and personal accident covers .

2.plastic and covers product for customers/investors

4.performancegurantee , Residual value insurance and other engineering coversRETAIL GROUPS


Retail &Bankassurance:-


Is a business vertical that cross sells insurance products to the customer base of partner banks. This is usually done by offerings the bank customers with a bundle of financial products insurance product is integrated with a core banking product.

It operates on a simple three step process. The steps are

1-Approaching the corporate to hold the worksites at their premises.

2-Collecting leads of employees invested in the products over 2-3 days

3- Selling offline to them through telecalling and sales officer visit.

International business Group

ICICI Lombard IBG provides customized products and services to NRIs familiesAnd assets in India .there are also customized and unique offering like remitShield which ensures the remittances .

IBG’s initial focus is on serving NRI customers of ICICI bank across the world and simultaneously setting up the international footprints for ICICI Lombard.


Broker Relation

The philosophy behind a broker relation vertical is to maximize the potential of brokers To bring in business for the entire range of products of ICICI Lombard.

Insurance brokers are like insurance supermarket all traditional and non- traditionalProducts in ICICI Lombard’s bouquet are sold by insurance brokers , through the broking Channels .

Liability Insurance business

ICICI Lombard’s liability insurance business covers to lines casuality and financial.


The casuality line covers third party bodily injury on property damageLiabilities

The financial line covers third party financial losses.

Rural &Agri business group

This group deals with the general insurance needs of the under penetrated Rural &agri sector. RAGB’s product portfolio comprises of-

1.TRADITIONAL PRODUCTS- fire, engineering .motor, retail, health,Assets, personal accidents.2. SPECIALIZED PRODUCTS-Micro health insurance , critical illness,Cattle &livestock.3.STRUCTURED PRODUCTS- Weather insurance.


E-Channel leverages its web presence to sell retail policy directly to individual customers-over the net (buy online)and over the phone(dial a policy)

The business philosophy is based on the following-

1.offering best value online2.offering online convenience 3.Servicing customers request and queries 24*7on line and on phone with the special


Travel insurance is a policy overseas travelers for emergency and unseen medicalExpenses and non medical expenses such a passport loss, financial emergency, baggage loss /delay etc during their travel abroad.WORK SITES MARKETINGICICI Lombard worksite marketing is a new business vertical setup to target Employees of corporate by leveraging its good relationship in the corporate sectortr

trade credit Insurance

The philosophy behind the trade credit insurance is to create an insurance product That protect sellers against non-payment of trade debts(debtors)


Some of the salient features of this product are -

1.Protection against non payment of undisputed debt2.only business to business transaction are covered where terms of trade Do not exceed 180 days.3.Covered is offered for both domestic and export sales under the following condition

1)Domestic policy

Channel Management

Insurance is an agent/channel driven business because of its vast retail marketICICI Lombard’s channel management teamisenstrusted with the important task of creating ,motivating and managing the channel or agent network.

Structured products

ICICI Lombard’s approach to innovation is listed below-

1.introduce global products into the Indian market after establishing theirContext and relevance

2. develop strong underwriting expertise in existing product lines to be able to constantly improvise.

3.Attempt to integrate product with newer channels.

4.Simplify products to meet customer needs better.Reinsurance

Reinsurance is a means by which an insurance company protect itself against the risk of losses. ICICI Lombard’s insurance philosophy is to:

a)product the value at risk at all points in time

b)build a robust reinsurance program supporting risk management philosophy

c)build a profitable and diversified book which insures return to all stakeholders

Information technology


ICICI Lombard information technology advantages enables it to stay ahead of competition the technology department provides cutting edge application that enables its core insurance business.

With a focus on providing configurable ,user friendly and customer orientedApplication that enhance productivity and customers services ,technology serveAs a market differentiator for the company.


ICICI Lombard’s operation philosophy is to deliver consistent quality through the technological enabled processes for customers satisfaction

ICICI Lombard’s operation responsible for the following function-

a)Branch Serviceb)Retail claims processing c)Policy administrationd)banking and accountinge)Agent enrollmentf)Commision processingg)Process technologyh)customer support

Customer service support

Customer service team is responsible for-

1.building and maintaining a quality book of accounts

2.taking care of technical function like underwriting ,claims ,risk management etc. relating to insurance and approving quotes to customers

3.Ensuring optimal risk retention and risk transfer.

Customers service motor

ICICI Lombard’s customer service motor group’s philosophy and strategicintend to-



Internal Control and Loss Minimization

Internal control and loss minimization group at ICICI Lombard was constituted in may2005 to perform internal control and loss minimization activities.

Finance and Account

ICICI Lombard finance and accounts services operate in the philosophy of being the service point that provides centralized information to internal and external services requirement of the CEO’s office ,marketing underwriters, Reinsurance,operation ,Information technology and external agencies ,human resources, investment, cost management, claims and lost minimization.


Their vision is to make ICICI Lombard general Insurance Company the dominant new insurer in the general insurance industry. This they hope to achieve through their commitment to excellence, focus on service, speed and innovation, and leveraging our technological expertise

The success of the organization will be founded on its strong focus on values and clarity of purpose. These include:

·         Understanding the needs of customers and offering them superior products and service·         Building long lasting relationships with their partners·         Providing an enabling environment to foster growth and learning for their employees

And above all building transparency in all our dealings.

They believe that they can play a significant role in redefining and reshaping the sector. Given the quality of their parentage and the commitment of their team, they feel that there will be no limits to their growth.


Mission of ICICI Lombard

By innovation, continuous improvement, training and development and most efficient use of

resources we shall achieve consistent and sustained growth and provide remunerative returns to

our customers and other stakeholders.”

Human resource or manpower planning in ICICI Lombard


What is human resource or manpower planning?

… the functional area of an organization that is responsible for all aspects ofhiring and supporting employees (e.g., providing and administeringemployee benefits).… all the activities related to the recruitment, hiring, training, promotion,retention, separation, and support of employees.… functions within a company that relate to people.Why?… is the effective use of human resources in order to enhanceorganisational performance.… the process of evaluating human resource needs, finding people to fillthose needs, and getting the best work from each employee by providingthe right incentives and job environment, all with the goal of meeting theneeds of the firm.… applying human resources within complex systems such that people

succeed, performance improves, and human error decreases.

HRM from a work and organizationalpsychology perspective• Scientific foundation for HRM tools


• HRM as a function penetrating the wholeorganization• Focus on working conditions as influences onhuman competence and motivation• Systematic linking of "fit human to task" and

"fit task to human"

Core functions of HRM• Job analysis and design• Recruitment and selection• Training and development• Performance management andCompensation

• Labour and employee relation

“Manpower” or “Human resource” may be thought of as “the total knowledge, skills, creative

abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organization’s work force, as well as the values, attitudes and

benefits of an individual involve. It is the sum total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and

skills represented by the talent and aptitudes of the employed persons.” Of all the “Ms” in

management (i.e., the management of Materials, Machines, Methods, Money, Motive power),

the most important is “M” for Men or human resources. It is the most valuable asset of an

organization, and not the money or physical equipment.

Human resources are utilized to the maximum possible extent in order to achieve individual an

organizational goals. An organization’s performance and resulting productivity are directly

proportional to the quantity and quality of its human resources.


Human resource or manpower planning is “the process by which a management determines how

an organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired manpower

position. ‘Through planning, a management strives to have the right number and the right kind of

people at the right places, at the right time, to do things, which result in both the organization and

the individual receiving the maximum long-range benefit.


Coleman Bruce. P:

“Manpower planning is the process of determining human resource requirements and the means

of meeting those requirements in order to carry out the integrated plans of the organization”


“Manpower planning is a process by which the firm ensures that it has right number of people,

right type of people, at right places, at right time doing work of which they can be economically

most useful”


Human resource planning consists of a series of activities, viz.

A. Forecasting future manpower requirements, either in terms of mathematical projections of

trends in the economic environment an development in industry, or in terms of judgmental

estimates based upon the specific future plans of a company;

B. Making an inventory of present manpower resources and assessing the extent to which these

resources are employed optimally;

C. Anticipating manpower problems by projecting present resources in the future and

comparing them with the forecast of requirements to determent their adequacy, both

quantitatively and qualitatively; and

D. Planning the necessary program of requirement, selection, training, development, utilization,

transfer, promotion, motivation and compensation to ensure that future manpower

requirements are properly met.



(1) To carry on its work, each organization needs personnel with the necessary qualifications,

skills, knowledge, work experience and aptitude for work. These are provided through

effective manpower planning.

(2) Since a large number of persons have to be replaced who have grown old, or who retire, die

or become incapacitated because of physical or mental ailments, there is a constant need for

replacing such personnel. Otherwise, the work would suffer.

(3) Human resource planning is essential because of frequent labour turnover which is

unavoidable and even beneficial because it arises from factors which are socially and

economically sound such as voluntary quits, discharges, marriage, promotions, or factors

such as seasonal and cyclical fluctuations in business which cause constant ebb and flow in

the workforce in many organizations.

(4) In order to meet the needs of expansion programs human resource planning is unavoidable (it

becomes necessary due to increase in the demand for goods of the same goods and services

with growing population, a rising standard or living --- large quantities of the same goods

and services are required.

(5) Nature of the present workforce in relation to its changing needs also The necessitates the

recruitment of new labour. To meet the challenge of a new and changing technology and

new techniques of production, existing employees need to be trained or new blood injected

in an organization.

(6) Manpower planning is also needed in order to identify areas of surplus personnel or areas in

which there is a shortage of personnel. If there is a surplus, it can be redeployed; and if there

is shortage it can be filled.

(A) Importance of Manpower Planning:


Manpower planning fulfills individual, organizational and national goals. The main purpose is

one of matching or fitting employee’s abilities to enterprise requirements, with an emphasis on

future instead of present arrangements. The objectives may be laid down for a short-term (i.e.,

for one year). For example, the short-term objective may be to hire 25 persons from Scheduled

tribes or Backward Class for purposes of purposes of training. The long-term objective may be to

start a new industry, to expand the market, to produce a new product, to develop its own sales

force rather than depend on distributors, or to have minority group members eventually in

position of middle and upper management cadres.

(B) Forecasting the Manpower Requirements:

The management must estimate the structure of the organization at a given point in time. For this

estimate, the number and type of employees needed have to be determined; many environment

factors affect this determination. They include business forecasts, expansion and growth, design

and structural changes, management philosophy, government policy, product and human skills

mix, and competition.

After estimating what the future organization structure should be, the next step is to draw up the

requirements of human resources, both for the existing departments and for new vacancies.

In determining the requirements of human resources, the expected losses which are likely to

occur through labour turnover --- quits, retirement, death, transfers, promotions, demotions,

dismissals, disability, resignations, lay-offs, and other separations --- should be taken into


It may be noted that for purposes of manpower planning, the main dimensions to be taken

into consideration are:

(i) The total number of personnel available, this could be obtained from the payrolls and other

personnel records, such as the applications for employment.


(ii) The job-family, i.e., a detailed job-description for each position such as stenographers who

may belong to various departments, e.g., finance, marketing, personnel, public relations,

general administration, etc.

(iii) Age distribution of the employees, available in the present departments, says in the age

groups 20-29 years; 30-45 years; 46 years and above.

(iv)Qualification and experience desired, such as a person with 5 years or 10 years experience in

a particular branch/job; or with under-graduate, post-graduate degree, diploma holders,

etc.; or with specialized knowledge in the field of House Keeping, Food & Beverage

(both production & service), Front Office, Security, Sales & Marketing, Finance,

Engineering work.

(v) The salary range, etc.

(C) Auditing Human Resource:

Once the future human resource needs are estimated, the next step is to determine the present

supply of manpower resources. This is done through what is called “Skills Inventory.” A skills

inventory contains data about each employee’s skills, abilities, work preference and other items

of information that indicate his overall values to the company.

Some organizations do not compile a Skills Inventory but prepare Organization Charts to

determine “how many people, at what level, in what position and what kind of person’s age, the

number of years he has been in a particular position, and his fitness for promotion. Once the

present manpower resources are determined, the personnel department can estimate what

changes will occur in the present labour force in the next few years, say, 5 years

(D) Job Analysis:

After having decided how many persons would be needed, it is necessary to prepare a job

analysis, which records details of training, skills, qualifications, includes the preparation of job

description and job specifications. This has been discussed in the later section of this chapter.


(E) Developing a Human Resource Plan:

This step refers to the development and implementation of the human resource plan, which

consists in finding out the sources therefore, is to decide on the policy - should the personnel be

hired from within through promotional channels or should it be obtained from an outside source.

The best policy that is followed by most organization is to fill up higher vacancies by promotion

and lower level position by recruitment from the labour market.

HR FUNCTIONS AT ICICI LombardQuality – an integral part of our HR philosophy

Quality is an integral part of ICICI Lombard's well-defined and dynamic Human Resource (HR) policy. The company follows a strong value system which is driven by result orientation,

adaptability to change, humility and respect for colleagues and peers. We believe that investment in human capital is the key source of competitive advantage and sustained growth.

Our constant endeavor is to create and maintain a performance driven work culture focusing on employee satisfaction and retention. With attractive compensation packages, positive and

productive work environment and challenging assignments and opportunities across the world, ICICI Lombard is committed to being the employer of choice wherever it operates. We not only

want to attract and retain the very best of professionals, but also want them to be partners in progressive growth.

HR functions at ICICI Lombard are broadly classified under 2 categories:


1. The Personnel & Administration functions of HR at ICICI Lombard:-

These are broadly classified into 3 Sections

1. Establishment Work

2. Welfare Measures

3. Legal





These are the functions, which HR is supposed to perform when people join the organization,

mainly to firmly establish the newly appointed employee in to the organization & introducing

him to all the facilities that he can avail from the organization. It also makes the employees

aware of the rules & regulations of the organization, which have to be adhered to.


These are the functions which aim at the betterment or welfare of the employees providing

them work facilities which would enable them to work efficiently. These include

1. Medical Assistance, various insurance schemes such as GAI (Group Accidental

Insurance),GSLI (Group Saving Link Insurance), EDLI (Employee Deposit Link

Insurance),HBT(House Building Trust)

2. House Building loans are also provided.

3. Conveyance Loan, Festival Loans(interest free loan)

4. Round the clock Canteen Facility.

5. Provision of uniforms.


These are the functions which takes into account all the legal aspects of the organization in

compilation with the rules, procedures, law & order made by the Government of India.

2. The training & development functions of HR at ICICI Lombard :-

The training & development at ICICI lombard is in sync with the organization goals to

achieve the Vision through a well-defined Mission. After an employee is selected & placed,

the training deptt. Provides induction training to the newly appointed employees in order


to acquaint them with the system, introduce them to the vision, mission, goals & objectives

of the organization. It involves an orientation of employees & making them understand the

basic rules & regulations of the organization, enabling them to socialize. In other words

training improves, changes, moulds the employee’s knowledge, skill, behavior, aptitude,

attitude towards the requirements of the job &the organization. The training needs are

identified on the basis of organizational analysis, job analysis, and man analysis. The

training program, training methods, course content are to planned on the basis of training


The systematic process of growth & development by which employees develop their already

existing skills. It is concerned with improving the performance of employees by giving them

opportunities for growth & development. For this purpose the HR dept conducts various

employee development programs: -

>Managing people training

>IPC (Inter Personal Communication)

>Leadership Training

>Time management

>TPM training

>TQM training

>Team building

out implementation (with professional help if appropriate). The team then meets weekly to

review progress, identify/overcome barriers, celebrate successes, and document the resulting

changed processes.

Role and responsibility:-

The activities and deliverables for HR team at ICICI Lombard are:-

1. building an effective HR infrastructure

2. Establishing efficient HR process for

a) Manpower planning


b) Recruitment

c) Compensation and benefits

d) Learning andDevelopment

e) Performance managementf) Career planning and reward


ICICI Lombard employs around 1000 new trainees every month .most of the trainees are in sales.Around 10000 trainees are working currentlyTrainees are trained on product knowledge of their respective verticals before they are put in their job Administration

ICICI Lombard’s administration operates on the philosophy of being:

1. Process driven-based on administration and security manual 2. Technology driven- automation of administration processes

a)online help desk

b) online travel desk

c) online asset management system

d) online GPA &GMC tracking

e) human value based approach

f) effective cost management

g) online mobile bill purchasing


INTRODUCTION:-ICICI Lombard is a gender neutral ,equal opportunity employer that offers its


Employees a rewarding career,employee oriented HR policies and employeeBenefits that rank among the best in the industryCHRIS:-ICICI Lombard employee can access HR related information through“CHRIS”.“CHRIS” Is available on the company ‘s internet under “MY HR”Section.


leave entitlement for ICICI Lombard ‘s confirmed employees are mentioned below.

Employees on probation are not entitled to any kind of leave.

Casual Leave:-

Can be available by employees on need basis and should not be more than 3 days at a time.


ICICI Lombard travel and hotel benefit to its employees when they are required to travel

On work related issues either locally or outside the city


Employers are entitled to all transfer related benefits for the self and family whenever they are subjected to a ‘company initiated transfer’

BENEFITS:-> COMPENSATION>INSURANCE COVERAGE>MEDICLAIM cover to all its employee and their dependents>GROUP MEDICAL INSURANCE>all employees have been covered under group personal accident policy>high standerd in performance

ICICI Lombard assesses employee performance constantly .performance assessments are conducted are at the time of confirmation followed by mid -year reviews and annual appraisals every year.

a) CONFIRMATION - probation period for the new joinees is SIX MONTHS. Employee have no work experience have a probation period of one year for confirmation. Employee

performance is first evaluated by way of self - evaluation, followed,by the assessment by the immediate superior and the reviewer.

b) Mid -year reviews(oct-march)are conducted with the primary objectives of giving feedback on performance



ICICI Lombard continuously adds values to its employees through various learning and development programs. The programs improve employees learning products ,process andBehavioral skills.

Continuous learning and development enables the employees to hone their products products and behavior skills, to think creatively ,to develop a proactive approach and to chalk out the well - defined career path in line with the overall organizational objectives.




In order to attract people for the jobs, the organization must communicate the position in such a way that job seekers respond. To be cost effective, the recruitment process should attract qualified applicants and provide enough information for unqualified persons to self-select themselves out.

Thus, the recruitment process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.

PURPOSES AND IMPORTANCE The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job candidates. Specifically, the purposes are to:


• Determine the present and future requirements of the organizationin conjunction with its personnel-planning and job-analysis activities. • Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.• Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducingthe number of visibly, under qualified or overqualified job applicants. • Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited andselected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time. • Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who willbe appropriate candidates.

• Induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company.

• Infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization.

• Develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to

the company. • Search or head hunt/head pouch people whose skills fit thecompany’s values.

• Devise methodologies for assessing psychological traits.

• Search for talent globally and not just within the company.

• Design entry pay that competes on quality but not on quantum.

• Anticipate and find people for positions that do not exist yet.

• Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short

term and long term. • Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques andsources for all types of job applicants.

Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees. It is through recruitment that many individuals will come to know a company, and eventually decide whether they wish to work for it. A well-planned and well-managed recruiting effort will result in high-quality applicants, whereas, a haphazard and piecemeal effort will result in mediocre


ones. High-quality employees cannot be selected when better candidates do not know of job openings, are not interested in working for the company and do not apply. The recruitment process should inform qualified individuals about employment opportunities, create a positive image of the company, provide enough information about the jobs so that applicants can make comparisons with their qualifications and interests, and generate enthusiasm among the best candidates so that they will apply for the vacant positions.

The negative consequences of a poor recruitment process speak volumes about its role in an organization. The failure to generate an adequate number of reasonably qualified applicants can prove costly in several ways. It can greatly complicate the selection process and may result in lowering of selection standards. The poor quality of selection means extra cost on training and supervision. Furthermore, when recruitment fails to meet the organizational needs for talent, a typical response is to raise entry-level pay scales. This can distort traditional wage and salary relationships in the organization, resulting in avoidable consequences. Thus, the effectiveness of a recruitment process can play a major role in determining the resources that must be expended on other HR activities and their ultimate success.

Recruitment needs are of three types (SCOPE 0f STUDY)-:1. Planned -: planned needs arise from changes in the organization and retirement


2. Anticipated -: these are those movements in personnel, which an organization can

predict by studying trends in the internal and external environment.

3. Unexpected -: resignations, deaths, accidents and illness give rise to unexpected


4. Some interesting thing about recruitment

1. Recruitment is a process or a series of activities rather than a single act or event.

2. jobs.

3. Recruitment is a positive function as it seeks to develop a pool of eligible persons from

which most suitable person can be selected.

4. Recruitment is an important function as it makes it possible to acquire the number and

type of persons necessary for the continued functioning of the organization.

5. Recruitment is a pervasive function as all the organizations engage in recruiting


6. Recruitment is a complex job because too many factors affect it. E.g., image of the

organization, nature of jobs offered organizational policies, working conditions and


compensation levels in an organization, rate of growth of an, organization, past

recruitment record, employment conditions in a community, trade union attitude, labor

laws, culture and environment, government policies. Most of these factors serve as

constraints restricting the freedom of management in recruitment.

7. The basic purpose of recruitment is to locate the sources of people required to meet job

requirements and attracting such people to offer them for employment in an organization.

8. Recruitment is a two way process. It takes a recruiter and a recruiter. Just as the recruiter

has a choice whom to recruit or not, similarly the prospective employee can choose for

which organization to apply for a job.



>first process -

HR seeks the candidate from the job portals , and consultant after that they are called for the interviews

1.Placement Consultant ICICI Lombard has tie up with the manyConsultants and they provide the candidates for each and every profile with required skill and qualification .many placement consultants with which the ICICI Lombard has tie up

>Pyramid e-services


>Trp consultants

>Emergent India

>SMS jobs

>jet serve

>Zito India


>planet solution


>Ma foi


>excellent HR

>PMS consulting


>E2E connect

>JOB planet

>6p’s consultancy

2.job potals:-This is the kind of e-recruitment in this we seek the candidate through job portals like, etc.

3.Employee referral:- Some candidates have got referrers through the people who are already working with ICICI LombardSecond process->After the candidates has come .the next step is that they have to fill interview evaluation from in which they have tofu their details and in the last they attach theirResume after they undergone through interviews.

>when the candidates are selected are offers are to the selected candidates through mail and then they need to join ICICI Lombard within 15 days .there are some joining formalities which they have to fulfill before joining .>few joining formalities are-1.Joining kit-

>Candidates have to fill 1 joining kit which include all personal details qualification details ,professional details ,family details

>Certain health insurance scheme beneficiary form ,medical scheme are also there through which the candidates get benefited.


>there is 1 i-card page they need to fill very carefully .on the basis of that there i-card issues from Bombay.

2.Other Documents- Certain other documents/formalities are there which the candidates have to fulfill before joining .like all medical reports &educational certificates.

>medical reports include the following x-ray reports ,urine test stool test,ECG Report etc.

>offer letter &previous co. resignation & relieving letter are also needed .

>when all the joining kit & medical reports ,medical reports ,educational certificates are completed .the candidates have to sign one declaration form.


After all the joining formalities are fulfilled now the candidate or new joinees have to undergone through three days diksha induction training

The recruitment process consists of the following steps:1. Recruitment process generally begins when the personnel department receives

requisitions for recruitment from any department of the company. The personnel

requisitions contain details about the position to be filled, number of persons to be

recruited, the duties to be performed, qualifications required from the candidate, terms

and conditions of employment and the time by which the person should be available for

appointment etc.

2. Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of employees

3. Identifying the prospective employees with required characteristics

4. Communicating the information about the organization, the job and the terms and

conditions of service.

5. Encouraging the identified candidates to apply for jobs in the organization

6. Evaluating the effectiveness of recruitment process


The recruitment process consists of five elements:

1. Recruitment policy

2. Recruitment organization

3. Developing sources of recruitment

4. Techniques used to tab these resources

5. Methods of assessing the recruitment programme.

A general recruitment process is as follows:

>Identifying the vacancy

The recruitment process begins with the human resource department receiving requisition for

recruitment from any department oF the company. They contains

>post to be filled

>Number of persons

>duties to be performed

>qualification required

>preparing the job description

>conducting the interview and decision making


Sources of recruitment:-

Source of Recruitment:

Basically organizations are available by the two main sources of recruitment which are:

  I. External Recruitment.

II. Internal Recruitment.

 Vacancies in upper level management can be filled either by hiring people from outside the organization or by promoting lower level mangers. Both strategies have advantages and disadvantages. We will consider both internal and external recruitment sources in detail:


I. Internal Recruiting Sources:

When job vacancies exist, the first place that an organization should look for placement is within itself. An organization’s present employees generally feel that they deserve opportunities to be promoted to higher-level

positions because of their service and commitment to organization. More over organizations have opportunities to examine the track records of its present employees and to estimate which of them would be successful. Also recruiting among present employees is less expensive than recruiting from outside the organization. The major forms of the internal recruiting include:

1. Promotion from within.2. Job posting.3. Contacts and referrals

  a. Promotion from within:

Promoting entry level employees to more responsible positions is one of the best ways to fill job vacancies and important reason why company should have a human resource planning system. An organization that has human resource planning system uses succession plans and replacement charts to identify and prepare individuals for upper level positions. Skills inventories are useful in identifying individuals who have the potential for advancement, and individual’s desire to be promoted can be assessed in the performance appraisal review. A promotion from within policy is intrinsic to career development and human resource planning. A promotion from within policy can stimulate great motivation among employee, and this motivation is often accompanied by a general improvement in the employee morale.

  b. Job posting

An organization can also use the policy of job posting as a internal recruitment source. In the job posting system the organization notifies its present employees about job openings through the use of bulletin boards, company publications, or personal letters. The purpose of the job posting is to communicate that the job opening exists. An effective job posting system involves the following guidelines: 

Job posting should be prominent. Clear job specification should be communicated so that applicants assess themselves either they are eligible to apply or not. Once the decision is made, all applicants should be informed about the decision.  Job posting systems generally work quite well.

  c. Contacts and Referrals:

Many firms have found that their employees can assist in the recruitment process. Employees may actively solicit applications from their friends and associates.  Before going outside to


recruit employees, many organizations ask present employees to encourage friends or relatives to apply for the job openings. Contacts and referrals from the present employees are valuable sources of recruits. Employee referrals are relatively inexpensive and usually produce quick responses. However some organizations are concerned about problems that result from hiring friends of employees for example, the practice of hiring friends and relatives favoritisms, cliques etc.

Advantages of Internal Recruitment:

1. Provides greater motivation for good performance.2. Provides greater opportunities for present employees3. Provides better opportunity to assess abilities4. Improves morale and organizational loyalty5. Enables employees to perform the new job with little lost time

Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment:

1. Creates a narrowing thinking and stale ideas2. Creates pressures to compete3. Creates homogeneous workforce4. Chances to miss good outside talent Requires strong management development programs5. specially to train for technology.

II. External Recruiting Sources: A broad variety of methods are available for external recruiting. An organization should are fully assess the kinds of positions it wants to fill and select the recruiting methods that are likely to reduce the best results. There are some employee needs that a firm must fill through external recruitment. Among them are: filling entry-level jobs, acquiring skills not possessed by current employees, and obtaining employees with different backgrounds to provide new ideas. a)   High Schools and Vocational Schools Organizations concerned with recruiting clerical and entry-level operative employees often depend on high schools and vocational schools.

b)     Community Colleges A number of community colleges are sensitive to the specific employment needs in their local labor market and graduate highly sought-after students with marketable skills.


c)     Colleges and Universities Colleges and universities represent a major source of recruitment for many organizations. Potential professional, technical, and management employees are typically found in these institutions. Different institutes use to publish booklets having information about the graduates that can be communicated to organization who are in search of applicants.

d)     Competitors and other Firms Competitors and other firms in the industry or geographic area may be the most important source of recruits for positions in which recent experience is highly desired.

e)     Unemployed Individuals who are unemployed, regardless of the reason, often provide a valuable source of recruitment.

f)     Older Individuals Older workers, including those retired, may also comprise a valuable source of employees.

g)       Military Personnel Using this source may make sense to many employers because these individuals typically have a proven work history, and are flexible, motivated, and drug free.

h)     Self-Employed Workers These individuals may provide a source of applicants to fill any number of jobs requiring technical,professional, administrative, or entrepreneurial expertise.


 Recruitment methods are the specific means through which potential employees are attracted to the firm. a.

  a)     Advertising

A way of communicating the employment needs within the firm to the public through media such as radio, newspaper, television, industry publications, and the Internet. Sometimes organizations can perform the recruitment function through blind advertisements in blind


advertisements no identification about the company is provided to applicants. Companies can use blind advertisements for many reasons e.g.

Company wants to keep the recruitment in low profile so that lesser number of applicants should apply in order to discourage the irrelevant people.   Due to bad reputation or image of the organization

Advertisement is made just for the purpose of test marketing fro example just to have knowledge about the supply of applicants in labor market etc.


b)   Employment Agencies

An organization that helps firms recruits employees and, at the same time, aids individuals in their attempt to locate jobs. There are two types of the employment agencies i.e.

Public Employment Agencies. Private Employment Agencies

Both of these sources provide coordination between the organizations and applicants who are searching for jobs, for this service they use to charge a fee .Employment agencies are able to tailor their services to the specific needs of the clients For example some agencies Specialize in a particular employment areas, such as engineering, human resource or Computer programming, etc.


The most common use of recruiters is with technical and vocational schools, community colleges, colleges, and universities.


A special form of recruiting that involves placing a student in a temporary job. There is no obligation on the part of the company to permanently hire the student and no obligation on the part of the student to accept a permanent position with the firm. Hiring college students to work as student interns is typically viewed as training activity rather than as a recruiting activity. However, organizations that sponsor internship programs have found that such programs represent an excellent means of recruiting outstanding employees.

  Executive Search Firms


Executive search firms sometimes called HEAD HUNTERS are specialized form of private employment agencies that place top level executives and experienced professionals. These are the organizations that seek the most-qualified executive available for a specific position and are generally retained by the company needing a specific type of individual.

  Professional Associations

Associations in many business professions such as finance, marketing, information technology, and human resources provide recruitment and placement services for their members. Professional associations and trade organizations provide a valuable service in bringing together professional and professional job openings. Most professional organizations have newsletters, annual meetings and trade publications that advertise job openings. The annual meetings of these organizations are good occasion for professionals to learn about available job openings and for employers to interview potential applicants.

Unsolicited Walk-In Applicants

an organization has the reputation of being a good place to work, it may be able to attract good Prospective employees without extensive recruitment efforts.

Virtual Job Fairs-Individuals meet recruiters face-to-face in interviews conducted over special computers that have lenses that transmit head-and-shoulder images of both parties.

Cyber Recruiting-Organizations can also use web sites and internet sources to recruit people application submission test and interview and other recruitment and selection activities can be performed online.

The Recruitment Process:

 The recruitment process begins when you know you need someone new in the Department, either because an existing staff member has left, or because there is new work to be done. It doesn't finish until after the appointment has been made.

 The main stages are identified in the flow chart –




Identify Vacancy


Prepare Job Description and person Specification




Managing the Response






Arrange Interviews


Conduct The Interview


Decision Making


Convey The Decision


Appointment ActionStart

Staff RequisitionAnalyses by HR

Recommended by AGM (HR) to GM (P)Approval from GM (HR) & President

Invite Application

Cv dropboxNews Paper

Initial Screening by HOD & HR

Interview Date / Panel for Interview by HR

Is Candida

te Fresher

Mostly used method for recruitment in ICICI Lombard:-

e Recruitment and Job Portals The buzzword and the latest trends in recruitment is the “E-Recruitment”. Also known as “Online recruitment”, it is the use of technology or the web based tools to assist the recruitment processes. The tool can be either a job website like, the organisation’s corporate web site or its own intranet. ICICI group are using Internet as a source of recruitment. They advertise job vacancies through worldwide web. The job seekers send their applications or curriculum vitae (CV) through an e-mail using the Internet. Alternatively job seekers place their CV’s in worldwide web, which can be drawn by prospective employees depending upon their requirements. The internet penetration in India is increasing and has tremendous potential. According to a study by NASSCOM – “Jobs is among the top reasons why new users will come on to the internet, besides e-mail.” There are more than 18 million resume’s floating online across the world. The two kinds of e-recruitment that an organisation can use is – Job portals – i.e. posting the position with the job description and the job specification on the job portal and also searching for the suitable resumes posted on the site corresponding to the opening in the organisation.  Creating a complete online recruitment/application section in the companies own website. -



Final Interview by


Issue of LOI to Candidate

Issue of Appointment LetterConduct Written


Companies have added an application system to its website, where the ‘passive’ job seekers can submit their resumes into the database of the organisation for consideration in future, as and when the roles become available.  Resume Scanners: Resume scanner is one major benefit provided by the job portals to the organisations. It enables the employees to screen and filter the resumes through pre-defined criteria’s and requirements (skills, qualifications, experience, payroll etc.) of the job. Job sites provide a 24*7 access to the database of the resumes to the employees facilitating the just-in-time hiring by the organisations. Also, the jobs can be posted on the site almost immediately and is also cheaper than advertising in the employment newspapers. Sometimes companies can get valuable references through the “passers-by” applicants. Online recruitment helps the organisations to automate the recruitment process, save their time and costs on recruitments. 

Online recruitment techniques Giving a detailed job description and job specifications in the job postings to attract

candidates with the right skill sets and qualifications at the first stage. E-recruitment should be incorporated into the overall recruitment strategy of the

organisation. A well defined and structured applicant tracking system should be integrated and the

system should have a back-end support. Along with the back-office support a comprehensive website to receive and process job

applications (through direct or online advertising) should be developed. Therefore, to conclude, it can be said that e-recruitment is the “Evolving face of recruitment.” Advantages & Disadvantages Of E-RecruitmentThere are many benefits – both to the employers and the job seekers but the e-recruitment is not free from a few shortcomings. Some of the advantages and the disadvantages of e-recruitment are as follows:  Advantages of E-Recruitment are:·         Lower costs to the organisation. Also, posting jobs online is cheaper than advertising in the newspapers.·         No intermediaries.·         Reduction in the time for recruitment (over 65 percent of the hiring time).·         Facilitates the recruitment of right type of people with the required skills.·         Improved efficiency of recruitment process.·         Gives a 24*7 access to an online collection of resumes. ·         Online recruitment helps the organisations to weed out the unqualified candidates in an


automated way.·         Recruitment websites also provide valuable data and information regarding the compensation offered by the competitors etc. which helps the HR managers to take various HR decisions like promotions, salary trends in industry etc. Disadvantages of E-RecruitmentApart from the various benefits, e-recruitment has its own share of shortcomings and disadvantages. Some of them are:

Screening and checking the skill mapping and authenticity of million of resumes is a problem and time consuming exercise for organisations.

There is low Internet penetration and no access and lack of awareness of internet in many locations across India.

Organisations cannot be dependant solely and totally on the online recruitment methods. In India, the employers and the employees still prefer a face-to-face interaction rather

than sending e-mails. The recruiting aspect there are number of websites for recruiting of employees in companies some of the popular and important web sites in INDIA are listed below they are

1. Times jobs .com2. Naukri.com3.


Recruitment policy specifies the objectives of recruitment and provides a framework for the

implementation of the recruitment programme. It may involve commitment to principles such

as enriching the organization's human resources by filling vacancies with the best qualified

people, attitudes towards recruiting handicaps, minority groups, women, friends and relatives

of present employees, promotion from within. It may also involve the organizational system to

be developed for implementing the recruitment programme and procedures to be employed. A

recruitment policy involves the employer's commitment to such general principles as -:

1. To find an employ the best qualified persons for each job

2. To retain the most promising of those hired

3. To offer promising opportunities for lifetime working careers


4. To provide facilities and opportunities for personal growth on the job

5. A good recruitment policy should have several pre-requisites, which are

1. Abide by relevant public policy and legislation on hiring and employment relationship

2. Provide employees with job security and continuous employment

3. Integrate organizational and employee needs.

4. Provide each employee with freedom and opportunity to utilize and develop knowledge

and skills to the maximum possible extent

5. Treat all employees fairly and equitable in all employment relationships

6. Provide suitable jobs and protection to handicapped, women and minority groups

7. Encourage responsible trade unions

8. Be flexible enough to meet the changing needs of the organization


In general, the recruitment practice of industries in India depends on the following sources of


1.Internal sources

2.Public employment exchanges

3.Campus recruitment


4.Executive search agencies/consultants

5.Labor contractors

6.Employee referrals i.e. recommendations of existing personnel

In public sector enterprises, a specified proportion of vacancies are reserved for scheduled

castes, scheduled tribes, physically handicapped, ex-servicemen, other backward classes, etc.


Factors governing recruitment may broadly be divided as internal and external factors.

The internal factors are:

(i) Recruiting policy of the organization;

(ii) Human resource planning strategy of the company;

(iii) Size of the organization and the number of employees employed;

(iv)Cost involved in recruiting employees, and finally,Growth and expansion plans of the






Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable persons out of all the applicants. In

this process the relevant information about applicants is collected through a series of steps so

as to evaluate their suitability for the job to be filled. Selection is the process of matching the

qualifications of the applicants with the job requirements. Selection can also be described as

the process of rejection because generally more candidates are turned away than are hired.


Selection is different from recruitment; Recruitment technically precedes selection in the

following ways-:

1. Recruitment involves identifying the sources of manpower and stimulating them to

apply for the job in the organization. ®n the other hand selection is the process of

choosing the best out of those recruited.

2. Recruitment is positive as it aims on increasing the number of applications for wider

choice or-- for increasing the selection ratio. Selection is negative as it rejects the large

number of applicants to identify the few who are suitable for the job.

3. Recruitment involves prospecting or searching whereas selection involves comparison

and choice of candidates. The purpose of selection is to pick up a right person for every


Selection is an important function as no organization can achieve its goals without selecting

the right people. Faulty selection leads to wastage of time


and money and spoils the environment of an organization. Scientific selection and placement

of personnel can go a long way in building up a stable work force. It helps to reduce

absenteeism and labor turnover. Proper selection is helpful in increasing the efficiency and

productivity of an enterprise.


The selection process consists of series of steps. There is no standard selection procedure

to be used in all organizations for all type of jobs. But still the step s involved in employee

selection can be described as under

1. Preliminary interview: First of all, initial screening is done to weed out totally

undesirable/unqualified candidates at the outset. Preliminary interview is essentially a sorting

process in' which prospective candidates are given the essential information about the nature of

the job and the organization. Preliminary interview saves time and efforts of both the company

and the candidate. It avoids unnecessary waiting for the rejected candidate and waste of money

on further processing of an unsuitable candidate. Preliminary interview helps to determine

whether it is a worthwhile for a candidate to fill up application form. Preliminary interview is

brief and generally carried out by a junior executive across the counter or at the reception


1. Application bank : Application form is a traditional and widely used device for

collecting information firms candidates. Small firms design no application form and

ask the candidates to write details about their age, marital status, education, work

experience, etc. on a plain sheet of paper. But big companies use different types of

application forms for different jobs. The application forn1 should provide all the

information relevant to selection. Application form helps to serve several objectives

a. Scrutiny of forms helps to weed out candidates who are lacking in education,

experience or some other eligibility traits

b. It helps in formulating questions to be asked in the interview.

c. Data contained in application forms can be stored for further reference.


2. Selection test: Psychological tests are being increasingly used in employee selection.

A test is a sample of some aspect of an individual's attitudes, behavior and

performance. It also provides a systematic basis for comparing the behavior,

performance and attitudes of two or more persons. Tests help to reduce bias in

selection by serving as a supplementary screening device. Tests are helpful in better

matching of candidate and the job. Tests are useful when the number of applicants is


3. Employment interview: An interview is a conversation between two persons. In

selection it involves a personal, observational and face-to-face appraisal of candidates

for employment. Interview is an essential element of selection and no selection

procedure is complete without one or more personal interviews. A selection interview

serves following purposes:

a. Obtaining information about the background, education, training, work history

and interests of the candidate.

b. Giving information to candidates about the company, the specific job and

personnel policies.

c. Establishing a friendly relationship between the employer and the candidate so

as to motivate the successful applicant to work for the organization.

In practice, however, interview becomes a one-sided affair serving only the first


4. Medical examination.- Applicants who have crossed the above stages are sent

for a physical examination either to the company's physician or to a medical officer

approved for the purpose. However, this procedure is normally not followed in practice

in many organizations in India.


5. Reference checks :The applicant is asked to mention in his application form the

names and addresses of two or three persons who know him well. These may be his

previous employers, head of education institutions or public figures. The organization

contacts 'them by mail or telephone. They are requested their frank opinion about the

candidate without incurring any liability. They- ,Are assured that all information

supplied will be kept confidential. The opinion of referees can be useful in judging the

future behavior and performance of a candidate. But it is not advisable to rely

exclusively on the referees because they are generally biased in favor of the candidate.

6. Final approval : In most of the organizations, selection process is carried out by the

human resource department. The decisions of this department are recommendatory.

The candidates short-listed by the department are finally approved by the executives of

the concerned departments/units. Employment is offered in the form of appointment

letter mentioning the post, rank. Salary grade, and the date by which the candidate

should join and other terms and conditions in brief. In some organizations both the

candidate and the representative of the organization sign a contract of service on judicial

paper. Appointment is generally made on a probation period of one or two years. After

satisfactory performance during this period the candidate is finally confirmed in the job

on permanent basis or regularized.

The Company believes in offering opportunities for growth and career progression to its

employees; thus each time a requirement arises, internal recruitment is a preferred mode. HR

places an advertisement on the intranet. The advertisement contains the following details:

a. Job Profile

b. Educational qualifications, Skills, Experience

c. Last date of receiving Applications

d. Contact person in HR

All Applications are then screened for the eligibility against pre-determined criteria for the

vacancy. HR prepares a list of eligible applicants and seeks approval from the respective

Departmental Head. If approval is given, HR sends a notification to the eligible candidates via



If no suitable applicants apply within one week from the date of posting the advertisement,

external recruitment is initiated.

Eligible candidates go through 4 rounds of interviews as follows: -

Step 1-done by HR executive and the Personnel Manager

Step 2- Interview Step 1- SCREENING with General Manager HR

Step 3- Interview with the Head of the concerned department.

Step 4- Interview with Vice President (Operations)

Step 5- Interview with the Directors

Selection Process:-

Initial Screening:

HR will conduct an initial screening based on the details provided in the CV,

and also the pre determined criteria. HR will then establish a candidate’s list

using set priorities when there is more than one qualified applicant

interested in the same position.

Preliminary Interview

A preliminary interview with General Manager HR is conducted prior to the panel interview.


Interview with the Head of the Respective Department-

The next round of the interview is then conducted with the General Manager of the concerning

department and he assess the candidate of certain parameters written on the assessment form

which are as follows:-

12 Job Knowledge

13 Job Related Experience/ Achievements

14 Professional Ambitions/Achievement Orientation

15 Intelligence

16 Initiative & Motivation

17 Attitude Towards Work/Industriousness

18 Communication Skill

19 Sociability/Customer Orientation

20 General Appearance

21 Potential

22 Overall Impression

The candidate is then recommended as

First choice candidate

Second choice candidate and

Not suitable

Interview with Vice President Operations-

Those candidates, who are rated as First Choice candidate by head of the department, go through

another round of interview with the VP operations where the Vice President interviews the

candidate as per the requirement of the organization.

Final Round of Interview-

The candidates shortlisted by the VP (Operations) face the panel constituting the Director as the

final round of interview.

Offer Letter: -

Letter of Intent is then given to the candidates selected and salary negotiation is done with the

GM (P&S). The candidate signs the duplicate copy of the Letter of Intent as a token of

acceptance of the offer. And informs the date of joining to the personnel department accordingly.


DATA ANALYSIS(Sample Size:15)

(Please refer detailed questionnaire in Annexure 1)

1) Rank the following according to its relevance to the Company (1-High Priority, 2-Next Priority and so on till 9)

a) F&B (S&P) employees are recruited through:

SOURCE P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9Campus 4 7 3 0 0 0 0 1 0Employee referrals 2 0 0 2 6 5 0 0 0Consultants 3 1 4 2 3 2 0 0 0Walk ins 0 2 3 6 1 3 0 0 0Existing Data Base 2 0 3 2 2 2 4 0 0Advertisements 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 7 2Portals 4 5 2 2 2 0 0 0 0Websites 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 1 4Call backs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9

Recruitment F&B (S&P)












P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9




er o

f R





Campus Employee refferals Consultants Walk ins Existing Data Base

Advertisements Portals Websites Call backs


b. Management Employees are recruited through: (Management- HR/

Finance/ Marketing/ Operations etc)

SOURCE P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9

Campus 4 7 3 0 0 0 0 1 0

Employee referrals 2 0 0 2 6 5 0 0 0

Consultants 3 1 4 2 3 2 0 0 0

Walk ins 0 2 3 6 1 3 0 0 0

Existing Data Base 2 0 3 2 2 2 4 0 0

Advertisements 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 7 2

Portals 4 5 2 2 2 0 0 0 0

Websites 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 1 4

Call backs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9


Recruitment F&B (S&P)












P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9




er o

f R




tsCampus Employee refferals Consultants Walk ins Existing Data Base

Advertisements Portals Websites Call backs

c) Housekeeping employees are recruited through:

SOURCE P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9

Campus 4 7 3 0 0 0 0 1 0



2 0 0 2 6 5 0 0 0

Consultants 3 1 4 2 3 2 0 0 0

Walk ins 0 2 3 6 1 3 0 0 0

Existing Data

Base 2 0 3 2 2 2 4 0 0

Advertisements 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 7 2

Portals 4 5 2 2 2 0 0 0 0

Websites 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 1 4

Call backs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9


Recruitment F&B (S&P)












P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9




er o

f R




tsCampus Employee refferals Consultants Walk ins Existing Data Base

Advertisements Portals Websites Call backs

d) Front Office employees are recruited through:

SOURCE P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9

Campus 4 7 3 0 0 0 0 1 0


refferals 2 0 0 2 6 5 0 0 0

Consultants 3 1 4 2 3 2 0 0 0

Walk ins 0 2 3 6 1 3 0 0 0

Existing Data

Base 2 0 3 2 2 2 4 0 0

Advertisements 0 0 0 1 1 0 4 7 2

Portals 4 5 2 2 2 0 0 0 0

Websites 0 0 0 0 0 3 7 1 4

Call backs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9


Recruitment F&B (S&P)












P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9




er o

f R




tsCampus Employee refferals Consultants Walk ins Existing Data Base

Advertisements Portals Websites Call backs

2. We conduct Skill test for:


a) 95% of the employees strongly agree that that they conduct skill test for F&B (P)

and Information Technology

b) 5% of the employees are not aware of the skill test conducted.

3. Suggest some of the screening methods that can be used for effective recruitment:


a. 80% of the employees, for the fresher stressed on the communication

skills, personality and education.

For laterals: Job related experience, Job knowledge and Communication

skills etc.are considered.


b. 5% of the employees say that they look for the communication skills,

personality, education as well as job knowledge both for fresher and


c. Remaining 15% say that they don’t have any experience in taking


4. What is the average time of response to each candidate?


a. On an average 95% candidates are informed within one day .

b. 3% of the candidates are informed within one week of interview.

c. Remaining 2% are informed by two weeks.

5. Rejected candidates are informed by:


a. Around 80% of the candidates are informed directly.

b. 15% are informed through mails and phone.

c. Remaining 5% candidates who do not meet any criterion are not informed.

Candidates coming in through consultancies are not informed themselves

but their rejection is informed to their respective consultants

6. Give the approximate turn-up rates in each of the following cases:

Source APPEARED APPOINTED REJECTEDCampus 58 7 51Employee Referrals 39 11 27Consultants 32 7 26Walk-ins 67 4 64Existing Data Base 98 14 83Advertisements 93 14 79Portals 94 25 69


Websites 14 3 11Call Backs 16 2 14










% I








7 What are the jobsites from which you source resumes?







75% of the resumes are taken from, around 20%are taken from and the remaining 5% are taken from the other sites. This shows that is the most popularly used job site and also has credibility as ratio of candidates

called up and recruited through this site is quite high.

8 Do you have a referral policy in your Organization?

1 Yes, we do have it but we do not have any reward policy for it.

9 Do you have a recruitment pool database in your organization?

2 Yes we have a good recruitment pool database, which is been considered in future

also. Placed below is the format: Name of







DOI Position Interview

Taken by

Source Feedback File

10 Is any reference check done for employees seeking lateral entry?

3 Yes we do have the reference check scheme, wherein we do the reference check

for all the employees having experience in there respective field.




Q1- how long have you been serving the organization?

a>less than 6 month

b>1/2 to 1 year

c>1 to 3 year

d> 3to 5 years

e> more than 5 years


The survey conducted gave the information that nearly 55%working on 1-3 years in

organization and others working on as follows:

Less than 6 month-16%

½ to 1 year-8%

3 to 5 year-17%

More than 5 years-4%

Q2: what is your satisfaction level with respect to recruitment process followed by



On the basis of survey the satisfaction level of recruitment process followed by organization is-

Extremely satisfied-25%


Very satisfied-60%

Partly satisfied-15%

Not satisfied-0%

Q3: Are you presently facing problem of under /overstaffing in any specific?





On the basis of information some departments /vertical facing the problem of understaffing

/overstaffing as



Q4:which is best source of recruiting people according to you?


The survey conducted give the following information about which is the best source of recruiting

people as


Internal referral-40%



Internal promotions-10%

Job portals-6%

Q5: how many days you invest on recruitment process per month?


On the basis of analysis it was found that generally people invest their days on recruitment

process as follows

5to 10 days-75%


15to20 days-10%

More than 20 days-2%


Q6:What according to you are the challenges faced during recruitment?


On the basis of survey interviewer facing the challenges during recruitment as follows

Getting suitable time slot from business head-18%

Lining up good candidates- 70%

Entertaining quarries pre/post recruitment drive,from consultants/candidate-12%

Any other(please specify)-0%

Q7: what major points do you do you consider while selecting candidates?


The survey conducted that interviewer considered certain points while selecting a candidate like-

Academics -15%



Age/other personal details-2%

Q8: Who are your major competitors trying to target your talented employees for joining



On the basis of survey following information find out that major competitors are:


71% with in industry

29%outside industry

Q9:why do you think your talented employees might hope the job?


On the basis of survey generally company’s talented employees might of the job their percentage

are as follows:


Industry shift-20%



Work environment-1%

Following trend-0%

Q10: what is the impact of recruitment process on following?


Impact of recruitment process on employee participation ,business functioning as follows-

Negligible average considerably high

Employee retention 13% 61% 26%

Employee participation 13% 75% 12%


Business functioning 12% 21% 67%

Q11:which one according to you has been major focus of the organization?


According to you survey major focus of the organization as follows:


retention -51%

Q12:your suggestion /remarks on recruitment process

On the basis of survey the recruitment process of ICICI Lombard is good 60% and partly good




>On the basis of survey I found some conclusion that the recruitment process of ICICI Lombard

is good but it needs improvement in certain field life package, designation and location.

>It needs some improvement in field of recruitment source .some departments facing

under/overstaffing problem .this department wants balance staff for proper work.

>sometime interviewer facing challenges during recruitment because many candidate not fulfill

basic criteria of qualification.

>last but not the least in Lombard one HR manager take care only one state for proper caring

and attention so candidates and interviewer both not facing time problem

It needs some recruitment in HR department



On the basis of analysis and questionnaire some recommendation on recruitment process:

>firstly company makes their packages attractive and suitable with the designation .

>when the interviews lined up it is quite sure that only those candidate gives interview which

fulfill the required criteria.

>when the date of interviews is postponed candidates of other cities facing staying problem.if

suddenly dates are change firstly inform to all the candidates.

>interviewer facing problem when no any good candidates come in the interview they waste

their time so consultancy shold be clear firstly only qualified candidates should come.

>interview are conducting in many round so every candidates are facing problem some round are

generally not required so it was decreased or deducted.

>when recruitment process is completed and candidates are selected they

Have to face many joining formalities .in these joining formalities some formalities are not

necessary are not necessary any for joining so it needs improvement.



1> Time period is the most suitable example of limitation because 2 month is very short

period to analyze the recruitment process of any organization

2> Questionnaire of recruitment process is filled by BSM (branch service manager)and

SM(sales manager) these are very busy person they easily not give their time to fill it

3> These analysis is depending upon the survey: it was not present exact figure of any

company in recruitment process

4> Sometimes financing problem is also come in training period









>business today

>Global HRM

>Human capital



Personnel management

Himalaya publishing house

Kothari C.R

Research methodology

New age international(p)limited,publishers



Contact no…………………….

Sex- male

Female long have you been serving the organization?

a>less than 6 months b>1/2 to 1 year

c>1-3 years d>3-5 years

e>more than 5 years

2.what is your satisfaction level w.r.t recruitment process followed by the


a>extremely satisfied b>very satisfied

c>partly satisfied d>not satisfied

3.are you presently facing problem of understaffing/overstaffing in any

specific department?

a>Yes(specify) b> no


vertical :


4.which is best source of recruiting people according to you?

a>consultant b>internal referral

c>campus d>internal promotion

e> job portals many days you invest on recruitment process per month?

a>5-10 days b>10-15 days

c>15-20 days d>more than 20 days many days you invest on recruitment process per month?


a>5-10 days b>10-15 days

c>15-20 days d>more than 20 days

7.what according to you are the challenges faced during recruitment?

a>getting suitable time slot from business head

b>lining up good candidates

c>entertaining quarries pre/post recruitment drive ,from


d>any other(please specify)

8.what major points do you consider while selecting a candidate?

a>academics b>attitude

c>experience d>age/other personal details