Arbitrage Pricing Theory

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Arbitrage Pricing Theory

ARBITRAGE PRICING THEORY Arbitrage pricing theory is one of the tools used by the investors and portfolio manager. The capital asset pricing theory explains the return of the securities on the basis of their respective betas. According to the previous models, the investor chooses the investment on the basis of expected return and variance. The alternative model developed in asset pricing by Stephen Ross is known as Arbitrage Pricing Theory. The APT theory explains the nature of equilibrium in the asset pricing in a less complicated manner with fewer assumptions compared to CAPM.Arbitrage

Arbitrage is a process of earning profit by taking advantage of differential pricing for the same asset. The process generates riskless profit. In the security market, it is of selling security at a higher price and the simultaneous purchase of the same security at a relatively lower price. Since the profit earned through arbitrage is riskless, the investors have the incentive to undertake this whenever an opportunity arises. In general, some investors indulge more in this type of activities than other. However, the buying and selling activities of the arbitrageur reduce and eliminate the profit margin, bringing the market price to the equilibrium level.

The Assumptions1. The investors have homogeneous expectations.

2. The investors are risk averse and utility maximisers.

3. Perfect completion prevails in the market and there is no transaction cost.

The APT theory does not assume (1) single period investment horizon, (2) no taxes, (3) investors can borrow and lend at risk free rate of interest and (4) the selection of the portfolio is based on the mean and variance analysis. These assumptions are present in the CAPM theory.Arbitrage Portfolio

According to the APT theory an investor tries to find out the possibility to increase returns from his portfolio without increasing the funds in the portfolio. He also likes to keep risk at the same level. For example, the investor holds, A, B and C securities and he wants to change the proportion of the securities without any additional financial commitment. Now the change in proportion of securities can be denoted by XA, XB and XC. The increase in the investment in security A could be carried out only if he reduces the proportion of investment either in B or C because it has already stated that investor tries to earn more income without increasing his financial commitment. Thus, the changes in different securities will add up to zero. This is the basic requirement of an arbitrage portfolio. If X indicates change in proportion, XA + XB + XC = 0The factor sensitivity indicates the responsiveness of a securitys return to a particular factor. The sensitiveness of the securities to any factor is the weighted average of the sensitivities of the securities, in an arbitrage portfolio the sensitivities become zero.

bA XA + bB XB + bC XC = 0the investor holds the A, B and C stocks with the following returns and sensitivity to changes in the industry production. The total amount invested is Rs.1, 50,000.

1RbOriginal weights

Stock A20%.45.33

Stock B15%1.35.33

Stock C12%.55.34

Now the proportions are changed.

The changes are XA = .2

XB = .025

XC = -.225For an arbitrage portfolio XA + XB + Xc 0

The variance of the new portfolios change is only due to the changes in its non-factor risk. Hence, the change in the risk factor is negligible. From the analysis it can be concluded that

1. The return in the arbitrage portfolio is higher than the old portfolio.

2. The arbitrage and old portfolio sensitivity remains the same.

3. The non-factor risk is small enough to be ignored in an arbitrage portfolio.

EFFECT ON PRICE: to buy stock A and B the investors has to sell stock C. the buying pressure on stock A and B would lead to increase in their prices. Conversely selling of stock C will result in fall in the price of the stock C. with the low price thre would be rise in the expected return on stock C. for example, if the stock C at price Rs100 per share have earned 12 percent returns, at Rs 80 per share the return would be 12/80 * 100=15%. At the same time, return rates would be declining in stock A and B with the rise in price. This buying and selling activity will continue until all arbitrage possibilities are eliminated. At this juncture, there exists an approximate linear relationship between expected returns and sensitivities.THE APT MODEL: according to Stephen Ross, returns of the securities are influenced by a number of macro economic factors. The macro economic factors are growth rate of industrial production, rate of inflation, spread between long term and short term interest rates and spread between low-grade and high grade bonds.

The arbitrage theory is represented by theory:

Ri = 0 + 1 bi1 + 2 bi2 + j bijRi = average expected return

1 = sensitivity of return to bi1bi1 = the beta co-efficient relevant to the particular factor

The equation is derived from the model

Ri = 1 + bi1 I1 + bi2 I2 . + bij Ij + eiLet us take the two factor model

Ri = 0 + 1 bi2 + bi2If the portfolio is well diversified one, unsystematic risk tends to be zero and systematic risk is represented by bi1 and bi2 in the equation.

Let us assume the existence of three well diversified portfolios as shown in the table.

PortfolioExpected returnbi2bi2




The equation Ri = 0 + 1 bi1 + 2 bi2 can be determined with the help of the above mentioned details. By solving the following equations12 = 0 + 11 + 0.5213.4 = 0 + 31 + 0.2212 = 0 + 31 0.52We can get

Ri = 10 = 1bi1 = 2 bi2The expected return is

Rp = Xi RiThe risk is indicated by the sensitivities of the factors

All the portfolios constructed from portfolios A, B and C lie on the plane described A, B and C. Assume there exists a portfolio D with an expected return 14%, bi1 = 2.3 and bi2 = .066. This portfolio can be compared with the portfolio E having equal portion of A, B and C portfolios. Every portfolio would have a share of 33%. The portfolio bpj are

bp1 = 1/3 * 1 +1/3 *3 + 1/3 * 3 = 2.33

bp2 = .5 * 1/3 + .2 1/3 + (-.5 *1/3) = .066

The risk for portfolio E is identical to the risk on portfolio D. the expected return for portfolio E is 1/3 (12) 1/3 (13.4) + 1/3 (12)


Since the portfolio E lies on the plane described above, the return could be obtained from the equation of the plane.

R = 10 + 1(2.33) + 2 (.066)


The portfolio D and E have the same risk but different returns. In this juncture, the arbitrageur enters in and buy portfolio D by selling portfolio E short. Thus buying of portfolio D through the funds generated from selling E would provide riskless profit with no investment and no risk. Let us assume that the investor sells Rs 1000 worth of potfolio E and buys Rs 1000 worth of portfolio D. the cash flow is as shown in the following table.Initial cash flowEnd of periodbi1Bi2

Portfolio D-Rs 1000+ 1140.0+2.33+.06

Portfolio E+Rs 1000- 1124.6-2.33-.06



The arbitrage portfolio involves zero investment, has no systematic risk (bi1 and bi2) and earns Rs 15.4. Arbitrage would continue until portfolio D lies on the same plane.

ARBITRAGE PRICING EQUATION In a single factor model, the linear relationship between the return Ri and sensitivity bi can be given in the following form.

Ri = 0 + i biRi = return from stock A

0 = riskless rate of returni = slope of the arbitrage pricing line bi = the sensitivity related to the factor

The above model is known as single factor model since only one factore is considered. Hence, the industrial production alone is considered. The APT one factore model is given in following figure:

The risk is measured along the horizontal axis and the return on the vertical axis. The A, B and C stocks are considered to be in the same risk class. The arbitrage pricing line intersects the Y axis on 0, which represents riskless rate of interest i.e. the interest offered for the treasury bills. Here, the investments involve zero risk and it is appealing to the investors who are highly risk averse. i stands for the slope of arbitrage pricing line. It indicates market price of risk and measures the risk-return trade off in the security markets. The i is the sensitivity coefficient or factor beta that shows the sensitivity of the asset or stock A to there respective risk factor.THE CONSTANTS OF THE APT EQUATION

The existence of the risk free asset yields a risk free rate of return that is a constant. The asset does not have sensitivity to the factor for example, the industrial production.

If bi = 0

Ri = 0 + i0

Ri = 0Ri = 0In other words, 0 is equal to the risk free rate of return. If the single factor portfolios sensitivity is equal to one i.e. bi = 1 then

Ri = 0 + i1

This can be rewritten as

Ri = 0 + iRi - 0 = iThus, i is the expected excess return over the risk free rate of return for a portfolio with unit sensitivity to the factor. The excess return is known as risk premium.


The specification of the factors is carried out by many financial analysts. Chen, Roll and Ross have taken four macro economic variables and tested them. According to them the factors are inflation, the term structure of interest rates, risk premia and industrial production. Inflation affects the discount rate or the required rate of return and the size of the future cash flows. The short term inflation is measured by monthly percentage changes in the consumer price index. The interest rates on long term payments. The difference between the return on the high grade bonds and low grade (more risky) bonds indicates the markets reaction to risk. The industrial production represents the business cycle changes in the industrial production have an impact on the expectations and opportunities of the investor the real value of the cash flow is also affected by it. Burmeister and McElory have estimated the sensitivities with some other factors. they are given below. Default risk

Time premium


Change in expected sales The markers return not due to the first four variables.

The default risk is measured by the difference between the return on long term government bonds and the return on long term bonds issued by corporate plus one-half of one per cent. Time premium is measured by return on long term government bonds minus one month Treasury bill rate one month ahead. Deflation is measured by expected inflation at the beginning of the month minus actual inflation during the month. According to them, the first four factors accounted 25% of the variation in the Standard and Poor Composite index and all the four co-efficients were significant.

Salomon Brothers identified five factors in their fundamental factor model. Inflation is the only common factor identified by others. The other factors are given below.

Growth rate in gross national product Rate of interest

Rate of change in all prices

Rate of change in defence spending

All the three sets of factors have some common characteristics. They all affect the macro economic activities. Inflation and interest rate are identified as common factors. Thus, the stock price is related to aggregate economic activity and the discount rate of future cash flow.


The simplest form of APT model is consistent with the simple from of the CAPM model. When only one factor is taken into consideration, the APT can be stated as:Ri = 0 + bi iIt is similar to the capital market line equation

Ri = Rf + i (Rm Rf)

This is similar to the CAPM model.

APT model is more general and less restrictive than CAPM. In APT, the investor has no need to hold the market portfolio because it does not make use of the market portfolio concept. The portfolios are constructed on the basis of the factors to eliminate arbitrage profits. APT is based on the law of one price to hold for all possible portfolio combinations.The APT model takes into account of the impact of numerous factors on the security. The macro economic factors are taken into consideration and it is closer to reality than CAPM.

The market portfolio is well defined conceptually. In APT model, factors are not well specified. Hence the investors fund it difficult to establish equilibrium relationship. The well defined market portfolio is a significant advantage of the CAPM leading to the wide usage of the model in the stock market.

The factors that have impact on one group of securities may not affect another group of securities. There is lack of consistency in the measurement of the APT model. Further, the influences of the factors are not independent of each other. If may be difficult to identify the influence that correspond exactly to each factor. Apart from this not all variables that exert influence on a factor are measurable. APTCAPM

Investor do not look at expected returns and standard deviationsInvestors look at the expected returns and accompanying risks measured by standard deviation

Risk return analysis is not a basisInvestors are risk averse and risk return analysis is necessary

Investors prefer higher wealth/returns to lower wealth

APT is based on the return generated by factor model.Investors maximize wealth for a given level of risk

CONCLUSION an arbitrage portfolio is constructed without any additional financial commitment investors indulge in arbitrage, moving the price upwards if securities are held long and driving down the price of securities if held in short position, till the elimination of the arbitrage possibilities

The factor sensitivity in arbitrage model indicates the responsiveness of a securitys return to a particular factor.