Arabic and Ottoman Empires Chapter 6 Chapter 15. Before Muhammad was the leader of Islam, what was...

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Transcript of Arabic and Ottoman Empires Chapter 6 Chapter 15. Before Muhammad was the leader of Islam, what was...

Arabic and Ottoman Empires

Chapter 6

Chapter 15

Before Muhammad was the leader of Islam, what was his profession?

Caravan Manager

Muhammad died without naming a what?


The lack of an heir led to what two groups of Islamic beliefs? Sunni

Believe that the new leader of Islam should be elected from a pool of eligible candidates.

Shia Believe that the new leader

of Islam should be a direct descendant of the prophet Muhammad.

Muslim scholars developed the shari’ah which was what?

A law code that provides believers with a set of practical ways to regulate their daily lives.

“A struggle in the way of God” is a fair, defensive war called what?


Breeding centuries of mistrust between Muslims and Christians was a major impact of what event?


Which Muslim general demonstrated ideal virtues of Islam?


Why are there no representations of the prophet Muhammad in Islamic art?

It was an attempt to prevent people from worshiping Muhammad instead of Allah.

Ottomans practiced what religion?


Safavids were very different from other Islamic Empires because of what unique belief?

Shia Islam

In the 14th century what group of people conquered the Dardanelles and Bosporus Straits?


Which Islamic leader is credited with the capture of Constantinople?

Mehmet II