Applying the Secrets of Mobile Gaming to Digital Marketing

Post on 09-May-2015

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Are your marketing strategies keeping up with the pace of customer expectations? This presentation is from a lunch & learn hosted by Sandbox and Jeff Hilimire of Dragon Army where they reveal the secrets of game design and how it can supercharge your marketing. Here are just a few topics that were discussed: - Designing for the on-demand mindset & new generation of customer expectations - Best in class use of games and game psychology in marketing - The psychology behind touch & tactile experiences - The most effective use of gamification techniques - Engineering addictive behaviors to drive return visits & engagement - How to create a compelling sense of urgency - Utilizing the power of competition

Transcript of Applying the Secrets of Mobile Gaming to Digital Marketing

May 20, 2014

# & @




About Sandbox

Digital agency with an emphasis on creating content & experiences that

connect customers with brands

Robots Love Ice Cream metrics: • featured in the Apple App Store

as a “best new game” • over 150,000 downloads • over 75% 4 and 5 star reviews • successful Arby’s partnership

Mobile gaming is blowing up #punintended

• It’s a $25 billion industry (with over 80% coming from free-to-play games), expected to grow to $50 billion over the next two years

• 50% of mobile gamers are male and 50% female • Only 27% of females will pay for a game (40% for males) • Men are more likely to share their scores via social

• 20% of mobile gamers would rather give up sex for a week

than mobile games

• 22% of games that are downloaded are never opened more than once…so what are the winners doing?

Big themes in mobile gaming

Take advantage of pop culture

Take Advantage of Pop Culture

• Popular events help fuel social content

• Look for ways to create digital partnerships & promotions with upcoming events

• Be relevant and be timely

• Don’t force it

Partial Reinforcement Effect

• Goal is to keep finding reasons to keep people coming back & stay loyal

• Applicable to loyalty programs – instead of getting X points, surprise your customers

• Surprise and Delight

• Social outreach • Zappos shipping upgrades

• How else can you apply this concept?

Partial Reinforcement Effect

Touch / Tactile Experience

Touch/Tactile Experience

• Satisfaction of Action/Reaction • Provides a feeling of power & control • How can we use these principles?

– Turning physical into tactile – More senses = greater engagement = positive and

memorable experience – Create more experiences that give control

• Personalization (personalized views & content/remember me)

• Power of choice • Remove barriers

Creativity and Self Expression

Creativity & Self-Expression

Lesson: Creativity and self expression can create positive brand experiences & vested customers • How can we tap into this?

– Proactively promote an always on way to contribute to the brand

– Crowdsourcing - Social contests or digital submissions • Doritos Superbowl Commercial • Lays – Do Us a Flavor

– Digital experience participation (i.e. Times Square ads, Breaking Bad, Walking Dead “Dead Yourself”)

– Extends reach via creators & their social networks

Bring iPhone around and everyone gets to see how They can do in flappy, winner gets DA mug

“Traffic Light” Games / Snacking


• “Always on” means a need to quickly satisfy the need for information

• People’s attention spans are shrinking

• More headlines & images, less text

• Very short demo videos (30 sec)

• Highly targeted; Provide real value to stand out in the clutter (WIIFM)

• Remove Friction

Competition: Leaderboards

Competition: One-on-One


• Competition can be a great motivator

• Different people respond to different types of competition (large groups, small groups, one-on-one, self)

• Contests & Promos

– Social submission contests

– More than just enter to win, but compare to friends and cumulative effect of activities

• Loyalty programs

– Allow for creation of small groups or individual challenges with others

Friends: Cooperation

• Think beyond just referral incentives

• What if your friends could help you achieve the next level in your loyalty program?

• Design experiences and promotions that involve collaboration

• Contests – getting friends to join or vote makes you more likely to win

• Compounds social sharing, WOM & exposure

Friends: Cooperation

Extend the Initial Experience

Extend the Initial Experience

Lesson: Be proactive and look for ways to extend a popular individual experience into a more holistic campaign

• Extend channels = more touchpoints = quantity of brand experiences = more loyalty

• Turn popular social posts into a deeper campaign with multiple touch points

• Content tactic turns into a content theme

• Maximize insights & move fast

Limited Time Events

Limited Time Events

• Beyond normal deal based promos

• High level of incentives to increase frequency of visits in a short period of time

• Creates a sense of urgency

• Creates habit of website/app/feature usage

• Offer exclusive experiences or content during the event

Focus on the Whales


• Identify and reward your best customers

• Higher level of loyalty means more revenue and stronger advocates

• Create exclusive experiences – VIP experiences/events on site, free shipping, etc

– Access to product before others

– Access to exclusive content

• Create a status level for them

• Beta releases or feature input