Applying Social Intelligence To Your Business - Forrester/Expion

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Applying Social Intelligence To Your Business

Carl DotyVice President & Practice LeaderServing Customer Insight ProfessionalsForrester Research, Inc.


Albert ChouChief Innovation OfficerExpion


Send questions to #expion13

July 24th, 2013

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The rising power of social media

The value of social media for business insights

Forrester’s framework for actionable social insights

Where is digital marketing headed next?

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The customer journey has changed

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Consumers expect corporate responses in social channels

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Successful companies will adapt to their customer needs

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The rising power of social media

The value of social media for business insights

Forrester’s framework for actionable social insights

Where is digital marketing headed next?

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Businesses know social listening is important…

4/5**Approximately 80% of marketers actively involved in their company’s

social media strategy report “listening” as an existing goal

Companies “listen” to social media

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But most businesses are passive

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It’s time to move beyond the buzz

To active…• Understanding• Engaging• Supporting• Influencing• Optimizing

From passive…• Monitoring• Tracking• Counting• Reporting• Listening

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The evolution occurs in three stages

1. Social Monitoring - Companies in this stage are learning, experimenting, and just beginning to understand how they can collect and use social data.

2. Social Listening- Companies in this stage have more mature data collection practices, and develop analytical capability that enables action.

3. Social Intelligence- Companies in this stage automate insight generation, integrate with other customer data sources, and expand their use cases.

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Crisis management

Competitive intelligence

Product research

Campaign measurement

Customer segmentation

Product innovation

Market research

Influencer marketing

Sentiment analysis


Interactive buying

Lead generation

Brand protection

Customer support

Reactive Proactive



Social intelligence helps businesses…

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MTV finds show-saving insights

• MTV marketers listened to conversations to learn about the market for its new show “Teen Wolf”

• Learned why old messaging fell flat and quickly re-launched new messaging based on social insights

• New campaigns gained over 200% more online discussion and ratings improved week over week

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Hyundai listens to Facebook customers

• Car company launched online personality quiz through Facebook – matching users with the appropriate car

• Promoted local dealerships for test drives, resulting in an increased rate of dealership visits

• Resulting campaigns generated greater CTRs and improved sales 15

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Novotel finds online insights

• Novotel’s marketing team monitors social media for consumer discussion around its hotel properties

• Marketers learn from consumers online, engaging in positive discussion and encouraging feedback on travel sites

• First year results:• 55% more positive feedback

online – improved earned media

• Over 15% increase in sales

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L’Oreal’s social insights in China• Lancôme marketers

monitored Social Media in China to learn about Chinese consumers and craft campaign ideas

• Learned of consumer demand for an online venue for beauty product discussion

• Created “Lancôme Rose Beauty” community

Over 4,000,000 members joined

the community – the largest

beauty product site in China

Online discussion around L’Oreal

products increased from 5,000

mentions to 500,000 mentions

per month

Drives sales directly to L’Oreal

ecommerce sites

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Kiddicare finds community insights

• UK’s largest nursery retailer launched an online support community

• Customers ask and answer questions on its website

• By connecting these discussions to actual customers calling in for help, support agents gained better background information and could resolve cases faster and more effectively

• Decreased call support volume• Increased support resolution

rate to 98%

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The rising power of social media

The value of social media for business insights

Forrester’s framework for actionable social insights

Where is digital marketing headed next?

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Source: June 18, 2012 “How To Make Social Media Actionable” Forrester report

Follow the four P’s of social intelligence

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Best practices for People

• Dedicate time to social data• Use internal and external resources• Define and formalize roles and responsibilities• Appoint employees with business

understanding first, then social media expertise

Leading companies’ strategies:

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Best practices for a Purpose

• Coordinate efforts, share ideas, identify common goals

• Ensure as little redundancy as possible• Set consistent reporting, tracking business data

and social metrics• Constantly measure results and recalibrate

practices• Report metrics upwards and outwards through

the organization

Leading companies’ strategies:

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Best practices for a Process

• Establish a workflow for incoming social media data

• Compile a dynamic list of “relevant” items• Plan for positive, negative, and neutral insights• Prepare for data distribution across the

enterprise• Create a scalable, repeatable, business process

for acting on insights

Leading companies’ strategies:

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Best practices for a Platform

• Partner with a listening platform and compromise on functionality

• Rely on a single day-to-day dashboard provider to ensure consistent measurement, scalability, and reliable training

• As your use cases become more sophisticated, compliment your existing platform with other technology vendors to fill in gaps

Leading companies’ strategies:

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Focus on the three core components of listening platforms

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The rising power of social media

The value of social media for business insights

Forrester’s framework for actionable social insights

Where is digital marketing headed next?

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Customers want a relationship

Source: September 18, 2012 “Brand Engagement The Consumer Way” Forrester report


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But most marketing departments still employ outdated thinking…

October 2010 “It’s Time To Bury The Marketing Funnel”

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We have a different view of the customer journey

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What are the characteristics?

1. Journeys, not just campaigns

2. Decisions, not just rules

3. Interactions, not just profiles


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Marketers will move beyond campaigns, to real-time, event-based interaction models

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Once you’ve mastered social intelligence, expand your listening efforts beyond social channels, across all customer interactions – Forrester calls this an Enterprise Customer Listening strategy.

Your listening strategy must adapt

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• Evaluate your social intelligence maturity – start by taking Forrester’s self-assessment The Social Intelligence Needs Assessment

• Follow the “four Ps” of social intelligence – Purpose, People, Process, Platform – to identify weaknesses and guide your progress

• As you mature, expand your listening efforts beyond social channels to prepare for Enterprise Customer Listening – encompassing all channels and interactions.

Albert Chou – Chief Innovation Officer @albert4waves

Enterprise Social Software Suite

INTEGRATE Connect all streams

with common topology

FIND Search for topical


INFLUENCE Determine the importance of conversation

RELEVANCY Is conversation

important to the Brand








Real Time MarketingTechnology

Copyright Expion 2013

Business and social insights require:• Trained team members that can execute a change or

make a difference• Product or service specialists actively seeking

feedback• Leadership that supports utilizing social data for

these operational changes

Operationalize Business Insights

Identify all relevant streams.

• Is Twitter Useful? Media YES!

• Google+ Brick and Mortar YES!

• Site specific


• Keeping data in silos prevents aggregated views

• Integrate data to connect the points of social + business outcomes


• Seek conversations that are relevant to your business

• Surfacing all data without purpose consumes too much time


• Conversation importance is paramount to active utility of social conversation

• Who is actually speaking and does that customer’s opinion matter to your business


• Change the business

• Seize timely opportunities


• Can the right person that can action the insight be alerted right now?



• Has all prior information been provided?

• Have you delivered the right data to the right person for a complete picture?

• Execution. All information is in place as fast as possible. It is now time to execute.


Listening is less effective because overflow of streams that cannot be actioned.

Alerting is Effective because providing the right person with the right information at the right to time to make a change

• Automobile dealerships that recognize in dealership service requests

• Sales team that actively seek complaints about competitive stores

• Hotels that change services while the guest is in house


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Thanks for Participating

Send questions to #expion13

Carl DotyVice President & Practice LeaderServing Customer Insight ProfessionalsForrester Research,


Albert ChouChief Innovation
