Applying Made Easy: Technical Details of the UC Application For Student Applying Fall 2015 for...

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Transcript of Applying Made Easy: Technical Details of the UC Application For Student Applying Fall 2015 for...

Applying Made Easy: Technical Details of the UC Application

For Student Applying Fall 2015 for Admission

Fall 2016

Minimum UC Transfer Requirements• 2.4 GPA (2.8 nonresidents)

• 60 UC transferable semester units by the end of Spring 2016

• English 1 & 2 or equivalents (TOEFL)

• Transferable math class• 4 classes (selected from at

least 2 of the following IGETC areas: Arts & Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences, Physical & Biological Sciences)

Tips for Students

• Create your own account

• Fall 2016 available August 1st

• Read current messages

• Review the Common Questions

Student Preparation• Start early

• Research campuses /majors; apply


• Get feedback on your personal statement

• Check your email often, and your spam


Transfer Application and Admission Timeline

Date Task

August 1 Application opens for fall admission

November 1 – 30 Submit your UC application

Early January Submit Transfer Academic Update (TAU)

January 31 Online “Transfer Academic Update” (TAU) deadline

April 1 – 30 Notification of admission decision

June 1 Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) deadline

July 1 Final transcript deadline

•Use the progress bar above to navigate•Use sections on the right for guidance•Use buttons below to move from page to page•Note my uc application, help, and sign out


Error Messages

Getting StartedALL first-time applicants start here

The filing deadline for Fall 2016 is 11:59 p.m. PST, Monday Nov. 30, 2015.

Still Starting the application

If you click “90” or more, you cannot apply to UCLA, UCSD, Merced or Santa Cruz!

Still Starting your application

Residency (Yup, still in Start!)

Citizenship (Last part of Start!)

Social Security number entry is optional!

International applicants attending US schools pay $70. Eligible California residents and AB 540 students could receive application fee waivers for up to 4 schools.

Click to expand the list of majors.

When you choose certain majors, information about supplemental applications appear.

You must choose an alternate major, or scroll to the bottom of the page and click “No Alternate Major.”

Berkeley doesn’t allow students an alternate major.

Ranking San Diego Colleges (Part 2-Campuses and Majors)

You must click here before ranking the colleges

Rank order does NOT affect chances of admission.

Additional GE at UCSD by College for students that complete IGETC

•Warren-3 upper division GE•Roosevelt-2 Lower Division courses•Muir-1 Writing upper division course•Revelle-1 year of calculus, 5 quarters of Science, foreign language (can’t satisfy this with high school)•Sixth-2 upper division courses•Marshall-2 upper division courses

Scholarships (Part 3)

Review and select up to 16 scholarships that match your characteristics, interests, and background!

You must answer these questions!

You do not need to complete this page to move on unless you want to apply for EOP Program on Step 1 of this section.

You do not need to complete this page to move on unless you want to apply for EOP Program on Step 1 of this section or get a fee waiver for the application!

SMC College Code is 004691

SMC is a “Semester with Winter Session”

Courses and Grades(Still in part 5-Academic History)

Click to display courses

If the course is not in ASSIST, scroll to bottom of page

Course Requirements (Still in part 5-Academic History)

Academic History Comments (Still in part 5-Academic History)

Activities and Awards-Part 6

Choose up to 5 of your most meaningful experiences for each category.

•Educational Preparation Programs•Community Service•Work Experience•Awards & Honors•Extra Curricular Activities

Test Scores-Part 7

The Personal Statement-Part 8

• 2 Prompts –-Next Slide

• 1,000 word total or less

• View as a personal interview on paper

• Compose responses outside of the application and request feedback from teachers, counselors, parents and/or friends

• Paste your responses in plain text

The Personal Statement-Part 8Statement 1: What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field — such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities — and what you have gained from your involvement.

Statement 2: Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud, and how does it relate to the person you are?

Additional Comments-Part 8

Use the space provided to describe a situation (personal or academic) that needs further explanation and not fully captured elsewhere in the application.

This is NOT a continuation of the personal statement.

“At this time, my UC GPA is ______!” Don’t predict and add in what grades you think you will get by the end of Fall!!

Submitting the Application-Part 9

Disabled until all circles are solid and it is November 1st.

Completeness Check-Part 9

If you are using AP credit to meet the transfer requirement, enter this information in the additional comments.

Releases & Signature-Part 9

Fees, Payment & Waivers-Part 9

Submit-Part 9

Click here and expect thisCheck your email for a submission confirmation

After You Submit

Transfer Academic Update

Update courses that were “in progress” with grades earned, and confirm or update planned courses for the current and future terms prior to enrollment at UC. Deadline is January 31.

UC Admissions Home


Quick Start Guide:


1-800-207-1710 (U.S. only)1-661-336-5723 (outside U.S.)

UC Application CenterP. O. Box 1432

Bakersfield, CA 93302
