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Applying AI in Business -

A Framework for AI Implementation in Product Offerings

Viktor Regefalk

Division of Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation Faculty of Engineering, Lund University

Viktor Regefalk

Supervised by:

Gunnar Lindstedt

Examined by:

Ulf Jeppsson

Course: EIEM01

Spring 2020


Applying AI in Business - A Framework for AI Implementation in Product Offerings

Master Thesis, 30 ECTS

Industrial Electrical Engineering and Automation

Abstract Artificial Intelligence (AI) is on its way to enter the world of business and there are huge

potentials for companies who take advantage of the technology. However, to succeed with a

new technology like AI there is a need for guidance. This thesis examines how businesses can

implement AI in their product offering.

This thesis project investigates the implementation of AI in product offerings by first examining

academic books and research papers about implementation strategies and product innovation

methods. In the second part, empirical observations from Company X and their work with AI

are collected. A framework for AI implementation is constructed considering the findings from

the literature study and the empirical data from Company X. This framework aims to give

guidance to organizations in their work with AI and product development.

The main conclusion from the study shows that implementing AI is more of an organizational

difficulty than a technical one. Firstly, implementing AI in product offerings requires close

cooperation with the product-user during the whole process. Secondly, organizations need to

have a committed management team that dares to invest in AI resources. Lastly, having the

necessary competence within AI and data science is crucial, which is a scarcity in today’s labor

market. However, organizations should not feel obligated to develop all competencies

internally, the optimal strategy might be to collaborate with external technology partners for

accessing needed capabilities.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, business implementation, AI-framework, product



Table of Contents

1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Problematization .................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Study Question ....................................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 Limitations ............................................................................................................................................. 2 1.6 Company X and their Product Offering ................................................................................................. 3

2 Method ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Study Design .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Literature Review Stage ......................................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Interview Stage ...................................................................................................................................... 6

3 Literature Review .......................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Artificial Intelligence ............................................................................................................................. 9 3.2 AI in Businesses ................................................................................................................................... 11 3.3 Key Factors to Succeed with AI in Businesses .................................................................................... 12 3.4 Developing AI Internally or Externally ............................................................................................... 21 3.5 Innovation Methods ............................................................................................................................. 22 3.6 Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 25

4 Developing an Initial AI Framework ......................................................................................................... 26 4.1 Initial Framework Design .................................................................................................................... 26 4.2 Initial AI Framework ........................................................................................................................... 27

5 Empirical Result from Interviews .............................................................................................................. 29 5.1 Interviews ............................................................................................................................................. 29

6 Developing a Final AI Framework ............................................................................................................ 44 6.1 Final Framework Design ..................................................................................................................... 44 6.2 Final AI Framework ............................................................................................................................ 44

7 Discussion and Conclusions ........................................................................................................................ 54 7.1 Findings of the Study ........................................................................................................................... 54 7.2 Critique ................................................................................................................................................ 54 7.3 Further Studies .................................................................................................................................... 55



1 Introduction This section gives an introduction to the study area. The problematization is presented followed

by purpose, study question, and limitations with the study. Lastly, an explanation of which types

of products that apply to this work is presented.

1.1 Background In recent years there has been an Artificial Intelligence (AI) hype. All over the newspaper, you

can read about AI and how it will impact our daily life and the way we work and interact with

each other. Moreover, AI has slowly started to move from academia into the world of

businesses. In a global survey from 2017, with more than 3000 executives and managers as

respondents, almost 85 % believed that AI will give their businesses competitive advantages,

but at the same time, only 20 % had incorporated it into their businesses (Ransbotham et al.,

2017). The industrializing of AI is definitely under formation and while the upsides of what AI

can provide for businesses are enormous, there are also risk with investing in new technology.

While almost all of the published cases where AI is introduced into businesses are about success

stories, there are also cases where expectations have not been met. Kartik and Apoorv (2017)

state that most companies’ AI initiatives will fail. The reason AI projects fail is not that AI is

an overhyped technology, but because companies are approaching AI-driven innovation

incorrectly (Kartik and Apoorv, 2017).

The few guides available for AI implementations are either too focused on one specific area or

failing to cover the whole picture of the implementation process. A guide specialized for AI

implementations in product offerings does not exist at all. Besides, the available AI guides from

the literature are focusing on what could be done but lacking the practical aspect of how it

should be done. This gives companies no other choice than to investigate and implement AI

without a map showing how to do it (Kolbjørnsrud et al., 2017). Companies put their trust in

AI to solve all their business problems, even though a majority of their employees have no idea

what the technology is about, and the management teams have difficulties implementing it. This

thesis aims to give clearance for organizations on how they can implement and work with AI

in their product offering.


1.2 Problematization Even though AI can contribute with value for most businesses, difficulties with the

implementation of AI leads to wasted money, and unfulfilled expectations.

1.3 Purpose The objective of this project is to provide guidance for organizations with the implementation

of AI in their product offering. This guide should highlight important aspects to consider with

the implementation and the continuous work with AI in product offerings.

1.4 Study Question The following study question has been outlined:

I. Which is the optimal way for organizations to implement AI in their product


The study question has been divided into the following sub-questions:

I. What aspects are important to consider during the implementation of AI in an

organization’s product offering?

II. During which phase of the implementation should these aspects be considered?

1.5 Limitations To find an optimal way for organizations to implement AI in their product offering, lots of

testing and feedback are needed. In this thesis, the empirical data comes from employees

working at a particular company. Since the goal of this study is to find a generic method for AI

implementations in organizations’ product offerings, the results need to be tested and analyzed

on several organizations to confirm the validity. Due to confidentiality reasons, the organization

which this study was conducted with, as well as all the interviewees, will remain anonymous.

The company where this work was conducted will in this thesis be called Company X.


1.6 Company X and their Product Offering Since Company X will be anonymous, an explanation is needed to get an understanding of what

types of products this company are producing, and thereby how AI in product offerings may

look like. The work in this thesis assesses products that have some sort of data collection which

enables analysis. Some examples of such products could be industrial machines, cars, heavy

trucks, busses, excavators, and lawnmowers. The list of connected products where AI can be

integrated is enormous and the given examples are just a few to give the reader an idea of what

they may look like.


2 Method In the following section, the methodology to solve the study question is described and a

discussion about why this method is chosen presented.

2.1 Study Design To answer the study question, a case-study with Company X is conducted. The choice of doing

a case-study for answering the study question is supported by the in-depth and precision needed

to answer several of the questions around AI implementations in product offerings. Yin (2018)

argue that the more in-depth questions needed to answer a certain issue, the better the choice of

using a case-study. Even though Yin (2018) also states the importance of doing multiple case

studies to get a more valid result, time constraints have limited this study to only focus on one

organization and their work with AI. Another reason for performing a case-study is because

studies about AI in business is a relatively new research area, Eisenhardt (1989) argue that

performing a case-study is good when the research area is new.

To answer the study question, a qualitative method was executed. A qualitative method, in

opposite to a quantitative method, focuses more on text-based data compared to number-based

data. Data generated from interviews are mainly of qualitative type (Walliman, 2011). Besides,

this report follows an inductive study method in contrast to a deductive method. Using an

inductive method is common when analyzing qualitative data (Thomas, 2006). An inductive

method means starting from specific observations and going to broader generalizations and

theories, while a deductive approach does the opposite (Burney and Saleem, 2008). The

observations can in this thesis be seen as the input from both the literature review and the

employees working at Company X. An inductive method provides a simple and straightforward

way to evaluate and come to conclusions about the observations (Thomas, 2006).

In this study, the analysis and the collection of data were done iteratively. The choice of

performing an iterative method during the study was to be able to adjust the scope of the

interviews depending on the analysis from past interviews. This approach is supported by

Bryman (2018), who states that qualitative research often is performed with an iterative method,

which means shifting between collection and analysis of the data.


To answer the study question, an AI framework was developed. The developed AI framework

provides guidance for organizations during the process of implementing AI in their product

offerings. An initial framework was created after the literature review. The initial framework is

grounded in academic reports and reports from management consultant agencies. With input

and feedback from the interviews with employees at Company X, the framework is evaluated

and updated. The main reason for discussing the initial framework during the interviews was to

be able to get concrete feedback from the interviewees on the framework. The procedure to find

an appropriate framework for AI implementation in organizations product offerings is shown

in Figure 1.

2.2 Literature Review Stage In the literature review stage, reports about AI implementation processes from both academia

and consultant agencies were reviewed. To avoid spending time developing knowledge that is

already known, it is important to investigate the current state of knowledge within the field

(Walliman, 2011). The objective of the literature review was to get an understanding of the

most important aspects organizations should consider during AI implementations, and with this

information, construct an initial guiding framework.

During the literature review, LUBsearch and Google Scholars were used to find relevant books

and reports. At the beginning of the literature review, only the most cited books and articles

Literature Review Stage: Interview Stage: Final Stage:

Source A

Source B

Source C

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Establishing the ĮŶĂů�ĨƌĂŵĞǁŽƌŬ�


Figure 1 The method used in the study to find an appropriate framework for AI implementations.


were reviewed, however, since the area of study is a relatively new field, and most of the studies

are not older than five years, the literature scope was broadened to include consultant agencies

reports and less cited reports as well.

After the literature review stage, an initial framework was established. This initial framework

was constructed by the author and contains the aspects which were highlighted the most by the

reviewed literature. The selection process for the initial framework is described in further detail

in chapter four.

2.3 Interview Stage The interviews were held with employees at Company X who in some way are involved with

AI. A broad group was interviewed which includes employees from different functions and

from different geographical areas. By interviewing individuals with different backgrounds, a

broad understanding of the company’s view on AI is attained. Implementing AI in an

organization is a challenge that affects a broad part of the company, for example, both people

working with business strategy and data management. Because of the wide scope of expertise

needed, one employee will rarely be able to discuss all areas of AI in-depth. For this reason,

interviews with a broad target group were conducted.

Before the interviews were conducted, all interviewees received a one-pager that contained

information about the interview and the purpose of doing it. All interviewees were promised

anonymity as well as the possibility to read through their answers before publication. Most of

the interviews were held in Swedish except for a few of them that were held in English. The

interviews were conducted during the period early March until mid-April 2020. At first, the

interviews were held in-person, but due to the covid19 outbreak, the later interviews were held

using Microsoft Teams. All interviews were one hour long and directly after the interviews

were finished, the answers were transcribed.

The interview process is divided into three parts. During the first part of the interview, the

interviewee was identified. In this part, questions about the interviewee’s profession and

involvement with AI were asked. The second part of the interview assessed the interviewee’s

thoughts and concerns about AI in general and with the current AI projects at Company X. This

part involved questions about potential risks the interviewee identifies, challenges, strengths,


weaknesses, and critical factors for succeeding with the implementation. The third part of the

interview was focusing on the framework itself and aimed to assess the framework and its

ability to evaluate the readiness of the company for the implementation of AI. The initial AI

framework was not shown until the third stage of the interview. By first discussing the current

situation regarding AI and Company X, the respondents gave their own input about important

factors and potential risks to consider during the implementation. By doing so, the interviewee’s

input was not affected by the factors mentioned in the framework, and they were able to criticize

and come with suggestions about the framework afterwards. The full list of the interview

question can be found in the appendix. In Figure 2 below, the interview process is shown.

Figure 2 The interview setup.

During the interviews, open-ended and neutral questions were asked. By doing so, the

respondent can give their own opinions about the answers without influence from the

interviewer. Because of limited time with the interviewees, questions that could be replied with

yes or no were avoided because of the reduced information gained with these types of questions.

Critics about interviews as a source of data state that there is a risk of bias in the result. However,

Eisenhardt and Graebner (2007) argue that these risks can be mitigated by conducting several

interviews with persons that view the question of interest from different perspectives. These

different perspectives can mean informants from different hierarchical levels, business

functions, and geographies (Eisenhardt and Graebner, 2007). In this study, the risks with biases

during the interviews are mitigated by conducting several interviews with informants from

different hierarchical levels and different business functions. Most of the interviewees had their

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3












working base in Sweden, but several of the interviewees also worked in other geographical


To be able to get the most out of the interviews, pilot interviews were conducted. The purpose

of the pilot interviews was to get feedback on the interview concept. With the input from the

pilot interviews, interview questions were adjusted to better reflect the purpose of the

interviews. The pilot interviews were also conducted with employees at Company X.


3 Literature Review

This section presents the theoretical framework used in the study. It begins by introducing

artificial intelligence and machine learning. Thereafter are studies of how these technologies

have been implemented in businesses presented. The main part of the literature review is

thereafter presented which discusses important aspects to address during AI implementation.

A discussion about innovation methods used in businesses is also presented. The literature

review ends with a summary of the findings.

3.1 Artificial Intelligence The research about AI goes all the way back to 1950, where Alan Turing implemented the term

artificial intelligence as a computer’s ability to act and think like a human. Turing (1950)

explains that the idea behind a digital computer is to be able to handle any operations that could

be done by a human. Another classification of AI defines it as “the study of the computations

that make it possible to perceive, reason and act” (Winston, 1992).

AI has been a research topic for a long time, but only recently reached the general interests of

business. This is due to several reasons. Firstly, the volume of accessible data that could be

used in AI applications has reached sufficient levels. The future growth of available data seems

to follow a general trend which doubles every second year. Secondly, the data generated need

to be stored. With today’s new technologies the cost of storing data has decreased, making it

affordable to store large amounts of data. A third driver behind this AI explosion is faster

processor speed, making it possible to process large amounts of data in a short period of time.

Lastly, with today’s improvements in broadband and 5G, it is possible to distribute large

amounts of data between servers and devices in a short time. This connectivity improvement

means that most of the processing can be carried out at data centers or in the cloud and that the

user device is acting only as a front-end platform. (Burgess, 2018)

AI is a broad term and could be broken down into several subcategories depending on what the

goal is to get out of the process. Some of these subcategories are machine learning, natural

language processing, and computer vision. AI could also be divided depending on what type of

technical approach that is used, examples of these are neural networks, deep learning,

regression analysis, and Bayesian networks.


3.1.1 Machine Learning Machine Learning is a subset of AI and uses statistical methods to extract information and

predict outcomes from data. A machine learning algorithm analyzes the current state, and

depending on the state, performs an action. What is unique with machine learning compared to

a standard software program that is performing an action is that the machine learning algorithm

learns and improves itself continuously as more data are generated (Gerbert et al., 2017).

The learning process in machine learning can be divided into three different types depending

on what feedback it is getting to learn from (Russell and Norvig, 2010). The three types of

learning are supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

In supervised learning, both input and output values are given to learn from. In the learning

process, the system maps a function between input and output (Russell and Norvig, 2010). An

example would be to determine whether a picture taken shows a dog or a cat. An industrial

example of supervised learning could be to detect failures with the help of data over past


In unsupervised learning, input values are given, and the task is to find similarities within the

input. The learning process occurs even though no obvious feedback is given. The task in these

cases is often to detect clusters in data (Russell and Norvig, 2010). An industrial example of

unsupervised learning could be to govern the operations to make sure it works as it is supposed


In reinforcement learning, only a small amount of data is given, making it hard to make good

predictions. The learning process takes the form of trial and error together with rewards and

punishments, reinforcements. It is up to the system itself to evaluate which of the actions before

the reinforcement that was responsible for the outcome. (Russell and Norvig, 2010)

A simple example of where machine learning could be used is to predict the price of a house.

One way to do so is to give the computer information of past house prices together with features

about the house. These features could be numbers of bathrooms, size of the house, number of

floors, distance to the closest large city, and so on. With the data about the features and the

selling price, an algorithm could be built that predicts the price of the house when given the

features. After the house is sold and the selling price is known the algorithm is updated. The


algorithm is said to learn and adjust the contribution each feature is having on the selling price.

This type of learning is described above as supervised learning.

Machine learning is only a subset of AI, however, in this report, AI will be used to describe

machine learning as well. This is done even though machine learning might be the part of AI

which has the most potential for businesses right now. Grouping machine learning under AI

does not mean that they are equivalent but is instead done to make it easier for the reader to

follow the thesis when only one terminology is used.

3.2 AI in Businesses The spreading of AI from academia to businesses has not been going as fast as could be

expected when reading about AI and the hype around it. In a recent study, more than 80 % of

executives asked said to believe that AI will help them achieve competitive advantages.

However, only 20 % of these executives said to have incorporated AI so far in their businesses

(Ransbotham et al., 2017). The same study also reports that 14 % of the asked executives say

that AI plays a big part in their business at the moment and that 63 % expect AI to play a big

part in their business in 5 years.

Commonly in the literature, stories are told about successful AI implementations and that AI

has increased their companies’ sales, cut their costs, and enhanced their businesses. Brock and

von Wangenheim (2019) give an example of a hospital in Spain which with the help of AI was

able to implement a solution to diagnose patients more effectively. The results of this

implementation were both a higher accuracy in the preliminary assessment of patient records,

but also time savings for their medical staff. Another success story is about the sports company

Under Armour, who created a fitness app to provide customer-made training programs. Besides

collecting weather and time data when suggesting training program, they also consider

behavioral and psychological factors as well as similar profiles and their training habits when

designing the training program (Burgess, 2018). In contrast to these success stories, there is

also strong evidence telling that most of the AI implementations fail, and do not reach the

desired targets (Kartik and Apoorv, 2017). Either their expectation was set to high, or their

implementation strategy was insufficient.


Even though the AI gap between academia and businesses is shrinking, there are several factors

companies need to consider to be able to implement AI in their business in an efficient way.

Both technical and organizational factors need to be considered in order to implement AI.

3.3 Key Factors to Succeed with AI in Businesses There are several factors to address when implementing AI in businesses. Below, key findings

from five selected reports and books about how to succeed with AI implementations are

presented. The following literature review is presented study by study.

3.3.1 Burgess (2018): The Executive Guide to Artificial Intelligence Burgess (2018) presents a guide for how organizations can implement AI. Burgess (2018) also

discusses several pitfalls that could happen during the implementation process, which could be

interpreted as warnings or important issues to address during the implementation. AI should be

deployed where it can create the most value for the company, which often means through

existing products. The following steps in the following order are advocated by Burgess (2018)

for organizations’ AI implementation projects:

1. Align AI projects with business strategy

The single most important activity for achieving success with AI is to have the companies

AI plans aligned with the overall business strategy. AI should be implemented to reach

business strategic objectives and to be able to deliver real value to the business.

2. Understanding your ambitions with AI

Understand what the business objectives are regarding AI. The firms’ ambitions with AI

will help steer the AI projects going forward and affect several of the upcoming decisions

during the implementation stage.

3. Assessing your maturity for AI

It is important to provide an overview of the current situation of the business process areas

such as HR, operations, finance, etc. The analysis of the current situation should give

clearance of how digital each process area is. If a process area already is chosen for

implementing AI, that chosen process area should be broken down into all the different

stages of that specific process.


4. Creating an AI Heat Map

An AI Heat Map should act as a map for AI opportunities. The AI heat map should highlight

the opportunities for each business process area, the same areas as the maturity was checked

for in the previous stage. It should show where AI is desirable and viable, both economically

and technically.

5. Develop an AI business case

Creating a business case for the AI project should be done in similar ways as a regular

business case. The benefits should be compared to the costs. A difficulty with AI projects

is the uncertainty that comes with how to calculate return on investment and other benefits.

6. Understand change management

Prepare for potentially upcoming challenges with automation and AI. There will be

fundamental changes in the way people work, and there might also be a reduction in the

workforce due to increased automation that comes with AI.

7. Develop an AI roadmap

A roadmap that shows the medium to long plan regarding AI should be developed. The

roadmap should be closely linked with the company’s AI ambitions and business strategy.

Besides providing guidance for how AI should be implemented, Burgess (2018) also addresses

several pitfalls that could happen during the implementation. It is important to both highlight

benefits and potential risks with the implementation of AI to give a balanced view (Burgess

2018). The pitfalls mentioned cover both specific and general considerations and are presented


• The challenge of poor data – Available data quality is not sufficient to reach desired


• Understanding the lack of transparency – The way AI algorithms provide guidance is

not transparent, for example, which features that influenced the decisions is not clear.

• The challenge of unintended bias – The data used for training the algorithm might

have biases, which in turn will provide a biased result.


• Understanding AI’s naivety – AI might be able to find patterns in data that correlate

but are not casual, for example, the color of a person’s eyes and the likelihood to buy

yogurt at the store.

• Becoming over-dependent on AI – Having too much dependency on a particular

function is a risk, it might stop working or stop working effectively unnoticed.

• Choosing the wrong technology – Committing to one particular AI technology is a

risk, how AI systems of tomorrow will be shaped are unknown.

• Preparing for malicious acts – Data is a valuable source, losing it might be costly.

Therefore, addressing data security questions are important.

3.3.2 Brock and von Wangenheim (2019): Demystifying AI Brock and von Wangenheim (2019) conduct a study where they survey senior managers across

several industries to find out how companies that have been successful with their AI

implementation managed to do it. Their study compares how companies that are successful

with AI differ from companies that are not as successful. They find that there are eight factors

that are significantly different among companies that are successful with AI compared to the

ones that are not. These are organizational agility, engagement of skilled staff, leadership,

support from technology partners, investment, culture, alignment of new digital technologies

with existing IT, and learning from failed projects (Brock and von Wangenheim 2019).

To assess companies in terms of these eight factors, the authors have constructed a

questionnaire companies could use to check how ready they are for AI. Their guidelines for

successful AI applications have the acronym DIGITAL, and for each letter, Brock and von

Wangenheim (2019) provide some questions to assess companies’ AI maturity. The more yes

or clear answers a company has on the following questions, the more DIGITAL the company

is, and therefore, the more likely the company is to succeed with their AI projects (Brock and

von Wangenheim, 2019). The following questions are suggested by the authors for evaluating

a company’s AI maturity:


Do we own or have access to data that are relevant to analytically solve the business problem

we are addressing?

Are the data sets sufficiently large to be efficient and effective?


Are the data sufficiently complete, consistent, accurate, and timely?


How can AI help defend, grow, or transform our business?

How can AI improve operational efficiencies?

Do we have a digital strategy in place?

Do we have the managerial and technical skills required to support successful digital

transformation with AI? If not, how do we develop or acquire these skills?

Are we willing and able to tolerate investing in an emerging rather than deterministic AI digital

transformation journey, including accepting failure?


Are we experienced enough and resourced properly for the scope of the project?

Are we following an incremental, current business-focused approach with our AI projects?

Do we have an AI project roadmap?


Have our firm’s core business processes been digitalized?

Has our firm analyzed what existing/new offerings can benefit from AI?

Has our firm integrated all data into one single data repository?

Is our firm’s existing IT compatible with the AI technology we plan to adopt?


Does our firm know with whom to partner in support of our AI success?

Does our firm know with whom competitors’ partner in their AI projects?

Did our firm develop or join an ecosystem to enhance its offerings?


Compared to our competition, how quickly and frequently are we adapting our processes and

offerings to stay competitive?

Compared to our competition, how flexible are we to accommodate small, medium, and large

changes to our processes and offerings?



Is our executive team and middle management comfortable and supportive of the changes that

AI will bring to our firm?

Is our executive team and middle management actively endorsing and continuously

communicating the status and progress of our AI activities to all stakeholders?

3.3.3 Ransbotham et al. (2017): Reshaping Business with Artificial Intelligence Ransbotham et al. (2017) are conducting a global survey where they investigate companies’

ambitions and efforts with AI. Their report contains answers from more than 3000 executives,

managers, and analysts from organizations all over the world. Based on the adoption level of

AI in the surveyed organization, Ransbotham et al. (2017) divided the organizations into four

groups going from pioneers, which contains organizations that understand and already have

adopted AI, to passives, which are organizations with no AI adoption nor much understanding

about AI.

Ransbotham et al. (2017) compare AI pioneers with AI passives to see what types of barriers

these organizations see with AI and how these differ between the organizations. They find that

attracting, acquiring, and developing the right AI talent, and security concerns regarding data,

are ranked as two of the largest barriers for AI adoption for pioneers, while these are seen as

two of the smallest barriers for passives. Competing investment priorities are ranked as a barrier

for AI adoption for all asked firms, no matter how successful the company is with AI. Unclear

or no business case for AI projects is ranked as the largest barrier for AI adoption for companies

seen as AI passives but as the smallest barrier for companies seen as AI pioneers.

One of the most telling differences between AI pioneers and AI passives is the understanding

of the link between data and AI. AI pioneers are 12 times more likely to recognize and

understand the process for training the AI algorithms. In general, most of the surveyed

organizations have little understanding of the importance of training the algorithms on

company-specific data and instead believe that a sophisticated algorithm can reach desired

results without a sufficient amount of data. In addition, some forms of data scarcity often go

unrecognized by organizations, for example, positive results alone are seldomly enough for

training an AI algorithm. Data of negative results are often critical for building an algorithm,

and negative data is often unpublished, which could lead to biases in the data and therefore in

the algorithms as well. (Ransbotham et al. 2017)


Ransbotham et al. (2017) discuss data ownership and access to data. They state that companies

sometimes believe they have access to the data needed for AI which in fact they do not. Data is

proprietary and the organization that owns it might have no incentives to give it away to others.

To get access to customer data, organizations need to ensure customer trust and also show

customers how they will benefit from the AI initiatives to be built. Besides these external data

concerns, there are also considerations to be worked out with the internal data systems. For

organizations, especially larger organizations, data is often fragmented across multiple systems

and storages, which can delay and obstruct the process of training the algorithms (Ransbotham

et al. 2017).

Ransbotham et al. (2017) also present three challenges that management teams will have to deal

with regarding AI. Firstly, management teams need to develop an intuitive understanding of

AI. Executives and managers need to understand the basics of AI, what it can achieve, but also

its limitations. The authors suggest taking an online course to find out how AI programs learn

from data, which they see as the most important factor for understanding how AI can benefit


Secondly, organizations need to start organizing for AI. Adopting AI will change companies’

organizations and new forms of collaboration will be formed. These collaborations might be

project teams of both humans and machines. Organizing for AI also requires finding the right

people. Ransbotham et al. (2017) mention three types of people who will be needed: technical

people who experiment with ways of working with AI, technical people with business domain

knowledge, and people with project management skills who can bring them all together.

A third challenge management teams will be facing is to re-think the competitive landscape. Of

the asked respondents, more than 60 percent say that a strategy for AI is crucial, but only half

of them have one (Ransbotham et al. 2017). Having access to data sources is key for competitive

advantages, which organizations need to understand and integrate into their business strategy.

3.3.4 Gerbert et al. (2017): Putting Artificial Intelligence to Work Gerbert et al. (2017), management consultants at Boston Consulting Group, presents a guide

for how companies should implement AI and spread their organization around the technology

in an easy way. The conceptual way for introducing AI to a process is intuitive, AI algorithms


absorb data from sensors, the data is processed and then an action is performed (Gerbert et al.,

2017). For the implementation of AI, they suggest three steps in the following order:

1. Ideation and testing

Businesses should focus on four areas: customer needs, technological advances involving

AI, data sources, and systematic breakdown of processes. These areas should give guidance

to find the most promising use cases for AI. By considering customer needs, companies are

making sure that their AI application creates value for the customer. A smart way for finding

attractive opportunities for AI is to systematically breakdown processes into isolated

elements, and from there see which parts can be automated with AI. (Gerbert et al., 2017)

2. Prioritizing and launching pilots

Company leaders should prioritize the pilot projects on expected return and when the return

could be realized. The pilot projects should be run as test-and-learn projects to identify

capabilities that need to scale up. At this stage, companies will not have the data

infrastructure to run these pilot projects smoothly, but the pilots will instead provide

information and help companies prioritize the future work and which processes that need to

be scaled up. Each pilot should have a clear scope of how to deliver concrete customer

value, but also define the required infrastructure and architecture needed to reach there.

(Gerbert et al., 2017)

3. Scaling up

Lastly, the pilots should be scaled up into run-time processes and offerings. Scaling up the

pilots will consist of building the right competencies, processes, organizational structure

and data infrastructure. (Gerbert et al., 2017).

In addition to the described implementation guide for AI, executives should also prepare

themselves and their organization with the following activities:

• Understanding AI

Executives and managers need to understand the basics of AI and what is possible to

achieve. They need to develop a functional understanding of AI. A way of doing so would

be to start experimenting with development tools themselves or take an online course about

it. (Gerbert et al., 2017)


• Performing an AI health check

The management team should evaluate where the company is at the moment in terms of

technology infrastructure, organizational skills, setup and flexibility. It is also important to

understand the accessibility to both internal and external data. (Gerbert et al., 2017)

• Adding a workforce perspective

With the introduction of AI to the workplace, both emotional stresses for the employees and

their need for retraining could happen. Communication, education, and training are

important factors to think about already from the initial design. The workforce will have to

adjust their working methods when robots will do parts of their usual work (Gerbert et al.,


3.3.5 Mohanty and Vyas (2018): How to Compete in the Age of Artificial

Intelligence In their book, How to Compete in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, one of the things Mohanty

and Vyas (2018) present is a guide for how to implement AI. They define three broad

prerequisites, access to data, capabilities to interpret the data, and a way to make predictions

out of the data that can contribute to business value. Mohanty and Vyas (2018) present a four-

step guide for succeeding with AI projects. These steps are presented below.

1. Identify potential AI use cases

The management teams need to quickly find use-cases for AI, where AI can contribute to

business value. It can easily happen that companies become observers when new

technologies emerge, to avoid this, AI use-cases need to be formulated. (Mohanty and Vyas,


2. Assess adoption scenarios

With high-level AI use-cases developed in step one, the next step is to further assess these

cases to find which type of adoption scenarios the AI projects will go through. In this stage,

market studies, surveys with existing customers and industry experts will be helpful. The

objective is to find early signals of customer readiness, low implementation costs, low


switching barriers, and so on. The more positive these indicators are, the more ready the

initiative is for mass adoption. (Mohanty and Vyas, 2018)

3. Assess your internal capabilities

Knowing the adoption scenarios of the AI projects, the next step is to assess the company’s

internal capabilities. It is essential to know the maturity level of the internal processes,

technology landscape, and the skills of the employees. For companies in more conservative

industries regarding digitalization, there might be trouble bringing these AI ideas into life,

therefore it is important to work through expectations and prioritizing the ideas, create a

roadmap and a starting point. (Mohanty and Vyas, 2018)

4. Launch the AI transformation program

Mohanty and Vyas (2018) argue that there are three areas an organization needs to work

with during the transformation program.

I. Establish sponsorship and governance

AI is less of a technology revamp and more of a cultural shift between the workers.

Technology leadership needs to advocate how AI will help solve business problems.

A requirement needed is executive sponsorship with the initiatives, to get the

support, the executives that are more skeptical towards AI are the ones that need to

be engaged the most. (Mohanty and Vyas, 2018)

II. Action plans: Experiment, fail, and learn

AI is a rapid and moving technology, companies need to follow the movement. Fail

fast and learn, construct working prototypes for customers and use the feedback to

improve the products. (Mohanty and Vyas, 2018)

III. Invest and develop AI capabilities

The fact that AI is a new technology means that the capabilities and competencies

needed to capture AI are rare. Companies need a plan for how to attain these

capabilities, and the necessary infrastructure to enable AI. A centralized AI center

of excellence could be a good start to support departments across the firm. Given

the scarcity of competencies within AI, companies should create partnerships across

company borders for developing their AI projects. (Mohanty and Vyas, 2018)


3.4 Developing AI Internally or Externally The previously presented guides for AI implementations describe what should be done and

critical factors to address but they do not state who should do it. Companies implementing AI

generally stand with two options, developing the technology internally or buying it from a

vendor. A third alternative is, of course, in-between, where some part of the technology is

bought, and some developed internally.

To achieve the desired results with the implementation of AI, the project group needs to have

the right competencies. Companies seen as AI pioneers’ ranks attracting, acquiring, and

developing the right AI talent, as their biggest challenge to adopting AI (Ransbotham et al.,

2017). Moreover, Brock and von Wangenheim (2019) show that companies seen as AI leaders

see support from technology partners as a key factor to success. If a company decides to team

up with a technology partner in their AI projects, it mainly provides them with two advantages

(Brock and von Wangenheim, 2019). Firstly, they get accompanied by a partner who has built

up experience within AI and do not have to start from scratch. Secondly, it gives them a quick

start to a new technology that is still emerging and therefore could be hard for a company to

build by themselves and keep up with (Brock and von Wangenheim, 2019).

Even though buying an AI solution gives the company a fast-paced start on an AI project, the

choice of buying a solution is not that simple. Generating value from AI requires a variety of

tasks such as collecting and integrating relevant data, training the models, developing

algorithms, and supervising them (Ransbotham et al., 2017). If a company decides to go

externally for their AI projects, there is still a need for in-house knowledge. Companies need to

have their own people knowing how to structure problems and process data to be able to capture

upcoming opportunities with AI (Ransbotham et al., 2017). Mohanty and Vyas (2018) argue

that a good way to start the work with AI for a larger firm is to establish a centralized center of

excellence. This unit should provide guidance and support across the whole firm with AI

projects. However, due to the fact that AI capabilities are scarce, companies should also

collaborate with partners to create innovation labs to get the most out of their AI initiatives

(Mohanty and Vyas, 2018).


By outsourcing the whole, or some part of the company’s AI processes there are risks.

Traditional risks such as dependence on the supplier, hidden costs, internal loss of knowledge,

and service provider’s lack of necessary capabilities should be considered. In addition to these

risks, AI solutions themselves are becoming a competitive space, meaning that companies can

distinguish themselves from their competitors with their AI solutions (Ransbotham et al., 2017).

Going externally for AI solutions could potentially destroy this advantage due to a more

mainstream, off-the-shelf, product.

For the future, organizations believe that the adoption of AI is going to affect their workforce.

Almost 85 % of asked executives say that existing workers will need to change their skill set

(Ransbotham et al., 2017). Therefore, a strategy for how management teams should educate

and recruit a future organization is useful.

3.5 Innovation Methods Even though the process of implementing AI in product offerings is a new area, there are several

studies covering product development and innovation processes in businesses. Furr and Dyer

(2014) cover the whole process from idea generation until business scale up in their innovation

process. The authors state that the process could be divided into the following sections, see

Figure 3.

Figure 3 The Innovator’s Method (Furr and Dyer, 2014).

The goal of the first section is to generate insights about a problem worth solving. This could

be finding insights about problems that others have missed or to find new solutions to a well-

known problem. There are four key actions to trigger an insight, these are questioning,

observing, networking, and experimenting. By constantly question the usual way of doing

things, ideas and insight is generated. Also, by observing how the products are used in action,

insights about improvements are generated. Through networking, other people’s ideas and

thoughts are captured which also is a key for developing new insights. Lastly, by experimenting

and testing how things work, ideas and insights are generated. (Furr and Dyer 2014).


After an insight is generated, the next part of the innovation method is to discover the problem

and what the job is to be done. Furr and Dyer (2014) discuss traditional ways to discover

problems like marketing studies, analyst reports, and surveys, and state that these methods

cannot be counted on. The problem with these methods is that they will not provide deep enough

information to observe real customer problems. Instead, the authors introduce a method called

pain-storming. Summarized, their method focuses on the customer value chain and identifies

complications along the chain. The most critical obstacles for the customers are analyzed deeper

with root cause analysis to identify assumptions behind these causes.

Having identified and analyzed the customer's most critical causes, next is to come up with a

solution. Furr and Dyer (2014) mention looking both closely and far away to find possible

solutions. By looking closely, they are referring to workarounds, where the customer already

has developed duct-tape solutions. On the contrary, solutions far away could be solutions

applied in other industries which could be applicable in their process as well. Furr and Dyer

(2014) develop a prototype scheme that starts with theoretical prototypes followed by virtual

prototypes, minimum viable prototypes, and lastly, minimum viable products, see Figure 4. The

authors also mention to regularly test the developed prototypes with customers and collecting

their feedback. Positive customer feedback is what should move the ideas to the next prototype

stage in the scheme.


Figure 4 The advancement of ideas into products (Furr and Dyer, 2014).

Having a customer verified product, or a minimum awesome product according to the authors,

the next step is to develop a business model around it. The most important dimension of the

business model is the value proposition, which describes what value the targeted customers will

gain with the product. Furr and Dyer (2014) are advocating a modified version of Osterwalder

and Pigneur (2010) and their Business Model Canvas template for developing a business model.

The model used by Furr and Dyer (2014) contains six areas divided into three groups, cost

structure, customer acquisition, and provided solution. Within the cost structure, activities and

resources required to deliver the solution are discussed. Customer acquisition focuses on

customer communication and through which channels customers can be reached. Lastly, in the

provided solution, value proposition and pricing strategies are discussed.

With the business model finished, Furr and Dyer (2014) also present how to scale the processes.

They talk about the importance of standardizing and assigning each task needed to be fulfilled

to individuals. Also, a visual map or plan is helpful to show the linkage between tasks and to

highlight responsibilities. Finally, by connecting each task and process to a measurable metric

it is possible to track the progress, which is important.


3.6 Summary AI is on its way to establish itself in businesses, but before the breakthrough will happen,

companies need to be able to handle the implementation process of AI. Since the research

surrounding AI in business is a new area, the information is limited. However, the ones

available show that there are several factors that companies need to consider before and during

the implementation of AI.

From the presented studies, it is clear that AI is not only a technical difficulty. Other aspects

such as the long-term strategy and organizational aspects regarding the adaption of AI has to

be considered as well. Foremost, AI has to be deployed where value can be achieved. For AI

implementation in product offerings, feedback from customers are crucial. Having a close

relationship with customers is advocated in regular product development and innovation

processes, and there is no difference when AI is to be deployed.

The technical aspects of AI are closely connected to data and data infrastructure. Having a high

quality of the data is a prerequisite for getting good output from the AI algorithm. The learning

process of AI algorithms depends on data and often on company-specific data, AI is not an off-

shelf product.

Having the right organization and AI capabilities is a requirement for achieving value with AI

projects. The capabilities needed for AI could be attained internally or externally through

consultancies or technology partners. To get access to these needed resources, leadership

support is a requirement. Therefore, getting the management team involved with the projects is

a key factor.


4 Developing an Initial AI Framework This section describes how the initial AI framework is developed followed by a presentation of

the framework.

4.1 Initial Framework Design The initial framework contains five subcategories which each of these, in turn, contains three

subcategories. The parameters for the initial AI framework are generated from the literature

review. Table 1 presented below shows in which reports each of the chosen parameters are

discussed and mentioned. A capital letter X indicates that the factor was mentioned as important

in that study, likewise, a minus sign means it was not mentioned. In several cases, the exact

names of the chosen factors are not the same in all the studied reports and in the created

framework. As long as they are addressing the same issue the cell in the matrix shown below

will contain an X-mark.

Logically, most of the parameters chosen for the initial AI framework are discussed in several

of the studies from the literature review. This means that several studies agree that it is

important. However, in some cases, there might be only a couple of the presented studies that

consider the parameter as important. The reason behind this could be that some of the studied

reports dig deeper into some implementation aspects, while other have a broader scope with

their studies.


Table 1 An overview of the chosen factors for the initial AI framework, and which of the literature studies that also highlight these factors.

4.2 Initial AI Framework The initial framework contains five subcategories. These five subcategories are business

strategy, data infrastructure, AI progress, management team, and organization. The full initial

framework is presented below.

Business AI Framework Burgess (2018)

Brock and von Wangenheim (2019)

Ransbotham et al. (2017)

Gerbert et al. (2017)

Mohanty and Vyas (2018)

Business Strategy Long-term Strategy with AI X X X - -

AI Deployment X X X X X Value Creation with AI X X X X X

Data Infrastructure Data Management System X X X X -

Access to Data X X X X X Data and Learning X X X X X

AI progress Align AI with Business Strategy X X X - -

Current Situation Analysis X X - X X AI Plan X X X X X

Management Team Top Management Support X X - - X

Learn the Basics of AI - - X X X Get Everyone On-board - X - X -

Organization Right Competencies X X X X X

Outsourcing vs In-House X X X - X Future Organization X - X X X


Figure 5 The initial AI Framework developed with input from the literature review.


5 Empirical Result from Interviews In this section, the results from the interviews are presented. The interviews are presented one

by one to highlight each interviewee’s thoughts.

5.1 Interviews In total, 16 interviews were made and an overview of the interviewees as well as their

professions are shown in Table 2. The next section will present the main findings from each

interview one by one.

Table 2 The interviewees and their professions.

Interview Number Profession Interviewee 1 Product Portfolio Development Manager Interviewee 2 IT Architect Interviewee 3 AI Technical Support Interviewee 4 Chief Enterprise Architect Interviewee 5 Backend Developer Interviewee 6 Lead Engineer and Technical Support Interviewee 7 Business Development Manager, Automation Interviewee 8 R&D Director Interviewee 9 Automation Engineer Interviewee 10 Head of IT Security Interviewee 11 Director Finance & Business Control Interviewee 12 Product Portfolio Manager Interviewee 13 Product Manager Service & Performance Interviewee 14 Product Management Interviewee 15 Strategy and Transformation Manager Interviewee 16 Information Architect

5.1.1 Interviewee 1, Product Portfolio Development Manager The interviewee works with product portfolio development and defines AI as a self-learning

tool that can be used to optimize processes and products. The interviewee interacts with AI

through customer requests. Customers ask for product features and improvements that often

require data analytics or AI. However, having customers requesting improvements is not always


the case. The interviewee says1 that sometimes the customer does not know what they want

until you show them a solution, which puts pressure on us to analyze our current products to

find improvement areas.

A difficulty the interviewee identifies with AI is the cultural change that needs to take place

when integrating AI into the business. The interviewee adds that it will take time to normalize

AI and have it adopted into the daily routines. This cultural change will need to happen

externally as well, customers that are using products with AI features need to be comfortable

with it. The interviewee mentions that the industry where they operate is not the most digital

industry, which makes it even harder to adopt AI. Operating in a conservative industry makes

it more challenging and we need to collaborate closely with the customers to make them

comfortable with AI. Another difficulty the interviewee sees is the productization of AI, how

to identify what value the customers get, and how to charge customers for the AI features in


The interviewee also mentions two challenges that need to be addressed for the long-term, the

need for organizational changes, and new product teams. We need to not only succeed with the

implementation part of AI but also to be able to integrate AI as a part of our core business, the

interviewee says.

The most important factor for succeeding with AI is according to the interviewee to have AI

projects grounded in the organization. The interviewee adds that the whole company needs to

be on-board with the changes that are happening with the implementation of AI. To succeed

with these organizational and cultural changes, the management team needs to advocate AI and

communicate with the rest of the organization about it.

5.1.2 Interviewee 2, IT Architect The interviewee works as an IT Architect. Tasks include coordinating the frontend and backend

developers on how to implement the desired system architecture. During the initial discussion

about a definition of AI, the interviewee clearly mentions that an AI system should have a

feedback loop that enables it to learn and get better as it is used. The interviewee adds that today

1 This report contains no direct citation from the interviews. The author of the thesis has written and formulated the text which represents the interviewee’s thoughts and ideas.


simple statistics is seen as AI, there is no clear distinction of what should be classified as


A challenging area the interviewee mentions is the timing around the AI product launch.

Waiting too long for launching the product might be dangerous because no feedback and data

is given to improve the products, the interviewee says. The interviewee adds, on the other hand,

if the product is launched too early, without providing enough initial value for the customer, it

will also be problematic. The timing is crucial and having pilot customers to test the features

before the real launch is a key for mitigating this challenge. Another challenge the interviewee

mentions is getting the feedback loop for the learning part of AI to work. The user of the product

needs to provide feedback on what is happening for the learning process, we are dependent on

customer feedback, which means we have to collaborate continuously with the customers.

When discussing the most critical factors to succeed with AI projects, the interviewee says that

having a close relationship between the data scientists building the algorithms and the experts

in the processes, the people with domain knowledge, is important. A close connection between

these functions is needed, both to develop the right things and to make sure what is being

implemented is logical according to the processes. Another factor the interviewee identifies as

critical is having customers involved in the model development, having early feedback is a key,

fail fast, and learn from it.

5.1.3 Interviewee 3, AI Technical Support The interviewee works with AI development and supports the data scientists with their work.

AI is described as a technology automating what humans could do, replacing repetitive and

manual tasks done by humans. The interviewee comes in contact with AI through follow-up

work with the AI models, making sure they work as they are supposed to and not drifting away

from their normal state.

The interviewee identifies three main challenges with AI implementations. Firstly, data quality

is a key, having bad data quality into the algorithms will result in bad output. The interviewee

also mentions having the right type of data, if an AI task is to identify failures, the dataset used

for training the algorithm needs to contain failures as well. Secondly, one cannot just deploy

the models and expect them to work errorless, follow-up work to make sure the algorithms are


producing desired results are required. Thirdly, having too high expectations about what AI

could accomplish is a problem, management teams today believes AI is a plug-in solution that

could solve any problems, which is wrong.

The most important factors the interviewee identifies for succeeding with AI implementation

projects are the following:

o Having high data quality;

o Implementing AI where value could be created;

o Having a strong business case behind the implementation project.

Another important factor discussed during the interview was the need for having the right

approach when undertaking AI projects. The interviewee talks about starting small and letting

the project expand slowly, giving room for all involved stakeholders to get familiar with the

project and changes that will occur.

5.1.4 Interviewee 4, Chief Enterprise Architect The interviewee works as an IT architect and AI is described as a tool which is using data to

gain insights about the future. The interviewee also adds that the learning process of AI is the

part which distinguishes AI from regular programming. The interviewee comes in contact with

AI through digital offering strategies and the required IT architecture needed to succeed with

these offerings. The work the interviewee is doing includes planning and putting together the

right infrastructure for enabling AI. The interviewee mentions an opportunity to be more

proactive and planning their processes with the help of AI, being able to take advantage of

available data streams to be more forward-looking.

One of the biggest challenges the interviewee sees with AI projects has to do with data quality.

The interviewee states that having high data quality is crucial to be able to capture value with

the AI initiatives, garbage in gives garbage out. Another challenge the interviewee mentions is

the internal data management system, storing data on several different servers and databases

leads to fragmentation of the data, making it hard both to access the data and scale the AI

models. A third challenge the interviewee identifies is attracting and hiring the right AI talent

for succeeding with the projects, skilled data scientists are hard to find. The interviewee states

the importance of both attaining and keeping data scientists close to the products and processes.


By having decentralized data scientists, they will be able to work closely with the products and

the customer, which according to the interviewee is important to succeed. The interviewee adds

that operating in a traditional industry makes it even harder to attract talent compared to tech


The most critical factors to address during AI implementation projects are according to the


o Having a scalable data management system;

o Having high quality data to use in the algorithms;

o Having a clear value proposition behind the projects;

o Aligning the AI projects with the business strategy;

o Understanding which capabilities that are needed to succeed and attaining these


5.1.5 Interviewee 5, Backend Developer The interviewee works as a backend developer, implementing the data infrastructure needed

for enabling AI. The interviewee compares AI to traditional programming and says that

traditional programming is deterministic, you know what will happen, AI is more dynamic. In

general, the interviewee sees AI as a tool to solve complex problems with the help of statistics

and large amounts of historical data.

The main challenges the interviewee identifies with AI implementations are all connected to

the data used in the algorithms. Having sampling times on the sensors that are short enough to

be able to catch what is going on is a prerequisite for capturing any sort of value with AI. Having

too long sampling frequency will miss the shorter trends, the interviewee adds. Another

challenge to consider is the data transfer, which is linked to the previous challenge, having lots

of data and short sampling times will require a well-working data transfer system. The

interviewee adds that keeping the data transfer times short is crucial, especially if the data is

used for real-time control.

During the discussion about critical factors for succeeding, the interviewee again mentions data

and data quality. The data that is being used to learn from needs to have high quality, having

bad data input will give a bad output, the interviewee says. Another factor the interviewee


mentions is the need for experimenting with the AI algorithms. There are lots of different

technologies available on the market and to find the optimal algorithm structure, testing is

required. During the testing, the AI developers need to work closely with the process experts.

There will be lots of synergies getting process input and not only focusing on data crunching

when developing the algorithms.

5.1.6 Interviewee 6, Lead Engineer and Technical Support The interviewee works as a lead engineer in the research and development division. The

interviewee supports with process knowledge in the development of AI and sees AI as a

machine that could find patterns and information from data which is not possible by humans.

The interviewee adds that AI can find patterns without having advice where or what to look for,

which the interviewee sees as a strength.

The interviewee sees the industry where they are operating as conservative towards

digitalization projects such as AI and states that this puts more pressure on us. The interviewee

says that we need to provide guidance, be convincing, and work closely with the customers to

both develop the right models, but also develop them in a customer-friendly way. The

interviewee adds that customers feel unsafe because they do not understand how it works,

therefore our front-end employees, such as service technicians and salespeople, need to be able

to learn and guide the customers to mitigate this feeling.

A challenge the interviewee sees with AI implementations within product offering is data

ownership. The interviewee says that if a customer is willing to share their data, they want

something back. Customers see a risk in sharing their process data and we need to provide value

worth more than the increased risk. However, to be able to train the AI models and provide

customer value, the interviewee identifies a need for customer data. To get past this, the

interviewee advocates a close collaboration with a few pilot customers and experimenting with

these to find a minimum viable product to be launched to a broader customer group.

The most critical factor for implementing AI is according to the interviewee having the right

people and competencies for the work. The interviewee says that both data scientists specialized

in AI are needed, but likewise people with project knowledge in digital transformation. The

interviewee also says that AI is still a new area, and AI projects will need time to develop.


Letting the projects take time and not having too high expectations in the short-term are

important, AI models will get better and better with training, the interviewee says. Lastly, the

interviewee says that having a close collaboration with the customers to identify what a

minimum viable product the customer is willing to accept is important.

5.1.7 Interviewee 7, Business Development Manager, Automation The interviewee works with business development within automation. In the later years, the

interviewee has had a more strategic role, but have previously been working with more hands-

on automation. The interviewee sees AI as a moving technology and says that what we saw as

AI a few years ago is today seen as common technology without any sort of intelligence. The

interviewee adds that AI today is focusing on predicting and finding patterns with the help of


The interviewee mentions a problem with a particular AI model, predictive maintenance and

failure prediction for machinery products. The products may be exactly the same when sold,

but after a few service inspections and a few changed spare parts there might be a large degree

of uniqueness, the interviewee adds. The interviewee questions how scalable the data really is

in these cases, and if the data used to train the AI model on one product is applicable to another.

With this said, the interviewee states that the biggest risk for companies approaching AI is

doing nothing. In today’s global business climate, the rivalry is high, and companies need to

take risks to stay on top. Even though doing nothing could be costly for companies, another risk

the interviewee mentions is the cost of failing. The interviewee mentions that in business-to-

business markets, a failure could be very costly both in terms of money and in terms of

reputation. Compared to business-to-customer companies, business-to-business companies

have a more concentrated customer base, which means each customer is worth more, the

interviewee adds.

When talking about the most critical factors for succeeding with AI, the interviewee mentions

having the right people and competence as the most important factor. This is a challenge at the

moment since data scientists are wanted. The interviewee also states that having a management

team with the courage to invest in new technologies and that supports the projects is a must. To

get needed resources for succeeding with AI you need to have support from the management



5.1.8 Interviewee 8, R&D Director The interviewee works as head of the research and development department. AI is a tool that

can be used to find patterns in data, which is not possible for humans to detect, the interviewee

says. The interviewee adds that the difference between a regular control system and AI is

sometimes a bit unclear, and what was seen as AI a couple of years ago is not seen as AI today.

The interviewee sees AI as a way to enhance the products with deeper insights by combining

the current product expertise with data analytics. A possibility the interviewee mentions with

AI is gaining knowledge about the products and therefore be able to offer even better service

to customers. By analyzing datasets about the products in-depth, there will for sure be things

we will learn. A challenge the interviewee mentions with AI is attracting the right

competencies. The interviewee says that tech companies are more attractive compared to

traditional industry companies in terms of hiring AI competence. The interviewee says that the

solution to this problem might be to look for other companies to partner with in terms of AI

competences. According to the interviewee, this partnership could range from buying a whole

package to only buying a small portion of the solution and develop the rest internally. In terms

of keeping and gaining as much knowledge internally, only buying a small part of the solution

externally is advocated.

With AI project there is a higher uncertainty of the outcome compared to regular projects,

according to the interviewee. This requires clear communication about expectations and risks

with the technology. Another critical factor the interviewee mention is having a structured plan

for how to approach AI projects as well as developing it step-by-step, working methodically.

5.1.9 Interviewee 9, Automation Engineer The interviewee works as an automation engineer with continuous automation improvements

and with the development of new automation platforms. The interviewee says that there is an

increased demand for having automation platforms that support functions such as data modeling

and AI.

During the discussion about expectations, the interviewee identifies a learning curve that needs

to be accomplished before value could be obtained. The interviewee says that AI is strongly

dependent on data to improve, and that data is generated only while the product is up running.


Therefore, AI projects need to be given a generous timeline before it has to deliver business


A risk the interviewee identifies is not having a clear scope of where the AI projects are aiming

and therefore not being able to detect if the organization has the required resources. An

extensive evaluation of existing data sources and whether these data sources are enough for the

objectives are essential according to the interviewee. The interviewee also talks about having a

plan to get access to other necessary data sources as important. If a data source such as a

machinery sensor is missing, a plan of how to build and integrate this sensor into the product

must be established, the interviewee says. Another challenge with the data the interviewee

mentions is having data with high quality. Organizations believe that having large amounts of

data is all that it takes to succeed, however, the data needs to have high quality and right format

as well, the interviewee adds.

The interviewee identifies three factors as especially critical for succeeding with AI projects.

Firstly, having a clear and synchronized plan where we are today and where we want to be in

the future with AI. Secondly, communicating and involving all parts that will be affected by

the upcoming changes within the organization. Thirdly, start the projects small and scale it up

slowly. Work closely with the customer and use the feedback to modify the products. Find a

solution that the customer would be willing to pay for, the interviewee adds.

5.1.10 Interviewee 10, Head of IT Security The interviewee works with IT and information security. AI is defined as a tool used to enhance

and automate repetitive tasks done by humans. AI can detect anomalies and abnormalities in

the ongoing operations, the interviewee says. The interviewee adds that AI is still early in its

maturity and needs time to be more applicable for companies and organizations.

The winning tactic approaching AI projects is according to the interviewee taking it step-by-

step, letting the project mature and not rushing into it. The interviewee again mentions that AI

is early in its development and that organizations will need time to adopt. The interviewee sees

a challenge with data ownership if AI is utilized in product offerings, who will be owning the

data, and which incentives do each part have to let the other part get access to it? The

interviewee states that one part of the solution is to develop trust and having a close relationship


with the customers. The other part of the solution is to show the customer concrete evidence

that they will gain value with the AI implementation. The interviewee also mentions a risk with

the technical environment used for AI and that there are risks with these especially if some parts

are outsourced. How do we keep the data secure and how do we know which platform to use?

In the discussion about success factors, the interviewee mentions three as particularly

important. Firstly, it is important to be able to measure achieved progress during the project,

highlighting progress will send signals and get stakeholders on-board on the projects. Secondly,

AI needs to be deployed where it can create value, whether internally or externally, investments

in AI needs to deliver value. Thirdly, the AI models should be scalable. Approaching the project

slowly and starting small is the desired strategy, but when the time is right it should be easy to

scale up. This requires a solid infrastructure that is supporting scalability, the interviewee says.

5.1.11 Interviewee 11, Director Finance & Business Control The interviewee works with finance and investment management. AI is described as a way to

use data to create smart processes and products. The interviewee sees AI as problematic at the

moment and states that AI technologies are still early in its development and need time to be

standardized. The interviewee interacts with AI through investment decisions regarding AI and

follow-up controls of the current AI projects and their progress.

During the discussion about challenges, the interviewee states that it is crucial that the progress

made with AI can be measured in some quantity. The interviewee adds that it does not

necessarily have to be in terms of monetary measurements in the beginning. Another challenge

the interviewee highlights is the importance of having contact with customers to find

opportunities where AI can create customer value, but also to get feedback on the current way

of working. The interviewee adds that by having early contact with customers during the

projects, the risk of developing something unwanted is limited.

To find which processes or products to optimize with AI, the interviewee suggests a value chain

analysis that covers the whole business process should be done. Breaking down the value chain

into smaller parts makes it easier to find AI opportunities, the interviewee says. The interviewee

also states that succeeding with AI is not only about the implementation, you also need to be

able to act on the decisions when it is up running. The interviewee says that if we, with the help


of AI, would predict that a customer is going to need a product in 5 days, we need to make sure

that this product has reached the customer by that time.

The main risk the interviewee identifies is the uncertainty with the outcome of the projects.

Large amounts of money are invested in a relatively untested technology. It is of high

importance to get customer feedback to be sure that progress is made with the AI projects. The

earlier you get this proof of value, the better, the interviewee says. The most critical factor for

succeeding with AI projects is according to the interviewee to have a proven customer value in

the projects where AI is deployed. You have to make sure that the projects will create business

value for the customer.

5.1.12 Interviewee 12, Product Portfolio Manager The interviewee works with product portfolio optimizations through close contact with the

customers. AI is described as a tool that can predict future events and detect patterns in data not

possible by humans. The interviewee says that in today’s world it is easy to copy hardware and

that there is a need to find other areas for product development, which could be by the help of

AI. The interviewee's interaction with AI comes through finding opportunities where AI can be

deployed to create customer value, this is done from a more strategic level. The work includes

customer collaborations but also benchmarking to see what the competitors are doing and how

they are deploying AI.

The interviewee sees AI as a way to find new business models, going from a transactional

customer relationship to a broader relationship covering service, support, and other possible

customer requests. The interviewee argues that with the help of AI they will be able to move

the expertise closer to the customer and cut costs while also achieving better customer service.

The interviewee states that in the short-term, the main focus is not to deliver monetary value

with the AI projects. It is more important to make sure that what is developed is something that

potentially will deliver value for the customer.

A challenge the interviewee identifies is the new capabilities needed to succeed with AI.

Lacking the required AI capabilities could potentially lead to unsuccessful implementations and

bad customer experience. To avoid this, the interviewee mentions two options for attaining


these competencies, internal recruitments and support from technology partners. In the case of

outsourcing some parts, benchmarking is required to make sure the right partner is selected.

A risk the interviewee mentions is the danger of not working close enough with the customers

and therefore not being able to find value-creating activities. Collaborating with the customers

in the development is crucial, getting feedback helps us improve the models to fit the customer

needs. The interviewee also talks about the importance of looking at the whole process and not

isolate AI models by itself. The interviewee says that AI will be an enabler, but that AI has to

be integrated into their daily work before the real value can be gained with the technology.

The interviewee sees the following factors as the most important ones for succeeding with AI


I. Establish a close collaboration with the customer to find what needs they have and to

make sure there is a demand for what is being developed;

II. Having the right competencies to develop the technology the customers are asking for;

III. Getting the whole organization on-board with the changes that will happen with AI,

especially the front-end personal with customer contact;

IV. Be able to measure the progress of the projects in monetary value.

5.1.13 Interviewee 13, Product Manager Service & Performance The interviewee works as a product manager with close collaboration with the customers. AI is

defined as a method to systematically analyze and replace what humans are doing. The

interviewee sees AI as a way to find patterns and predict events faster than possible for humans.

The interviewee interacts with AI through existing AI projects with customer input and possible

new functions to develop for creating customer value. For the short-term, the interviewee’s

expectations about what AI will deliver are low. There is a learning curve at the beginning of

AI projects that needs to be passed before any real value could be obtained from the models.

The interviewee sees the large initial investments which often are needed to build the right

infrastructure for enabling AI as a risk. Companies might struggle to put large amounts of

money in without generating any earnings. Another risk the interviewee identifies is not

working close enough with the customer during the development. According to the interviewee,


having close contact with the customers, collecting feedback, and modifying the products to fit

the customer needs, are of high importance.

When talking about the most important factors needed for succeeding with AI projects, the

interviewee mentions user-centric development, but also the importance of AI models always

being correct. The interviewee adds that an incorrect decision taken by AI will be hard to

forgive and mentions that if an AI model is not a hundred percent sure, it should say so. The

interviewee adds that they are operating in a conservative industry which puts even more

pressure on AI decisions to be correct.

5.1.14 Interviewee 14, Product Manager The interviewee works as a product manager, managing both hardware products and service

offerings. During the initial discussion about AI, the interviewee mentions that machine

learning is the part of AI which has the most potential right now. With machine learning, high

accuracy predictions can be performed to find patterns from historical data.

The interviewee sees enormous potential in AI for businesses in general but says that data

transfer might be a problematic area. If the computations are made in the cloud there is a need

to transfer lots of data in a short amount of time, especially if the data is used for real-time

control, the interviewee says. The interviewee sees a potential solution in edge computing but

states that this technology needs to mature to be more commercial for businesses.

The interviewee sees a risk in developing AI as an external project in organizations, not

developed within any of the regular business functions. According to the interviewee, AI

projects should be integrated into the regular business and involve as many as possible of the

stakeholders. If not, there is a risk of missing important aspects, and problems might arise when

integrating it in the later stages. Another risk the interviewee sees is to not have customer

interaction during the AI development. By continuously getting feedback from customers you

are making sure that what is being developed is what the customers are requesting. The

interviewee says that developing AI models because it is technically possible is the wrong way

to go, you need to have someone who requests what is being developed.


During the discussion about critical factors to consider during AI implementation projects, the

interviewee does not see AI projects as much different from regular projects. Having a common

goal, the right resources and competence, and a time plan is always going to be needed. The

interviewee adds that a difference for AI projects is the need for finding the right one to partner

with because it is rarely the optimal way to develop all AI capabilities internally.

5.1.15 Interviewee 15, Strategy and Transformation Manager The interviewee works with business transformation on a strategic level. The interviewee

defines AI as a way to emulate human thinking and with the usage of historical information

predict future outcomes. The interviewee’s interaction with AI comes through current and

potential projects, where the interviewees participate on a strategical level to find use-cases for


The interviewee mentions that a fail-fast culture, where the organization learns from past

failures to improve the existing and upcoming projects, is desired. To find AI opportunities, the

interviewee states the importance of looking at the whole value chain and break it down into

smaller parts. By doing so, which features that affect the output, and how the output can be

optimized with AI is understood. Performing an inventory of current data sources is also a

method for finding opportunities for AI. The interviewee argues that finding deployment areas

for AI should be executed by the people who know the processes and products and not

necessarily by hiring more data scientists. Lastly, the interviewee also mentions the option of

hiring external help for finding use-cases for AI or for education in what to look for to find

these AI use-cases.

The interviewee says that a challenge with the implementation of AI is the organizational

culture. The organizational culture in their particular company is not necessarily more difficult

to change than other companies, but instead, the interviewee sees the whole industry where the

company operates as conservative towards digitalization. The interviewee mentions that both

the employees and the customers using the products need to develop an acceptance towards

decisions and suggestions made with the help of AI. There might arise problems where the

decisions from the existing product experts will rule out the suggestions coming from AI. To

handle this, there is a need for learning and communication about AI to get an understanding

of how it develops the answers. It might also be necessary to give AI some limitations of how


it generates the solutions. The interviewee means that by limiting the freedom of AI, the

answers generated might be easier to understand and therefore more acceptable.

The single most important factor for succeeding with AI projects is, according to the

interviewee, to make sure there is business logic behind the projects. The AI projects need to

be grounded in the business strategy and have a concrete value proposition, the interviewee

says. To reach there, the interviewee again states the importance of looking at the whole value

chain to find business opportunities where AI models can create value.

5.1.16 Interviewee 16, Information Architect The interviewee works as an information architect on an overall level, supporting several

divisions with the right framework and information governance to succeed with their digital

projects and strategies. The interviewee describes AI as a way for machines and computers to

learn and e.g. predict the future by the usage of data. The interviewee says that AI could be

used to find patterns and trends in data to gain insights about product improvements.

A risk the interviewee mentions with AI projects is not having the right capabilities to succeed.

AI is an emerging business area and it is hard to attain expertise in the area at the moment.

Another challenge the interviewee mentions is getting the whole organization on-board with

the changes that will occur with the introduction of AI to the workplace. The interviewee adds

that the management team needs to take the lead and guide the organization forward.

When talking about the most critical factors for succeeding with AI projects, the interviewee

mentions that having support from the management team as the most critical. To get the

necessary resources to succeed you need leadership support, the interviewee adds. The

interviewee also mentions having project management skills and knowledge about how to

implement AI as well as having the required resources and talent to do it as critical factors.

Lastly, letting the AI projects mature and not rushing into it is also identified as a factor to

succeed by the interviewee. Different stakeholders need different amounts of time to get on-

board with the upcoming modifications that will occur to their work environment, the

interviewee says.


6 Developing a Final AI Framework In this section, the final AI framework will be presented. The chosen parameters for the

framework will be reasoned for why they were selected.

6.1 Final Framework Design The final AI framework is created with the ideas from the initial framework, but with

improvements from the interviewees. The final framework includes an idea generation stage

plus three phases that represent the progression level of the AI implementation projects. The

three phases of AI implementation projects are understanding phase, developing phase, and

launch & scale phase. The reason for having the framework divided into phases is mainly due

to two reasons. Firstly, considering aspects of the later phases at the beginning of the

implementation process will complicate the work. For example, aspects in the launch & scale

phase affect how to launch the project, considering these aspects in the earlier phases would

most likely delay the work. Secondly, several aspects of the later phases are based on aspects

in earlier phases.

The order in which the factors are shown in each phase is not strictly defined. The current

ordering of the factors is what the author seems to believe is the logical ordering. However,

organizations applying the framework might feel differently. In addition, it might be needed to

iterate between some factors before having them fulfilled.

To transfer between phases, each of the aspects in the current phase should be fulfilled.

Quantitative measurement of fulfillment will not be established. Instead, each organization that

is utilizing the framework should judge by themselves if they met all the criteria for the current

phase or not.

6.2 Final AI Framework The final framework contains an idea generation stage followed by three maturity phases which

in turn contains five aspects to consider during each phase. The full final AI framework is

presented below followed by an explanation for each aspect to consider.


Figure 6 The final AI Framework developed with input from the literature review and the interviews.


6.2.1 AI Framework Idea Generation The first part of implementing AI is to understand what to implement, therefore, ideas are

needed. The goal of the idea generation stage is to generate ideas of which product to implement

AI in, and what type of AI function that could be of value. To find ideas for AI, several methods

can be used. The following list gives suggestions on how to find ideas for AI implementation

in product offerings.

• Systematically work through the existing product offerings to find opportunities for AI

(Interviewee 1);

• Breakdown the customer value chain into smaller parts and investigate how each part

can benefit from AI (Gerbert et al., (2017), Interviewee 11 & 14);

• Investigating the existing data sources (Interviewee 14);

• Benchmark how competitors are deploying AI in their products (Interviewee 12);

• Observing how the products are used by the customer (Furr and Dyer, 2014);

• Get help from external AI experts for consultancy (Interviewee 14).

Before moving to the understanding phase, an idea of where AI can be deployed, and what type

of function the AI model should contain needs to be known.

6.2.2 AI Framework Understanding Phase After generating ideas for AI implementation, the first phase of the AI implementation process

is the understanding phase. This phase aims to assess the generated ideas and compare these to

where the company is right now, and what it is aiming for. This phase should not be associated

with any larger investments, instead, further insight into whether to deploy the ideas or not

should be attained. The following aspects should be considered during the understanding phase. Management Team Support

To capture the value that AI can provide, there is a need for the right resources in terms of both

competences and cash. In most cases, to reach these resources the way is through the

management team. Having a management team supporting the AI projects is therefore crucial.

The management team also plays a big part in advocating and communicating about the AI

initiatives within the organization. The management team needs to promote how AI will help

solve business problems for the rest of the organization. Before moving to the next phase, the

management team needs to be involved and support the initiative. Both interviewees and studies


from the literature review argue that support from the management team is a critical factor to

succeed, see for example Brock and von Wangenheim (2019). AI Implementation Plan

Establishing a plan for how AI should be implemented is an activity that provides both guidance

and communication internally. The plan should show what needs to be accomplished, by who

and when this should be done. The AI plan should be in sync with the long-term strategy the

company is targeting to ensure that the maximum value is extracted from the AI initiatives.

Several interviewees mentioned that having a clear plan where the company is heading is

crucial, also having a plan or roadmap is advocated by several of the studies from the literature

review, see for example Burgess (2018), Mohanty and Vyas (2018). Competence Inventory

To succeed with the company’s AI initiatives there is a need for having the right competences.

In this phase, an inventory of the company’s existing competencies should be performed and

compared with the required competences for succeeding with the AI initiative. To develop the

technical aspects of AI, capabilities in data science and programming is required. Also, people

with technical project management skills will be needed for keeping everything together.

However, technical competencies are only a portion of all competencies needed for succeeding

with AI, other affected business functions and the people working there need to be prepared for

doing their part as well. Before moving to the next stage, the company should have attained the

competence internally, or more likely, established partnerships with external companies for

getting access to the required technical AI competences. Having the right competence is seen

as a key factor from almost all interviewees and studies, see for example Mohanty and Vyas

(2018), Burgess (2018). Data Inventory

AI is driven by data and to capture value with AI, the data used is fundamental. Therefore,

before taking on a project with AI, an inventory over the available data should be performed.

First of all, assuring that the data is accessible is fundamental, sometimes companies believe

they have access to customer data which they, in fact, do not have. The data inventory should

be done with the project scope in mind, the data needs to be sufficient for its purpose.


During the data inventory, questions like sampling times and completeness of data should be

answered. Other data considerations around the initiative such as the amount of available data

and potential data transfer times should also be analyzed. Also, how the data is stored internally

needs to be understood, having too fragmentized data could be a problem. Besides, a primary

analysis of the data should be done to see if correlations exist in the data worth analyzing

further. Before moving to the next phase, the company should be assured that the available data

and data quality is adequate for the purpose of the project. All literature studies and several of

the interviewees’ sees data quality aspects as critical factors for succeeding, see for example

Mohanty and Vyas (2018), Burgess (2018), Brock and von Wangenheim (2019). Customers Confirmation of Value

The essence of any sort of product development is to develop a more valuable product for the

user. With AI solutions for enhancing product offerings, there is no difference. To find which

types of AI models that create customer value require customer input. To help the customers

get an understanding of what the product will look like, showing the model in a test environment

could be a method to get more concrete feedback. Iterations between customers and small

adjustments with the product idea might be needed before the customers are really onboard

with the concept. When the customers see concrete value gains with the idea, which they are

willing to pay for, it is time to take the idea into the development phase. Most of the

interviewees mention the importance of making sure what is developed is providing value for

the user, this is also true for all of the literature studies, see for example Burgess (2018), Gerbert

et al. (2017), Brock and von Wangenheim (2019). Also, in the innovation method created by

Furr and Dyer (2014), engaging with the customers for confirmation of value is advocated.

6.2.3 AI Framework Developing Phase The development phase is the second phase of the AI implementation project. During this

phase, the company will develop the foundation surrounding AI product development. This

means activities such as setting up the right architecture for data exchange, productizing the

concepts, and getting more stakeholders on-board. This phase is generally associated with

notable investments, therefore, fulfilling all requirements in the earlier phase is essential before

starting to develop.

49 Data Infrastructure

Having data sources that satisfy the purpose of the AI initiative, the next step is to develop a

working infrastructure for data transfer and algorithm processing. Companies have to choose

which type of architecture to deploy and where data processing should occur. Several cloud

solutions are available for data processing, but other alternatives exist as well. Companies also

have to consider which type of platform that should be used to deliver the AI models to the

customers. AI models could, for example, be installed into the automation system or accessed

through a computer or smartphone application.

Other questions such as cybersecurity and questions affecting GDPR also need to be addressed

when setting up the infrastructure. There are several aspects to consider with the security of the

data, but a deeper analysis will not be performed in this study. Lastly, the installed infrastructure

needs to fulfill the requirements for scaling up. In this phase, only a handful of pilot customers

are used to test the models, but for the next phase the AI models should be launched for all

customers. Establishing a working data infrastructure is a prerequisite for being able to deliver

the AI models to the customers. Experimenting with the Algorithms

Knowing that the data contains some sort of useful correlations, the next step is to dig deeper

into the data to find the optimal AI models. The AI algorithms used for processing the data

could be created in tons of different ways. Often, machine learning is used to find patterns in

data and predict trends. However, which type of statistical model that should be deployed for

achieving the best results is not that easy to understand beforehand. Splitting the data into

training and testing datasets are required to test different models against each other to find the

optimal one for the purpose. Depending on the data source, it might be required to clean the

data before any processing can be done. Experimenting to find the optimal algorithms is

advocated by some interviewees and studies, see for example Mohanty and Vyas (2018). Customer Participation in the Development

From the understanding phase, customers should know about the AI models to be developed

and also have confirmed the need for them. However, to make sure that the right models are

being developed in a customer-friendly way, continuous collaboration needs to be established

with the customers. Iterating the AI model and design development with customer input will


make sure that not only the right function is developed, but also having it designed in a way

desired by the customers. Whether a collaboration with only a few pilot customers should be

carried out or having a larger number of customers involved depends on the variety in the

customer base. Companies need to understand that customers might have different needs and

satisfying one customer does not mean all will be pleased. Working closely with the customers

in the development of AI is advocated by most interviewees and literature studies, see for

example Mohanty and Vyas (2018), Gerbert et al. (2017). Also, in the innovation method

described by Furr and Dyer (2014), working closely with customers is a key aspect to consider. Productizing AI

Before launching the AI products, questions regarding pricing models and launching strategies

needs to be understood. Launching the AI model too early might damage the functionality,

however, since the models tend to get better with data, and data is generated when used, waiting

too long with the launch might also be devastating. A strategy might be to launch the product

stepwise, possibly a geographical region at the time or other customer segment groups at the


Another aspect to consider is how to make money on the product in practice and how it should

be priced. Since the data commonly is scalable between customers, the more customers on-

board with the product, the better the result will be for all users. For this reason, finding a price

for the AI models that is suitable for the customers, but still are bringing profit for the producing

company is both important and challenging. Front-End Support

In the understanding phase, support from the management team is a requirement. In the

development phase, the front-end people should also be engaged and supporting the AI projects.

Front-end employees are referring to all employees with customer contacts, such as service

technicians and salesmen. During the development phase, more customers are getting involved

which will require more customer communication and guidance. Depending on how digitalized

the operating industry is, customers might be more or less conservative towards digital changes.

Needless to say, the front-end people need to be confident and informative, making the

customers feel both safe and satisfied with what is being developed.


A drawback with AI models is that it is not always clear how the solutions are generated, to

mitigate the unsureness there is a need for skilled staff that can convince customers and prove

the value gain with the AI models. Several of the interviewees states the importance of having

the employees with customer contact educated in AI and to support the AI projects.

6.2.4 AI Framework Launch & Scale Phase The launch & scale phase is the last phase of the development project. During this phase, the

models will be launched and scaled up. Besides the launch, new internal working methods and

product teams should be established. The implementing company will change from

implementing AI to managing AI with continuous work. New AI Model Standardization

For most organizations, the implementation of AI is done with some AI models in mind.

However, having the whole technical infrastructure set up, now is the time for innovation and

the discovery of new AI models. To get there, organizations need to establish working

principles for how this should be done. Since customers are the ones with the most valued input,

keeping a continuous communication with these are important. To be able to consider all the

practicalities with the establishment of new models, teams containing AI developers, process

experts, and customer experts should be established. Some interviewees mentioned that

establishing a standardization in model development is important for succeeding. Customer Feedback

Having customers involved in the understanding phase and development phase is important to

identify useful products and to develop these in the desired way. Furthermore, when the

implementation is about to finish and the work is more about managing the AI models, customer

involvement and feedback is still important. Improvements in the current models and the

creation of new models will take place, keeping a continuous collaboration with the customers

assures input and feedback on the work. Besides, when customers get a deeper understanding

of what data can do, they will be more demanding about the models. Establishing a partnership-

relation with the customers will help in the creation of new models as well as mitigating the

risks of losing customers to competitors. Continuous collaborations with the customers are

advocated by some interviewees.

52 AI Model Follow-Up

The developed AI models will be functional at the implementation, but since the models will

learn and update from data, there are risks that the models will drift away from their optimal

state. Also, data entering the models might contain errors due to broken sensors or other faults

which will affect the learning part of the models. To avoid this, continuous follow-up work on

the models is needed to make sure they are working as they should. Besides technical follow-

up on the AI models, follow-up on the progress made with the AI models is also important.

Establishing key performing indicators to monitor the AI models and what value they are

bringing are important. If external partners are handling some part of the AI models, KPIs to

monitor these partners might be needed as well. Some interviewees mentioned that follow-ups

on the AI models are important to keep them functional. Establishing KPIs to measure progress

is mentioned by several interviewees as important. New Product Teams

With the implementation of AI in the product offering, new product teams and product owners

taking care of concerns regarding the AI models should be established. The platform which the

AI is delivered through also needs to be considered and supported, providing AI models is more

than just the models themselves. These teams should offer customers service and education in

AI models, but also working with enhancements for the AI models and continuous

development. Continuous development of the models will require a broad knowledge base,

experts with domain knowledge are needed as well as customer input and AI developers. Other

functions affected by the integration of AI into the business should also be a part of these teams.

Going from implementing AI to managing AI will still require data expertise and coding skills,

bug fixes and model improvements will highly depend on these capabilities. Clear

responsibilities in the product teams need to be established to make sure that each individual

knows their duties. Establishing new teams and working methods after a product launch is

advocated by some interviewees and studies, see for example Furr and Dyer (2014). Organizational Support and AI Culture

Implementing the technical requirements for AI is the first part of integrating AI into the

business. However, to create business value with AI, organizations need to be able to act on AI

which requires the development of an organizational AI culture. Organizations should see AI

as a tool to collaborate with to gain deeper insights. If an AI model predicts that a customer will

need a spare part in 7 days, the delivering company needs to make sure that the customer has


the spare part at that time. To get there, business functions need to work closely together with

the AI and system developers. There is a need for a culture where continuous development

between programmers and other business functions are established, instead of seeing it as

business functions ordering a feature from the developers. This requires new working methods

where digital development is closely connected to the regular business. Digital development is

affecting all business functions and organizations need to start to work with and plan for digital

developments. Establishing an AI culture is mentioned by several interviewees as important to

consider when implementing AI. Some studies also mention this, see for example Mohanty and

Vyas (2018).


7 Discussion and Conclusions This section provides a discussion of the main result of the thesis. Critics about the study will

be presented followed by suggestions for further studies in the area.

7.1 Findings of the Study The purpose of this study was to investigate how organizations can implement AI in their

product offerings in an optimal way. This was broken down to study which factors are important

to consider during the implementation of AI in a company’s product offerings and when these

factors are important to consider during the implementation process. This was solved by

creating an AI framework to guide companies through the AI implementation process. The

process of creating the framework consisted of a literature review covering AI implementation

and innovation methods as well as interviews with stakeholders working with the

implementation of AI at Company X.

Both sub-questions are answered with the created AI framework. The framework shows which

factors are important for organizations to consider during the implementation of AI in their

product offering. The phases in the framework show when each factor should be considered.

7.2 Critique The purpose of the framework is to act as a guide for companies with AI implementation in

their product offerings. This does not mean it will provide a strict answer regarding their success

chances, but to highlight important parameters the company should consider during the

implementation process. A flaw with the framework could be that it highlights factors to

consider, but do not provide as much practical guidance as desired for the implementing

organization how to handle these. However, rarely there is a general and optimal way how

companies should act, instead, it is often company-specific how to handle these parameters,

depending on their strategy and objectives.

Since the framework only is updated with input from the informants at Company X, the final

framework could be biased and provide an optimal way of working with AI from a Company

X perspective and not from a general perspective. To generate a generic framework for AI

implementations, input and tests on more than one organization are needed. Due to time

constraints, only one organization has been investigated in this study. Therefore, this case study


should not be seen as confirmation of the validity of the final framework for AI

implementations. This is an important aspect and further testing of the AI framework on other

organizations is needed for confirming the validity of the framework.

7.3 Further Studies This study investigates critical factors for companies to consider during the implementation of

AI in their product offerings and presents a guide on how to do it. The presented framework is

developed through collaborations with Company X and employees as well as through a

literature review. Due to the fact that only interviews with employees from Company X where

conducted, there might be aspects that have been overlooked because of irrelevance to

Company X. Therefore, further studies should be performed with other organizations to test the

validity of the created framework.

The scope was to create a generic framework for AI in product offerings. This is a broad scope

and other studies could be performed which investigate some parts of the framework, or one of

the phases in the framework. Focusing on one aspect area or one of the phases during the

implementation process will likely produce a deeper analysis and better guidance in the specific

field. As mentioned before, a flaw with the framework might be the lack of practical guidance,

focusing on one specific field could potentially lead to more practical input for the

implementing organization in that specific field.



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Interview Questions

1. What is your current profession here at Company X?

2. Describe/define your view of AI.

3. In which way do you have contact with AI in your profession?

4. From 1 to 10, how involved are you in AI and the digitalization here at Company X? The following questions should be considered on both the current AI projects and future AI projects.

1. What expectations do you have regarding AI and Company X?

2. What do you think AI should help Company X with? a. How should Company X succeed with that?

3. What challenges and risks do you identify regarding AI and Company X?

a. How to make sure these issues are getting solved?

4. Which strengths and weaknesses do you identify regarding AI and Company X?

5. Which factors do you think are the most important to succeed with AI implementation here at Company X?

a. When should these factors be considered during the implementation?

6. Other comments? .

7. Who else in your organization do you think I should discuss AI and Company X with?