Appliness #15 – June 2013

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Appliness #15 – June 2013

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    dpp`oelss Y\YM[OD@W KDGNKMEL KMMNBD[N / WJD[L / YM

    Bdedhoeh Jostmry oe

    Kdgnkmel Xoihlts wotjaTulry KKT.

    ky Sdbl`dFmx

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    ky Sdbl`dFmx

    ; mf :

    Oe by`dst k`mh pmst, O td`nli dkmut tjl twm iofflrlet Kdgnkmel drgjotlgturls wlrllxplrobletoeh wotj dt Gmurslrd1 4) soeh`l pdhl wlk dpps, wjlrl Kdgnkmel tdnls gdrlmf slrvoeh pdrtogu`dr volws fmr hovle \[@s, dei ;) AW woihlts, wjlrl wl wrotl IOVs wotjpdrtogu`dr idtd dttrokutls oetm mur JYB@, dei d AW bmiu`l ffleis d`` mf tjlb me tjl pdhldei tures tjlb oetm Kdgnkmel volws.

    .Xl drl usoeh tjos dpprmdgj fmr mur iosgussome fmrubs. Xl jdvl woihlts fmr iosp`dyoeh`osts mf tjrldis, rleilroeh d soeh`l tjrldi, iosp`dyoeh de letorl fmrub wotj bu`top`ltjrldi osts oesoil ot, dei bmrl. Xl gde pmtletod``y bdsj up d flw woihlts me tjl sdblpdhl, of wl wdet, klgdusl tjly ldgj legdpsu`dtl d`` mf tjlor fuegtomed`oty oesoil tjlb.

    Fmr lxdbp`l, jlrls tjl kot mf gmil tjdt grldtls mur fmrub woihlt1

    $(^idtd-gmurslrd-fmrub-woihltR).ldgj(fuegtome() { vdrfmrubOi 2 $(tjos).dttr(idtd-fmrub-oi)>

    vdrfmrub 2 elw FmrubBmil`({ oi1 fmrubOi })> elw FmrubVolw({ l`1 $(tjos)^3R, bmil`1 fmrub })>})>

    Yjl Xoihlt Dpprmdgj

    aTulry KKT jds dstrdohjtfmrwdri DSO - ymu gde

    pusjWtdtl de mkalgt tjdt osblrhli oetm tjl gurrlet jdsj


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    .Yjlrl wds mel prmk`lb wotj tjos dpprmdgj, jmwlvlr1 uslrs nlpt `msoeh tjlor stdtl

    oe tjl woihlts. Fmr lxdbp`l, wjle d YD wds pdhoeh tjrmuhj d `meh `ost mf tjrldis,dei tjle tjly g`ognli dwdy tm vosot mel dei gdbl kdgn, tjl woihlt wmu`i fmrhlttjdt ot wds me tjdt pdhl dei tjlyi jdvl tm stdrt frmb tjl klhoeeoeh. Xjle tjlfmrubs wlrl mrohoed``y wrottle, oe tjl g`dssogd` Xlk 4.3 drgjotlgturl, tjl stdtl wdsd`wdys stmrli oe tjl qulry pdrdbltlrs mf tjl \[@, kut emw, soegl wl drl oe AW-`deidei em `mehlr elli tm gjdehl tjl \[@ tm gjdehl tjl gmetlet mf tjl pdhl, wl `msttjl \[@-bdedhli stdtl.

    Yjdt bldet tjdt wl `mst tjl dko`oty fmr uslrs tm usl tjl kdgn kuttme tjrmuhj tjl

    stdtls mf mel woihlt, tm hm fmrwdri tm d gmbp`ltl`y iofflrlet pdhl dei kdgn tm tjlprlvomus stdtl, dei tm kmmnbdrn tjl stdtl. Megl O hmt lemuhj rlpmrts frmb uslrswjm bossli tjmsl dko`otols (bmst`y frmb mur suplr uslrs, wjm gmesoilr tjl fmrubstm kl tjlor oekmx), O rld`ozli ot wds tobl tm tdnl me tjos prmk`lb.

    .Yjlrl wlrl d flw sm`utomes tjdt O gmesoilrli dei td`nli tjrmuhj wotj by gm``ldhuls1

    [lblbklr tjlor prlvomus stdtl oe gmmnols mr `mgd`Wtmrdhl, dei d`wdys rlstmrlot frmb tjlrl. Yjdt wmu`iet ldso`y hlt bl kdgn kuttme suppmrt, jmwlvlr, deiot bdy jdvl klle mii fmr tjl uslr tm mple tjl fmrub oe d elw tdk dei sll tjdtsdbl stdtl.

    Mple d`` tjl `oens oe d elw tdk, sm tjdt tjly elvlr `lft tjl pdhl dei `mst tjlorstdtl. _ls, O dibot, tjos wds d eme-oild` sm`utome, dei O ioi try ot fmr d flw jmurskut O quogn`y rlblbklrli tjdt O sjmu`i emt kl tjl mel ilgoioeh tjdt tjl uslrwdets tjmsl `oens oe d elw tdk. D`sm, tjdt wmu`iet sm`vl tjl prmk`lb mf kdgnkuttme tjrmuhj woihlt stdtl.

    Bmvl tm tjl soeh`l pdhl wlk dpp dpprmdgj, dei lt tjl Kdgnkmel rmutlr bdedhltjl jostmry. Yjdt wmu`i blde `msoeh tjl bdsjdko`oty mf by woihlts, tjl dko`otytm put dey gmbkoedtome mf woihlts me tjl sdbl pdhl, dei Ob emt rldiy tm hovltjdt up.

    \sl d AW `okrdry tm stmrl ldgj woihlts jostmry oe tjl \[@ jdsj, dei usl tjljdsjgjdehl lvlet (dei fd``kdgn obp`lbletdtomes) tm suppmrt tjl kdgn kuttme.

    Yjl Srmk`lb

    Smssok`l Wm`utomes

    7 mf :

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    Ds ymu gde hulss frmb tjl tot`l mf tjl pmst, O wlet wotj tjl ffled` dpprmdgj. Ots tjlme`y mel tjdt sm`vli d`` mf tjl uslrs prmk`lbs dei lt bl nllp by woihlt dpprmdgj- p`us ots d troli dei trul tlgjeoqul.

    .Yjlrl drl d flw `okrdrols mut tjlrl tjdt bdedhl jostmry vod tjl jdsj, frmb vlrysobp`l (as-jdsj) tm d smpjostogdtli pm`yffl`` dpprmdgj (Jdsjlr). Yjl mel tjdt O wdsbmst fdbo`odr wotj wds aTulry KKT, dei ots d`sm tjl mel tjdt ioi lvlrytjoeh Owdetli dei emt tmm bugj bmrl. S`us, ots imgs ilsgrokli lxdgt`y mur sgledrom1

    0Xoihlt5_m, jdsj, upidtl by stdtl pdrdbltlrs. 0Jdsj5Em prmk, iuil, imel. Dei ymu ioiet lvle jdvl tm nemw dkmut tjdt

    mtjlr woihlts pdrdbltlr, O aust blrhli tjlb oe tjlrl fmr ymu. 0Xoihlt5Yjlrls demtjlr woihlt= 0Xoihlt;5Juj= Ioi smblmel sdy by edbl=

    aTulry KKT jds d strdohjtfmrwdri DSO - ymu gde pusjWtdtl de mkalgt tjdt os blrhlioetm tjl gurrlet jdsj vd`uls, ymu gde hltWtdtl me d glrtdoe nly, dei ymu gde `ostletm tjl jdsjgjdehli lvlet. Ym bdnl ot ldsy fmr bu`top`l Kdgnkmel volws tm bdedhltjlor stdtl oeilpleilet`y mf ldgj mtjlr, O wrmtl d XoihltVolw g`dss wotj fuegtomestjdt gde slt dei hlt stdtl sgmpli tm aust tjl woihlt, dei gde trohhlr tjl volw wotjde lvlet wjlelvlr tjl woihlts stdtl gjdehli oe tjl jdsj. Jlrls wjdt tjdt g`dss`mmns `onl1


    kdgnkmel, aqulry, ueilrsgmrl, as/`ok/uto`, as/`ok/aqulry.kkq R,

    fuegtome(Kdgnkmel, $, ], uto`, kkq) {vdrXOIHLY]OEFOZ 2 -stdtl->

    vdrXoihltVolw 2 Kdgnkmel.Volw.lxtlei({

    hltXoihltOi1 fuegtome() { tjos.woihltOi 2 tjos.woihltOi || tjos.mptomes.woihltOi || ].ueoqulOi()> rlturetjos.woihltOi> },

    aTulry KKT + Kdgnkmel

    9 mf :

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    rlture$.kkq.hltWtdtl(tjos.hltXoihltNly(nly))> },

    gjdehlXoihltWtdtl1 fuegtome(pdrdbs) { vdrsl`f 2 tjos> vdrstdtl 2 {}>

    ].ldgj(pdrdbs, fuegtome(vd`ul, nly) { stdtl^sl`f.hltXoihltNly(nly)R 2 vd`ul> })> $.kkq.pusjWtdtl(stdtl)> } })> rltureXoihltVolw>})>volw rdwDXoihltVolw.asYjos Host krmuhjt tm ymu ky HotJuk.

    Megl by Kdgnkmel volw lxtleis tjdt g`dss, ot gde gjlgn tjl oeotod` stdtl wjle tjlvolw os `mdili, ot gde slt tjl stdtl wjle tjl uslr g`ogns drmuei (`onl me tjl smrtmr pdhl gmetrm`s), dei ot gde `ostle tm tjl stdtl gjdehli lvlet tm ilgoil jmw tmgjdehl tjl \O.

    Jlrls d s`obbli imwe vlrsome mf tjl YjrldisVolw tjdt ilbmestrdtls tjdt1


    kdgnkmel, aqulry,

    ueilrsgmrl, pdhls/fmrub/dpp, pdhls/fmrub/volws/XoihltVolw, pdhls/fmrub/volws/FmrubYjrldisVolw.jtb` R,fuegtome(Kdgnkmel, $, ], Gmurslrd, XoihltVolw, FmrubYjrldisYlbp`dtl,FmrubYjrldisBmil`) {vdrvolw 2 XoihltVolw.lxtlei({

    lvlets1 { g`ogn .gmursl-fmrub-tjrldi-pdhoedtmr1 meSdhlG`ogn },

    oeotod`ozl1 fuegtome() { vdrsl`f 2 tjos>

    tjos.fmrub 2 tjos.bmil`> tjos.fmrubYjrldis 2 tjos.mptomes.tjrldis> tjos.fmrubYjrldis.koei(gjdehl, tjos.rleilr, tjos)>

    6 mf :

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    vdrpdhlEub 2 tjos.hltXoihltWtdtl(pdhl]eub) || 4>


    sl`f.diiXoihltWtdtl@ostlelr()> sl`f.koei(woihlt1gjdehli, fuegtome(gjdehliSdrdbs) {

    of (].gmetdoes(gjdehliSdrdbs, pdhl]eub)) { sl`f.gjdehlSdhl(sl`f.hltXoihltWtdtl(pdhl]eub))> } })> },

    rleilr1 fuegtome() { tjos.$l`.jtb`(FmrubYjrldisYlbp`dtl({ uslr1 Gmurslrd.uslr, fmrub1 tjos.fmrub, fmrubYjrldis1 tjos.fmrubYjrldis }))> rlturetjos> },

    meSdhlG`ogn1 fuegtome(l) { tjos.gjdehlXoihltWtdtl({pdhl]eub1 $(l.tdrhlt).dttr(idtd-pdhl-eub)})> },

    gjdehlSdhl1 fuegtome(pdhlEub) { vdrsl`f 2 tjos>

    sl`f.fmrubYjrldis.`mdiSdhl(pdhlEub) .imel(fuegtome() { $(jtb`,kmiy).sgrm``Ymp(sl`f.$l`.pmsotome().tmp)> })> }})>



    8 mf :

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    Xl`` sll jmw tjos wmrns mut megl wl kuo`i mut bmrl woihlts, kut sm fdr, ot sllbstm kl wmrnoeh wl``. @lt bl nemw oe tjl gmbblets wjdt dpprmdgj ymuvl tdnle.

    Sdbl`d FmxGmurslrd Ilvl`mplr





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    dpp`oelss Y\YM[OD@W SJMELHDS KMMNBD[N / WJD[L / YM

    Drgjotlgtoeh dSjmelHdp Dpp`ogdtome.

    ky GjrostmpjlGmlerdlts

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    ky GjrostmpjlGmlerdlts

    ; mf ;

    Jlrl os tjl voilm mf by SjmelHdp Drgjotlgturl td`n dt Dimkl BDZ ;3471

    Yjl s`oils drl dvdo`dk`l jlrl.

    Jlrl os by td`n dkmuSjmelHdp dt BDZ ;347.

    Gjrostmpjl Gmlerdlts

    Ylgjeogd` Lvdehl`ost





  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    dpp`oelss Y\YM[OD@W JYB@ KMMNBD[N / WJD[L / YM

    Xlk Ilsohe Yops fmrIlvl`mplrs.

    ky D`lxHrdeil

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    ky D`lxHrdeil

    ; mf 4;

    Yjos drtog`l wds mrohoed``y puk`osjli me tjl oppoe Dwlsmblwlksotl me Flkrudry 4;,;347. _mu gde rldi ot jlrl.

    Yjoen mf tjos drtog`l ds d hlelrd` huoil`oel fmr ilsoheoeh dey wlksotl. Ovl ldreli tjlsl`lssmes tjrmuhj pjmtmhrdpjy, wmrnoeh oe tjl Le`ohjtleblet @oeux woeimw bdedhlrbdey yldrs dhm, dei ilvl`mpoeh fmr d ilsohe dhlegy. O dpp`y tjlsl ru`ls wjo`l ilsoheoehdei kuo`ioeh [lgmheozl, d smgod` lbp`myll dpprlgodtome p`dtfmrb. Kloeh dk`l tm imkmtj jds sdvli mur tldb d mt mf tobl dei bmely. @ldre tm ilsohe d`meh soil ymur wlkilvl`mpblet sno``s, dei ymur vd`ul hrldt`y oegrldsls.


    @ldre tm ilsohe d`meh soilymur wlk ilvl`mpblet sno``s

    dei ymur vd`ul oegrldsls.

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    Of ymu jdvl tm fm``mw mel ru`l, tjos os ot. @dtlroe tjos drtog`l O wo`` hm tjrmuhj bmrl splgofflglxdbp`ls mf tjos, sugj ds tjl hroi, 4.6 hm`ile

    rdtom, dei fm``mwoeh ymur slesls. Oe tjlbldetobl, try tm tjoen bmrl tjlmrltogd`. Yjoendkmut Dpp`l, dei mmn dt tjlor wlk ilsohe deidpp`ogdtomes. Yjl rllgtomes, sukt`l pdttlres,dei bmbletub sgrm``oeh drl d`` pdttlres tdnlefrmb edturl. Mkslrvl jmw `ohjt dei mkalgtskljdvl, tjle bobog tjdt oe ymur ilsohe.

    .\slrs wo`` dpprlgodtl slesmry lxplrolegls oe ymur dpp`ogdtome. Ydgto`l, vosud`, deiduiotmry drl d`` wdys tm stobu`dtl ymur uslrs.

    Kuttme lxdbp`l fmr vosud` dei tdgto`l lxplroleglFmr oestdegl, d kuttme sjmu`i supprlss, mr `ohjt up, wjle prlssli. Elxt tobl ymuhlt oe d gdr, prlss d flw kuttmes. Yry tm bobog tjmsl kljdvomrs oe ymur dpp`ogdtome,dei ymu`` grldtl d bmrl rld`ostog uslr lxplrolegl.

    Foei wdys tm usl vokrdtomes tm sobu`dtl tdgto`l rlspmeslDeirmoi oeemvdtls wotj vokrdtome rlspmesls. Bmst plmp`l sdy tjdt tjlor Deirmoisvokrdtome rlspmesl hovls tjlb d slesl mf gmetlxt wjle d nlykmdri kuttme os prlsslime tjl sgrlle. Deirmois vokrdtome os `onl oSjmels bmbletub edturd` sgrm``oeh oetjdt tjly drl kmtj hdbl gjdehoeh uslr lxplrolegls. Yjoen dkmut jmw ymu gdeoeemvdtl wotj vokrdtomes.

    Drl smueis pmssok`l fmr ymur dpp`ogdtome=Duiotmry lxplrolegls drl hlelrd``y gmesoilrli d fdux pds oe ilsntmp dpp`ogdtomes.Bmst dpps stllr g`ldr dei tlei tm oeiogdtl lvlets tjrmuhj vosud` oeiogdtmrs, `onlupidtoeh tjl tot`l tdh. Wto``, duiom of imel rohjt gde dii vd`ul tm ymur ilsntmp dpp.

    Kut bmko`l os d iofflrlet kd``hdbl. Xjle d pusj emtofflgdtome trohhlrs d kdgnhrmueislrvogl, p`dy d smuei tm oeiogdtl d blssdhl mr lvlet. Hovl ymursl`f d vmogl, deid``mw tjl uslr tm nemw wjle de lvlet mggurs wotj d ueoqul smuei. [lblbklr OGTdei tjlor wlori jm-jmm aoeh`l=

    FM@@MX EDY\[L


    7 mf 4;

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    .Wmbl try tm ffl`` lbpty sgrlle rld` lstdtl wotj pogturls dei usl`lss tlxt. Imetbdnl tjos bostdnl. Dpp`l os dhdoe demtjlr hrldt lxdbp`l, tjly p`dgl tjl prmiugt

    oe tjl boii`l mf tjl sgrlle dei `ldvl lbpty spdgl drmuei ot. Of ymu prmplr`y tdnldivdetdhl mf wjotlspdgl, ymu`` fflei plmp`l wo`` kl dt ldsl wotj ymur ilsohe.

    Xjotlspdgl jl`pli Hmmh`l kldt _djmm. Hmmh`l put tjl probdry dgtome frmet deigletlr wotj emtjoeh drmuei ot tm iostrdgt tjl uslr. Lbkrdgl wjotlspdgl dei stdrtd``mwoeh ymur uslrs tm fmgus.


    9 mf 4;

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    Xlksotls dei dpps elli tm gmesoilr d flw tjoehs wjle tryoeh tm bdoetdoe fmgus.Jlrl drl d flw stlps tm jl`p huoil d fmgusli ilsohe `oflgyg`l1

    4. Xjdt os tjl probdry hmd` mf ymur dpp`ogdtome= Nllp tjdt oe boei ds ymu bdnlilsohe ilgosomes.

    ;. Grldtl d sty`lhuoil, d mel pdhl imgublet wotj d`` tjl gm`mrs dei sty`ls. Grldtlot oe JYB@ dei GWW. Ym bdnl d sty`lhuoil, sldrgj dei lxtrdgt pdttlres frmb tjlilsohes. Yjoehs `onl pdrdhrdpjs, jldilrs, jmrozmetd` ru`ls, dei fmrbs d`` gde kloeg`uili.

    7. Me`y d``mw twm fmets. O tlei tm gjmmsl mel lbkliili fmet usli fmr jldilrs deikuttmes. Yjl mtjlr fmet os d stdeidri typlfdgl, sugj ds Jl`vltogd dei Drod`, fmrpdrdhrdpjs dei `oens.

    9. Nllp ymur gm`mrs tm d boeobub. Of ymu drl usoeh Wdss, ymu gde grldtl d gm`mrs.sdss ffl`l tm sdvl tjl gm`mrs ds vdrodk`ls. Gjmmsoeh gm`mrs me futurl ilsohes wo`` klds ldsy ds sgrm``oeh d sjmrt `ost mf lxostoeh gm`mrs.

    Fm``mw tjmsl fmur ru`ls, ymur ilsohe wo`` kl gmesostlet dei wl``-bdoetdoeli.


    < mf 4;

    Sjmtm ky D`lx Hrdeilvod F`ognr

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    .[lsldrgj sjmws tjdt of ymu tl`` d gjrmem`mhogd` stmry tm d aury, tjly drl bmrl `onl`ytm kl`olvl ymur gdsl. Yjos jlurostog os oeedtl oe jubdes dei lxtleis tm d`` pdrts

    mf `ofl. Jubdes drl stmrytl``lrs dei of ymu tl`` d hmmi stmry, plmp`l wo`` kl`olvl oeymur prmiugt. Wtmrytl``oeh os wjy vlrtogd` pdrd``dx sotls drl sm pmpu`dr. Yjly grldtllvmgdtovl stmrytl``oeh. Xjdts ymur stmry= Jmw wo`` ot p`dy mut me ymur jmblpdhl=

    YL@@ D WYM[_

    6 mf 4;

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    .D/K tlsts oeiogdtl tjdt tjl kohhlr tjl dgtome kuttme tjl klttlr oe jmblpdhl soheup gmevlrsomes. Of ymu kllf up ymur jldilrs dei kuttmes, uslrs wo`` uegmesgomus`y

    dssmgodtl ymur sotl wotj kloeh `drhlr tjde `ofl.

    Yjos os trul fmr obdhls ds wl``, D/K tlsts jdvl sjmwe tjdt fu``-sgrlle obdhls, wjleusli dpprmprodtl`y, gde oegrldsl ymur gmevlrsome.


    8 mf 4;

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    .Yjl hm`ile rdtom os fmuei tjrmuhjmut edturl. Yrlls, sjl``s, dei tjl FokmedggoWlqulegl d`` fm``mw 4.6. _mu gde usl tjos sobp`l rdtom tm ymur divdetdhl wjle

    gjmmsoeh jldilr sty`ls mr jmw ymu `dymut ymur wlksotls gm`ubes. Fmr lxdbp`l, ofymur fflrst jldilr (j4) fmet sozl os 93px, try 93 / 4.6 2 ;

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    .Hrois drl gmbbmep`dgl wotj tjl divlet mf rlspmesovl wlk ilsohe. Hrois d``mwymu tm dy mut d sotl usoeh tjl hm`ile rdtom. Ot jl`ps tm slt up ymur dymuts fm``mwoeh

    d hroi oe ymur sty`lhuoil.

    Hrois, hm`ile rdtom, dei stmrytl``oeh drl d`` pdrt mf mur edturd` levormeblet. Wtdy oetuel wotj edturl dei ymur ilsohes wo`` kl fmgusli dei sobp`l.

    .Fdegy jldi`oels dei wotty gmpywrotoeh bdy kl oetlrlstoeh, kut of tjl uslr imlsetnemw wjdt ymur prmiugt imls, tjly wmet wdet tm usl ot.

    4. Gmbl up wotj d flw g`ldr jldi`oels.;. Ylst tjlb mut oe plrsme dei usoeh Hmmh`l Diwmris.7. Hm wotj tjl s`mhde tjdt bmst plmp`l ueilrstdei dei d`sm hlts tjl klst G`ogn

    Yjrmuhj [dtl (GY[) me Hmmh`l Diwmris.

    \WL D H[OI


    ? mf 4;

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    .Of ymu drlet surl jmw tm prmglli wotj d ilsohe, tjle sjdbl`lss`y krmwsl drmueime d`` tjl tmp sotls. Wll wjdt os jdppleoeh me Kljdegl, Kmmtstrdp, Dpp`l, mr

    78Wohed`s. Wll jmw tjly sm`vl de dutmgmbp`ltl `ost, de obdhl gdrmusl`, mr de uslrprmffl`l. Didpt ymur sty`lhuoil wotj tjlor suhhlstomes. Dftlr d eohjts s`llp rlvosotwjdt ymu gdbl up wotj, dei grldtl d klttlr vlrsome. Oeemvdtome mftle gmbls frmbgmpyoeh. Gmpy dwdy!

    .\slrs rldi wlksotls oe tjl sjdpl mf de F. Yjly krmwsl imwe dei rue rohjt tm

    sgde mvlr gmetlet. O sjmu`i emtl tjdt smbltobls plmp`l rldi oe L sjdpl, dssjmwe oe tjl obdhl kl`mw. Jlrls de drtog`l me tjdt.



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    .Of ymu drl d wlk ilvl`mplr, ymu bdy wdet tm snop tjl Sjmtmsjmp stlp.

    4. Hlt mut d koh polgl mf k`den pdplr dei d ple.;. @ost mut d`` tjl fldturls ymu elli tm ilsohe.7. [dtl tjl fldturls oe obpmrtdegl.9. Fot tjl fldturls oe mrilr mf obpmrtdegl oe d hroi mr de lxostoeh `dymut.

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    .Yjdts tjl bmst obpmrtdet, of ymu drl jdvoeh fue ymu wo`` wdet tm nllp tryoeh dei of

    ymu nllp tryoeh ymu wo`` hlt klttlr. Wobp`l ds tjdt. Lxpdei ymur boei ky `ldreoehtm ilsohe ymur mwe sotls.

    Yjos drtog`l wds mrohoed``y pmstli dt jttp1//k`mh.rlgmheozldpp.gmb/wlk-ilsohe-tops-fmr-ilvl`mplrs/


    D`lx HrdeilXlk Ilvl`mplr





  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    dpp`oelss Y\YM[OD@W GWW KMMNBD[N / WJD[L / YM

    Bmiu`dr GWW wotj

    Bliod Tulrolsdei Wdss.

    ky @muos@dzdros

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    ky @muos@dzdros

    ; mf 43

    .Bmst ilvl`mplrs emwdidys drl rlgmheozoeh tjdt of ymurl ilvl`mpoeh drhl dpp`ogdtomestjdt jdvl iofflrlet volws dei stdtls, ot os klst tm tdnl d bmiu`dr mr mkalgt-mroletlidpprmdgj tm ymur GWW ilvl`mpblet.

    Xjle ymu tjrmw bliod qulrols oetm tjl box, jmwlvlr, tjl ymu gde `msl smbl mf tjlklelfflts mf bmiu`droty gmil tjdts ldsy tm rldi, upidtl, dei bdoetdoe.

    @lts `mmn dt iofflrlet wdys wl gde wrotl mur bliod qulrols, stdrtoeh wotj wjdt bohjtkl tjl bmst gmbbme dpprmdgj lsplgod``y wotj tjmsl emt ylt usoeh d prlprmglssmr.

    .Ym ilbmestrdtl wjdt O tjoen tjl bdamroty mf ilvl`mplrs jdvl imel wotj bliod qulrols

    up tm tjos pmoet, jlrls d sobp`l lxdbp`l1

    .kmx-bmiu`l {

    mdt1 `lft> kdgnhrmuei1 #ggg> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 4.;lb>}

    .smbl-mtjlr-bmiu`l { kmrilr1 sm`oi 9px #;;;> pdiioeh1 4.;lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 4.;lb>}

    /* ... mtjlr eme-bliod qulry sty`ls wmu`i hm jlrl ... */

    Cbliod sgrlle dei (bdx-woitj1 8;3px) { .kmx-bmiu`l {

    mdt1 emel> g`ldr1 kmtj> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 .



    @lts `mmn dt iofflrlet wdyswl gde wrotl mur bliod

    qulrols, stdrtoeh wotj tjlbmst gmbbme dpprmdgj.

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013




    .smbl-mtjlr-bmiu`l { kmrilr1 sm`oi ;px #;;;> pdiioeh1 .:lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 .


    Cbliod sgrlle dei (bdx-woitj1 7;3px) { .kmx-bmiu`l {

    bdrhoe-kmttmb1 .;lb> }

    .smbl-mtjlr-bmiu`l { pdiioeh1 .;lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 .;lb> }


    /* ... mtjlr bliod qulry sty`ls wmu`i hm jlrl ... */

    Oe tjl fflrst twm ru`l slts oe tjos lxdbp`l, wl jdvl twm slpdrdtl l`lblets me tjl pdhlsty`li wotjmut bliod qulrols. (Ds d soil pmoet, tjmsl fflrst twm ru`l slts gmu`i kl murbmko`l fflrststy`ls, kut ot rld``y imlset bdttlr fmr tjl purpmsl mf tjos tjlmrltogd`


    Dftlr wl ilg`drl tjmsl probdry sty`ls me mur twm l`lblets, wl tjle ilg`drl murbliod qulrols, rlpldtoeh tjl sdbl sl`lgtmrs, kut wotj d`tlrli sty`ls tm suot tjlbliod fldturlsilffleli oe tjl bliod qulrols.

    Yjl nly pdrt tm tdnl emtl mf jlrl os jmw tjos wmu`i `mmn of wl jdi tjmusdeis mf`oels mf gmil. Of tjdt wlrl tjl gdsl, tjl bliod qulry sty`ls tjdt dpp`y tm tjl sdblbmiu`ls wmu`i kl soheofflgdet`y slpdrdtli frmb tjl mrohoed` sty`ls fmr tjmsl sdbl

    l`lblets. Emt oild`, lsplgod``y wjle ymurl tryoeh tm nllp rl`dtli gjuens mf GWWtmhltjlr.

    7 mf 43

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    .Yjl purpmsl mf bmiu`drozoeh mur GWW os tm jl`p ot klgmbl bugj bmrl lxok`l dei

    sgd`dk`l, kut d`sm tm jl`p bdnl ot ldsolr tm rldi dei ldsolr tm bdoetdoe. Ds wl gdesll frmb tjl prlvomus lxdbp`l, tjdt dpprmdgj (wjlrl ymu tjrmw d`` ymur bliodqulrols dt tjl kmttmb mf tjl sty`lsjllt) gde, tm smbl lxtlet, joeilr bdoetdoedko`oty.

    @lts rlwrotl tjl lxdbp`l frmb dkmvl usoeh d bmrl bmiu`dr dpprmdgj1

    .kmx-bmiu`l {

    mdt1 `lft> kdgnhrmuei1 #ggg> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 4.;lb>}

    Cbliod sgrlle dei (bdx-woitj1 8;3px) { .kmx-bmiu`l {

    mdt1 emel> g`ldr1 kmtj> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 . }


    Cbliod sgrlle dei (bdx-woitj1 7;3px) { .kmx-bmiu`l {

    bdrhoe-kmttmb1 .;lb> }


    .smbl-mtjlr-bmiu`l { kmrilr1 sm`oi 9px #;;;> pdiioeh1 4.;lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 4.;lb>}

    Cbliod sgrlle dei (bdx-woitj1 8;3px) { .smbl-mtjlr-bmiu`l { kmrilr1 sm`oi ;px #;;;> pdiioeh1 .:lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 . }


    Cbliod sgrlle dei (bdx-woitj1 7;3px) {


    9 mf 43

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    .smbl-mtjlr-bmiu`l { pdiioeh1 .;lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 .;lb> }


    Yjos bohjt sllb d kot mii dei gmuetlrprmiugtovl tm tjmsl wjm drl dggustmblitm puttoeh tjlor bliod qulrols dt tjl kmttmb mf tjlor GWW ffl`l. Yjos dpprmdgjos iosgussli ds de mptome oe Amedtjde Wemmns kmmn me bmiu`dr GWW, wjlrl jliosgussls gjdehoeh stdtl wotj bliod qulrols.

    Lvle klfmrl O stdrtli rldioeh Amedtjdes kmmn, Ovl gmesoilrli tjos dpprmdgj, kutprltty bugj obbliodtl`y iosgdrili tjl tjmuhjt fmr prmkdk`y tjl sdbl rldsme tjdtbdey mf ymu drl groehoeh dt ot rohjt emw1 Yjl fdgt tjdt tjos g`ldr`y hmls dhdoest tjlI[_ (Imet [lpldt _mursl`f) proegop`l.

    .Ds wl`` sll oe tjl fm``mwoeh slgtomes, of ymurl usoeh Wdss, tjl rlpltotome klgmbls`lss mf d fdgtmr dei, frmb wjdt O gde tl``, bdey ilvl`mplrs drl dimptoeh tjos bltjmi.

    Kut fflrst, `lts gmesoilr tjl prms dei gmes mf tjos dpprmdgj fmr purl GWW tjdts emtusoeh Wdss.


    @mts mf rlpltotome, wjogj bmiu`dr GWW iosgmurdhls

    Bmrl gmil, wjogj gmu`i dbmuet tm jueirlis mf lxtrd `oels, tjus `drhlr ffl`ls

    Gmu`i kl gmefusoeh tm futurl bdoetdoelrs, lsplgod``y of emt wl`` imgubletli

    Of ymu gjdehl d soeh`l bliod qulry stdtl (l.h. bdx-woitj1 8;3px), ymu jdvl tm

    gjdehl ot fmr d`` bmiu`ls


    Ldsolr tm rldi/ueilrstdei/bdoetdoe fmr tjl mrohoed` ilvl`mplr(s)

    Gmu`i kl bugj ldsolr tm rldi/ueilrstdei fmr futurl bdoetdoelrs, lsplgod``y ofwl`` imgubletli

    Ldsolr tm wrotl tjl oeotod` gmil (bmrl me tjos kl`mw)


    < mf 43

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    .Ym purosts, tjl gmes bdy sllb onl koh prmk`lbs. Kut O imet tjoen tjlyrl ds koh ds

    tjly sllb, lvle tjmuhj tjly bdy dppldr tm mutwlohj tjl prms.

    Forst, Ob emt gmeglreli dkmut tjl `drhlr dbmuet mf gmil. Of Ob boeofyoeh deihzopoeh, tjl iofflrlegl oe gmil qudetoty wo`` kl elh`ohok`l.

    Wlgmei, ds suhhlstli ky tjl ffled` prm pmoet, of ymurl wrotoeh ymur bliod qulryfmr d bmiu`l rohjt elxt tm tjl oeotod` sty`ls fmr tjl bmiu`l otsl`f, O kl`olvl tjos wo``bdnl ot soheofflgdet`y ldsolr wjle ilkuhhoeh tjdt pdrtogu`dr pdrt mf tjl gmil. Woeglymu jdvl d`` tjl iofflrlet sty`ls fmr d pdrtogu`dr bmiu`l tmhltjlr oeg`uioeh d``

    tjl iofflrlet stdtl gjdehls vod bliod qulrols ymu`` quogn`y kl dk`l tm bdnl deygjdehls dei wmet jdvl tm put mff ilkuhhoeh tjl sdbl bmiu`l dhdoe dt sbd``lrkrldnpmoets.

    .Xjle ymu fdgtmr oe d prlprmglssmr onl Wdss, tjos smrt mf tjoeh klgmbls lxpmeletod``yldsolr. Of ymurl emt fdbo`odr wotj smbl mf Wdsss bliod qulry-splgofflg gdpdko`otols,ots wmrtj gjlgnoeh mut tjdt pdrt mf tjlor imgubletdtome, wjogj td`ns dkmut imoehtjos lxdgt tjoeh.

    Wm `lts rlwrotl mur lxdbp`l frmb dkmvl usoeh Wdss wotj elstoeh dei vdrodk`ls1

    $bliod1 sgrlle>$fldturl1 bdx-woitj>$vd`ul1 8;3px>

    $vd`ul;1 7;3px>

    .kmx-bmiu`l {

    mdt1 `lft> kdgnhrmuei1 #ggg> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 4.;lb>

    Cbliod #{$bliod} dei ($fldturl1 $vd`ul) { mdt1 emel> g`ldr1 kmtj>



    6 mf 43

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    bdrhoe-kmttmb1 . }

    Cbliod #{$bliod} dei ($fldturl1 $vd`ul;) { bdrhoe-kmttmb1 .;lb> }


    .smbl-mtjlr-bmiu`l { kmrilr1 sm`oi 9px #;;;> pdiioeh1 4.;lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 4.;lb>

    Cbliod #{$bliod} dei ($fldturl1 $vd`ul) { kmrilr1 sm`oi ;px #;;;> pdiioeh1 .:lb>

    bdrhoe-kmttmb1 . }

    Cbliod #{$bliod} dei ($fldturl1 $vd`ul;) { pdiioeh1 .;lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 .;lb> }


    Jlrl, oe diiotome tm vdrodk`ls, wlrl usoeh Wdsss elstoeh gdpdko`otols, wjogj imetrlquorl rlpldtoeh tjl sl`lgtmr oesoil tjl bliod qulry k`mgn. Yjos wo`` gmbpo`l tmkdsogd``y wjdt wl ioi oe tjl Wdss-`lss bmiu`dr lxdbp`l dkmvl.

    Kut wlrl emt ffleosjli ylt. @lts bdnl mel ffled` obprmvlblet tm tjos gmil, usoeh dfdor`y elw Wdss fldturl.

    .Xlrl hmoeh tm obprmvl me tjos lvle bmrl ky usoeh Wdsss dko`oty tm pdss gmetletk`mgns tm d boxoe.

    Dei O sjmu`i pmoet mut tjdt tjos os emtjoeh elw> tjl mffflgod` Wdss k`mh iosgussli tjossjmrt`y klfmrl Wdss 7.; wds rl`ldsli, dei d flw mtjlr k`mhs jdvliosgusslitjlklelfflts mf usoeh Wdss tm nllp bliod qulry sty`ls eldr tjl sty`ls tjly mvlrroil.


    8 mf 43

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Jlrls mur upidtli gmil usoeh Wdsss Cgmetletiorlgtovl1

    $bliod1 sgrlle>$fldturl1 bdx-woitj>$vd`ul1 8;3px>$vd`ul;1 7;3px>

    Cboxoe bmiu`dr-bq($krldnpmoet) { Cof $krldnpmoet 22 blioub { Cbliod (#{$bliod} dei $fldturl1 $vd`ul) { Cgmetlet> } }

    Cl`slof $krldnpmoet 22 sbd`` { Cbliod (#{$bliod} dei $fldturl1 $vd`ul;) { Cgmetlet> } }


    .kmx-bmiu`l { mdt1 `lft> kdgnhrmuei1 #ggg> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 4.;lb>

    Coeg`uil bmiu`dr-bq(blioub) { mdt1 emel> g`ldr1 kmtj> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 . }

    Coeg`uil bmiu`dr-bq(sbd``) { bdrhoe-kmttmb1 .;lb> }


    .smbl-mtjlr-bmiu`l { kmrilr1 sm`oi 9px #;;;> pdiioeh1 4.;lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 4.;lb>

    Coeg`uil bmiu`dr-bq(blioub) { kmrilr1 sm`oi ;px #;;;> pdiioeh1 .:lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 . }

    Coeg`uil bmiu`dr-bq(sbd``) { pdiioeh1 .;lb> bdrhoe-kmttmb1 .;lb> }


    : mf 43

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Yjl lxdbp`ls wotj tjl vdrodk`ls dei wjdtemt drl emt elglssdro`y hmoeh tm kl imel`onl tjdt. _mu gde jdrigmil tjl vd`uls rohjt oetm tjl boxoe, mr ymu gmu`i jdvlsmbl gmeiotomed` `mhogtjdt ilgoils wjdt tjl vd`uls wo`` kl. Yjos os bmrl mr `lss dtjlmrltogd` lxdbp`l.

    .Lvle wotj tjl twm Wdss lxdbp`ls, ymurl sto``, tm smbl lxtlet, rlpldtoeh ymur bliodqulry krldnpmoets fmr lvlry sl`lgtmr tjdt ellis de mvlrroil. Wm O gde ueilrstdeiof bdey ilvl`mplrs imet `onl tjos dpprmdgj.

    Mvlrd``, O tjoen tjl gmeglpt mf nllpoeh rl`dtli sty`ls eldr ldgj mtjlr os bugj bmrl

    oe oel wotj wjdt wl onl tm sll oe GWW dei lsplgod``y oe bmiu`dr mr MMGWW. O d`wdysfflei ot deemyoeh wjle O jdvl tm soft tjrmuhj twm iofflrlet pdrts mf d sty`lsjllt tmbdnl d gjdehl tm d soeh`l l`lblet me tjl pdhl d prmk`lb tjdt jds mggurrlibugj bmrl mftle wotj tjl divlet mf bliod qulrols. O tjoen tjos dpprmdgj wmu`irlsm`vl tjos typl mf tjoeh.

    O sjmu`i d`sm bletome tjdt tjlrl drl smbl prmalgts tjdt dob tm jl`p oe tjos drldoeg`uioeh Wdssy Bliod, Wusy, sdss-bliodqulrolsdei prmkdk`y mtjlrs tjdt O jdvletylt slle. (\pidtl1 Wgmtt Nl``ubtwlltli tm bl dkmut Krldnpmoet, wjogj os wmrtjgjlgnoeh mut aust fmr tjl Smoet Krldn bmvol jmbdhl.)


    ? mf 43

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Wm jmw jds lvlrymel klle imoeh tjos smrt mf tjoeh= Im ymu boei jdvoeh ymurbliod qulrols sgdttlrli tjrmuhjmut ymur gmil, rlpldtoeh tjl sdbl qulrols fmriofflrlet sl`lgtmrs=

    _mu Bohjt D`sm @onl1

    Wlttoeh \p Wdss me Xoeimws

    Wdss me Xoeimws wotj Wgmut Dpp

    Xjle tm Dvmoi tjl Ilsgleidet Wl`lgtmr

    @muos @dzdrosXlk Ilvl`mplr





  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    dpp`oelss OEYL[VOLX [_DE WYLXD[Y KMMNBD[N / WJD[L / YM

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    dpp`oelss OEYL[VOLX [_DE WYLXD[Y KMMNBD[N / WJD[L / YM



    ky Bdo`l Vd`letoel

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    7 mf :

    DSS@OELWW1 Jo [yde! Yjdens fmrhovoeh ymur tobl tm Dpp`oelss.Gde ymu oetrmiugl ymursl`f tm murrldilrs=

    _up! Ob [yde Wtlwdrt dei Ob gurrlet`yd prmiugt bdedhlr jlrl dt Dimkl fmrLihl Gmil, mur `ohjtwlohjt liotmr fmr

    JYB@/AW/GWW. O amoeli Dimkl dkmut6 yldrs dhm ds de lvdehl`ost dei rld``yleamyli tjl gustmblr-fdgoeh dsplgt mftjl amk. O ilgoili tjl elxt mhogd` stlpwds tm bmvl oetm prmiugt bdedhlbletsm O gmu`i ture tjdt gustmblr fllikdgndei put ot oe d prmiugt.

    O `ovl oe Wldtt`l, Xdsjoehtme wjogj os d

    hrldt p`dgl tm leamy by bdoe jmkkols>iroenoeh hmmi kllr dei spleioeh tobloe tjl mutimmrs jonoeh, kdgnpdgnoeh,dei g`obkoeh. O d`sm jdvl twm `ott`lmels, d 7 yldr m`i hor` dei 9 bmetj m`ikmy wjm kmtj nllp bl kusy.

    Gde ymu tl`` us dkmut tjl hlelrd`iorlgtome mf dimptoeh dei

    oegmrpmrdtoeh mple smurgl stdeidrisdt Dimkl - dt `ldst jmw ot plrtdoestm ymur rm`l=

    Wlloeh Dimkl lbkrdgl mple smurglmvlr tjl pdst gmup`l mf yldrs jdsklle fdetdstog dei hlttoeh tm kuo`i dprmiugt me tmp mf ot jds klle d ueoqulgjd``lehl. Xotj Lihl Gmil wlrl

    kuo`ioeh me tjl mple smurgl Krdgnlts

    prmalgt, wjogj Dimkl stdrtli dei os`oglesli ueilr BOY ds wl`` ds kloehdvdo`dk`l me HotJuk.

    Xotj Lihl Gmil wlrl tdnoeh Krdgnltsdei tjle kuo`ioeh fldturls tjdt tol oetm mtjlr Grldtovl G`mui prmiugts deislrvogls. Yjl hmd` os tm prmvoil Grldtovl

    G`mui gustmblrs d hrldt `ohjtwlohjtwlk liotmr tjdt lxpmsls slrvogls deioetlhrdtls wotj tmm`s frmb Dimkl. Kutwl d`sm dgnemw`lihl jmw klelfflgod`tjl mple smurgl gmbbueoty jds kllefmr mur prmiugt. Ds d rlsu`t, wlvl kuo`ttjl Grldtovl G`mui fldturls oe LihlGmil ds lxtlesomes tjdt wl mplesmurgl sm tjdt lvle of ymurl usoeh

    Krdgnlts ymu gde tdnl divdetdhl mftjlb.

    Xjdt drl smbl mf tjl mple smurglprmalgts ymu drl bmst oetlrlstli oe=

    Krdgnlts! Kut Ob d`sm vlry lxgotlidkmut wjdt tjl Dpdgjl Gmrimvdprmalgt jds klle imoeh. Wlloeh tjl

    iofflrlegls kltwlle tjl Dpdgjl mplesmurgl bmil` dei wjdt wlvl imelwotj Krdgnlts drmuei tjl BOY `oglesljds klle jl`pfu` tm ueilrstdei tjleudegls oe iofflrlet mple smurglpjo`msmpjols.


  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    [_DE WYLXD[Y


    Gde ymu tl`` us dkmut Lihl Gmil=Ots hmd`(s)= Xjm os tjl tdrhlt uslr=

    Lihl Gmil os d ohjtwlohjt gmil liotmrkut splgofflgd``y fmr wlk ilvl`mplrsdei ilsohelrs. Yjlrl drl d `mt mfhlelrog tlxt liotmrs mut tjlrl kut wotjLihl Gmil wlrl fmgusoeh me wlk

    tlgjem`mhols wjogj lt us prmvoil smbl

    ueoqul wmrnmws, `onl @ovl Srlvolw,tjdt drl splgofflg tm tjl wlk.

    Wm Lihl Gmil os fmr d`` wlk ilvl`mplrsdei wlk ilsohelrs kut O tjoen otspdrtogu`dr`y jl`pfu` fmr wlk ilsohelrswjm gmil, wjogj dt tjos pmoet os bmstbmilre wlk ilsohelrs. Lihl Gmil

    legmurdhls ymu tm ilsohe oe tjl9 mf :


  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    < mf :

    krmwslr dei prmvoils vosud` liotmrsfmr tjoehs `onl gm`mrs sm ymu gde liotgmil oe d vosud` wdy wjlrl ot bdnlsslesl.

    Xlrl d`sm hmoeh tm kl wmrnoeh me

    @LWW/WDWW suppmrt smme ds wl`` dsbmrl vosud` liotmrs.

    Xjdt os ueoqul dkmut Lihl Gmilgmbpdrli tm mtjlr gmil liotmrs=

    Yjl kohhlst os tjdt ots kuo`t wotj JYB@/GWW/AW. Yjdt bldes ots d`sm lxtleidk`loe tjmsl `dehudhls sm of ymurl usoehLihl Gmil fmr wlk ilvl`mpblet, ymujdvl d`` tjl sno``s tm wrotl lxtlesomesfmr ot tjdt dii fuegtomed`oty. Yjdtsgrldtli d hrldt gmbbueoty dei d`smd``mwli plmp`l tm gmetrokutl iorlgt`ytm Krdgnlts wjogj leis up obprmvoehLihl Gmil.

    Xjdt mtjlr tmm`s, `okrdrols mrfrdblwmrns drl oetlhrdtli wotjLihl Gmil= Jmw imls ot fflt oetm tjlwmrnmw mf wmrnoeh wotj tjl `drhlrLihl fdbo`y mf prmiugts=

    Xl rlglet`y diili Ylre.AW ^jttp1//tlreas.elt/R wjogj hovls us vlry pmwlrfu`AdvdWgropt gmil joetoeh. Yjl prmiugt

    otsl`f os kuo`t wotj aTulry, Kmmtstrdp,dei [lquorlAW. Xl d`sm jdvl EmilAWkuo`t oetm tjl prmiugt wjogj hovls ustjl dko`oty tm usl d`` mf tjl `okrdrolstjdt jdvl klle kuo`t fmr Emil.

    Lihl Gmil stdrtli ky oetlhrdtoehLihl Xlk Fmets oe tjl tmm` sm ymu gdekrmwsl dei usl frll wlk fmets. Xlrl

    diioeh Lihl Oesplgt oetlhrdtome wjogj

    wo`` lt ymu prlvolw iorlgt`y me ilvoglsds ymu ilvl`mp. Mvlr tjl elxt flwbmetjs wlrl hmoeh tm kl obprmvoehtjl wmrnmw wotj [lmw dei d`sm diiillplr oetlhrdtome wotj SjmelHdpdei SjmelHdp Kuo`i.

    Lihl Gmil wds kuo`i me Krdgnltswjogj os de mple smurgl gmil liotmr.Xjdt divdetdhls imls tjos hovl tmilvl`mplrs=

    Yjl kohhlst klelfflt mf kloeh kuo`t meKrdgnlts os tjdt wl hlt tm irdw frmbtjl gmbbueoty dei usl tjl fldturlstjlyvl gmetrokutli. Krdgnlts jdsdrmuei 433 lxtlred` gmetrokutmrswjm jdvl bdil kuh fflxls, diilielw fldturls, dei mf gmursl kuo`tlxtlesomes. Klgdusl tjl sdbl plmp`lgmetrokutoeh drl tjl mels wjm drljldvo`y usoeh tjl prmiugts ot bldestjlyrl pdssomedtl dkmut bdnoeh otklttlr. Xl klelfflt frmb d`` mf tjdt.

    Jmw gde ilvl`mplrs gmetrokutltm fldturls dei lxtlesomes fmrKrdgnlts= Jmw imls ymur tldbbdedhl tjlsl gmetrokutomes=

    Lxtlesomes drl tjl ldsolst klgdusl otsaust d bdttlr mf puttoeh ymur lxtlesome

    up me HotJuk. Xl jdvl de LxtlesomeBdedhlr oe Lihl Gmil tjdt bdnlsot ldsy tm oestd`` lxtlesomes frmb dHotJuk rlpmsotmry.

    Gmetrokutome tm Krdgnlts os s`ohjt`ybmrl gmbp`ogdtli kut sto`` prlttyldsy. Ots ds strdohjt fmrwdri ds fmrnoehKrdgnlts dei tjle rldioeh tjrmuhj

    tjl gmetrokutoeh imgublet - jttps1//


  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    6 mf :

    hotjuk.gmb/dimkl/krdgnlts/k`mk/bdstlr/GMEY[OK\ - Yjlesukbot ymur pu`` rlqulst, bdnl deysuhhlstli gjdehls, dei vom`od, ymuvlgmetrokutli tm Krdgnlts (dei LihlGmil).

    Os tjlrl d hmmi smurgl fmr uslfu`lxtlesomes tjdt jdvl klle ilvl`mplid`rldiy tjdt ilvl`mplrs gde uto`ozl=

    [ohjt emw tjl Krdgnlts lxtlesome `ostwono os tjl klst p`dgl - jttps1//hotjuk.gmb/dimkl/krdgnlts/wono/Krdgnlts-Lxtlesomes - kut wlrl wmrnoeh me ds`oht`y klttlr wdy tm prmvoil tjdt `ost.Xlrl d`sm hmoeh tm kl wmrnoeh wotjtjl Dimkl Lxgjdehl tldb sm ymu gdeup`mdi, sl``, dei imwe`mdi Lihl Gmillxtlesomes frmb tjl Dimkl Lxgjdehl.Dey lxtlesome wrottle fmr Krdgnltswmrns aust fflel wotj Lihl Gmil.

    Xjogj ffl`l typls dei wlk krmwslrsdrl suppmrtli fmr fldturls sugjds @ovl Gmil dei Tuogn Liot fmriofflrlet ffl`l typls sugj ds GWW, AW,JYB@=

    @ovl Srlvolw wmrns wotj GWW ffl`lsgurrlet`y kut JYB@ dei AW drl elxt

    me tjl `ost. _mu gde usl @ovl Srlvolwme JYB@ mr SJS ffl`ls, sm usoeh tjlfldturl ots pmssok`l tm oestdet`y twldnGWW fmr XmriSrlss mr Irupd` tjlbls.

    Tuogn Liot wmrns fmr slloeh wjogjGWW sl`lgtmrs drl dssmgodtli wotj kotsmf JYB@. Ot d`sm wmrns fmr AdvdWgroptfuegtomes, sm wjlrlvlr ymurl usoeh d

    fuegtome ymu gde oevmnl Tuogn Liot dei

    sll tjl ilffleotome fmr tjdt fuegtome.

    Xjdt drl ymu bmst lxgotli dkmutds tjl Srmalgt Bdedhlr fmr LihlGmil= Drl tjlrl dey rmdibdp p`desymu gde tl`` us dkmut=

    Yjl gjdegl tm kuo`i me tmp mf Krdgnltsdei tjlor bmbletub os rld``y lxgotoeh.Xlrl hmoeh tm kl wmrnoeh me twmbdamr tjlbls elxt oe Lihl Gmil.Mel os prmvoioeh d hrldt wmrnmw fmrgrldtoeh bmko`l dpps oe SjmelHdp.Xlrl hmoeh tm kl diioeh SjmelHdpprmiugtovoty fldturls ds wl`` ds d g`msl`oen wotj SjmelHdp Kuo`i. Yjl mtjlrbdamr tjlbl os hmoeh tm kl ilsohetmm` oetlhrdtome. Mel mf mur lehoellrs,EA, sjmwli d seldn dt BDZ dkmutpu``oeh prmplrtols frmb d ilsohe dssltoetm gmil ^jttp1//www.ymutukl.gmb/wdtgj=v2xDS:GWBLwQ:R. Xlrlhmoeh tm kl wmrnoeh me smbltjoeh`onl tjdt fmr [lmw dei Sjmtmsjmp.


  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    [_DE WYLXD[Y


    Xjdt osDimkl Ylgj@ovl=

    Dimkl Ylgj@ovl os d slrols mfme`oel prlsletdtomes, slboedrs, deiiosgussomes gmvlroeh d woil rdehl mftmm`s dei tlgjem`mhols. Ots d hrldtwdy tm sll wjdts hmoeh me wotj tjlwlk dei ilsohe. D`` mf tjl slssomesdrl rlgmrili sm of ymu gdet bdnl otoe plrsme ymu gde hm kdgn dei wdtgjtjlb.

    Xjdt splgod` hulsts jdvl ymu jdi

    me tjl Sdu` dei [yde sjmw sm fdr=Dey p`des fmr futurl hulsts=

    Xlvl aust imel mel sjmw sm fdr deiot wds wotj tjl Vdsdvd huys wjm ioi d`mt mf tjl krdeioeh fmr Dimkl BDZ.Xlrl jmpoeh tm hlt @ll Krobl`mw metjl elxt mel dei dsn job dkmut josrlspmesl ilbm seldn ^jttp1//www.`llkrobl`mw.gmb/rlspmesovl-ilsohe-wotj-dimkl-krdgnlts/R. Mur Vdsdvdsjmw wds d kot iofflrlet frmb wjdtwlrl jmpoeh tm im, wjogj os tm bdnlot bmrl `ovl`y dei fue.

    8 mf :


  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    [_DE WYLXD[Y

    & F\E

    Xmu`i ymu rld``y rdtjlr klkdgnpdgnoeh rohjt emw=

    _ls 1). Kut Ob dt d gmeflrlegl sm tjosbohjt kl d kdi tobl tm dsn.

    Jmw drl ymu prmhrlssoeh wotj ymurkugnlt `ost=

    W`mw`y kut surl`y! Fmr sdkkdtogd` `dstyldr O hmt tm im tjl kllr tmur tjrmuhjKl`houb. Xl dttlbptli Bmet K`degme tjdt trop kut jdi tm ture kdgn iultm dvd`degjl idehlr sm O me`y hlt tm

    jd`f-grmss tjdt mel mff.

    @dst, kut glrtdoe`y emt `ldst, wjdtdrl smbl dkmvl dvlrdhl kllrs wlsjmu`i nemw dkmut=

    Of ymurl lvlr oe Kl`houb ffleioeh

    Xlstv`ltlrle 4; os d bust. Ots d hrldtkllr. Oe tjl \W Ob d juhl fde mf d`bmstlvlrytjoeh ky Ilsgjuttls. Of ymurllvlr oe Wldtt`l O johj`y rlgmbbleistmppoeh ky [lukles Krlws. Hrldtkllr dei O tjoen tjly bohjt kl tjlelxt trleiy krlwlry oe d yldr.

    : mf :


  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    dpp`oelss Y\YM[OD@W AT\L[_ KMMNBD[N / WJD[L / YM

    < Yjoehs _mu Wjmu`iWtmp Imoeh wotj aTulry.

    ky KurnlJm``dei

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    ky KurnlJm``dei

    ; mf 47

    Yjos drtog`l wds mrohoed``y puk`osjli me tjl oppoe Dwlsmblwlksotl me Bdy 6, ;347._mu gde rldi ot jlrl.

    Xjle O fflrst stdrtli usoeh aTulry, O wds sm lxgotli. O wds usoeh vdeo``d AW dei rld``ystruhh`oeh wotj ueilrstdeioeh wjle l`lblets me d pdhl wlrl rldiy dei jmw O gmu`idgglss tjlb. Xjle O `ldreli dkmut aTulry, O tjoen O ioi wjdt bdey plmp`l im. Xotjtldrs mf amy rueeoeh imwe by fdgl, O mpleli up d imgublet rldiy fuegtome dei tjle

    aust vmbotli up bdssovl dbmuets mf aTulry.

    Wmbl mf tjl wmrst aTulry gmil lvlr wrottle wds wrottle ky bl O gde dssurl ymu mftjdt.


    Xotj tldrs mf amy rueeoehimwe by fdgl, O mpleli up dimgublet rldiy fuegtome...

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    Woegl tjle, Ovl splet d flw yldrs dt tjl Kdysoil mf aTulry. Ovl jdi by jldrt krmnled flw tobls dei `ldreli d smbl tjoehs d`meh tjl wdy. Oe imoeh sm, Oi `onl tm sjdrl< tjoehs oe aTulry tjdt O tjoen ymu sjmu`i tjoen twogl dkmut imoeh.

    .Kdgn oe tjl idy mf jldvy slrvlr frdblwmrns, nemwoeh tjdt ymur pdhl wds fu``ygmestrugtli klfmrl ymu troli tm butdtl ot wds d koh ild`. Yjos wds lsplgod``y trul ofymu wlrl usoeh pdrtod` volws mf smbl smrt tjdt wlrl oealgtli oetm tjl dymut/bdstlrpdhl ky tjl slrvlr dt ruetobl.

    Emwdidys, ots gmesoilrli klst prdgtogl tm oeg`uil ymur sgropts dt tjl kmttmb mf tjl

    pdhl. Yjl JYB@< dsyeg dttrokutl emtwotjstdeioeh, sgropts drl mdili dei lxlgutlisyegjrmemus`y ky tjl krmwslr. Yjdt bldes tjdt of ymu jdvl d drhl sgropt oe tjl jldimf ymur pdhl, ot wo`` il`dy `mdioeh mf tjl IMB dei bdnl ymur pdhl sllb s`mwlrtjde ot dgtud``y os. @mdioeh d`` sgropts `dst wo`` dt `ldst bdnl ymur dpp`ogdtome sllbtm `mdi fdstlr. Ot d`sm hovls ymu d gjdegl tm usl d spoeelr mr `mdioeh mvlr`dy of ymudrl gmbp`ltl`y ilpleilet me AdvdWgropt fmr ymur \O.

    Of ymu drl dijlroeh tm tjl sgropts dt tjl kmttmb klst prdgtogl, tjle ymu jdvl emelli fmr aTulrys imgublet rldiy fuegtome ds tjl JYB@ os d`rldiy `mdili ky tjltobl tjl sgropt os rue.

    0poi2zdgn5Yjos l`lblet os me tjl pdhl 0strmeh5KLFM[L0/strmeh5d`` tjlsgropts. Em imgublet rldiy ellili.0/p5


    0sgropttypl2tlxt/advdsgropt gjdrslt2utf-:5

    // of ymu oeg`uil ymur sgropts dt tjl vlry kmttmb, ymu imet elli imgubletrldiy (fuegtome($) {

    $(#zdgn).gss(gm`mr, hrlle)> $(#s`dtmr).gss(gm`mr, rli)>

    }(aTulry))> 0/sgropt50poi2s`dtlr5Yjos l`lblet gmbls dftlr tjl sgropts dei wmet kl dvdo`dk`l.0/p5

    4. Wtmp \soeh Imgublet [ldiy

    7 mf 47

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    .Ovl hmt em jdri lvoilegl tm kdgn tjos up, kut Oi kl wo``oeh tm hulss tjdt tjl ldgjfuegtome os tjl bmst usli mf tjl aTulry uto`oty bltjmis. O kdsl tjos me jmw mftle O

    db tlbptli tm usl ot dei jmw mftle O sll ot oe mtjlr plmp`ls gmil. Ots oegrliok`ygmevleolet fmr `mmpoeh mvlr IMB l`lblets dei AdvdWgropt gm``lgtomes. Ots d`smtlrsl. Yjlrl os emtjoeh wrmeh wotj ot, lxglpt tjdt ots emt tjl me`y otlrdtome fuegtometjl aTulry prmvoils. Slmp`l usl ldgj `onl ots Qdgn Bmrros, dt wjogj pmoet lvlry`mmpoeh prmk`lb stdrts `mmnoeh `onl Nl``y Ndpmwsno.


    Of ymu jdvl de drrdy mf otlbs dei ymu wdet tm mmp tjrmuhj ot dei ffl`tlr mut smbl mf

    tjl otlbs, ymu bohjt kl tlbptli tm usl tjl ldgj bltjmi `onl sm1

    (fuegtome($) {

    vdrd``WtdrGdst 2 ^ { rstEdbl1 Qdgn, `dstEdbl1 Bmrros}, { rstEdbl1 Nl``y, `dstEdbl1 Ndpmwsno}, { rstEdbl1 @osd, `dstEdbl1 Yurt`l}, { rstEdbl1 Wgrllgj, `dstEdbl1 Smwlrs}, { rstEdbl1 D.G., `dstEdbl1 W`dtlr},

    { rstEdbl1 Alssol, `dstEdbl1 Wpdem}, { rstEdbl1 [ogjdri, `dstEdbl1 Kl`ioeh} R

    // otlrdtl tjrmuhj tjl gdst dei ei zdgn dei nl``y vdrwmr`isGutlstGmup`l 2 ^R> $.ldgj(d``WtdrGdst, fuegtome(oix, dgtmr) { of (dgtmr.rstEdbl 222 Qdgn|| dgtmr.rstEdbl 222 Nl``y) { wmr`isGutlstGmup`l.pusj(dgtmr)> } })>



    Yry ot

    ;. Wtmp \soeh tjl Xrmeh Otlrdtmr

    9 mf 47

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    Yjdt wmrns, kut aTulry dgtud``y prmvoils d bltjmi splgofflgd``y fmr tjos sgledrom deiots gd``li bdp. Xjdt ot imls os tdnls dey otlbs tjdt hlt rltureli dei diis tjlb tmd elw drrdy. Yjl `mmpoeh gmil tjle `mmns `onl tjos

    (fuegtome($) {

    vdrd``WtdrGdst 2 ^ { rstEdbl1 Qdgn, `dstEdbl1 Bmrros}, { rstEdbl1 Nl``y, `dstEdbl1 Ndpmwsno}, { rstEdbl1 @osd, `dstEdbl1 Yurt`l}, { rstEdbl1 Wgrllgj, `dstEdbl1 Smwlrs}, { rstEdbl1 D.G., `dstEdbl1 W`dtlr}, { rstEdbl1 Alssol, `dstEdbl1 Wpdem}, { rstEdbl1 [ogjdri, `dstEdbl1 Kl`ioeh} R

    // otlrdtl tjrmuhj tjl gdst dei ei zdgn dei nl``y

    vdrwmr`isGutlstGmup`l 2 $.bdp(d``WtdrGdst, fuegtome(dgtmr, oix) { of (dgtmr.rstEdbl 222 Qdgn|| dgtmr.rstEdbl 222 Nl``y) { rlturedgtmr> } })>



    Yry ot

    Ioi ymu emtogl tjdt tjl drhublets fmr tjl .bdp() gd``kdgn dei tjl .ldgj() gd``kdgndrl rlvlrsli= Xdtgj mut fmr tjdt klgdusl ot gde kotl ymu wjle ymu stdrt usoeh bdp.

    Yjl bdp fuegtome d``mws ymu tm bmiofy tjl otlbs klfmrl tjly hlt s`dppli oetm tjl

    elw drrdy. Ob emt gurrlet`y imoeh tjdt, sm tlgjeogd``y Ob sto`` emt usoeh tjl rohjtotlrdtmr. O sjmu`i rld``y kl usoeh hrlp.


    Of ymu splei bmst mf ymur idys me Xoeimws, tjle tjos tlrb bohjt kl fmrlohe tmymu. Yjl tlrb os typogd``y usli fmr d \eox gmbbdei `oel uto`oty fmr sldrgjoeh ffl`lstjdt gmetdoe tlxt bdtgjoeh d hovle rlhu`dr lxprlssome.

    < mf 47

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    Oe aTulry, hrlp os d fuegtome wjmsl purpmsl os tm rliugl d gm``lgtome ky rlbmvoehl`lblets tjdt imet pdss tjl tlst oe tjl gd``kdgn. Yjl prmvoili gd``kdgn rltures dkmm`lde vd`ul. [lture trul of ymu wdet tjl otlb tm rlbdoe, dei fd`sl(y) of ymu imet.Ot wo`` emt dfflgt tjl mrohoed` drrdy. _mu gdeemt bmiofy tjl otlbs ds ymu rliugl tjlb.

    (fuegtome($) {

    vdrd``WtdrGdst 2 ^ { rstEdbl1 Qdgn, `dstEdbl1 Bmrros}, { rstEdbl1 Nl``y, `dstEdbl1 Ndpmwsno}, { rstEdbl1 @osd, `dstEdbl1 Yurt`l}, { rstEdbl1 Wgrllgj, `dstEdbl1 Smwlrs}, { rstEdbl1 D.G., `dstEdbl1 W`dtlr}, { rstEdbl1 Alssol, `dstEdbl1 Wpdem}, { rstEdbl1 [ogjdri, `dstEdbl1 Kl`ioeh} R

    // otlrdtl tjrmuhj tjl gdst dei ei zdgn dei nl``y

    vdrwmr`isGutlstGmup`l 2 $.hrlp(d``WtdrGdst, fuegtome(dgtmr) { rlture(dgtmr.rstEdbl 222 Qdgn|| dgtmr.rstEdbl 222 Nl``y)> })>



    Yry Ot

    6 mf 47

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    .Yjos oset d aTulry ossul, kut aTulry gde ilffleotl`y lxdglrkdtl tjl prmk`lb. Yjl

    gmetlxt mf tjos os d`wdys gjdehoeh. aTulry smbltobls gjdehls tjl gmetlxt tmsmbltjoeh tjdt ymu bohjt emt kl lxplgtoeh. Oe tjl ldgj gd``kdgn, tjos os tjl gurrletotlb mr l`lblet oe tjl gm``lgtome. Oe tjl bdp fuegtome, ots tjl woeimw mkalgt. _mugde sll jmw ymu gmu`i hlt ymursl`f gmefusli prltty quogn`y.

    Jdvl d `mmn dt tjl fm``mwoeh lxdbp`l dei tjle wl`` td`n dkmut wjy ot k`mws up.

    (fuegtome($) {

    vdrsktk 2 { `mh1 fuegtome(blssdhl) { $(#`mh).dpplei().jtb`(blssdhl)> }, gdst1 ^ { rstEdbl1 Qdgn, `dstEdbl1 Bmrros, smLxgotli1 fd`sl }, { rstEdbl1 Nl``y, `dstEdbl1 Ndpmwsno, smLxgotli1 trul }, { rstEdbl1 @osd, `dstEdbl1 Yurt`l, smLxgotli1 trul }, { rstEdbl1 Wgrllgj, `dstEdbl1 Smwlrs, smLxgotli1 fd`sl }, { rstEdbl1 D.G., `dstEdbl1 W`dtlr, smLxgotli1 fd`sl }, { rstEdbl1 Alssol, `dstEdbl1 Wpdem, smLxgotli1 trul },

    { rstEdbl1 [ogjdri, `dstEdbl1 Kl`ioeh, smLxgotli1 fd`sl } R, smLxgotli1 fuegtome() {

    // usl tjos tm hlt d rlflrlegl tm tjl gdst me tjos mkalgt $.ldgj(tjos.gdst, fuegtome(oix, dgtmr) {

    // gd`` tjl `mh fuegtome tjos.`mh(dgtmr.rstEdbl + + dgtmr.`dstEdbl)> // KMMB! Wp`msomes. // tjos os emw d gjllsy dgtmr, emt tjl sktk mkalgt deybmrl


    } }>



    7. Wtmp \soeh tjos

    8 mf 47

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    .aTulry jds stldio`y nlpt oegrldsoeh oe sozl. Yjos os me`y edturd` ds elw fuegtomed`oty

    os diili. Lvle tjmuhj tjl sozl jds stldio`y klle rliugli soegl 4.:.7, Ots `li tmsmbl ilgry frmb tjl gmbbueoty g`doboeh ot uesuotdk`l fmr bmko`l ilvl`mpbletiul tm ots sjllr bdss.

    Jmwlvlr, aTulry os emt de d`` mr emtjoeh `okrdry deybmrl. aTulry emw suppmrtsgustmb kuo`is. O nemw ots rld``y tlbptoeh tm usl tjl aTulry GIE dei aust rmgn me,kut ot os obpmrtdet tm tjoen dkmut d`` tjl gmil tjdt ymu drl dsnoeh ymur uslrs tmimwe`mdi tjdt tjly bohjt emt lvle elli. Yjdts em koh ild` me d ilsntmp, kut kotshlt prlgomus me bmko`l ilvogls, dei tjlrl os em pmoet oe sleioeh imwe d kuegj mf

    gmil tm suppmrt `lhdgy krmwslrs of ymur dpp os d bmko`l mel.

    _mu jdvl twm gjmogls jlrl. _mu gde jldi mvlr tm tjl HotJuk sotldei grldtl dgustmb kuo`i wotj Hot. Ots dgtud``y rld``y ldsy dei O jdi em ossuls hlttoeh ot tm wmrn.Kut, of pmueioeh mut emil gmbbdeis os emt ymur tjoeh, Amje [lsoh twlltli dkmutd wlk \O fmr gustmb kuo`istjl mtjlr idy.

    .wjle ymu imet elli tm.

    O hmt tm d pmoet oe by ilvl`mpblet gdrllr wjlrl tjl fflrst tjoeh tjdt O ioi wotjdey prmalgt wds dii aTulry, lvle of O wds aust grldtoeh vlry sobp`l prmalgts deisdbp`ls. O ioi tjos bdoe`y sm tjdt O gmu`i aust usl tjl IMB sl`lgtome uto`otols. Kdgnoe tjl idy mf m`ilr krmwslrs, tjos wds ldsolr tm austofy, kut bmilre krmwslrs jdvltjos wjm`l IMB sl`lgtome tjoeh d`rldiy edo`li imwe fmr ymu.


    Of ymu drl usoeh dt ldst OL vlrsome : dei dkmvl, ymu gde aust bdp tjl $ tm imgublet.qulryWl`lgtmr, wjogj wo`` rlture ymu tjl fflrst bdtgjli l`lblet frmb tjl sl`lgtmr.

    _mu gde pdss dey GWW sl`lgtmr tm tjl fuegtome.

    Emtl tjdt OL : me`y suppmrts GWW ;.4 sl`lgtmrs fmr qulryWl`lgtmr.

    9. Wtmp \soeh D@@ YJL AT\L[OLW

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    0iovg`dss2gmetdoelr5 0u`5 0`ooi2poen5Soen0/`o5 0`ooi2sd`bme5Wd`bme0/`o5 0`ooi2k`ul5K`ul0/`o5 0`ooi2hrlle5Hrlle0/`o5

    0`ooi2rli5[li0/`o5 0/u`50/iov5


    // grldtl d h`mkd` $ vdrodk`l woeimw.$ 2 fuegtome(sl`lgtmr) { rltureimgublet.qulryWl`lgtmr(sl`lgtmr)> }>

    (fuegtome() { // sl`lgt otlb4ky oi dei gjdehl ots kdgnhrmuei gm`mr tm sd`bme vdrotlb 2 $(#sd`bme).sty`l.kdgnhrmueiGm`mr2sd`bme> gmesm`l.`mh(otlb)> }())>0/sgropt5

    Yry Ot

    Mf gmursl, tjlrl os em gjdoeoeh wjle usoeh tjl edtovl sty`l bltjmi, sm otlb `mhsmut sd`bme wjogj os wjdt tjl kdgnhrmueiGm`mr bltjmi rltureli.

    Jdvoeh d IMB emil os smbltobls bmrl jdeiy tjde jdvoeh d aTulry wrdpplimel. Fmr oestdegl, `lts sdy wl wdet tm hlt d rlflrlegl tm de obdhl dei gjdehl otssmurgl. Jdvl d `mmn dt jmw ymu wmu`i im ot wotj aTulry ds mppmsli tm d strdohjtup IMB emil.

    // tjl aTulry wdy$(#pogturl).dttr(srg, jttp1//p`dglnottle.gmb/;33/;33)>

    // Vdeo``d AW wotj $ bdppli tm qulryWl`lgtmr$(#pogturl).srg 2 jttp1//p`dglnottle.gmb/;33/;33>

    Yjl IMB mkalgt hovls ymu iorlgt dgglss tm tjl srg prmplrty mf tjl obdhl klgduslymu jdvl d emil mf typl obdhl tjdt jds dgglss tjdt prmplrty. Oe tjl gdsl mf

    aTulry, lvlrytjoeh os d aTulry mkalgt, sm ymu jdvl tm hm tjrmuhj tjl dttr fuegtometm slt tjl obdhl smurgl.

    43 mf 47

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Yjl imgublet.qulryWl`lgtmr bltjmi me`y hlts ymu mel l`lblet. Of ymu gd`` tjdtme d gm``lgtome mf l`lblets, ot wo`` rlture ymu me`y tjl fflrst bdtgjli emil. _mu gdeusl imgublet.qulryWl`lgtmrD`` tm hlt tjl letorl `ost.


    D eldt trogn os tm bdp $ tm qulryWl`lgtmr (4 rlsu`t) dei bdp $$ tm qulryWl`lgtmrD``wjogj wo`` hovl ymu d`` bdtgjli IMB l`lblets. Yjl trogny pdrt mf tjos os tjdtqulryWl`lgtmrD`` rltures d emil `ost wjogj oset tlrrok`y jl`pfu`. _mu drl prmkdk`yhmoeh tm elli tjos ds de drrdy wjogj ymu gde s`ogl up. _mu gde gmevlrt tjl emil osttm de drrdy ky usoeh Drrdy.prmtmtypl.s```(emil@ost).


    0u`5 0`ooi2poen5Soen0/`o5 0`ooi2sd`bme5Wd`bme0/`o5 0`ooi2k`ul5K`ul0/`o5 0`ooi2hrlle5Hrlle0/`o5 0`ooi2rli5[li0/`o5 0/u`50/iov5


    // gustmb `ohjtwlohjt sl`lgtmr obp`lbletdtome // eognedbl1 im``d

    woeimw.$ 2 fuegtome(sl`lgtmr) { rltureimgublet.qulryWl`lgtmr(sl`lgtmr)> }>

    woeimw.$$ 2 fuegtome(sl`lgtmr) { vdrotlbs 2 {}, rlsu`ts 2 ^R,

    `lehtj 2 3, o 2 3>

    // tjos imlset wmrn me OL :- dei K`dgnklrry Krmwslr rlsu`ts 2 Drrdy.prmtmtypl.s```(imgublet.qulryWl`lgtmrD``(sl`lgtmr))>

    `lehtj 2 rlsu`ts.`lehtj>

    // dii tjl rlsu`ts tm tjl otlbs mkalgt fmr ( > o 0 `lehtj> ) { otlbs^oR 2 rlsu`ts^oR>

    44 mf 47

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    o++> }

    // dii smbl diiotomed` prmplrtols tm tjos otlbs mkalgt tm// bdnl ot `mmn `onl de drrdy

    otlbs.`lehtj 2 `lehtj>

    otlbs.sp`ogl 2 ^R.sp`ogl()>

    // dii de ldgj bltjmi tm tjl otlbs otlbs.ldgj 2 fuegtome(gd``kdgn) { vdro 2 3> fmr ( > o 0 `lehtj> ) { gd````(otlbs^oR)> o++> } }

    rltureotlbs> }> // lei gustmb sl`lgtmr DSO

    (fuegtome() {

    // sl`lgt tjl hrlle otlb dei grden up tjl fmet sozl $(#hrlle).sty`l.fmetWozl 2 ;lb>

    // sl`lgt otlb4ky oi dei gjdehl ots kdgnhrmuei gm`mr tm sd`bme

    $$(`o).ldgj(fuegtome() { tjos.sty`l.kdgnhrmueiGm`mr 2 tjos.oi> })> }())>


    Yry Ot

    Emtl tjdt gmevlrtoeh d emil@ost tm de drrdy os emt suppmrtli me OL : dei kl`mw.

    Dt tjos pmoet ymu bdy tjoen tm ymursl`f, Yjdts d `mt mf AdvdWgropt tm wrotl wjle Ogde aust oeg`uil aTulry krm, dei tjdts fdor. Yjos gmu`i kl rliugli em imukt, kut

    aTulry puts sm bugj gmevleolegl me mkalgts dei gm``lgtomes tjdt wjle ymu stdrtrm``oeh wotjmut ot, ymu sll wjdt smrt mf gmil ot tdnls tm rlgrldtl aust d sbd`` polglmf ot dei tjos obp`lbletdtome imlset lvle suppmrt OL : dei kl`mw mr K`dgnklrrykrmwslr. Ilpleioeh me wjdt ymur dpp`ogdtome ellis tm im tjmuhj, ot gmu`i kl fdr`lss gmil tjde oeg`uioeh aTulry.

    4; mf 47

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    @l`dei [ogjdrismedei Amedtjde Wdbpsmejl`pli bl dii d flw bmrl fldturls tmdei g`lde up tjl dkmvl gmil. Xl grldtli d rlpm gd``li Im``d. Ots emt bldet tmkl d rlp`dglblet fmr aTulry oe dey wdy wjdtsmlvlr, kut rdtjlr d gjdegl fmr us tm`ldre wjdt ots `onl tm sdy O imet elli aTulry. Ots d fdor kot bmrl gmil tjde ymu

    bohjt detogopdtl.

    .Wlromus`y tjmuhj. Yjos os aust tm ueilrsgmrl tjl pmoet tjdt tjlsl drl suhhlstomes,emt dksm`utl ru`ls mf `dw. Yjlrl drl d tjmusdei wdys tjdt ymu gde drhul dei mr

    austofy dey mf tjlsl otlbs. Yjos os blrl`y tm hlt ymu tjoenoeh dkmut jmw ymu uslaTulry dei jmw ymu bohjt kl dk`l tm im ot klttlr tjde ymu im emw.

    Wm leamy aTulry, kl jdppy, dei stdy oe sgjmm`.

    Wtmp [ldioeh Drtog`ls Yjdt Yl`` _mu Ym Wtmp Imoeh Wmbltjoeh

    Kurnl Jm``deiLvdehl`ost fmr Nleim \O





  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    dpp`oelss Y\YM[OD@W ADVDWG[OSY KMMNBD[N / WJD[L / YM

    Ilpleilegy Oealgtomedei OmG Gmetdoelrs.

    ky DdrmeJdriy

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    ky DdrmeJdriy

    ; mf 6

    Yjl ilpleilegy oealgtome pdttlreos mel mf by d``-tobl fdvmrotl pdttlres oe smftwdrlilsohe. Yjl gmeglpt, oe ots bmst sobp`l fmrb, os sm sobp`l ylt sm pmwlrfu`.

    Oe lsslegl, ot tdnls us frmb tjos1

    vdrYwlltWtrldb 2 fuegtome() { tjos.twottlr 2 elw YwottlrWlrvogl()>}>YwlltWtrldb.prmtmtypl.strldbYwllts 2 fuegtome() { vdrtwllts 2 tjos.twottlr.hltYwllts()> }>vdrstrldb 2 elw YwlltWtrldb()>strldb.strldbYwllts()>

    Ym tjos1

    vdrYwlltWtrldb 2 fuegtome(twottlr) { tjos.twottlr 2 twottlr>}>YwlltWtrldb.prmtmtypl.strldbYwllts 2 fuegtome() {

    vdrtwllts 2 tjos.twottlr.hltYwllts()> }>vdrtwottlr 2 elw YwottlrWlrvogl()>vdrstrldb 2 elw YwlltWtrldb(twottlr)>strldb.strldbYwllts()>

    Wm wjdts tjl koh ild`=

    Yjl ilpleilegy oealgtomepdttlre os mel mf by d``-tobl

    fdvmrotl pdttlres...

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Oe tjl fflrst lxdbp`l, YwlltWtrldb grldtls tjl YwottlrWlrvogl oestdegl. YwlltWtrldbos fmrgli tm jdvl d nemw`lihl mf (4) tjl lxdgt g`dss ot sjmu`i usl tm gmbbueogdtlwotj Ywottlr, (;) wjlrl dei jmw tm dgglss tjl gmestrugtmr, dei (7) jmw tm grldtlde oestdegl dei dpprmprodtl`y oeotod`ozl tjl mkalgt (pdssoeh pdrdbltlrs tm tjl

    gmestrugtmr, gd``oeh bltjmis dftlr tjl fdgt, ltg.).

    Oe tjl slgmei lxdbp`l, YwlltWtrldb imls emt elli tm nemw dey mf tjlsl tjoehssoegl YwottlrWlrvogl os grldtli ky d tjori pdrty dei `dtlr pdssli oetm YwlltWtrldb.YwlltWtrldb me`y ellis tm nemw jmw tm oetlrdgt wotj tjl oestdegl ot os pdssli.

    D`tjmuhj sllboeh`y kleohe, tjl diiotomed` nemw`lihl tjdt YwlltWtrldb os fmrgli tmjdvl oe tjl fflrst lxdbp`l oegrldsls ots gmup`oehtm ots ilpleilegols wjo`l ilgrldsoehots mwe gmjlsome. Yjl diiotomed` gmup`oeh ldis tm gmil tjdt gde kl ioffflgu`t tm tlst

    dei `lss lxok`l dt ruetobl. Of wl wlrl tm oealgt tjl ilpleilegols rdtjlr tjdefmrgoeh YwlltWtrldb tm grldtl mr fflei tjlb, wl gde ldso`y bmgn ilpleilegolsiuroeh ueot tlsts dei prmvoil tjlb iorlgt`y tm tjl sukalgt kloeh tlstli. Dt ruetobl,wl gde ldso`y swdp mut tjl mkalgt kloeh prmvoili ds d ilpleilegy kdsli me ru`lsmr gmetlxts.

    .Wm wjdt imls tjos jdvl tm im wotj de OmG gmetdoelr= De oevlrsome mf gmetrm`gmetdoelr, mr OmG gmetdoelr fmr sjmrt, dssosts oe ilpleilegy oealgtome dei lssletod``yffl``s tjrll rm`ls. Yjlsl rm`ls drl mftle sp`ot kltwlle d gmetdoelr dei de oealgtmr, kutfmr sobp`ogoty O`` diirlss tjlb ds tjmuhj tjly drl mel oe tjl sdbl. @lts jdvl d mmndt ldgj rm`l.

    Ilpleilegy [u`l [lhostry

    Oe mur gdsl stuiy, YwlltWtrldb nemws ot ellis d slrvogl tm td`n tm Ywottlr. Ilpleioehme tjl ilpleilegy oealgtome obp`lbletdtome, YwlltWtrldb gde rlqulst tjosilpleilegy oe d vdrolty mf wdys. Oe AdvdWgropt, wjlrl stdtog typoeh, oetlrfdgls,dei `dehudhl-kdsli deemtdtomesimet lxost, tjl ilpleilegy wmu`i hlelrd``y klrlqulstli ky d edbl oe tjl fmrb mf d stroeh. Fmr lxdbp`l, YwlltWtrldb bdy stdtltjdt ot ellis twottlrWlrvogl mr twottlr mr YjlYwotswjdtlvlr edbl sllbsrldsmedk`l. Yjl obpmrtdet pdrt os tjdt smbl dgtmr oe tjl systlb ellis tm bdtgj uptjos edbl wotj d ru`l fmr jmw tm grldtl mr rltrolvl tjl ilpleilegy.

    Oevlrsome mf Gmetrm` Gmetdoelrs

    7 mf 6

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    Yjdts wjlrl tjl OmG gmetdoelr gmbls oe. Yjl OmG gmetdoelr bohjt jdvl ru`ls `onltjl fm``mwoeh1

    Xjle twottlr os rlqulstli, prmvoil d elw oestdegl usoeh tjl YwottlrWlrvoglgmestrugtmr.

    Xjle gjdt os rlqulstli, prmvoil wjdtlvlr os rltureli frmb GjdtFdgtmry. Xjle `mhhlr os rlqulstli, prmvoil d soeh`ltme oestdegl mf Dsyeg@mhhlr. Xjle iod`mh os rlqulstli, prmvoil tjos splgofflg mkalgt. Xjle rden os rlqulstli, prmvoil tjl vd`ul 4778.


    Emw wotj mur ru`ls ilffleli, wl gde usl tjlb tm grldtl mr rltrolvl d ilpleilegy.@lts sdy mur mkalgt tm rlglovl ilpleilegolswjogj wl`` gd`` mur oealgtllos

    prmvoili tm tjl OmG gmetdoelr fmr ilpleilegy oealgtome. @lts sdy, fmr lxdbp`l, tjloealgtll rlqulsts gjdt dei iod`mh ilpleilegols. Yjl OmG gmetdoelr `mmns uptjl ru`l bdppli tm gjdt, rues GjdtFdgtmry wjogj jdpples tm oestdetodtl d gjdtmkalgt dei gmefflhurls ot sm ots d`` rldiy tm hm, tjle oealgts tjl gjdt mkalgt oetm tjloealgtll. Yjl gmetdoelr tjle `mmns dt tjl ru`l fmr iod`mh, dei, ky hm``y, wjle tjlru`l wds kloeh gmefflhurli me tjl OmG gmetdoelr, d splgofflg mkalgt wds prmvoili tmtjl OmG gmetdoelr tjdt sjmu`i d`wdys kl usli wjle tjl iod`mh ilpleilegy osrlqulstli. Yjl OmG gmetdoelr tjle prmvoils tjdt splgofflg mkalgt tm tjl oealgtll. Ofdemtjlr oealgtll `dtlr dsnli fmr tjl iod`mh ilpleilegy, tjl sdbl mkalgt wmu`ikl prmvoili tm tjdt oealgtll ds wl``. Ds ymu gde sll, tjl ru`ls mfflr quotl d kot mflxoko`oty.

    Oe subbdry, tjl oealgtmr usls ru`ls tm grldtl mr rltrolvl ilpleilegols dei oealgttjlb oetm mkalgts rlqulstoeh tjlb.

    Ilpleilegy Mkalgt Dei Vd`ul [lhostry

    Oe mur fflrst twm ru`ls, wl usl d gmestrugtmr dei d fdgtmry tm grldtl ilpleilegymkalgts dt tjl bmblet tjly drl gd``li fmr1

    Xjle twottlr os rlqulstli, prmvoil d elw oestdegl usoeh tjl YwottlrWlrvoglgmestrugtmr.

    Xjle gjdt os rlqulstli, prmvoil wjdtlvlr os rltureli frmb GjdtFdgtmry.

    Me tjl mtjlr jdei, smbl ru`ls rlquorl tjdt tjl OmG gmetdoelr jm`i metm ilpleilegymkalgts mr vd`uls sm tjly gde kl prmvoili ds ilpleilegols tm oealgtlls dt d `dtlr

    9 mf 6

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    tobl rdtjlr tjde kloeh rl-grldtli ldgj tobl tjly drl rlqulstli. Yjl `dst tjrllru`ls O `ostli plrtdoe jlrl1

    Xjle `mhhlr os rlqulstli, prmvoil d soeh`ltme oestdegl mf Dsyeg@mhhlr Xjle iod`mh os rlqulstli, prmvoil tjos splgofflg mkalgt.

    Xjle rden os rlqulstli, prmvoil tjl vd`ul 4778.

    Oe ldgj mf tjlsl, tjl gmetdoelr os jm`ioeh metm mkalgts mr vd`uls sm tjly gde klprmvoili ds ilpleilegols tm oealgtlls dt d `dtlr tobl. Oe tjos bdeelr, tjl OmGgmetdoelr klgmbls d rlhostry mf mkalgts dei vd`uls.

    Ob noei mf seldnoeh tjos oe jlrl, kut oe tjl gdsl mf tjl ru`l prmvoioeh d soeh`ltmeoestdegl, ymu gde dvmoi tjl wmls mf sl`f-lefmrgli soeh`ltmes dei rldp tjl kmuetolsmf gmetlxt-kdsli soeh`ltmes. Mj tjl wmeilrs mf OmG gmetdoelrs! Gjlgn mut tjos

    pmst ky Aml` Jmmnsfmr bmrl me tjos.

    .Ym bdnl d `meh stmry sjmrt, Ovl klle p`dyoeh drmuei wotj ilpleilegy oealgtome oeAdvdWgropt dtl`y. Ots sto`` fdor`y elw tlrrotmry oe tjos AdvdWgropt wmr`i mf murs tjmuhjos klgmboeh oegrldsoeh`y bmrl pmpu`dr tjdens oe `drhl pdrt tm Dehu`drAWwjogjprmvoils ilpleilegy oealgtome mut mf tjl kmx. IlftAWos d`sm bl`ioeh ilpleilegyoealgtome oetm frdblwmrns `onl Lxt AWdeiWlegjd Ymugj.

    Oe by frm`ognoeh dkmut d yldr dhm, O fl`t onl gmmnoeh up de lxprlssovl, ilpleilegy-frll, `ohjtwlohjt OmG gmetdoelr O gd``li wjogj ymu gde fflei me HotJuk.D`tjmuhj tjl gmil bdy jdpple tm prmvl uslfu` fmr smblmel, O bletome ot jlrl wotjtjl blrl jmpl tjdt tjl lxdbp`ls oe tjl rldibldei tjl ueot tlstsgde jl`p sm`oiofysmbl mf tjl gmeglpts Ovl iosgussli jlrl.

    Oe by lxplrolegl, OmG gmetdoelrs klgmbl bmst pmwlrfu` wjle oetlhrdtli wotj dedpp`ogdtome frdblwmrn tjdt gde dutm-oealgt ilpleilegols wjo`l rlquoroeh ds `ott`lkmo`lrp`dtl ds pmssok`l frmb tjl ilvl`mplr. D`tjmuhj tjos oset oetleili tm kl dsd`ls-potgj, Dehu`drAW jds eogl`y oetlhrdtli ilpleilegy oealgtome dei O rlgmbbleiklgmboeh fdbo`odr wotj ots wmrnmw lvle of aust fmr tjl `ldreoeh mppmrtueoty otprmvoils.

    @lss Jdei-wdvoeh, Bmrl Gmil

    < mf 6

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    .Gjlgn mut tjos fdetdstog prlsletdtome ky Bonm Jlvlry me wjy ilpleilegy oealgtomeos sm obpmrtdet fmr g`lde dei tlstdk`l gmil. Wlromus`y, imet boss ot.

    Of ymurl tjl rldioeh typl, gjlgn muttjos drtog`l ky Bdrtoe Fmw`lrfmr d bmrl fmrbd`dei dutjmrotdtovl ilsgroptome mf oevlrsome mf gmetrm` dei ilpleilegy oealgtome.

    Bmrl [ldioeh dei Xdtgjoeh

    Ddrme JdriyWmftwdrl Lehoellr, Yldb @ldi





  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    dpp`oelss Y\YM[OD@W ADVDWG[OSY KMMNBD[N / WJD[L / YM


    ky KurnlJm``dei

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    ky KurnlJm``dei

    ; mf 48

    Yjos drtog`l wds mrohoed``y puk`osjli me tjl Nleim\Owlksotl me Bdy :, ;347. _mu gderldi ot jlrl.

    Of ymu jdvl klle fm``mwoeh AdvdWgropt ilvl`mpblet, ymu bohjt jdvl slle d mt mf pmstsme bmiu`ls. Ots d jmt tmpog oe AdvdWgropt dei ots ldsy tm aubp me d kdeiwdhme. Yjltrutj os tjdt tjl prmk`lb tjdt ellis tm kl sm`vli os vlry fueidbletd` tm tjl sugglssmf ymur gmil.

    .AdvdWgropt jds de oejlrlet `dgn mf d bmiu`l systlb...


    Of tjdts tjl fflrst p`dgl ymur boei wlet, tjle ymu drl oe hmmi gmbpdey. Ilrogn Kdo`lylxp`does tjl gmeglpt mf d bmiu`l `onl tjos1

    Dbmiu`l os d wrdpplr mr leg`msurl drmuei d hrmup mf rl`dtli tjoehs oe gmil

    - wjltjlr tjmsl tjoehs drl mkalgts, fuegtomes, vdrodk`ls, mr wjdtlvlr

    tjly bohjt kl. Bmiu`ls grldtl legdpsu`dtome dei hovl us tjl dko`oty pdgndhl

    bdey sbd``lr tjoehs oe tm smbltjoeh drhlr, prlsletoeh ot oe d ueofflli bdeelr.


    Xjy Bmiu`ls

    Bmiu`ls drl d jmt tmpog oeAdvdWgropt dei ots ldsy tmaubp me d kdeiwdhme.

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Yjoen dkmut ot tjos wdy1 Oe .ELY mr Advd, ymu usl g`dssls mr wjdt jdvl ymu tm kuo`iymur prmalgt. Yjle ymu jdvl d gmbpo`lr tjdt gmbls d`meh dei kuei`ls lvlrytjoehup fmr ymu oetm de dsslbk`y kdsli me wjogj g`dssls ymu jdvl ilg`drli ymu wo``kl ellioeh. Emw ymu jdvl d bmiu`l tjdt ymu gde usl oe mtjlr prmalgts, dei ot

    gde ldso`y kl rlflrlegli mr obpmrtli fmr usl. Yjos gmeglpt mf hrmupoeh ymur gmiltmhltjlr dei pdgndhoeh ot os gmbp`ltl`y bossoeh frmb AdvdWgropt.

    Yjl prmk`lb jlrl oe AdvdWgropt os rld``y twm fm`i.4. AdvdWgropt imls emt yltjdvl d syetdx fmr grldtoeh bmiu`ls.;. AdvdWgropt imls emt jdvl d wdy fmr ymu tm `mdi tjl bmiu`ls tjdt ot imls emt

    jdvl d syetdx fmr ilffleoeh. _mu jdvl tm wdstl ymur tobl wotj tliomus sgropt tdhmrilroeh dei rl`y me h`mkd` rlflrlegls.

    .@lts tdnl d `mmn dt jmw tjos prmk`lb typogd``y p`dys mut. Dssubl tjdt wl jdvl dvlry sobp`l dpp`ogdtome tjdt jds gm`mr pd`lttl woihlt. Bmvoeh tjl sl`lgtmr oe tjlgm`mr pd`lttl gjdehls tjl pdhl gm`mr.

    Grldtoeh Bmiu`ls

    7 mf 48

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Fmr d bmrl oetlrlstoeh lxdbp`l mf tjl elw Gm`mr Sognlr woihlts tjdt O ioiet leiup usoeh, hm jlrl.

    @lts `mmn dt tjl AdvdWgropt tjdt os kljoei tjl sglels jlrl.

    Gm`mr Lxplroblets Gmil

    // mple d imgublet rldiy fuegtome$(fuegtome() {

    // fuegtome tjdt aust gjdehls tjl kdgnhrmuei gm`mr vdrsltKdgnhrmuei 2 fuegtome(gm`mr) { $(imgublet.kmiy).gss(kdgnhrmuei-gm`mr, gm`mr)> }

    // fuegtome tm jdei`l tjl pd``ltl gm`mr sl`lgtome vdrsltGm`mr 2 fuegtome(l) { // tjl gm`mr mkalgt gmetdoes d`` tjl jlx, rhkd, dei js` // gmevlrsomes dei uto`otols vdrgm`mr 2`mr().tmKytls()>

    // slt tjl gm`mr sltKdgnhrmuei(l.vd`ul)> }>

    // sl`lgt dei grldtl tjl gm`mr pd``ltl vdrgm`mrs 2 $(#gm`mrs).nleimF`dtGm`mrSognlr({ gjdehl1 sltGm`mr, vd`ul1 #fff }).hltNleimF`dtGm`mrSognlr()>


    Xjle O `mmn dt tjl dkmvl gmil, Ot dppldrs tm bl tjdt ot gmu`i kl krmnle mut oetmtwm iofflrlet mkalgts.

    4. Yjl uto`oty fuegtome tm gjdehl tjl pdhl gm`mr;. Yjl gm`mr pd`lttl dei sl`lgt lvlet

    Oe AdvdWgropt, ymu jdvl slvlrd` gjmogls fmr grldtoeh bmiu`ls, kut tjl bmstfueidbletd` wdy os tm usl smbltjoeh gd``li de Obbliodtl`y Oevmnli FuegtomeLxprlssome (OOFL), tjdt wo`` rlture ymu de mkalgt. @lts tdnl aust tjl uto`oty fuegtometjdt gjdehls tjl kdgnhrmuei gm`mr.

    9 mf 48

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Grldtoeh D Wobp`l Bmiu`l

    // vdrodk`ls ilg`drli mutsoil mf d fuegtome wo`` hm me tjl h`mkd`// sgmpl, sm grldtl de DSS edblspdglvdrDSS 2 woeimw.DSS || {}>

    /************************************************* \YO@W BMI\@L**************************************************/// usl d fuegtome tjdt lxlgutls rohjt dwdy dei dssohe// wjdtlvlr ot rltures tm tjl uto`s vdrodk`lDSS.uto`s 2 (fuegtome() { // rlture de mkalgt rlture{ // ilg`drl tjl fuegtome tm gjdehl tjl kdgnhrmuei gm`mr

    sltKdgnhrmuei1 fuegtome(gm`mr) { $(imgublet.kmiy).gss(kdgnhrmuei-gm`mr, gm`mr)> } }>}())>

    O rld`ozl tjdt ymu wmu`i bmst onl`y elvlr jdvl d fuegtome tm plrfmrb d soeh`l mplrdtomeme d soeh`l mkalgt, kut ot jl`ps tm sobp`ofy tjl mvlrdrgjoeh oild jlrl, sm aust kldrwotj bl.

    Emw wl jdvl legdpsu`dtli tjdt fuegtome, dei bdykl dey mtjlr uto`oty fuegtomestjdt wl jdvl oe de mkalgt gd``li uto`s, dei wl gde gd`` ot `onl sm1

    \soeh Yjl \to`s Mkalgt

    // slt tjl kdgnhrmuei gm`mr tm k`ul DSS.uto`s.sltKdgnhrmuei(#7766??)>

    < mf 48

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Elxt wl gde legdpsu`dtl tjl gm`mr pd`lttl woihlt ds d bmiu`l. Yjl pd`lttl bmiu`lellis tm dgglss tjl uto`s mkalgt wjogj os dvdo`dk`l mff mf tjl sdbl DSS edblspdgl.

    Bmiu`drozl Yjl Sd`lttl

    // vdrodk`ls ilg`drli mutsoil mf d fuegtome wo`` hm me tjl h`mkd`// sgmpl, sm grldtl de DSS edblspdglvdrDSS 2 woeimw.DSS || {}>

    /************************************************* \YO@W BMI\@L**************************************************/// usl d fuegtome tjdt lxlgutls rohjt dwdy dei dssohe// wjdtlvlr ot rltures tm tjl uto`s vdrodk`lDSS.uto`s 2 (fuegtome() { // rlture de mkalgt rlture{ // ilg`drl tjl fuegtome tm gjdehl tjl kdgnhrmuei gm`mr sltKdgnhrmuei1 fuegtome(gm`mr) { $(imgublet.kmiy).gss(kdgnhrmuei-gm`mr, gm`mr)> } }}())>


    Gm`mr Sd`lttl Bmiu`l****************************************************/// grldtl tjl gm`mr pd`lttl bmiu`l mff tjl dpp edblspdgl// d`` tjdt wl elli tm rlture mut mf tjos fuegtome os de oestdegl// mf tjl gm`mr pd`lttl woihltDSS.pd`lttl 2 (fuegtome() {

    // tjos fuegtome os provdtl dei emt dvdo`dk`l tm uto`s // fuegtome tm jdei`l tjl pd``ltl gm`mr sl`lgtome vdrsltGm`mr 2 fuegtome(l) { // tjl gm`mr mkalgt gmetdoes d`` tjl jlx, rhkd, dei js`

    // gmevlrsomes dei uto`otols vdrgm`mr 2`mr().tmKytls()>

    // slt tjl gm`mr DSS.uto`s.sltKdgnhrmuei(l.vd`ul)> }>

    // sl`lgt dei grldtl tjl gm`mr pd``ltl vdrgm`mrs 2 $(#gm`mrs).nleimF`dtGm`mrSognlr({ gjdehl1 sltGm`mr,

    6 mf 48

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    vd`ul1 #fff }).hltNleimF`dtGm`mrSognlr()>

    // aust rlture tjl letorl woihlt oestdegl rlturegm`mrs>


    Emw tjl gmil os fu``y bmiu`dr. Ots quotl d kot bmrl vlrkmsl, kut wl gde lxtrdgtldgj mel mf tjlsl bmiu`ls oetm ots mwe ffl`l. Yjdt hovls us twm ffl`ls1

    4. uto`;. pd`

    !0-- oeg`uil aqulry, nleim uo dei tjl dpp sgropts --5


    Xl imet elli DE_ oe`oel sgropt soegl tjl fuegtomes wl wrdppli mur bmiu`ls oelxlgutl ds smme ds tjly drl oeg`uili oe tjl pdhl dei rlture tjl elglssdry rlflrleglstjdt mtjlr bmiu`ls ilplei me. Yjlrl drl sto`` smbl fdor`y bdamr irdwkdgns jlrl.

    4. Yjl uto` ffl`l D@XD_W jds tm kl rlflrlegli fflrst klgdusl ot grldtls tjl DSSvdrodk`l tjdt d`` mf tjl bmiu`ls `ovl me.

    ;. Yjlrl drl ; ffl`ls d`rldiy, dei tjos os d ildi sobp`l pdhl. Obdhoel jmw bdey ffl`lsymu bohjt jdvl oe d fu`` me letlrprosl dpp`ogdtome.

    7._mu gmu`i usl d kuo`i tmm` `onl DWS.ELY BVG Kuei`oeh, kut ds ymurdpp`ogdtome hrmws ymu drl sto`` hmoehtm jdvl bmiu`ls tjdt ilplei memtjlr bmiu`ls. _mu gde try tm nllptjdt d`` strdohjt oe ymur jldi, kutds ymur dpp hrmws, ymu drl hmoehtm fflei tjdt ot stdrts tm fll` `onl ymuhmt Hozbm wlt dei tmmn job tm dpozzd kufflt dftlr boieohjt.

    8 mf 48

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    .Yjl gmrl oild kljoei [lquorlAW os tm d``mw ymu tm splgofy oe d AdvdWgropt ffl`l wjogj

    ffl`ls ot ilpleis me sm tjdt ymu gde kl surl tjdt wjle ymur gmil lxlgutls, tjlilpleilegols drl sdtosfflli.


    [lquorlAW os aust d AdvdWgropt ffl`l. Ots d probl lxdbp`l mf sm`voeh ilfflgolegols oeAdvdWgropt ky wrotoeh AdvdWgropt.

    _mu gde imwe`mdi ot frmb tjl [lquorlAWsotl, mr ymu gde usl ymur pdgndhl bdedhlr

    mf gjmogl. Ob wmrnoeh oe DWS.ELY tmidy, sm O`` hrdk ot mff mf EuHlt.

    SB5 Oestd``-Sdgndhl [lquorlAW

    Ots hmoeh tm irmp ; ffl`ls oe tjl Wgropts iorlgtmry. Xlrl me`y gmeglreli wotj dt tjl bmblet. Yjl mtjlr ffl`l,, os d uto`oty wjogj gmegdtledtls dei boeoffllsymur ffl`ls. Xl`` td`n dkmut ot sjmrt`y.

    \sud``y ymu wo`` sll [lquorlAW prmalgts strugturli sm tjdt ymur dpp`ogdtome `ovls oe

    d fm`ilr gd``li dpp. _mur AdvdWgropt ffl`ls wo`` hm oetm d prmalgt gd``li by`oks,dei ymur tjori pdrty sgropts wo`` hm oetm d fm`ilr gd``li `oks. Yjdts emt hmspl`, ots

    aust d suhhlstome. Wtrugturl ymur gmil tjl wdy tjdt ymu fll` tjl bmst gmbfmrtdk`lwotj.

    Wuplr Wobp`l Gmefflhurdtome

    Klfmrl O dgtud``y rlflrlegl tjl [lquorlAW sgropt, Ob hmoeh tm elli tm dii d bdoeffl`l tjdt dgts ds de letry pmoet. O`` aust gd`` ot dei irmp ot oe tjl dpp fm`ilr

    dt tjl sdbl `lvl` ds tjl by`oks iorlgtmry. Yjdt ffl`l wo`` gd`` tjl rlquorlfuegtome, wjogj os d fuegtome tjdt os splgofflli ky tjl ffl`l. Oe ot, Ob hmoeh tmilg`drl tjdt O wdet tm `mdi oe by twm ffl`ls. Ot tjle tdnls tjmsl ffl`l pdtjs dei oealgtstjlb oetm d fuegtome ds vdrodk`ls dei lxlgutls tjdt fuegtome. [lquorlAW dssublstjdt ymu drl wmrnoeh wotj AdvdWgropt ffl`ls sm ymu imet oeg`uil .as oe ymur edbls.

    Oe Xjogj [lquorlAW FOED@@_ Bdnls de Dppldrdegl

    : mf 48

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    [lquorlAW Bdoe Fo`l

    rlquorl(^ by`oks/uto`s, by`oks/pd`lttlR, fuegtome(uto`s, pd`lttl) {

    // tjl dpp os `mdili...


    Emw O gde oeg`uil [lquorlAW oe by JYB@ pdhl dei splgofy tjdt O wdet ot tm usltjl ffl`l ds ots bdoe letry pmoet ky splgofyoeh tjl idtd-bdoe dttrokutl me tjlsgropt tdh.

    0sgroptsrg2/Wgropts/ idtd-bdoe2/Wgropts/dpp/bdoe.as50/sgropt5

    Yjl dpp`ogdtome emw rues dei [lquorlAW `mdis oe tjl twm ffl`ls tjdt O splgofflli deitjl dpp wmrns. Of ymu mple ymur krmwslr tmm`s, ymu gde sll tjl twm AdvdWgropt ffl`lskloeh `mdili oe.

    Wplgofyoeh Ilpleilegols

    Jlrl os wjlrl tjoehs stdrt tm hlt vlry oetlrlstoeh. Yjl pd` ffl`l ilpleis metjl uto` ffl`l. Xotjmut ot, tjl pd` gmil os krmnle. Ob hmoeh tm bmiofy tjlslffl`ls aust s`ohjt`y tm `lt [lqurlAW nemw tjdt. O im tjdt wotj d ilfflel fuegtome dt tjltmp mf tjmsl ffl`ls. Yjl ilfflel fuegtome os d fuegtome grldtli ky [lquorlAW, dei ottdnls twm pdrdbltlrs1

    4. De drrdy mf pdtjs tm AdvdWgropt ffl`ls ellili ds ilpleilegols;. Yjl fuegtome tm lxlgutl dftlr [lquorlAW lesurls tjmsl ilpleilegols jdvl klle


    ? mf 48

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    D [lquorlAW Sd`lttl bmiu`l tjle `mmns `onl tjos1

    Sd`lttl Bmiu`l Ilpleis Me \to`s

    ilel(^ by`oks/uto`sR, fuegtome(uto`s) {

    // tjos fuegtome os provdtl dei emt dvdo`dk`l tm s`oilrs mr uto`s // fuegtome tm jdei`l tjl pd``ltl gm`mr sl`lgtome vdrsltGm`mr 2 fuegtome(l) { // tjl gm`mr mkalgt gmetdoes d`` tjl jlx, rhkd, dei js` // gmevlrsomes dei uto`otols vdrgm`mr 2`mr().tmKytls()>

    // slt tjl gm`mr uto`s.sltKdgnhrmuei(l.vd`ul)> }>

    // sl`lgt dei grldtl tjl gm`mr pd`lttl vdrgm`mrs 2 $(#gm`mrs).nleimF`dtGm`mrSognlr({ gjdehl1 sltGm`mr, vd`ul1 #fff }).hltNleimF`dtGm`mrSognlr()>

    // aust rlture tjl letorl woihlt oestdegl rlturegm`mrs>


    Dei tjl uto`s bmiu`l imlset ilplei me deytjoeh...

    Gm`mrs Bmiu`l Xotj Ilpleilegols

    ilel(^R, fuegtome() {

    rlture{ // ilg`drl tjl fuegtome tm gjdehl tjl kdgnhrmuei gm`mr sltKdgnhrmuei1 fuegtome(gm`mr) { $(imgublet.kmiy).gss(kdgnhrmuei-gm`mr, gm`mr)> } }>})>

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    Emtogl tjdt tjmsl OOFLs wlet dwdy= Wm ioi tjl DSS vdrodk`l/edblspdgl. [lquorlAWjdei`ls ymur bmiu`ls dei jm`is tjlb fmr ymu. _mu gde hlt tjlb dt deytobl kylxlgutoeh rlquorl(_mur Bmiu`l Edbl). O gde d`sm rlbmvl uto` frmb tjl bdoe.

    as ffl`l gmbp`ltl`y dei aust `mdi pd` [lquorlAW wo`` `mdi oe pd`, sll tjdtot ilpleis me uto` dei `mdi tjdt ffl`l oe fflrst.

    rlquorl(^ by`oks/pd`lttlR, fuegtome() {

    // tjl dpp os rueeoeh...


    .O sto`` jdvl Nleim \O dei aTulry jdehoeh dkmut oe by pdhl dei emt oeg`uili oeby [lquorlAW gmefflhurdtome. Yjlrl oset deytjoeh rld``y wrmeh wotj tjos, kut ymugde oeg`uil tjlsl tjori pdrty `okrdrols oe [lquorlAW sm ymu gde kuei`l dei boeofylvlrytjoeh imwe oetm mel ffl`l.

    Gmefflhuroeh Sdtjs

    _mu gde gmefflhurl tjlsl tjori pdrty okrdrols oe tjl ffl`l ky grldtoeh d pdtj,wjogj os aust d edbli vdrodk`l tjdt os pmoetoeh tm tjl `okrdry `mgdtome. Of ymu drlusoeh d GIE fmr tjlsl `okrdrols (wjogj ymu sjmu`i of ymu gde), tjle ymu gde splgofyd fd``kdgn tm d `mgd` ffl`l of tjl GIE oset dvdo`dk`l.

    Yjori Sdrty @okrdrols

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    Gmefflhuroeh [lquorlAW Fmr Yjori Sdrty @okrdrols

    rlquorl.gmeh({ pdtjs1 { // splgofy d pdtj tm aqulry, tjl slgmei ilg`drdtome os tjl `mgd` fd``kdgn aqulry1 ^//dadx.hmmh`ldpos.gmb/dadx/`oks/aqulry/4.?.4/aqulry, ../Wgropts/aqulry.4.?.4.boeR }})>

    rlquorl(^ by`oks/pd`lttlR, fuegtome(aqulry, pd`lttl) {

    // tjl dpp os rueeoeh...


    _mu tjle pdss aTulry oetm ymur bdoe letry pmoet. Bdey plmp`l wo`` gjmmsl tm diioe de ffl`l jlrl sm tjdt tjly drl emt mdioeh d kuegj mf tjlor mwe ffl`ls d`mehwotj tjl tjori pdrty mels oe tjl ffl`l. Yjl ffl`l tjle mdis oe d`` mf ymur`okrdrols.

    \sl De Dpp Fo`l Oestldi Mf Bdoe

    rlquorl.gmeh({ pdtjs1 { // splgofy d pdtj tm aqulry, tjl slgmei ilg`drdtome os tjl `mgd` fd``kdgn aqulry1 ^ //dadx.hmmh`ldpos.gmb/dadx/`oks/aqulry/4.?.4/aqulry.boe, ../Wgropts/aqulry.4.?.4.boeR }})>

    rlquorl(^ dppR, fuegtome(aqulry, dpp) {

    // tjos `mdis aqulry dei ymur dpp `l


    _mu wmu`i mf gmursl wdet tm splgofy aTulry ds d ilpleilegy oe tjl pd` ffl`l._mu D@XD_W wdet tm splgofy d`` d ffl`ls ilpleilegols. Yjos os tjl me`y wdy tjdt[lquorlAW wo`` nemw wjogj ffl`ls tm `mdi dei oe wjdt mrilr. Aust klgdusl O splgofflli

    aTulry klfmrl pd`, ot imls emt blde [lquorlAW wo`` `mdi tjlb oe tjdt mrilr.

    4; mf 48

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    .Wmbl tjori pdrty `okrdrols wo`` jdvl ilpleilegols me mtjlr tjori pdrtols. Nleim \O

    ilpleis me aTulry. Xjo`l tjl iofflrlet Nleim \O bmiu`ls wo`` splgofy tjlor oetlred`ilpleilegols fmr [lquorlAW, tjly im emt splgofy d ilpleilegy me aTulry soegl otsldsy tm im dei rlquorls aust mel oel. Jlrl O db diioeh oe d ilpleilegy fmr Nleim\O wotj d `mgd` fd``kdgn, dei usoeh sjob tm `lt [lquorlAW nemw tjdt O elli aTulry`mdili klfmrl Nleim \O.

    Wplgofyoeh aTulry Ds D Ilpleilegy Fmr Nleim \O


    pdtjs1 { // splgofy d pdtj tm aqulry, tjl slgmei ilg`drdtome os tjl `mgd` fd``kdgn aqulry1 ^ //dadx.hmmh`ldpos.gmb/dadx/`oks/aqulry/4.?.4/aqulry.boe, ../Wgropts/aqulry.4.?.4.boeR, nleim1 ^ //gie.nleimstdtog.gmb/;347.4.74?/as/nleim.wlk.boe, ../nleim/;347.4.74?/nleim.wlk.boeR }, // oefmrb rlquorlas tjdt nleim uo ilpleis me aqulry sjob1 { nleim1 { ilps1 ^aqulryR

    } }})>

    rlquorl(^ dppR, fuegtome(aqulry, nleim, dpp) {

    // tjos `mdis aqulry dei ymur dpp `l


    Yjori Sdrtols wotj Ilpleilegols

    47 mf 48

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Emw ymu gde rlbmvl tjl sgropt tdhs fmr aTulry dei Nleim \O frmb ymur pdhl dei`lt ymur bmiu`ls splgofy of tjly elli tjlb. Fmr oestdegl, tjl pd`lttl ffl`l emw mmns`onl tjos1

    Sd`lttl Bmiu`l

    ilel(^ aqulry, nleim, by`oks/uto`sR, fuegtome($, nleim, uto`s) {

    // tjos fuegtome os provdtl dei emt dvdo`dk`l tm s`oilrs mr uto`s // fuegtome tm jdei`l tjl pd``ltl gm`mr sl`lgtome vdrsltGm`mr 2 fuegtome(l) { // tjl gm`mr mkalgt gmetdoes d`` tjl jlx, rhkd, dei js` // gmevlrsomes dei uto`otols vdrgm`mr 2`mr().tmKytls()>

    // slt tjl gm`mr uto`s.sltKdgnhrmuei(l.vd`ul)> }>

    // sl`lgt dei grldtl tjl gm`mr pd``ltl vdrgm`mrs 2 $(#gm`mrs).nleimF`dtGm`mrSognlr({ gjdehl1 sltGm`mr,

    vd`ul1 #fff }).hltNleimF`dtGm`mrSognlr()>

    // aust rlture tjl letorl woihlt oestdegl rlturegm`mrs>})>

    Yjl dpp`ogdtome os fu``y gmefflhurli de rldiy fmr ilp`myblet. Ot gmu`i kl ilp`mylids-os, kut tjdts emt vlry rlspmesok`l. _mu sjmu`i d`wdys boeofy dei gmegdtledtlymur sgropts klfmrl ymu hm tm prmiugtome. Yjos os wjlrl tjl ffl`l gmbls oe.

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    .Klfmrl wl gde usl tjl ffl`l, ymu elli tm jdvl EmilAWoestd``li. Of ymu imet

    jdvl Emil, dei ot bdnls ymu elrvmus, aust tjoen mf ot ds d gmbbdei `oel uto`otywotj d YME mf uslfu` p`uhoes tjdt jl`p ymu dutmbdtl ymur wmrnmw rlhdri`lss mfmplrdtoeh systlb dei p`dtfmrb. Oe tjos gdsl, O elli EmilAW tm rue tjl ffl`l wjogjwo`` plrfmrb d kuo`i me tjl AdvdWgropt.

    Dftlr ymu oestd`` EmilAW, ymu drl rldiy tm rue tjl kuo`i ffl`l, d`sm nemwe ds tjlmptobozlr.

    Yjl Bohjty Mptobozlr

    Yjl [lquorlAW mptobozlr os hmmi, kut ots emt d boei rldilr. _mu elli tm hovl ot dffl`l tjdt ot gde rldi wjogj wo`` tl`` ot dkmut ymur prmalgt dei wjogj ffl`ls ymu wdet ottm boeofy. Yjos ffl`l gde kl edbli wjdtlvlr ymu wdet dei gde lxost deywjlrl, kut Ousud``y gd`` boel kuo` dei nllp ot oe tjl tmp `lvl` iorlgtmry. Ot imlset elli tmkl oe d puk`og`y dgglssok`l `mgdtome.

    [lquorlAW Mptobozlr Gmefflhurdtome

    ({ kdsl\r`1 ./Wgropts/dpp, pdtjs1 { aqulry1 lbpty1, nleim1 lbpty1 }, edbl1 bdoe, mut1 Wgropts/bdoe-kuo`})

    _mu wo`` emtogl tjdt O prmvoili pdtjs fmr Nleim \O dei aTulry oe tjl fmrb mf lbpty1,wjogj tl``s [lquorlAW tjdt tjlsl drl GIE sgropts dei elli me`y tm kl rlflrlegli,emt oeg`uili oe tjl kuo`i.

    Yjle ymu sobp`y gd`` tjl ffl`l frmb tjl gmbbdei `oel wotj Emil, dei pdss oe tjl`mgdtome mf tjl kuo` ffl`l.

    // rue frmb tjl prmalgt iorlgtmryemil -m kuo`

    Oe Xjogj O Yl`` _mu tm Oestd`` EmilAW

    4< mf 48

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    Yjdt wo`` spot mut d bdoe-kuo` ffl`l wjogj gmetdoes d`` mf tjl prmalgt AdvdWgroptgmegdtledtli dei boeofflli. _mu gde emw aust bmiofy tjl idtd-bdoe ffl`l tjdt [lquorlAWos `mdioeh tm kl tjl bdoe-kuo` ffl`l, oestldi mf

    Wplgod` Gmesoilrdtomes Fmr DWS.ELY

    Woegl O db wmrnoeh oe DWS.ELY, tjlrl drl d flw mtjlr gjdehls O wdet tm bdnl tmstrldb`oel by wmrnmw.

    @mdioeh Yjl Gmrrlgt AdvdWgropt Fmr [l`ldslO im emt wdet tm jdvl tm bdeud``y gjdehl by sgropt tdh wjlelvlr O hm tm rl`ldsldei tjle kdgn fmr ilvl`mpblet. Ob hmoeh tm seoff mut by gurrlet kuo`i bmil oetjl JmblGmetrm``lr dei tjle pdss d vdrodk`l tm tjl Oeilx.gsjtb` pdhl sm O nemwwjogj sgropt tm oeg`uil.

    Iltlrboeoeh Yjl Kuo`i Gmefflhurdtome

    puk`og Dgtome[lsu`t Oeilx(){ #of ILK\H VolwKdh.uslKuo`i 2 fd`sl> #l`sl VolwKdh.uslKuo`i 2 trul> #leiof


    Gmeiotomed``y @mdioeh Yjl Kuo`i Fo`l

    Cof (VolwKdh.uslKuo`i) { 0sgroptsrg2C\r`.Gmetlet(~/Wgropts/ idtd-bdoe2C\r`.Gmetlet(~/Wgropts/bdoe-kuo`} l`sl{

    0sgroptsrg2C\r`.Gmetlet(~/Wgropts/ idtd-bdoe2C\r`.Gmetlet(~/Wgropts/dpp/}

    Oetlhrdtoeh Yjl Mptobozlr Oetm Yjl [l`ldsl Kuo`iO d`sm imet wdet tm jdvl tm aubp imwe tm tjl gmbbdei oel lvlry tobl O gjdehl bystdtus tm [l`ldsl sm tjdt O gde rue tjl mptobozlr. _mu gde splgofy d Srl Kuo`i lvletky hmoeh tm Srmalgt / Srmalgt Wlttoehs / Kuo`i Lvlets. O me`y wdet tjl mptobozlr kuo`itm mggur wjle tjl prmalgt os oe [l`ldsl bmil.

    46 mf 48

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    Kuo`i Yjl AdvdWgropt Xjle Oe [l`ldsl Bmil

    of $(GmehurdtomeEdbl) 22 [l`ldsl emil $(SrmalgtIor)/ -m $(SrmalgtIor)/Wgropts/kuo`

    .Bmiu`drozoeh ymur AdvdWgropt gmil rld``y slts ymu up fmr sugglss. Ots rld``y aust tjlfmueidtome me wjogj ymu gde kuo`i johj`y bdoetdoedk`l dpp`ogdtomes mf hrldt sozl.

    _mu gde imwe`mdi Nleim \O dei stdrt kuo`ioeh lxtrlbl`y bmiu`dr dpp`ogdtomes

    tmidy usoeh [lquorlAW.

    Diiotomed` [lsmurgls

    _mu gde imwe`mdi tjl sdbp`l prmalgt frmb tmidy frmb mur DWS.ELY BVG Lxdbp`lsrlpm. O wmu`i d`sm johj`y rlgmbblei tjdt ymu gjlgnmut tjlsl diiotomed` rlsmurgls.

    Eogjm`ds Qdnds1 Wgd`dk`l AdvdWgropt Dpp`ogdtome Drgjotlgturl Mrhdeozoeh _mur Gmil \soeh Bmiu`ls

    Hmmi G# Jdkots Legmurdhl Kdi AdvdWgropt Jdkots

    Irlss fmr Wugglss

    Kurnl Jm``deiLvdehl`ost fmr Nleim \O





  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013


    dpp`oelss Y\YM[OD@W SJMELHDS KMMNBD[N / WJD[L / YM

    \soeh tjl Srmhrlss lvlet oeSjmelHdp ffl`l trdesflrs.

    ky [dybmeiGdbile

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    ky [dybmeiGdbile

    ; mf 6

    Ldr`olr tmidy O wds jdppy tm jldr tjdt SjmelHdp ;.8 wds rl`ldsli. Xjo`l plrusoeh tjlgjdehl`ost, O tjmuhjt O rldi tjdt prmhrlss lvlets fmr ffl`l trdesflrs wlrl diili oe tjosrl`ldsl. Jmwlvlr, O wds wrmeh. Fo`lYrdesflr jds suppmrtli d prmhrlss lvlet fmr d flwbmetjs emw. Kut soegl O fflhurli tjos mut wjo`l jd`fwdy tjrmuhj d ilbm, O fflhurli Oiffleosj ot up deywdy dei sjdrl ot me by k`mh.

    Ds ymu gde obdhoel, tjl meprmhrlss lvlet os d prmplrty mf tjl Fo`lYrdesflr mkalgt. Ot

    os pdssli d prmhrlssLvlet tjdt os - uefmrtuedtl`y - emt imgubletli ds fdr ds O gde sll.Yjl gmil lxdbp`l tjmuhj hovls ymu lemuhj oefmrbdtome O tjoen tm ild` wotj ot1

    `lYrdesflr.meprmhrlss 2 fuegtome(prmhrlssLvlet) { of (prmhrlssLvlet.`lehtjGmbputdk`l) { `mdioehWtdtus.sltSlrgletdhl(prmhrlssLvlet.`mdili / prmhrlssLvlet.tmtd`)> } l`sl{ `mdioehWtdtus.oegrlblet()> }}>

    Wm frmb wjdt O gde sll - ymu hlt d prmplrty tjdt iltlrboels of tjl tmtd` sozl os nemwe,dei of sm, ymu gde hlt d plrgletdhl ky usoeh ot wotj tjl `mdili prmplrty. Mtjlrwoslymurl aust hulssoeh dt tjl tobl `lft, kut dt `ldst ymu nemw smbltjoeh os hmoeh me.

    Fmr by ilbm, O tjmuhjt Oi kuo`i d sobp`l BS7 imwe`mdilr/p`dylr. O hmmh`li fmr frllmple smurgl busog dei gdbl dgrmss tjos oegrliok`l BS7 ky Ndesds Aml BgGmy deiBlbpjos Boeeol1 Xjle tjl @lvll Krldns. Hm djldi dei `ostle tm ot. Ds bugj ds O `mvloeiol busog dei trdegl, tjl smuei mf m`i rlgmrioehs `onl tjos os `onl purl hm`i tm tjl


    Deywdy - O klhde ky grldtoeh de oegrliok`y sobp`l wlk pdhl. Ot `osts tjl edbl mf tjldrtosts dei tjl smeh d`meh wotj d pogturl. Ovl oeg`uili d kuttme tjdt wo`` trohhlr tjlimwe`mdi. D`sm bdnl emtl mf tjl stdtus iov O`` kl usoeh fmr - ymu hulssli ot - prmhrlsslvlets.

    O wds jdppy tm jldtjdt SjmelHdp ;.8 wds


  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    0!IMGY_SL jtb`50jtb`5 0jldi5 0bltdjttp-lquov2Gmetlet-Yypl gmetlet2tlxt/jtb`> gjdrslt2\YF-: /5 0bltdedbl 2 fmrbdt-iltlgtome gmetlet 2 tl`lpjmel2em/5

    0bltdedbl2volwpmrtgmetlet2uslr-sgd`dk`l2em, oeotod`-sgd`l24,bdxobub-sgd`l24, boeobub-sgd`l24, woitj2ilvogl-woitj /5 0`oenrl`2sty`lsjllttypl2tlxt/gss jrlf2gss/oeilx.gss /5 0tot`l5Fo`lYrdesflr Ylst0/tot`l5 0/jldi5 0kmiy5

    0iovoi2gmetlet5 0p5 Ndesds Aml BgGmy dei Blbpjos Boeeol Xjle Yjl @lvll Krldns 0/p5


    0p5 0kuttmeoi2stdrtI`iosdk`li5G`ogn tm Imwe`mdi dei S`dy0/kuttme5 0/p5 0/iov5


    0sgropttypl2tlxt/advdsgropt srg2gmrimvd.as50/sgropt5 0sgropttypl2tlxt/advdsgropt srg2as/oeilx.as50/sgropt5 0/kmiy50/jtb`5

    7 mf 6

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    Jlrls d sgrlle sjmt mf ot oe dgtome.

    Mn, emw `lts tdnl d `mmn dt tjl gmil.

    imgublet.diiLvlet@ostlelr(ilvoglrldiy, ilvoglrldiy, fd`sl)>



    fuegtomeilvoglrldiy() { gmesm`l.`mh(iv rldiy)>

    //stlp mel os tm rlqulst d `l systlbwoeimw.rlqulstFo`lWystlb(@mgd`Fo`lWystlb.YLBSM[D[_, 3,

    fuegtome(fs) { `lWystlb 2 fs>

    kuttmeImb 2 imgublet.qulryWl`lgtmr(#stdrtI`)>

    9 mf 6

  • 8/13/2019 Appliness #15 June 2013



    kuttmeImb.diiLvlet@ostlelr(tmugjlei, stdrtI`, fd`sl)> kuttmeImb.rlbmvlDttrokutl(iosdk`li)>

    stdtusImb 2 imgublet.qulryWl`lgtm