Applications of parabola

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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some applications of parabola

Transcript of Applications of parabola





The parabolic shape of the cables along suspension bridges help carry the forces acting on the bridge to the top of the towers (which can usually stand flexing, buckling, and oscillation)

TRAJECTORIES Everything on the planet Earth is subject to

gravity. When on object is thrown or forced in a direction not on the ground, eventually gravity grabs it and drags it down. The path the object follows it that of a Parabola.

PATH OF A PROJECTILEGalileo found that all objects thrown form a parabolic path, no matter what. He deduced this by the simple observation of watching objects being thrown. Galileo is responsible for the modern concepts of velocity and acceleration to explain projectile motion that is studied today:A projectile which is carried by a uniform horizontal motion compounded with a naturally accelerated vertical motion describes a path which is a semi-parabola.

HEATERS Heaters are sold which make use of

the relection property of the parabola. The heat source is at the focus and heat is concentrated in parallel rays.

Parabolic Receivers

A person who whispers at the focus of one of the parabolic reflectors can be heard by a person located near the focus of the other parabola.