Application Implementation Plan.docx

Post on 09-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Application Implementation Plan.docx

Application Implementation PlanThe Undergraduate Student Fellowship and Medical/Graduate Student Fellowship programs require an Application Implementation Plan, rather than the typical Research Plan.

Before beginning the Application Implementation Plan, review the program description noting especially the qualifications, restrictions and peer review criteria for the program to which you are applying. The Application Implementation Plan should address all of the peer review criteria. 

Application Implementation Plan

Describe the plan for the program to which you are applying

Approximate page lengths for each section are provided below. The description must be no more than 8 pages total and include each of the following:

1. History of Student Research Programs (2 pages):Describe the institution’s history of student research programs and/or the institution’s ability to attract students to this program. 

2. Research Opportunities Available to Students (2-4 pages): Provide a list of representative mentored projects and proposed faculty who would serve as sponsors (mentors) at your institution. Describe resources and funding available to support the program.  Sponsors should be entered into the application form and will be required to provide several documents to support the application.  

Include in this section how the proposed projects relate to and support the mission of the American Heart Association: building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.

3. Proposed Enrichment Activities:  Describe enrichment activities that will be offered for the students (1 page):  Examples of enrichment activities include seminars, journal clubs, and instruction in bioethics, protecting human subjects in research studies, scientific writing, and experimental design. 

4. Recruitment and Selection Process (1-2 pages): Explain how you will recruit and select students. Describe how you will match students to research mentors. Include a plan for recruiting students from racial and ethnic groups underrepresented in science. 

5. Program Evaluation (1 page):  Describe efforts to evaluate the quality of each fellow’s experience, each research project, and the overall program.


The Application Implementation Plan should be created as a Word document, converted to a Portable Document Format (PDF) file, and uploaded to Grants@Heart.  Only PDF files will be accepted.  When creating the Implementation Plan, you must comply exactly with the Association's format/type requirements and page limits below.  Failure to comply may result in the administrative withdrawal (disqualification) of the application.  Follow these guidelines:

Only Portable Document Format (PDF) files will be accepted. File must be single-spaced.  No more than 15 characters per inch (cpi) or an average of no more than 15 cpi (cpi

includes symbols, punctuation and spaces). No less than ¾" margins allowed. 50-55 lines (approximate number of lines per page using the font and point size stated). Arial Font style, 12 point font size for Windows users; Helvetica Font style, 12 point font

size for Macintosh users Figures, charts, tables, graphics and legends may be smaller in size but must be clear and

legible. Eight-page limit

Users of other Word-processing programs must adjust settings appropriately and should measure text after saving and printing as a PDF.  Type requirements should be checked using a standard measuring device (such as a ruler), rather than relying on the font selected for a particular word processing/printer combination.  Type size specifications must be observed in the text of your Application Implementation Plan or the application will not be reviewed and will be withdrawn. Adherence to font and margin requirements is necessary.  No applicant should have an advantage over other applicants by providing more content in his/her application by using smaller, denser type. The AHA has the responsibility to make the final determination of conformance to format requirements and the authority to withdraw applications.  This decision is final and not subject to appeal.

The Grants@Heart site is a web-based system for application preparation, submission, peer review, and awards management.

Contact Us

For program questions/inquiries, call 214-360-6107 (option 1) or email