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The syllabus in the subject of English at the Higher Secondary level has been restructured with a view to realizing the goals and aspirations envisaged in the national Policy of Education 1986. The Policy document underscores the need for making the educational system learner-centred. The role of the teacher will be that of the facilitator of learning.

The syllabus endevours to meet the linguistic needs of the vocational as well as the academic stream. It aims at preparing the learner linguistically to undertake different professional courses like Medicine, Engineering and to pursue different types of undergraduate courses in various streams such as Science, Humanities, Commerce, Agriculture etc. It also aims at helping the learner to face the wider world of work.

In pursuance of the existing policy of the State Government, a common course in the subject of English has been designed for the learners from the English medium and the Non-English medium schools. The course offers opportunities for remediation, consolidation and extension of the language already learned.


To enable the student : I . to avail himself of opportunities for remediation and consolidation of language

elements learnt and their extension through application. 2 , to develop his language skills to a fair degree of proficiency 3 , to acquire communication skills in English usehl in real life situations (home,

school, bank, ofice, railway station etc.) 4. to enrich vocabulary 5. to develop reference skills and inculcate self-study habits 6. to use English language not only as a library language but also as a means of

life-long education. 7 . to cultivate a broad human and cultural outlook.


With a view to realising the objectives defined, the following activities are recommended. The ultimate aim is to involve the learner in the process of acquisition of ~~mmunication skills. The teacher should s u p e ~ s e and monitor the language activities so that the learner gets acclimatized to the idiom of English and his expression is characterized by correctness and coherence.

1. Use of newspaper clippings 2. Writing for College magazine and wall-papers 3. Dramatization

4. Role-playing 5 . Simulating real life situations including interviews 6 . Listening with understanding lectures, talks, conversations, news bulletins and

interviews 7 . Participating in debates, discussions and elocution 8. Narrating stories, anecdotes and incidents 9 . Reading extract from prose and poetry for pleasure and information 10. Reading aloud short prose passages, dialogues and poems with proper pronunciation, stress and intonation I 1. Writing longer pieces of composition, eg. expanding an idea, reporting eventful

experiences, etc. 12. Using dictionaries and Other reference materials I 3 . Note-making and note-taking 14. Interpreting non-verbal presentation like tables, diagrams, maps, charts, etc. 15. Participating in language games such as quiz, cross-word puzzle, word building,

spelling contest, etc.


Summarizing Note-making and note-taking Classifjling and defining in various disciplines (humanities, social and physical sciences, medicine, engineering, etc.) Persuasion as represented in editorials, letters to the editor, speeches, etc. Responding to advertisements - interpreting, evaluating and answering Drafting and interpreting telegraphic messages Coping with distance communication - telephonic conversation Transferring information from non-verbal presentation (charts, tables, maps, etc.) to verbal presentation and vice versa.

STANDARD X I 1. Detailed Study

(a) Prose (Modern) : A text book of about 70 pages consisting of literary and expository passages (excluding notes, illustrations and exercises).

(b) Poetry : About 250 lines.

2. Non-Detailed Study : A rapid reader of about 125 pages (Fiction)

3 . Composition (a) Composition : short essay (about 200 words) (b) Comprehension of unseen passages (c) Letter-writing : (Formal and business)

4. Grammar and Usage The main thrust will be on promoting the learner's ability to understand the idiom

of English and correct usage. By and large the linguistic items would be of remedial nature.

I) Vocabulary: Expansion of the vocabulary arising out of the text; synonyms and antonyms; word formation; noun/

adjective/verb/ad~erb. 2) Articles : Use and omission 3) Prepositions indicating time, place and in idiomatic expressions. 4) Tenses

(a) The Simple present tense (for expressing 'universal truths', 'habitual activities', 'permanent states', 'verbs of perception', 'hture reference')

(b) The Present Continuous tense (for expressing 'action in progress now', 'temporary situations', 'future reference')

(c) The Simple past Tense (for expressing, 'habitual activities in the past', 'single occurrence of an action in the past')

(d) The past Continuous Tense (for expressing 'actions in progress in the past')

5) Transformation (a) Voice - i) Revision of active / passive voice

transformation. ii) typical constructions in which only the

passive voice is used. (b) Sentence-types : Mrmativehlegative (Assertive)

Interrogative/Exclamatory (c) Use of 'too' and 'enough' (d) Change of Degree : Comparative and Superlative

6) Phrases and idioms arising out of the text.

STANDARD XI1 1 . Detailed Study

(a) Prose (Modern) : A text book of about 80 pages consisting of literary and expository passages (excluding notes, illustrations and exercises).

(b) Poetry : About 300 lines. 2. Non-Detailed Study : A rapid reader of about 125 pages

(Fiction) 3 . Composition

(a) Composition : short essay (about 200 words) (b) Comprehension of an unseen passage and/or (c) Precis-writing of the same passage that is set for

comprehension (d) Letter-writing in response to advertisements I drafting

telegrams. 4. Grammar and usage

Items : 1) Vocabulary: Expansionof the vocabulary arising out of

the text; synonyms and antonyms; one word substitutes.

2) Tenses : (a)The Present Perfect Tense I The Past Perfect Tense

I The Future Perfect Tense. (b) The Present Perfect Continuous I The Past Perfect

Continuous. 3) Modal auxiliaries. 4) Infinitives, Gerunds and Participles 5) Synthesis 6) Reported Speech 7) Punctuation 8) Transformation :

(a) Simple / compound l Complex (b) Use of 'unless'/' if-not' (c) 'hardly . . . . . when' (d) 'No sooner .... than' 'as soon as'

9) Phrases and idioms arising out oftext.

Weightage to be given at Standard XI & XI1

The following will be the weightage given to the various aspects of the syllabus for Standards XI and XII.

1) Textual : Prose, Poetry and Rapid Reader - 50% 2) Composition : 20% 3) Grammar : 15% (Both textual and non-textual) 4) Communication Skills : 15% (Both textual and non-textual)




1. AIM This course is designed to give the students competence in English as to enable them

to comprehend Spoken and Written English in various learning situations, to communicate in simple Modem English accurately and effectively and to be aware of the basic requirements of Competitive Examinations in the Language.

2. OBJECTIVES The objectives of the course are given below , -

(a) Listening : The course will enable the students to

i ) listen with fair Comprehension to English, spoken clearly about ordinary topics;

ii) comprehend English, spoken clearly about a Specialist Topic of which the Vocabulary is known;

iii) develop an interest in listening to speeches in English and viewing Programmes of Educative Value in English. (b) Speaking :

The students will be able to i) make suitable Responses, Verbal and Non-verbal, to utterances in simple or

familiar English and to make short and simple contributions to a discussion; ii) read aloud Original Passages (e.g., a fully-prepared Report or a

News-Item); iii) speak coherently

(c) Reading : The course will enable the students to i) understand the Structure of Information in a given text; ii)

determine the role of the Lexical Structure in it (e.g., how Synonyms contribute to the meaning of the Text; why particular Lexical Choices make up the Text; what Nuances the Key-Words have in the text);

iii) develop Rapid Reading of easy Text; iv) acquire the habit of reading Texts of general interest;

V) prepare themselves for the reading of Texts important to Specialist Studies. (d) Writing :

The students will be able to i) write simple pieces of English of general usefulness (e.g., Letters of

different kinds, Telegraphic Messages, Reports, etc.,); ii) write English for purposes of study (e.g,, Note-Making. Summarising,

Describing a Process, etc.); iii) express an idea in a single Paragraph of reasonable length; iv) compose an Essay of about 200 words on a given Topic of

S~~iaVPersonaV~ci~ntifid Interest, etc. (e) Refembce :

The Studearts will bb eble to we their Reference Skills by

i) looking UP the meaning and various aspects of words in a Dictionary. ii) finding out required information in an Encyclopedia: iii) Making Notes on a given Topic 1 Theme with the help of Library Books;

(f) Appreciation : The course will enable the students to i) develop their Appreciation Skills through a few poems within their range of

language and experience; ii) comment on the ideas expressed in the Selected Poems given in the Text

book. (g) Interpretation :

The Students will be able to i) comprehend a few Common Modes of Graphic Presentation of Data and

~~formation(e.g., Maps, Pie-Graphs, Bar-Charts, Histograms, Line-Graphs) and interpret them;

ii) understand and explain the Message in a DisplayiClassified Advertisement: iii) interpret the Data presented in a Tabular Fom.


(a) Text Books for Detailed Study There will be one Book for each year. The First Year Book (Std.XI) will contain 6

Prose selections and 6 Poems; the Second Year Book (Std.XII) will contain 8 Prose Selections and 8 Poems.

The Editors of each Book shall strictly follow the Norms given below :

i) All the Selections should be strictly Original Writings (i.e., Unabridged Verions) of Established Writers, Indian as well as Foreign;

ii) Content of the book ought to correspond with the known interests of the Higher Secondary Students;

iii) care should be taken to avoid out of the way or controversial ideas in the selections;

iv) Such background information such as Brief notes on the AuthorRoet, a glossary, sufficient explanations of Allusions and Technical Terms and usefbl hints should be appended t o each selection;

v) The Selections should consist of a wide range of Linguistic and Literary Experience within the each of the Students; while selecting Prose Pieces, priority should be given to Contemporary Writing;

vi) A Modern One-Act play (within reasonable length) may be included in the prose section; similarly, one or two poems representing Modern Poetry be included;

vii) Concepts like Health, Wild Life Preservation, Energy Conservation, Population Control, Ecological Balance, Communal Harmony and National Integration may be considered as the Main Theme for One or Two pieces; viii) The Prose

Selections shall be of about 40 pages in the printed Text Book (A 5 size) for the First Year and 50 pages for the Second Year excluding Notes, Illustrations and Exercises.

iu) The Anthology of Poems shall be about 200 lines and 250 lines for the First and Second Year respectively. (b) Text Books fbr Non-Detailed Study

Them will be oos Supplementary Rader for each year The Norms given below are t o be strict$ fdlowd by the Editors of these Text Books.

i) The Selection may be either in their Original Form or in the Abridged Version;

ii) Out of the way Or Controversial Themes should be avoided; iii) The Language should be simple, straightforward and within the Linguistic

Attainments of the Students at this stage; iv) The Text Books should contain a Gloassry and Questions for Comprehension and

related activities; v) Each book will be of about 125 pages of Short-Stories, Travelogue. Adventure,

Biography or Novel (A 5 Size); vi) The First Year Book will be a Collection of Imaginative/Factual Pieces while the

Second Year Book will be a fully Narrative Piece. (c) Work Books

There will be a Work Book for each year which may be published either as a separate book or along with the Detailed Text Book.

i) Illustrations, Examples, and Exercises shall focus on developing the Writing, Reference and Interpretation Skills of the Students;

ii) The First Year Book shall conform to the following areas :- Letters of different kinds, Telegraphic Messages, Note-Making, Paragraph

Writing, Use of Dictionaries and Encyclopedia, Interpreting various kinds of Advenisernents, Error-Finding (relating to English Lnaguage) being administered in Competitive Examinations;

iii) The Second Year Book shall conform to the following areas :- Letter Writing (responding to Letters ~eceived and Advertisements),

Summarising, Describing a Process, Essay-Writing, Interpreting Non-Verbal Presentation (Table, Maps, Diagrams, Charts, etc.) Comprehension of an Unseen Passage tested through Multiple Choice Objective Type Items as administered in Competitive Examinations;

iv) Each Work Book shall be of about 60 pages in print (if A 5 size) or 40 pages (if A 4 size). (d) Technological Materials

Suitable software such as pre-recorded Audio and Video Cassettes can be had. Live as well as Recorded Listening to AIR, DD and BBC News-Bulletins and Educational Programmes will be a boon to the students at this stage. However, these Technological Materials are oniy optional.


S.No. Teachingkearning Weightage No.of Periods Areas Std.XI XDI

1. Listening Activities 5% 6 7

2. Speaking Tasks 5% 6 7

3. Reading Activities (a) Prose 25% 30 3 2

(b) Supplementarg Reader 15% 18 18

& Non-Textual 4. Writing Tmks (with spl.ref. 25% 30 32

to Work Book)

S.No. TeachingILearning Weightage No.of Periods Areas Std.XI XI1

5 , Reference Skills 5 % 6 7 6. Appreciation - Poetry 15% I8 18 7, Interpretation 5% 6 7

Total 100% 120 128

5 . EVALUATION (a) Written Examination

There shall be one paper at the end of each year, the papers carrying a maximum of 90 maks each. The relative weightage of marks allotted to each area is indicated below : - Pan I1 - English - Standard XI Duration : 3 Hours

%No. Areatsub-Area Maximum Marks

1. Prose : (a) Short Answer Questions (30 words each) (b) Essay (200 words) (c) Synonyms & Antonyms (0bj.Type)

Textual) 2. Poetry :

(a) Annotation (E.R.C.) (30 words each) (b) Appreciation Questions (30 words each)

3 . Supplementary Reader : (a) Comprehension (0bj.Type) (b) Short Essay ( 1 SO words)

4. Communication and Other Tasks : (a) Letter WritingITelegram (internal choice) (b) Note Making (c) Paragraph Writing (60 words)

on a given Idea (d) Interpreting Advertisements (e) English for Competitive Exams :

Error Spotting ( f ) Transformation (Grammar)

10 (5 Qns) 15 (1 Qn) 5 (5+5 Qns)

10 (5 Qns) 10 (5 Qns)

5 (10 Qns) 10 (1 Qn?

Total 90

Note : 1 Under Qn-Item 2 (b), a few lines from the Prescribed Poems will be given based on which Two Questions will be set. 2 Under Qn-ltem (4)(c) a Paragraph will have to be written on a Proverb, Maxim Personal Preference or a Social Theme, etc.,

3 , Under Qn-Item 4 (b), the Questions will be based on the following areas :-

'Spotting the Error' Regarding : 1 Article (Use of Wrong Ones/Omission of Articles where Necessary/Inclusion of

Articles where Unnecessary). 2. Prepositions (Use of Wrong Ones/Omission or Inclusion) 3 . Agreement of Subject with the Verb (Concord) including the use of 'Either',

' Neither', ' None', ' Anyone', etc.,) 4 Singular and Plural words wrongly used (e.g., Information, Furniture, Advice,

News, a Pair of Scissors, Sisters-In-Law) 5. Use of 'Superior Than', 'Inferior Than', 'Prefer Something than' and 'Tell/Told

without Object' (except in 'Telling Stories/Liesl) instead ofthe right forms. 6 . Use of the Question Tags 'Isn't it ?' etc., in the place of the right ones

4. Under Qn-Item 4 (f), the Questions will be based ob the following areas:-

I . Rephrasing the given sentences (Starting with Introductory ItiThere, Had, Someone Had better, If I were, It is high time, I wish I were, Though/AlthoughEven Though, Despitetln spite of and Scarcely/Hardly/seldom, etc.,) 2. Transformation of voice (Active and Passive) 3 . Degrees of Comparison 4, Usage of Pats of Speech (In a given sentence a word will be underlined; that word

has to be used in the required Part of Speech in different Context) 5 . Embedding (with the help of relative pronouns) one Question from each area will

be set.



Dear Colleague,

This questionnaire has as its objective the evaluation of some aspects of English

Education at Higher Secondary Level. Your co-operation would be of great help in the

success of the task. I thank you in advance for your co-operation.

- Mythili Venkateswaran


1. BOARD-STATE 2 . In which year did you start teaching English at Higher Secondary Level ?

3 . To which stream do your students belong ? [for teachers in Mumbai] [Tick the appropriate one]

Arts - Science Commerce

4. What is the medium of instruction of your students ? [for teachers in Chennai] Tick the appropriate one.

Tamil English

CORE INFORMATION [Tick the appropriate column] -------------_---------------------------------------------------------------------------------_----- ~ . N O . Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all -__--_-_--__-___--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I . Does the Higher Secondary English Syllabus help the student in remediation and consolidation of language elements already learnt ?

2. Does the syllabus help the student to acquire communication skills in English usefbl in real life situations ?

3. Does the Syllabus help the student to enrich his vocabulary ?

- --------------------------.-------.---------------------------------------------*---------------. S.No. Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all ............................ ...................................................................... 4. Does the syllabus help the student to

develop reference skills and inculcate self-study habits ?

5 . Does the syllabus help the student to use English not only as a library language but also as a means of life long education ?

6. Does the syllabus help the student to cultivate a broad human and cultural outlook ?

7. Does the syllabus help the student to listen with fair comprehension to spoken English ?

8. Does the syllabus help the student to develop an interest in listening to speeches in English and viewing programmes of Educative value in English ?

9. Does the syllabus help the student to read aloud original passages and speak coherently ?

10. Does the course help the student to develop his reading skills ?

1 1. Does the course help the student to develop his writing skills ?

12. Does the course help the student to develop his reference skills ?

13. Does the course help the student to develop his appreciation skills ?

14. Does the course help the student to develop his interpretation skills ?

15. Is the Higher Secondary syllabus in continuity with the previous year's and following year's syllabi ?

.............................................. ................................................ ~ . N O . Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all ......................... ------------------.-------------------------------------------------- 16. Does the course help develop the

attitude and interest of the student ?

17. Do you think the course is suitable as extension of language already learnt ?

Are you satisfied with the dimensions of the text books ?

Are you satisfied with the number of pages in the text books ?

Are you satisfied with the cover of the text books ?

Are you satisfied with the binding of the books ?

Are you satisfied with the font used?

Are you satisfied with the content of prose in the text books ?

Are you satisfied with the one-act plays in the text books?

Are you satisfied with the content of poetry in the text book ?

Are you satisfied with the content for rapid-readinginon-detailed study ?

Are you satisfied with the information provided about authors and poets ?

Are you satisfied with the content and exercises for speech practice ?

Are you satisfied with the content and exercises for grammar ?

Are you satisfied with the content and exercises for composition ?

................................................ ---------------*-__--------------------------------

~ . N O . Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all ................................................................ ................................... 3 1. Are you satisfied with the content and

exercises for communication skills ?

32. Are you satisfied with the dealing of vocabulary ?

33. Are you satisfied with the explanation and notes in the text books ?

34. Are you satisfied with the variety of exercises on each topic ?

3 5 . Are you satisfied with the number of exercises on each topic ?

36. Are you satisfied with the organisation of the content of prose and poetry in the text books ?

37. Are you satisfied with the organisation of exercises in the text books ?

38 . Are you satisfied with the organisation of explanation and notes in the text books ?

39. Are you satisfied with the layout of material in the text books ?

40. Do you think the text books conform to the syllabus ?

41. Do the text books achieve the objectives laid down in the syllabus with respect to listening skills ?

42. Do the text books achieve the objectives laid down in the syllabus with respect to speaking skills ?

43. Do the text books achieve the objectives laid down in the syllabus with respect to reading skills ?

---------------- -----------_____.__----- .......................................................... ~ . N O . Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all ................................... ----------------.---*--------------------------------------------

44. Do the text books achieve the objectives laid down in the syllabus with respect to writing skills ?

45. Do the text books achieve the objectives laid down in the syllabus for acquisition of reference skills?

46. Do the text books achieve the objectives laid down in the syllabus for acquisition of appreciation skills?

47. Do the text books achieve the objectives laid down in the syllabus for acquisition of interpretation skills?

48. Did you find the teacher's handbook usehl ?

49. Is the teacher's handbook necessary ?

50. Is the teacher's handbook easy to obtain ?

5 1. Are you satisfied with the content of the handbook ?

52 . Are you satisfied with the examination pattern ?

53. Are you satisfied with the format of the paper ?

54. Are you satisfied with the weightage of marks allotted to prose ?

55. Are you satisfied with the weightage of marks allotted to poetry ?

56. Are you satisfied with the weightage of marks allotted to rapid-reading / non-detailed ?

57. Are you satisfied with the weightage of marks allotted to communication ?

................................................................................................ S .No. Question Highly Fairly Slightly Kot at all --------------------------------------------------*---------------------------------------------

Are you satisfied with the weightage of marks allotted to grammar ?

Are you satisfied with the weightage of marks allotted to aural skills ?

Are you satisfied with the weightage of marks allotted to oral skills ?

Are you satisfied with the weightage of marks allotted to composition ?

Do you enjoy a satisfying rapport with your students ?

Are you satisfied with the interaction between students in your classroom ?

At the end of the course, is the student capable of selecting texts that interest him ?

Is the student capable of seaking out relevant information ?

Is the student capable of summarizing?

Is the student capable of making use of reading strategies ?

Are you satisfied with the amount of pressure placed on students ?

D o you enjoy teaching the course ?

Is the course effective ?

Yours suggestions :



Dear Colleague,

This questionnarre has as its objective the evaluation of some aspects of English Education

at Higher Secondary Level in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu Your co-operation would

be of great help for the success of the task. I thank you in advance for your co-operation.

- Mythili Venkateswaran




CORE INFORMATION [Tick the appropriate column]

................................................................................................. ~ . N O . Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all ..................................................................................................

1 . Are you satisfied with the course as it exists ?

7 - . Are you satisfied with the facilities provided for the success of the course?

3 . Are you satisfied with the instruction given in the English classes ?

4. Do you think methods used for teaching English help achieve the objectives of teaching English ?

5. Are you satisfied with the quality of materials supplied to teachers for teaching English ?

6. Are you satisfied with the ability of the course staff to contribute to the Language Department's reputation ?

_----------------------------.--------. -----------------_----------------w-----------------------

S.No. Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all ..................................................................................................

7. Is there any interaction between English department personnel and personnel fiom other departments ?

8. Are you satisfied with the performance of your faculty ?

9. Is it possible for your teachers to have easy access to supervisors / authorities ?

10. List your suggestions for changes in English Teaching at Higher Secondary Level, if any.





Dear Colleague,

This questionnaire has been drawn up to evaluate certain aspects of English Educa-

tion at Higher Secondary Level I request you to fill in this questionnaire as accurately

as possible. Thank you in advance for your co-operation

Mythili Venkateswaran




3. MEDIUM (For Chennai only)

Tamil English

CORE INFORMATION [Tick the appropriate column] ___________________-------------.-.------------*-------.--.----------------*--------------------*

%No. Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all

1. D o you consider knowledge of English important for good academic performance in your discipline ?

2. Is knowledge of English important for access to bibliography in your subject?

_--__-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ~ . N O . Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all

- ~ ................................. ------------------------------------------------------------- 3 . Is knowledge of English necessary for

preparation of summaries and answers in your subject ?

4. Is knowledge of English necessary for comprehension of subject matter in your discipline ?

D o you think the English Education that you students have helps them in using bibliography in English ?

6 . Does it assist them in writing their own summaries / answers ?

7 . Does it help them to understand your subject better ?

8 . Does it help improve their expression in English ?

9. Does it contribute to their self- confidence ?

10. Does it increase their employment opportunities ?

1 1 . If you believe that there has been no change in your student's abilities, can this be attributed to ineffectiveness of the teaching of English ?

12. Can it be due to shortage of time dedicated to the teaching of English ?

13. Can it be because there is little or no connection between the study of English and that of your subject ?

14. Can it be due to overuse of mother tongue by English and non English teachers in class ?

15. Can it be attributed to lack of interest on the part of students ?

_--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- S .No. Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all _____-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

16. Have you been forced to alter your teaching methods due to lack of knowledge of English on the part of students ?

17. Have you found improvement in your students' knowledge of English ?

18. In your opinion, is a good knowledge of English a favourable factor in the competition in the labour market in your field ?

19. Has a good knowledge of English helped your students in pursuing careers of their choice ?

20. List your suggestions for changes in English Teaching at Higher Secondary Level.



Dear Student.

The purpose of this questionnaire is to evaluate the work carried out, and to work out

proposals for reformations and improvements of English Education at Higher Sec-

ondary Level. Your valuable help is required for this purpose. Please fill in this

questionnaire as accurately as possible. It is not necessary to sign it.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

- Mythili Venkateswaran 1 . BOARD - STATE


Science Commerce Arts


English Regional Language


English Regional Language


In Class X Examination

In Class XI1 Examination (to be filled later)

CORE INFORMATION [Tick the appropriate column] _- ---- ------------------------------- ----- ---------------------------------------------------- ~ . N O . Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all __-_----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

1 . Does the course meet your needs regarding the use of the English language ?

2. Has the course kindled your interest to continue and pursue the study of English ?

3 . Do you have confidece in the course and the method ?

4. Do you feel more independent now to read text; in English better ?

5 . Do you have a chance to contribute in class with your specific knowledge and personal experience ?

6 . Has the course helped you to improve your reading ability ?

7. Has the course helped improve your spoken English ?

8. Has it helped to improve your writing skills ?

9. Has it helped improve your perception of organization of texts ?

10. Has it helped you to develop your reading strategies ?

1 1. Has it helped you to understand the grammatical structure of the language ?

12. Has it improved your understanding of spoken English ?

13. Do you think the course increases your chance of a better job ?

14. Has the course helped you to develop y w previous knowledge of English 1

-------- ------------------------------------------------------ ~ . N O . Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all .................................... ----------------------------------------------------------

Will the course help you to select texts that interest you ?

Will it help you pursue the course of your choice ?

Does the course help you to comprehend texts better ?

Does it help you to seek out relevant information ?

Has it helped improve your summarizing skills ?

Does it help you use the dictionary in a better way ?

Are you satisfied with the physical characteristics of the text books ?

Are you satisfied with the design and layout of the text books ?

Are you satisfied with the content on prose in the text books ?

Do you find the content on poetry in the text books satisfactory ?

Do you find the content on rapid- reading in the text books satisfactory?

Do you find the exercises on communication skills satisfactory ?

Do you find the content for oral 1 aural skills satisfactory ?

Do you find the content and exercises on grammar satisfactory ?

Are you satisfied with your English teacher's ability to teach ?

................................................................................................. ~ . N O . Question Highly Fairly Slightly Not at all __----------------------------------------..---------------------------------------*-------------- 30 Are you satisfied with the teaching

methods used to teach English ?

3 1 Are you satisfied with your interaction with your teachers ?

32. Are you satisfied with your interaction with other students ?

3 , Are you satisfied with the examination pattern ?

34, Are you satisfied with the weightage given t o prose ?

3 5 . Are you satisfied with the weightage given to poetry ?

3 6 . Are you satisfied with the weightage given to rapid-reading ?

37. Are you satisfied with the testing of grammr ?

38. Are you satisfied with the testing of composition ?

39. Are you satisfied with the testing o f aural - oral skills ?

40, Are you satisfied with the testing of communication skills ?


Standard XI1 : English

The New Question Paper Format - Maharashtra

Section A : Reading for Communication, Grammar, Summary and Note making

Q,I (a) A seen extract from Units 1 - 6 Questions : 3 factual : 3 marks

1 inference or interpretation : 2 marks 1 personal response : 2 marks 3 grammar in context : 3 marks 1-Vocabulary : -

: 11 marks

(b) Questions covering 5 grammatical items from the syllabus not covered in the text - based questions 5 s


Q.11 (a) An unseen extract Questions as in Q.1 a

(b) Summary of an aspect of the passage, or precis (Based on the passage, at Q.IIa)

Q.111 (a) A seen extract from Units 1 - 6 Questions as in Q.1 a

(b) h unseen extract selected to form basis for notemaking

I I marks

5 marks uu.Lb

I l marks

5 marks 16 marks

Section 8 : Poetry, One - Act Play, Essay

Q.IV Poetry (a) An extract from poems 1 - 10 Questions :

I factual 1 inference or interpretation: 1 personal response 1 poetic devices 1 appreciation

: 1 mark : 2 marks : 2 marks : 1 mark : 2marks


(b) One - act play An extract from the Coursebook

Questions : 2factual 1 inference or interpretation I theme

1 Dramatic techniques

OR (b) Essay An extract from the Coursebook

Questions : 2 factual 1 global understanding 1 evaluative interpretative

1 Form, literary language

2 marks : 2 marks : Imark : 2 marks


: 2 marks : 2 marks : 2 marks : I mark


15 marks

Section C : Rapid Reading And Composition

Q.V (a) Seen extract from Coursebook Questions : 2 factual : 2 marks

1 inference : 1 mark 1 personal response : 2 marks

5 marks

(b) Composition based on the seen extract : 6 marks

(c) Unseen extract Questions : 7 factual

1 interpretation 1 discourse

1 vocabulary

: 2 marks : 2 marks : 1 mark : [mark

6 marks 17 marks

Section D : Written Communication

Q.VI (a) Letter writing (choice of two) (b) Other choice of 2

Section E : Written Composition

Q.W : E s ~ y : One from a choice of 3

Time : 3 Hours

Specimen Question Paper (Given by the Board)

Marks : LOO

Read all the questions carefully Questions based on the texts in the paper must be answered using information from the texts unless you are told not to do so.

Section A : Reading for Communication, Grammar, Summary and Note-making (Units 1 to 6 )

Q.1 (a) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below : (11 marks)

While in hiding, Anne decided to continue a diary whichher parents had given her on her 13th birthday. She described life in the "Annexe" with all its inevitable tensions and quarrels. But she created first and foremost a wondefilly delicate record of adolescence, sketching with complete honesty a young girl's thoughtsand feelings, her longing and loneliness. "I feel like a song-bird whose wings have been brutally tom out and who is flying in utter darkness against the bars of its own cage," she wrote when she had been isolated tiom the outside world for nearly 16 months. Two months later she had filled every page of the diary, a small book bound in a cloth, and one of the typists, Miep, gave her an ordinary exercise book. Later she used Margot's chemistry exercise book.

Her diary reveals the trust she puts in a wise father, her grief because, as she feels it, her mother does not understand her; the ecstasy of a first rapturous kiss, exchanged with the Van Daans' 17 year-old son; finally, the flowering personality, eager to face life with adult courage and mature self-insight.

1. What did Anne write about ? Name two things.

2. What did Anne use as a diary after she had filled her diary?

3 . How long did it take her to fill up the first diary ?

4. What were Anne's feelings towards her parents ?

5 . How would you feel if you had to hide in the way that Anne Frank did ?

6. Rewrite the following sentences in the ways instmcted.

(i) I fed l i e a song-bird whose wings have been tom off. (Rewrite removing 'whose'.)

(ii) Anne decided to use the diary which her parents had given to her. (Rewrite removing 'which'.)

(iii)She wrote, " I feel like a song-bird whose wings have been torn off." (Rewrite in reported speech.)

7. The passage says that Anne continued a diary. Find the two other words used in the passage that mean, directly or indirectly, writinrz,

(b) Grammar : (5 marks)

Complete the following sentences according to the instructions (These questions are not based on a text in the paper.)

1 . Your examination admission cards can be collectedat the Board Office up t o Thursday. Give advice to your friend. Begin : "Unless you.. . . ."

3. The rose-a lovely flowering plant - is often seen in gardens in Kashmir.Rewrite this sentence using a different way of punctuating it which also demonstrates that a rose

is an example of a flowering plant.


-$ The fun had stopped when the teacher entered the room. The fun had stopped before the teacher entered the room.

(a) In which sentence we use the past perf'ect tense ?

(b) Write a sentence about yourself in which the past perfect tense is necessary.

4. Mr. A : You (be) to Mumbai ?

(ever) Mr. B : T o Mumbai! I (go) there everyday for the past ten years.

Rewrite, putting the correct form of the verb in the gaps.

Q.II (a) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below :

( I 1 marks)

~ e c e n t l y a survey of air poilution was conducted by astudent of the University of Pune, P.N. Patil, underthe guidance of Dr. Alaka Gadgil. Their statistics of lead levels being four times the normally tolerable limit is really alarming.

The real danger of air pollution-lead poisoning which causes pulmonary diseases like TB, emphysema. bronchial cancer - has never been appreciated by environ-mentalists. Compared to lead poisoning, the pollutioncaused by othervehicleexhausts is microscopic and can be controlled mostly by proper engine tuning. Leaded petrol is the real culprit and the remedy is immediateintroduction of 'lead free' petrol. This appears to be a distant prospect at present.

The traffic police and the municipal authorities can do much to alleviate the present danger of lead poisoning which is primarily caused by traffic bottlenecks.

Ironically, it is seen that when the traffic lights are not working, the vehicles move very swiftly without the 'engine idling'. If the static running of vehicle engines is reduced, lead levels will automatically be brought under control. Presumably, the traffic lights are not properly located or their timers require recalibration.

Another important pollutant is sulphur oxide emission

I . Who conducted the survey of air pollution ? 2 . What is the real danger of vehicle pollution ? 3 . How do traffic bottlenecks increase pollution ? 4. Describe your feelings about air pollution. 5 . How can traflic police and the municipal

authorities help to decrease pollution ? 6 . (i) Rewrite the first sentence, beginning

"A student from the University of Pune.. . ." (ii) In sentence 2 & is really alarming & & ? (iii) Rewrite the following, making it less definite

- "If the static running of engines is reduced, lead poisoning will decrease."

7 . Which two words in the second last paragraph give the writer's comment on the news ?

(b) Summary : (5 marks) Write a summary of the main findings of the survey in three or four sentences.

Q . I ~ I ( ~ ) Read the foilowing extract and answer the questions given below :

(1 1 marks)

The type of advertisement which seems to convey infomation may be misleading. since the average consumer is not able to differentiate between guarantees of cluality. Obviously inferior goods will not sell, but good canvassing may enable goods of bad quality to continue to sell as the public may take some time to apprehend that it is being cheated. Even people who try to ignore advertisements at some time find themselves buying an article new to them merely because the name of it seems familiar.

A ski lhl advertiser may be able to create practically a monopoly for himself, not because his product is superior, but because he has succeeded in inducing people to believe that it is. He may even persuade us that his product, which may be higher priced than others identical with it in quality, is better simply because it is dearer since we all tend to act on the assumption that high prices indicate high quality.

1 . What can make people buy poor quality goods ? 7 . How can a skilfbl advertiser sell a lot of his

products ? 3 . According to the passage, is it possible to

completely ignore advertisements ? Please give a reason for your answer.

4. What do people usually think about the price of an article, according to the passage ?

5. How do you decide which product you want to buy ?

6 . Fill in the gaps in the following sentences.

. . .. . . . , . . .... .. . . . inferior goods will not sell well, good advertising may enable some to do so. Obviously, people ...... buy goods they need; they ........ also buy goods they need; they ........ also buy some things they do not need because of the effects of advertising.

7 Replace the underlined words with suitable alternatives. The average customer but able to ~@Iu~WC between guarantees of quality.

(b) Note-making : (5 marks)

Draw a tree diagram that contains the main points and impotant supporting details from Stre following text about flowering plants.

Flo~&ng pw a of winu types, Herbaceous flowering plants are annuals, bienniala, d s. A m d type,, woody or semi-woody, are usually

perennials. Annual plants grow, set seed and die within one year; biennial plants complete their life cycle in two years; perennials, on the other hand, can live and grow for many Years once they have been planted. Plants that flourish and tlower during the rainy season are mostly the herbaceous annuals such as the Aster, Zinnis. and Sweet pea. Of the herbaceous perennials the most common are members of the Daisy family. The beautifilly scented Rose and Jasmine are both woody or semi-woody perennials. There are two other types of plants : bulbous plants and aquatic plants. The former grow from bulbs and tubers planted in the ground; examples of this type are Gladiolus and Tulip. The latter, as their name suggests. grow in water, the most exquisite example being the Lotus or Waterlily. Both bulbous and aquatic plants are usually perennials.

Section B : Poetry, Essay and One-Act Play

(a) POETRY : Read the following extract and answer the questions given below : (8 marks)

The bright birds flew by fond love piloted : And Devadatta, cousin of the Prince, Pointed his bow, and loosed a wilfil shaft Which found the wide wing of the foremost swan Broad-spread to glide upon the free blue road. So that it fell, the bitter arrow fixed, Bright scarlet blood-gouts staining the pure

plumes. Which seeing, Prince Siddhartha took the bird Tenderly up, rested it in his lap - Sitting with knees crossed, as Lord Buddha sits - And, soothing with a touch the wild thing's fright Composed its ruffled vans, calmed its quick heart, Caressed it into peace with light kind palms ~ n d while the left hand held, the right hand drew The cruel steel forth from the wound, and laid Cool leaves and healing honey on the smart.

1. What weapon did Devadatta use to shoot the swan ?

2. What quality of Prince Siddhanha is revealed in the poem ? Find two pieces of evidence from the poem to support your answer.

3. The poem shows Devadatta's cruelty to animals Can you think of an example of cruelty to animals in the world today ? Say how you feel about it.

4. "A wilful shsftvs an exampIe ofwhich f i p ~ of speech ? Find another example in the poem.

5. Pick out two phrases which add to the pictorial effect of the poem.

(b) 1. ONE-ACT PLAY : Read the following extract and answer the questions given below :

(7 marks)

George : Hellow - what's this ? Can't be anything to cry about.

Doris (through sobs) : You'll see. : (Doris runs out L. with a sob on the way.

George stares after her a moment, then looks at Mrs. Pearson.)

George : Did she say 'You'll see .,. ?'

Mrs. Pearson : Yes.

George : What did she mean ?

Mrs. Pearson : Better ask her. (George looks slowly again at the door then at Mrs. Pearson. Then he notices the stout that Mrs. Pearson raises for another sip. His eyes almost bulge.)

George : Stout ?

hlrs. Pearson : Yes.

George : (amazed) What are you drinking stout for ?

Mrs. Pearson : Because I fancied some.

George : At this time of day ?

Mrs. Pearson : Yes - What's wrong with it at this time of day?

George : (bewildered) Nothing, I suppose, Annie-but I've never seen you do it before.

Mrs. Pearson : Well, you're seeing me now.

George : (with heavy distaste) : Yes, an' I don't like it. It doesn't look right. Pm surprised at


Mrs. pea : WB, tha ought to be a nice eMge for yw

George : What do you mean ?

Mrs. Penrson : It must be some time since you were surprised at me, George.

George : I don't like surprises - I'm all for a steady going on - you ought to know by this time. By the way, I forgot to tell you this morning 1 wouldn't want any tea. Special snooker match night at the club tonight - an' a bit of supper going. So no tea.

Mrs. Pearson : That's all right. There isn't any

George : (astonished) You mean you didn't get any ready?

Mrs. Pearson : Yes. And a good thing, too, as it's turned out

George : (aggrieved) That's all very well, but suppose I'd wanted some ?

1 . Find two pieces of evidence that illustrate George Pearson's character, as stated in the extract.

2 Give two reasons why Mr. Pearson was surprised by his wife's behaviour in this extract.

3 In what way does Mr. Pearson show that he takes his wife for granted ? -

4 How do Mrs. Pearson's replies add to the dramatic effect of the extract ?

2. ESSAY : Read the following extract and answer the questions given below

Swimming was his favourite recreation The first time he ever saw a body of water (Alum Creek), he trotted nervously along the steep bank for a while, fell to barking wildly, and finally plunged in from a height of eight feet or more. I shall always remember that shining, virgin dive. Then he swam upstream and back just for the pleasure of it, like a man. It was fun to see him battle upstream against a still cumnt, st~ggling and growling eveq foot of the wry. Hc much fin in the water as any person 1 hnn? known. Ya;l didn? have to throw a stick in

the water t o get him to go in. Of course, he would bring back a stick to you if you did throw one in. He would even have brought back a piano if you had thrown nne in

1, How do you know that 'he' is a dog ? Give two pieces of evidence from the text.

2. According to the text, what do people sometimes do to make their dogs run and then come back to them?

3 What is the purpose of this description ?

4. Find two examples of onomatopoeia and two examples of metaphor.

Section C : Rapid Reading and Composition

Q.V (a) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below : (5 marks)

"Come in," I said. "You must be hungry." He came in silently, and I saw then how thin he was and how travel-worn. He was trying not to shiver, and he went to the fire-place, where the last coals were still red and held out his hands to the warmth, delicate little hands, but black with dirt, and his hair was brown with dust. Evidently, he had been walking a long time, and he must have suffered some sort of shock since he remembered nothing.

In silence I took him to the bathroom and bathed him clean and cut short the legs and sleeves of a pair of flannel pajamas and put them on him, and tied a strip around his narrow waist to hold him together. Then I

gave him food, scrambled egg and bread and milk from a tin can. He did not know what milk was, and he smelled it politely and set it aside.

"Will you have tea?" I asked.

"Please do not go to trouble," he replied.

I made tea and he drank it thirstily. Then I prepared a bsd for him on the couch in the living room and sat by him u d he want to sleep. 1 went back to bed. and fw some I, tm, was a% to sleep.

In the morning when I went to the living room he was already awake.

1. In two phrases, say what the narrator did for the boy before and after giving him food.

2 . Where did the boy sleep ?

3 . What time of year was it ? Support your answer with evidence from the passage.

4. Of the two people in the story whom do you like more ? Why ?

(b) Composition : (6 marks)

Rewrite the above story extract as if you were the boy. You may begin : The lady said, 'Come in.' I followed her into the house.

(c) Read the following extract and answer the questions given below :

(6 marks)

To his keeper, Karirn, Gajpati was the biggest, best and most intelligent elephant in all Asia. He belonged to India's Forest Department and was employed in the Himalayan foothills as a shikar (hunting) elephant; he could penetrate the jungle like no other animal.

Gajpati stood ten feet tall and weighed more than four tons. His legs were like trees - his tracks 20 inches across - and he had more than once stamped a bear to a pulp. Yet Gajpati was a gentle animal. He was especially so with Karim, whom Gajpati loved with unselfish devotion, and with Karim's infant son. If the elephant was doing nothing when Karim's wife had water to fetch, or dinner to cook, either she or Karim would draw a circle in the dust in front of the tethered animal, and put the baby into it.

"Keep him inside there, 0 Lord of Elephants" they would order the big tusker, who gently restrained the child if he tried to crawl away.

One afternoon when they were camped near the Rapti River, Knrim's wife took a big earthen jar and went off towards the river to fill it. M e r a while when she fd& to raurn, shouted in the direction she had wm no reply. k t his yell,

every jungle sound had stopped except the roar of the river.

Quite suddenly Karim, with his heel, marked a circle in front of the elephant and put the baby into it.

"Look after him, Gajpati."

He ran full speed to see what had happened to his wife.

1 . What did Karim and his wife do when they wanted the elephant to look after their child ?

2 . Who was Gajpati particularly fond o f ?

3 . How do we know that Karim felt anxious for his wife's safety ?

4. Which pan of the story does this extract probably come from ? Give reasons for your answer.

5 . (i) He was especially SQ with Karim". (line 7) What does 'so' stand for ?

( i i ) Did Karim always live near the Rapti River ? Which word supports your answer ?

Section D : Written Communication

You must answer two questions from this section.

Q.VI (a) Letter Writing : (5 marks)

Wr i t e ONE of the following letters :

1 . Read the following advertisement and prepare a letter of application for it (You do not haveto prepare your bio-data.)

SITUATION VACANT Wanted : Smart .. English 1 Marathi speaking salespersons for sports shop. Must be good communicator. Write giving details to :

Proprietor, Jai Sports Emporium Main Road Aurangabad - 43 1 00 1.

Your school or college is situated about 15 kms away from your town (or village). The buses are not convenient for the students : the timings mean that they arrive at school about an hour early, and have to wait two hours after school to catch a bus at the end of the day. Write a letter to the Depot Manager, State Transport of the town, requesting a change in the service. You should suggest what the change could be.

(b) Other Written Communication : (5 marks) Write ONE of the following :

1 . Read the following headlines of news items. Choose ONE of them and write the dateline, the lead paragraph and the short continuing paragraph.

( i ) London Marathon claims two lives

(ii) Work on swimming pool begins

2. Prepare a short tourist leaflet about your villageltown. Indicate :

(i) how to get there from Mumbai. (ii) where to stay (iii) what to see (iv) anything else special about your town,

e.g., food, people.

Section E : Essay Writing : (10 marks)

Q.VII Write a n essay of about 250 words on one of the following:

I . If there were no newspapers. 2. The place of women in Indian Society. 3 . A road accident I witnessed.



Paper I Duration - 3 Hours


S.NO. AREAISUB-AREA __________-------------*---------------

NO.OF QUS. MAX MARKS -----------______ ------------------------------------------**------

PROSE I . a) Short-Answer questions (for 30

word answer each). 5(out of 8) 5x3=15 b) Essay (250 words) 1 (out of 3) 1x15=15 c) Synonyms (Textual-Multiple

Choice Objective Type) 5 5 x 1 4 d ) Antonyms (Textual-Multiple

Choice Objective Type) 5 5x 1 =5 e) Idioms and Phrases (Textual-

Use in sentences of your own) 5(out of 8) 5x1=5

POETRY 2 a) Annotation (E.R.C.) (for 30

word answer each) 5(out of 8) 5x3=15 b) Appreciation Questions (each

set with two sub-questions) 5 5x2= 1 0 C) Short Essay (200 words) I (out of 3) 1 x 1 O= 10

COMMUNICATION & OTHER TASKS .) a) Use of Appropriate Words 5 5x1=5

b) Comprehension (~lnseen passage Multiple Choice Objective Type) 5 5x1=5

C) Describing a Process (100 words) 1 (out of 3) 1x5=5 d) Interpreting Non-verbal items

Multiple Choice Objective Type 5 5x1=5 ___________________-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total Marks 100 ___________________-------------------~-----------------------.----------------------------------------- Note :

I . Under question -item 2(b), for each set, a few lines from the prescribed poems will be given based on which two sub- questions will be set.

2. Under question -item 3(b), anon textual passage of about 200 words will be given based on which multiple choice objective type questions will be posed.

3 . Unda question -item 3(c), the questions will conform to

domestic, school and school level laboratory situations respectively.

4 . Under question -item 3(d), any one of the non-verbal items based on the models given in the work book pan of the English Reader for Standard XI1 will be given.

Duration - 3 Hours ________-------------------------------.-----.------ --------------.--------.------------------------------ s.NO. AREAISUB-AREA NO.OF QUS. MAX MARKS ................................... ....................................................................... 1 . SUPPLEMENTARY READER

a) Comprehension (Multiple Choise Objective Type (i) & (ii) 10 10x1=10

b) Essay (250 words) I(out of 3) 1x15=15

2. COMMUNICATION & OTHER TASKS a) Responding to a letter or

advertisement I (out of 2) 1x10=10 b) Writing a dialogue from a report 1 1x5=5 c) Summarising 1 1 x5=5

3. GRAMMAR a) Word Order 2 2x1=2 b) Sentence Patterns (i) & (ii) 2 2x 1 =2 c) Conditional Clauses 2 2x1=2 d) Transformation (Simple, Compound

and Complex Sentences) 2 2x2=4

4. PHONOLOGY a) Homophones - Selection Type 5 5 x 1 4 b) Intonation - Identification 3 3x1=3 c) Stress Shift - Explanation of the

given sentence 1 1x2=2 ___________________----------------------.-------.---------------.----------------------------------------

Total Marks 80 ___________________-----*--------.-------------.----m-----------------------------------------------------

Note : 1. Under question -item 2(a), the internal choice will be

between a letter and an advertisement.

2 Under question -item 2(b), a gist (as if reported by a third person) will be provided based on which the candidates should develop a dialogue of five exchanges.

3 Undn question -item 2(c), notes will be provided based on which the candid&es should develop a passage.

4, Under question -item 2(d), the questions will be set on social. personal and scientific topics respectiveiy.

5 , Under question -item 3(b), (i), identification of a sentence pattern will be asked. Sentence patterns (ii), (e ,g SVIODO) will be given and the candidate should write sentences of his own on these patterns.



--------------------------- S.NO. Items (5 items to be selected by the teacher) Max Marks ________--------------------------------------.-------- ------------- I . LISTENING I Listening to a news bulletin or a

conversation or a brief lecture followed by a written test for comprehension (Multiple choice objective type questions 4 Qus)

2 , a) Listening to 4 pairs of words and deciding whether the two words are the same or are different.

b) Listening to 4 sentences to encircle one of the underlined words (in each sentence) actually used by the speaker.

Listening to 4 words read out to write them down and decide on the correct meaning of each word from among the options given. (Writing down the words correctly - 112 mark each Finding the meanings correctly - 112 mark

4. Listening to a story an interesting event and reproducing the gist in the candidate's own works.

5 . Giving a welcome address or proposing a

vote of thanlcs or introducing oneself in a party or leave-taking.

6 . A short talk on a given topic.

7. A mock interview


8. Preparing a Library Index Card

9 a) Filling in an SB d c Paying in Slip

b) Filling in an SB a/c Cheque

10. Filling in a application form admission to a college course or Preparing a Curriculum Vitae. 1 x4=4

.............................. -----------------.-----.----------.----------------------------------------- Instructions

I The "Testing of Aural-Oral and Communicative Skills" is a continuous assessment scheme spread over for six months from July to December of the academic year.

2 Ten items under three areas viz. listening, speaking and other skills are suggested in this scheme: only five items, not exceeding two from each area, should be selected by the classroom teacher of English and administered to the candidates from time to time during the Scheme period.

j The items suggested under the area 'Speaking' are individual items all other items are group items The group items shall be administered to a batch of 30 of less candidates en bloc Words, sentences and passages for listening tests and situations for filling in the forms should be changed for each group.

4 Under item no. 1, a pre-recorded news bulleting (DDIAIR) or a conversation or a brief lecture will be played to the candidates only once. Otherwise, the teacher can read out the transcript only once. On completion of this, four questions will be read aloud by the teacher. Each question with four responses will be read twice. The candidates should select the right response to every question. (Please refer to pp.320-324, English Reader, Standard XII).

5. T o administer the items 2(a) and 2(b), the teachers are requested to refer to Exercise I and I1 respectively on Page No.3 16, English Reader, Standard XI).

6. To administer the item no.3, please refer to Excise 111 on pp.3 16 and 3 17 English Reader Standard XI.

7. Under item 110.4 a pn recorded narration of a story or an interesting event will be played to a batch of candidates. Alternatively the teacher can read aloud the passage. Then, each reproduce the gistin hisher own words.

8 Under item no.5 ~ituationslcontext~ will be explained by the teacher 50 that one candidate shall give a welcome out with utterances introducing themselves in a gel together or taking leave of others.

9 Under i tedno.6 the candidates will be given simple topics in advance so that each of them shall talk on a topic for about 3 minutes.

1 0 Under item 110.7 the examiner - the examinee will simulate the roles of an employer - a prospective employee, a principal - a student seeking admission in his college, a shopkeeper a CuStOmer etc., respectively (Please refer to pp.325-327, English Reader, standard XII).

1 I . Under item no.8, the library index card should be prepared for the book issued to the candidate on the model shown in the English Reader, Standard XI1 (pp.308-3 I I ) .

12. Under item no.9, the necessary details to fill up a Saving Bank account paying in slip and cheque will be given to the candidates. (pp-260-263, English Reader, XII).

13. Under item no. 10(a) or (b) blank forms containing not more than 10 items should be given to the candidates (pp.249-259 English Reader, Standard XII).

13 Administration of the selected five items should be camed out from time to time completing at least one item per month.

1 5 Teachers are instructed to conduct at least five tests at the rate of one test a month between July and December in the academic year and reduce the average to 20 marks ~vhich is the maximum for the Aural - Oral and Communicative skill tests.

16. The answer sheets, question paper along with the scoring key, cumulative mark-register etc, should be handed over to the Headmaster, complete in all respects, before the second week of January each year. These records will be seen by the inspecting officers concerned.

17. The Director of Government Examinations will send special mark sheet blanks to all the Higher Secondary Schools along with the part 111 - Practical Examination mark sheet blanks. The Headmasters should send back the mark sheets duly filled in at the end of the practical examination in their centres.

18. All the records, answer-books etc. pretaining to the "Testing of Aural - Oral and Communicative Skills should be kept in the permanent custody of the Headmaster.

19. For Deaf and Dumb Candidates : In lieu of the items listed under listening and speaking areas, a single item on the comprehension of anon textual passage through a written test with multiple choice objective type questions (8 in number for 8 mark3 shall be a d m i h s t e d . For the 12 marks, item no.8, 9 and 10 shall be administered.

20. For Stammer@ Candidates : In lieu of the items under speaking a single item of ussge through a written test with multiple choice

mber for 4 marks) shall be administered. For the

remaining 16 marks, 2 items under listening and 2 items under skills shall be selected and administered.

2 1, For Blind candidates : The blind candidates will be allowed to have scribes as per the rules of the Higher Secondary Public Examination in Force.

2 2 For Private candidates : For the candiates appearing for the Higher Secondary Examination (Standard XII) as first time direct private candidates, the Testing of ~ural-Oral and communicative skills will be administered for a batch of 30 candidates at a stretch by suitable examiners at the centres where the candidates appear for Part I1 ~ng l i sh written paper I and 11. The Chief Superintendent of the centre will notify to the candidates the dates for conducting the Aural - Oral and communicative skills tests. For the candidates appearing for the Higher Secondary Examination (Standard XII) for the second or hrther time, the marks awarded to them already in this regard will be taken into account. Repeat appearance for improvement is not permissile in the Testing of Aural - Oral and Communicative Skills.



Time : 3 Hours Minimum Marks : 100 Section - A

l.(a) Write short answers in about 30 words each for any FJYE of the following questions : 5 x 3 = 1 5

Why did the barbaric King build the arena ? How did Gandhiji become a statesman saint ? Why did Jesse Owens fail in the trails initially ? What was Orwell's view of the customers who visited his bookshop ? What, according to Einstein, is the true purpose of education? How did Chesterton react to the news that London had been flooded ? How does physical exercise differ from the pratice of yoga ? Who was Mr. Gantzler ? Why did he visit the antique shop ?

(b) Write an assay on any ONE of the following in about 250 words : lx15=15

1 Narrate the circumstances which enable Jesse Owens to win the Olympic Prize.

2. "The anecdotes on Einstein reveal his many sided personality" Elucidate.

3. How did Mrs. Hibbert fall a victim to the cleverly fabricated bax ?

(c) Choose the best Synonym for the underline word from the options given : 5x1=5

1. The king allowed nothing to interfere with his design, a) drawing b) outline c) intention d) pattern

2 . He had been Schooled in the Nazi Youth Movement. a) disciplied b) educated c) influenced d) instructed

3 . I am a literary man of good family. a) scholarly b) learned c) fashionable d) accomlished

4 . Many of the m o s t m hours of my life have been passed at Clapham Junction. a) angry b) colourful c) enjoyable d) unhappy.

5 . A grey-haired man appeared up the road. a) moving b) walking c) running d) marching

(d) Choose the best antonym for the Underlined word from the options given : 5x1=5

I . He was at my side- me, a) condoling b) comforting c) lamenting d) praising

2. The struggle will become excitins a) interesting b) lethargic c) insensible d) dull

3 The request was politely refused. a) rudely b) angrily c) ridiculously d) noisily

4. The elasticity of youth is no more. a) buoyancy b) rigidity c) integrity d) noisily

5 . In a lending-library you see people's ~4 tastes. a) fanciful b) wrong c) fake d) ideal

e) Choose any FIVE of the idiomslphrases given below and use them in sentences of your own :

1 . to send word 2, as in the case of 3. for instance 4, to make a fool of oneself 5. to turn off 6 , the apple of one's eye 7. in black and white 8. to hang about

Il(a) Explain with reference to the context any FlVE of the following :

1. What immortal hand or eye Dare frame the fearful symmetry ?

2. For good unknown sure is not had, or had. And yet u n k n o w is as had not at all.

My instep arch not only keeps the ache, It keeps the pressure of a ladder-round.

Now men will go content with what we spoiled.

Like clouds they shape themselves and go.

'Beauty is truth beauty' - that is all Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know

........... how timber in a stack. had more good in it than a growing tree

What do you weave, 0 ye flower-girls. With tassels of azure and red ?

Read the following passages and answer the question given below :

What mad pursuit ? What struggle to escape ? a. Why is the pursuit 'mad' ? b. Who is struggling to escape ?

I am the enemy you killed, my friend. I knew you in this dark ; a. How was the enemy killed ? b. Where did the meeting take place ?

Did he smile his work to see ? Did he who made the Lamb make thee ? a. Who accomplished the work ? b. How is the lamb different from the creation referred

to ?

Great are thy virtues, doubtless best of fruits. Though kept from Man ,..,. .................. a. Whose virtues are spoken of here ? b. Why is it 'kept from Man'?

And I could tell What form my dreaming was about to take. a. What from the dream followed ? b. Why was the speaker drifted to the dreaming state ?

( ) Write an essay in about LOO words on any ONE of the following :


I , How does William Blake marvel at the lawful beauty of God's terrible creation ?

2 . Keat's address to the Grecian Urn.

3 . Frost's reflection after apple-picking.


IlI(a) Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word given in the brackets :


I We get municipal water only on days (alternative, alternate periodical)

2. If permits, the match will be played tomorrow (whether, weather, climate)

3. The Indian were requested to produce their passports in the U.S. embassy. (emigrants, immigrants, refugees)

4. Will you stop being ? (innocent, childlike, childish)

5. Child is brought under control to a certain extent. (mortality, morality, treatment)

(b) Read the following passage and answer the question given below by choosing the best option : 5x 1 =5

Journalism means several things. First of all, it means the ability to write and convey thoughts in a way that people will understand things quickly. It means being able to trim long articles into shape. It means knowing your grammar and composition rules inside out and upside down. It also means a nose for news and feel for words, respects for truth and a sense of mission. A journalist should be able to size up a situation on the spot, He should also develop a deep insight into human conditions. Nobody could teach you the finer aspects of journalism. No plastic surgeon can give you a nose for news. No teacher can give you a feel for words.

1. The passage is on a. the journalists, surgeons and teachers b, the merits of journalism c. what journalism is about d. the journalist's feel for words

2. A journalist should feel for words a. the tules of writing b. the news c. grammar and composition rules d, the insight into human conditions

3 . One of the tasks of a journalist is to a. edit articles b , maintain a good nose

- c. respect everyone d . exploit a situation

4. The ethics of journalism is a. respect for truth b, understanding people c, ability to write d, search for news

5. Which of the following statements is not true ? a. A plastic surgeon cannot help a journalist b. A teacher can hardly assist a journalist c. Everyone can be a journalist d , A journalist should be able to convey his thoughts to

his readers.

(c) Answer any ONE of the following in about 100 words :

1. What will you do to tidy up a room for a guest who is due to arrive ?

2 . Explain the process of planting a sapling in your school. 3. How will you wash test-tubes and flasks in the laboratory ?

(d) Go through the table given below and answer the question by choosing the best options :

Number of Newspapers and Magazines published in India

Languages Dailies Weeklies Fornightlies Monthlies _---------__---------------------------------------------------------------------- English 209 552 43 8 952 Bengali 167 489 348 546 Malayalam 168 145 132 556 Tamil 226 224 177 536 __________________*------------------------------*--------------------------------------------------------

I . Maximum number of dailies is published in a. English b. Tamil c. Bengali d. Malayalam

2. Among all kinds of magazines, are the most popular ones. a. Monthlies b. Weeklies c. Fortnightlies d. Dailies

3 Malayalam enjoys the privilage of having more than Tamil. a. Dailies c. Weeklies

b. Monthlies d. Fornightlies

4. Which of the following interpretations is true ? a. English is known by a majority of Indians. b. Dailies are more popular than weeklies. c. A fortnightly is published once in two weeks. d. Tamil is the most popular language.

5 . Which of the following inferences is not true ? a. Compared to other languages Bengali has less number

of readers. b. English monthlies enjoy greater readership than those

of other languages. c. People prefer dailies of fortnightlies. d. Tamil weeklies outnumber those of Malayalam.



Time : 3 Hrs Maximum Marks : 80

SECTION A (Supplementary Reader)

I (a) (1 ) Answer the following globalcomprehension questions choosing the right response from the options given : 5x1=5

1. Mr. Fang, the magistrate, was rude and arrogant, so a. he threw Oliver out of the police-ofice b. he hided the policeman c . he rehsed to listen to the planitiff d , he insulted Mr. Brownlow repeatedly

2 . Oliver was eager to see Mr. Brownlow in order to a. return his money b. return his books c . thank him for his kindness shown to him d. tell him that he did not seal his money

3 . Monks wanted the Jew a, t o train more number of boys b, to have control over Nancy c. to make Oliver a pickpocker d. to be alert with Sikes

4. Charles Bates was directed by the Jew a. to seek the whereabouts of Oliver b. to spy on Nancy c , to train the boys to steal d. to spy on Monks

5 . The stipulation Leeford laid in his will was that a. his son should be brought up as a virtuous man b. his son should not stain his name c. his first wife should not have any control over his son d Monks should not be given a share

(11) Read the following passage and answer the questions tha t follow choosing the right response from the options given : 5 x 1 = 5

The room in which the boys were fed was a large stone hall with a copper vessel at one end. The master, dressed in an apron for the purpose, and assisted by one or two women, ladled the gruel at mealtimes. Of this composition each boy had one porringer, and no more. The bowls never wanted washing, The boys polished them with their spoons till they shone again. Then they would sit staring at the copper, with such eager eyes, as if they could have devoured the very bricks in which it was composed and sucking their fingers most assiduously. Boys have generally excellent appetites. Oliver Twist and his companions suffered the tortures of slow starvation for three months. At last they got so voracious and wild with hunger, that a council was held, Lots were cast as to who should walk up to the master after supper that evening and ask for more. It fell to Oliver Twist.

The evening arrived, the boys took their places. The master, in his cook's uniform, stationed himself at the copper. His pauper assistants stood behind him. The gruel was served out, and a long grace was said over the short supply The gruel disappeared The boys whispered to each other, and winked at Oliver his neighbour nudged him. Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger and reckless with misery, he rose from the table advanced to the master. bas~n and spoon in hand and said, some what alarmed at his own temerity, "Please. sir, I want some more"

6. The dining room was a. a decorated hall b. a large stone hall c , a narrow wooden hall d. a large stone hall with a copper vessel

at one end.

7. The master was assisted by to ladle the gruel a, the boys b. the beadle C. one or two women d. pauper assistants

8. Oliver Twist suffered the torture of dow stamation for

a. five months b. three months c. the entire period of this stay d. that day only

9 . Along was said over the short supply of gruel a. story b. episode c. prayer d. invocation

10. Oliver Twist was to ask for more porridge. a. chosen by lots b. elected by voting c, nominated by all d . instigated by all

(b) Write an essay on any ONE of the following in about 250 words : 1 x 15 = 15

1 . Give a character - sketch of Nancy 2 . The part played by Mr. Bronlow in redeeming Oliver Twist

from the vicious den of Fagin. 3 . How did Bill Sikes meet with his death ?

SECTION D (Communication & Other Tasks)

I1 (a) Write a suitable reply to the letter given below : 1 x 1 0 = 10

Trichy 620 01 8


Dear Joseph,

We have made arrangements for a picnic to Kallanai on Thursday, the 15th August 1996 1 shall be very happy if you, with the members of your family, accompany u s We plan to leave at 7.00 a.m. by our Metador van. 1 request you to join us at my house a bit earlier.

Yours Sincerely,


Respond to the following advertisement suitably ,


25 , Harrington Road, Madras 600 030.

Phone . 5324081

ADAPT - Advanced Diploma in Application Programming and Techniques.

AITECH, The pioneer in high end software training, has designed an exclusive computer course for you, Perfected to suit the global IT requirements.

- the AITECH ADAPT Scholarship Examination is on Sunday, 29th of September, 1996.

- the Application forms along with the t BASE 96 Prospectus is available on request.

(b) Write a dialogue out of the following report : 1 x 5 = 5

(Two +2 students met in their school on the reopening day after the summer vaction)

Gupta greeted his friend Ram and started narrating his experience during the summer holidays. Ram was inquisitive and asked Gupta how he spent his summer holidays. Gupta mentioned that he attended his uncle's marriage at Calcutta with his parents. He has the opportunity to see the Planetarium, the Botanical Garden the Kali Temple and the Hanging Bridge. He went to Darjeeling and stayed there for 10 days enjoying the cool climate prevailing there. Ram felt that Gupta was a lucky person.

(c) Summarise the following passage. Note making is given for your guidance. 1 x 5 = 5

Five sons of Dhirtarashtra namely, Durmarsha, Dussaha, Durmata, Durdhara and Jaya saw Karna put to fight by Bhima. At once they rushed on the latter. When Karna saw this, he was heartened and turned back to resume his attack. Bhimasena at first ignored the sons of Dhirtarashtra and conoentrated on Karna. But they became so violent in their assault that Bhima got incensed and turning his attention to them, disposed of all five of them. They lay dead on the field with their horses and their charioteers. The young warriors with their bleeding wounds presented the appearance of a forest with trees uprooted by a strong wind and lying flat on the ground with their beautifid red blossoms.

When Karna saw another batch of princes slaughtered for his sake he fought more grimly than ever before. Bhima too was more violent than before, thinking of all the evil that Karna had wrought against the Pandavas He used his bow so as to disarm Karna completely. His

horses and charioteer were also laid low Karna now jumped down from his chariot and hurled his mace at Bhima but Bhima warded it off with shafts from his powehl bow and covered Karna with a shower of arrows and forced him to turn back and walk on foot.


a. Attack on Bhima 1 . by five princes 2, by Karna

b. Vehement attack by Bhima i. on Karna ii. on the five princes iii. defeat of the five princes

2. Fierce attack

i. by Karna on Bhima ii. Bhima on Karna iii. forced Karna to turn back and walk on foot

(d) Write an Essay on any ONE of the following in about 250 words : 1 x 15 = 15

i . My favourite cricket player. ii. Pollution and ecological problems iii. Achievements of Indian Scientists

SECTION C (Grammar)

I11 (a) Rearrange the words and phrases in their proper order to make meaninghl sentences : 2 x 1 = 2

1. blue / last week / kala 1 new 1 bought / a / gown. 2. invited 1 Anbu / on Sundays / usually / his friends.

b) (i) Identify the pattern of the following sentences :

1. Ganapathy gave me a present yesterday.

(ii) Write a sentence of your own on the given pattern : 2. S V C A

c) Join the following sentences using the conjunction given within the brackets : 2 x l = 2

1. Pazhani is ill. He will stay at home today (if ...) 2. You must work hard. Otherwise you will not pass the test

(Unless . . . . .)

d) Rewrite as directed :

1. When the cat is away, the mice will play. (Change it into a simple sentences)

2. If you do not hurry; you will miss the train. (Change it into a Compound Sentence)

Section - D (PhonolQgyJ

IV.a)Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words from the options given in brackets : 5 x 1 = 5

1 . My teacher used to (coarlquote) eminent poets. 2. Nadheeka (read 1 red) verses from her book. 3 . Latha fell a (preylpray) to her friend's trick. 4. V.O.C. played a vital (roll/role) in the Freedom

Struggle. 5. The birds (sorelsoar) high in the sky.

(b) Say whether the following utterances are said with a falling intonation or arising intonation in normal circumstances : 3 x 1 = 3

1 . I like it very much 2. Did he complete the task in time 3 . Don't disturb me often

(c) Read the following pair of sentences. Note the stress shift and explain the meaning of each sentence. 2 x 1 = 2

1 . I t isarealobject 2. Really they object to it

Part - I1 English - Standard XI1

Testing Aural - Oral and Communicative Skills

Maximum Marks : 20

I. Listen to the prerecorded conversation and the questions that follow carefully. Find out the correct answers.

(The conversation will be played only once and the questions twice.)

Krithika : Have you read today's newspaper Ramu ? There's a finny story in it.

Ramu : I haven't. Why don't you read it now for me ?

Krithika : (reads) "A postman was going on his rounds His dog was following him. When they reached a lonely spot, a robber suddenly sprang up from behind, the postman started running and the robber ran after him. " (Turning to Ramu) Now, what do you think the dog did ? Guest right and you will get a ticket for a movie. What did the dog do ? Come on, Quick.

Ra mu : It ran after the robber, 1 suppose.

Krithika : That's an answer any school boy could think of but it isn't the right answer. Try again. I'll give you second chance.

Ramu : Well, it wasn't a biting dog and perhaps a barking one. Did it bark at the robber ?

Krithika : Wrong again. And now, the third chance, and it's your last chance. Make a real effon now.

Ramu : Well, it wasn't a biting a biting dog and perhaps a barking one. Did it bark at the robber ?

Krithika : Wrong again. And now, the third chance, and it's your last chance. Make a real effort now.

Ramu I'll need five minutes to think.

Krithika : Oh, not 1'11 give you only a second. Quick

Ramu : Let me see . . . (slowly and deliberately). The dog ran to the police station.

Krithika : Right you won the prize. How did you get it ?

* Alternately, the examiner shall read the transcript aloud. A news-bulletin or a talk can be had in lieu of a conversation.

Rarnu : What ! Do you mean that's the truth ? I was only joking.

Krithika : But it's turned out to be the truth. Listen (She reads). The robber ran after the postman and the dog ran to the police station." That's what the paper says.

Ramu : Put this is an incredible story. I can't believe it.

Krithika : You'll have to. I'll read the rest. Listen (She reads again). "The police arrived within minutes and caught the robber. Our correspondent reports that the postman has a brother in the police department and that, this man, a head constable, was on duty at the police station."

Ramu : What a story ! Now, what about my prize ?

Krithika : Well, you didn't forget it ! Come on, let's go to a movie.

Ouestions :

1. The newspaper narrated a story about

(a) a postman and a policeman (b) a policeman and his dog (c) a post man and his dog (d) a postman and their dog

2. Ramu's first response was that

(a) the dog barked (b) the dog chased the robber (c) the robber chased the (d) None of the above.


3. The dog, in fact,

(a) ran towards the police station (b) got frightened (c) saved the postman from the (d) started chasing the robber


4. The reason for the dog's reaction is that

(a) he was trained to do so (b) the head constable the postman's brother, was on duty there.

(c) he was loyal to his master(d) he was incapable of biting the robber.

2.a. You will hear pairs of words. Each pair will be read out once. Decide whether the two words have the same pronunciation (S) or different (D). Write (S) o r (D) in the space against the number of the set.

YOU will hear the following 4 sentences read out once. In each sentences the speaker will use only one of the underlined words. Listen carefully and encircle the word you hear.

I . He counted the t rees i fe~ twice. 2. The theif hid behind the 3. 1 wonder why he hitihid the dog. 4. I feel this dress is briehtlli~ht,

You will hear 4 words read out. After a word has been read out twice, write it down in the space provided. Then look at the three meanings given. Decide which one (A,B, or C) is the correct meaning and encircle the appropriate letter.

Space for writing the word you hear

Meaning of the word (Choose the correct One)

a. destiny b. not lean c. Suitable

a. drag dong b. small area of water c, long strick

Note :

a, a kind of currency b, to discover c, quantum of money

a. 1,00,000 b, fortune c. a piece of wood

The words for the four sets of questions will be as indicated below

1. a) fate b) fat C) fit 2. a) pull b) pool c) pole 3, a) pound b) found c) tind 4. a) lakh b) luck c) log

11. Listen to the following story/indicent narrated by yourteacher. Now retell the gist of the storylincident in your own words. 1 x 4 = 4

Note :

The teacher can choose any story incident of about 100 - 150 words of his own choice.

5 . Purpose a vote of thanks to the Chief GuestiThe Head Master/ Teachers and the gathering, at the end of the literacy association meeting.

6 . Give a short talk on the topic given below : Punctuality

7. Simulate the role specified and respond as naturally as possible to the interviewer.

111. 8. Prepare a Library Index Card for the book given to you:

9. a) Show how you would fill in the SB d c paying inslip you like to deposite Rs.200/- in your d c No.3605.

b) Draw an SB a/c cheque for the following purpose

Pay Rs.52751- towards the annual school fees for your sister, to the Secretary, R.M. educational Trust. Madurai-625 006 by a crossed cheque.

10. Fill in the Application form for admission to the course cited therein :

Prepare a Curriculum Vitae based on the information, hrnished below. Invent other details.

Surya, 22 years old, is fresh post-graduate in public relations and advertisements. She resides at 26, Vilayapathi Nagar, Madras-600 072 and seeks a challenging executive position in a leading firm.
