Appealing to the target audience

Post on 05-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Appealing to the target audience

How my magazine appeals to my target audience

Colours The main colours I have used are red, yellow, black and white. I have chose to use these colours as they are conventionally used in alternative music magazines, I found this from my research into existing magazines and from my research into the target audience.

Red , yellow, black and white don’t represent a single gender, they are universal so it helps my magazine to keep the same gender representation in my magazine. These colours appeal to my target audience because they are bold and bright.

Throughout my magazine I have used yellow to contrast against the red used, this yellow is a colour used specially for the issue, and the contrast colour would change which each issue.

FontsThe fonts I have used are simple but bold, this is conventional for the alternative genre. They appeal to my target audience as they stand out and are simple which is what the audience likes to see .

Bebas Neue: This font is bold and simple, despite this it gives the magazine a professional look and this type of typography is conventional for this genre.

Impact: This font is again bold and stands out, it used as a secondary font to Bebas neue. Using the bold fonts helps keep the magazine organised and staying to the conventions of the alternative genre.

Times new roman: The font is not as bold yet it fits in with the conventions of genre, it is used for sub text in the article and contents information. This again helps give it a professional look

ImagesThe images I have used fit to the conventions of an alternative music magazine. I have used images which include artists which would appeal to my target audience, they appeal to my target audience as the clothing is modern and fits into the fashion which is stereotypically linked to the genre (e.g. beanies) The images would appeal to my target audience as they have direct mode of address’ and this creates a connection to the reader. The age of the artists included also helps to appeal to the target audience as they are similar ages to them

LanguageThe language I have used in my magazine would appeal to my target audience as it is simple and easy to read, it is also quite chatty and casual which would appeal to the target audience as they are young and prefer this type of writing, and this will help them relate to the content and information in the magazine.An example of where I have used this style of writing is in the main article, I have written the article in past tense to give a descriptive insight to the reader about what has happen in a fun way, it is written in a informative and casual way as if telling a story to a friend.

I have also kept the sentences short and snappy, this keeps the audience interested.

Content The content I have included in my magazine would appeal to my target audience as I have included the psychographics I found from my research into the content of my magazine.

On my front cover I included a sell line about ‘V fest’ which is a festival this would appeal to my target audience as this is a psychographic which they are appealed to.

I have included a interview on my double page spread article from the main act featured in the magazine, this is another psychographic which appeals to my target audience.

I have also included musical content and reviews, about new albums and singles coming out in the music industry, this is featured on my contents page. And this is also another psychographic I found out about during my research.