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Transcript of apics-cind.orgapics-cind.org/.../apics_board_meeting_minutes_10_26_16.docx · Web viewBob Collins...

APICS Central Indiana Chapter Board Meeting 26 Oct 2016: Present: Peter Clonts, Rich Bayley, Nolan Cockrell, Paula Hoback, Tammy Lantz Phone: Pru, Emily Crites, Jason, Karl Knapp Meeting called to order at 6:03 pm by Peter Clonts.

LAST MEETING MINUTES – o Rich motioned to approve, Jason seconded. Approved minutes.

Past Open Action Reviewo Board photos need to be added to the website. They can be sent to Nolan for

updating the website. Emily Crites is not listed as a board member on the website. Emily to call corporate to update. Done. CLOSED

o Punch card for PDM’s still is a good idea and improves our attendance outside of just the regular attendees. Karl motioned to have buy three PDMs, get one free. We need a name for this idea and a process documented on how to execute. Tammy seconded the motion. Approved. This will begin in October 2016. This card can only be used in the calendar year. Peter will follow up on marketing. “Fast Pass” punch card started with October PDM. Well received by attendees. CIND keeps all cards and maintains records. Hoping to drive more volume to PDMs. CLOSED

o Proposal for future standard of what companies pay for participant manuals will roll into further discussion. Tammy would like to work with Vincennes on education courses and relationship with our chapter. Tammy to discuss with Rich, Peter, Karl, and Vincennes team. No update yet. Table until next meeting.

o Peter needs to send out slide deck from quarterly business review. Will send todayo We received platinum certification as a chapter. Peter to send emblem to board for

use. Peter will ask Chapter Services to re-send chapter emblem email.

Finance Update – Tammy Lantz











Programs Update – Emily Bielefeldo See Emily’s email for board reporto Confirmation for speaker on November 10th PDM. Topic changed from 3D Printing to

“Digital Enterprise and Accompanying Change in Education”. o Still need speaker for December PDMo Bob Collins will speak at January PDM on “Cognitive Bias”o Bob Collins at District Meeting reported slide pack on changes to CPIM. Good

presentation. Could be a possible topic at future PDM to communicate changes to membership and CPIMs-in-training.

Marketing Update – Jason Jacksono Indiana Logistics Summit November 16-17 (Wed-Thurs) – CIND will participate. 500-600

last year’s attendance. This is the target audience for new CLTD cert education. Peter will contact Summit representatives (Katie McCoy) for further information and secure a space/payment/etc.

Board needs to decide what level of sponsorship. Need to decide which board members will participate. Would like to have 3

each day.o Brainstormed how to promote and get increased participation.o Good traffic on Linked In.

Board members urged to continue to “like” and “comment” on posts.

Education Update – Pru Strain-Gamsoo Pru’s report will be distributed by end of this week.o Roche conducting private class. Scheduled phased classes by modules.o Moving forward with public MPR class – kicks off Nov 4th (4 participants)o Toyota hosting class in Columbus – kicks off Nov 3rd (Tammy teaching)o CLTD class starting Jan 21st

Membership Update – Nolan Cockrello 334 members (includes 67 professionals). 134 student members.o Lost a few young professionals, not drastico Increased certificationso New members YTD is 54o No company changes from last montho Scholarships are available. See APICS corporate website. Could use towards

certification. May want to advertise this Corporate APICS scholarship to members to promote

certifications. Other scholarships available – Indiana (Working Up). Peter noted others

communicated at District meetingo Show and tell: 1990 APICS directoryo Need to order brochures for the CLTD to use at Indiana Logistics Summit

Nolan will order 500 brochures. Tammy will make labels with CIND contact information to be added to back of

brochures for Summit. Pru will be the contact on label. Will need to move November board meeting since conflicts with Summit.

President Update – Peter Clontso Indiana Logistics Summit – need to determine sponsorship level

Peter meeting with Summit representative on Oct 27th Peter will send survey for Board participation availability for booth Nov 16-17 Tammy will share the SCOR model which demonstrates the CLTD and

CPIM/CSCP structure to help explain benefits across the supply chain Would be helpful to have a Learning System available

o Great Lakes District meeting Excellent turnout for student track agenda. More students than professionals at

this meeting Students wanted more networking time with professionals. Possible future

APICS event geared to “Career Networking” focusing on targeted professional roles with mini-groups of students working with each professional. Similar to roundtable. Possible pre-PDM networking time… or even a separate networking event. Will need to brainstorm future events for student career assistance programs, resume reviews, mock interviews. Emily mentioned Indianapolis Career Fair Nov 10th event Career Fair that we might want to participate in the Spring.

Other VP UPDATESo Student Chapters – Karl Knapp

Working with ISU to establish chapter. Paperwork in order. Nov 16th Karl meeting with ISU

Successful student chapters have a passionate facility member and passionate student leader to drive support

o QUALITY – Paula Hoback

May not see new CBAR format until Feb 2017. Suggest to use old format to populate data.

Reviewed the surveys from last PDM


No update

o Student Ambassador – Emily Crites

No further updates to report

o Publicity – Determining best fit for this role.

Peter will send out newsletter this week.

o IT/Web – Rich Bayley

Star Chapter will be rolling out a significant update in 2017.

Members have expressed online tracking capability.

Rich still pushing Star Chapter to allow multiple memberships online (For example… can see all certs for a person)

Currently 7 posted positions on job board (more pending to post)

Need to make sure that all public classes are logged on the corporate website so all classes count (no private classes will be posted). Peter will do this on Friday, Oct 28th with Jason’s help.

o ADMINISTRATION – Paula Hoback covering for Erin

No updates

Other New Business –

o Since we are cancelling November board meeting, we will schedule early December team building event. All board members to submit ideas…. Punchbowl Social

Adjourned at 7:33 pm: Tammy motioned to adjourn. Rich seconded.

C-BAR Metric

S2.C1 Yes Did the chapter hold at least three professional development events

S2.C3 Yes Did attendance at the PDM's meet or exceed the chapter's goal?

S2.C4 4 How many times did the chapter conduct a joint networking session with other professional organizations (ex: ISM, PMI, etc.)?

S2.C5 Yes Did the chapter schedule, plan, and publish its PDMs and plant tours at least two months in advance?

S2.C6 Yes Did the chapter conduct a specific PDM for Top Management or other executive event during the last year?

Other Strategic Metrics This Year CEH GOAL Last Year

1 Total CEH Hours this Program Year 126 375 363

PDM Attendance (1 CEH per PDM per attendee) 91 375 363

Plant Tours (1 CEH per PDM per attendee) 35

Seminars (CEH based on seminar duration x attendees)

2 Committee Members


3 Program Revenue $ 1,680.00 $12,000 $8,379

Program Expenses $ 1,130.85 9,435$ 549.15$ -$1,056

Other Activities to note3 PDMs for 2015-2016 have been scheduled @ U of Indy: November, February, and April.November PDM is SCOR-P, with David Morrow - will have travel expensesDecember is Andy Ober from Inside Indiana BusinessJanuary - Greg Magnusen, Eli LillyFebruary - Jonathan Thatcher, APICSMarch - Sharon Rice, APICSApril - Steam Coffin: Story of Supply Chain supporting the building of the first ocean-going steamship, John Laurence BuschMay - Networking Problem Solving w/ Jason WheelerJune - Teresa J. van Niekerk, Allison TransmissionJuly- No PDM eventAugust-Lucas Oil Stadium TourSeptember- 5 Tips for creating a great career Brenda JohnsonOctober- Andy Ober "We are Hiring" says Indiana

PDM 2013-2014 2014-2015 difference 2015-2016 difference avg 2016/2017 Numbers avgJuly 17 18 1 0 -18 12 0 22.75August 20 22 2 17 -5 15 35September 37 32 -5 36 4 21 16October 35 29 -6 36 7 19 40November 40 42 2 43 1 28December 22 21 -1 24 3 14January 27 32 5 60 28 21February 28 46 18 32 -14 31March 26 33 7 31 -2 22April PDM 31 42 11 17 -25 28April Network 21 21May 21 24 3 6 -18 16June 38 22 -16 34 12 15

2014 to 2015 Delta

212015 to 2016 Delta -6

Avg per mtg increase

1.75 avg per mtg decrease -0.55 22.25

total 2014-2015 attendance 363 2016 total 357

Board ReportPrograms26-Oct-16

Submitted by: Emily Bielefeld

C-BAR Metric

S2.A5 Did the chapter formally recognize at least one company or corporation for its support during the last year?

S2.A6 Yes Does the chapter have a formal company coordinator (or other contact group ie: HR Mgrs) program?

Other Strategic Metrics This Year GOAL Last Year

1 Total Company Coorinators 8 12 12

Need CC for Cummins, Taghleef, Dow AgroSciences and Nucor Steel

2 Committee Members

Row Labels Count of Company MembersEli Lilly And Company 40Roche 27Cummins 21 No current coordRolls Royce 9Dow AgroSciences 8Taghleef Industries, Inc. 6 No current coord

Current Company coordinators


First NameLast Name Company Full Name w/CompanySide of TownMobile Phone Work Phone EmailMichelle Gross-Stark Allegion Michelle Gross-Stark (Allegion)North? (317) 557-0060 (317) 810-3194 Michelle.Stark@Allegion.com confirmed

Kristi Jackson Allison TransmissionKristi Jackson (Allison Transmission)North 317-714-2426 317-242-3329 kristi.jackson@allisontransmission.com confirmed

Ann Fausset Covidien Ann Fausset (Covidien)North afausset@hotmail.com confirmed

Garrett Buhr Dow AgroSciencesGarrett Buhr (Dow AgroSciences)North? 317-337-5890 GWBuhr@dow.com need replacement

Jim Tilton Draper, Inc Jim Tilton (Draper, Inc) jwtilton@att.net confirmed

Jim Conner Eli Lilly and CompanyJim Conner (Eli Lilly and Company)South conner_james_a@lilly.com confirmed

Andy Bargeron Inspirage, LLC Andy Bargeron (Inspirage, LLC)North 773-617-3634 andrew.bargeron@inspirage.comJeff Moore Nucor Steel Jeff Moore (Nucor Steel)North 765-361-5730 jeff.moore@nucor.com need replacement

Jason Wheeler Roche Jason Wheeler (Roche)North 317-557-8214 317-521-2587 jason.wheeler@roche.com confirmed

Rich Bayley Specialty Coating Systems Rich Bayley (Specialty Coating Systems )North RBayley@scscoatings.com confirmed

Brian Galardo Ulta Beauty Brian Galardo (Ulta Beauty)South (248) 953-2428 bgalardo@ulta.com;brianbgalardo@gmail.comPeter Clonts Rolls Royce Peter Clonts (Rolls Royce)(317) 289-2931 (317) 230-6252 Peter.Clonts@Rolls-Royce.com confirmed

Board Report Company Coordinator

26-Oct-16Submitted by: Jim Conner

C-BAR MetricS1.A2 yes - 3 Did the chapter perform at least three Professional Development event surveys?S2.H3 Did the chapter create/review SOP that explains the responsibilities of each position?S2.H4 Did your BOD establish metrics and measure its successes in support of the strategic plan during the year?S2.H7 Did the chapter win an award in the chapter incentive award program during the previous year? S2.H8 yes Did the chapter utilize the Net Promoter Score method to gauge the Chapters performance from the Chapters customers view?S2.H9 yes Is the Chapters Net Promoter Score positive?

Other Strategic Metrics THIS YEAR GOAL LAST YEAR1 # of Surveys Distributed 3 0 6

From CPIM Classes 0From CSCP Classes 0From PDM Events 3 0 4From Other Events 0From Board Member Survey 0From Membership Survey 0 2

Committee Members

Other Activities to note:

2016/2017 CBAR template not available yet

Board ReportQuality

26-Oct-2016Submitted by: Paula Hoback

PDM Survey results below:

October 2016 PDM - Andy Ober - Survey results

Central Indiana APICS Professional Development Meeting – October 17, 2016 SURVEY RESULTS“Inside Indiana Business” with Andy Ober Total surveys completed 29

APICS - 9ISM - None or Other - 8All other surveys left this blank

How did you hear about this PDM?

APICS Web Site

Marketing Email Blast

APICS-IN President

Email Blast

APICS Web Site - 3Marketing email blast - 2President email blast - 5Word of Mouth - 5Professor/school - 11

Was the PDM registration process easy to navigate?

Yes No

Yes - 27 No - 11 2 5 Average score (question 3): 4.3

Strongly Disagree

Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 5 Average score (question 4): 4.1Strongly Disagree

Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 5 Average score (question 5): 4.8Strongly Disagree

Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 5 Average score (question 6): 4.8Strongly Disagree

Disagree Strongly Agree

1 2 5 Average score (question 7): 4.6Strongly Disagree

Disagree Strongly Agree

General: What is your preferred meeting time for future APICS PDMs?

5:30–8:00 PM


Morning meeting

Different day?

Current time - 22Morning meeting - 1Lunch meeeting - 2Other - 0 Different day - 1 (Friday)

General: Would you like to have extended networking time at future APICS PDMs?

Yes NoYes - x No - x

Net Promoter Score: 44%# of Promotors (9-10) 14 52%# of Passives (7-8) 11 41%# of Detractors (0-6) 2 7%

CommentsVery informativeGreat speakerVery interesting and informative. Great way to view a perspective that has gone overlooked.This was a great experienceI had a great time at my first event. I look forward to coming back.Really liked it! Met a lot of great people. Only thing if more directions on how to get to the buildingThis PDM was very informative. I'm glad I came.Move North.Speaker very knowledgeable and share valuable information. Thank you!

No-Student options slightly confusing, had trouble registering as a member at IUPUI; Yes-Student registration on front page of website


Lunch meeting Other suggestion?

Not at all likely

The speaker was responsive and answered questions effectively


Somewhat Agree



Participants were encouraged to take part in the PDM discussion


Somewhat Agree



How likely are you to recommend an APICS PDM event to a colleague or friend?

The content delivered at this event can be directly applied to my job and/or personal


Somewhat Agree



The speaker delivered the discussion content clearly and used relevant examples


Somewhat Agree



Your Professional Association (please circle):

APICS / ISM / ASQ / UXPA / Agile Indy / MPUG / AITP / IFMA / IIBA / Other / None

Word of Mouth Other


The PDM provided effective networking opportunities


Somewhat Agree



S2.I2 Yes Did the chapter financially or otherwise support and encourage participation in a local and/or national student competition? APICS Student Case Competition in JanuaryS2.I5 Yes Did the chapter hold any on-campus PDM's? UindyS2.I7 Yes Was a chapter board position occupied by a student during evaulation year? Student AmbassadorS2.I8 Did the chapter participate in a career assistance program with students? S2.I9 Does the chapter encourage students, who are not part of a student chapter, to promote APICS by attending S2.I10 Did the chapter provide financial aid for students via scholarship, grant or other financial assistance?S2.I14 Yes Does the chapter organizational structure identify "Student Interests" as an area of focus with a position on the chapter BOD? S2.I16 Did the chapter have a PDM meeting where a student was the presenter on a subject of the student's choice?

Other Strategic Metrics

Other Activities to note

Board ReportStudent Ambassador

26-Oct-16Submitted by: Emily Crites