APA CommNet Digital Webinar Series: Part 1 - Personal Benefits of LinkedIn

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of APA CommNet Digital Webinar Series: Part 1 - Personal Benefits of LinkedIn


LinkedIn 101: The BasicsAndrea CarlosLinkedIn


Join Our Upcoming Webinars

Tues, 11/29: Part II - Elevating Awareness of Your Nonprofit • Company pages, followers, status updates

Wed, 12/14: Part III - Advanced Use of LinkedIn • Nonprofit branding, recruitment of volunteers/board members/employees,

building fundraising relationships



1. What is LinkedIn?2. Building a Great Profile3. Growing Your Connections4. Exploring Career Paths

What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional social network

LinkedIn is a social media platform for your professional self

400M+ Members across the globe

Our vision: create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce

A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something

A chance for employment or promotion


205 Countries

9 Million+Nonprofit Professionals

212,000+Nonprofit Organizations

23M following nonprofits!

Nonprofits on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the place to show off your professional side

What makes LinkedIn different?

Other social networks focus on your personal life


I’m eating a #donut

I like donuts

Here’s a video of me eating a donut

Here’s a great photo of my donut

Here’s a donut recipe

I’m listening to “Donuts”

Anyone want some donuts?


• My skills include donut eating• I’m qualified in donut making• I work in the donut industry• I’m looking for a job at a donut company• I’m connected to donut experts• Here’s a video / photo / recipe for donuts

 You already have the materials for building a great career!






Values Skills

LinkedIn can help you to develop and showcase yourself professionally, which can lead to future internship & job opportunities!

Building a Great Profile



Build a strong profile: The best profiles are complete & dynamic

Passive vs. Active Candidates


Of people hired on LinkedIn are passive candidates


Add a professional photo


More views with a profile photo than without


Source: https://iwww.corp.linkedin.com/wiki/cf/display/PRT/Value+statements+for+Profile+Editing 15

Write an attention-grabbing headline


Explain what it is you do

Show your passion and value


Draft a compelling summary


• Focus on career accomplishments and aspirations

• Recommend 40 words or more

• Include keywords – not buzzwords


Detail your Education


Enter your School(s) and Dates

Ignore “Degree” field if not relevant


Detail your work Experience


Definitely include summer jobs, part-time jobs, work experience

Keep the description concise – e.g. use bullets

What did you achieve, deliver, learn?


Source: https://iwww.corp.linkedin.com/wiki/cf/display/PRT/Value+statements+for+Profile+Editing

Add examples of your work in photos presentations & videos

Give a dynamic, visually appealing representation of your professional story


Detail your past work experience

More profile views than those without


Source: https://iwww.corp.linkedin.com/wiki/cf/display/PRT/Value+statements+for+Profile+Editing 21

Add skills and get endorsed


Adding skills and expertise also helps you show up in relevant searches!

What are your areas of expertise? Add at least 5 skills right now!


If you endorse other people, they are more likely to endorse you in return!


Other Examples:• Sales• Photography• Cooking• Customer Service

Include Volunteer Experiences & Causes


More profile views than those without


Source: https://iwww.corp.linkedin.com/wiki/cf/display/PRT/Value+statements+for+Profile+Editing23

41% of Hiring Managers consider volunteer experience equally as valuable as professional experience


Add your program to the “Organization” section


Source: https://iwww.corp.linkedin.com/wiki/cf/display/PRT/Value+statements+for+Profile+Editing 24

• Connect with other alumni

• Pay it forward: coach or mentor current Summer Search youth

• Stay in touch

Ask for recommendations that add credibility and flavor

Tips for getting strong recommendations:

Ask former professors, colleagues, clients

Remind them of your past projects and accomplishments

Recommendations should showcase a diverse set of skills & strengths


In summary:

1. Get your Photo and Headline up – these are the first things people see

2. Complete these important sections – Summary, Education, Experience, Volunteer & Causes, and Organization

3. See if you can include even more information in your profile, such as Languages or Awards

4. You can also continue to share content beyond your profile, like with updates and longer-form posts.

Growing Your Connections



How can LinkedIn help you?

• Create and showcase your online “professional presence” including:• Your education and work qualifications • Your skills• Your potential

• Build your “network” of people to keep in touch with and who can help you:• Find a job• Find a mentor to learn from• Share useful information that will help you succeed in the working world

• Research career paths, evaluate your options and apply for jobs• Check out different companies, the jobs and the people who work there• Check out universities and courses, and the careers graduates go into afterwards• Follow companies, sectors, and interesting, influential people in areas of interest


Your network is like your teammates on a sports team

You all want to help each other reach your professional goals

Your LinkedIn Network

 And help you reach your goals through:


Your network can point you in the right direction,


IntroductionsYour network can connect you to

other people you want to learn from or work with


ReferralsIf someone in your network knows of an opportunity in your area of

interest, they can recommend you as a good fit!


Swapping KnowledgeYou can learn from your network and what they share on LinkedIn. Your network can also help give you career advice and tips for

reaching your goals

Your Network: your personal


Your network’s network:your board’s network + your coworkers’ network, etc…


How many people do YOU know?

Billionsof professional relationships


2B+Member updates per week

LinkedIn has a wealth of information on the people & companies with whom you want to build relationships

This is why connections matter1st Degree

2nd Degree

3rd Degree


✓ Board Members✓ Staff

✓ Donors✓ Volunteers

Connect with…




Connections: Invite people to your party

If you don’t have connections, no one will get invitations to the “Me Party!”


Get “Liked” on LinkedIn

If you have no followers on Instagram, you aren’t going to

get any “likes”


Similarly, if you don’t have any connections on LinkedIn, you aren’t going

to be connected with any opportunities


Develop your “network”


Aunt who works for local restaurant Friends

Summer job boss

Friends outside school

Connect to people you know

Consider the future “unknown opportunities”

Connect with Volunteers & Board Members

✓ Ask volunteers and board members to add their work with you to their LinkedIn profile

✓ Build an auto-response:When a volunteer signs up, send them an automated email asking them to include their involvement on their LinkedIn profile

✓Summarize events in blog posts, and ask your volunteers to share on with their networks on LinkedIn

Status updates go a long way to generate awareness

✓ Post at peak activity times ✓ Lead with a catchy first line ✓ Reciprocate


EtiquetteContacting the right people in the right way

 Send personalized invitations to remind people how you know them


Grow your network

Start at the profile to ensure you have the option to create a personal message.

 Send personalized invitations with context


Grow your network

Start at the profile to ensure you have the option to create a personal message.

On mobile: 1



Ask your network for introductions if you’re looking for a job or just want to learn more

Hi Connie, I see that you work with Lindsey at LinkedIn. I am interested in speaking with her to learn about internship opportunities at the company. Would you be willing to introduce me so I can ask her for her guidance? Of course, if you are not comfortable, I will understand. Thanks for considering my request!Sincerely,Amy

Amy Gomez

In summary:

1. Request connections from friends, teachers, parents’ friends

2. Always add a personal message to an invitation to connect, giving context

3. The more connections you have, the bigger your network, and the better your chances of finding someone who can help you into a company or job in the future (or knows someone else who can)

4. The #1 activity on LinkedIn? Looking at profiles. So make sure your profile is up-to-speed before you start connecting

Exploring Career Paths(while in college & beyond)


How can LinkedIn help you?

• Create and showcase your online “professional presence” including:• Your education and work qualifications • Your skills• Your potential

• Build your “network” of people to keep in touch with and who can help you:• Find a job• Find a mentor to learn from• Share useful information that will help you succeed in the working world

• Research career paths, evaluate your options and apply for jobs• Get served up content that is relevant to you based on your interests and major• Check out different companies, the jobs and the people who work there• Follow companies, sectors, and interesting, influential people in areas of interest


25,000+Universities & Colleges on

LinkedIn worldwide

LinkedIn Students


■ Discover career paths based on school and major

■ Learn from alumni and get tips for reaching out

■ Read recommended articles to get ahead of the job search

■ Explore companies especially the ones popular with alumni

■ Check out jobs appropriate for students and their major, save them, and apply when you’re ready

Positioned for guidance and discovery…delivering 5 fresh ideas daily

Meet Julianna, she’s looking for her first job

Julianna Ramos■ Senior at San Jose State University

■ Psychology Major

■ Graduating in 2016

Step one, Julianna creates a LinkedIn account...

Julianna inputs her school, major, and graduation year...

Let’s talk a look at her five new ideas for the day...

Based on her major, Julianna might want to consider the role of a marketing specialist

On the home screen, Julianna is delivered 5 ideas a day...

Alumni who studied psychology and have this role

To keep her ahead of the game, she reads custom content and stories chosen by other students

On the home screen, Julianna is delivered 5 ideas a day...

She might be interested in companies like Apple that tend to hire students from her school

On the home screen, Julianna is delivered 5 insights a day...

Julianna sees alumni with similar majors whose career paths she might want to view and reach out to for advice

On the home screen, Julianna is delivered 5 ideas a day...

Jobs are presented to Julianna that fit her background and skill level

On the home screen, Julianna is delivered 5 ideas a day...

Quickly ‘star’ to save and apply when she’s ready

In five quick swipes, Julianna has discovered:

■ New roles and companies to consider

■ New people to reach out to

■ New jobs to apply for

Starred roles, jobs, companies, and articles can be accessed under ‘My Stuff’, LinkedIn.com and other LinkedIn apps.

And, viola! Julianna is done for the day...

For ‘starred’ items, Julianna can access them under ‘My Stuff’...

After starring potential jobs, roles, companies, and alumni, Julie can take the next step by researching these insights further and applying for jobs

Adjust profile and account settings here (e.g. reminders etc.)

In addition to discovering, Julianna can also search for specific roles...

■ Learn about the function

■ Explore:○ Job openings for this role○ Alumni who have this role○ Top companies for this role○ Tops skills required for the role○ Similar roles


The people in your network can tell you about jobs, internships, volunteer programs, events and more. This is why logging in at

least 1 x per week matters


LinkedIn All-Star

First stop


Your career goals

Next Stop


Join Our Upcoming Webinars

Tues, 11/29: Part II - Elevating Awareness of Your Nonprofit • Company pages, followers, status updates

Wed, 12/14: Part III - Advanced Use of LinkedIn • Nonprofit branding, recruitment of volunteers/board members/employees,

building fundraising relationships