AP Lit & Comp 2/11 16...poet and the speaker. 9. The poet wrote the poem; the speaker is the persona...

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Transcript of AP Lit & Comp 2/11 16...poet and the speaker. 9. The poet wrote the poem; the speaker is the persona...

AP Lit & Comp 2/11 ‘16

Today‘s Agenda 1. Happy almost-long weekend! 2. Poetry essay 3. A few noteworthy points

fromTPWB 4. For next class


1. Take ten minutes to break apart the prompt and CLOSELY read and annotate the poem.

2. Determine the meaning/purpose of the poem. 3. Decide what you believe the poet wants the

reader to take away from the poem. 4. THEN, determine HOW the poet accomplishes

this. 5. Write your thesis based on the above, making

sure it is an EXACT reflection of what the prompt is asking.

6. Don’t simply restate the prompt. 7. Write your essay – two pages minimum.


8. In your essay, clearly differentiate between the poet and the speaker. 9. The poet wrote the poem; the speaker is the persona in the poem, the person speaking and acting. 10. Poem titles go in quotation marks. 11. You MUST cite specific snippets of lines from the poem for support. Put those in quotation marks. Do NOT refer to line numbers. 12. A line of poetry cited looks like this: “Roses are red/ violets are blue” 13. You need a concluding paragraph / statement. A single statement will suffice, but write it in its own paragraph.

For the poetry essay: As long as you do everything the prompt asks you to do, AND you do it well, your essay will score well. IF you’re aiming for an 8/9, however, it would be wise to try and discuss the poem’s overall meaning in some way. Try to connect this meaning to the poetic devices you’re discussing.

“Father believes they will choose the Lord’s infinite love, and us of course, as we are God’s special delegation to Kilanga. He says we’re being brave and righteous…two things that cannot go unrewarded in the sight of the Lord…For Father, the Kingdom of the Lord is an uncomplicated place, where tall, handsome boys fight on the side that always wins.” Leah p.243,44

“But where is the place for girls in that Kingdom? The rules don’t quite apply to us, nor protect us either. What do a girl’s bravery and righteousness count for, unless she is also pretty? Just try being the smartest and most Christian seventh-grade girl in Bethlehem, Georgia. Your classmates will smirk and call you a square. Call you worse, if you’re Adah. -Leah p.244

Note by the end of Judges… ✘Leah is beginning to have some

significant doubts about her father’s righteousness. ✘“If his decision to keep us here in the

Congo wasn’t right, then what else might he be wrong about?

Things to chew on… What’s the deal with the village chief, Tata Ndu. What does he want with Rachel? If you’re Kingsolver, why include this subplot? Why does Ruth May think she is sick? Tata Jesus is Bangala: “Bangala can mean dearly beloved, but the way Nathan pronounces it, it means poisonwood tree. Thus, the people here this as, “Jesus will cause immense pain and possible death.”

Note the cool microcosm going on with this. Nathan’s words = horror /avoidance in the village people. His words symbolize his narrow-minded beliefs and his stubbornness. The words are a microcosm for the white imperial (and missionary) presence in the Congo. The village people’s reaction to those words is symbolic to the Congolese reaction to the white presence in the Congo. WHAT DOES KINGSOLVER WANT HER READERS TO CONCLUDE? (Think big, global message.) Have I mentioned how IN LOVE I am with Kingsolver’s writing and story-telling abilities? :

Other than for its grisly horror factor, why include the scene with the ants? What does Kingsolver accomplish with this section? o characterization? o plot? o symbolism o theme? What are some themes in the book so far?

REMEMBER: most things in good literature serve a dual purpose…

For next class… Read the Kingsolver article. I posted the link on the website. Read all of Book Four “Bel and the Serpent” Read the poems posted on the website. Follow the directions included with them.