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OUT-TAKES FROM VIETNAM Out-Takes from Vietnam Lesson Plans Recommended Level: High School Time Required: 5 Days Introduction Out-Takes from Vietnam is the story of how our troops reached out to the Vietnamese people during the war. The students learn first-hand from the heroic veterans and civilians who went above and beyond their duties in the war. Since these acts are not widely remembers, this can be a jumping off point for discussion of media coverage of the Vietnam War and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Also, this unit encourages the students to research the humanitarian efforts of our troops today in Iraq and Afghanistan. Materials:

• Video Out-Takes from Vietnam • World map and map of Vietnam • Movie: Platoon • Song: Billy Joel’s Goodnight Saigon • Research resources: books, magazines, newspapers, internet • Power Point software • Student Handouts 1-6 including rubic for Power Point

Unit Goals: 1. Locate Vietnam on map. Research the population, terrain, climate and its effects on our

troops. 2. Trace history of Vietnam from World War II to Gulf of Tonkin incident, identifying

important people and events and their effect on the war. 3. Analyze role of press in the war in Vietnam and today in Iraq. 4. Watch Out-Takes from Vietnam and gain further knowledge by researching in-depth the

different actions of our troops in the movie for class presentation. 5. Research what our troops are doing today in Iraq and Afghanistan for class presentation.


Day 1 Aim: 1. Locate Vietnam on map; compare in size of a state in the U.S; list population in 1964 and

present day. 2. Trace history of Vietnam from World War II to Gulf of Tonkin incident identifying

important people and events, and their effects on the war. 3. Relate problems of U.S. soldiers fighting in Vietnam; effects of terrain and weather and

Vietcong. Procedure: 1. Locate Vietnam on world map and discuss disadvantages of location for U.S. in fighting

war and the advantages of her allies, Russia and China: supplies, troops. 2. Two students will research in almanac or on-line and then report to class: a. Size of Vietnam. Answer: 127,244 sq. miles b. Comparative size to U.S. state in area. Answer: New Mexico, 121,356 sq. miles. c. Topography and terrain d. Population in Vietnam in 1964. Answer: 36,902,000, and in 2016, 94,515,000 3. Read in their texts the background history of Vietnam after World War II, identifying the

role of the following people and discussing their importance: a. Ho Chi Minh b. French government c. President Eisenhower d. President Kennedy e. President Johnson f. President Nixon g. Vietcong 4. Locate Gulf of Tonkin on map and describe incident and effect on U.S. policy. a. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed by Congress 1. Discuss: Under the Constitution, who has the right to declare war? 2. Relate to the war in Iraq today. Is it a “war”? 5. Review weather, terrain, and topography and discuss difficulties facing our troops. a. Highlands b. Coastal plain c. Jungle d. Locate Ho Chi Minh Trail and its route through Laos and Cambodia. e. Summarize: difficulty recognizing and finding the enemy.


6. Watch the first ten minutes of the movie, Platoon. The movie shows the extreme heat, and as the troops move in-country, the effects of the jungle, heat, humidity and bugs on them. They are on a search and destroy mission. After they arrive back at base camp, a new recruit describes his first week in Vietnam to his grandmother. Preview before showing to students. The rest of the movie may be inappropriate for classroom viewing.

Assessment: Create chart for U.S. presidents during the war:

Presidents Years in office Policies on Vietnam Significance Eisenhower 1952 – 1960 Domino theory.

Aid to France: money, supplies

U.S. involvement due to domino theory and containment

Kennedy 1960 – 1963 Aid to South Vietnam; money, supplies, advisers and troops

Increased involvement due to advisers and troops

Johnson 1963 – 1968 Gulf of Tonkin Incident and Resolution; Escalation of war

Escalation of war: bombing of North Vietnam, 500,000 troops

Nixon 1968 – 1973 Vietnamization; Invasion of Cambodia; Treaty of Paris

De-escalation of war, protests, peace

Day 2 Aim: 1. Review U.S. involvement in war using chart. Stress difficulties for our troops fighting

the war. 2. Discuss the role of the press in the “Television War”. 3. Introduce video: Out-Takes from Vietnam. Possible points to emphasize: stress to

students that they will see a different side to our involvement in the war. That with all the difficulties and tension our troops were under, they found the time to reach out to the Vietnamese people, often in a heroic manner. Pay particular attention to the eyewitnesses as they tell their stories.

4, Preview focus questions and show video (41 minutes). 5. Discuss different roles assumed by our troops besides those of soldiers. Procedure: 1. Review U.S. involvement during war using chart. 2. Review problems faced by our troops due to terrain, weather, and tactics of Vietcong.


3. Analyze role of press in the war and effects on public opinion at home. a. Benefits of seeing “Television War”. Possible answers: Visual, real time, make own judgments b. Disadvantages of seeing war: Possible answers: See what media wants you to see, lack framework, Open to misinterpretation. Example of Tet offensive in 1968: All-out attack by North Vietnam and Vietcong on

U.S. bases. The U.S. actually won the offensive, but the overall effect was: U.S public opinion began to turn against the war due to news cover age of the Tet Offensive; peace talks began; and President Johnson decided not to run for re-election in 1968.

c. Compare to the role of the press in Iraq today. Discussion questions: 1. Could you call the war in Iraq a “television war”? 2. Do we see a lot of front line TV coverage every night on our evening news? 3. Explain that government policy on the press in Iraq is that they are permitted to be

embedded in a unit and cover that particular platoon or mission. They are not allowed to wander at will with any unit to the front lines.

4. Introduce Out-Takes from Vietnam 5. Preview focus questions with students and show video. See Student Handout #1. 6. Work individually or in groups to complete focus questions. 7. Discuss film using focus questions as reference. Stress value of having eyewitness

accounts. Assessment: Write a one-page editorial. Topic choices: 1. The Role of the Press in Vietnam 2. Above and Beyond: The Role of our Troops in Operation Dust Off, or Operation Baby

Lift, or Father Capodanno. Day 3 Aim: 1. The students will gain more knowledge on Operation Dust Off, Operation Baby Lift,

Father Capodanno’s sacrifice of his life, and Dr. Carl Bartecchi.


2. The students will research American humanitarian efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan. 3. The students will share their findings with the class in a Power Point presentation on

Friday as a culmination of the unit. Procedure: 1. Divide the class into five groups to research the following topics: a. Operation Dust Off b. Operation Baby Lift and/or Dr. Carl Bartecchi c. Father Capodanno’s sacrifice of his life d. American humanitarian efforts in Iraq today. e. American humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan today 2. Using interviews, internet resources, newspapers, and magazines to produce a Power

Point presentation for the class. 3. Review Handouts #2, #3, and #4 for guidelines for assignments. 4. Work in groups to organize their roles in the assignment, and then work in class

independently and as a homework assignment. Day 4 Aim: 1. The students will continue working on their assignments. Day 5 Aim: 1. The students will continue working on their assignments, if needed, at the beginning of

class, and then do their presentations. Procedure: 1. Students will work in their groups to organize their presentations. 2. Students will present their findings to the class. 3. Discuss a way to assist our troops today.


Student Handout #1 Name ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Focus questions for Out-Takes from Vietnam 1. According to the narrator, what influence did TV have on U.S. public opinion on the

Vietnam War? ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Describe some of the social problems that the Vietnamese people suffered. ___________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Relate the ways our troops responded to these problems: __________________________


4. Colonel James White speaks of “winning the hearts and minds of the people”. What did

he mean by this phrase? ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. What was hoped would be effect of the program mentioned in #4 above? _____________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Describe Operation Dust Off. How did our troops go above and beyond their duty? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 7. Why was the helicopter so valuable in Vietnam? ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 8. Compare the contrast dangers faced by Dust Off crews and troop carriers. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


9. How did Father Capadanno win his Medal of Honor? ____________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 10. Enumerate all the people and supplies required for Operation Baby Lift to work. _______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 11. Describe the efforts of Dr. Carl Bartecchi. Evaluate the success of his program in

Vietnam. Be sure to give reasons for your opinion. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 12. Throughout the video, how would you generally describe the attitudes of our veterans as

they described their activities during the war? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


Possible answers to focus questions (Handout #1) 1. Negative. Ask students how they felt watching the people at the end of the video trying

to escape from Vietnam. Point out that is what the American public was watching. 2. Social problems: poor health care lack of doctors, destruction of their property; injuries

due to war. 3. Response to our troops: a. Major Brady: did something! b. Betty Tinsdale: troops brought toys; took kids to zoo; gave health care c. Lewis Hilliard: supplies to sisters in orphanage d. Dr. Bartecchi: set up clinics; went out into villages; plumbing; electrical work e. Anthony Accamando: food, clothing from home f. Any other appropriate responses 4. Col. White hoped that by these good actions, the people of Vietnam would see them as

liberators. 5. The program would take some of the pressure of the war off the people; provide aid to

them and eventually help win the war. 6. Helicopter crews with medical teams aboard would go into war zones to rescue anyone –

American, Vietnamese, friend or enemy, old or young – who needed help. 7. Helicopters could get into tight spots in the rough terrain of Vietnam’s jungles or

highlands. 8.

Troop Carriers Dust-Off Carriers • Go into areas under fire • Can move into hard to reach area • Need no landing field • Get in and get out fast

• Return to base and stay

• No medical expertise • Will not aid the enemy

• Go into areas under fire • Can move into hard to reach area • Need no landing field • Get in fast but remain until

wounded are loaded • Keep coming back until all

wounded are removed • Medical expense • Will help a wounded soldier, no

matter which side 9. Father Capodanno, in the middle of a battle or firefight, ran over to a wounded Marine to

give him prayer and support. The enemy open fired and Father sheltered the Marine with his body and was killed instantly.


10. Operation Babylift People: Pilots and crew, drivers, people to purchase supplies, volunteers on trucks,

volunteers on planes to be with children. Supplies: Planes, trucks, buses, baskets, diapers, bottles, formula, and blankets. 11. Dr. Bartecchi started helping the Sisters at the orphanage with medical care. He recruited

troops to help with the plumbing and got the whole base involved. Families from home sent supplies to assist them. He then began his Saturday clinic and his air mobile clinic, traveling out into the villages to assist them, sometimes in very dangerous areas. All this was accomplished with the help of the troops. His work was very successful and it continues on today with his program of bringing Vietnamese doctors to St. Anthony’s Hospital in Denver, Colorado, for training. The doctors then return to Vietnam to train others in new procedures. This is the Bach Mai Hospital Project.

12. Possible answers: The veterans were upbeat and positive; sincere and proud; earnest;

sincere; informative and proud of these efforts. Accept all appropriate answers.


Student Handout #2 Name ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Power Point assignment concerning the Humanitarian Efforts of our Troops

Operation Dust Off or Operation Baby Lift or Dr. Carl Bartecchi

Your assignment is to create a Power Point presentation with your group to inform the class about _______________________________. Using information from the video, documents from primary sources, internet resources, newspapers, books and magazines, research the origin of your Operation. Describe its goals and extent; the role of our troops; problems faced and results. For Dr. Bartecchi, describe his work in Vietnam both with our troops and with the Vietnamese. Meet with your group to plan your research and presentation, and then begin your research. Work is to be done in class, the technology center, the library or resource room, and at home. Be sure to bring all materials to class to work on them with your group. Power Point Requirements: Minimum of 10 slides which should include:

• Title slide • Introductory slide with your thesis on the Operation • Body of presentation should include a map • Minimum of 5 pictures should be on slides • Closing slide with your evaluation of the operation or doctor’s work • Transitions between slides • Last slide: resources used • Correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization

Each member of the group should be involved in the presentation to the class. Be familiar with your slides so that you may address your audience. Do not read your slides word for word. Grading: You will receive an individual grade and a group grade for your assignment. Do a good job and be proud of your work!


Student Handout #3 Name ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Power Point assignment concerning the Humanitarian Efforts of our Troops.

Father Vincent Capodanno Your assignment is to create a Power Point presentation with your group to inform the class about Father Vincent Capodanno. Using information from the video, documents from primary sources, internet resources, newspapers, books and magazines, describe the role of the chaplain in our armed forces. Identify Father Capodanno and present a short summary of his life. Describe the events that led to the loss of his life. Include descriptions from eyewitnesses as well as his receiving the Medal of Honor. Meet with your group to plan your research and presentation, and then begin your research. Work is to be done in class, the technology center, the library or resource room, and at home. Be sure to bring all materials to class to work on them with your group. Power Point Requirements: Minimum of 10 slides which should include:

• Title slide • Introductory slide with your thesis concerning Father • Body of presentation should include a map • Minimum of 5 pictures should be on slides • Closing slide with your evaluation of Father • Transitions between slides • Last slide: resources used • Correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization

Each member of the group should be involved in the presentation to the class. Be familiar with your slides so that you may address your audience. Do not read your slides word for word. Grading: You will receive an individual grade and a group grade for your assignment. Do a good job and be proud of your work!


Student Handout #4 Name ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Power Point assignment concerning the Humanitarian Efforts of our Troops.

American Humanitarian Efforts in Iraq Your assignment is to create a Power Point presentation with your group to inform the class about the American humanitarian efforts in Iraq. Using information from the video, documents from primary sources, internet resources, newspapers, books and magazines, research how our troops are aiding the civilian population of Iraq. Describe the problems facing the Iraqi people, the role of our troops and the problems they meet in aiding the people. Questions to look at: are our troops in a village or city? Do they face any danger? What is there attitude? Meet with your group to plan your research and presentation, and then begin your research. Work is to be done in class, the technology center, the library or resource room, and at home. Be sure to bring all materials to class to work on them with your group. Power Point Requirements: Minimum of 10 slides which should include:

• Title slide • Introductory slide with your thesis on humanitarian efforts in Iraq • Body of presentation should include a map of Iraq • Minimum of 5 pictures should be on slides • Closing slide with your evaluation of these efforts • Transitions between slides • Last slide: resources used • Correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization

Each member of the group should be involved in the presentation to the class. Be familiar with your slides so that you may address your audience. Do not read your slides word for word. Grading: You will receive an individual grade and a group grade for your assignment. Do a good job and be proud of your work!


Student Handout #5 Name ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Power Point assignment concerning the Humanitarian Efforts of our Troops.

American Humanitarian Efforts in Afghanistan Your assignment is to create a Power Point presentation with your group to inform the class about the American humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan. Using information from the video, documents from primary sources, internet resources, newspapers, books and magazines, research how our troops are aiding the civilian population of Afghanistan. Describe the problems facing the Iraqi people, the role of our troops and the problems they meet in aiding the people. Questions to look at: are our troops in a village or city? Do they face any danger? What is there attitude? Meet with your group to plan your research and presentation, and then begin your research. Work is to be done in class, the technology center, the library or resource room, and at home. Be sure to bring all materials to class to work on them with your group. Power Point Requirements: Minimum of 10 slides which should include:

• Title slide • Introductory slide with your thesis on humanitarian efforts in Afghanistan • Body of presentation should include a map of Afghanistan • Minimum of 5 pictures should be on slides • Closing slide with your evaluation of these efforts • Transitions between slides • Last slide: resources used • Correct spelling, punctuation and capitalization

Each member of the group should be involved in the presentation to the class. Be familiar with your slides so that you may address your audience. Do not read your slides word for word. Grading: You will receive an individual grade and a group grade for your assignment. Do a good job and be proud of your work!


Student Handout #6 Name ______________________________________ Date: ___________________ Rubic for Power Point assignment

Exemplary Very Good Adequate Minimal Knowledge of content

Extensive use of relevant information, shows extra research, details selected to support main topic are very appropriate

Consistent use of relevant information; showed good research; details selected to support main topic are relevant

Inconsistent use of relevant information; showed adequate research; main ideas only partially supported by details; some details inaccurate

Showed little incorporation of information; showed little research; main ideas not supported by details; many details are missing or inaccurate

Organization Extremely well organized; logical format; easy to follow; fully explained and illustrated key points

Clear organization; focused on key points

Somewhat organized; some ideas not presented clearly

Confusing; several key points are missing

Mechanics Perfect Few mechanical errors in punctuation; spelling and grammar

Some errors in punctuation, spelling and grammar

Many errors in punctuation spelling and grammar

Presentation Striking; expressed information very effectively; great choice of picture, map, cartoon and headlines

Clear, uncluttered and attractive; very good choice of picture, map, cartoon or headlines

Information could be understood but product is not attractively presented; cluttered; a picture, map or cartoon is missing

Information could not be understood; words missing; a picture, cartoon or map missing

Creativity Put a great deal of creative energy into project; very original

Thoughtful format with many creative points; somewhat original

Some creative points, little originality

Little creativity; unoriginal


National Standards History 7-12 Analyze the Vietnam policy of the Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations and the

shifts of public opinion about the war. (Analyze multiple causation.) 5-12 Evaluate how Vietnamese and Americans experienced the war and how the war

continued to affect postwar politics and culture. (Appreciate historical perspectives.) 9-12 Analyze the constitutional issues involved in the war and explore the legacy of the

Vietnam war. (Formulate a position or course of action on an issue.) English Language Arts 7. Students conduct research on issues and issues by generating ideas and questions, and by

posing problems. They gather, evaluate, and synthesize data from a variety of sources (e.g., print and non-print texts, artifacts, people) to communicate their discoveries in ways that suit their purpose and audience.

8. Students use a variety of technological and informational resources (e.g., libraries,

databases, computer networks, video) to gather and synthesize information and to create and communicate knowledge.

Pennsylvania Standards Reading, Writing, and Listening – 1.1.11.A, D; 1.6.11.F; 1.6.11.E; 1.4.11.B; 1.2.11.B; 1.5.11.A, B Social Studies Standards – 8.1.12.B, C, D; 8.3.12.A, B, D